Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 17 (2001) 87}97
Scheduling manufacturing systems in an agile environment
David He *, Astghik Babayan , Andrew Kusiak
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60607, USA
Intelligent Systems Laboratory, Department of Industrial Engineering, 4132 SC, The University of Iowa, Iowa, IA 52242-1527, USA
Producing customized products to respond to changing markets in a short time and at a low cost is one of the goals in agile
manufacturing. To achieve this goal customized products can be produced using an assembly-driven product di!erentiation strategy.
The successful implementation of this strategy lies in e$cient scheduling of the system. However, little research has been done in
addressing the scheduling issues related to assembly-driven product di!erentiation strategies in agile manufacturing. In this paper,
scheduling problems associated with the assembly-driven product di!erentiation strategy in a general #exible manufacturing system
are de"ned, formulated, and solved. The manufacturing system consists of two stages: machining and assembly. At the machining
stage, multiple identical machines produce parts. These parts are then assembled at the assembly stage to form customized products.
The products to be produced in the system are characterized by their assembly sequences that are represented by di!erent digraphs.
The scheduling problem is to determine the sequence of products to be produced in the system so that the maximum completion time
(makespan) is minimized for any given number of machines at the machining stage. The scheduling problems discussed in this paper
have not been solved in the literature. The originality of the paper lies in de"ning and formulating the problems in the context of agile
manufacturing and developing optimal and near-optimal for solving them. The heuristic algorithm solves the scheduling problem in
two steps. First, an optimal aggregate schedule is determined by solving a two-machine #owshop problem. Next, the optimal
aggregate schedule is decomposed by solving a simple integer programming formulation model. The computational experiment shows
that the heuristics provide optimal and near-optimal solutions to the scheduling problems. 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights
Keywords: Agile manufacturing scheduling; Assembly-driven product di!erentiation; Manufacturing systems
1. Introduction
Producing customized products in a short time at
low cost is one of the goals of agile manufacturing. To
achieve this goal in a manufacturing system, products
are di!erentiated either by a machining-driven or an
assembly-driven di!erentiation strategy. When product
di!erentiation takes place at the machining stage, nonstandard and complex parts are machined with relatively
complex machines at the machining stage and assembled
at the assembly stage with relatively simple assembly
equipment. This machining-driven strategy relies on machining to express model mix and achieve #exibility.
When product di!erentiation takes place at the assembly
stage, simple and common parts are machined with
* Corresponding author. Tel.: #1-312-996-3410; fax: #1-312-4130447.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (D. He).
simple machines at the machining stage and assembled
at the assembly stage with relatively novel assembly
techniques. The successful implementation of these
two strategies lies in e$cient scheduling of the system.
However, little research has been done in addressing
the scheduling issues related to assembly driven product di!erentiation strategy in agile manufacturing,
especially when products with complicated assembly sequences are produced. In this paper, the scheduling
problems related to the assembly-driven product differentiation strategy for agile manufacturing are formulated and solved.
The structure of the manufacturing system that implements the assembly-driven product di!erentiation
strategy in agile manufacturing is shown in Fig. 1. The
manufacturing process in the system consists of two
stages: machining and assembly. There are m identical
machines at the machining stage and there is one
assembly machine at the assembly stage. The machining operations include all activities that consist of
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D. He et al. / Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 17 (2001) 87}97
Fig. 1. The general structure of the manufacturing system.
material-removal operations. Assembly involves assembling the machined parts to form the required
The originality of the paper lies in formulating scheduling problems in the context of agile manufacturing and
developing optimal and near-optimal methods to solve
the problems. Heuristics for solving e!ectively the scheduling problem are developed. The heuristics solve the
scheduling problem in two steps. First, an optimal aggregate schedule is determined by solving the scheduling
problem as a two-machine #owshop makespan scheduling problem. The optimal aggregate schedule is then
decomposed by solving a simple integer programming
formulation model to obtain a feasible solution to the
scheduling problem. A tight lower bound on the optimal
makespan is also developed to evaluate the e!ectiveness
of the heuristics. The computational experiment shows
that the heuristic provides optimal and near-optimal
solutions to the scheduling problems.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2, scheduling problems to be solved in this paper
are formally de"ned. Literature on solving related scheduling problems is reviewed in Section 3. Section 4 focuses
on the methods development for solving the scheduling
problems. The computational results for solving the
scheduling problems with the developed solution approaches are provided in Section 5. Finally, Section 6
concludes the paper.
2. Problem de5nition
In this section, the scheduling problems related to
implementation of the assembly-driven product di!erentiation strategy for agile manufacturing are de"ned.
machining stage and determine the processing sequences
on the machines so that the makespan (C ), i.e., the
maximum completion time, is minimized.
In this paper, the assembly sequence of a product refers
to the order in which parts and subassemblies are assembled by the assembly equipment. The assembly sequence
of a product to be produced in the system is represented
by a digraph G. In a digraph G, each node represents
a part or a subassembly/assembly, and an arc represents
a precedence relationship between two nodes. Any node
of degree 1, i.e., with the number of edges incident to the
node equal to 1, denotes a part. Any node of degree
greater than 1, i.e., with the number of edges incident to
the node greater than 1, denotes a subassembly or an
assembly. The root node of a digraph always represents
an assembly.
The level of assembly in a digraph is assigned as
follows: value of 1 is assigned to the root node (assembly)
and working backward from the root node, values of
increment 1 are assigned to each subassembly node [1].
Part nodes have the same assembly level as the corresponding subassembly or assembly nodes. Two products
and the corresponding digraph representations of their
assembly sequences are illustrated in Fig. 2. The digraphs
representing the assembly sequences of products can be
classi"ed into two types: simple digraph and complex
digraph. A simple digraph is a digraph in which at most
one subassembly node can be found at every assembly
level (see Fig. 2(a)). A simple digraph represents a linear
assembly sequence of a product design. In a complex
digraph, more than one subassembly node can be found
on at least one assembly level (see Fig. 2(b)). Throughout
the paper, an assembly sequence of a product that can be
represented by a simple digraph is referred to as a simple
assembly sequence and an assembly sequence of a product that can be represented by a complex digraph is
referred to as a complex assembly sequence.
The scheduling problem will be solved according to
the production mode of the system. Based on the representation of assembly sequence of the products, three
production modes are de"ned: (a) production of a single
product with a simple assembly sequence; (b) production
of a single product with a complex assembly sequence;
(c) production of N products. According to the three
de"ned production modes, the associated scheduling
problems are de"ned as G scheduling problems,
G scheduling problems, and N-product scheduling
problems, respectively.
2.1. The scheduling problem
3. Literature review
There are m identical machines at the machining stage
and there is single assembly equipment at the assembly
stage. The objective of the scheduling is to assign parts
and subassemblies/assemblies to the machines at the
The problem of scheduling products represented by
simple and complex digraphs in a two-stage #exible
manufacturing system was "rst solved as an aggregate
scheduling problem in [1]. In his paper, the aggregate
D. He et al. / Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 17 (2001) 87}97
Fig. 2. Example of (a) a product and its simple digraph and (b) a product and its complex digraph.
scheduling problem is modeled as the two-machine #ow
shop scheduling problem. Optimal scheduling algorithms for solving both single- and N-product scheduling
problems were developed. However, the aggregate scheduling problems solved in [1] assume that the only one
processing unit is available at both machining and assembly stages and this assumption does not re#ect the
real situation in an agile manufacturing environment.
Another type of a scheduling problem solved in the
literature is the #ow shop problem with parallel machines (FSPM). FSPM is considered as an extension of two
classical scheduling problems: #ow shop scheduling
problem and parallel machine scheduling problem.
FSPM is also a basic model for #exible #ow line scheduling problems solved in the literature. Hunsucker and
Shah [2] reviewed industrial applications of scheduling
in chemical engineering, computer systems, telecommunication networks, #exible manufacturing systems
(FMSs), etc. Brah and Hunsucker [3] developed a branch
and bound algorithm to solve the makespan FMPM
scheduling problem. Mathematical models of FSPM
have been discussed in [4]. Some special cases of FSPM
have also been studied in the literature. Gupta [5]
developed a heuristic algorithm for a two-stage problem
one machine at the second stage. Sriskandarajah and
Sethi [6] developed heuristics for a two-stage case and
established worst-case bounds. Two heuristic algorithms
generating high-quality solutions for a two-stage case
with one machine at stage one and several machines at
stage two have been developed by Gupta and Tunc [7].
Chen [8] developed heuristics to solve the special cases
for systems that have only two centers or systems where
only one of the centers has parallel machines. Extensions
of FSPM that incorporate bu!ers and transport between
centers have been studied by Wittrock [9] and Sawik
Flow shop scheduling problems and parallel machine
scheduling problems represent another class of related
problems. The two-machine #ow shop scheduling problem can be solved by Johnson's [11] algorithm. However,
in general, if the number of machines in a #ow shop is
more than two, then the scheduling problem is known to
be NP-complete (see, for example, [12]). While the majority of research into #ow shop scheduling is focused on the
serial-type #ow shop, a 3-machine assembly-type #ow
shop scheduling problem was studied by Lee et al. [13].
D. He et al. / Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 17 (2001) 87}97
Parallel machine scheduling problem (P#C ) has
been proved by Garey and Johnson [14] as NP-hard in
the strong sense when the number of machines is unlimited. However, the problem is solvable in pseudopolynomial time when the number of machines is "xed
and thus NP-hard only in the ordinary sense. A recent
survey on parallel scheduling problems has been published by Cheng and Sin [15]. Blazewicz et al. [18] has
proposed optimal algorithms. But most algorithms
developed for solving P#C
are heuristics (e.g., [16],
Go!man et al. [45], [17]).
Except for the scheduling problems solved by
Kusiak [1], none of the scheduling problems solved
in the literature considered product structures represented by the simple and complex digraphs even though
they provide the best structural information of the
3.1. Solution approaches developed for solving the
scheduling problems
Solution methods developed for solving the discussed
NP-hard scheduling problems can be classi"ed into four
categories: (1) operations research (OR) approaches;
(2) stochastic search methods such as genetic algorithm,
tabu search, and simulated annealing; (3) neural network;
(4) a combination of (1), (2), or (3).
Mathematical programming plays a key role in model
building and testing scheduling formulations. Blazewicz
et al. [18] published the "rst survey paper on mathematical formulations for single machine, parallel machine,
and job shop scheduling problems along with the classi"cation of problems' complexity. Even though the
`solvabilitya of a scheduling problem cannot be easily
assessed from the formulation itself, it might be used as
a stepping stone to optimal solution of some hard problems. The conventional operations research methods
for obtaining optimal schedules are branch-and-boundbased methods [3,13,19]. However, the branch and
bound methods solve the scheduling problems in exponential time in the worst case. In order to improve the
e$ciency of the methods, dominance rules based on some
properties derived from special cases can be used to
eliminate dominated branches in the branching process
(see [13]. The e!ectiveness of the branch and bound
methods depends also on strength of the lower bound.
Santos et al. [20] introduced a new procedure for developing strong global lower bounds for minimum makespan FSPM. The procedure calculates a lower bound at
each stage and global lower bound is the strongest
among all the stage-based lower bounds. A lower bound
for a stage is the average of the lower bounds calculated
for each processor at that stage. Recent developments in
OR methods to overcome the complexity issues in solving scheduling problems include applying Lagrangian
relaxation (LR) techniques (e.g., [21}24]). LR techniques
decompose a problem into a number of smaller subproblems that are easier to solve. Solving parallel identical
machine scheduling problems with single-operation jobs
is discussed in [22] and multi-operation jobs with simple
fork/join-type precedence constraints in [23], LR was
applied to relax the capacity constraints and decompose
scheduling problems. As precedence constraints, in general, complicate the scheduling problems [25], both capacity and precedence constraints were relaxed in solving
a job shop scheduling problem in [24]. Their computational experiment showed that high-quality schedules
were generated e$ciently with objective values within
4% of their respective lower bounds.
Recently, stochastic search methods such as genetic
algorithms [26], simulated annealing [27,28], and tabu
search [29,30] have been applied to solve hard scheduling problems. Van Laarhoven et al. [27] developed
a simulated annealing based algorithm for job shop
scheduling problems. In their approach, searching for the
minimum makespan schedule is modeled as a disjunctive
graph constructed based on the precedence relationship
between jobs' operations. The objective of "nding
a schedule with the minimum makespan is equivalent
to "nding the minimum longest path in the digraph. They
proved that the algorithm asymptotically converges
to the globally minimum solution. However, in a recent
paper, Kolonko [28] showed that analytical results
on convergence for simulated annealing do not hold in
the application to the job shop scheduling problems.
He combined simulated annealing method with genetic
algorithm to allow the solutions of simulated annealing
to crossover in each generation using a new timeoriented crossover operation, preventing the destruction
of convergence by the asymmetric neighborhood of the
scheduling problem. Portmann et al. [26] combined
a branch and bound method with genetic algorithm
approach for solving multistage #ow shop with parallel
machines scheduling problems. Genetic algorithm
is used to improve the upper bound during the
search process. Their experimentation showed that the
combination of branch and bound and genetic algorithm generated optimal solutions faster than the branch
and bound method. Nowicki and Smutnicki [29]
developed a tabu-search-based algorithm for solving
FSPM scheduling problem. The neighborhood de"ned
in their approach was constructed based on the concept
of critical path in a digraph consisting of a block of
connecting jobs. Their implementation improved the local search signi"cantly and increased the speed of the
Arti"cial neural networks (ANNs) are alternatives to
conventional OR techniques for solving the scheduling
problems. The types of neural networks found in scheduling applications include: (1) Hop"eld networks [31}35];
(2) competitive networks [36}38]; (3) back propagation
networks [39}42]. It is observed that majority of
D. He et al. / Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 17 (2001) 87}97
scheduling applications of ANNs are based on Hop"eld
networks. Although the scheduling applications of
simulated ANNs have showed promising results, excessive computational times for large size problems is a major disadvantage. One promising area of ANNs in
scheduling applications is the combination of ANNs with
stochastic search method such as simulated annealing
since simulated annealing can help to escape from local
optimum during the optimization process. The combination of Hop"eld networks with Lagrangian relaxation
(LR) has also showed promising improvement of scheduling solutions [43]. Luh et al. [43] showed the convergence of Lagrangian relaxation neural network for
separable convex programming. Luh et al. [44] proposed
a mixed integer Lagrangian relaxation neural network
(MILRNN) for total weighted earliness and tardiness job
shop scheduling problem. The problem is decomposed
by Lagrangian relaxation into polynomial subproblems
and these subproblems can be solved by dynamic programming. Then a neural dynamic programming is
4. Methods development
In this section, the methods developed for e!ective
solving scheduling problems in agile manufacturing are
presented. The method development consists of two
parts. The "rst part involves developing e!ective solution
methods for solving the scheduling problems. The second
part is to develop methods for evaluating the e!ectiveness of the solution methods.
4.1. Development of solution methods
It can be noted that the G scheduling problem is
a special case of the G scheduling problem and N
product scheduling problem. Therefore, our strategy is to
develop a solution method for solving the G scheduling
problem "rst and then extend the solution method to the
G and N-product scheduling problems.
Before the solution methods are presented, the following notation is introduced:
i"index of parts
j"index of machines
l"assembly level index
¸"the maximum assembly level
n "total number of parts at assembly level l, l"1,2, ¸
n "max
+n ,"maximum number of parts over all assembly levels
PJ " ith part at assembly level l, i"1,2n , l"1,2, ¸
t(PJ )"machining time of the ith part at assembly level l, i"1,2, n , l"1,2, ¸
+t(PJ ),"longest machining time of parts at assembly level l, l"1,2, ¸
t(A )"assembly time of assembly/subassembly A , l"1,2, ¸
t"maximum completion time when all parts and subassemblies before the "nal assembly node are scheduled
1 if part i at assembly level l is assigned to machine j
xJ "
0 otherwise.
developed by mapping the LR approach onto
a MILRNN. Their simulation experiment showed that
MILRNN provides near-optimal solution for practical
scheduling problems.
In summary, the scheduling problems addressed in
this paper have not been solved in the literature. Since
the system structure of the scheduling problems to be
solved in this proposal is similar to FSPM, #ow shop,
and parallel machine shop, existing solution methods in
the literature for solving FSPM scheduling problems,
parallel machine scheduling problems, and #ow shop
scheduling problems provide a rich source for reference.
Recent development in heuristic approaches for solving
scheduling problems provides a direction for development of e$cient optimal and e!ective heuristic
algorithms to solve scheduling problems for agile
4.1.1. Solving G scheduling problem
When a single product with simple assembly sequence
is produced in the system, the scheduling problem is an
G scheduling problem. The G scheduling problem can be
formulated as an integer programming model as following:
Minimize t
Subject to
t(PJ )xJ )t, j"1,2, m,
xJ "1, i"1,2, n , l"1,2, ¸,
H * LJ
t(A ),
t(PJ )xJ )t!
j"1,2, m, l"2,2, ¸.
xJ "0 or 1, for l"1, . . . , ¸,
i"1, . . . , n , j"1, . . . , m,
D. He et al. / Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 17 (2001) 87}97
Note that the objective function (1) is to minimize the
maximum completion time in the system. Constraint (2)
ensures that the total machining time of the parts assigned to each machine will not be greater than the
maximum completion time. Constraint (3) ensures that
a part can be assigned to one machine only. Constraint
(4) imposes that a subassembly or a "nal assembly cannot
start until all the components are available. Constraint
(5) ensures that the decision variable x takes value of
either 0 or 1. After solving models (1)}(5), the minimum
makespan of the production schedule is computed as
t#t(A ).
Note that G scheduling problem is a constrained
version of the identical parallel machine scheduling problem with minimum makespan objective, which in the
worst case can be solved in a pseudo-polynomial time
[14]. Therefore, in the worst-case formulations (1)}(5) is
solvable in pseudo-polynomial time.
4.1.2. Solving G scheduling problem
When a single product with a complex assembly sequence is produced in the system, the scheduling problem
is a G scheduling problem. The G scheduling problem is
considered as a more general version of three-machine
assembly-type #owshop (3MAF) scheduling problem solved by Lee et al. [13]. If set m"2 and let the complex
digraph G be formed by connecting n number of simple
digraphs that have only two-part nodes to a dummy "nal
assembly node with assembly time of 0, then the
G scheduling problem is the same as 3MAF scheduling
problem. Since the 3MAF scheduling problem has been
proved to be strongly NP-complete [13], G scheduling
problem is at least strongly NP-complete. Due to the
computational complexity of the scheduling problem,
e!ective near-optimal algorithms for solving large problems along with the optimal algorithms are developed in
this paper. A two-step heuristic for solving the G sched
uling problem is described next. In the "rst step of the
heuristic, an optimal aggregate schedule is obtained by
applying Theorem 2 in [1]. In general, an optimal aggregate schedule obtained by Theorem 2 can always be
represented by the following sequence:
S(G )"+g , g ,2, g , A ,,
where A is the root node ("nal assembly) of digraph G ,
and g , represents either a part node or a simple digraph
that consists of a number of part nodes and a subassembly node.
From this optimal aggregate sequence, a simple
digraph with a root node of A is constructed. In this
simple digraph, g represents part and subassembly
nodes at the highest assembly level and g represents the
part and subassembly nodes at the lowest assembly level.
After constructing an equivalent simple digraph corresponding to the optimal aggregate sequence in (6), formulations (1)}(5) is solved to obtain an optimal schedule for
the simple digraph. The heuristic algorithm for solving
the G scheduling problem is presented next.
Heuristic algorithm 1 (HA1)
Step 1: Obtain an optimal aggregate schedule S(G ) for
complex digraph G using Theorem 2 from Kusiak [1].
Step 2: Construct a simple digraph G from S(G ).
Step 3. Solve models (1)}(5) for G obtained in Step 2.
Note that G and G scheduling problems do not
re#ect actual scheduling scenario where normally scheduling decision for N multiple products has to be made.
However, solving G and G scheduling problems pro
vides useful insights to the development of methods for
solving N-product scheduling problems.
4.1.3. Solving N-product scheduling problem
The N-product problem involves scheduling N multiple products. In solving the N-product scheduling problem, the assembly sequence of a product could be either
a simple digraph or a complex digraph. The approach for
solving the N-product scheduling problem is to construct
a complex digraph by connecting the assembly nodes of
N products to a dummy "nal assembly node, A . An
assembly time of 0 is assigned to A , i.e., t (A )"0. Then
solving the N-product scheduling problem is equivalent
to solving a G scheduling problem. Fig. 3 shows the
transformation of N digraphs into a single complex
The heuristic algorithm for solving the N-product
scheduling problem is presented next.
Heuristic algorithm 2 (HA2)
Step 1: Construct a complex digraph by connecting the
assembly nodes of N products to a dummy "nal assembly
node, A . Let t(A )"0.
Step 2: Apply HA1 to solve the G scheduling problem
for the complex digraph constructed in Step 1.
Next, an example is used to illustrate the application
of the heuristic approaches for solving the scheduling
Illustrative Example. Consider two products C and
C to be produced in a manufacturing system. There are
two identical machines (m"2) at the machining stage
and one assembly equipment at the assembly stage. The
assembly sequences of the two products are shown in
Fig. 4. The machining and assembly times for the two
products are provided in Table 1. The objective of the
scheduling problem is to assign parts to the machines at
the machining stage and the processing sequence on each
D. He et al. / Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 17 (2001) 87}97
Fig. 3. Transforming an N-product scheduling problem to a G scheduling problem.
Fig. 4. Digraph representation of assembly sequences of products
C and C .
machine. Since the scheduling problem is a two-product
scheduling problem, heuristic algorithm HA2 is applied.
Fig. 5. The combined digraph.
Application of Heuristic algorithm 2 (HA2)
Application of Heuristic algorithm 1 (HA1)
HA2-Step 1: Connect assembly nodes A and A to
a dummy node A , and let t(A )"0. The resulting
digraph is shown in Fig. 5.
HA2-Step 2: Apply heuristic algorithm HA1 for the
complex digraph in Fig. 5 to solve the scheduling
HA1-Step 1: Applying Theorem 2 of Kusiak [1] to the
complex digraph obtained in HA2-Step 1, the optimal
aggregate schedule S(G ) is obtained as following:
S(G )"+[(P11, P12, A9), (P7, P8, A7), (P9, P10, A8), A5],
P13, P14, P15, A2, (P1, P2, A6), P3, P4, A3, (P5, P6, A4),
A1, Ad,.
Table 1
Machining and assembly times
Machining time
Assembly time
D. He et al. / Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 17 (2001) 87}97
Fig. 6. The Gantt chart of the aggregate schedule.
at the machining stage. An end subassembly node is the
one whose preceding nodes are all part nodes, for
example, nodes A , A , A , A , and A in Fig. 4. Let NA
be the set of end subassembly nodes and ¹ , i3NA
be the maximum processing time of parts of end
subassembly node A at machining stage. For any
A , i3NA, ¹ can be computed as following:
max +t(PG ),,
Fig. 7. The simple digraph generated from the Gantt chart in Fig. 6.
The Gantt chart of the resulting aggregate schedule is
shown in Fig. 6.
HA1-Step 2: Based on the order of parts and subassemblies speci"ed in the aggregate sequence S(G ) obtained
in HA1-Step 1, a simple digraph is obtained as shown in
Fig. 7.
HA1-Step 3: Solve models (1)}(5) for the simple digraph
in Fig. 7, the schedule is obtained in Fig. 8.
4.2. Development of a lower bound (LB)
A standard approach for evaluating e!ectiveness of
a heuristic is to compare the value of the heuristic solution with a lower bound on the optimal solution. For this
reason, we establish a tight lower bound on the makespan. In order to develop a tight lower bound, two lower
bounds are constructed and the tight bound is the largest
one among the two lower bounds. The "rst lower bound
¸B is developed based on the observation that the
assembly work of any end subassembly node cannot
begin until processing of the required parts is completed
if n )m,
¹ "
max max +t(PG ),,
LG t(PG )
, if n 'm.
Therefore, the "rst lower bound LB is computed as
t(A ).
¸B "Min +¹ ,#
In order to develop the second lower bound ¸B , for any
digraph G, a term called `a possible path to the "nal
assembly nodea, p, is de"ned as a path from any subassembly node that has no succeeding part nodes to the
"nal assembly node in a digraph G. Then de"ne set S;A
as the set of subassembly nodes on path p. For a given
value of m and a digraph G, the lower bound on the
makespan of the production schedule is computed as
LJ t(PJ )
G G # Min
t (A ) . (9)
Then the tight lower bound ¸B is computed as follows:
¸B "
¸B"Max+¸B , ¸B ,.
Fig. 8. The Gantt chart of the obtained schedule.
D. He et al. / Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 17 (2001) 87}97
For example, the "rst lower bound ¸B for the
digraph in Fig. 5 with m"2 is computed as
¸B "7#118"125.
The second lower bound ¸B for the digraph in Fig.
5 with m"2 is computed as follows. The set of possible
paths to the "nal assembly node A contains:
(A PA PA ), (A PA PA ), (A PA ). Therefore,
based on Eq. (9), when m"2, the lower bound is computed as
¸B "54.5#12"67.5.
Then the tight lower bound is computed as
¸B"Max+¸B , ¸B ,"Max+125, 67.5,"125.
As a coincidence, the lower bound is the same as the
makespan of the heuristic schedule shown in Fig. 8. This
indicates that the solution in Fig. 8 is optimal.
5. Computational experience
In order to evaluate performance of the heuristic
approaches developed in this paper, a computational
experiment was conducted. In the computational
experiment, makespans of the schedules obtained by the
heuristic approaches were compared with the lower
bounds. We have tested 16 types of problems with di!erent assembly sequences. For each testing problem, 10
instances were generated and for each instance, assembly
sequence, number of parts, number of subassembly
nodes, level of assembly, machining times, assembly times
were randomly generated with random number generator
Table 2
Comparison with the lower bounds
(Lower bound
on C )
C& !¸B
in the PC computer. For each problem type 10 instances
were generated. The results of the comparison are
provided in Table 2.
As one can see from Table 2, the relative di!erences
between the makespans of the heuristic solutions and the
lower bounds are small for all the problems tested in the
computational experiment. The maximum percentage
relative di!erence is 2.5. For many problems tested in the
experiment, the makespans were the same as the lower
bounds, which indicates that the solutions are optimal.
The results of the computational experiment indicate
that the heuristic solution approaches developed provide
optimal and near optimal solutions.
6. Conclusions
Producing customized products to respond to changing market in a short time at low cost is one of the goals
in agile manufacturing. To achieve this goal in a manufacturing customized products can be produced by an
assembly-driven product customization strategy. The
successful implementation of this strategy lies in e$cient
scheduling of the system. However, little research has
been done in addressing the scheduling issues related to
assembly-driven product di!erentiation strategy for agile
In this paper, solving scheduling problems associated
with the assembly-driven product di!erentiation strategy
in a general #exible manufacturing system was discussed.
The #exible manufacturing system consists of two stages:
machining and assembly. At the machining stage, simple
and common parts are produced on multiple identical
machines. These parts are then assembled at the assembly stage to form customized products. The products to
be produced in the system are characterized by their
assembly sequences that are represented by di!erent digraphs. The scheduling problem is to determine the sequence of products to be produced in the system so that
the maximum completion time (makespan) is minimized
for any given number of machines at the machining stage.
Depending on the production mode and the characteristics of the assembly sequences of the products, the
scheduling problems associated with the assembly-driven
product di!erentiation strategy in agile manufacturing
were classi"ed into G , G , and N-product scheduling
problems. An integer programming formulation model
for solving the G scheduling problem and e!ective heu
ristics for solving the G and N-product scheduling prob
lem were developed. The heuristics solve the scheduling
problems in two steps. An optimal aggregate schedule is
determined by solving the scheduling problem as a twomachine #owshop scheduling problem. Based on the
optimal aggregate schedule, the scheduling problems are
converted into a G scheduling problem by constructing
a simple digraph of assembly sequence based on the
D. He et al. / Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 17 (2001) 87}97
optimal aggregate schedule. A tight lower bound on
optimal makespan was developed to evaluate the e!ectiveness of the heuristics. The computational experiment
shows that the heuristics provide optimal and nearoptimal solutions.
The scheduling problems discussed in this paper have
not been solved in the literature. The originality of the
paper lies in formulating the problems in the context of
agile manufacturing and developing optimal and nearoptimal solution methods.
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