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Educere, 2005
En el ámbito universitario, los estudiantes de pre y postgrado que deben escribir un trabajo de grado, tesina, monografía, memorias de grado o una tesis, tienden a cumplir con todos los requisitos para optar al título excepto la realización de dicho trabajo: desertan sin culminar el proceso. Esto se ha conocido como el síndrome "todo menos tesis". El abandono se debe a la incapacidad de llevar a cabo el proceso de investigación exitosamente y de producir los tipos de textos exigidos. Esto es consecuencia, en parte, de la forma como se aborda la enseñanza de la investigación y su respectivo acompañamiento, tanto en forma de tutoría como asesoría, en la universidad. Esto ha evidenciado la necesidad de trasformar la enseñanza de la investigación. En este contexto, surge el presente trabajo que tiene como propósito ofrecer algunas propuestas para mejorar la enseñanza de la investigación y su acompañamiento en la universidad, dirigida a docentes de investigación (en cualquiera de sus variantes y denominaciones) de pregrado y postgrado y a tutores y asesores potenciales de trabajos de grado y tesis. Está basada en la concepción constructivista del proceso de ínter aprendizaje y el modelo psicolingüístico de la lectura y la escritura. Se parte de la idea de enseñar a investigar investigando, con propósitos claros, en contextos reales, en procura de contribuir con el desarrollo de problemas de la sociedad. Igualmente, se resalta la importancia del acompañamiento basado en el respeto para lograr la formación. Se concluye que si se toman en consideración estas propuestas, se podrá superar el síndrome "todo menos tesis".
Tales of uncovering the Universe's life story and so, our life story - draft version 2, 2024
Conversations over coffee about everything: the world, life, reality, universe, consciousness and so on, and how and why it can all fit together. Note: This a draft version. We would very much appreciate any comments you may have, and also would appreciate if you notice any typos. Thank you. A book by David D'i. Compiled by Dave Mathes
La revisión y evaluación del control interno es un aspecto fundamental en la ejecución del proceso de auditoría, por tanto se requiere que los profesionales contables desarrollen procedimientos enfocados a la evaluación del sistema de control interno que en gran medida contribuirá a la evaluación de los riesgos en el ambiente de auditoría. Generalidades:
Egyptian crowns and headdresses have been essential in composing royal imagery throughout history. Egyptian pharaohs used various crowns for different purposes; some were used to show authority, while others were used for religious or festival ceremonies. Like their numerous symbolics, which this paper will not discuss, they are also differentiated in shape, size, color, and decorative elements. In addition, many political and religious reforms in ancient Egypt resulted in the increasing variety of crowns and their evolved forms. Scholars have studied iconographic representations of many ancient Egyptian crowns; however, one type, particularly the so-called cap crown or skull cap, has not yet been thoroughly examined. Hence, the focal point of this study will be the existence and decorative evolution of the cap crown, starting from its earliest evidence in the Old Kingdom to the end of the Third Intermediate Period. This paper will present and analyze the different styles and ornamental elements of all known cap crowns through iconographic evidence on reliefs, tomb paintings, and royal statuary. In part, the study's perspectives are limited because only a limited number of preserved iconographic representations are distributed unevenly in space and time. Nevertheless, this paper will help the reader understand the typology of cap crowns in ancient Egypt.
IEEE Engineering Management Review, 2024
Although the term metaverse was first coined in 1992, discussions surrounding its definition began to emerge in literature only around 2010 and has not been standardized yet. Recent literature provides numerous definitions of the term, which appear to lack conceptual clarity and cause an ambiguous understanding of the metaverse and its accompanying terminology, strengthening the importance of a commonly agreed definition. This article follows a multi-method research methodology consisting of a bibliometric analysis, a literature review, and an international focus group dedicated to the standardization of the metaverse. The bibliometric analysis that was conducted using the keywords "metaverse" and "definition" to the scientific repositories ScienceDirect, Web of Science, and Scopus, revealed, among others, the most cited articles. Definitions extracted from the top 10 cited articles were compiled, and their associated keywords and their weaknesses were identified. As these findings needed to be confirmed, they were circulated with the focus group experts, leading to an exchange of various insights and information concerning the definition of the metaverse. The outcomes of this study are highly interesting, since they delineate the pivotal terms of the metaverse, culminating in the establishment of a universally accepted definition.
For Alain Badiou, theatre--unlike cinema--is the place for the staging of a truly emancipatory collective subject. In this sense theatre is, of all the arts, the one strictly homologous to politics: both theatre and politics depend on a limited set of texts or statements, collectively enacted by a group of actors or militants, which put a limit on the excessive power of the state. This explains why the history of theatre has always been inseparable from a history of state repression and censorship. This definitive collection includes not only Badiou's pamphlet Rhapsody for the Theatre but also essays on Jean-Paul Sartre, on the political destiny of contemporary theatre, and on Badiou's own work as a playwright, as author of the Ahmed Tetralogy.
The Conversation, 2020
Salama, A. M. (2020). After coronavirus: how seasonal migration and empty centres might change our cities. The Conversation. 15 June 2020. The changes to urban space brought by the coronavirus have many people asking what the post-pandemic city might look like. For example, as people may continue to avoid crowds for fear of becoming ill and more are able to work from home, will more people leave high-density cities for peripheral or rural areas? After all, research shows that the spread of COVID-19 has been linked to urban density. For more information visit
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Heritage education: Cittadinanza e inclusione I, 2024
Migration Policy Practice, 2020
Proceedings of the Fifth International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting 2013, 2013
Compr Health Biomed Stud., 2024
American Behavioral Scientist, 2023
Knowledge-Based Systems, 2024
Theoretical Computer Science, 1989
Physical Review Letters, 1977
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2011
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2013
2010 63rd Annual Conference for Protective Relay Engineers, 2010
International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems, 2021
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2012
Genes and Immunity, 2019