Refactoring Tools and Complementary Techniques
Martin Drozdz1, Derrick G Kourie2, Bruce W Watson2, Andrew Boake3
Espresso Research Group, Department of Computer Science
University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa 0001
[email protected], 2{dkourie, watson},
[email protected]
1.2. Why refactor?
Poorly designed software systems are difficult to
understand and maintain. Modifying code in one place
could lead to unwanted repercussions elsewhere due to
high coupling. Adding new features can cause further
quality degradation to the code if proper design and
architectural concerns were not implemented.
Development in a large enterprise system with such
attributes will, over time, lead to a myriad of concerns
unless the system is periodically overhauled or refactored
in some way.
Refactoring can aid the developer to improve the
design of the code and to make it cleaner, without
changing its behaviour. This study provides answers for
some of the questions on refactoring. A refactoring tool
survey is given. The IDEs surveyed include some of the
most popular commercial and open source offerings from
IntelliJ’s IDEA, IBM’s Eclipse and Sun’s Netbeans. We
also explain a way to automatically find targets for
refactorings via automatic detection of code smells from
static code analysis. Concerns on viewing compiler
refactorings as a fully automated refactorings are raised.
We will perform a critical evaluation of refactoring by
surveying these tools.
One needs to know how refactoring fits into the
software engineering process in order to see how one can
benefit from it.
Continuous design [Shore 2004], which utilizes
refactoring, allows one to add more flexibility into the
design, by adding to an initially simple design as the need
arises, instead of having a big upfront design. Thus the
design will evolve as the code grows. There is a shift
from building software towards growing it. The process
of refactoring can be used to contribute to these evolving
states of the code.
[Garlan 1994] mentions that: “Object-oriented
systems also have some disadvantages. The most
significant is that in order for one object to interact with
another (via procedure call) it must know the identity of
that other object. This is in contrast, for example, to pipe
and filter systems, where filters do need not know what
other filters are in the system in order to interact with
them. The significance of this is that whenever the
identity of an object changes it is necessary to modify all
other objects that explicitly invoke it. “
Automated refactorings manage to soften the
disadvantages of the object orientated architectural style,
by not only modifying the part of the object that is
invoked, but all of the invokers as well. Code
dependencies are seamlessly resolved as the refactoring
tool will usually utilize an abstract syntax tree (AST) or
code database. The AST or code database will hold the
crucial code dependencies that need to be updated
whenever a refactoring is made.
1. Introduction
This section contains answers to the what, why and
where questions pertaining to refactoring.
1.1. What is refactoring?
One definition of the word “factor” means to influence
something. To refactor means to re-influence something
that already exists. There is however a more precise
meaning in the computer science context. In order to
successfully refactor a program, one needs to change (and
thus re-influence) the program in such a way as to
improve the design and simultaneously preserve its
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1.3. Where to refactor?
Refactoring can be used in different contexts. For
example: to improve the design and code quality of
existing systems; to help evolve the design of systems
dynamically through incremental development with
practises such as test driven development and agile
methodologies, thereby negating the need for a big
upfront design; to understand how existing code works
[Fowler 1999]; to manage change in a software
organisation [Beck 2000]; to perform refactoring at an
architectural level [Van Kempen 2005]; and to refactor
code, with design patterns as targets of the refactoring
[Kerievsky 2004];
gained in the form of books, articles and automated tools
available for it.
Refactorings have spread into many different
languages, but Java remains the language with the most
refactoring tool support, with C# lagging somewhat
behind. A list of recent refactoring tools is available for
several languages [Fowler 2005].
1.4. Recent Research
2.2. Survey Motivation
[Mens 2004] provides a thorough look at research in
the domain of software refactoring and software
restructuring. In the survey it is mentioned that although
commercial refactoring tools have begun to proliferate,
research into software restructuring and refactoring
continues to be very active, and remains essential to
reveal and address the shortcomings of these tools. The
following tool survey takes a closer look at such
refactoring tools. A critical analysis is done in order to
evaluate the IDEs that implement these tools and how
well they are integrated into the IDE.
The aim of this tool survey was to evaluate the
refactoring tool support in common Open Source and
commercial IDEs. For the purpose of this survey we
chose IBM’s Eclipse, IntelliJ’s IDEA and Suns Netbeans.
There is currently a choice between manual and
automated refactorings. Refactorings tools allow one to
automate refactorings. The IDE can further automate this
by searching for targets of refactorings by using either
static analysis or a compiler approach which will be
introduced later.
These issues can influence the ease of refactoring
greatly. We want to find practical, inexpensive solutions
for enterprises that wish to evolve their designs through
The automated refactorings in most modern IDEs
allow one to preview the resulting impact the refactorings
will have on the code. The preview also shows warnings
when code could be negatively impacted. The automated
refactorings take the entire project code under
consideration. This saves one a lot of time compared to
manual refactorings which are error prone and rely on the
compilation process to highlight errors caused by
unchecked dependencies or the like.
1.5. Summary
A continuous design process helps one to evolve a
design so as to make the maintenance phase less costly by
adding more flexibility and reusability into the code.
Continuous design can also be used to solve any design
issues overlooked previously. Refactoring plays an
important role in continuous design and certainly has
benefits, but the process must be adequately managed to
ensure that it is done properly. Various refactoring tools
are available. A well-chosen refactoring tool can not only
facilitate the refactoring task, but can also support the
management of the refactoring endeavour. The next
section gives a tool survey of the most prominent Javabased refactoring tools.
2.3. Findings
Netbeans 4.0 was severely lacking in its refactoring
abilities. Even with the recent Jackpot project headed by
James Gosling which was meant to boost such features,
Netbeans only supports 4 refactorings at the moment. It
lacks even the extract method refactoring which is used as
a benchmark for refactoring support.
Eclipse 3.1 and IDEA 4.5 both support around 30
similar refactorings. IDEA 5.0 however, is far ahead of
Eclipse in terms of ease of use and productivity of
Although the number of refactorings that an IDE
supports is important, there is one aspect in which IDEA
is the clear winner. IDEA has an array of static code
analysis tools (almost 500 in IDEA 5.0) which enable one
to pick up hotspots pertaining to abstraction and
encapsulation issues, method and class metrics, class
structure, performance issues and many more. Some of
these issues map directly to code smells [Fowler 1999].
2. Tool Survey
This is the main part of our paper in which we discuss
the tool survey performed on various IDEs with
refactoring tool support. This research was conducted in
both an academic and commercial environment during the
first half of 2005 and includes motivations for Java as the
language of choice, the IDEs selected for the survey as
well as a detailed analysis of the IDEs.
2.1. Language Choice
This article sees Java as the preferred language for
refactoring, mainly due to its open source nature, its
popularity and the amount of refactoring support it has
The latter are, of course, candidates for refactorings.
Fowler [1999] explains code smells in detail and also
provides several refactorings to eradicate these smells.
From the nearly 500 static code analysis techniques in
IDEA we managed to sift out 10 code smell checks. The
more familiar we became with code smells; the easier it
was to map the static code checks in IDEA to code smell
checks. Code smells require one or more refactorings in
order to be removed. Some IDEs do not support all of the
refactorings, which means that manual refactorings will
have to be attempted instead.
Manual refactorings are error-prone as the developer
cannot automatically detect the many dependencies that
need to be fixed when a refactoring is made. For example
take the ‘Change method signature’ refactoring which can
remove or add a parameter in a method over an entire
project. A developer will manually have to search for
places where the method is called and change the
methods signature in each place, while automatic
refactoring does this work for him, more reliably and
accurately. The same concept goes for renaming a
package or class. Why do it manually in 20+ classes when
the refactoring tool can do it with one click?
Our analysis was done on two Java J2EE financial
trading projects that are currently in production. IDEA
4.5 was used to analyse the code base. IDEA 4.5 has
many categories in which the static analysis checks are
grouped into in order to allow one to focus on specific
problem areas. For example, one will find a category
called abstractions issues with 14 static analysis checks.
As a proof of concept the static analysis checks that
where of most interest to us in this category where the
ones pertaining to the following 3 checks that we
individually selected and which could be mapped to code
1. Feature Envy – When a method calls other
methods from another object or class more than 3 times, it
suggests that some functionality of the caller should
rather be in the class being called. The methods in this
code smell context would be either class or object
instance methods.
2. Magic Number – This refers to a literal value that
is used directly, not through the use of a constant
variable. This did not seem very serious at first, but we
often found this to be a very irritating code smell. Magic
Numbers should be linked to classes as constants and
declared as public static final variables. This ensures that
other classes could make use of the variables also ensures
that the Magic Number can be associated with a
meaningful variable name which describes its purpose
more clearly. Magic Numbers thus lead to much
confusion and are a very serious code smell, in large
projects, where they can cause many errors.
3. Switch Statement – A switch statement is very
easy to detect, even without a fancy tool. All that is
needed is to search for the string literal “switch” in code.
Generally the lack of switch statements is a sign of good
object orientated code, since most switch statements
should have been replaced with polymorphism.
Code smells recognised by [Fowler 1999] are not
necessarily the only code smells in existence, but it is not
possible to mention all the possible code smells as new
smells emerge very quickly as tool support increases for
Some unrecognised code smells already have
legitimate refactorings. For example IDEA can search for
class fields that have public or package scope. These are
candidates for the refactoring ‘encapsulate field’. There is
a check for ‘if statements’ with too many branches, which
can be refactored using ‘Replace nested conditional with
guard clauses’.
One particularly useful check is that of the search for
redundant throws clauses. These are particularly irritating
code smells, as they can introduce unnecessary try-catch
blocks and confuse the intent of the code. Both IDEA and
Eclipse can eradicate redundant ‘throws’ clauses, albeit in
different ways. The two IDEs supply automatic
refactorings for this code smell.
In IDEA and Eclipse, the automatic detection of these
code smells is also very often followed by the option of
performing an automatic refactoring. The developer will
see a list of the line numbers linked to the code smells
occurring in specific classes. Eclipse will highlight the
code smells in yellow and normally provide an automated
refactoring suggestion by a clickable icon on the left hand
side of the code. IDEA provides a synopsis of the
refactorings or techniques available to eradicate the code
smell. The developer needs to select the refactoring
proposed by the refactoring tool to execute it. Eclipse’s
detection mechanisms are done through its compiler,
while IDEA relies on static code analysis.
These features allow one to further automate the
removal of code smells, without having to look for them
for hours or to know the needed refactorings by heart. If a
developer is provided with knowledge of how to map the
code smells with the corresponding analysis checks then
most of the hard work is already done.
Knowing all of the code smells and resulting
refactorings to apply can be a problem, if these mappings
are not provided, especially when one considers
developers who are trying to learn how to refactor. The
fact that there are over 20 basic code smells, 30
refactorings possible in the IDE, and over 70 refactorings
in total to learn makes the learning curve for refactoring
rather steep.
Even though the refactorings in Eclipse and IDEA are
automated, Fowler [1999] still suggests that automatic
refactorings need to be performed sequentially and unit
tested accordingly. There are however fully automated
code smell detections which are done by compilers and
thus deemed to be exempt from the need to re-test after a
refactoring is performed. This is not the case in Eclipse’s
compiler, which still needs human intervention to ensure
correctness, even with the knowledge that the compiler
performed the code smell checking and should therefore
have picked a code smell which could be refactored
without errors. We explain why this is so in the following
Developer intervention in refactoring is vital as [Mens
2004] points out; fully automated refactoring tools can
make the code look worse after the refactoring has taken
place, by doing too many refactorings. Compiler
refactorings seem rather trivial at first when one considers
that they have to do more with unread local method
variables or unread private class member variables or
methods, which can be removed without causing any
impact on the surrounding code. If setup correctly Eclipse
can automatically detect and highlight these code smells
as soon as one opens a class. These smells are normally
deeply hidden and hard to weed out. Eclipse can quickly
remove these smells without much developer
intervention. One can just click on the code smell
warning icon and a solution to code smell is provided and
performed with one click of the mouse button. The
developer is able to setup the compiler environment so as
to take note or ignore these code smells when compiling a
project or dynamically compiling a class upon entry.
In large projects these code smells are rather serious,
especially when a large class with big methods has been
edited by several developers, who unknowingly left
behind several unused variables and methods. These code
smells make the code far harder to understand and less
readable, increasingly polluting the code, and after a
couple of years can cause severe maintenance problems.
The project we where busy with during our research had
code that was 4 years old and mostly the large classes
which where used most often by all developers were
affected by this type of code smell. With a CVS tool one
is able to safely delete this type of code and retrieve it
from previous versions if needed.
The concern we have with Eclipse’s approach and thus
automatic compiler refactorings in general is in the case
where unused variables are initialized via constructors or
methods. The code executed in the constructors or
methods themselves could have unwanted side effects
even if the variable, to which the class instance or
primitive value is assigned, is not used. For example lets
assume that in “int i = x();”, variable i is not used and the
method x() has side effects. If the unused variable i is
deleted along with the method x(), then this will cause a
change in behavior if the rest of the program depends on
the side effects of x().
Such side effects are bad programming in the first
place, but we cannot be assured that they do not exist
when refactoring unused code. Therefore there are still
cases where human intervention is required and even
compilers cannot free us from having to test refactorings
to ensure their required behavior preserving properties.
We can therefore conclude that compiler code smell
checks can still result in behavior changes once a
refactoring removes the smell. There is no reason why
such behavior changes cannot occur in fully automated
refactoring approaches as described in [Mens 2004].
A simple approach to ensure behavior preservation
with compiler refactoring is to eliminate the unused
variables but to ensure that the method and constructor
logic is still called. Otherwise careful analysis of the
constructor and/or method code is required to protect
against unwanted side-affects.
3. Conclusion and future work
We intend to continue to delve into research topics that
make refactoring easier to accomplish. We can see from
the above tool survey that there are very good tools which
help one accomplish refactoring rather painlessly. We are
also investigating contributing to the refactoring tool
support of Eclipse. We will do this by developing a
refactoring plug-in or smell-detection framework for
4. References
[Garlan 1994] GARLAND, D, SHAW, M: An Introduction to
Software Architecture, Carnegie Mellon University
[Fowler 1999] FOWLER, MARTIN. Refactoring: Improving
the Design of Existing Programs. Addison-Wesley, 1999.
[Beck 2000], Beck, K, Fowler, M: Planning Extreme
Programming, Addison Wesley
[Kerievsky 2004] KERIEVSKY, JOSHUA: Refactoring to
Patterns, Addison Wesley,,
accessed 2005-08-15
[Mens 2004], MENS, T and TOURWÉ, T: A Survey of Software
Refactoring, IEEE Transactions on software engineering, VOL.
XX, NO. Y, MONTH 2004
accessed 2005-08-11
[Fowler 2005] FOWLER, MARTIN: A list of refactoring tools
for several languages,,
accessed 2005-08-13
[Van Kempen 2005] VAN KEMPEN, MARC: Studies into
Refactoring of Software Architectures, Technishe Universiteit
Eindhoven, Masters Thesis