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Current advances in multimedia technology enable ease of capturing and encoding digital video. As a result, video data is rapidly growing and becoming very important in our life. It is because video can transfer a large amount of knowledge by providing combination of text, graphics, or even images. Despite the vast growth of video, the effectiveness of its usage is very limited due to the lack of a complete technology for the organization and retrieval of video data. To date, there is no "perfect" solution for a complete video data-management technology, which can fully capture the content of video and index the video parts according to the contents, so that users can intuitively retrieve specific video segments. We have found that successful content-based video datamanagement systems depend on three most important components: key-segments extraction, content descriptions and video retrieval. While it is almost impossible for current computer technology to perceive the content of the video to identify correctly its key-segments, the system can understand more accurately the content of a specific video type by identifying the typical events that happens just before or after the key-segments (specific-domainapproach). Thus, we have proposed a concept of customisable video segmentation module, which integrates the suitable segmentation techniques for the current type of video. The identified key-segments are then described using standard video content descriptions to enable content-based retrievals. For retrieval, we have implemented XQuery, which currently is the most recent XML query language and the most powerful compared to older languages, such as XQL and XML-QL.
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1997
The increasing development of advanced multimedia applications requires new technologies for organizing and retrieving by content databases of still digital images or digital video sequences. To this aim image and image sequence contents must be described and adequately coded. In this paper we describe a system allowing content-based annotation and querying in video databases. No user action is required during the database population step. The system automatically splits a video into a sequence of shots, extracts a few representative frames (said r-frames) from each shot and computes r-frame descriptors based on color, texture and motion. Queries based on one or more features are possible. Very interesting results obtained during the severe tests the system was subjected to are reported and discussed.
World Wide Web, 2002
Current advances in multimedia technology enable ease of capturing and encoding digital video. As a result, video data is rapidly growing and becoming very important in our life. It is because video can transfer a large amount of knowledge by providing combination of text, graphics, or even images. Despite the vast growth of video, the effectiveness of its usage is very limited due to the lack of a complete technology for the organization and retrieval of video data. To date, there is no “perfect” solution for a complete video data-management ...
In this paper we describe the first full implementation of a content-based indexing and retrieval system for MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 videos. We consider a video as a collection of spatiotemporal segments called video objects; each video object is a sequence of video object planes. A set of representative video object planes is used to index each video object. During the database population, the operator, using a semi-automatic outlining tool we developed, manually selects video objects and insert some semantical information.
Video retrieval is a young field which has its genealogy rooted in artificial intelligence, digital signal processing, statistics, natural language understanding, databases, psychology, computer vision, and pattern recognition. However, none of these parental fields alone has been able to directly solve the retrieval problem. In this paper we present a System that supports video mining from multimedia warehouse using multimodal feature has two stages, the first one is building the multimedia warehouse and the second one is retrieving the video from that multimedia warehouse. The Video Retrieval system includes various steps: Video Segmentation, Key frames Selection, Feature Extraction. For retrieving the video from warehouse, the retrieval subsystem processes the presented query, performs similarity matching operations and this can be done using Euclidian Distance Algorithm, and finally displays the result to end user.
IEEE Multimedia, 2010
David Publishing Company, 2024
Alice Munro, the first short story writer in Canada to receive the Nobel Prize laureate in 2013, applies the unconscious to the portrayal of characters and the construction of engrossing stories. Based on the unconscious theory of Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis, this article focuses on one of Alice Munro's short stories, Open Secrets, by analyzing the unconscious of representative characters, to explore their power conversion through the conflicts triggered by their unconscious mind. Via uncovering their unique personalities and values, as well as displaying their power against each other through conflict, this article reveals that the relationship between characters is sophisticated and changeable, and their power against each other has been a state of change in continuous conflicts. Behind the unconscious displays a thoroughly different comparison of forces: the strong who behaves violently and arrogantly actually shows weakness; in turn, the obedience and endurance of the weak strongly manifest a tenacious resistance.
Crizele pot fi definite ca fiind situaţii caracterizate de o instabilitate pronunţată, sunt deci însoţite de o volatilitate şi de o incertitudine în creştere. Criza financiară nu este decât o formă de manifestare a crizei economice şi reflectă o neîncredere în sistemul financiar, o scădere semnificativă a volumului tranzacţiilor la bursă, o dereglare a mecanismelor de piaţă.
trendnews, 2020
Perubahan kehidupan sosial ditengah masyarakat Indonesia yang memiliki populasi penduduk sebanyak 269 juta jiwa dalam kurun waktu selama tiga bulan terkahir mengalami perubahan cukup signifikan. Adanya wabah Corona Virus menuntun kepada setiap individu untuk melakukan rekonstruksi pola hidup dan aktivitas. Akibat dari terjadinya self individual change menjadikan cukup berakses terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi dari semua leading sector. Eksistensi wabah Corona Virus sangat berdampak pada kehidupan sosial masyarakat penduduk Indonesia secara totalitas, dimulai dari konstribusi aktivitas pekerja formal, hingga pekerja informal dan berujung berkurangnya income sektor ekonomi. Kondisi inilah menjadikan pemerintah pada semua jenjang tingkatan untuk tetap melakukan akselerasi untuk mendongkrak pertumbuhan ekonomi yang baru 3 bulan Corana Virus mewabah, namun dapat menurunkan angka pertumbuhan ekonomi lebih dari 50 % dari hasil presentase selama setahun sebelumnya. Terjadinya penurunan pertumbuhan ekonomi juga mengalami dampak terhadap sosial kemasyarakatan, dimulai dengan akurasi data yang kurang akurat dalam penyaluran bantuan resmi dari pemerintah melalui beberapa Kementerian, hingga gesekan sosial yang mengarah pada kriminilitas dengan pemicu adanya portal penutupan akses dari satu wilayah ke wilayah lainnya. Berdasarkan data dari WHO tertanggal 24 Mei 2020, jumlah Negara di dunia yang terjangkit oleh Corona Virus sebanyak 216 dan terkonfirmasi positif sebanyak 5.206.614 orang dinyatakan positif dan yang meninggal sebanyak 337.736. Sementara data dari Gugus Tugas Covid-19 di Indonesia sebanyak 22.271 dinyatakan positif, sembuh 5.402 dan yang meninggal sebanyak 1.372. Jika melihat trend perkembangan wabah Corona Virus di Indonesia, maka tentu jumlah angka kematian yang dinyatakan terjangkit oleh Covid-19 selama kurun waktu 3 bulan yakni dikisaran presentase tingkat kematian sebesar 6.2% dan presentase sembuh sebesar 24.26% dari seluruh jumlah kasus saat ini. Jika melihat hasil presentase data tersebut, maka jumlah harapan untuk sembuh dari Covid-19 masih tergolong tinggi di Indonesia dari akumulasi total kasus yang ada.
Japanese Dental Science Review
Επιθεώρηση Εκπαιδευτικών Θεμάτων , 2020
Nova Religio, 2001
Revista Portuguesa de História, 1992
Animal, 2013
Journal of Neurosurgery, 1997
Ciência & Saúde Coletiva