Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 120–129
Abnormal gating of somatosensory inputs in essential tremor
Domenico Restuccia a,*, Massimiliano Valeriani a,b, Carmen Barba a, Domenica Le Pera a,
Annarita Bentivoglio a, Alberto Albanese a, Marco Rubino a, Pietro Tonali a
Department of Neurology, Catholic University, Policlinico A. Gemelli, L.go A. Gemelli 8, 00168 Rome, Italy
Department of Neurology, Pediatric Hospital ‘Bambino Gesù’, Rome, Italy
Accepted 15 October 2002
Objective: To study whether sensorimotor cortical areas are involved in Essential Tremor (ET) generation.
Background: It has been suggested that sensorimotor cortical areas can play a role in ET generation. Therefore, we studied median nerve
somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) in 10 patients with definite ET.
Methods: To distinguish SEP changes due to hand movements from those specifically related to central mechanisms of tremor, SEPs were
recorded at rest, during postural tremor and during active and passive movement of the hand. Moreover, we recorded SEPs from 5 volunteers
who mimicked hand tremor. The traces were further submitted to dipolar source analysis.
Results: Mimicked tremor in controls as well as active and passive hand movements in ET patients caused a marked attenuation of all
scalp SEP components. These SEP changes can be explained by the interference between movement and somatosensory input (‘gating’
phenomenon). By contrast, SEPs during postural tremor in ET patients showed a reduction of N20, P22, N24 and P24 cortical SEP
components, whereas the fronto-central N30 wave remained unaffected.
Conclusions: Our findings suggest that in ET patients the physiological interference between movement and somatosensory input to the
cortex is not effective on the N30 response. This finding thus indicates that a dysfunction of the cortical generator of the N30 response may
play a role in the pathogenesis of ET. q 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Somatosensory evoked potential; Generator source; Tremor; Dipolar analysis
1. Introduction
Essential tremor (ET) probably represents the most
common movement disorder; its overall population prevalence ranges from 0.3 to 1.7% (RautaKorpi et al., 1984;
Salemi et al., 1994). Although some reports describe clinical
presentations that partially overlap other movement disorders (Marsden, 1984; Deuschl et al., 2000), the definite form
of ET is characterized by visible and persistent postural
tremor at 5–8 Hz involving hands and forearms, absent at
rest, without parkinsonian, cerebellar, nor other neurological signs (Findley, 1996). The origin of ET is still unknown.
Previous literature provided evidence that alterations in a
central oscillator, rather than abnormalities of peripheral
reflex mechanisms, are mainly involved in its generation
(Elble, 1996). The simplest paradigm to address the periph-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 139-6-3015-4435; fax: 139-6-3550-1909.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (D. Restuccia).
eral or central origin of a tremor is represented by techniques that attempt to reset a tremor by stimulating peripheral
or central CNS structures. ET, as expected in a tremor
driven by a central oscillator, is easily reset by transcranial
magnetic stimulation (Britton et al., 1993); however, the
precise localization of such oscillator remains a matter of
debate. So far, many findings converge towards the demonstration that this oscillator may be identified with the inferior olivary nucleus. Firstly, animals treated with harmaline
show a tremor very similar to ET (Lamarre, 1975), together
with increased rhythmicity and neuronal entrainment
throughout the olive (Llinás and Yarom, 1986). Moreover,
a significant association between typical tremor and
abnormalities of cerebellar function has been recently
demonstrated in advanced stages of ET (Deuschl et al.,
2000). Besides these findings, which support of the aforesaid theory, it has been suggested that other structures of the
central nervous system (CNS) are involved in ET generation. Both positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) demonstrated
overactivity of a number of brain structures in ET patients,
1388-2457/02/$ - see front matter q 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S13 88- 2457(02)0033 5-8
CLINPH 2002625
D. Restuccia et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 120–129
including not only the cerebellum, but also the globus pallidus, the thalamus, the red nuclei, and the primary sensorimotor cortex (Jenkins et al., 1993; Wills et al., 1994, 1995);
in particular, both PET and fMRI failed to find a significant
intrinsic olivary activation (Wills et al., 1994; Bucher et al.,
1997). With regard to the sensorimotor cortex, its possible
role in generating ET has been recently supported by the
finding of coherence between the EEG signal and tremorrelated electromyographic activity (Hellwig et al., 2001).
Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) are a useful and
non-invasive method to assess the functions of the somatosensory cortex. Mild SEP abnormalities have been demonstrated not only in direct focal lesion of the cortex, but also
as a consequence of lesions of other brain structures functionally linked to sensorimotor cortical areas (Restuccia et
al., 2001). Therefore, we tested the ability of SEPs to reveal
functional modifications of primary sensorimotor areas in
ET patients. For this purpose, in 10 ET patients we recorded
median nerve SEPs after stimulation of the right upper limb,
in 4 different conditions: (1) rest; (2) tremorgenic posture;
(3) passive movements of the hand at rest; (4) voluntary,
rapid movements of the hand at rest. Moreover we
compared these data with those obtained from a population
of healthy volunteers. This latter part of the study was
performed by right median nerve stimulation in 3 different
conditions: (1) rest; (2) antigravitary posture; (3) mimicked
tremor. Finally, to improve the spatial resolution of the
SEPs, raw data were further submitted to brain electrical
source analysis (BESA), which has proven useful in separating the activities of neighboring cerebral structures
(Scherg et al., 1989; Scherg, 1990; Franssen et al., 1992).
2. Material and methods
2.1. Patients and controls
We studied 10 patients (7 women, 3 men; age range 27–
68, mean 49.7 years) suffering from definite ET (Findley
and Koller, 1995). Two of them were positive for a family
history of ET. All patients presented with bilateral, postural
and longstanding (over 5 years) tremor of the hand. Neurological examination did not show any other abnormal sign.
None of them was exposed in the past to tremorgenic drugs,
or to trauma of the central nervous system. The tremor
frequency ranged from 4.5 to 8 Hz, as determined by surface
EMG. Scalp SEPs were recorded after stimulation of the
right median nerve at wrist, in 4 different conditions: (a)
upper limb at rest; (b) upper limb maintaining the tremorgenic posture; (c) upper limb at rest, rapid passive movements of the metacarpophalangeal joints of the II, III, IV
and V finger produced by an experimenter, at about 4–8 Hz
of frequency; (d) upper limb at rest, patient asked to perform
rapid (about 4–8 Hz) flexion movements of the hand. Due to
the clear difficulty to perform the whole procedure in the
same session, the first 5 patients underwent stimulation in
conditions a, b and c, while the remaining 5 patients underwent stimulation in conditions a, b and d.
Moreover, we performed right median nerve stimulation
in 5 healthy volunteers (2 men, 3 women; age range 25–42,
mean 29 years). None of them had a history of neurological
disease nor of exposition to tremorgenic drugs. Scalp SEPs
were recorded in 3 different conditions: (a) upper limb at
rest; (b) upper limb extended against gravity; (c) upper limb
extended against gravity, when mimicking a 4–8 Hz tremor
of the right hand. Tremor frequency was first assessed by
surface EMG, then the volunteers were asked to maintain
the same flexion-extension movement of the hand with the
same frequency. The median nerve was stimulated at wrist.
Stimulation (1.5 Hz frequency, 0.2 ms duration) was
adjusted to the intensity sufficient to evoke a small twitch
of the thumb. All subjects gave their consent according to
the declaration of Helsinki.
2.2. SEP recording
For SEP recording, subjects lay on a couch in a warm and
semi-darkened room. Disk recording electrodes (impedance
below 5 kV) were placed at 19 locations of the 10–20
system (excluding Fpz and Oz). The reference electrode
was at the lobe of the right ear and the ground at Fpz. The
analysis time was 64 ms, with a bin width of 250 ms. The
amplifier band pass was 10–3000 Hz (12 dB roll off). An
automatic artifact-rejection system excluded from the average all runs containing transients exceeding ^65 mV at any
recording channel. In order to ensure baseline stabilization,
SEPs were digitally filtered off-line by means of a digital
filter with a bandpass of 40–2000 Hz. Two averages of 1500
trials each were obtained and printed out by the computer on
a desk-jet printer. Frozen maps showing the distribution of
the responses over the scalp were obtained by linear interpolation from the 4 nearest electrodes.
2.3. Data analysis
SEPs were identified on the basis of latency, polarity and
scalp distribution. Amplitudes and peak latencies were
measured on the average of the two runs. We evaluated
the main scalp components. To avoid possible confusion
due to the variability of the SEP labeling in previous literature, we identified SEP components as follows: parietal N20
(negative deflection at about 20 ms latency recorded in
parietal regions contralateral to the stimulus), frontal P20
(positive deflection recorded on frontal regions contralateral
to the stimulus at about the same latency as the N20; according to earlier literature, N20 and P20 should represent the
opposite projections of the same dipolar source; Desmedt et
al., 1987; Allison et al., 1991), central P22 (positive deflection at about 22 ms latency recorded on central regions
contralateral to the stimulated side; Deiber et al., 1986),
parietal P24 (positive deflection at about 24 ms latency
recorded on parietal regions contralateral to the stimulated
side), frontal N24 (positive deflection recorded on frontal
D. Restuccia et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 120–129
regions at about the same latency as the P24; according to
earlier literature, N24 and P24 could represent the opposite
projections of the same dipolar source; Garcia-Larrea et al.,
1992; Valeriani et al., 1998); fronto-central N30 (large
negativity at about 30 ms latency, widely distributed on
frontal and central regions; Desmedt et al., 1987; GarciaLarrea et al., 1992; Valeriani et al., 1998). Amplitude
evaluations were performed on N20, P22, N24, P24 and
N30 components. Amplitudes were measured from the
baseline; all components except the N30 fronto-central
response were evaluated at the recording location where
the response to be analyzed was maximal. With regard to
the N30 fronto-central response, although it usually reaches
its maximal amplitude at frontal locations, we preferred to
evaluate its amplitude at Cz location. In fact, it has been
demonstrated that at frontal location this wave is largely
contaminated by the activity of the N24 wave (Valeriani
et al., 2000). Since absolute amplitude values are extremely
variable among subjects, amplitude fluctuations across the
various stimulation protocols were expressed as percentage
changes referred to SEPs obtained at rest, which have been
considered as 100%. When more than two conditions were
taken into consideration, comparisons were performed by
means of analysis of variance (ANOVA); when statistical
significance was reached, a post-hoc analysis was
performed by means of paired Student’s t tests. When
only two conditions were taken into consideration, comparisons were performed by means of paired Student’s t tests.
Latency values between different conditions were compared
by paired t tests.
2.4. Brain electric source analysis
A detailed description of BESA is reported elsewhere
(Scherg, 1990). The BESA program calculates potential
distributions over the scalp from preset voltage dipoles
within a 3-shell model of the head. It also evaluates the fit
between the recorded and the calculated field distributions.
The percentage of data that cannot be explained by the
calculated field distribution is expressed as residual variance
(RV). The lower the RV the better the dipolar model: in an
ideal case, the RV should only be due to the recorded noise.
In general, RV values lower than 10% are considered acceptable, particularly when obtained from individual recordings. However, even RV ¼ zero Is not enough to prove
that a model is correct, on account of the infinite number
of solutions to the ‘inverse problem’ of deriving intracranial
sources from the extracranial potential field. BESA uses a
spherical 3-shell model with an 85 mm radius and assumes
that the brain surface is at 70 mm from the center of the
sphere. The spatial position of each dipole is described on
the basis of 3 axes: (1) the line through T3 and T4 (x-axis);
(2) the line through Fpz and Oz (y-axis); (3) the line through
Cz (z-axis). The 3 axes have their intersection point at the
center of the sphere. The spatial orientation of the dipoles is
described by two angles: (1) u is the angle in the x-y plane
measured counter clockwise from the nearest x-axis; (2) w
is the vertical angle that is measured from the z-axis and is
positive for the right hemisphere. The strength is expressed
in ‘mVeff,’ 1 mVeff being the strength of a horizontal dipole,
located at y ¼ 50 mm, which produces a voltage difference
of 0.5 mV between C3 and C4.
Dipole strengths in different conditions were expressed as
percentages of the strengths measured from SEPs obtained
at rest, which have been considered as 100%. When more
than two conditions were taken into consideration, comparisons were performed by means of ANOVA; when statistical significance was reached, a post-hoc analysis was
performed by means of paired Student’s t tests. When
only two conditions were taken into consideration, comparisons were performed by means of paired Student’s t tests.
3. Results
3.1. SEP data
In all our subjects, we could identify all SEP components
in parietal, central and frontal traces.
In SEPs recorded at rest, the N30 response was well
identifiable over the central and frontal locations. It was
always preceded by a negative N24 frontal wave, which
appeared as a shoulder on the rising phase of the N30 potential in 4 controls and in 5 ET patients. Parietal N20 and P24
responses had their maximal amplitude at P3, while a P22
central response was maximal at C3. The N24 frontal wave
was well evident at all frontal locations. Its mean amplitude
was higher at F3 and Fz. The N30 mean amplitude was
slightly higher at Fz. Across the different conditions, evoked
responses reached their maximal amplitudes at the same
scalp locations. For this reason, amplitude comparisons
were performed on P3 traces for the N20 and P24 responses,
on C3 traces for the P22 response, on F3 traces for the N24
response. Concerning the N30 wave, we compared the
amplitudes of responses recorded at Cz (see above).
By comparing SEP amplitude percentages in controls at
rest and during mimicked tremor, we found a significant
difference, caused by a clear-cut amplitude decrease during
mimicked tremor, concerning all cortical components
(Student’s paired t test, P , 0:05; Fig. 1). The amplitude
of the subcortical P14 response remained unaffected
(Student’s paired t test, P . 0:05). Comparisons between
SEPs at rest and during antigravitary posture did not reveal
any significant modification (Student’s paired t test, P .
0:05 for any SEP components).
By comparing SEP amplitude percentages in ET patients
at rest and during postural tremor, we found a significant
difference, caused by the attenuation of N20, P22, N24 and
P24 components (Student’s paired t test, P , 0:01). The
amplitude of both P14 and N30 response showed no statistically significant difference.
By comparing SEP amplitude percentages in the 5
D. Restuccia et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 120–129
Fig. 1. Mean percentage amplitude of each scalp SEP component in 5
control subjects during antigravitary posture (black columns) and during
mimicked tremor (ragged columns). Amplitudes obtained at rest are
expressed as 100% (horizontal hatched line). Bars above each column
represent standard deviations. No significant amplitude reduction was
observed during antigravitary posture. By contrast, mimicked tremor
induced a significant attenuation of all scalp components except the subcortical P14. Amplitude reduction was more evident for the P22 and N30
patients who underwent SEPs at rest, during tremor and
during active hand movements, ANOVA revealed a significant intergroup difference concerning all components,
except the subcortical P14 wave (P , 0:05). Post hoc analysis showed significant difference between rest and tremor
for all cortical components except the N30 (Student’s paired
t test, P , 0:05), and significant difference between rest and
active hand movement for all cortical components
Fig. 2. Mean percentage amplitude of each scalp SEP component in ET
patients, during postural tremor (black columns), during active hand movements (ragged columns), and during passive hand movements (white
columns). Amplitudes obtained at rest are expressed as 100% (horizontal
hatched line). Bars above each column represent standard deviations. No
significant amplitude reduction was observed for the P14 component.
During tremor, most of the scalp components (N20, P22, N24 and P24)
showed a significant amplitude decrease, whereas the N30 wave remained
substantially unchanged. Both active and passive hand movements induced
a significant attenuation of all scalp components.
(Student’s paired t test, P , 0:05). The amplitude decrease
during active movement was more evident for the P22 and
N30 responses (mean decrement 86.8 and 62% respectively;
Fig. 2). By comparing SEP amplitude percentages in the
remaining 5 patients, who underwent SEPs at rest, during
tremor and during passive hand movements, ANOVA
revealed a significant intergroup difference concerning all
components, except the subcortical P14 wave (P , 0:05).
Post hoc analysis showed significant difference between rest
and tremor for all cortical components except the N30
(Student’s paired t test, P , 0:05), and significant difference
between rest and passive hand movement for all cortical
components (Student’s paired t test, P , 0:05). During
passive movement, the amplitude decrease was more
evident for P22, N24 and P24 responses (mean decrement
77.3, 49.5 and 57.4%, respectively; Fig. 2). Although less
evident, the mean amplitude decrease of the N20 wave was
stronger during passive movements than during active ones
(41.9 and 34.8% respectively). SEPs at rest, during tremor
and during passive hand movement in one of our patients are
illustrated in Fig. 3.
3.2. Dipolar analysis
With regard to dipolar source modeling, to build the dipolar models we used a ‘sequential strategy,’ as described in
Fig. 3. Right median nerve SEPs from one ET patient. SEPs recorded at rest
(black thick traces), during postural tremor (gray traces), and during passive
hand movement (black thin traces) are superimposed. The subcortical P14
wave remained unchanged across the 3 different paradigms; by contrast, the
parietal N20 and P24, central P22 and frontal N24 showed an evident
attenuation during tremor and during passive hand movements. The N30
component, which can be evaluated in frontal as well as in central traces, is
markedly reduced by passive hand movements but is clearly unaffected by
postural tremor.
D. Restuccia et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 120–129
detail elsewhere (Valeriani et al., 1998; Restuccia et al.,
2001). We divided the analysis time (from the subcortical
P14 to the N30 response) into two intervals, choosing the
peak of the N20 response as the division point. In the earlier
interval, which was analyzed first, one subcortical and two
cortical dipolar sources were activated. In particular two
cortical sources were reputed necessary on the basis of
previous results showing the contribution of two different
cortical generators to the SEP topography in the 20 ms
latency range. When we added the later interval to the
analysis, another dipole was needed to explain the scalp
SEP topography. This 4-dipole model explained well the
SEP distribution in traces obtained from median nerve
stimulation at rest (individual RV values ranging from 2.5
to 6.7%). Then, we applied the same 4-dipole model to
traces issued from the remaining two stimulation paradigms
(arm extended against gravity and mimicked tremor).
Dipole locations and orientations were maintained unmodified through the 3 different types of stimulation. We
obtained RV values quite similar to those obtained from
median nerve traces at rest (antigravitary posture, individual
RV values ranging from 2.71 to 8.3%; mimicked tremor,
individual RV values ranging from 3 to 9.4%).
The first dipole (no. 1), whose peaking activity had the
same latency as the P14, was placed at the base of the skull;
the other 3 dipoles had perirolandic locations. Dipole no. 2
was oriented tangentially and was activated at the latencies
of both the N20/P20 and, with inverted polarity, the P24/
N24 potentials. Dipole no. 3 showed a constant peak of
activity at the same latency as the P22 response. The 4th
dipole (no. 4) reached a radial orientation and a medial
location and showed a late peak of activity at the latency
of the fronto-central N30.
When we compared the dipole strengths in controls,
ANOVA showed a significant difference among dipole
strengths across the 3 stimulation paradigms (P , 0:05).
Post hoc analysis then revealed a significant difference
between rest and mimicked tremor, concerning dipoles 2,
3, and 4 (Student’s paired t test, P , 0:05). No significant
difference was found between rest and antigravitary
The 4-dipole model issued from control traces was
applied also to SEPs obtained from patients. This 4-dipole
model explained well the SEP distribution in traces obtained
from median nerve stimulation at rest (individual RV values
ranging from 3.5 to 8.7%). Then, we applied the same 4dipole model to traces issued from the remaining two stimulation paradigms (postural tremor and active movement of
the tremulous hand). In grand-average as well as in individual models, dipole locations were maintained unmodified
through the 3 different types of stimulation, while dipole
orientations were allowed to move freely. We obtained
RV values quite similar to those obtained from median
nerve traces at rest (postural tremor, individual RV values
ranging from 3.69 to 8.8%. Active hand movements, individual RV values ranging from 3.96 to 10.3%; passive hand
movements, individual RV values ranging from 4.51 to
When we compared the dipole strengths, paired t tests
showed a significant difference between stimulation at rest
and during postural tremor (Fig. 4). The strength reduction
was significant for dipoles 2 and 3 (P , 0:05)., while the
dipole 4 remained unmodified. By comparing dipole
strength at rest and during active and passive hand movements, the strength reduction was evident for all cortical
dipoles including the dipole 4 (Student’s paired t test,
P , 0:05). Fig. 5 illustrates the dipolar model issued from
the grand-average of SEP data in the 5 patients who underwent stimulation at rest, during tremor and during active
movement. Fig. 6 illustrates the dipolar model issued from
the grand-average of SEP data in the remaining 5 patients
who underwent stimulation at rest, during tremor and during
passive movement.
4. Discussion
SEPs performed in our patients at rest did not reveal any
abnormality. By contrast, SEPs recorded during tremor
showed specific changes, consisting of the reduction of all
cortical components, except the fronto-central N30 wave.
This finding was confirmed by dipolar analysis, which
showed a significant strength reduction of the dipoles 2
and 3, without significant involvement of the dipole 4.
Previous studies demonstrated that the dipole 2 probably
represents the generator of the N20/P20 and N24/P24
responses, whereas the dipoles 3 and 4 probably correspond
to the generators of the P22 and N30, respectively (Valeriani
Fig. 4. Mean percentage strength of each dipole in ET patients, during
postural tremor (black columns), during active hand movements (ragged
columns), and during passive hand movements (white columns). Dipole
strengths obtained at rest are expressed as 100% (horizontal hatched
line). Bars above each column represent standard deviations. No significant
amplitude reduction was observed for the first dipole, possibly corresponding to the P14 component. During tremor, most of the scalp dipoles (possibly corresponding to the N20, N24/P24 and P22 generators) showed a
significant strength decrease, whereas the 4th dipole (corresponding to
the N30 generator) remained substantially unchanged. Both active and
passive hand movements induced a significant strength decrease of all
cortical dipoles.
D. Restuccia et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 120–129
Fig. 5. Four-dipole spatiotemporal solution for median nerve SEPs; grand-average of 5 ET patients who underwent stimulation at rest, during tremor and during
active hand movements. The source potentials of the dipoles are shown on the left (black thick traces: rest; gray traces: postural tremor; black thin traces: active
hand movements). On the right, 3 views of the head illustrate the location and orientation of the dipoles. The top row shows source potential and location of the
dipole at the base of the skull (dipole 1). Source potential and location of the tangential perirolandic dipole are shown in the 2nd row. The 3rd and 4th rows
show source potentials and locations of the other two perirolandic dipoles. The strength of dipole 1 remains unchanged across the 3 different conditions. The
strength of dipoles 2 and 3 is markedly reduced by tremor as well as by active hand movements. The strength of dipole 4 remains unchanged during tremor,
while it is markedly reduced during active hand movements.
Fig. 6. Four-dipole spatiotemporal solution for median nerve SEPs; grand-average of 5 ET patients who underwent stimulation at rest, during tremor and during
passive hand movements. The source potentials of the dipoles are shown on the left (black thick traces: rest; gray traces: postural tremor; black thin traces:
passive hand movements). On the right, 3 views of the head illustrate the location and orientation of the dipoles. The top row shows the source potential and
location of the dipole at the base of the skull (dipole 1). The source potential and location of the tangential perirolandic dipole are shown in the 2nd row. The 3rd
and 4th rows show the source potentials and locations of the other two perirolandic dipoles. The strength of dipole 1 remains unchanged across the 3 different
conditions. The strength of dipoles 2 and 3 is markedly reduced by tremor as well as by passive hand movements. The strength of dipole 4 remains unchanged
during tremor, while it is markedly reduced during passive hand movements.
D. Restuccia et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 120–129
et al., 1998, 2000). However, to establish whether these SEP
changes are specific of ET, we should exclude that they are
merely caused by hand movement regardless of its central
pathogenetic mechanisms. Theoretically, involuntary movement of the hand might interfere with SEP recordings.
Movement-related SEP changes have been largely
described in earlier literature, and they are usually explained
by the so-called gating phenomenon (Jones, 1981; Cohen
and Starr, 1987; Cheron and Borenstein, 1987, 1991; Jones
et al., 1989; Rossini et al., 1996; Valeriani et al., 1999;
Shimazu et al., 1999; for a review see Cheron et al.,
2000). Cutaneous percepts as well as SEPs are inhibited
during rapid hand movements, probably to prevent the
processing of irrelevant tactile input (Schmidt et al.,
1990). Such an interference acts at different levels of the
central nervous system: as a matter of fact, sensory inputs
triggered by the electrical stimulation and sensory inputs
activated by the movement itself can mutually interfere at
some point along the ascending somatosensory pathways
(‘peripheral’ or ‘centripetal’ gating; Jones et al., 1989).
Moreover, the central command that evokes movement
can directly interfere with the processing of cutaneous
inputs (‘central’ or ‘centrifugal’ gating; Jones et al.,
1989). It is generally agreed that peripheral mechanisms
mainly contribute to the gating effect caused by passive
movements, while sensory gating following active voluntary movements implies a substantial contribution of both
mechanisms. Finally, gating that occurs without movement
or before its onset can be explained by pure central mechanisms. This type of gating, which has been evidenced by
asking the subject to imagine hand movements (Cheron
and Borenstein, 1992; Rossini et al., 1996), or by asking
him to move his hands just after the electrical stimulation
(‘premovement’ gating; Shimazu et al., 1999), has been
explained by suggesting that the usual processes of movement preparation in the motor areas of the cortex (‘motor
subroutine’; Kaji et al., 1995) can interfere with somatosensory cortical processing. The question whether hand movements induced by tremor can fully explain the SEP pattern
we observed in our patients can be solved by comparing
SEPs during tremor with SEPs obtained during different
movement paradigms. SEP modifications observed in our
patients during active or passive hand movements, when the
limb was not maintained against gravity, were very similar
to those reported in previous gating studies in healthy
humans. In our study, as well as in earlier ones, both active
and passive hand movements did not affect subcortical
SEPs, while cortical components were all affected in various
degrees. Voluntary movements caused a more remarkable
decrease of the N30 response (Jones, 1981; Cohen and Starr,
1987; Cheron and Borenstein, 1987, 1991; Jones et al.,
1989; Rossini et al., 1996; Valeriani et al., 1999; Shimazu
et al., 1999). Conversely, during passive movements cortical SEPs were less remarkably reduced, with a more evident
involvement of the N20 component (Rossini et al., 1996;
Valeriani et al., 1999). SEPs obtained from our control
subjects showed an evident attenuation of all cortical
components very similar to the one usually observed during
active hand movements, thus demonstrating that also a
small amplitude movement such as tremor can induce, in
physiological conditions, SEP changes which can be
explained by a gating effect. Seen in this light, the attenuation during postural tremor in ET patients of most of SEP
components (e.g. parietal N20, central P22, fronto-parietal
N24/P24) may be interpreted as subsequent to the interference between an involuntary movement such as the tremor
and the somatosensory input. By contrast, the finding of a
centro-frontal N30 wave which is affected by passive movements, but not by tremor during antigravitary posture,
requires a further explanation. In general, the interpretation
of any abnormality of the N30 wave is difficult due to a
number of uncertain details concerning its physiological
meaning. N30 reduction with normal parietal N20 component was described in localized focal lesions of the frontal
cortex (Mauguière et al., 1983) and of the internal capsula
(Mauguière and Desmedt, 1991). This led to hypothesize
that the N30 is generated by somatosensory input reaching
precentral cortical areas by means of parallel and separate
thalamo-cortical projections; moreover, a significant relationship between this wave and motor control was also
supported by the finding of reduced N30 in movement disorders, such as Parkinson disease (Rossini et al., 1989) or
Huntington’s chorea (Topper et al., 1993). However, this
hypothesis is not generally accepted, since other authors
claimed for a postcentral location of the N30 generator
(Allison et al., 1991; Ibañez et al., 1995), whereas others
did not confirm the finding of reduced N30 in parkinsonian
patients (Mauguière et al., 1993; Garcia et al., 1995).
Looking at our present data, the hypothesis of a direct
anatomical lesion of the N30 cortical generator can be
easily ruled out by the finding of a normal amplitude of
this wave at rest. In the same way, we can exclude a
persistent dysfunction of the N30 generator, since the
abnormality we observed was evident only during postural
tremor. The finding of a normal N30 at rest which does not
change during tremor but is correctly gated by active and
passive movements could be trivially explained by
hypothesizing that the antigravitary posture produces an
overflow of sensory input to the N30 generator. According
to this hypothesis, the N30 gating during tremorgenic
posture is actually correct, but it does not cause a measurable amplitude reduction of this wave, since a larger
amount of proprioceptive afferents contributes to its building. On the other hand, antigravitary posture itself does not
cause evident SEP changes in healthy subjects, rendering
this hypothesis unlikely. Therefore, the more probable
explanation for our present data is that, during ET, the
central generator of the N30 is involved in a central oscillatory circuitry which is refractory to peripheral input; this
input is therefore functionally ‘switched off,’ rendering
impossible the classical gating of the electrical volley.
The existence of a thalamo-cortical loop selectively
D. Restuccia et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 120–129
involving the N30 cortical generator has been recently
confirmed by a report, showing that deep brain stimulation
(DBS) of the basal nuclei caused a selective enhancement of
the N30 wave (Pierantozzi et al., 1999). In this study, the
authors, according to earlier hypotheses about the frontal
origin of the N30 wave, suggested that this thalamo-cortical
loop mainly involves the frontal cortex and namely the
supplementary motor area (SMA). Analogously, Murase et
al. (2000) interpreted the finding of an incorrect N30 gating
in dystonic patients by hypothesizing a dysfunction in
prefrontal areas. These authors found that the N30 response,
although showing normal amplitude values, was not modified by premotor gating. Since it has been proposed that
dystonia can be caused by a fault in the usual processes of
movement preparation in the motor areas of cortex (Kaji et
al., 1995), Murase et al. (2000) suggested that the same
frontal areas are not able to correctly process sensory inputs.
Both explanations are substantially in agreement with other
authors (Rossini et al., 1989) who localized the N30 generator within the SMA, which is possibly involved in the initiation and programming of voluntary movement (Goldberg,
1985); however, this hypothesis is still matter of debate,
since other authors failed to find clear signs of SMA activation during upper limb stimulation (Ibañez et al., 1995;
Barba et al., 2001). Nevertheless, whatever the exact location of the N30 generator, its refractoriness to proprioceptive inputs coming from a limb maintained in antigravitary
posture is substantially in agreement with recent studies,
which reveal a strict relationship between the N30 and the
selective processing of proprioceptive input. In fact, N30 is
lacking after pure cutaneous stimulation (Restuccia et al.,
1999), and it is relatively more represented after pure
proprioceptive stimulation (Restuccia et al., 2002). In
conclusion, our present data suggest that the cortical N30
generator, whatever its location, is probably involved,
during postural tremor in ET patients, in an oscillatory
thalamo-cortical loop insensitive to peripheral proprioceptive input.
Several recent acquisitions in literature lend substance to
this finding. Firstly, surgical lesions of the of the thalamus
remove ET (Goldman et al., 1992), and tremor-related activity has been recorded in single neurons of the ventralis
intermedius nucleus of the thalamus (Hua et al., 1998).
Secondly, coherence has been found between an EEG
component over the sensorimotor cortex contralateral to
the tremulous limb and the tremor-related electromyographic activity (Hellwig et al., 2001). The existence of
such a thalamo-cortical loop, however, does not necessarily
rule out the classical hypothesis of an olivary oscillator
accounting for the ET generation (Elble, 1996). It is well
known that cortical manifestations of the tremor, such as
cortical oscillations showing similar frequency and a fixedphase relation with EMG-recorded limb tremor, could
merely represent spread of the modulation along neuronal
pathways from CNS structures functionally related to the
somatomotor cortex (McAuley, 2001). In fact, several
studies provided strong evidence of a strict functional relationship between olivary nuclei and somatomotor cortex.
Inferior olivary nuclei are known to respond to sensory
inputs which are not self-generated or predictable; for
instance, repetitive locomotion does not cause in physiologic conditions significant activation of olivary cells (for a
review see Devor, 2002). Predictability of any sensory input
is likely to depend on cortical processing, therefore the
somatomotor cortex probably plays a major role in modulating the arrival of somatosensory information to the olives
(Brown and Bower, 2000). As a matter of fact, a considerable share of data indicates that inferior olives receive inputs
from sensorimotor cortex, either directly or via posterior
column nuclei relays (Allen and Tsukahara, 1974; Andersson and Nyquist, 1983; Baker et al., 2001). Therefore, it is
conceivable that an abnormality of the cortical processing of
somatosensory information may influence the activity of the
inferior olivary nuclei.
In conclusion, although the large clinical heterogeneity of
ET patients and the intrinsic variability of the N30 wave
suggest some precaution, our present data seem to indicate
that somatomotor cortical areas play an important role in
generating ET. This finding can be important in the future
understanding of its pathophysiologic mechanisms, as well
as in its management.
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