DUSEL Theory White Paper
S. Raby1 , T. Walker1,2,3 , K.S. Babu4 , H. Baer5 ,
A.B. Balantekin6 , V. Barger6 , Z. Berezhiani7 , A. de Gouvea8 ,
R. Dermisek9 , A. Dolgov10 , P. Fileviez Perez6 , G. Gabadadze11 , A. Gal12 , P. Gondolo13 ,
arXiv:0810.4551v1 [hep-ph] 24 Oct 2008
W. Haxton14 , Y. Kamyshkov15 , B. Kayser16 , E. Kearns17 , B. Kopeliovich18 , K. Lande19 ,
D. Marfatia20 , R.N. Mohapatra21 , P. Nath22 , Y. Nomura23 , K.A. Olive24 , J. Pati25 , S. Profumo26 ,
R. Shrock27 , Z. Tavartkiladze28 , K. Whisnant29 , L. Wolfenstein30
Department of Physics, The Ohio State University,
Department of Astronomy, The Ohio State University,
Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics,
The Ohio State University, 4 Department of Physics,
Oklahoma State University, 5 Department of Physics,
Florida State University, 6 Department of Physics,
The University of Wisconsin Madison, 7 Gran Sasso Laboratory,
Italy, 8 Department of Physics and Astronomy,
Northwestern University, 9 Institute for Advanced Study,
Princeton University,
ITEP, Moscow and Ferrara University,
New York University, NY,
Hebrew University,
Department of Physics, University of Utah,
Department of Physics, University of Washington,
Department of Physics and Astronomy,
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville,
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory,
Boston University,
Theory Group,
Department of Physics,
Santa Maria University, Chile,
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania,
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kansas,
Department of Physics, University of Maryland,
Department of Physics, Northeastern University,
Department of Physics, University of California,
Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota,
Standford Linear Accelerator Center, Standford University,
Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics,
Department of Physics, University of California Santa Cruz,
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University,
Department of Physics, Oklahoma State University,
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University,
Department of Physics, Carnegie Melon.
(Dated: October 10, 2008)
The scientific case for a Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory [DUSEL] located at the Homestake mine in Lead, South Dakota is exceptional. The site of this future laboratory already claims a discovery for the detection of solar neutrinos, leading to a Nobel Prize for Ray
Davis. Moreover this work provided the first step to our present understanding of solar neutrino
oscillations and a chink in the armor of the Standard Model of particle physics. We now know,
from several experiments located in deep underground experimental laboratories around the world,
that neutrinos have mass and even more importantly this mass appears to fit into the framework
of theories which unify all the known forces of nature, i.e. the strong, weak, electromagnetic and
Similarly, DUSEL can forge forward in the discovery of new realms of nature, housing six
fundamental experiments that will test the frontiers of our knowledge:
1. Searching for nucleon decay (the decay of protons and neutrons predicted by grand
unified theories of nature).
2. Searching for neutrino oscillations and CP violation by detecting neutrinos produced
at a neutrino source (possibly located at Brookhaven National Laboratory and/or Fermi
National Laboratory).
3. Searching for astrophysical neutrinos originating from the sun, from cosmic rays hitting
the upper atmosphere or from other astrophysical sources, such a supernovae.
4. Searching for dark matter particles (the type of matter which does not interact electromagnetically, yet provides 24% of the mass of the Universe).
5. Looking for the rare process known as neutrino-less double beta decay which
is predicted by most theories of neutrino mass and allows two neutrons in a nucleus to
spontaneously change into two protons and two electrons.
6. Searching for the rare process of neutron- anti-neutron oscillations, which would
establish violation of baryon number symmetry.
A large megaton water Cherenkov detector for neutrinos and nucleon decay, located in DUSEL
and roughly 20 times the size of current detectors, can perform the first three of these experiments.
The last 3 can utilize the unique environment afforded by DUSEL to perform the most sensitive
tests to date. Any one of these experiments can greatly increase our knowledge of nature.
The Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory (DUSEL), with a Large Megaton Size Detector, is desperately needed to address a set of fundamental issues in particle and
• Evidence for proton decay would confirm and test grand unified theories of the four known
forces. It would open a unique window onto physics at the very highest energy scales.
However it is important to recognize that any large proton decay detector is a multi-purpose
discovery observatory. It is also a powerful neutrino observatory.
• Neutrino oscillations involving the transformation of one species of neutrino into another has
been discovered, but there is a whole world of New Physics lying buried in the neutrinos. In
particular, it pertains to the question of the violation of a certain symmetry called CP, which
combines the symmetry C, that interchanges matter and anti-matter, with the symmetry P
that reflects spatial directions. Learning about the violation of this combined symmetry CP
can shed light on the origin of an excess of matter over anti-matter in the early Universe,
which is crucial to the origin of life and thus to our very existence. In addition we need to
know the ordering of the masses of the three neutrinos and their mixings accurately. A large
size detector with linkage to a long baseline neutrino facility would enable us to probe into
these issues of great fundamental importance.
• Finally, observing in detail solar neutrinos, or detecting the neutrinos from a supernova
explosion or other point sources of cosmic neutrinos will greatly enhance our knowledge of
both neutrinos and the physics of the exotic engines that produce these neutrinos.
To summarize, the discovery potential of such a detector is high. It could of course be built in
modules , each of about 140 kilotons, and at least five such modules would be needed to achieve the
desired goals. Because of its unique multi-purpose value and its physics significance, such a Large
Size Detector at DUSEL, coupled to a long baseline neutrino beam (which could be provided for
example by Fermilab), would be one of the greatest assets to the U.S. and the world as a whole.
It would greatly complement the physics that may be learned from the forthcoming Large Hadron
Collider and would thereby enhance the U.S. High Energy Physics efforts at the very highest energy
Any discovery of dark matter, whether underground or at a collider or best yet, both, will be
associated with new physics beyond the standard model. In addition, the discovery of dark matter
in an underground detector can provide a unique window on the distribution of the dominant form
of matter in our galaxy and in the Universe.
The searches for neutrino-less double beta decay or neutron anti-neutron (nn̄) oscillations have
long been identified as sensitive probes of physics beyond the standard model. The observation of
neutrinoless double beta decay and/or nn̄ oscillations will provide unequivocal evidence that these
neutral particles are their own anti-particles. Either discovery would have major implications for
our understanding of nature.
The theory community is excited by the prospect of DUSEL, since this would create a U.S.
center for studies of proton decay, neutrino oscillations and astrophysics, dark matter, and the
very nature of the neutrino and the neutron and other possible forefront experiments probing
the properties of nature. In the history of particle physics, laboratories have always triggered
very fruitful interactions among theorists and between theorists and experimentalists. Theory
workshops could be hosted at DUSEL, as well as yearly executive summaries of theoretical progress
for experimentalists and of experimental progress for theorists.
Underground laboratories are now operating at the Gran Sasso mine in Italy, at Kamioka, Japan
and the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory in Canada, and DUSEL-like facilities are being discussed
in Japan, Europe, and India. Now is the time for the U.S. to take the lead in this exciting area of
physics, since major discoveries, which can revolutionize our understanding of nature, are expected.
Finally, in the forthcoming era of large direct detection collaborations, it will be strategic for the
US scientific community to have a laboratory like DUSEL in the US, preventing the risk of a drain
of human resources outside the country, with dangerous consequences for both our experimental
and theoretical physics community. Also, the health of our economy depends on the education of
our future scientists and engineers and the technology they can develop. A national facility such
as DUSEL can be a guiding light for our future scientists and engineers.
Executive Summary
The search for proton decay at a Large Size Detector can dramatically shed light on the fundamental aspects of the laws of nature. In particular:
• Improved studies of proton decay would enable us to probe nature at the highest energy scale
of order 1016 GeV (which is a trillion times larger than the energy that would be available at
the LHC), or equivalently at truly short distances of order 10−30 cm—something that would
not be possible by any other means.
• The discovery of proton decay would have profound significance for unification ideas. The
idea of grand unification proposes, on aesthetic grounds, to unify the basic constituents of
nucleons (so-called quarks) and the non-nuclear particles, like electrons and neutrinos, as
aspects of one kind of matter. Simultaneously it proposes a unity of the three basic forces—
the strong, weak and electromagnetic. This idea predicts, contrary to the belief commonly
held till the 1970s, that the proton must decay, albeit with a long lifetime exceeding 1030
years. While proton decay has yet to be seen, the grand unification idea has turned out
to be spectacularly successful as regards its other predictions. These include in particular
the phenomena of “coupling unification,” amounting to an equality of the strengths of the
three forces at very high energies, which has been verified to hold at an energy scale of 1016
GeV by the precision measurements carried out at the CERN Laboratory in Geneva in the
1990s. Furthermore, a class of grand unified models naturally predict that the heaviest of
the three neutrinos should have a mass in the range of a hundredth to one electron-Volt,
and the next-to-heaviest an order of magnitude lighter, the two being quantum-mechanical
mixtures of what one calls nu-mu and nu-tau. This too is in full accord with the discovery
of neutrino oscillation at the Super-Kamiokande Laboratory in Japan in 1998. In this sense,
proton decay now remains as THE MISSING PIECE of grand unification.
With the discoveries of both coupling unification, at the scale of 1016 GeV, and of neutrino
oscillation, one can in fact argue, within a class of well-motivated ideas on grand unification,
that proton decay should occur at accessible rates, with a lifetime of about 1035 years,
within a factor of ten either way, for protons decaying into positron plus neutral pion, and
a lifetime of less than a few ×1034 years [in theories with 3 space dimensions] for proton
decaying into anti-neutrino + a positively charged K-meson. Moreover, it is a very exciting
fact that whether the former or latter decay mode dominates depends on the number of
space dimensions. With 3 spatial dimensions the latter mode typically dominates, while in
higher dimensions, the former modes can give lifetimes of order 1034 to 1035 years. Hence,
these predictions lie at a striking distance—within a factor of about 5 to 10—above the
current lower bound set by the Super-Kamiokande Laboratory. Thus, unless the successes
listed above are mere coincidence, there is a strong likelihood that proton decay would be
discovered, IF one can improve the current sensitivity (of Super-Kamiokande) by a factor
of 5 to 10. This is why an improved search for proton decay, possible only with a Large
Size Detector, is now most pressing. Proton decay, if found, would no doubt constitute a
landmark discovery for mankind.
Proton Decay
Protons, neutrons and electrons are the fundamental building blocks of all stable matter. They
are the basic ingredients for chemistry and biology. Neutrons are stable when found deep inside
the nucleus of an atom. However free neutrons are known to decay. When a neutron decays (there
one minute, gone the next) it is replaced by a proton, an electron and the mysterious particle,
called a neutrino. Neutrons and protons are held tightly inside the nucleus via strong nuclear
forces. Neutrons decay via the weak force. The neutron lives on average about 1000 seconds
when free. This number is called the lifetime of the neutron and is given in terms of the relation
τneutron ∼
where ∆mN ≈ mn − mp is the neutron - proton mass difference and MW is the
W boson’s mass. The weak interactions are so weak because the W boson is much heavier than
the nucleon (proton or neutron) and
≈ 30, 000.
But is the proton stable? If it could decay, then what would it decay into? What would its
lifetime be? When a neutron decays, it does so preserving a quantity called baryon number or
baryon charge. Both protons and neutrons interact via strong nuclear forces and both are baryons
with baryon charge B = +1. The anti-particles of the proton and neutron exist and they have
baryon charge B = −1. When a proton (with B = +1) and an anti-proton (with B = −1)
meet they annihilate releasing their considerable mass energy (recall E = mc2 ) into other forms
of energy with total B = 0. On the other hand, when a neutron (B = +1) decays, it decays into
a proton (also with B = +1) and an electron and anti-neutrino (both with B = 0). The sum of
the baryon charges of the initial and final states agree! Hence baryon charge is conserved. Protons
are the lightest baryons. All observed processes appear to conserve baryon charge. For a proton
to decay it must conserve energy and electric charge. Electric charge and energy conservation laws
are associated with long range forces, i.e. electromagnetic and gravitational, respectively. Baryon
charge conservation, on the other hand, is NOT associated with any long range force. In fact,
not only is it not understood why baryon charge should be conserved, most theories beyond the
standard model do NOT conserve baryon charge.
If baryon charge conservation were violated then protons might decay, for example via the
processes p → e+ π 0 or p → e+ γ, where e+ is the anti-electron (or positron), π 0 is the neutral
pi meson and γ is a photon. If protons were to decay rapidly, then all chemistry and life as we
know it would come to an abrupt end. The fact that life exists at all implies τp > 1018 years,
since each and every proton or neutron (eg. n → ν̄ + π 0 ) in our body can decay and release its
mass in deadly radiation. Similar to the weak decay of the neutron, the proton lifetime is given
by an expression of the form τp ∼ M 4 /m5p where M is a new scale of nature. The existence of
life then implies M > 1012 mp . In units appropriate to accelerator energies, the proton mass,
mp ≈ 109 electron − Volt/c2 = 1 GeV/c2 (Giga-eV/c2 ). For comparison, the Fermilab Tevatron
has a maximum energy of 1.8 ×1012 eV = 1.8 TeV (Tera-eV), while the Large Hadron Collider,
soon to turn on at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, will have an energy of 14 TeV. The bottom-line
is that the search for proton decay explores physics at the highest energies, much higher than is
reachable in any accelerator experiment. Moreover, as we discuss later, an observation of proton
decay would forever change our understanding of nature, with ramifications for understanding why
there is more matter, than anti-matter in the Universe, and the proposed grand unification of the
four known forces of nature.
Matter- anti-Matter asymmetry of the Universe
We are made of baryons, NOT anti-baryons. But why is this so? The answer: baryon charge
must be violated. Without baryon charge violation (assuming equal numbers of baryons and antibaryons initially) it is easy to show that most of the baryons and anti-baryons in the Universe would
annihilate and we would be left with too few baryons. Why assume equal numbers? Otherwise,
we would require the baryon to anti-baryon asymmetry to be set by (some) hand. This said, it
has been shown that baryon charge violating processes can be used to derive the observed matteranti-matter asymmetry.
Probing high energies with proton decay at a Large Size Detector
Any new physics beyond the standard model predicts new energy scales with new particles and
forces. In many cases, baryon charge violating interactions are also expected. One well-motivated
idea for new physics beyond the standard model is known as supersymmetric grand unified theory.
Grand unification describes the unity of the strong, weak and electromagnetic interactions, as well
as the the unity of quarks and leptons. Grand unified theories are also naturally incorporated into
superstring theory resulting in the unification of strong, weak, electromagnetic and gravitational
interactions; the penultimate unification!
We expect the grand unification of the strong nuclear force with the weak and electromagnetic
forces at a scale MG ∼ 1016 GeV. Grand unification of strong, weak and electromagnetic interactions requires unification not only of these forces but it also requires the unification of quarks and
leptons. Meaning that quarks and leptons are indistinguishable at their most fundamental level.
This is not just the hope of enthusiastic physicists, it is in fact suggested by data. The LEP experiment at CERN made the most precise measurements of the coupling strengths of the strong, weak
and electromagnetic interactions. Using this data it was shown that the these three couplings can
unify at a grand unification scale MG , provided that there is a doubling of the particles in nature,
i.e. provided that this doubling is described by supersymmetric GUTs. Thus IF grand unification
is real, then these new supersymmetric partners of ordinary matter should be observable at the
Large Hadron Collider soon to take data at CERN!! Thus the LHC may open another unique
window onto energy scales of order the Planck scale (where gravity becomes strong).
Independent of grand unification the new scale M of order 1014 GeV can be used to explain
the observation of neutrino oscillations. Electron and muon neutrinos (there are three families
of leptons, called electron, muon and tau, each with its own neutrino species) are produced in
the upper atmosphere when cosmic ray protons hit air molecules. It has been demonstrated by
experiments at Super-Kamiokande in Japan that muon neutrinos change into tau neutrinos on
their way to the surface of the earth. This experimental result is explained by neutrino mass.
However neutrinos are nevertheless some 100 million times lighter than the electron. This amazing
fact is explained most naturally by the so-called See-Saw mechanism. The light neutrino is light
as a consequence of a very heavy new energy scale M ∼ 1010 to 1014 GeV, with mneutrino ∼
(mlepton )2 /M . Finally neutrino mass and neutrino oscillations are a natural component of grand
unified theories.
Proton decay with accessible rates is a crucial prediction of the idea of grand unification (see
FIG. 1: Super-Kamiokande bounds on some prominent proton and neutron decay channels with predictions
from some well-motivated theories. Courtesy of E. Kearns, NNN07 talk.
Fig. 1). What is the expected lifetime of the proton? The answer to this question depends on
whether the theory is realized in four space-time dimensions or in higher dimensions, as might be
expected in string theory, such as in 5, 6 or 10 dimensions with sizes not much larger than the
Planck length. In four dimensions, very conservatively, most models predict an upper bound on
the proton lifetime τ (p → K + ν̄) ≤ few × 1034 yrs., while for the other dominant decay mode,
τ (p → e+ π 0 ) ∼ O(1036 years). On the other hand, for grand unified theories in higher dimensions
τ (p → e+ π 0 ) can be as low as 1033 years.
Perhaps grand unification is wrong. Perhaps the LHC will explore large extra dimensions with
strong gravitational interactions as low in energy as M ∼ 10 TeV. Such theories are strongly
constrained by the non-observation of proton decay. They must naturally have, or impose, a
symmetry strongly suppressing baryon charge violation. For example, if space-time is 6 dimensional
(with two large extra dimensions), then it was shown that the proton decays via the process p →
e− π + π + νν. This decay is highly suppressed and leads to a lifetime on the order of 1035 years.
However, in more general large extra dimension models an almost exact baryon charge symmetry
must be imposed or else they are already excluded by the non-observation of proton decay.
Finally, strong gravitational processes are expected to induce proton decay at a scale M ∼
MP l = 1019 GeV, where MP l is the scale at which Newtonian gravity becomes strong. This would
give τp > 1046 years, (assuming nature is NOT supersymmetric) which would be unobservable
by all proposed proton decay experiments. But this dour prediction is an unlikely scenario. In
addition, if supersymmetry is discovered at the LHC, then even if there is no grand unification, we
still expect proton decay at observable rates just from strong gravitational induced processes.
To summarize, every grand unified theory predicts that the proton will decay. Moreover, we may
need to describe nature (with or without grand unification) in more than three space dimensions
or eventually with superstring theory. Indeed, in every single case it is expected that the proton
will decay. The dominant decay mode for the proton (and neutron) is model dependent. Yet the
lifetime is typically less than 1036 years, and in many cases it is much lower.
History of proton decay experiments
The dedicated search for proton decay began in the early 80s. The best bounds now come
from the Frejus experiment, France; Soudan 2 and IMB, USA, and Kamiokande (and SuperKamiokande), Japan. These experiments have not seen evidence for proton decay. Thus they
set limits on the proton lifetime. The best limit from Super-Kamiokande (preliminary) is τ (p →
e+ π 0 ) > 8.4 × 1033 yrs or Super-Kamiokande I for the mode τ (p → K + ν̄) > 2.3 × 1033 yrs.
Nevertheless, notwithstanding the lack of proton decay events, the IMB experiment (located
near Cleveland, OH) and Kamiokande made a stupendous, serendipitous discovery of super-Nova
neutrinos in 1987; confirming the theory of super-nova collapse!! In addition, Super-Kamiokande
has been key to understanding solar and atmospheric neutrino oscillations. Hence an experimental
program started initially to see protons decay has been instrumental in our understanding of
neutrino properties, as well as our understanding of astrophysics; two major successes.
Future proton decay detectors
A large size water Cherenkov detector is proposed for the DUSEL site. It is a megaton detector
which can be built in 140 kiloton modules. With 5 such modules, the proton decay measurements
can be sensitive to a lifetime of order 1035 years (see Fig.s 2 and 3); good enough to test most
models for new physics beyond the standard model of particle physics. It is important to note that
any proton decay detector is also a neutrino observatory. All such detectors are designed with a
FIG. 2: The blue line gives the present & future Super-K bounds (as a function of time) for the proton
lifetime into the decay mode p → e+ π 0 . The red line indicates the advantage of a half Megaton water
Cherenkov detector. Courtesy of E. Kearns, NNN07 talk.
multi-prong experimental program which includes,
• proton decay,
• long baseline neutrino oscillations to measure the remaining unmeasured mixing angle, θ13 ,
and CP violation in the lepton sector, and
• the observation of astrophysical neutrinos, such as a near-by super-nova or relics of past
Several large detectors, in different parts of the world, have also been proposed to continue the
search for proton decay. These include, Hyper-Kamiokande in Japan and LAGUNA in Europe.
Hyper-Kamiokande is a water Cherenkov detector, while LAGUNA is a European collaboration
which is considering three possible technologies; water Cherenkov, liquid argon or liquid scintillators. These detectors, if built, have similar goals to any DUSEL detector, i.e. to reach a lifetime
sensitivity of 1035 years.
FIG. 3: The blue line gives the present & future Super-K bounds (as a function of time) for the proton
lifetime into the decay mode p → K + ν. The red (or magenta) line indicates the advantage of a 1/2 Megaton
water Cherenkov (or 100 kton liquid argon) detector. Courtesy of E. Kearns, NNN07 talk.
It is thus crucial that the U.S. is a competitor in this super high energy frontier. This is not
only to achieve the awesome science goals, but also to reap the benefits to our educational system
and our culture that this search (and discovery) will bring. For this to be possible, we must start
as soon as possible to construct a Megaton Observatory for Neutrinos and for Nucleon Decay.
The Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory (DUSEL), with a Large Megaton
Size Detector, is desperately needed to address a set of fundamental issues in particle and astrophysics. The discovery potential of such a detector is high. It could of course be built in modules
, each of about 140 kilotons. At least five such modules would be needed to achieve the desired
goal. Because of its unique multi-purpose value and its physics significance, such a Large Size
Detector at Homestake, coupled to a long baseline neutrino beam (which could be provided for
example by Fermilab), would be one of the greatest assets to the U.S. and the world as a whole.
It would greatly complement the physics that may be learned from the forthcoming Large Hadron
Collider and would thereby enhance the U.S. High Energy Physics efforts at the very highest energy
Executive Summary
A continuing program designed to study CP violation in the neutrino sector and to determine
the hierarchy of the neutrino mass spectrum is scientifically compelling. The US program may be
unique in the world in its ability to measure the ordering of the neutrino mass spectrum.
CP violation has so far only been observed in the quark sector of the standard model. Its
discovery in the neutrino sector should shed additional light on the role of CP violation in nature.
Unveiling neutrino CP violation is particularly important because of its potential connection with
the observed matter–antimatter asymmetry of our Universe, a fundamental problem at the heart of
our existence. The leading explanation is currently a leptogenesis scenario in which decays of very
heavy right–hand neutrinos created in the early Universe give rise to a lepton number asymmetry
which later becomes a baryon–antibaryon asymmetry. Leptogenesis offers an elegant, natural
explanation for the matter–antimatter asymmetry; but it requires some experimental confirmation
of its various components before it can be accepted. Those include the existence of very heavy
right–handed neutrinos as well as lepton number and CP violation in their decays.
A number of neutrino mass models have been proposed and precise knowledge of neutrino parameters is essential to test them. Specifically, the value of the mixing angle θ13 and the hierarchy
of the neutrino mass spectrum will help distinguish between models based on lepton flavor symmetries, models with sequential right-handed neutrino dominance and more ambitious models based
on Grand Unified Theory (GUT) symmetries. GUT models naturally yield a particular ordering
of the neutrino spectrum and a relatively large θ13 .
The wide-band beam approach has a greater scientific reach for neutrino oscillations when
located at a distance that permits resolution of the neutrino mass hierarchy, and further scope if
the detector is located at a depth that permits the study of nucleon decay.
• The scientific goals of a program of long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments are to
measure the mixing parameter sin2 2θ13 , to determine the order of the states of the neutrino
mass spectrum, and to determine whether there is CP violation in the neutrino sector.
Measurement of these quantities is an important goal of elementary particle physics.
• Determination of the ordering of the neutrino mass spectrum, searching for CP violation, and
resolution of parameter degeneracies with sensitivity down to sin2 2θ13 ≃ 0.01 will require
a new generation of experiments with detectors with mass of 100 kilotons or more. This
represents an increase in sensitivity of more than one order of magnitude over the experiments
that will begin to acquire data in the next few years.
• The wide-band beam approach to neutrino oscillation physics can, in principle, utilize either
a liquid argon detector or a water Cherenkov detector. If located more than 1000 km from
Fermilab, there is good sensitivity for determining the mass hierarchy and measuring the
amount of CP violation. The optimal baseline for a wide band beam experiment is between
1200 and 1500 km.
• Among experiments with super neutrino beams, wide band beam experiments have the most
robust performance and the best mass hierarchy performance. Overall, they are the optimal
choice to pursue after the near-future reactor and narrow band beam experiments.
Report on Neutrino Oscillations
Neutrinos, nearly massless and electrically neutral elementary particles, provide a unique window on the structure of matter at subatomic scales. They exist in three types: electron, muon and
tau. In the past decade muon-neutrinos produced in cosmic ray reactions in the earth’s atmosphere
and electron-neutrinos produced in nuclear reactions in the sun’s core have been shown to change
from one kind to another between their source and detection. Further experimentation with both
natural neutrino sources and neutrinos from reactors and accelerators has shown that the quantum
mechanical mixing of neutrino types, also known as neutrino oscillations, is responsible for this
change. A new generation of experiments has been initiated using reactor and accelerator neutrinos
to make precise measurements of the mixing phenomena.
The discovery of neutrino oscillations showed that neutrinos have mass that are a million times
smaller than the mass of the next lightest elementary particle, the electron. The reason the
neutrino masses are so small is a fundamental issue that must be understood. It is expected that
physics at energies much higher than those available in our laboratories are responsible for the
origin of neutrino mass. Neutrinos are so abundant that the total mass of all the neutrinos in the
Universe may be comparable to the total mass of all the stars in the Universe. Continuing studies
of neutrinos will illuminate the most basic issues in physics at very small distance scales and at
very large distance scales.
The three observed neutrino types, called flavors, couple to other particles with strengths given
by the standard model of elementary particles. Th quantum mechanical mixing is parameterized
by three mixing angles, θ12 , θ23 and θ13 , and one phase angle, δCP , the so-called CP phase. The
angle δCP describes how neutrinos and antineutrinos differ in their interactions with matter.
Neutrino oscillation phenomena depend on the four angles and the difference in the squares of
masses (∆m2 ) of the participating neutrinos. The discovery of atmospheric neutrino oscillations in
the Super-Kamiokande experiment demonstrated that ∆m232 ≃ ±2.5 × 10−3 eV2 and mixing angle
θ23 ≃ 45◦ . These findings have been confirmed and made more precise by the MINOS experiment
with an accelerator generated neutrino beam from Fermilab directed at a detector in the Soudan
mine in Minnesota.
As yet, the sign of ∆m232 is undetermined. The so-called normal mass hierarchy, m1 , m2 <
m3 , suggests a positive sign which is often obtained in theoretical models. However, a negative
value (or inverted hierarchy, m1 , m2 > m3 ) can certainly be accommodated, and if that is the
case, the predicted rates for neutrinoless double beta decay will likely be larger and more easily
accessible experimentally. Resolving the sign of the mass hierarchy is an extremely important
issue. In addition, the fact that θ23 is large and near maximal is also significant for model building.
Measuring that parameter with precision is highly desirable.
The deficit of observed neutrinos from the sun compared to expectations was a decades-long
puzzle that has been definitively explained as due to oscillations of solar neutrinos as they propagate
through the sun. From measurements of solar and reactor neutrino oscillations it has been found
that ∆m221 ≃ 8 × 10−5 eV2 and θ12 ≃ 32◦ . The sign of ∆m221 is known to be positive due to the
effects of the solar medium on the propagation.
The mixing angles θ12 and θ23 are large relative to all of the mixing angles in the quark sector.
The reason for the different patterns of mixing in the neutrino and quark sectors remains to be
understood theoretically. In addition, ∆m221 is large enough, compared, to ∆m232 , to make long
baseline neutrino oscillation searches for CP violation feasible and could yield positive results, i.e.
the stage is set for a future major discovery of CP violation in the lepton sector.
Currently, we know nothing about the value of the δCP and only have an upper bound on
the as yet unknown mixing angle θ13 (θ13 < 13◦ or sin2 2θ13 ≤ 0.2). However, a survey of 63
models in the literature found that the predictions for θ13 were clustered around sin2 2θ13 = 0.04
(sin2 θ13 = 0.01), as displayed in Fig. 4. If sin2 2θ13 is comparable to or greater than this value,
it is likely to be determined by the coming generation of reactor ν̄e disappearance experiments at
Double CHOOZ (France) and Daya Bay China) and the upcoming accelerator based nuµ → νe
appearance experiments T2K (Japan, J-Parc to Super-Kamiokande) andNOνA (USA, Fermilab to
Minnesota). Reactors experiments are complimentary to long-baseline experiments in that they
texture zero
S3, S4
Number of Models
SO(10) lopsided
SO(10) symmetric/asym
sin θ13
FIG. 4: Histogram of sin2 θ13 predictions for 63 models.
Source: C.H. Albright and M.C. Chen,
can provide valuable information on θ13 but not on the mass hierarchy or δCP .
Based on our current knowledge and future goals, a future neutrino program should include the
following objectives:
• Complete the measurement of the neutrino mixing angles,
• Determine the sign of ∆m232 ,
• Measure δCP to determine if CP is violated,
• Search for exotic effects in neutrino oscillations.
Of the above future neutrino physics goals, the search for and study of CP violation is of primary
importance and should be our main objective for several reasons, which we briefly address.
CP violation has so far only been observed in the quark sector of the standard model. Its
discovery in the neutrino sector should shed additional light on the role of CP violation in nature.
Unveiling neutrino CP violation is particularly important because of its potential connection with
the observed matter–antimatter asymmetry of our Universe, a fundamental problem at the heart of
our existence. The leading explanation is currently a leptogenesis scenario in which decays of very
heavy right–hand neutrinos created in the early Universe give rise to a lepton number asymmetry
which later becomes a baryon–antibaryon asymmetry via the B-L conserving ’t Hooft mechanism
of the standard model at weak scale temperatures.
Leptogenesis offers an elegant, natural explanation for the matter–antimatter asymmetry; but
it requires some experimental confirmation of its various components before it can be accepted.
Those include the existence of very heavy right–handed neutrinos as well as lepton number and
CP violation in their decays.
A number of neutrino mass models have been proposed and precise knowledge of neutrino
parameters is essential to test them. Specifically, the value of the mixing angle θ13 and whether
the mass hierarchy is normal or inverted will help distinguish between models based on lepton
flavor symmetries, models with sequential right-handed neutrino dominance and more ambitious
models based on Grand Unified Theory (GUT) symmetries. GUT models naturally yield a normal
hierarchy and a relatively large θ13 (although in a few unified models, an inverted hierarchy can
be obtained with fine-tuning).
Leptogenesis can naturally emerge in grand unified theories. Moreover, successful unification
of the strong, weak and electromagnetic forces strongly suggests the existence of a supersymmetry
and its associated new particles at the TeV scale. The lightest stable particle of supersymmetry is
a leading candidate for dark matter in the Universe. Thus neutrino physics is intimately connected
to the most interesting outstanding questions today that are to be explored at the Large Hadron
Collider, dark matter detection experiments and the IceCube experiment (which is designed to
look for very high energy neutrinos as they pass through the Antarctic ice cap).
Designing for CP violation studies in next generation neutrino programs has other important
benefits. First, the degree of difficulty to establish CP violation is high but achievable. It requires an
intense proton beam of about 1–2 MW and a very large detector, 100-500 kton Water Cherenkov
(WC) or a liquid argon (LArTPC) detector of size ∼ 100 kTon which could be equivalent in
sensitivity due to its better performance. Water Cherenkov is an established technology, while
liquid argon, which promises superior particle identification and control over backgrounds, is still
under development. Such an ambitious infrastructure will allow very precise measurements of
all neutrino oscillation parameters as well as the mass hierarchy via νµ → νµ disappearance and
νµ → νe appearance studies.
In order to make an unbiased comparison of the physics potentials of the experimental setups
the sensitivities as functions of exposure may be compared, where exposure is defined to be L =
detector mass [Mt] × target power [MW] × running time [107 s]. The relative merits of three
tν + tν̄ [yr] PTarget [MW]
L [km]
Detector technology mDet [kt]
1.13 (ν/ν̄)
1 (ν) +2 (ν̄)
3000+7500 Magn. iron calor.
270+270 17.28
TABLE I: Setups considered, neutrino tν and antineutrino tν̄ running times, corresponding target power
PTarget , baseline L, detector technology, detector mass mDet , and exposure L [Mt MW 107 s].
superbeam scenarios, beta beam (β-beam) experiment, and neutrino factory (NuFact) experiment,
are listed in Table I. In Fig. 5 we show the discovery reaches for sin2 2θ13 , CP violation, and
normal mass hierarchy versus the exposure for a fraction of δCP of 0.5 (see figure caption). The
experiments we considered are a future narrow-band beam experiment from Fermilab to Ash River
(F2AR) with average neutrino energy Eν = 2.6 GeV, a wide-band beam experiment (Eν = 2.6), and
a narrow-band beam experiment from Tokai to Kamioka and Korea (T2KK) with Eν ≃ 0.8 GeV.
If θ13 is not too small (sin2 2θ13 ≃ 0.01), it may be possible to mount experiments that will
permit us to determine the ordering of the states in the neutrino mass spectrum and to measure
CP violation in the neutrino sector of the particle world. To pursue this goal a wide-band, onaxis, neutrino beam directed to a future Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory
site, needs to be developed. The fact that a very large underground detector can also be used to
determine neutrino CP violation and measure all facets of neutrino oscillations gives such a facility
an outstanding discovery potential.
FIG. 5: The sin2 2θ13 reach at 3σ for the discovery of nonzero sin2 2θ13 , CP violation, and the normal
hierarchy as a function of exposure. The curves are for a fraction of δCP of 0.5, which means that the
performance will be better for 50% of all values of δCP , and worse for the other 50%. The light curves in
the CPV panel are made under the assumption that the mass hierarchy is known to be normal. The dots
mark the exposures of the setups as defined in Table I. The shaded regions result by varying the systematic
uncertainties from 2% (lower edge) to 10% (upper edge).
Executive Summary
Until the 1950’s visible light provided our only view of the Universe. Tremendous progress
came in the following years when we extended our observational toolbox to the whole electromagnetic spectrum from microwaves to gamma rays. Recently a new window on the Universe has
opened—neutrino astronomy and astrophysics—and there is hope that observing cosmological and
astrophysical neutrinos, some from the most exciting electromagnetic sources in the Universe, will
likewise expand our understanding. We are now able to detect neutrinos of astronomical origin
with energies ranging from a few MeV (106 eV) to 1021 eV. The lower end of this energy range
is accessible at underground laboratories whereas the higher end is accessible with huge neutrino
telescopes such as IceCube or ANTARES, which use the Antarctic ice cap or the Mediterranean
Sea, respectively. Astrophysical neutrinos help us explore fascinating phenomena in the Cosmos
as diverse as the birth of new stars and the origin of elements. These neutrinos provide a new
tool complementary to other tools already in place: various electromagnetic (optical or otherwise)
telescopes, which can look at the photons coming from neutrino-emitting objects, or LIGO, which
can measure gravitational collapse accompanying neutrinos. We have already seen neutrinos from
two (and only two) such objects: A main-sequence star (the Sun) and a core-collapse supernova
(SN1987A). In both cases, deep and fundamental understanding about the nature of the Universe
It should be emphasized that there is a large and active community of researchers in the U.S.
to use DUSEL carrying out a program in this new neutrino astrophysics. Such an activity would
be complementary to the very high-energy neutrino astronomy programs already in place with
experiments such as IceCube. Recent accomplishments in this area include:
• Theoretical prediction of the solar neutrino flux and structure of the main sequence stars
are confirmed by solar neutrino measurements, resulting in the Standard Solar Model. For
example, the temperature at the center of the Sun was correctly calculated ab initio to better
than 2%.
• Recognition of the importance of the neutrino-neutrino interactions on neutrino propagation
in dense neutrino systems and the development of the theoretical tools to treat these effects
in astrophysical sites. Thus core-collapse supernovae provide us with the only example of a
non-trivial many-body system entirely controlled by weak interactions.
• New theoretical breakthroughs in understanding nucleosynthesis in supernovae and gammaray bursts as well as the role of weak interactions in supernova dynamics.
• Establishing that active neutrinos cannot be the dark matter, which is independently confirmed by cosmological data.
• Placing new limits on the diffuse supernova neutrino background. Reduced astrophysical
uncertainties mean that these searches are primarily testing the neutrino emission per supernova. In fact, considering the significantly lower reactor neutrino and cosmic ray backgrounds at the 4850 ft. level of DUSEL compared to Super-Kamiokande and the use of
Gadolinium, there is a strong likelihood of actually observing the diffuse supernova neutrino
Report on Neutrino Astrophysics
The first example of neutrino astrophysics concerned neutrinos from the Sun. The solar neutrino
program represents one of the great triumphs of physical science in the last 40 years and led to the
Nobel Prize for Ray Davis in 2002. The story starts with an old question as to the origin of the
sun’s energy. The answer analyzed by Hans Bethe and others was that it came from nuclear fusion
reactions which give off millions of times more energy than chemical reactions. Particularly due
to the work of John Bahcall, it was realized that almost 3% of the energy comes off in neutrinos
which could travel directly from the center of the Sun to the Earth and provide the only direct
evidence of nuclear reactions that took place in the very core of the Sun.
The pioneering experiment of Ray Davis provided evidence for solar neutrinos but only one-third
as many as the theory predicted. As a result of a number of subsequent experiments, physicists
converged on an answer to this puzzle: two-thirds of the electron-neutrinos, the only kind produced
in the Sun, had oscillated into the other types (muon or tau neutrinos). This conclusion was
experimentally verified by combining the results of the SNO experiment in Canada in 2000 by
the direct detection of the muon and tau neutrinos in a heavy-water Cherenkov detector, and the
accurate measurement of solar neutrinos by many other experiments. Thus the results appeared to
confirm our theory of the source of the Sun’s energy and at the same time discovered new particle
physics beyond the standard model: neutrinos had mass.
Much remains to be done in the study of solar neutrinos. Most experiments detect the highestenergy neutrinos which are only 2 out of 10,000 of the neutrinos that come from the sun. 85%
of solar neutrinos come from the reaction that starts off the chain of reactions in the sun: the
weak reaction that fuses two protons together to form deuterium with the emission of an electron
and neutrino. There is only indirect evidence for these neutrinos from the radiochemical gallium
experiments in Russia and Italy, neither of which are able to measure the energy spectrum of these
neutrinos There are several proposals for deep underground experiments that could detect these
neutrinos and their energies. Such measurements would provide strong direct evidence that the
particular series of fusion reactions proposed by Bethe are indeed the source of the Sun’s energy. It
would indeed be wonderful if these experiments were carried out at the Homestake site where Ray
Davis pioneered the study of solar neutrinos. A real-time measurement of pp neutrinos can provide
a 1% measurement of neutrino mixing( sin2 θ12 ) as well as testing the sum rule connecting solar
photon and neutrino luminosities. The latter test could constrain the possibility that subdominant
neutrino sources may be present in the Sun.
For stars larger (and hotter) than the Sun the main source of energy is a different set of fusion
reactions known as the CNO cycle. These reactions involve carbon, nitrogen and oxygen nuclei; as
a result of their larger electric charge it takes higher energies for protons to overcome the Coulomb
repulsion and so it is most effective in hotter stars. However calculations indicate that about 1% of
the solar energy is produced by the CNO cycle. This produces a characteristic neutrino spectrum
at higher energies than those from the proton-proton reaction so that proposed detectors may also
be able to detect these in spite of their low flux. Detection of these CNO neutrinos would be direct
evidence of the CNO cycle and would also be of great interest because it would provide information
concerning the chemical composition near the center of the Sun. Measuring the core metallicity of
the Sun could resolve some outstanding problems with helioseismology. It would also be valuable
in confirming our theory of the CNO cycle, the major source of energy for larger stars.
The other great event of neutrino astronomy occurred in February of 1987. In a period of
10 seconds 19 neutrinos were observed from a type-II supernova in two small water Cerenkov
detectors: 11 in Kamiokande in Japan and 8 in the IMB detector in the US. These neutrinos had
been traveling for 150,000 years from outside our galaxy and arrived a couple of years after these
detectors started to operate. From these 19 events it could be deduced that roughly 30 billion
trillion trillion trillion trillion neutrinos had been emitted in that 10 second interval. A type-II
supernova is believed to be the result of a sudden collapse of a star as a result of the depletion
of its nuclear fuel. The core of the star collapses to nuclear density producing a huge amount
of energy in the form of highly energetic particles, but the only particle that can get out is the
weakly-interacting neutrino. Shortly after the collapse the star begins to shine extremely bright
in the sky with a luminosity 500 times that of the sun, but in fact theory tells us that 99% of the
energy of collapse is emitted in neutrinos. This was roughly confirmed by the 19 neutrinos of 1987.
Sometime in the future there will be a supernova explosion in our own galaxy. This would produce many thousands of events in a detector the size of Super-Kamiokande. As larger underground
detectors are installed they would naturally be part of a supernova watch designed to precisely
measure the properties of these many thousands of events. Our understanding of the supernova
process will be greatly increased by observations of the energy and timing of each of three types of
neutrinos. Knowledge of the total energy carried out by neutrinos is important to understand the
proceeding neutron star formation. The neutrinos we observe will clearly be affected by oscillations
so that it will be better if we have good information on oscillation parameters. There may be a
large sensitivity to sin2 θ13 , the value of which may be determined by reactor neutrino experiments.
We need to be able to make precision measurements of cooling time, timing of neutronization pulse,
average energy and time-integrated luminosity and the neutrino spectrum. It is worth noting that
neutrino observations of core-collapse supernovae and merger of neutron stars and other compact
objects also provide a probe complementary to other U.S. scientific investments such as LIGO.
It is believed that in a core-collapse supernova many of the heavy elements in nature are first
formed by what is called the r-process. The abundance of different elements and isotopes depends on
the neutron-proton ratio at the site and this is influenced by the neutrino flux. Thus observations of
supernova neutrinos may help us better understand the origin of elements. Megaton-scale detectors
with a reach of about 10 megaparsecs may enable to search for supernovae in other galaxies without
necessarily seeing the accompanying photons. While a supernova in our galaxy may not occur for
many years it will be possible in megaton detectors to see a small number of neutrinos from many
other galaxies. Thus interesting statistics on supernova neutrinos can be acquired. Core-collapse
supernova physics nicely illustrates that astrophysical extremes allow testing neutrino properties
in ways that cannot be done elsewhere, e.g. exploring the neutrino-neutrino interaction effect as
an “emergent phenomenon”.
Supernovae have been exploding for billions of years and they supply a diffuse background of
neutrinos. The detection of the higher energy neutrinos in this background should be possible in
a large deep underground detector. This will allow us to look back in time and gain information
on the rate of star formation in the distant past, a unique window on the history of our Universe.
This is a new kind of astrophysics looking at the interior of compact objects. Even though
neutrino observations are typically complementary to observing light, this does not necessarily
have to be the case: There could always be something new. Finally it should be pointed out
that neutrino astrophysics is one of the most interesting basic science topics suitable for terascale
computing applications
Executive Summary
The Universe is filled with a mysterious form of dark matter, the understanding of whose
fundamental nature poses the greatest challenge to contemporary cosmology and particle physics.
We argue that the best motivated dark matter models are on the verge of being explored by direct
dark matter search experiments that would enormously benefit from a laboratory like DUSEL. Dark
matter searches in DUSEL offer a unique opportunity for ground-breaking New Physics discoveries.
The future laboratory will play a fundamental role in post-discovery dark matter studies, and in
giving the United States a leading role in one of the hottest field in physics today.
Dark Matter
The nature and identity of matter in the Universe is one of the most persistent questions ever
posed and one of the most challenging problems facing modern cosmology and particle physics.
The wealth of evidence for a new form of matter from many very different types of observations is
overwhelming. The first indication for dark matter came from the observations of high velocities
of galaxies within clusters of galaxies which required an additional source of gravity beyond that
which could be accounted for from light-producing galaxies in the cluster. Similarly, the rotation
of stars and gas in spiral galaxies also pointed to the notion that galaxies were embedded in a large
and massive halo of dark gravitating matter.
More recent observations have bolstered the necessity for the existence of dark matter. Large
amounts of gas (mostly hydrogen and helium) around galaxies and clusters of galaxies tend to be
very hot (of order a few million degrees). At these temperatures, the gas emits electromagnetic
radiation in the X-ray frequency bands which have been observed by X-ray satellites. The presence
of this gas requires a significant amount of gravity to prevent the hot gas from flying off into space,
in turn yet another indirect evidence for dark matter.
It is also known that gravity can bend the path of light. Observations of distant galaxies along
the line of sight of a large cluster of galaxies shows clear signs of the gravitational lensing of
the light. Indeed, recent claims to direct evidence for dark matter came from observations of a
collision of clusters of galaxies showing lensing which is directly associated with (non-dissipative)
dark matter in tact with the two clusters whereas the (dissipative) hot gas has been stripped from
the cluster by the collision.
Our theoretical understanding of the very existence of galaxies and structure in the Universe
itself also relies on the existence of dark matter. The initial seeds or perturbations in an otherwise
smooth and homogeneous Universe could not have grown sufficiently to produce galaxies and
clusters without a dark matter component. Evidence for the imprint of these seeds have been
left on the microwave background radiation, and detailed measurements by many experiments
have precisely determined several of the key parameters describing our Universe including the
abundance of dark matter. All of these measurements are completely consistent both qualitatively
and quantitatively with the fact that dark matter dominates the overall matter budget of the
All of the experiments and astronomical observations which have established the existence of
dark matter are to date incapable of determining the identity and fundamental nature of the dark
matter particle. In principle, one could imagine that the dark matter is simply some form of
ordinary matter (i.e. made of neutrons and protons), in a non-luminous state (such as a dead
star or perhaps dust). While there are many astrophysical constraints against such objects, our
understanding of the early Universe through nucleosynthesis (the process of formation of the light
elements, Deuterium, Helium, and Lithium) places a firm limit on the total amount of normal
matter which is far below the requisite amount of dark matter. Furthermore detailed analysis by
the WMAP experiment observing microwave background anisotropies has firmly established the
relative amounts of total matter (normal plus dark) to normal matter.
Another possibility for dark matter among known particles in physics is the neutrino, now
known to have a small but finite mass. However, it has also been established that the neutrino
abundance can comprise less than 1% of the matter density.
We are led to the conclusion, therefore, that the predominant form of matter in the Universe
can not be composed of normal matter (i.e. made of protons and neutrons) and must be related to
physics beyond the standard (and well established) model of strong and electro-weak interactions.
The distribution of the known components of matter with the abundance of dark matter (i.e.
excluding dark energy, the non-clustering component of the Universe) is shown in Fig. 6.
The theoretical literature contains many new physics models that also contain candidate cold
dark matter (CDM) particles. Some of the many candidate CDM particles include: axions, sterile
neutrinos, weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), SuperWIMPs, Q-balls, black hole remnants and fuzzy cold dark matter. Out of this list, axions and WIMPs stand out in that they
occur as by-products of theories which solve longstanding theoretical problems with the standard
model. Axions occur in models which solving an important quantum problem associated with the
The Matter Content of the Universe - 2008
Dark Matter (83.3%)
Free H and He (13.8%)
Stars (1.7%)
Neutrinos (1.0%)
Heavy Elements (0,1%)
FIG. 6: The pie chart shows the relative abundance of different components of matter.
strong nuclear force. Axions can be searched for in terrestrial experiments using microwave cavities.
WIMP particles typically occur in theories which attempt to explain the mechanism behind the
breakdown of the electro-weak symmetry (the symmetry relating electromagnetism to the weak
nuclear force). WIMPs are especially compelling in that a calculation of their relic abundance
from production during the Big Bang falls very close to the measured abundance if the particles
are weakly interacting, and have mass of order 100 times the proton mass and is of order the weak
scale. This fact can be construed as independent astrophysical evidence for the existence of new
physics at the weak scale.
There are many examples of WIMP particles. Candidates arising from supersymmetric (SUSY)
theories– due to their deep connection with grand unified and superstring theories, along with some
indirect experimental support– have been most thoroughly examined. SUSY theories posit that
each known particle has a superpartner with mass of order the weak scale. The superpartners arise
due to the intrinsic Fermi-Bose symmetry that is the foundation of SUSY theories.
The CERN LHC which just turned on—with proton-proton collisions at a record 14 trillion
electron Volts– should have enough energy to produce the superpartners directly in a laboratory
environment. The superpartners are expected to decay via a cascade of particles which includes
the lightest SUSY particle, which is the CDM candidate. The presence of collider events with large
missing energy beyond that expected from the standard model would signal the production of dark
matter at the LHC. A measurement of various properties of the superparticles would allow one to
determine the nature of the SUSY model, and measure properties such as the mass of the CDM
Relic WIMPs can also be detected indirectly. In one instance, the sun, as it follows its path
through the galaxy, may actually sweep up WIMP particles which then collect at high density in
the solar core. The high density core WIMPs may then annihilate one with another into standard
model particles, including neutrinos with very high energies. The proton decay search facility to
be housed in DUSEL will also have dramatic consequences for dark matter searches, as it would
allow to look for these energetic neutrinos produced in WIMP annihilations in the center of the
Sun or of the Earth. In many respects, this facility would go beyond the reach of experiments
like IceCube, situated at the south pole, in this search technique, and be complimentary to direct
WIMPs circulating in the galactic halo may also occasionally annihilate one-with-another. Annihilation products such as gamma rays and anti-matter particles can be detected at various ground
and space-based detectors. Gamma rays have the advantage in that they would point directly back
to the spot at which the annihilations occur. A knowledge of WIMP properties gained from direct
detection and collider searches, combined with gamma ray data from WIMP halo annihilations
could allow for dark matter tomography measurements of the galactic dark matter density distribution.
Dark matter particles left over from the Big Bang may also be detected directly via their
collisions with nuclei in low background environments located deep underground (generally, the
deeper the better), an outstanding example being DUSEL. In fact, direct WIMP detection is in
every way complementary to detection at the LH—in part because direct detection would verify
that the missing energy particles found in LHC collisions would actually be dark matter particles—
and to indirect detection, being free of the complicated intrinsic astrophysical backgrounds that
hinder the possibility of firmly establishing an anomalous indirect signal as coming from dark
The field of direct dark matter detection has recently succeeded in achieving major progress
in sensitivity and in demonstrating the feasibility to scale up the size and performance of current
experiments. In addition, several different techniques are being successfully explored, including
solid state, noble gas and bubble chamber detectors. The CDMS-II and Xenon-10 collaborations –
employing two different target nuclei—reported comparable extremely competitive new sensitivity
limits. These new limits are triggering a lively reaction in the particle and astro-particle theory
community, as for the first time well-motivated particle dark matter models are being explored and
While it is hard to quote a model-independent lower limit on the expected signal from scattering
of dark matter off nuclei, the exploration of the parameter space of theoretically motivated particle
dark matter theories and independent arguments based on the observed abundance of dark matter
in the Universe indicate that a signal is to be expected in the range between the current sensitivity
and what is anticipated to be possible in experiments at DUSEL. The generic expectation for
some of the best understood and motivated particle physics models for CDM—including SUSY—is
that a large fraction of models lies between the current sensitivity and the sensitivity that current
experimental techniques could achieve in DUSEL at the 4850 ft depth level. Most of the models
with a faint predicted signal should be explored in DUSEL at the 7400 ft depth level with large
(ton-sized) detectors. Even a non-detection would have profound consequences if such sensitivities
are achieved.
The most general possible interaction between a nucleus and a WIMP includes in the nonrelativistic limit a coherent spin-independent coupliing (scaling as A2 , where A is the target nucleus
atomic number) plus a spin-dependent coupling. In general, theory indicates that spin-independent
scattering on large A nuclei is the most promising direct dark matter detection technique. Models
exist, however, where the spin dependent cross section is a better detection channel.
The implications of direct detection of dark matter would be formidable, and would open a new
chapter in the history of Science. The high-energy and astro-particle theory community believes
that DUSEL will be important—if not fundamental—both at the stage of discovery and in the
subsequent phase of study of the properties of the dark matter particle. If a dark matter signal
is detected, the discovery will need to be both confirmed by other experiments and reproduced.
As the reported detection of dark matter by the DAMA collaboration has taught the community,
systematic uncertainties and backgrounds are a problematic issue, and likely depend on environment: in this respect it will be essential to have more than one facility where to run direct dark
matter detection experiments. Having a large underground laboratory will allow a multi-pronged
approach, which will make use of several experimental techniques and different target materials.
This will entail the possibility of confirming a detected signal rate, if studying the recoil spectral
shape, investigating the A2 scaling with nuclear number. In turn, This will ultimately make it possible to measure the interactions of dark matter with ordinary matter and to estimate the particle
dark matter mass independently of colliders. In addition, any claim of periodicity (day/night or
seasonal) will benefit from the simultaneous operation of two or more detectors.
As alluded to above, models exist where spin-dependent searches are the only way to detect a
dark matter signal. Having at disposal a large underground facility would allow to set up this second
category of experiments, whose performance has been shown to be in many ways complementary
to spin-independent searches, and whose results can yield important information on the spin of
the dark matter particle. Furthermore, it was shown that measuring the ratio of spin-independent
to spin-dependent scattering rates with at least two targets can lead to the discrimination of, for
example, supersymmetric and extra-dimensional models.
Along similar lines, a deep underground laboratory might allow the development of dark matter
search experiments requiring strong cosmic ray background suppression that could explore alternative dark matter particle scenarios. For instance, special experiments would be needed to explore
super-light dark matter scenarios, and if underground space allows, could be hosted in DUSEL.
The detection of a signal will usher in an era of dark matter astronomy, in which we will be
able to study the dark sector of the Universe directly. It will become feasible to directly observe
the structure of the dark matter halo, and answer questions like: how much dark matter is there
in our galaxy, in particular near the Solar System? Is dark matter concentrated in clouds or is
it smoothly spread out all over the galaxy? Are there streams of dark matter like our current
theories predict? Data from direct detection experiments at DUSEL will be combined with other
data on the galactic halo to arrive at an understanding of how our galaxy formed. For example,
the GLAST space-born gamma-ray telescope may detect the emission from dark matter in the
halo, and observational programs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey will detect and measure stellar
structures and motions in the galactic halo.
In a possible scenario, the Large Hadron Collider discovers a new particle that theorists determine is suitable to be the dark matter. At the same time, direct detection experiments at DUSEL
observe particles from outside the Solar System and confirm that the particles discovered at the
Collider is indeed the dark matter. While dark matter experiments at DUSEL go on to measure
the density of dark matter in the vicinity of the Sun, other indirect dark matter searches map the
amount and location of dark matter in our galaxy. Further directional detectors at DUSEL measure the velocities and arrival directions of the dark matter particles. Theoretical studies ascertain
that these velocities are consistent with the results of indirect searches. This brings direct evidence
of streams of dark matter swirling in the galactic halo, directly confirming the idea that galaxies
are formed by combining small dark matter clouds into larger and larger structures.
The theory community is greatly excited by the prospective of DUSEL since this would create
a center for dark matter studies in the United States. Laboratories have always, in the history
of particle physics, triggered very fruitful interactions among theorists and between theorists and
experimentalists. Theory workshops could be hosted at DUSEL, as well as yearly executive summaries of theoretical progress for experimentalists and of experimental progress for theorists.
Finally, in the forthcoming era of large direct detection collaborations, it will be strategic for
the US scientific community to have a laboratory like DUSEL in the US, preventing the risk of a
drain of human resources outside the country, with dangerous consequences in particular for the
theory community.
Executive Summary
The neutrino is an elementary particle that scatters only through the weak interaction, and
consequently rarely interacts in matter. Neutrinos carry no electric charge, have spin one-half,
and belong to a family of particles called leptons. Leptons are particles which interact via weak,
electromagnetic or gravitational forces only. The electron and electron neutrino are leptons with
lepton charge, L = +1. Their anti-particles have lepton charge, L = −1. Neutrinos differ from
quarks, which have both strong and electromagnetic interactions, and from other leptons, such as
the electron, which are charged and thus interact electromagnetically.
Owing to the rarity of their interactions, the neutrinos are elusive. Studying them experimentally is a major challenge. While their existence was first postulated almost 80 years ago, it took
25 years to detect them in the laboratory. Only recently have high-precision neutrino experiments
been possible. One fact established from experiments of the past decade is that, contrary to the
prediction of the otherwise well confirmed standard model of the elementary particles, neutrinos
are not massless. But their masses are extremely tiny: a neutrino is at least a million times lighter
than the next lightest particle, the electron.
The most natural explanation for the lightness of neutrinos, compared to all other particles, is
the so-called See-Saw Mechanism. The See-Saw Mechanism is only possible for electrically neutral
particles, which can, in principle, be their own anti-particles. The mass term for such a particle
can include what is known as a Majorana mass. The irony of the See-Saw Mechanism is that
neutrinos are so very light due to the existence of a very heavy mass, M ≫ MW . In fact, M is so
very large that it is close to the grand unification scale where the electromagnetic, weak and strong
interactions are equal. In fact neutrino masses may be another indication of grand unification
and supersymmtry. Neutrinoless double beta decay experiments can prove that the neutrino has a
Majorana mass and is its own anti-particle.
Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay and the Origin of Mass
The question of the origin of masses, for the neutrinos and everything else, is one of the central
puzzles of elementary particle physics. Several observations—the extreme lightness of the neutrinos, their electrical neutrality, and important theoretical principles—suggest that the mechanism
generating neutrino masses differs from that generating other particle masses. Because neutrinos
are neutral, a neutrino can serve as its own antiparticle: consequently, unlike other leptons and unlike the quarks, neutrinos can possess so-called Majorana masses. This kind of mass, when added
to the Dirac mass that neutrinos (and other Standard-Model particles) can have, can account
(through the See-Saw Mechanism) for the tiny but nonzero neutrino masses found experimentally.
The only known feasible way to try to confirm that the neutrino has a Majorana mass (and
thus lacks a distinct antiparticle) is to search for neutrinoless double beta decay—the process
(N, Z) → (N − 2, Z + 2) + e− + e− , in which a parent atomic nucleus with N neutrons and Z
protons decays to a daughter nucleus (N − 2, Z + 2) plus two electrons. The observation of this
process at any nonzero level would establish that neutrinos do possess Majorana masses and that
they are indeed their own antiparticles. Majorana neutrino masses, if present, must arise from
new physics beyond the standard model, very likely at a high mass scale far beyond the scale
described by the standard model, and far beyond that accessible to the Large Hadron Collider
(LHC) at CERN. Thus, neutrinoless double beta decay seeks mass-related new physics that would
be invisible to the LHC.
One of the most conspicuous features of the Universe is that it contains atoms, of which we are
made, but essentially no anti-atoms, which, had they been present, would have annihilated us. A
leading candidate for the explanation of this crucial asymmetry is Leptogenesis, which states that
the asymmetry arose from the decays of very heavy neutrinos that existed in the early Universe.
Leptogenesis is an outgrowth of the See-Saw Mechanism, the leading candidate for the explanation
of the incredible lightness of today’s neutrinos. A signature feature of the See-Saw Mechanism and
Leptogenesis is the prediction that neutrinos are their own antiparticles. Thus, the observation of
neutrinoless double beta decay would provide evidence supporting both the See-Saw Mechanism
and Leptogenesis.
The observation of neutrinoless double beta decay, (N, Z) → (N − 2, Z + 2) + e− + e− , would
also demonstrate that lepton charge is not conserved : a final state containing two leptons is
produced from an initial state containing none. This non-conservation would remove one of the
principles protecting the proton from decaying into lighter particles. Slow proton decay, predicted
by the theories that seek to unify the forces of nature, would eventually leave the Universe a very
different place than it is now. Confirmation that protons do decay is a major goal of the very large
underground detectors that would also study neutrinos from a distant accelerator.
It is likely that neutrinoless double beta decay, if it occurs, is dominated by physics that makes
its rate proportional to m2ββ , where mββ , the effective Majorana mass for neutrinoless double
beta decay, is a linear combination of neutrino masses. Thus, a measured value of the rate would
FIG. 7: The effective neutrino mass mββ observable in neutrinoless double beta decay experiments as a
function of the smallest neutrino mass for both the normal and inverted neutrino mass hierarchy.
provide information on neutrino masses—information of a kind that cannot come from experiments
on neutrino oscillations. While all of our current evidence for neutrino mass comes from oscillations,
such experiments can only provide information on mass squared differences, not on absolute masses.
The sensitivity that an experiment needs to achieve in order to detect neutrinoless double beta
decay depends on the value of mββ . The possible values of mββ , in electron volts, are shown in
Fig. 7 as a function of the mass of the lightest neutrino. This figure assumes that there are three
distinct neutrinos of definite mass, an assumption in accord with experiments done to date. From
neutrino oscillation data, we know that the mass squared difference between the first and second
neutrino is about 30 times smaller than that between this pair and the third neutrino. These
results allow two mass patterns. If the closely spaced pair is at the bottom of the spectrum, the
neutrino mass pattern is called the normal hierarchy, as it then resembles the quark spectrum. The
alternative—the closely spaced pair at the top—is called the inverted hierarchy. If all neutrinos
were much heavier than their mass differences, both the normal and inverted hierarchies would
appear as three nearly degenerate neutrinos.
¿From Fig. 7, we see that if the hierarchy is inverted, mββ cannot be smaller than 0.01 eV.
From the standpoint of theory, the inverted and normal hierarchies are equally likely. Thus, a very
reasonable goal for the next generation of experiments is to be sensitive to mββ down to 0.01 eV,
so that the inverted-hierarchy possibility will be fully covered.
The rate for neutrinoless double beta decay of a particular parent nucleus is proportional, not
only to m2ββ , but also to the square of a nuclear matrix element involving the wave functions of the
parent and daughter nuclei and the nuclear operator for double beta decay. This matrix element
must be taken from theory, which presently is uncertain by about a factor of two, judging from the
spread in various predictions. Consequently, there is a significant theory uncertainty in estimating
the decay rate that would correspond to a given value of mββ . Neutrinoless double beta decay
rates also vary substantially from nucleus to nucleus due to differences in the energy released in the
decay. But in favorable cases where the energy release is large, one expects neutrinoless double beta
decay lifetimes on the order of 1028 years for mββ ≈ 0.01 eV. This long lifetime, longer than any
decay lifetime measured in any process to date, makes searches for neutrinoless double beta decay
very challenging. Experiments require very large detectors, e.g., 1-10 tons of the parent isotope,
and extraordinary efforts to eliminate backgrounds from cosmic rays and natural radioactivity.
Achieving sensitivity to much of the mββ region allowed by a normal hierarchy will require still
larger experiments, ones with hundreds of tons of parent material.
If the hierarchy is known to be inverted, and one achieves sensitivity to 0.01 eV but finds no
double beta decay, then either neutrinos are not their own antiparticles, or some interesting new
physics beyond that which leads to Fig. 7 is at work. Neutrinoless double beta decay is sensitive
not only to neutrino mass, but also to various exotic forms of lepton charge violation that are
found in some extensions of the standard model. Several of these exotic mechanisms are connected
with supersymmetry, a symmetry predicting the existence of many new particles, partners of those
found in the standard model. Finding these new particles is one of the major goals of the LHC.
Were the LHC to make such a discovery, there would be intense interest in neutrinoless double
beta decay mechanisms that arise from supersymmetry.
Experiments currently under development hope to cover most of the mββ region allowed by
the inverted hierarchy. Both the technologies employed and the parent isotopes chosen for these
experiments are quite varied. The latter is important, eliminating the possibility that an unfortunate parent isotope choice, one with a suppressed nuclear matrix element, could invalidate the
conclusions of an experiment. The best current limits on neutrinoless double beta decay come from
experiments using germanium detectors enriched in the double-beta decay isotope of interest, 76 Ge.
New experiments scaling up this technology by factors of 10 to 100 are under development in both
Europe and the US. Other new efforts include cryogenic arrays of ultra-sensitive TeO2 bolometers,
in which the decay of the parent isotope,
130 Te,
can be seen, and a liquid xenon detector whose
prototype is under construction at WIPP. The xenon detector, when fully developed, will employ
a novel atomic physics technique to detect the daughter nucleus
136 Xe,
136 Ba
produced in the decay of
making this experiment unusually insensitive to backgrounds. While many other efforts are
underway, the three mentioned here include many U.S. physicists among the proponents.
If such next-generation experiments fail to detect neutrinoless double beta decay, next-to-next
generation experiments at the 100-ton scale would likely become the next goal. Indeed, some of
the experiments now under development hope to be scalable to still larger masses. Alternatively,
if next-generation experiments discover neutrinoless double beta decay, more demanding follow-up
experiments would still be needed, to probe the underlying mechanism. More information can be
gained by studying which daughter-nucleus states are populated in the decay and by measuring
the energy spectrum and angular correlation of the outgoing electrons.
Because next-generation experiments will be so challenging, it is important to have multiple
efforts, to guard against an unidentified background producing a false result. Were several experiments to find neutrinoless double beta decay, this would not only confirm the result but also
help theorists translate the rates into a reliable mββ . Uncertainties in estimated nuclear matrix
elements can be better assessed if predictions connected with a single mββ can be tested in several
In summary, the search for neutrinoless double beta decay probes the physics of mass, in a way
that is completely different from, and complementary to, the LHC program. A positive result would
establish that neutrinos have Majorana masses and are their own antiparticles, distinguishing them
from all the other constituents of matter. It would show that lepton charge is not conserved. The
observation of neutrinoless double beta decay would demonstrate the physics necessary to both the
See-Saw Mechanism and Leptogenesis. It would also remove one of the protections against proton
decay. The search for neutrinoless double beta decay is inherently interdisciplinary, involving
techniques and concepts from particle, nuclear, and condensed matter physics. To date, apart
from one controversial claim, neutrinoless double beta decay has not been observed. But we now
know that an interesting mass range is within reach of next-generation detectors, given what has
been learned about neutrino mass from oscillation experiments. These detectors will not only be
of unprecedented scale, but also require a degree of background suppression not yet achieved in
Executive Summary
The process of neutron–antineutron (n − n̄) oscillation is an important way to probe the basic
instability of matter that is believed to be at the heart of our understanding the origin of matter in
the Universe as well as the nature of new forces responsible for neutrino masses. It complements the
searches for proton decay, which have been conducted for the past two decades and are ongoing.
At the Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory, n − n̄ oscillation time scales of
order 1010 sec. can be probed, with the potential to reveal answers to many fundamental questions
in elementary particle physics, with implications for nuclear physics, cosmology and astrophysics:
Is the neutron its own antiparticle? What is the degree of instability of matter? What is the basic
mechanism for the creation of matter over antimatter in the Universe? Are there extra space–like
dimensions? Is there a hidden “parallel” Universe? What is the nature of dark matter in the
A key concept that has emerged from recent theoretical studies seeking the ultimate unity of
matter and forces is that at the fundamental level, matter is predicted to be unstable. The apparent
stability of the Universe is a consequence of the fact that matter instability occurs on a time scale
which is more than a trillion trillion (1024 ) times the age of the Universe. A further argument
that reinforces this belief is the realization during the past four decades that matter instability is
indeed essential if one wants to understand why the observed Universe is made only of matter and
no antimatter. The challenge for physics is to discover how matter instability manifests itself and
what the degree of this instability is.
There are two known ways in which matter instability can be manifest: (i) the decay of a
proton (or a neutron which is otherwise stably bound in a nucleus), discussed in another part of
the white paper, and (ii) spontaneous conversion of neutron (n) to anti–neutron (n̄), called n − n̄
oscillation (see Fig. 8), the subject of this part of the white paper. Spontaneous conversion of
other electrically neutral particles such as K-,B-meson into their antiparticles has already been
experimentally established, providing ground-breaking information about the fundamental forces
and constituents of matter. They have guided the course of elementary particle physics for the
past half-century. The n − n̄ oscillation is even more profound and is expected to provide insight
into many fundamental issues confronting particle physics today.
FIG. 8: Neutron oscillating into anti-neutron.
It was pointed out in the early 1970’s that since a neutron (n) is electrically neutral, it could
convert itself to an anti-neutron (n̄), and, moreover, that this conversion process could provide a
way to understand the observed fact that there is an asymmetry between the amount of matter and
antimatter in the Universe. In the early 1980’s, reasonable and consistent particle physics models
were discovered which predicted that neutrons are their own anti-particles, similar to massive
neutrinos being their own anti-particles, and that n − n̄ oscillation should occur at an observable
rate. This led to increased experimental as well as theoretical interest in this process. The existence
of free n − n̄ oscillations would also mean that neutrons inside nuclei would become anti-neutrons
and make nuclei unstable. However, due to the difference between the way neutrons and antineutrons behave in the presence of nuclear forces, matter stability is highly suppressed. As a
result, oscillation times of a year would correspond to about 1030 years for nuclear instability.
Ongoing proton decay experiments also found lower limits on nuclear instability time scales due to
n − n̄ oscillation in nuclei in the same range. It was realized that available reactor neutrons could
be used to probe n − n̄ oscillations with oscillation times precisely in the range of a year to few
years. There are, however, severe limitations to discovering n − n̄ oscillations inside nuclei, due to
atmospheric neutrino backgrounds. Uncertainties concerning the relevant nuclear properties also
make it difficult to pin down precisely the value of the oscillation time. Thus it seems that the
most promising way to search for this process further is to search for n − n̄ oscillations with free
neutrons. This is what we propose to carry out at the DUSEL facility.
Present experimental situation
The only free n− n̄ oscillation experiment carried out to date was at the European laboratory at
Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), where a lower limit on the oscillation time scales of τn−n̄ > 0.86×108
sec (90 % CL) was established. This lower limit can be interpreted as follows. A free neutron,
which itself is unstable with a mean lifetime of τn = 886 ± 1 sec., does not oscillate to an antineutron in the time span of 0.86 × 108 sec. (or 2.7 years). There are theoretical reasons to believe
that an oscillation time which is a factor of 100 above this limit could probe some very interesting
new ideas in physics beyond the standard model.
As noted earlier, the oscillation rate of a free neutron in vacuum can be much faster than that
inside a nucleus, where it is suppressed by internuclear forces. In fact, analysis of n − n̄ oscillations
in matter yields the relation between the free neutron oscillation time and the nuclear neutron
2 , where R is a nucleus-dependent factor. Detailed nuclear
oscillation time given by τnuc = Rτn−n̄
physics calculations yield R(16 O) ≃ 0.5 × 1023 s−1 and R(56 Fe) ≃ 0.7 × 1023 s−1 . So the current
lower bound on the free neutron oscillation time, τn−n̄ > 0.86×108 sec., corresponds to a lower limit
on the nuclear decay time of about τnuc & 1 × 1031 yrs. Recent and ongoing proton decay searches
are sensitive to similar lifetimes for the n − n̄ oscillation mode. The Soudan-2 experiment has
reported a lower limit τnuc > 0.72 × 1032 yrs., which corresponds to the lower bound τn−n̄ & 2 × 108
sec. Therefore, such an apparently small free neutron oscillation time is not in conflict with matter
stability bounds.
Why is it important to conduct a high sensitivity search for n − n̄ oscillation at DUSEL?
There are several reasons to conduct a high-sensitivity search for n−n̄ oscillations, as enumerated
below. DUSEL would serve as an ideal site for this search.
Why are the conventional proton decay search experiments not adequate?
If n − n̄ oscillations exist, a neutron inside the nucleus could oscillate to an anti-neutron,
which would subsequently annihilate with surrounding nucleons to give typically five pions with
an invariant mass of two GeV. This will make nuclei unstable. Thus, in principle, conventional
searches for proton decay (and decays of neutrons otherwise stably bound in nuclei) can probe for
enables one to deduce the limit or value for τn−n̄ from
n− n̄ oscillations. The relation τnuc. = Rτn−n̄
the limit or value for the nuclear instability time τnuc . However, proton decay experiments are not
a very sensitive way to probe τn−n̄ , compared to a direct search, for the following reasons. The first
point is that an order-of-magnitude increase in τnuc only leads to a factor of three improvement
in τn−n̄ . More importantly, because of the presence of backgrounds, the lower limits on τnuc that
can be derived go at most like the square root of the exposure time. Hence, if the fiducial volume
of the proton decay search detector increases by a factor of 25 (as is being contemplated for the
next generation of proton decay searches), the lower limit on τnuc will increase at most by a factor
of five, and the limit on τn−n̄ will go up only by a factor of 2.4. The published Soudan-2 limit on
τnuc yields τn−n̄ & 2 × 108 sec., and the preliminary Super-K limit yields τn−n̄ & 3 × 108 sec. The
τn−n̄ reach of the planned experiments to search for proton decay is only about τn−n̄ ≃ 7 × 108
sec, which is far lower than the reach of τn−n̄ ≃ 1010 − 1011 sec anticipated for the free neutron
search experiments being contemplated. Fig. 9 displays the current and future sensitivity of matter
instability lifetime from n − n̄ oscillations as well as from proton decay searches.
FIG. 9: Sensitivity of DUSEL NNbar experiment on matter instability lifetime.
What can we learn about the fundamental forces in nature and the working of the
Universe from the n − n̄ search?
Neutron-anti-neutron oscillations touch upon many areas of physics ranging from elementary
particle physics to nuclear physics to astrophysics and cosmology. The potential of the search for
n− n̄ oscillations as a probe of physics beyond the standard model is comparable to that of neutrino
oscillations, which led to the very important discovery of neutrino masses and mixing. We now
enumerate the most significant questions that will be addressed by an n − n̄ oscillation search.
1. Is the neutron its own anti-particle?
A search for n − n̄ oscillations will probe new forces among particles at distance scales about
a hundred times shorter than the ones that will be probed by the Large Hadron Collider
(LHC). In specific models with low energy supersymmetry, the length scale of new physics
probed in an n − n̄ oscillation search can be one hundred million times shorter than the ones
probed by the LHC. The discovery of neutrino masses is already providing one such probe of
extremely tiny distances. Neutrinoless double beta decay experiments aim to test whether
the neutrino is its own anti-particle, which is implied by many appealing theories explaining
its small mass. If this is the case, then there are reasons to think that the neutron is its own
anti–particle, a suggestion which goes back to the classic paper of Ettore Majorana in 1930’s,
since the neutrino and the neutron are linked by a symmetry of the standard model called
B-L symmetry (see below) This gives greater motivation for the existence, at an observable
level, of the phenomenon of n − n̄ oscillation which is the experimental manifestation of the
neutron being its own anti-particle.
2. A new fundamental symmetry probed by n − n̄ oscillations
To see which symmetry is probed in n − n̄ oscillation searches, it is useful to compare with
the situation involving neutrinos again. If the neutrino is its own antiparticle, this breaks
total lepton number, L, by two units (|∆L| = 2). At an earlier time, most physicists believed
that total lepton number was an exact symmetry, while at present, most physicists believe
that it is broken. The process of neutrinoless double beta decay probes the scale of lepton
number symmetry breaking. The standard model does not conserve L or B separately, but
conserves their difference B − L. In a theoretical framework in which quarks and leptons are
unified, one can get |∆B| = 2 processes. This happens, for example, in a class of unification
models where the three colors of quarks combine with a lepton index to be part of a higher
symmetry group SU (4) which contains the familiar gauge force of strong interactions based
on the color gauge group SU (3)c . Such a framework automatically leads to the process of
n − n̄ oscillation without inducing proton decay. The scales of neutrino mass physics and of
n − n̄ oscillations are then essentially the same, and the observation of the latter will provide
important complementary information about the detailed nature of the physics of neutrino
mass. There exist plausible models where this connection is clearly visible and where the n−n̄
oscillation time is accessible to planned searches. For n − n̄ oscillations to be observable, the
scale of B − L breaking must be in the 100 TeV range, which is fundamentally different from
the popular approach based on grand unified theories (GUT’s), where this breaking scale is
around 1016 GeV. Thus, an observation of n − n̄ oscillations would force us to fundamentally
alter our thinking about unification of forces away from the conventional GUT approaches
to partial unification at intermediate scales or possibly new physics at the TeV scale, such
as TeV−1 -sized extra dimensions.
3. n − n̄ oscillation as a probe of extra dimensions
There is currently a great deal of interest in the possibility that there may be extra hidden
space-like dimensions in nature. Motivations for this arise from string theory, specifically in
frameworks where the standard model fields themselves, in addition to gravity modes, propagate in these extra dimensions. One of the appeals of these models is that they can provide
an explanation of the observed generational hierarchy in fermion masses; the differences in
mass between various particles, e.g., up, down, and strange quarks, would be due to the fact
that their chiral components are located at different sites in these extra dimensions. In such
situations, it has been shown quantitatively that, while proton decay which involves quarks
as well as leptons can be naturally suppressed, n − n̄ oscillation, which involves only quarks,
is generally unsuppressed, and can be in the observable range.
4. Implications for cosmology
The existence of n−n̄ oscillations at an observable rate would also have profound implications
for the origin of matter-antimatter asymmetry and thus the origin of a net excess of matter
in the Universe. This is due to the fact that observable n − n̄ oscillations would imply that
process that violate baryon number would remain in equilibrium to very low temperatures,
thereby erasing any matter-antimatter asymmetry generated in earlier epochs, as envisioned
in currently popular scenarios such as leptogenesis. This would then require new ways to
understand the origin of matter. Recently, such new mechanisms have been proposed, which
can be independently tested at colliders. In these models, baryon asymmetry is induced after
the Universe undergoes the electroweak phase transition. Successful baryogenesis, in a class
of models of this type, requires that n − n̄ oscillations be observable, with τn−n̄ ∼ 1010 sec.
5. Dark matter and connection with neutron–anti-neutron oscillations
There are some attractive models where neutron–anti-neutron oscillations also provide a
probe of the nature of dark matter. A particularly intriguing suggestion is the possible
existence of a parallel Universe with an identical duplicate of the observed matter and forces.
Such a scenario could emerge from superstring theory. In that case, one expects all the
particles that we know, protons, neutrons, etc., to have their mirror partners. Then the
possibility arises that the neutron could oscillate into a mirror neutron. The same experiment
that probes for n − n̄ oscillations could also probe for such processes. Hydrogen atoms
composed of mirror particles would serve as the dark matter of the Universe in this scenario.
A possible connection between n− n̄ oscillations and a dark matter candidate arises in models
of low-scale baryogenesis which also have supersymmetry. The lightest stable superparticle
in these models is not the neutralino, but the partner of the particle that generated the
baryon asymmetry.
Experimental Setup at DUSEL
DUSEL, with its Vertical Facility, can provide a unique opportunity to advance the search for
n − n̄ transitions by a sensitivity factor more than 1000 as compared with the present experimental
limits. This sensitivity will be equivalent to reaching the lifetime for internuclear n− n̄ transition of
τnuc ∼ 1 × 1035 years. The major advantage of the vertical layout as compared with the alternative
approach having a horizontal layout is the mitigation of the effect of the Earth’s gravity on the
motion of cold neutrons over the long flight length. In the baseline n−n̄ experimental configuration,
a 1-km long vertical shaft of 5-7 meters diameter would be equipped with a vacuum tube and
Earth magnetic field compensation system. A 3.5 MW research reactor of TRIGA type operating
in steady-state mode and installed on the top of the shaft would serve as the source of neutrons.
Neutrons would be slowed down by a cryogenic liquid deuterium moderator to typical velocities
below 1 km/s and dropped from the top of the vacuum tube through the focusing supermirror
reflector system on an annihilation detector located at the bottom of the vertical tube. The
background rate in the DUSEL n − n̄ detector would be extremely low, allowing a single observed
event to be a discovery. Active magnetic shielding of the flight tube would allow on/off switching
of the n − n̄ transitions if the latter are observed. The proposed n − n̄ experimental configuration
is based on well-established technologies; the main challenge is in the engineering and vertical
construction of the experiment. Further factors that can enhance the sensitivity of the vertical
n − n̄ search are a larger shaft length, larger reflection range of supermirrors (recently developed at
KEK, Japan), development of a new “very cold” cryogenic moderator, and higher-power research
reactor. After three years of running, n − n oscillation time sensitivity will improve by a factor of
1000 compared to the present sensitivity, with the possibility of improving by an additional factor
of 4 in 12 years of running.
The 3.5 MW TRIGA reactor at the DUSEL Vertical Facility can be installed on the surface at
the distance of about 2 km from the main underground experimental campus. The antineutrino
flux produced by the reactor can be easily estimated as ∼ 62 antineutrinos per kiloton-year (e.g. by
rescaling from the KamLAND detector, where reactors with 120 GW thermal power at the average
distance of 180 km produce ∼ 263 antineutrino events per kiloton-year). This antineutrino flux
certainly can be an essential background for geo-neutrino detection experiment at DUSEL, but,
due to its controllable nature, it can be precisely measured. The flux of solar neutrinos to be coped
with by the major experiments at the underground DUSEL site will be substantially larger than
the flux of TRIGA antineutrinos. Given the large distance between the underground campus and
the reactor, the background of thermal neutrons produced by the TRIGA reactor can be efficiently
reduced to the level of environmental thermal neutron flux by simple passive shielding.
Acknowledgements: The workshop that generated this paper was hosted and supported by
the Ohio State University Center for Cosmology and Astro-Particle Physics (CCAPP) and the
National Science Foundation.