Cardiovascular Drugs
Eric H. Awtry, MD; Joseph Loscalzo, MD, PhD
alicylates, in the form of willow bark, were used as an
analgesic during the time of Hippocrates, and their
antipyretic effects have been recognized for more than 200
years.1 Acetylsalicylic acid, or aspirin, was introduced in the
late 1890s2 and has been used to treat a variety of inflammatory conditions; however, the antiplatelet activity of this agent
was not recognized until almost 70 years later.3 Recent
advances in our understanding of the central role of platelets
in the pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease have
spurred in-depth investigations into the mechanisms of action
of aspirin and the clinical utility of this agent in the treatment
of common cardiovascular disorders.
Mechanism of Action
Aspirin exerts its effect primarily by interfering with the
biosynthesis of cyclic prostanoids, ie, thromboxane A2
(TXA2), prostacyclin, and other prostaglandins. These prostanoids are generated by the enzymatically catalyzed oxidation
of arachidonic acid, which is itself derived from membrane
phospholipids4 (Figure). Arachidonic acid is metabolized by
the enzyme prostaglandin (PG) H-synthase, which, through
its cyclooxygenase (COX) and peroxidase activities, results
in the production of PGG2 and PGH2, respectively. PGH2 is
then modified by specific synthases, thus producing prostaglandins D2, E2, F2a, I2 (prostacyclin), and TXA2, all of which
mediate specific cellular functions.
PGH-synthase, also referred to as COX, exists in 2 isoforms that have significant homology of their amino acid
sequences.5 A single amino acid substitution in the catalytic
site of the enzyme confers selectivity to inhibitors of the COX
isoforms.6,7 The first isoform (COX-1) is constitutively expressed in the endoplasmic reticulum of most cells (including
platelets)8 and results in the synthesis of homeostatic prostaglandins responsible for normal cellular functions, including
gastric mucosal protection, maintenance of renal blood flow,
and regulation of platelet activation and aggregation.4 The
second isoform (COX-2) is not routinely present in most
mammalian cells but, rather, is rapidly inducible by inflammatory stimuli and growth factors and results in the production of prostaglandins that contribute to the inflammatory
Aspirin imparts its primary antithrombotic effects through
the inhibition of PGH-synthase/COX by the irreversible
acetylation of a specific serine moiety (serine 530 of COX-1
and serine 516 of COX-2)11,12 and is '170-fold more potent
in inhibiting COX-1 than COX-2.13 In the presence of aspirin,
COX-1 is completely inactivated, whereas COX-2 converts
arachidonic acid not to PGH2, but to 15-R-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (15-R-HETE).14 The end result is that neither
affected isoform is capable of converting arachidonic acid to
PGH2, a necessary step in the production of prostanoids. The
resultant decreased production of prostaglandins and TXA2
likely accounts for the therapeutic effects, as well as the
toxicities, of aspirin. From a cardiovascular standpoint, it is
principally the antithrombotic effect of aspirin that results in
its clinical utility. Platelet production of TXA2 in response to
a variety of stimuli (including collagen, thrombin, and ADP)
results in the amplification of the platelet aggregation response and in vasoconstriction.15,16 Conversely, vascular
endothelial cell production of prostacyclin results in inhibition of platelet aggregation and induces vasodilation. Aspirininduced inhibition of TXA2 and PGI2 has opposing effects on
hemostasis; however, the available data suggest that the
potentially prothrombotic effects of PGI2 inhibition are not
clinically relevant and that the antithrombotic effects of TXA2
inhibition predominate.17 This may, in part, be a result of the
ability of vascular endothelial cells to regenerate new COX
and thus recover normal function,18 whereas COX inhibition
in platelets is irreversible owing to the limited mRNA pool
and protein synthesis in these anuclear cells.
Other mechanisms for platelet inhibition by aspirin have
been proposed. For example, aspirin facilitates the inhibition
of platelet activation by neutrophils, an effect that appears to
be mediated by a nitric oxide (NO)/cGMP-dependent process,19 and inhibition of prostacyclin synthesis in endothelial
cells enhances NO production.20 In addition to its antithrombotic effects, other mechanisms may contribute to the clinical
benefits of aspirin in the treatment of cardiovascular disorders. Aspirin may help to decrease the progression of atherosclerosis by protecting LDL from oxidative modification21
and also improves endothelial dysfunction in atherosclerotic
vessels.22 Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain
these benefits, all of which center on the potential role of
aspirin as an antioxidant. Salicylate has been shown to be an
inhibitor of the cytokine-dependent induction of NOS-II gene
expression,23,24 perhaps through a mechanism involving nuclear factor-kB activation, an effect that would tend to
decrease the nitrosative stress that accompanies cytokine
From the Cardiology Section, Evans Department of Medicine, Whitaker Cardiovascular Institute, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Mass.
Reprint requests to Joseph Loscalzo, MD, PhD, Boston University School of Medicine, Whitaker Cardiovascular Institute, 715 Albany St, W-507,
Boston, MA 02118.
(Circulation. 2000;101:1206-1218.)
© 2000 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circulation is available at
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Awtry and Loscalzo
The production of prostaglandins from arachidonic acid and their physiological effects.
HPETE indicates hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic
acid; PG, prostaglandin; Plt, platelet; and RBF,
renal blood flow.
elaboration. Aspirin can also directly scavenge hydroxyl
radicals to form the 2,3- and 2,5-dihydroxybenzoate derivatives, which themselves serve as markers of oxidative stress25
and quench oxy-radical flux,26 and can acetylate the e-amino
groups of lysine residues in proteins,27 which prevents their
oxidation.28 This antioxidant effect on proteins may be
important in limiting both lipoprotein oxidation and fibrinogen oxidation; in the latter case, oxidation enhances fibrin
formation,27,29 and lysine acetylation enhances fibrinolysis.30
It is likely through this combination of effects that aspirin
reduces the inflammatory response in patients with coronary
artery disease.31
Aspirin is rapidly absorbed in the upper gastrointestinal (GI)
tract and results in a measurable inhibition of platelet function
within 60 minutes.17,32 This antiplatelet effect is associated
with prolongation of the bleeding time and inhibition of
TXA2-dependent platelet aggregation.33 These effects occur
even before acetylsalicylic acid is detectable in the peripheral
blood, owing to the exposure of platelets to aspirin in the
portal circulation.34 Enteric coating of aspirin significantly
delays its absorption.35 The plasma half-life of aspirin is only
20 minutes; however, because platelets cannot generate new
COX, the effects of aspirin last for the duration of the life of
the platelet ('10 days). After a single dose of aspirin, platelet
COX activity recovers by '10% per day as a function of
platelet turnover.36 Although it may take 10 days for the total
platelet population to be renewed, and thus restore normal
COX activity, it has been shown that if as little as 20% of
platelets have normal COX activity, hemostasis may be
The dose of aspirin required to obtain adequate platelet
inhibition has been studied extensively. A single dose of 100
mg of aspirin effectively abolishes the production of TXA2 in
normal individuals, as well as in patients with atherosclerotic
disease.39,40 Single doses below 100 mg result in a dosedependent effect on TXA2 production; the effect of repeated
daily doses is cumulative, although .24 hours may be
required to achieve maximal COX inhibition.38,39,41 Therapeutic benefit in a variety of cardiovascular diseases has been
demonstrated with doses of 30 to 1500 mg/d; higher doses do
not appear to be more effective but may increase the risk of
GI side effects.17,42 Low-dose aspirin or controlled-release
preparations may result in somewhat preferential inhibition of
platelet COX over endothelial COX.33,40,43 This differential
effect has theoretical advantages in that intact endothelial
PGI2 production may enhance the antithrombotic effects of
aspirin; however, the clinical importance of maintaining
normal PGI2 production remains undetermined.
Aspirin in Coronary Artery Disease
Acute Therapy
Acute Myocardial Infarction
The importance of platelets and thrombosis in the pathophysiology of acute coronary syndromes is well established.
Although early studies of the use of aspirin as an antithrombotic agent in the acute treatment of myocardial infarction
(MI) yielded conflicting results, the Second International
Study of Infarct Survival (ISIS-2)44 has since unequivocally
established the benefit of aspirin in this setting. In this trial,
17 187 patients presenting within 24 hours of the onset of a
suspected acute MI (AMI) were randomized to receive
intravenous streptokinase (1.5 MU), 162.5 mg of aspirin daily
for 30 days, both, or neither. At the end of 5 weeks, patients
receiving aspirin therapy alone had a highly significant 23%
reduction in vascular mortality and a nearly 50% reduction in
the risk of nonfatal reinfarction and nonfatal stroke. This
benefit occurred irrespective of whether heparin was given.
These reductions translate into the avoidance of '25 deaths
and 10 to 15 nonfatal reinfarctions or strokes by treating 1000
patients with aspirin for 1 month. Additionally, there was no
increase in major bleeding complications (including no increase in cerebral hemorrhage or need for transfusion) with
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March 14, 2000
Benefit of Aspirin in Unstable Angina
% Death or Nonfatal MI
VA Cooperative Study53
No. of
Dose, mg
Duration of
% Reduction
(P )
% Mortality
% Reduction
(P )
325 QD
12 wk
51 (0.0005)
51 (0.054)
Canadian Multicenter Trial54
325 QID
24 mo
51 (0.008)
71 (0.004)
Théroux et al55
325 BID
72 (0.01)
75 QD
57 (0.033)
0 (NS)
6 mo
53 (,0.0001)
47 (NS)
12 mo
49 (0.0001)
38 (NS)
*Included patients with unstable angina and non–Q-wave infarctions. Results were similar in both groups.
aspirin therapy, and the mortality benefit was maintained
after 10 years of follow-up.45
In the past decade, thrombolytic therapy has become the
cornerstone of medical management of AMI.46,47 Aspirin,
however, remains an important adjunctive therapy. In ISIS2,44 administration of streptokinase alone was associated with
a 25% reduction in vascular deaths, and the effect of aspirin
therapy was additive (42% reduction in vascular mortality
with combined aspirin and streptokinase therapy). Additionally, an excess of nonfatal reinfarctions was seen in the first
several days after treatment with streptokinase alone, likely as
a result of plasmin-induced platelet activation; this increase
was entirely prevented by the concomitant use of aspirin.
Compared with aspirin as an adjunct to thrombolysis, heparin
appears to be associated with a higher early patency rate of
the infarct-related artery, although aspirin was associated
with a trend toward a decreased 7-day reocclusion rate.48 The
addition of heparin to aspirin does not clearly decrease
mortality or reinfarction and is associated with an increase in
bleeding complications.49,50 A meta-analysis of 32 trials using
aspirin as adjunctive therapy to thrombolysis demonstrated
significantly decreased reocclusion rates (11% versus 25%)
and recurrent ischemic events (25% versus 41%) with aspirin
Unstable Angina and Acute
Non–ST-Segment–Elevation MI
Several studies have clearly demonstrated a beneficial role
for aspirin in the treatment of unstable angina (Table 1).52–55
Despite instituting aspirin therapy at various doses (75 to
1300 mg/d) and differing intervals after a patient’s initial
presentation (,24 hours to ,8 days), these trials have
consistently demonstrated a significant decrease in the incidence of death or death and nonfatal MI. Additionally, in the
Research Group on Instability in Coronary Artery Disease in
Southeast Sweden (RISC) trial,56 treatment with aspirin (75
mg/d) decreased the progression to severe angina necessitating cardiac catheterization by 40% at 3 months (10.8% versus
18.1%) and 29% at 12 months (20.8% versus 29.2%).
Low-dose aspirin (75 mg/d) has also been shown to decrease
the risk of MI or death in patients with asymptomatic
ischemia on treadmill testing after an episode of unstable
angina or a non–Q-wave MI.57 A review of '4000 patients
with unstable angina treated with aspirin or placebo demonstrated a 5% absolute risk reduction in nonfatal stroke or MI
or vascular death (9% versus 14%)42; this corresponds to 50
vascular events avoided per 1000 patients treated with aspirin
for 6 months.
Aspirin has been compared with heparin as both alternative
and adjunctive therapy in the setting of unstable angina. In the
RISC trial,56 treatment with heparin alone provided no
significant benefit for the incidence of MI and death, although
the significant delay in instituting heparin therapy likely
contributed to this finding (average delay 33 hours). Aspirin
therapy was significantly better than heparin; however, the
combination of aspirin and heparin produced the greatest
benefit. Other studies have demonstrated a greater benefit of
heparin over aspirin therapy55,58,59 and a potential increase in
bleeding complications with combination therapy.55 In a
recent meta-analysis, the addition of heparin to aspirin
therapy in unstable angina and non–Q-wave MI resulted in a
nonsignificant 33% decrease in the risk of MI or death
compared with aspirin alone; this benefit occurred without an
increase in bleeding complications.60 In addition, therapy
with aspirin may prevent the early reactivation of angina
observed after discontinuation of heparin therapy.61
Secondary Prevention
After MI
There have been 6 large, randomized trials that used aspirin
alone as long-term treatment after an AMI,62– 67 and all but 1
of these62 demonstrated a trend toward decreased mortality
with aspirin therapy. The results of these trials and 139 others
that evaluated the long-term use of aspirin in a wide range of
patients were reviewed in a meta-analysis by the Antiplatelet
Trialists in 1994.42 This analysis comprised '100 000 patients, 70 000 of whom were considered “high-risk patients”
by virtue of a prior history of AMI, unstable angina, stable
angina, prior percutaneous or surgical coronary revascularization, stroke, transient ischemic attack (TIA), atrial fibrillation, valvular heart disease, or peripheral vascular disease.
Overall, among these high-risk patients, aspirin reduced the
risk of nonfatal MI by approximately one-third, the risk of
nonfatal stroke by one-third, and the risk of vascular death by
Among '20 000 of these patients with a prior history of
MI, aspirin therapy decreased the risk of vascular events over
an average 2-year treatment period from 17.1% to 13.5%,
corresponding to an absolute decrease of 36 events per 1000
patients treated. Among 11 000 patients with a prior stroke or
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Awtry and Loscalzo
Studies of Aspirin for Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Events
No. of Patients
Dose, mg
Length of
Total Mortality,
RR (95% CI)
Nonfatal MI,
RR (95% CI)
RR (95% CI)
22 071
0.96 (0.80–1.14)
0.59 (0.47–0.74)
1.22 (0.93–1.60)
Peto et al
1.15 (0.75–1.50)
Thrombosis Prevention Trial84
6.4 y
1.06 (0.88–1.28)
0.68 (0.52–0.88)
0.98 (0.65–1.45)
5.4 y
0.86 (0.72–1.03)
0.68 (0.49–0.93)
0.99 (0.71–1.36)
Physicians’ Health Study81
Manson et al†88
87 678
RR is for aspirin vs nonaspirin groups.
*Result not statistically significant; CIs not available.
†RRs for subgroup taking up to 6 aspirin per week vs nonaspirin group.
TIA, aspirin therapy was associated with an event rate of
18.4% compared with a rate of 22.2% in control subjects
(3-year decrease in absolute event rate of 38 events per 1000
patients). In other high-risk patients, the benefit was somewhat less but still significant: the 1-year benefit in this group
was '20 events per 1000 patients treated with aspirin.
These results clearly demonstrate a significant treatment
effect of aspirin when given as secondary prevention in
patients with underlying cardiovascular disease. Additionally,
the results were significant in all groups irrespective of age,
gender, or the presence of hypertension or diabetes. A wide
range of dosing regimens was evaluated in this trial (most
frequently 75 to 325 mg/d), and these regimens were equally
effective. Given the effectiveness of a dose of 162.5 mg/d in
the ISIS-2 trial44 and the higher incidence of GI side effects
when aspirin is used chronically at higher doses (see below),
it seems reasonable to begin treatment with a dose of 160 to
325 mg and continue chronic treatment with 75 to 160 mg/d
in patients with coronary artery disease.
After Revascularization
Percutaneous revascularization with balloon angioplasty or
intracoronary stenting results in local vascular trauma, with
exposure of the subendothelium to the vascular space. This
highly thrombogenic milieu predisposes to intraluminal
thrombus development with either abrupt closure or subacute
thrombosis of the vessel in 3.5% to 8.6% of procedures.68 –70
Several studies have demonstrated a significant decrease in
acute complications of angioplasty with the combination of
aspirin and dipyridamole,71 although this combination provides little additional benefit over aspirin alone.72 Compared
with aspirin alone or a regimen of aspirin plus warfarin, the
combination of ticlopidine (500 mg/d for 1 month) and
aspirin (325 mg/d) in patients undergoing intracoronary stent
placement significantly decreases the 30-day combined end
point of death, target-vessel revascularization, angiographic
thrombosis, or MI (relative risk [RR] 0.15 for combined
therapy versus aspirin alone).73 This benefit is seen irrespective of whether the stent deployment is felt to be “successful”
with a low risk for thrombosis73 or if high-risk markers for
stent thrombosis are present.74
Coronary artery bypass surgery with saphenous vein grafts
is associated with a 5% to 15% graft occlusion rate during the
first postoperative month,75,76 which is largely related to
thrombosis at the anastomotic site as a result of endothelial
disruption and vessel damage.77 When given in the immediate
postoperative period, aspirin clearly decreases the rate of
early thrombotic graft occlusion by '50%, and continued
aspirin therapy for 1 year further decreases the rate of
occlusive events.75,76 Preoperative administration of aspirin is
associated with increased bleeding complications but offers
no additional benefit in early graft patency compared with
providing aspirin 6 hours after surgery.78 Although there does
not appear to be additional benefit of aspirin with regard to
long-term graft patency after 1 year of therapy,79 continued
aspirin therapy is required for secondary prevention of
vascular events in these patients. Treatment with ticlopidine
or sulfinpyrazone also improves early graft patency; however,
these agents have not been shown to be better than aspirin.80
Primary Prevention
In light of the benefit of aspirin in the treatment of acute
cardiovascular disease and in the secondary prevention of
recurrent events, enthusiasm has developed for the evaluation
of aspirin as a primary preventive measure (Table 2). There
have been 2 large, randomized trials of aspirin for the primary
prevention of cardiovascular events that enrolled male physicians without prior MI and with a low incidence of prior
cardiovascular disease (eg, TIA or angina).81,82 The Physicians’ Health Study randomized 22 071 subjects between the
ages of 40 and 84 years to treatment with aspirin (325 mg
every other day) or placebo.81 The study was stopped prematurely after an average follow-up of 5 years owing to a highly
significant 44% reduction in the risk of MI in the aspirintreated group (0.26% per year versus 0.44% per year), an
effect that was limited to participants over the age of 50 years.
Nonetheless, there was no decrease in cardiovascular mortality. Additionally, there was a nonsignificant increase in
hemorrhagic stroke (RR 2.14) and a significant increase in GI
bleeding requiring transfusion. The British Physicians’ Study
enrolled 5139 subjects and also demonstrated no difference in
cardiovascular mortality after 6 years of aspirin therapy (500
mg/d).82 Importantly, this trial showed no significant difference in the incidence of MI but a significant increase in
disabling strokes. Combined analyses of these results demonstrated a significant 33% treatment-related reduction in
nonfatal MI but still failed to show a decrease in mortality and
demonstrated a borderline increase in hemorrhagic strokes
and a nonsignificant increase in all strokes.42,83
These 2 trials studied a population of patients who have a
very low risk for cardiovascular events. Individuals at higher
risk for the development of cardiovascular events (based on
their risk factor profile) were enrolled in the Thrombosis
Prevention Trial84 and randomized to aspirin (75 mg/d),
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warfarin (average dose 4.1 mg/d), both, or neither. After .6
years of follow-up, there was a 20% reduction in ischemic
heart disease events (cardiac death, fatal or nonfatal MI) in
the aspirin-treated groups. This difference was almost entirely
accounted for by a 32% reduction in nonfatal events, without
a significant effect on mortality. In contrast, warfarin therapy
resulted in a 21% reduction in ischemic events, mostly as a
result of a 39% reduction in fatal events. Neither of these
therapies alone resulted in an increase in the total number of
strokes. The combination of aspirin and warfarin produced
the greatest reduction in ischemic events (34%) but was also
associated with an increase in hemorrhagic and fatal strokes.
Patients with chronic stable angina have a significant risk
of developing subsequent cardiovascular events,85 and several studies have demonstrated a beneficial effect of aspirin in
this group of patients. In the Physician’s Health Study,
patients who had chronic stable angina and received aspirin
had an 87% reduction in the risk of MI compared with their
counterparts who received placebo.86 Similarly, in the Swedish Angina Pectoris Aspirin Trial, 2035 patients with chronic
stable angina but without prior MI who received aspirin (75
mg/d) had a 34% decrease in the combined risk of MI and
sudden death.87 The risk of stroke, however, was increased by
aspirin use in both studies.
No randomized data are available regarding the use of
aspirin for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease
in women. However, in a prospective cohort study of 87 678
US nurses, the use of up to 6 aspirin per week did not alter the
risk of cardiovascular death, stroke, or important vascular
events.88 The risk of first MI was significantly reduced (RR
0.68), although this beneficial effect was limited to women
over the age of 50 years. These findings are consistent with
the results of primary prevention trials in men; however,
definitive recommendations await the results of the ongoing
Women’s Health Study.89
In summary, the primary prevention trials demonstrate that
aspirin therapy does not decrease cardiovascular mortality but
significantly decreases the risk of nonfatal MI. There does not
appear to be a consistent effect on the incidence of stroke,
although there is a trend toward an increase in stroke risk.
Additionally, there is an increase in nonfatal bleeding. The
absolute benefit of aspirin therapy clearly increases as the risk
of cardiovascular events increases in the treatment group
(Table 3). Therefore, in patients with a relatively low risk of
developing cardiovascular disease, the risk of prophylactic
aspirin therapy may be outweighed by the risk of hemorrhagic complications. Conversely, in patients believed to be
at high risk, the benefits of therapy, specifically a decrease in
the development of MI, may outweigh the risk of hemorrhagic complications, and prophylactic therapy may be
Aspirin in Cerebrovascular Disease
Acute Therapy
Two large, randomized trials of aspirin use in the setting of an
acute, ischemic stroke have recently been reported (Table
4).90,91 Combined, these trials enrolled .40 000 patients
within 48 hours of the onset of neurological symptoms and
Gradient of Benefit in Trials of Aspirin Therapy
Indication for Therapy
Magnitude of Benefit
Treatment of AMI
24 deaths/1000 patients treated for 5 wk
Treatment of unstable angina
50 events/1000 patients treated for 6 mo
Secondary prevention
After MI
36 events/1000 patients treated for 2 y
38 events/1000 patients treated for 2 y
Primary prevention
In patients with angina
51 events/1000 patients treated for 4 y
In “high-risk” patients
5 events/1000 men treated for 1 y
In “low-risk” patients
4 events/1000 men treated for 5 y
CVA indicates cerebrovascular accident.
“High-risk” refers to patients in the top 20% of risk based on their risk factor
profile.84 “Low-risk” refers to patients with minimal risk factors for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
demonstrated a significant decrease in the risk of recurrent
stroke and in the combined incidence of death or nonfatal
stroke (Table 4). Importantly, there was no significant increase in hemorrhagic stroke. These results correspond to a
reduction of 10 deaths or recurrent strokes per 1000 patients
after 2 to 4 weeks of aspirin therapy. These trials also
demonstrated a trend toward a decreased incidence of death
or significant disability (dependence) at 4 weeks of followup. The addition of heparin (5000 or 12 500 IU subcutaneously, twice a day) to aspirin yielded no further benefit but
increased bleeding complications.90 In addition, heparin therapy alone effected no difference in the rate of death or
recurrent stroke but resulted in a significant increase in
hemorrhagic strokes and major noncerebral bleeding.
Secondary and Primary Prevention
There are conflicting results from individual trials regarding
the effectiveness of aspirin in the secondary prevention of
cerebrovascular events.92–95 Included in the Antiplatelet Trialists’ review were 12 randomized trials of .10 000 patients
with a prior stroke or TIA.42 Most of these patients were
treated with aspirin (50 to 1500 mg/d), although some
received other antiplatelet agents, either alone or in combination with aspirin. Overall, there was a highly significant
17% reduction in the risk of nonfatal stroke and of all
vascular events (nonfatal stroke or MI or vascular death) in
patients treated for a mean of 33 months. This effect was
similar whether the patient presented with a TIA or a
completed stroke and resulted in a reduction of 37 vascular
events per 1000 patients treated. Similar results have been
reported in 3 subsequent trials.96 –98 In a recent meta-analysis
of 10 randomized trials comprising 9172 patients with cerebrovascular disease who were given prolonged aspirin administration, aspirin resulted in a significant 13% reduction in the
risk of subsequent stroke compared with placebo.99
Overall, data regarding the use of aspirin for the primary
prevention of strokes in patients at high risk are not encouraging. In the British Physicians’ Study,82 aspirin therapy
significantly decreased the incidence of TIA (15.9% versus
27.5%; P,0.05) but did not decrease the risk of stroke and in
fact increased the risk of disabling stroke (19.1% versus
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Awtry and Loscalzo
Trials of Aspirin Therapy in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Chinese Acute Stroke Trial91
International Stroke Trial90
No Aspirin
No Aspirin
Death and nonfatal CVA
Recurrent CVA
Hemorrhagic CVA
End Point
Death or dependence
CVA indicates cerebrovascular accident. Values are percentages (except for 2P values).
In the International Stroke Trial, follow-up was at 2 weeks except for “death or dependence,” which was evaluated
at 6 months. In the Chinese Acute Stroke Trial, follow-up was at 4 weeks.
7.4%; P,0.05). Similarly, an increased risk of stroke, primarily of the hemorrhagic type, was noted in the Physicians’
Health Study.81 In a small study of asymptomatic patients
with carotid bruits and $50% stenosis of a carotid artery,
aspirin failed to prevent subsequent cerebrovascular
events.100 Four placebo-controlled trials have evaluated aspirin for the prevention of stroke in patients with atrial
fibrillation101–104 and, when their data are combined, demonstrate a small but significant reduction in risk.105 However,
except in the very-low-risk patient (age ,65 years with no
other cardiovascular disease), the reduction in stroke risk is
much greater with warfarin therapy in trials that directly
compare the 2 agents (68% versus 12%).101,103,105–107
The ideal dose of aspirin for the prevention of future
vascular events in patients with TIAs or minor stroke has
been the subject of much debate,108,109 although several trials
have demonstrated increased bleeding complications with
higher doses.95,98 In the meta-analysis mentioned above, the
beneficial effect of aspirin on the incidence of recurrent
stroke occurred irrespective of dose (50 to 1500 mg/d).99
Additionally, in a large group of patients undergoing carotid
endarterectomy, low-dose aspirin (81 or 325 mg/d) was
associated with a lower risk of stroke, MI, or death compared
with high-dose regimens (650 or 1300 mg/d).110,111 Thus, as
is the case with coronary artery disease, a low-dose aspirin
regimen appears appropriate for secondary prevention of
cerebrovascular disease.
Adverse Effects
The inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis is responsible for
the anti-inflammatory effects of aspirin but also results in the
alteration of normally protective prostaglandin functions with
potentially serious consequences, including gastric ulcers,
renal failure, and impaired platelet function with resultant
hemorrhagic complications. These side effects and others will
be discussed next.
GI Toxicity
Aspirin-induced inhibition of COX results in loss of the
cytoprotective effects of PGE2 on the gastric mucosa. This
mechanism likely accounts in part for the more frequent
development of GI side effects in the aspirin-treated patients
in most trials.93,95,97,112 Minor GI symptoms (including nausea, vomiting, heartburn, and indigestion) have been reported
in 5.2% to 40% of patients treated with aspirin versus 0.7% to
34% of patients taking placebo,52,54,62,81,95 peptic ulcers in
0.8% to 2.6% of aspirin-treated patients versus 0% to 1.2%
with placebo,81,82,93 and major GI bleeding (melena requiring
transfusion or hematemesis) in ,1% of patients in both
groups.53,81,84,87,90 Minor bleeding episodes (epistaxis, hematuria, melena not requiring therapy, and bruising) occur
frequently in patients taking aspirin and are significantly
more common than among their placebo-treated counterparts.84,104,113 In the United Kingdom Transient Ischaemic
Attack (UK-TIA) trial,95 the incidence of GI symptoms was
not only significantly higher in the aspirin-treated group than
in the placebo group, but GI symptoms were significantly
more frequent in the high-dose (1200 mg/d) than in the
low-dose (300 mg/d) aspirin groups (2P,0.001 for both
comparisons). An overview of randomized trials of aspirin
therapy similarly found that GI toxicity (both major and
minor) was dose related with daily doses between 30 and
1300 mg.112 Nonetheless, even low doses of aspirin (50 to 75
mg/d) are not free from side effects, may still be associated
with increased GI bleeding,97,104,113 and frequently precipitate
the discontinuation of therapy.52,56
Recommendations for Aspirin Use
Clinical Indication
Recommended Dose
For treatment of
Initial therapy: 160–325 mg
Subsequent daily dose: 75–160 mg
Acute thromboembolic stroke
Unstable angina
Secondary prevention after MI, stroke, or TIA and
in patients with chronic stable angina
Primary prevention
Daily therapy with 160–325 mg
No clear indication at this time. Consider therapy with 75–160 mg/d in
patients believed to be at high risk for development of cardiovascular disease.
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March 14, 2000
Hemorrhagic Stroke
Several studies have suggested an increase in the risk of
hemorrhagic stroke in patients treated with aspirin in the
setting of an AMI44 or acute ischemic stroke,90,91 as well as
when aspirin is used for the primary81 or secondary97 prevention of cardiovascular events. A recent meta-analysis of 16
trials comprising 55 462 patients treated with aspirin or
control therapy demonstrated a significant increase in hemorrhagic strokes (RR 1.84; P,0.001) despite a decrease in
ischemic strokes, total strokes, and MI.114 This relative risk
translated into an absolute increase of 12 hemorrhagic strokes
per 10 000 patients treated with aspirin.
Other Side Effects
The use of nonaspirin inhibitors of COX (nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs [NSAIDs]) may be associated with an
increased risk of renal insufficiency and worsening of hypertension control owing to inhibition of renal vasodilatory
prostaglandins.115,116 Aspirin is a relatively weak inhibitor of
renal prostaglandin synthesis and does not significantly affect
renal function or blood pressure control when used at the low
to moderate doses suggested for the treatment of cardiovascular disease.117 However, at high doses (1500 mg/d), aspirin
can significantly reduce renal sodium excretion in patients
with heart failure.118 Aspirin has been reported to counteract
the systemic arterial vasodilatory effects and attenuate the
mortality benefit of ACE inhibition by enalapril in patients
with congestive heart failure.119 –121 A similar loss of efficacy
was not seen in a post hoc analysis of the Captopril and
Thrombolysis Study.122 A recent review of the literature in
this regard suggests that low-dose aspirin (#100 mg/d) has
very little interaction with the effects of ACE inhibitors,
whereas higher doses may attenuate the benefit of these
agents in patients with hypertension or congestive heart
A small percentage of people, most of whom have preexisting asthmatic disease, suffer from aspirin intolerance or
sensitivity. Administration of aspirin to these persons results
in the development of bronchoconstriction, rhinitis, and/or
urticaria.124 The mechanism of this sensitivity is not known
but likely results from the inhibition of COX and possibly
from abnormal leukotriene production.125 Aspirin sensitivity
can result in severe respiratory decompensation; however,
most patients can be safely desensitized by the gradual
administration of increasing doses of aspirin.
Making a Safer Aspirin
Attempts have been made to decrease the gastric toxicity of
aspirin by pharmacological manipulation. Sustained-release43
and topical formulations126 have been demonstrated to produce relatively selective inhibition of platelet TXA2 production with minimal effects on vascular and gastric prostanoids
and thus may have less gastrotoxicity. Enteric-coated aspirin
tablets may be less gastrotoxic as a result of decreased gastric
irritation. In a small endoscopic study of asymptomatic
patients undergoing long-term aspirin therapy,127 gastric mucosal erosions were noted in 90% of patients treated with
regular aspirin compared with 60% of patients receiving
enteric-coated aspirin. Additionally, GI blood loss has been
shown to be less with enteric-coated aspirin than with the
noncoated formulation.128 Nonetheless, because the mechanism of action of enteric-coated aspirin still leads to the
systemic inhibition of COX, coated aspirin is associated with
significant gastric toxicity compared with placebo127 and
results in a similar risk of upper GI bleeding compared with
regular, uncoated aspirin.129
Regular aspirin is rapidly absorbed from the acid environment of the stomach. Enteric coating of aspirin results in its
release into the alkaline environment of the small bowel,
where it is hydrolyzed. As a result, enteric-coated aspirin has
lower bioavailability than regular aspirin.130 Nonetheless, the
antiplatelet effects of full-dose (.300 mg) enteric-coated
aspirin are similar to those of uncoated formulations.130,131
However, the efficacy of low-dose (,100 mg) enteric-coated
preparations has not been clearly established, and it is
possible that such doses may result in inadequate platelet
inhibition. Thus, if coated aspirin is prescribed, larger doses
may be necessary to obtain the desired antiplatelet effect.
The dissociation of the effects of the different COX
enzymes (COX-1 and COX-2) has stimulated the production
of agents that preferentially inhibit COX-2 and allow for the
inhibition of inflammatory prostaglandins while leaving homeostatic prostaglandins relatively intact. Several new
NSAIDs have been shown to have relative COX-2 selectivity132–134 and appear to be associated with fewer gastric side
effects.7,135,136 The therapeutic antithrombotic effects and the
toxic gastric effects of aspirin are both mediated through the
inhibition of COX-1; therefore, dissociation of these effects is
not feasible. However, coadministration of aspirin with the
synthetic PGE2 analog misoprostol allows for the complete
inhibition of TXA2 synthesis in platelets while maintaining
gastric protection. This approach decreases the risk of gastric
ulceration, erosion, and hemorrhage in dogs.137,138 Furthermore, in a randomized trial in healthy volunteers given
anti-inflammatory doses of aspirin (3900 mg/d), cotreatment
with 200 mg of misoprostol twice daily significantly reduced
endoscopically documented gastric and duodenal mucosal
injury (P,0.006).139
Other novel methods of improving the safety profile of
aspirin are being developed. Animal models suggest that the
intragastric administration of aspirin stimulates the release of
NO, which decreases gastric acid secretion and increases
cytoprotection, thus limiting gastric mucosal damage.140 Furthermore, compared with regular aspirin, the administration
of NO-releasing derivatives of aspirin has no topical gastric
irritating effects, does not worsen stress-induced gastric
ulceration, and protects against toxic gastric injury.141–143
This marked improvement in gastric toxicity occurs with
these agents despite the equivalent inhibition of COX and
equipotent or enhanced antithrombotic activity compared
with aspirin.143 The clinical safety and efficacy of these
agents remain to be determined.
Comparison With Other Antiplatelet Agents
Despite aspirin’s demonstrated effectiveness in treating and
preventing atherosclerotic disease, it produces only partial
inhibition of platelet aggregation, and therefore it is a relatively weak antiplatelet agent. Additionally, a minority of
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Awtry and Loscalzo
patients appear to be relatively resistant to the antiplatelet
effects of aspirin, even when it is administered in large
doses.144 Platelet aggregation studies have demonstrated incomplete inhibition of aggregation in 25% of patients with
prior ischemic stroke who were receiving long-term aspirin
therapy (minimum dose 325 mg/d).145 Some patients demonstrate improved platelet inhibition at higher aspirin doses;
however, 8% of patients taking 1300 mg of aspirin per day
may still be aspirin resistant.145 The mechanism of this
decreased efficacy of aspirin in some patients is not well
understood but may reflect the limited potency of aspirin as
an inhibitor of COX-2, the expression of which has recently
been demonstrated in human platelets.146
Aspirin does not completely inhibit TXA2 synthesis,41 and
other non-TXA2– dependent activators of platelet aggregation
(eg, thrombin, ADP, and collagen) can bypass the aspirin-inhibitory effect and result in thrombosis. Newer agents that
interrupt these other pathways or interfere with the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor, the final common pathway in platelet
aggregation, may prove to be more effective antithrombotic
agents.147 Several other antiplatelet agents have therefore
been used for the treatment of thrombotic cardiovascular
disease and have been compared with aspirin in randomized
clinical trials.
In the Antiplatelet Trialists’ overview, several antithrombotic regimens were evaluated, including aspirin, ticlopidine,
or sulfinpyrazone alone or the combination of aspirin plus
dipyridamole.42 Direct and indirect comparisons of the effectiveness of these regimens demonstrated no significant difference in vascular events, although the numbers of patients
enrolled in trials that directly compared agents were low.
Ticlopidine and Clopidogrel
Ticlopidine and clopidogrel are thienopyridine derivatives
that inhibit ADP-induced binding of fibrinogen to platelets, a
process necessary for platelet aggregation.148 In randomized
trials of patients with recent stroke or TIA, ticlopidine (250
mg twice daily) has demonstrated a significant 23.3% reduction in the combined incidence of stroke, MI, or vascular
death compared with placebo (11.3% per year versus 14.8%
per year with placebo; P50.02),149 as well as a 21% lower
risk of stroke (10% versus 13%; P50.024) and a 12%
reduction in the combined risk of death and nonfatal stroke
(17% versus 19%; P50.048) compared with aspirin (650 mg
twice daily).150 However, ticlopidine therapy resulted in
severe neutropenia in '1% of patients.
The Clopidogrel versus Aspirin in Patients at Risk for
Ischemic Events (CAPRIE) study compared the efficacy of
aspirin (325 mg/d) with clopidogrel (75 mg/d) for reducing
the combined incidence of ischemic stroke, MI, or vascular
death in 19 185 patients with a recent stroke or MI or with
symptomatic peripheral arterial disease.151 After an average
follow-up of almost 2 years, clopidogrel demonstrated a
significant 8.7% benefit over aspirin (5.32% versus 5.83%;
P50.043). Adverse events were not significantly different
between the agents, and neutropenia was rare (0.1%) with
Dipyridamole is a pyrimidopyrimidine derivative that inhibits
cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases and blocks the uptake of
adenosine, resulting in a reduction in platelet cytosolic
calcium and subsequent inhibition of platelet activation.152
Initial studies demonstrated no significant benefit of adding
dipyridamole to aspirin for the secondary prevention of
stroke 94 or recurrent MI. 153 The European Stroke
Prevention-2 trial randomized 6602 patients with prior minor
stroke or TIA to treatment with aspirin (50 mg/d), dipyridamole (400 mg/d), both, or neither. After 2 years of follow-up,
the 2 agents alone were found to be equally effective in
reducing the risk of stroke (RR reductions: 18% with aspirin,
P50.013; 16% with dipyridamole, P50.039) and stroke or
death combined (RR reductions: 13% with aspirin, P50.016;
15% with dipyridamole, P50.015) compared with placebo.104 Furthermore, the benefits were additive with combination therapy (RR reductions: 37% for stroke, P,0.001; 24%
for combined end point, P,0.001). A recent review of 15
randomized trials suggests that the addition of dipyridamole
to aspirin will reduce the risk of vascular events by an
additional 15% over the effects of aspirin alone.99
Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibitors
Irrespective of the activating stimulus, the final common
pathway of platelet activation involves exposure and activation of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa, the platelet fibrinogen receptor.
Inhibitors of this receptor, including monoclonal antibodies
and peptide- and nonpeptide-derived agents, have been studied extensively in various settings. When added to standard
antiplatelet therapy with aspirin (325 mg) and intravenous
heparin in patients undergoing percutaneous revascularization, the monoclonal antibody c7E3 (abciximab) reduced the
risk of ischemic complications (death, nonfatal MI, unplanned revascularization procedures, or refractory angina)
by 35% (8.3% versus 12.8% with placebo; P50.008) in
patients undergoing high-risk angioplasty (unstable angina,
evolving AMI, or high-risk coronary morphology)154 and by
56% (5.2% versus 11.7% with placebo; P,0.001) in patients
undergoing urgent or elective percutaneous revascularization.155 A similar reduction in the risk of early ischemic
events was demonstrated with tirofiban, a synthetic, nonpeptide IIb/IIIa inhibitor, after high-risk coronary angioplasty156
and with abciximab after intracoronary stenting.157
The benefit of platelet inhibition in patients with unstable
angina has been assessed recently by monitoring troponin T
release, which serves as a surrogate marker for thrombus
formation. Patients with refractory unstable angina and elevated troponin T levels were shown to constitute a high-risk
subgroup who particularly benefited from antiplatelet therapy
with abciximab.158 When added to treatment with intravenous
heparin in patients with unstable angina, treatment with
intravenous eptifibatide (integrelin), a peptide IIb/IIIa inhibitor, decreased the incidence and duration of ischemic episodes noted on 24-hour ECG monitoring compared with
aspirin therapy.159 In patients with unstable angina or non–
Q-wave MI, the addition of tirofiban to aspirin therapy (325
mg/d) reduced the composite end point of death, MI, or
refractory ischemia by 32% after 48 hours of therapy (3.8%
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March 14, 2000
versus 5.6% with heparin; P50.01)160; however, at 30 days,
the difference was no longer significant. In a group of patients
with more severe unstable angina and a higher proportion of
non–Q-wave MI, treatment with aspirin plus tirofiban resulted in an increase in mortality compared with a regimen of
aspirin plus intravenous heparin (mortality rate of 4.6%
versus 1.1% at 7 days; P50.012).161 However, the addition of
tirofiban to a regimen of aspirin plus heparin decreased the
composite end point of death, MI, or refractory ischemia at 7
days by 32% (12.9% versus 17.9%; P50.004). This benefit
persisted, although to a smaller degree, at 30 days and at 6
months after treatment.
Taken together, these trials demonstrate a significant benefit of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors when administered in
addition to usual aspirin therapy in patients with unstable
coronary syndromes and after percutaneous revascularization.
Although initial studies were complicated by increased rates
of bleeding,154 with adjusted heparin dosing, the expected
bleeding rate is not different from that with standard heparin
and aspirin therapy.155,160,161
Aspirin clearly decreases mortality and reinfarction when
given as short-term therapy for AMI, when given to patients
with unstable angina, and when given as long-term secondary
preventive therapy in a wide range of patients with established cardiovascular disease. Despite the strength of the data
in this regard, studies suggest that aspirin remains underused
for both the treatment of acute coronary syndromes162,163 and
for secondary prevention of recurrent events.164 –166 More
than 10% of patients suffering an AMI do not receive aspirin
therapy despite the absence of contraindications,162 and 20%
to 50% of postinfarction patients may not be taking aspirin on
an ongoing basis.164,165 The statistics are even worse in the
elderly population: almost 30% of Medicare patients hospitalized for unstable angina are not treated with aspirin in the
short term,163 and as many as 80% of nursing home patients
with a prior history of MI may not be given aspirin.166
Nonetheless, its use in these settings should be the accepted
standard unless absolute contraindications exist. The dose of
aspirin should always be the lowest dose that is known to be
effective (ie, 160 to 325 mg for acute treatment of cardiovascular events and 75 to 160 mg/d for primary and secondary
prevention) because higher doses result in higher rates of
complications. The role of aspirin in primary prevention is
less clear. In patients felt to be at high risk of a future cardiac
event owing to the presence of significant risk factors,
prophylactic aspirin should be considered but weighed
against the risk of potential complications. In patients at low
risk of cardiac events, the risk of hemorrhagic complications
may outweigh the benefits of therapy, and the current data do
not support the use of prophylactic aspirin therapy in this
setting. As newer aspirin regimens are developed that have
improved safety profiles, the risk/benefit ratio may change to
support the use of aspirin as primary prevention in a broader
range of patients. Other antithrombotic agents, especially the
glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors, which are capable of more
complete platelet inhibition, are likely to play an increasingly
greater role in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases;
however, given its relative safety and extremely low cost,
aspirin will continue to be an important agent in the treatment
and prevention of cardiovascular diseases for the foreseeable
This work was supported in part by National Institute of Health
grants HL-48976, HL-53919, HL-53993, and HL-48743 and by a
Merit Review Award from the US Veterans Administration.
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Eric H. Awtry and Joseph Loscalzo
Circulation. 2000;101:1206-1218
doi: 10.1161/01.CIR.101.10.1206
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