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The research addresses the challenges of searching video content amidst an explosion of available material, focusing on a database model that facilitates efficient and accurate retrieval based on both visual and textual features. Leveraging MPEG-7 standards, the proposed methodology integrates key frame extraction and voice-to-text conversion, presenting a comprehensive approach to enhance user queries in various fields, including education and security, by enabling searches via text keywords, images of actors, and background scenes.
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1997
The increasing development of advanced multimedia applications requires new technologies for organizing and retrieving by content databases of still digital images or digital video sequences. To this aim image and image sequence contents must be described and adequately coded. In this paper we describe a system allowing content-based annotation and querying in video databases. No user action is required during the database population step. The system automatically splits a video into a sequence of shots, extracts a few representative frames (said r-frames) from each shot and computes r-frame descriptors based on color, texture and motion. Queries based on one or more features are possible. Very interesting results obtained during the severe tests the system was subjected to are reported and discussed.
Current advances in multimedia technology enable ease of capturing and encoding digital video. As a result, video data is rapidly growing and becoming very important in our life. It is because video can transfer a large amount of knowledge by providing combination of text, graphics, or even images. Despite the vast growth of video, the effectiveness of its usage is very limited due to the lack of a complete technology for the organization and retrieval of video data. To date, there is no "perfect" solution for a complete video data-management technology, which can fully capture the content of video and index the video parts according to the contents, so that users can intuitively retrieve specific video segments. We have found that successful content-based video datamanagement systems depend on three most important components: key-segments extraction, content descriptions and video retrieval. While it is almost impossible for current computer technology to perceive the content of the video to identify correctly its key-segments, the system can understand more accurately the content of a specific video type by identifying the typical events that happens just before or after the key-segments (specific-domainapproach). Thus, we have proposed a concept of customisable video segmentation module, which integrates the suitable segmentation techniques for the current type of video. The identified key-segments are then described using standard video content descriptions to enable content-based retrievals. For retrieval, we have implemented XQuery, which currently is the most recent XML query language and the most powerful compared to older languages, such as XQL and XML-QL.
IEEE Multimedia, 2010
The most useful environments for advancing research and development in video databases are those that provide complete video database management, including (1) video preprocessing for content representation and indexing, (2) storage management for video, metadata and indices, (3) image and semantic -based query processing, (4) realtime buffer management, and (5) continuous media streaming. Such environments support the entire process of investigating, implementing, analyzing and evaluating new techniques, thus identifying in a concrete way which techniques are truly practical and robust. In this paper we present a video database research initiative that culminated in the successful development of VDBMS, a video database research platform that supports comprehensive and efficient database management for digital video. We describe key video processing components of the system and illustrate the value of VDBMS as a research platform by describing several research projects carried out within the VDBMS environment. These include MPEG7 document support for video feature import and export, a new query operator for optimal multi-feature image similarity matching, secure access control for streaming video, and the mining of medical video data using hierarchical content organization.
World Wide Web, 2002
Current advances in multimedia technology enable ease of capturing and encoding digital video. As a result, video data is rapidly growing and becoming very important in our life. It is because video can transfer a large amount of knowledge by providing combination of text, graphics, or even images. Despite the vast growth of video, the effectiveness of its usage is very limited due to the lack of a complete technology for the organization and retrieval of video data. To date, there is no “perfect” solution for a complete video data-management ...
In this paper we describe the first full implementation of a content-based indexing and retrieval system for MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 videos. We consider a video as a collection of spatiotemporal segments called video objects; each video object is a sequence of video object planes. A set of representative video object planes is used to index each video object. During the database population, the operator, using a semi-automatic outlining tool we developed, manually selects video objects and insert some semantical information.
O projeto "Rede de Memorias", como subprojeto do Projeto Momento Patrimonio, enfoca o patrimonio material e imaterial do municipio de Passo Fundo, com base na sua diversidade intrarregional, etnica, social, cultural, entre outras, tendo como principal objetivo a patrimonializacao dos elementos culturais das comunidades escolares passo-fundenses. Atraves desse projeto, buscou-se o entendimento de como os objetos e fazeres cotidianos das diferentes comunidades sao apropriados e significados pelos distintos grupos, ou seja, de que forma esses elementos passam a constituir a memoria e representacao da cultura e da identidade local e regional. Assim, a proposta deste artigo e discutir os referenciais teorico-metodologicos da Rede de Memorias atraves da capacitacao de professores do ensino fundamental, juntamente com a divulgacao da producao cientifica por meio de programas televisivos e radiofonicos, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de politicas publicas junto aos poderes pu...
Sobre la institucionalización del campo académico de la comunicación en América Latina. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Tesis doctoral)., 2006
El presente estudio trata de un cambio de opinión, y aspira a apoyar la reflexión sobre algunas de las premisas, hipótesis y tesis en las que históricamente se ha pensado y creado el complejo y no bien conocido ámbito de los estudios de la comunicación en América Latina. Dos aspectos particulares han motivado su realización. Un primer aspecto se configuró a partir del interés central que deviene de mi posición como académico de la comunicación de una universidad pública latinoamericana: el conocer cuáles son aquellos elementos básicos que permiten entender el campo académico de la comunicación y los consecuentes procesos de institucionalización en la mega región. En tanto recorte de estudio de este primer aspecto, el segundo tema de interés se configuró a partir de uno de los debates más sugestivos, polémicos y recientes que hasta hoy en día se desarrollan en el campo académico de la comunicación en Latinoamérica: la existencia de la Escuela Latinoamericana de la Comunicación (ELACOM).
An epilogue to the Boasblogs 'Researching Capitalism' series about the Gens Manifesto (Bear,L., Ho, K., Tsing, A., & Yanagisako, S. 2015). In this essay, I discuss how the social sciences thinks about the relationship between economic processes and wider forms of human action. Here I argue that most scholars have not seen economy as a bounded sphere for some time. Second, I discuss how the humanities and social sciences think about capitalism. Here, I argue that there is more appreciation of culture and historical contingency in scholarship on capitalism than Gens implies. To understand that contingency, it is not necessary to abandon the idea that capitalism has an essential logic. Nonetheless, by making economic anthropology legible, Gens is productive in ways that few pieces of work can be. The work also highlights the debt that understandings of economy owe to Feminism.
Today, people have access to more video than anytime in the past. Video sources can come from television broadcast, internet video database like, movie theaters or rental and private video collection. In the past, most of video contain entertainment, but at this time many other type of video like educational video, news video, medical video. As the result of increasing in video number, difficulty in searching desired information becomes a major problem.
Video standard representation has improved as demand of video storage. MPEG 7 is a standard format for video that save not only the video frame but also the meta data of the video. The standard has been released on 2002 by Moving Picture Expert Group as ISO Standard no. 15938. MPEG 7 has adopting the XML Schema as the basis of MPEG7 DDL (data definition language) and resulting compliant instances eases interoperability by using common, generic and powerful representation format. .
Video is consist of a serialized image called frame. The motion of the video is resulted by replace an old frame with the new one. A smooth moving picture (video) shows 25 -30 frame per second (25 fps). Video resulted from camera recording, sometime only a single camera but in an advanced video recording they utilize many camera from many angle and background.
A key frame is an important frame of a video. A key frame provide an abridged representation of the original video sequence, serving multitude of applications depending the user need. Key frame can store in MPEG -7 format in XML document. In this paper I will use the collection of key frame collection of images that will use as a data source in image searching.
Research Objective
This research aims to provide a query to the database system video.
This research aims to create a video database model that has a search feature based on the content (content). Content that can be used as a search keyword is the content of image (picture) as well as the contents of the conversation transcript (text).
Research Benefits
This research is expected to be useful in the field of the future of television broadcasting (TV on demand), the security field to search offenders on CCTV video data and educational videos for learning to search a particular topic or a particular speaker, the field of medical and other fields of using video as one source of information.
Preprocessing of the video summary that includes key frames, background, actor transcript and summary transcript can accelerate the search process and increase the accuracy of the video query response video.
This research goal is to provide the system to manage video database that fast to search using both textual and visual features.
In this research I divide a video into two features, voice feature and visual feature.
Voice feature will convert into textual data. Visual feature can be extracted from a series of frame. Each frame is a still image. Visual feature will be extracted into several important frame, it generally called as key frame. Other extracted result is actor, especially for video that contains some human, it will extracted as actor.
There are several processes in this proposal in order to form multimedia database model. First process is try to classify video from visual features. This process will identify key frame. Key frame will extracted into actor and background. After actors and background extracted, they will be stored as attributes of a video. Second main process is extract voice from video. The voice will filtered to remove noise from voice data. Clean conversation voice will be modified into text. In order to avoid big size of text, it will processed to several important word (key word). The text and keyword will store as video attributes. MPEG 7 format can store those information as XML tags. Video database with several additional attributes from visual feature and voice features will be the basis for the retrieval process.
Figure 1 Block Diagram Content Based Video Querying
Video retrieval process will utilize video database model. There are four kind of input that user can use as keyword to the system. User can use text keyword, actor image, background image as query to the system. A user can use only one input or combination of several input.
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