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Guiding ecological principles for marine spatial planning
Melissa M. Foley a,b,, Benjamin S. Halpern c, Fiorenza Micheli d, Matthew H. Armsby a,
Margaret R. Caldwell a, Caitlin M. Crain b, Erin Prahler a, Nicole Rohr a,e, Deborah Sivas a,
Michael W. Beck f, Mark H. Carr b, Larry B. Crowder g, J. Emmett Duffy h, Sally D. Hacker i,
Karen L. McLeod j, Stephen R. Palumbi d, Charles H. Peterson k, Helen M. Regan l,
Mary H. Ruckelshaus m, Paul A. Sandifer n, Robert S. Steneck o
Stanford University, Center for Ocean Solutions, Woods Institute for the Environment, 99 Pacific St., Suite 155a, Monterey, CA 93940, USA
University of California Santa Cruz, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Santa Cruz, CA, USA
University of California Santa Barbara, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University, Pacific Grove, CA, USA
University of Rhode Island, Biological Sciences Department, Kingston, RI, USA
The Nature Conservancy, Long Marine Lab, Santa Cruz, CA, USA
Center for Marine Conservation, Duke University, Beaufort, NC, USA
Virginia Institute of Marine Science, The College of William and Mary, Gloucester Point, VA, USA
Oregon State University, Department of Zoology, Corvallis, OR, USA
Communication Partnership for Science and the Sea (COMPASS), Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Institute of Marine Sciences, Morehead City, NC, USA
University of California Riverside, Biology Department, Riverside, CA, USA
NOAA Fisheries, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, WA, USA
NOAA, National Ocean Service, Hollings Marine Laboratory, Charleston, SC, USA
University of Maine, School of Marine Sciences, Darling Marine Center, Walpole, ME, USA
a r t i c l e in fo
Article history:
Received 7 January 2010
Received in revised form
3 February 2010
Accepted 4 February 2010
The declining health of marine ecosystems around the world is evidence that current piecemeal
governance is inadequate to successfully support healthy coastal and ocean ecosystems and sustain
human uses of the ocean. One proposed solution to this problem is ecosystem-based marine spatial
planning (MSP), which is a process that informs the spatial distribution of activities in the ocean so that
existing and emerging uses can be maintained, use conflicts reduced, and ecosystem health and services
protected and sustained for future generations. Because a key goal of ecosystem-based MSP is to
maintain the delivery of ecosystem services that humans want and need, it must be based on ecological
principles that articulate the scientifically recognized attributes of healthy, functioning ecosystems.
These principles should be incorporated into a decision-making framework with clearly defined targets
for these ecological attributes. This paper identifies ecological principles for MSP based on a synthesis of
previously suggested and/or operationalized principles, along with recommendations generated by a
group of twenty ecologists and marine scientists with diverse backgrounds and perspectives on MSP.
The proposed four main ecological principles to guide MSP—maintaining or restoring: native species
diversity, habitat diversity and heterogeneity, key species, and connectivity—and two additional
guidelines, the need to account for context and uncertainty, must be explicitly taken into account in the
planning process. When applied in concert with social, economic, and governance principles, these
ecological principles can inform the designation and siting of ocean uses and the management of
activities in the ocean to maintain or restore healthy ecosystems, allow delivery of marine ecosystem
services, and ensure sustainable economic and social benefits.
& 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Marine spatial planning
Ecosystem-based MSP
Ecological principles
1. Introduction
Corresponding author at: Stanford University, Center for Ocean Solutions,
Woods Institute for the Environment, 99 Pacific St., Suite 155a, Monterey, CA
93940, USA. Tel.: +1 831 392 6316; fax: + 1 831 333 2081.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (M.M. Foley).
The health of global marine ecosystems is in serious decline,
and multiple stressors, including overfishing, pollution, invasive
species, coastal development, and climate change, compromise
the ability of ocean and coastal ecosystems to support and
sustain the goods and services people want and need [1–4].
0308-597X/$ - see front matter & 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: Foley MM, et al. Guiding ecological principles for marine spatial planning. Marine Policy (2010),
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Uncoordinated expansion of existing uses of the ocean and the
addition of emerging uses, such as renewable energy and largescale aquaculture, along with a rapidly growing coastal human
population, are likely to further exacerbate the decline of marine
ecosystem health. Maintaining the well-being of ocean ecosystems, as well as their ability to provide essential ecosystem
services for human populations [5,6], will require an alternative
strategy to replace the current patchwork of complex, uncoordinated, and often disjointed rules and regulations governing use of
coastal and ocean waters around the world [7]. The future of the
oceans depends on successful, immediate implementation of a
comprehensive governance framework that moves away from a
sector-by-sector management approach to one that (1) balances
the increasing number, diversity, and intensity of human
activities with the ocean’s ability to provide ecosystem services;
(2) incorporates appropriate ecological, economic, social, and
cultural perspectives; and (3) supports management that is
coordinated at the scale of ecosystems as well as political
jurisdictions [1,7–9]. Each of these goals demands spatially
explicit consideration of multiple human uses and their compatibility, conflicts, and synergies with each other and with the
ecosystem [10–14].
Such comprehensive, integrated management of marine uses
and activities can be achieved in part through ecosystem-based
marine spatial planning (MSP). Ecosystem-based MSP is an
integrated planning framework that informs the spatial distribution of activities in and on the ocean in order to support current
and future uses of ocean ecosystems and maintain the delivery of
valuable ecosystem services for future generations in a way that
meets ecological, economic, and social objectives [15]. In addition,
this integrated planning process moves away from sectoral
management by assessing and managing for the cumulative
effects of multiple activities within a specific area [14]. An MSP
process also emphasizes the legal, social, economic, and ecological
complexities of governance, including the designation of authority, stakeholder participation, financial support, analysis of
current and future uses and ocean condition, enforcement,
monitoring, and adaptive management (Fig. 1; [16]).
Fig. 1. Flow diagram outlining the key aspects of any marine spatial planning process with an emphasis on how ecological principles can be used throughout the planning
and implementation process. Boxes that specifically pertain to components of an ecosystem-based approach are shaded in gray. This diagram would be used in conjunction
with similar diagrams outlining the components of economic, governance, and social principles to develop and implement a comprehensive marine spatial plan.
Please cite this article as: Foley MM, et al. Guiding ecological principles for marine spatial planning. Marine Policy (2010),
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Policy makers in the US have begun to consider MSP a viable
strategy for managing human uses in federal waters. In June 2009,
President Obama issued a memorandum calling for the development
of a National Ocean Policy (NOP) that protects, maintains, and
restores coastal, ocean, and Great Lakes ecosystems [17]. The
President’s directive established an Interagency Ocean Policy Task
Force (OPTF) to develop recommendations for a national ocean
policy and framework for effective coastal and marine spatial
planning. In its Interim Report [17], the OPTF identified ecosystembased management (EBM) as a key element of the NOP, with MSP as
a crucial approach to implementing EBM. The Interim Framework
for Effective Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning (www.whitehouse.
gov/oceans) was released on December 14, 2009, and the final report
will be issued following a 60-day comment period.
The Obama Administration’s efforts are one part of a larger trend
toward the implementation of comprehensive marine spatial
planning and management in coastal and ocean ecosystems. To
date, multiple countries have undertaken MSP initiatives to spatially
mange current or emerging human uses, including the United
Kingdom’s part of the Irish Sea [18], Belgium’s part of the North Sea
[19], the sea areas of China [20], Canada’s Eastern Scotian Shelf [21],
the high seas [22], Australia’s Great Barrier Reef Marine Park [23]
and, within the USA, the coastal waters of Massachusetts (Draft
Ocean Plan 2009,
plete.pdf), Rhode Island (,
and North Carolina [24]. However, many of these MSP efforts have a
relatively limited scope and have not yet developed a comprehensive planning process that includes all existing uses of the ocean. For
example, the Massachusetts Ocean Plan has no authority over
fishing or nearshore activities; in California, the Marine Life
Protection Act Initiative ( focuses on
marine protected areas and fishing. In contrast, others have
explicitly addressed multiple sectors, including fishing, oil and gas
development, aquaculture and shipping activities (e.g., the integrated management plan of the Norwegian part of the Barents Sea)
[25]. In addition, although nearly all planning efforts have outlined
one goal of MSP as protecting marine ecosystem health, in many
cases, ecological goals and objectives were not fully incorporated
into the planning process.
This paper focuses on articulating ecological ‘principles,’ or
guiding concepts, that can be used to meet the goals and objectives
of ecosystem-based MSP (Fig. 1). Although the importance of
ecosystem health and functioning is implicit in most MSP processes
(i.e. if an ecosystem is not functioning well, many services cannot be
provided), it is not guaranteed to serve as a foundation of the
process. In some cases, ecosystem health may not be the primary
goal (e.g., siting multiple industrial uses in the Norwegian part of the
Barents Sea); in others, ecosystem goals may not be well defined. In
either case, social and economic goals have often been prioritized to
the detriment of ecological goals and objectives.
Two notable examples of resource management processes that
have incorporated ecological principles into a planning process
are Australia’s Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
(GBRMPA) [23] and Canada’s Eastern Scotian Shelf Integrated
Management project (ESSIM) [26]. In the mid-1990s, the GBRMPA
rezoned the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park through a process that
included intense involvement of users, scientists, and the public
in order to increase the number and types of species and habitats
that were represented in either no-take or habitat protection
zones. This rezoning process increased the spatial extent of
protected zones, while maintaining a large portion of the park in
general-use zones to minimize negative impacts on users. The
ESSIM project used a multi-stakeholder approach to assess human
uses, ecosystem features, and the interactions between these
components to develop planning objectives based on the
ecological well-being of the region and sustainable human use
[27]. The GBRMPA rezoning process and ESSIM project are
examples that illustrate how specific ecological objectives can
be incorporated into the planning process from the beginning to
achieve the goals of ecosystem-based MSP.
This paper does not seek to resolve the debate over the relative
roles of social, economic, and ecological objectives in developing
MSP, but argues that ecological principles should be at the
foundation of any ecosystem-based MSP process. Since ecosystem-based MSP is based on the notion that functioning ecosystems support multiple ocean uses, such planning processes
should include guiding principles to ensure that those eco system
functions are in fact provided. These ecological principles should
be carefully considered along with social, economic, and governance principles that are being developed through parallel and
complementary efforts (Fig. 1). The goal of this paper is to present
core ecological principles that represent a synthesis of the best
current scientific understanding of the attributes of healthy,
functioning ecosystems and that can guide ecosystem-based MSP
regardless of scale or context. To achieve this goal, previous
delineations and applications of ecological principles used for
MSP and other ecosystem-based planning frameworks were
synthesized and supplemented with input from an expert workshop held in Monterey, California, in March 2009.
2. Synthesis
2.1. Previously proposed ecological principles
The biophysical characteristics of marine ecosystems and the
nature of perturbations to these systems constrain the range,
types, and intensities of human activities that can be conducted in
a given area without impairing ecosystem function and services
[10]. To fulfill the purpose of sustaining valuable ecosystem
services, ecosystem-based MSP must be grounded in ecological
principles that are based on the best readily available science so
that activities can be reconciled with the objective of maintaining
or restoring functioning, resilient ecosystems [10]. A variety of
ecological attributes and principles have been used to guide the
design of existing (e.g., MPAs) and emerging (e.g., MSP) area
designation processes (Table 1). Although MPA designation and
MSP have different goals (conservation vs. sustainable delivery of
ecosystem services and human use, respectively), the goals are at
least partially related and there is value in looking at both processes for ecosystem-based principles, goals, and lessons learned.
Two ecological attributes—connectivity and native species
diversity—have been most commonly identified as essential for
maintaining functioning marine ecosystems (Table 1). Connectivity, or the exchange of individuals among geographically
separated subpopulations [28], is necessary for a wide range of
ecological and evolutionary processes, including population
replenishment, recovery from major disturbances, maintenance
of genetic diversity, and persistence of species in the face of
environmental change. Species diversity—the variety and abundance of species within an area or ecosystem—tends to be
positively correlated with ecosystem health by increasing the
functioning of marine ecosystems [29] and the provision of
several ecosystem services [30–32].
Additional attributes identified in the literature as important
to sustaining healthy marine ecosystems include habitat heterogeneity, habitat structure, and land-sea connectivity, which can
be considered manifestations of diversity at the larger, landscape
scale. These further recognize the fundamental importance of
heterogeneity and spatial dynamics in promoting resilient and
productive ecosystems (e.g., [10,33,34]). Uniqueness or rarity
and vulnerable life stages or habitats were also identified to
Please cite this article as: Foley MM, et al. Guiding ecological principles for marine spatial planning. Marine Policy (2010),
Table 1
Previously suggested ecological attributes for existing and suggested planning processes.
Ecological attributes
Proportional Extremes Water
Ecosystem Fitness
BioVulnerable Aggre- BiogeoNatura Species
Uniqueness/ Resilience Vulnerable Biological
Habitat Land–sea
Connectivity Species Habitat
congations chemistry geography integrity
life stages productivity lness interactions habitats
diversity heterogeneity structure connectivity rarity
GBRMP [36]
Roberts et al.
Derous et al.
Rogers et al.
Crowder and
Norse [10]
Convention on
Gaydos et al.
MLPA [147]
Tissot et al.
M.M. Foley et al. / Marine Policy ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]
acknowledge the differential susceptibility of life stages, organisms, and habitats to human uses and activities (Table 1). These
attributes also play fundamental and often irreplaceable ecological roles in maintaining populations and ecosystems [34–36].
Finally, some authors highlight the fundamental importance of
biogeochemistry, biogeography, and water quality in recognition
of key abiotic factors that structure ocean ecosystems (Table 1).
These ecosystem attributes highlight the necessary overlap
between conservation and MSP goals—many species and ecosystem processes are essential for providing the services desired
from the oceans. For ecosystem-based MSP to be effective, it must
ensure that this suite of species is abundant and sustainable and
important biotic and abiotic processes are maintained. In the MSP
process, however, these ecosystem attributes will necessarily be
incorporated into a larger framework that also involves maintaining existing and future uses of the ocean.
2.2. Ecological principles for marine spatial planning
To augment the review of proposed ecological principles for
MSP (Table 1), a group of academic, government, and NGO
scientists was convened for a 2-day workshop with the goal of
producing a synthetic list of ecological principles for ecosystembased MSP and operational guidelines for implementation. Based
on this input and synthesis of information from the literature, four
basic ecosystem principles are proposed to guide ecosystembased MSP (Table 2)—maintain or restore (1) native species
diversity, (2) habitat diversity and heterogeneity, (3) key species,
and (4) connectivity. These four points are expanded below and
highlight current scientific evidence that suggests maintaining or
restoring these attributes is necessary for healthy marine
ecosystems and the provision of services from those ecosystems.
Although these principles are allied with conservation goals, they
do not require conservation beyond the fundamental goal of
maintaining those species and ecosystems that are necessary to
support the activities that people pursue on and in the oceans.
Two overarching guidelines are also outlined, the need to consider
(1) context and (2) uncertainty, that should be addressed along
with the four ecological principles in each planning and
management area to ensure that temporal and spatial variability
and non-linearities that characterize all ecosystems are
adequately addressed. Although the four ecological principles
and two overarching guidelines have been discussed before in
different combinations and contexts, they are presented here in a
unified synthesis and should (1) form the scientific foundation of
any ecosystem-based MSP process; (2) inform the goals of the
planning process; and (3) be incorporated into the operational
decisions of MSP (Fig. 1). One potential application of these
principles is presented for coastal California that, once integrated
with socioeconomic and governance principles, could provide a
framework for the implementation of MSP in California and other
marine regions.
2.2.1. Maintain native species diversity
Maintaining or restoring species diversity, composition, and
functional redundancy (e.g., the degree to which multiple species
perform similar ecological functions) is essential for sustaining
productive and resilient ecosystems [30–32]. Species diversity,
from local to global scales, can affect multiple ecosystem
functions including maintenance of productivity [31,37], resistance to and recovery from perturbations [38,39], capacity to
maintain functional redundancies within an ecosystem [40,41],
and stable food web dynamics [42,43]. Although most experimental work linking biodiversity to ecosystem functioning has
not distinguished between native and exotic species, and in some
cases exotic species perform essential functional roles and
ecosystem functions formerly performed by native species
[44,45], the focus here is on maintaining native species specifically in recognition of the unpredictable and highly deleterious
impacts of some introduced alien species.
Measurements of biodiversity can range from local (alpha
diversity) to global (gamma diversity) scales [46] and can span
multiple levels of biological organization from species richness
and composition, to genetic diversity, to diversity of functional
groups. Each biodiversity metric conveys different information
about the structural and functional attributes of a particular
ecosystem, and collectively they provide important information at
different spatial scales. Despite the numerous scales and definitions of diversity, it is clear that, on average, more diverse
assemblages support greater ecosystem function [47] and in turn,
also provide more ecosystem services [30].
Species richness and composition are critical aspects of an
ecosystem’s structure. These metrics are also the most commonly
measured in ecological surveys allowing them to be compared
Table 2
Quick reference for recommended ecological principles for ecosystem-based MSP.
Important features
Ecosystem function(s) supported
Considerations for operationalizing
Maintain native species diversity
Species diversity and
Genetic diversity
Functional redundancy
Habitat representation
Diversity measures—species, genetic and
Historic baselines
Maintain habitat diversity and
Maintain populations of key species
Maintain connectivity
Resilience (resistance and recovery)
Food web stability
Maintenance of species diversity
Habitats in a range of environmental conditions
Habitat arrangement
Dynamic habitats
Species diversity
Basal prey
Top predators
Food web stability
Ecosystem engineering
Size of habitats
Proximity of habitats
Spatial arrangement of habitats
Historic baselines
Age structure, dispersal, and population
Breeding and aggregation locations
Migration routes
Historic baselines
Population and species
Flow of subsidies
Species diversity
Scale of ecosystem
Metapopulation and metacommunity
Dispersal distance (larval and adult)
Oceanographic currents/features
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across multiple temporal and/or spatial scales to reveal functional
attributes of biological communities.
Genetic diversity tends to be measured within populations on
smaller spatial scales [48], but there are a growing number of
studies that measure genetic diversity and heterogeneity across
latitudinal gradients. These large-scale measures of genetic
diversity can help identify boundaries of biogeographic regions
[49], dispersal patterns of larvae [50], and differential responses
to changing climate conditions [51]. Although genetic diversity is
important for ecological functioning [52], landscape-scale genetic
data are rare, making it difficult to include this kind of diversity in
ecosystem-based MSP.
Functional diversity measures the variety of types of organisms that serve different functional roles within a community
irrespective of their taxonomic grouping [53,54]. Functional
diversity focuses on the guilds of species that are responsible
for biological processes within ecosystems [55]. Species
redundancy within functional groups can be low in marine
communities suggesting that the loss of a single species could
result in the loss of an entire functional group [56–58], even in
diverse ecosystems [59,60]. The strong positive correlation
between species diversity and functional diversity suggests that
functional diversity will be maintained if species diversity is
maintained [56].
The loss of biodiversity, altered species composition, and
subsequent loss of ecosystem functioning have been documented
in marine habitats across the globe [61–65]. Together with the
documented examples of damage caused by some introduced
non-native species [66], these examples highlights the importance of maintaining high native species diversity as an ecological
principle that underpins all other management goals and extends
beyond traditional conservation goals [30]. Loss or reduction of
native species diversity, coupled with changing environmental
conditions, can push ecosystems beyond critical thresholds and
drastically alter community structure, ecological functioning, and
provisioning of services as has been seen in coral reef [67], kelp
forest [68,69], and coastal soft-bottom ecosystems [43]. In all of
these examples, the type of ecosystem services that could be
provided was altered by dramatic changes in species diversity and
2.2.2. Maintain habitat diversity and heterogeneity
Just as maintaining a variety of species can better sustain
functioning ecosystems, maintaining habitat diversity—the number of different habitat types within a given area—is a crucially
important component of healthy marine ecosystems. Diverse
habitats promote species diversity by acting as refugia from
competition and predation [70,71], providing multiple sources of
prey [72] and settlement substrates [73], supporting species with
specialized requirements, and ameliorating environmental stressors [74]. Maintaining habitat heterogeneity—the spatial arrangement and relationships among habitat patches across the
seascape—is also critical to ecosystem functioning. Habitat
heterogeneity influences connectivity among habitats and facilitates the successful movement of individuals among multiple
habitats throughout their lifetime [75,76]. Habitat diversity and
heterogeneity are also important for supporting the exchange of
organisms and materials among habitats [77–79].
Nevertheless, all habitats are not created equal, nor are they
static. For example, upwelling circulation along the eastern
margins of the world’s ocean basins brings nutrient-rich water
from the deep ocean to nearshore surface waters, fueling high
levels of primary production that form the base of species-rich
and productive nearshore food webs [80,81]. Many animals visit
these regions seasonally and form feeding, breeding, and
aggregation habitats that only exist for a limited time each year.
The development and persistence of these upwelling fronts are
essential to the functioning of nearshore marine communities
[82,83], and changes to these important habitat-forming features
can have significant effects on the survival of adults and
successful rearing of young [84,85].
In most ecosystems, increased species diversity is positively
correlated with increased habitat diversity [34,86]. Thus, maintaining high habitat diversity and heterogeneity is an important
and useful proxy for maintaining species diversity at multiple
spatial scales [41]. Because habitat data (e.g., mapping) are
relatively easier to collect than species-level data, habitat
diversity is often used as a proxy for species diversity [87] for
management and conservation planning purposes (e.g., [79]). To
maintain the relationship between habitat and species diversity,
however, it is necessary to protect habitats of sufficient size,
proximity, and numbers so the habitat mix is viable and resilient,
allows for individuals to move between habitats (e.g., habitat
corridors), and increases the likelihood that all habitats of a given
type will not be destroyed during catastrophic events [88,89]. In
addition, it is likely that the provision of multiple ecosystem
services will be maintained with the protection of multiple
habitat types [90].
2.2.3. Maintain key species
Although weak interactions among a large suite of species can
have important stabilizing effects on community structure and
functioning [91,92], the dynamics of marine ecosystems are often
driven by a few key species that have disproportionately strong
effects on community structure and function [93]. These key
species are essential to marine ecosystem functioning, and
fluctuations in their populations can drive high levels of
variability in community structure and functioning. Maintaining
populations of key species—such as keystone species, foundation
species, basal prey species, and top predators—is especially
important because there is typically limited functional redundancy of their roles in the community. Such cascading
trophic interactions are common in a wide variety of marine
ecosystems [94].
Keystone species have community-level effects that are often
disproportionate to their biomass [95,96]. For example, in
temperate intertidal communities, the seastar Pisaster ochraceous
maintains high levels of species diversity by consuming the
dominant space competitor Mytilus californianus, thereby allowing
competitively inferior species to persist [97,98]. Predators can
also function as keystone species by driving community changes
through trophic cascades [99,100]. Sea otters, for instance,
promote the presence and persistence of kelp forest habitats
around the Aleutian archipelago by consuming herbivorous sea
urchins and releasing kelp from intense grazing pressure [69].
Foundation groups or species provide the template from which
most additional species interactions and dynamics emerge by
creating habitat and refuge for large numbers of other species
[101]. Foundation groups or species are dominant structureforming organisms that create productive and complex habitats,
and include mangroves, seagrass beds, salt marshes, oyster beds,
and kelp forests, and enhance biodiversity through their facilitative effects [102]. Particularly at the land–sea interface, these
foundation species provide such services as coastal protection,
erosion control, water catchment, and nutrient retention [103].
Populations of many foundation species have seen massive
declines over the last decade [63,104,105], so it is imperative
both to recognize the importance of foundation species and the
role they play in creating habitat, increasing species diversity, and
structuring marine communities around the world [106–108].
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Additional key species can be found at either end of the food
chain. Basal prey species, such as microbes, certain phytoplankton, macroscopic algae, krill, and small pelagic ‘forage’ fishes such
as anchovies and sardines, form important prey for higher
consumers in the food chain and influence the structure and
stability of food web dynamics [84,109]. These basal species can
have limited redundancy and one species often dominates an
entire trophic level [110]. Temporal and spatial variation in
primary productivity can alter the type and species composition
of basal species, which can have significant negative effects on
higher trophic levels [82]. As noted above, top predators also tend
to have strong effects on food web dynamics because they often
drive trophic cascades in marine ecosystems [99,111]. However,
the ecological role of top predators is diminished in many parts of
today’s ocean because of historical depletion of predator populations (e.g. [64,112]). Top predators may also play an important
functional role in connecting distant ecosystems [113] due to
their mobility and tendency to move between specific areas [114].
It will be important to continue to document the movement of
these species through tagging and tracking programs, such as
Tagging of Pacific Pelagics (TOPP, and Pacific
Ocean Shelf Tracking project ( POST,,
so that migration corridors, feeding grounds, and aggregation and
breeding areas are accounted for in both the spatial planning
process and in ongoing management.
These four types of key species—keystone species, foundation
species, basal prey, and top predators—should receive special
consideration throughout the MSP process. These species are
important drivers of community structure and functioning, and
decline of their populations below functional thresholds will
result in significant losses of ecosystem services. Because of their
disproportionate importance in maintaining ecosystem functions
and services, ecosystem-based MSP should aim at maintaining
and, where necessary, restoring populations of key species.
2.2.4. Connectivity
Connectivity among habitats and populations in marine
ecosystems is critical for population and species persistence.
Connectivity can occur through the movement of individuals
(larvae or adults), nutrients, or materials (e.g., nutrient and
detritus) across permeable habitat boundaries. The complex life
cycle of most marine organisms involves a pelagic phase (i.e.,
open populations) in which the movement of individuals is
controlled by oceanic currents and eddies and the swimming
capability of larvae [115–117]. Across different life histories,
dispersal distance may range from less than a meter to hundreds
of kilometers [118–120]. Most planktonic larvae have been
considered to have long-distance dispersal potential over evolutionary and ecological time scales, but recent evidence for limited
movement in coral reef fish and sharp genetic breaks (e.g. [121])
suggest that dispersal can be much shorter than expected
[28,122,123]. These recent estimates of short dispersal range
suggest that there are effective local retention mechanisms that
may provide increased resilience of local populations through
increased local reproduction. Recently, for example, a comparison
of regional ocean model system (ROMS) modeling of ocean
currents in central California and the strength of genetic gradients
suggested that local larval retention may be 10–50 times higher in
coastal populations than suggested by current models (Galindo
et al., in review).
The details of large and small-scale dispersal dynamics
throughout a species’ life history are critical for maintaining
metapopulation and metacommunity dynamics [124]. Individual
populations are connected to one another across heterogeneous
landscapes by the movement of individuals from one location to
another. Due to population and ocean circulation dynamics, some
sites may act as larval source populations, while others may be
larval sinks that depend entirely on recruitment and migration
from other sites for population persistence (see [125] for
Successful recruitment and migration across the landscape is
also tightly linked to the quality and suitability of available
habitat. Reductions in cohort abundance may be as high as 100%
in areas where suitable habitat is unavailable even though larval
connectivity is high [73]. In addition, many large marine
seascapes—over which spatial planning may be important—span
environmental gradients that may exert strong natural selection
on populations of larvae that settle in particular areas [126].
Depending on whether populations have strong local retention or,
conversely, if they are replaced each generation from a large larval
pool, the populations may be locally adapted. The ability of local
populations to recover from local perturbations may be limited if
locally adapted species become extinct.
The flow of nutrients and other materials between species and
habitats is another important aspect of connectivity that contributes important subsidies to distant food webs [127]. The
delivery of allochthonous subsidies can increase primary and
secondary productivity [109,128], alter predator–prey relationships [129], and change nutrient cycling dynamics [130] in the
receiving habitat. Understanding the movement of organisms,
nutrients, and materials throughout the marine landscape is
necessary to determine the appropriate size, spacing, and location
of use areas [131] and requires an understanding of the biology
(i.e., larval duration) and physical transport properties of different
water masses over time [28]. Recent studies also highlight the
importance of connectivity in maintaining the structure and
functioning of some ecosystems [132].
2.3. Overarching guidelines—accounting for context and uncertainty
While the preceding principles describe structural components
that are essential for healthy, functioning marine ecosystems,
there are also general, overarching guidelines—the consideration
of the influence of context and the pervasiveness of uncertainty—
that must also be accounted for in operational decisions of MSP
(e.g., use location and distribution; Fig. 1). These guidelines are
especially important to address across biogeographic regions and
in the face of uncertainties regarding future changes induced by
climate and human uses of the marine environment.
2.3.1. Context
Contextual factors, such as geomorphology and biogeography,
as well as the type, distribution, frequency, and intensity of
existing and contemplated ocean uses must be considered when
applying the above ecological principles to be able to achieve the
operational goals of ecosystem-based MSP (Fig. 1). Ecosystem
structure can be visualized as a nested hierarchy, with processes
occurring over a range of spatial scales from larger to smaller. For
instance, each ocean basin can be subdivided into ecoregions
based on oceanographic currents and latitudinal variation in
temperature; these ecoregions can be further divided into
biogeographic regions that are broadly categorized by different
species assemblages and habitat types; and each biogeographic
region is made up of multiple types of habitats that contain their
own assemblages of species [133]. What is ‘natural’ for a
particular location depends on where it sits within these different
hierarchies. For example, the MLPA process in California spans
several biogeographic regions, with the result that predicting
natural levels of species and habitat diversity at any given
location requires knowing which region it is in. Targets and
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reference points for the creation and assessment of area-based
plans will necessarily vary across bioregions.
To account for these nested hierarchies and processes, MSP
efforts should explicitly address them from small to large scales.
Moreover, management plans should be updated on a periodic
basis to assess and address possible changes in native species
diversity, habitat diversity and heterogeneity, key species or
groups, and demographic connectivity, as discussed above, as
well as changes associated with climate change and emerging
ocean uses.
2.3.2. Uncertainty
All ecosystems and ecosystem processes are characterized by
complex interactions and non-linear dynamics that are not fully
understood, resulting in uncertainty regarding future responses to
perturbations and management interventions. Uncertainty about
ecosystem dynamics and responses to current and emerging uses
is inherent and should be reduced but is unlikely to ever be
eliminated. Ecosystem uncertainty is compounded in important
but largely unknown ways as a consequence of interactive effects
of multiple stressors in marine ecosystems [134] and by
differential vulnerability of diverse habitat types to similar threats
[135]. Moreover, future conditions are uncertain, both because of
natural environmental variability and because of uncertainty
surrounding the consequences of human activities. In particular,
the precise effects of climate change on ocean circulation,
temperature, wave energy, and acidification are still uncertain
and scientists know little about the feedback loops that could
enhance or ameliorate these impacts. Variability and uncertainty
in ocean ecosystems make it imperative to take a precautionary
approach within the planning and governance structure [136],
such that the absence of information on the effect of an activity is
not interpreted as the absence of impact or harm to the ecosystem
[137]. In the face of uncertainty, it is also critical to build
redundancies (especially among key species, groups, and drivers
of ecosystem structure) and buffer areas into the MSP framework
that are akin to creating an insurance policy for environmental
changes [34] so that ecosystem functioning and services will be
protected (Fig. 1) [10]. Furthermore, uncertainty demands that
monitoring of changing climate, ecosystem state, and key
ecosystem characteristics be a central component of MSP so that
adaptive management can be practiced [138].
3. Application
3.1. Operationalizing ecological principles and overarching
The ecological principles discussed above can be used as a
foundation for ecosystem-based MSP to promote a healthy ocean,
the delivery of ecosystem services, and sustainable human use of
the ocean. These principles can also be used to identify management strategies and build multi-objective solutions to achieve
healthy ecological, social, and economic systems (Fig. 1). To create
effective management objectives, it will be important to identify
the role(s) of these ecological principles in sustaining ecosystem
health and human well-being in each management region.
Regional differences in ecological systems and ecosystem service
values may result in trade-offs among the ecological principles, as
well as among ecological, social, and economic principles to meet
management objectives. However, defining objectives for each set
of principles and examining them together will help to assess
where trade-offs are appropriate and how the goals of the
planning process can be met.
How each ecological principle is used in the planning process
may differ between regions based on the types of data that are
available, the spatial resolution of those data, and the ecosystem
processes of interest. In all cases, however, the best readily
available science should be used for translating ecological
principles into operational decisions [139]. Where scientific
information is not readily available, managers may rely on data
that serve as proxies for the ecological attribute of concern
(e.g., assessing connectivity using oceanographic circulation
patterns when larval dispersal data are not available) or expert
opinion that is supported by the weight of evidence, but should
also invest in meaningful monitoring and manage adaptively as
new information is gathered.
3.2. Using ecological principles to guide the development of a marine
spatial plan
There are multiple possible approaches to implement the
ecological principles and modifying guidelines presented above.
In a spatially explicit planning approach, the first steps should
involve identifying existing and future conditions by assessing the
vulnerability of species and habitats to activities, the cumulative
impacts of multiple activities, local context and uncertainty, and
areas where conflicts exist between users and the ecosystem and
between multiple users (Fig. 1). Assessments can identify areas
where ecosystem health and human well-being may be compromised by the amount or type of activities. Within the planning
area, spatial delineations of management measures, where
appropriate, should be based on: (1) explicitly identified ecosystem and socioeconomic goals; (2) an assessment of the ranges,
types, and intensities of human uses that are compatible with
those goals; and (3) use rules that favor compatible uses. The
spatial distribution of management measures within each planning region would constitute a marine spatial plan with
accompanying management goals and objectives.
The ecological principles identified here can be used in an
ecosystem-based MSP implementation framework by guiding the
ecological goals and objectives of the process as well as making
initial spatial delineations using the following information: (1)
populations of native and/or key species, habitats, or connections
that must be maintained within a region; (2) the amount of
replication that is necessary to maintain populations of native
and/or key species and habitat diversity and heterogeneity; (3)
the spatial arrangement of areas that would ensure connectivity
among populations of native and/or key species, habitats, or
subsidies; and (4) adjacent areas are as complementary as
possible (e.g., no industrial uses next to protected areas; Fig. 1).
These areas would then be compared with social and economic
goals to determine the spatial arrangement of human activities.
This kind of comprehensive planning and implementation
process, which is based on ecological and socioeconomic
principles and objectives, is preferable over a sector-by-sector or
activity-by-activity approach for two reasons. First, it addresses
the challenge of integrating the many individual spatial planning
processes needed for each activity by providing a comprehensive
framework within which individual activities can be addressed.
Second, it accounts for possible future uses and needs by
specifying goals against which new activities can be evaluated.
This system could yield explicit criteria and management
objectives for identifying the types and combinations of human
uses that can occur within different areas based on known or
expected compatibility and impacts of different activities on each
other and on key ecosystem attributes. It could also focus
monitoring efforts, including the design of monitoring protocols
and choice of ecological metrics, so that the effectiveness of
Please cite this article as: Foley MM, et al. Guiding ecological principles for marine spatial planning. Marine Policy (2010),
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spatial planning and management schemes can be evaluated
over time and adjusted to better achieve management and policy
goals (Fig. 1).
4. Discussion
MSP has emerged as a framework for implementing an
ecosystem-based, coordinated governance structure in the
world’s oceans. Maintaining marine ecosystem health and human
well-being requires a comprehensive assessment of the vulnerability of marine ecosystems to human activities and how the
impacts of those activities can be best partitioned in ocean space.
The ultimate goal of ecosystem-based MSP is to distribute human
uses in the ocean in a way that allows for existing and emerging
cultural, recreational, commercial, and industrial uses, while
supporting healthy ecosystems and sustaining the provision of
ecosystem services for current and future generations.
Several planning processes and tools already exist to aid planning
and implementing ecosystem-based MSP. Feasibility analyses can
identify the best spatial placement of activities (e.g., determining
possible locations for renewable wind projects; see Massachusetts
Ocean Plan, and Coastal Wind Energy for North
Carolina’s Future, Vulnerability analyses integrate spatial data on the distribution of
marine habitats using expert assessments of the level of vulnerability of each habitat type to the suite of human activities that occur
there [3,135]. Cumulative impact studies quantify the number, map
the spatial extent, and assess the frequency of multiple human
activities at multiple spatial scales [140]. The combination of
vulnerability and cumulative impact maps can inform regional
MSP by identifying areas where ecosystem vulnerability and
cumulative impact levels meet the objective of maintaining healthy
ecosystems or where they are mismatched. Existing and developing
decision support tools, such as MARXAN [141] and MarineMap
(, can be used to visualize how
different configurations of use areas can reduce (1) the level of
cumulative impacts in any one area, (2) the number of conflicts
between users and between users and the ecosystem, and (3) the
number of trade-offs that are necessary for each use sector.
MarineMap, in particular, can build the ecological goals of a spatial
planning project into the program so that it is easy to evaluate
whether or not a particular planning scheme meets the ecological
goals of the process. Dynamic models will need to be developed that
use real-time data to forecast future ecosystem health conditions
under different management strategies.
To be effective, ecosystem-based MSP must also satisfy several
other objectives. First, it must involve stakeholder participation and
cooperation throughout the process. Given the comprehensive
nature of ecosystem-based MSP, this goal will be challenging as
the number of stakeholder groups could become very large. Second,
MSP must also be implemented within a governance framework
that: (1) ensures real public accountability, independent decisionmaking, adaptive management, dependable funding, meaningful
public and stakeholder participation, and public transparency; (2)
conforms to clear decision-making rules and objectives [139]; and
(3) has clearly articulated goals and a means of evaluating whether
they are being met for EBM and MSP. Third, a thorough understanding and appreciation of the existing ocean policy, governance,
and management structure are also important for ecosystem-based
MSP to be successful [11]. In some cases, MSP will fit well into a preexisting legal, policy, and agency structure; in other cases, adjustments to governance will need to be made (e.g., see [139] for a
detailed analysis of California’s existing ocean policy, governance,
and management framework for implementing ecosystem-based
MSP in California and [142] for multiscale governance using
examples from the Gulf of Maine). In addition, all ecological and
social systems are dynamic such that specific management decisions
and tools that emerge from these guiding principles should be
modified using an adaptive management process [143,144] that
allows for the lessons learned and best available science to be
incorporated into operational and governance frameworks in a
timely manner [139].
The ecological principles and modifying guidelines proposed
here for ecosystem-based MSP combine a number of ecosystem
attributes recognized by other area-based planning processes
(Table 1), address ecosystem attributes that are most likely to be
affected by current and future human uses, and should guide
siting and management of human uses. In addition, these
principles directly pertain to two of the fundamental goals of
MSP—maintenance of healthy ecosystems and continued/
restored delivery of ecosystem services. By identifying ecological
attributes that are necessary to maintain ecosystem health, and
putting them at the forefront, they advance the MSP process by
providing a strong scientific foundation that can be coupled with
socioeconomic and governance principles to achieve healthy,
sustainable ecosystems and human communities.
Funding was provided to N.R. by an NSF IGERT grant from the
University of Rhode Island. L.B.C. thanks the Gordon and Betty
Moore Foundation and the Nicholas Institute for Environmental
Policy Solutions for support. The Center for Ocean Solutions (COS)
is a consortium of the Woods Institute at Stanford University, the
Monterey Bay Aquarium, and the Monterey Bay Aquarium
Research Institute (MBARI), and is supported by the David and
Lucile Packard Foundation and the Gordon and Betty Moore
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Please cite this article as: Foley MM, et al. Guiding ecological principles for marine spatial planning. Marine Policy (2010),