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Studia Źródłoznawcze - Commentationes 53 (2015), 237.
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Micae mediaevales XIII . Fiatal történészek dolgozatai a középkori Magyarországról és Európáról. Szerk: Hunyadi Sándor – Illés Kornél András – Varga Virág – Vas Máté. Bp., 2024. 77 - 97. , 2024
During the Middle Ages and the early modern period, the land use of the Great Hungarian Plain near the River Tisza was characterized by significant regional differences. This paper examines all farming types that can be reconstructed from medieval charters, fourteenth–sixteenth century economic data (from the 1334–1337 papal tithe registers to the bridge tolls of the late sixteenth century), and the information of some early modern handwritten maps as well. The major focus is on how floodplain farming altered along the Upper and Middle sections of the Tisza and what role this diversity may have played in the settlement and regional development during the investigated period. For this, several economic aspects are taken into consideration. These include the importance of land cultivation, traditional fishing methods and the practice of pannage (i.e. feeding pigs on acorns in oak forests), and the role of interregional relations and trade centres in the research area. With the help of this comprehensive analysis, it is possible to draw conclusions on some changes in the economic and settlement development of the two regions. Keywords: floodplain farming, fok farming, fishponds, River Tisza, extensive pig breeding, pannage, fishing, trade centres, salt chambers, salt trade, cattle husbandry, cattle trade, market towns, annual fairs, settlement development, regional differences
La aproximación de una disciplina a otra para originar una nueva como producto de saberes tangentes ya consolidados, suele conducir a que se pretende relievar y/o minimizar uno de los componentes de la nueva disciplina con el fin obvio de reducir lo nuevo a lo previamente conocido, o darle mayor importancia a uno de ellos. Tal es el caso de la Historia de la Educación, una relativamente nueva dirección disciplinar que emerge del esquema historia + educación, a la que por lo anterior, la epistemología interroga en sus comienzos de manera extremadamente general y simplista-si es un conjunto de trabajos en los cuales para el estudio de la educación se aplican métodos procedentes de la historia o si es una historia que eventualmente especifica sus acciones en alguna entidad del campo de la pedagogía.
Laura Esquivel (México, 1950), guionista cinematográfica, se introdujo en la literatura con notable éxito con la novela Como agua para chocolate (1989), a la que siguió La ley del amor (1995), presentada como «la primera novela multimedia de la historia». Ha recopilado sus artículos sobre cocina en íntimas secuencias. El éxito internacional de Como agua para chocolate provocó que la novela fuera llevada al cine por Alfonso Arau, con guión de la propia autora. Su original estructura, compuesta a modo de recetario culinario para cada mes del año, nace del especial «sexto sentido» que posee Tita, la protagonista, en todo lo que a la comida se refiere. Criada en la cocina del rancho de su madre por Nacha, la cocinera, pronto aprende Tita los trucos culinarios, convirtiéndose en una experta de un amplio repertorio de recetas, desde «mole de guajalote con almendra y ajonjolí» hasta «frijoles gordos con chile a la tezcucana». Pero Tita está condenada a la soltería, a pesar de su amor por Pedro, porque una tradición familiar le impone, como la menor de las hijas, cuidar a su madre hasta que ésta muera. La rebelión de Tita resulta infructuosa ante la intransigencia de la egoísta madre, y Pedro deberá buscar una solución de compromiso para tener a Tita cerca, casándose con su hermana Rosaura. La situación va generando una tensión agridulce que llenará todo el relato, acercamientos y desplantes, esperanzas y dolor. Atenta a lo cotidiano, la prosa de Esquivel recoge con acierto el habla popular y se dirige ante todo a los sentimientos y emociones que provoca el amor, visto como única fuerza capaz de recuperar nuestro «perdido origen divino». El sabor de las recetas se mezcla con la historia, como un elemento más que provoca el recuerdo de la infancia y la primera juventud, cuando el orgullo y la posibilidad de hacer traición no se han topado aún con la experiencia de la muerte.
This research paper examines the validity of the author’s hypothesis that image (persona) dominates substance (worthiness) in the minds of voters in presidential election campaigns. The results of a rigorous review of existing references confirm the long-standing existence of the image vs. substance phenomenon, and it’s steady growth since the advent of television in the 1950’s. Two separate online public opinion surveys conducted by the author substantiate the significant effects of this phenomenon during the 2016 presidential election campaign. Concerned voters and members of the news media who endured the “political circus” atmosphere of the 2016 campaign will find this paper especially illuminative. Based on a careful analysis, the author’s hypothesis is validated resulting in the proposal of a new mass communications theory. An atypical “constructive” research philosophy (Pasian, 2015, p. 4) aimed at the creation of problem solutions (constructs) was a key element of the author’s research. The paper concludes by offering a construct designed to improve media objectivity during the coverage of future presidential election campaigns. Keywords: 2016 presidential election campaign, Image dominating substance during presidential election campaigns
Sesuai dengan Peraturan Gubernur Sumatera Barat Nomor 88 Tahun 2009 tentang Rincian tugas pokok fungsi dan tata kerja Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Provinsi Sumatera Barat : Tugas Pokok : 1. Melakukan penyiapan bahan kebijakan teknis, pembinaan, pengkoordinasian penyelenggaraan tugas secara terpadu, pelayanan administrasi, dan pelaksanaan di bidang keuangan meliputi : pengelolaan keuangan, verifikasi, pembukuan, akuntansi dan penyusunan laporan keuangan di lingkungan. Fungsi :
In this research paper, the author has discussed about Copyright Protection of the Software through various legislative provisions under the Indian Law and the International Law and treaties. I have also discussed the tests which can be used to check whether copyright infringement has been done or not.
Cette thèse de doctorat a été numérisée par l'Université libre de Bruxelles. L'auteur qui s'opposerait à sa mise en ligne dans DI-fusion est invité à prendre contact avec l'Université
Journal of the Institute for Sufi Studies, 2023
The contemporary world is being transformed by digitization with social life, politics and economics all in a process of flux. In this article we examine three key concepts, namely attention, the commons and digital colonialism. Attention economics argues that we have far too much information, but not enough attention. The received wisdom goes that attention has become a commodity in extremely short supply compared to the huge quantity of information available. However, the notion of digital commons allows us to imagine attention as a shared resource to be available to all, just as water or air that must be. The notion of digital colonialism allows us to imagine data and attention as resources which huge companies are extracting from human consciousness just as oil and coal are extracted from the earth. Attention is harvested and data extracted from humankind's activities on digital media to generate profits for giant tech companies such as Meta and Google. However, the deeply rooted 'mind and body cultivation' practices of traditional cultures provide another perspective on attention which may not be in such short supply. Indeed, these suggest a different model of attention based on abundance and not scarcity. Foucault refers to such practices as 'technologies of the self'. This article suggests that Sufi theory and practice can provide creative solutions to the over-solicitation of our minds by the global digital media platforms. The Sufi practice of tawajjuh (turning towards the eternal often through the intermediary form of a guide) allows us to consider the art of orientating attention spiritually as a technology beneficial to the self and others. Furthermore, Sufi practices, while active in knowledge production, are also underpinned by a theory of knowledge, ma'rifa. An object of knowledge for the social sciences, they are very much active in the production of knowledge. From a normative point of view, the development of a dialogue between Sufism and the social sciences may allow us to imagine the generative abundance rather than an inevitable scarcity of attention.
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