J Neurophysiol 97: 3219 –3228, 2007.
First published March 7, 2007; doi:10.1152/jn.00477.2006.
Cortical Involvement in the Generation of Essential Tremor
Jan Raethjen,1 R. B. Govindan,1 Florian Kopper,1 M. Muthuraman,2 and Günther Deuschl1
Department of Neurology and 2Institute for Circuit and System Theory, University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany
Submitted 4 May 2006; accepted in final form 3 March 2007
Raethjen J, Govindan RB, Kopper F, Muthuraman M, Deuschl G.
Cortical involvement in the generation of essential tremor. J Neurophysiol 97: 3219 –3228, 2007. First published March 7, 2007;
doi:10.1152/jn.00477.2006. Conflicting results on the existence of
tremor-related cortical activity in essential tremor (ET) have raised
questions on the role of the cortex in tremor generation. Here we
attempt to address these issues. We recorded 64 channel surface EEGs
and EMGs from forearm muscles in 15 patients with definite ET. EEG
and EMG power spectra, relative power of the rhythmic EMG
activity, relative EEG power at the tremor frequency, and EEG–EMG
and EEG–EEG coherence were calculated and their dynamics over
time explored. Corticomuscular delay was studied using a new
method for narrow-band coherent signals. Corticomuscular coherence
in the contralateral central region at the tremor frequency was present
in all patients in recordings with a relative tremor EMG power
exceeding a certain level. However, the coherence was lost intermittently even with tremors far above this level. Physiological 15- to
30-Hz coherence was found consistently in 11 patients with significantly weaker EMG activity in this frequency range. A more frontal
(mesial) hot spot was also intermittently coupled with the tremor and
the central hot spot in five patients. Corticomuscular delays were
compatible with transmission in fast corticospinal pathways and
feedback of the tremor signal. Thus the tremor rhythm is intermittently relayed only in different cortical motor areas. We hypothesize
that tremor oscillations build up in different subcortical and subcortico-cortical circuits only temporarily entraining each other.
(2000) did not find significant coherence between magnetoencephalographically recorded cortical activity and the peripheral
tremor, but only around 20 Hz, which is a well-described
physiological phenomenon (Baker et al. 1999; Brown et al.
1998; Conway et al. 1995; Halliday et al. 1998). Hellwig et al.
(2001) more recently demonstrated clear tremor-related activity in the electroencephalogram (EEG) of a proportion of their
patients with ET.
The reasons for these diverging results are not clear and raise
questions regarding the role of the cortex in the emergence of
ET. Hellwig et al. (2001) suggested that this may be a purely
methodological problem because the tremor has to reach a
certain intensity before corticomuscular coherence at the
tremor frequency can be detected. However, Halliday et al.
(2000) were able to detect the physiological coherence around
20 Hz, although the muscle activity at this frequency was not
stronger than the activity at the tremor frequency. Another
unsolved question is the direction of interaction between cortex
and periphery at the tremor frequency. Although the coherence
indicates that the cortex is involved in the tremor oscillations it
does not necessarily indicate that it is involved in tremor
generation (i.e., that the oscillatory activity is transmitted from
cortex to muscle).
These issues are addressed in the present study in an analysis
of the corticomuscular coherence and its dynamics at the
tremor frequency and in the 15- to 30-Hz band in relation to the
relative EMG power at the respective frequency in the same ET
patients. The delay and direction of interaction between cortex
and periphery at the tremor frequency were determined using a
newly developed method for delay estimation in narrow-band
coherent signals (Govindan et al. 2005, 2006).
Essential tremor (ET) is typically driven by rhythmic EMG
bursts remaining constant when the resonant frequency of the
oscillating limb is changed, such as by added inertia (Deuschl
et al. 1996; Elble 1986). This indicates its relative independence from peripheral mechanical reflex mechanisms and is a
sign of a central origin (Deuschl and Elble 2000; Elble 2000).
However, the tremor physiology measured in the periphery
cannot determine where in the CNS these oscillations emerge.
The strong effect of thalamic lesions on tremor led to the
hypothesis that the thalamus may be involved in the generation
of ET (Koller et al. 2000; Pahwa et al. 2000; Schuurman et al.
2000). This was supported by recordings of tremor coherent
oscillatory activity from the thalamic ventralis intermediate
nucleus (Hua and Lenz 2004; Hua et al. 1998), and oscillating
thalamocortical loops may be one pathogenetic basis of ET
(Deuschl et al. 2001; Elble 1996; Hellwig et al. 2001). However, whereas in Parkinson’s disease tremor-related cortical
activity was previously found reproducibly in different studies
(Hellwig et al. 2000; Timmermann et al. 2003; Volkmann et al.
1996), attempts to demonstrate a cortical correlate of the
tremor rhythm in ET led to conflicting results. Halliday et al.
In all, 15 patients (three female and 12 male) were included in the
study all of whom fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for classical essential tremor (Deuschl et al. 1998) that is definite ET according to
Tremor Investigation Group (TRIG) criteria (Findley and Koller
1995). Ages ranged from 26 to 73 yr (mean: 61 ⫾ 13.5). Disease
duration was between 4 and 50 yr (mean: 21 ⫾ 15.6). Clinical tremor
severity was assessed by the essential tremor rating scale (ETRS)
developed by Fahn et al. (1988). Patients covered a broad range
between an ETRS total score of 5 and 101 (mean: 32 ⫾ 25.7). All of
the patients suffered from bilateral but sometimes asymmetric hand
tremor with accelerometric frequencies ranging from 4 to 7 Hz (mean:
5.6 Hz). The hand items of the ETRS differed by ⬍2 points between
the left and right hand in 12 of the patients. In the remaining three
patients the left–right differences in the clinical hand scores were 3, 8,
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[email protected]).
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0022-3077/07 $8.00 Copyright © 2007 The American Physiological Society
and 14. All of them had bilateral tremor from the onset of the disease.
None of them showed any clinically visible head tremor in the
recording position at the time of the recordings. Five of the patients
had a clear family history of postural tremor in a first-degree relative.
Seven of the patients were taking medication directed against their
tremor (four only Propranolol, two only Primidon, and one a combination of Primidon and Propranolol). All of these patients reported
only a slight alleviation of their tremor by the medication. It was
continued at the time of the recordings. The study protocol was
approved by the local ethics committee and all patients gave informed
Patients were seated in a comfortable chair in a slightly supine
position. Both forearms were supported by firm armrests up to the
wrist joints. The hands were held outstretched against gravity or an
additional weight load of 1,000 g. Patients were asked to keep their
eyes open and fix their eyes on a point about 2 m away.
Tremor was recorded by surface EMG from the forearm flexors and
extensors using silver chloride electrodes. EEG was recorded in
parallel with a standard 64-channel recording system (Neuroscan,
Herndon, VA) using a linked mastoid reference. EEG and EMG were
sampled at 1,000 Hz and band-pass filtered (EMG 30 –200 Hz; EEG
0.05–200 Hz). Data were stored in a computer and analyzed off-line.
Individual recordings were of 1- to 4-min duration. The number of
recordings performed in each patient varied between two and eight
depending on the way the patient tolerated the experimental setting
(cap tautness).
Data analysis
EMG was full-wave rectified and the EEG was made reference free
by Hjorth transformation (Hjorth 1975). The combination of bandpass filtering and rectification is the common demodulation procedure
for tremor EMG (e.g., Hurtado et al. 2005; Journee et al. 1983;
Timmer et al. 1998). Only 49 EEG electrodes were used. The
boundary electrodes were used only for the Hjorth transformation and
not for the subsequent analysis. Each record was segmented into a
number of 1-s-long high-quality epochs from which all the data
sections with visible artifacts were discarded. Depending on the length
of the recording and the quality of the data, between 40 and 240
segments of 1 s were used for the analysis of one record. Following
Halliday et al. (1995) we calculated the periodogram of the power
spectra and the cross-spectrum for each of the 1-s segments independently using a Hanning window. These periodograms were then
averaged over all the segments to get a reliable spectral and crossspectral estimate including confidence intervals with a frequency
resolution of 1 Hz (Halliday et al. 1995). The coherence was then
calculated as the ratio of the squared magnitude of the cross-spectrum
to the product of the power spectra. Coherence is a normalized linear
measure, taking on a value of one in the case of a perfect linear
dependency and zero in the case of complete independence between
the two processes. The statistical significance of coherence is assessed
by the 99% confidence limit, which is derived under the hypothesis of
linear independence (Halliday et al. 1995; Timmer et al. 1998) and is
given by
1 ⫺ 共0.01兲 1/共L⫺1)
where L is the number of disjoint 1-s sections (segments) used in the
spectral estimation. Estimated values of coherence lying below this
confidence limit are taken as an indication of a lack of linear
dependency between the two processes.
The localization of the coherence on the scalp was determined by
calculating isocoherence maps taking into account all the electrodes.
For this purpose the 99% confidence limit was subtracted from the
J Neurophysiol • VOL
coherence at the tremor frequency for each of these electrodes,
thereby setting the level of significance to zero. These coherence
differences were grayscale-coded with black indicating the maximal
corticomuscular coherence found in the respective recording and
white indicating coherence values below the confidence level. In case
of a mechanical transmission of the tremor oscillations from the arm
to the head inducing rhythmic movement artifacts in the EEG we
found a characteristic pattern of widespread bilateral coherence especially marked in the posterior electrodes. Those recordings were
excluded from further analysis. This is in line with the observations
and the procedure for movement artifact detection described in earlier
work (Timmermann et al. 2003).
In cases that showed two separate coherent areas (“hot spots”) in
the isocoherence maps, cortico-cortical coherence was calculated
between the electrodes showing maximal coherence with the muscle
in the respective hot spot.
A new method was used to determine the direction of interaction
between the involved cortical areas and muscle. The traditional way of
determining the direction of interaction and time delay between two
time series by fitting a line or curve to the phase spectrum in the
coherent frequency range (Brown et al. 1998; Lindemann et al. 2001;
McAuley et al. 1997; Mima et al. 2000; Muller et al. 2003; Salenius
et al. 2002) fails in case of very narrow band signals like pathological
tremors. The new method is also based on spectral analysis but
overcomes this problem. It takes advantage of the fact that a delay
between two signals introduces a time misalignment that slightly
reduces the estimated coherence (Carter 1987). To estimate the delay
between the time series, one of them is time shifted backward in time,
keeping the other constant. The coherence at a selected frequency
(here: tremor frequency) is estimated as a function of the shift. If there
is a delay in this direction coherence will increase and reach a
maximum value at the shift corresponding to the delay. The analysis
is repeated by shifting the other time series (which was held constant
in time in the preceding analysis) to estimate the delay, if any, in the
other direction. Thus we can obtain the nature of coupling and the
delay in both directions by this method. The level of significance and
the SD of the calculated delays were determined by surrogate analysis.
Details of the procedure are given in Govindan et al. (2005). The
delays and their SDs for all the coherent electrodes belonging to one
hot spot were weighted according to the strength of their coupling
with the periphery (coherence) at the tremor frequency and then
averaged. This weighted average was taken as a good approximation
of the delay between the respective hot spot and the peripheral tremor.
The relative EEG power at the tremor frequency was assessed by
dividing the EEG power at the tremor frequency by the mean EEG
power at the remaining frequencies between 1 and 100 Hz. For the
second broader band around 20 Hz the maximal power in the coherent
frequency range was used. The relative EMG powers at the tremor
frequency and in the 15- to 30-Hz band were calculated by dividing
the height of the peak at the respective frequency by the mean power
in the 51- to 100-Hz range. This measure of tremor intensity is similar
to the “signal-to-noise ratio” described by Hellwig et al. (2001). It is
analogous to the well-known relative power measure for EEG signals,
except that the EMG power at the frequency of interest is normalized
only by the mean power of higher frequencies to avoid an artificial
influence of very high peaks at the lower (e.g., tremor) frequencies. To
compare the relative EMG power between the two frequency bands
and coherent and noncoherent recordings we performed a receiver
operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. The ROC curve is a plot of
sensitivity and 1 ⫺ specificity. The area under the ROC curve (AUC)
gives the degree of separation in the distribution of relative EMG
power in two groups and 1 ⫺ AUC gives the degree of overlap
between the two groups.
Among the recordings that showed a significant coherence at the
tremor frequency and/or in the 15- to 30-Hz band, long artifact-free
segments and completely artifact free recordings were selected. A dynamic analysis of the corticomuscular coherence, the cortico-cortical
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coherence between the two cortical hot spots (if applicable), and the
relative EMG power over time were performed for these recordings by
calculating power and coherence spectra for moving 30-s windows with
an overlap of 28 s, resulting in an apparent time resolution of 2 s. For each
of these 30-s windows calculation of the spectral quantities followed the
same procedure as that for recording as a whole described earlier
(Halliday et al. 1995). However, decreasing the number of data points
will inevitably make the coherence estimates noisier and thus one concern is that any intermittent drops in coherence below the significance
level may arise from noisy fluctuations in the coherence estimate rather
than from an intermittent lack of correlation. Therefore we created a
realistic model to test this approach. We considered two coupled AR2
processes (y[n] ⫽ a1y[n ⫺ 1] ⫹ a2y[n ⫺ 2] ⫹ noise[n]). One version
(V1) of AR2 had narrow-band spectral characteristics (a1 ⫽ 1.9691, a2 ⫽
⫺0.9753) and the other (V2) had broadband spectral characteristics (a1 ⫽
0.37486, a2 ⫽ ⫺0.36788). These two processes were simulated for
durations of 150 s at a sampling rate of 1,000 Hz. The narrow-band AR2
(V1) was then band-pass filtered around its spectral peak between 8 and
15 Hz and was then combined by point-by-point summation with the
broadband AR2 (V2) as follows: V ⫽ V2 ⫹ 0.2V1. Independent white
noises were added to V and V1 whose amounts were tuned so that the
overall coherence between V and V1 was around 0.1, close to what we
observe in the biological situation (Fig. 1A). In the dynamic analysis of
the coherence in this model we found a significant coherence between the
data sets at all times (Fig. 1B). Also we simulated another different
scenario in which the coupling between these signals was introduced only
in selected time segments. For this scenario, the dynamic coherence
showed coherence between the two signals in the time frames at which
the coupling was introduced. However, we did not present these results
here for the sake of brevity. These simulation experiences demonstrate
that the presence of intermittent versus continuous coupling can be safely
captured by our dynamic coherence analysis without attributing the
results to methodological pitfalls.
Corticomuscular coherence at the tremor frequency
In all of the 15 patients we found corticomuscular coherence
at the tremor frequency. This was reproducible between two to
FIG. 1. Performance of the coherence analysis in each 30-s window with a
2-s sliding window over time in a model system. Two AR2 processes (one with
a broadband spectrum and one with a narrow-band spectrum) were constructed
and coupled by adding a fraction (1/5) of the band-pass filtered narrow-band
AR2 to the broadband AR2 (for details see METHODS). Coherence between this
compound AR2 process and the narrow-band AR2 is displayed in A. Similar
to the corticomuscular system in tremor patients there is a narrow-band
significant coherence around 0.1. Dynamic coherence estimated is shown in B.
Although there are some noisy fluctuations of the coherence values they all
clearly remain above the significance level at all times.
J Neurophysiol • VOL
FIG. 2. Representative example of raw data, power, and coherence spectra.
A section of Hjorth-transformed electroencephalogram (EEG) raw data and the
power spectrum of the whole 2-min time series recorded from electrode C3 is
displayed in the left column, rectified electromyogram (EMG) and EMG power
spectrum of the forearm extensor on the right. Corticomuscular coherence
spectrum is shown in the middle at the bottom. Horizontal line in the coherence
spectrum indicates the 99% confidence level. Coherence exceeding this level
is considered to be statistically significant.
four successive recordings with and without added weight in
12 of the patients, whereas it was seen in only one of the
recordings in three of them. The tremor frequency remained
constant under weight load in all the patients and the frequency
of the corticomuscular coherence also remained unchanged
under added inertia in 12 of the patients showing coherence at
the tremor frequency under both conditions. Nine patients
showed bilateral (albeit slightly asymmetric) tremor activity at
the time of the recordings with corresponding corticomuscular
coherence at the tremor frequency with the cortex contralateral
to the respective tremor hand. Only in one of the patients did
we find a significant but weaker corticomuscular coherence
also at double the tremor frequency as previously reported for
Parkinsonian tremor (Timmermann et al. 2003), although there
was a clear peak at double the tremor frequency in the EMG
power spectra of 11 patients (Fig. 2).
The EMG bursts were not coherent between both sides in the
vast majority of the recordings as previously reported for ET
(Lauk et al. 1999; Raethjen et al. 2000).
A typical example of Hjorth-transformed EEG and rectified
EMG raw data together with the corresponding power spectra
and the coherence spectrum is given in Fig. 2. There is strong
tremor activity in the EMG resulting in a clear peak in the
EMG spectrum. In a number of recordings there was also a
peak at the tremor frequency in the EEG spectrum, albeit much
less prominent than the EMG peak. The significant EEG–EMG
coherence at the tremor frequency indicates tremor-related
EEG activity.
Corticomuscular coherence in the 15- to 30-Hz range
In 11 of the patients we also found corticomuscular coherence in the 15- to 30-Hz range the maximum of which was not
harmonically related with the tremor frequency in any of them.
In nine cases this was seen along with the lower-frequency
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whether this is related to the fact that we hardly saw any
coherence at double the tremor frequency (around 10 –13 Hz)
commonly seen in PD tremor (Hellwig et al. 2000; Timmermann et al. 2003).
Topography of corticomuscular coherence
FIG. 3. Two examples of recordings from 2 patients (A and B) with parallel
corticomuscular coherence at the tremor frequency and in the 15- to 30-Hz
band. EEG spectra are given at the top, the EMG spectra in the middle, and the
coherence spectra at the bottom. Horizontal line in the coherence spectrum
gives the 99% confidence limit. Note that the EMG spectra show a clear tremor
peak but no discernible peak in the 15- to 30-Hz band.
coherence in the same recordings. Two examples of patients
with a coherent lower-frequency tremor activity but an equally
strong or even stronger coherence in the 15- to 30-Hz band in
parallel are displayed in Fig. 3. Note that the EEG and EMG
spectra do not show any discernible peak in the 15- to 30-Hz
range. Interestingly, the proportion and the magnitude of this
coherence did not differ from a group of normal subjects that
were analyzed in the same way (unpublished observations) and
it was independent of the strength of the tremor.
This is in contrast to the situation in Parkinson’s disease
(PD) where the increase in lower-frequency corticomuscular
coupling seems to occur at the expense of this normal 15- to
30-Hz coherence (Salenius et al. 2002). Thus our findings in
the ET patients may indicate that it is not the tremor but rather
the dopamine deficiency that is responsible for the suppression
of 15- to 30-Hz coupling in PD; it is not clear, however,
The main coherence is located in the contralateral lateral
central area being in keeping with an involvement of the
primary cortical areas. Because the isocoherence maps do not
allow a distinction between primary motor and sensory cortex
we will refer to the “primary sensorimotor cortex” in the
following. Three representative examples of isocoherence
maps are given in Fig. 4. In five of the patients there was
another coherent cortical area in the more frontal (mesial)
region in some of the recordings (A) and in the patients with
bilateral tremor we found very weak coherence just exceeding
the level of significance also on the ipsilateral side (C) in single
recordings in four of the patients, in keeping with a previous
report (Hellwig et al. 2003). In three of them the second frontal
hot spot included a midline electrode. One of these patients had
a strong bilateral tremor and the midline showed coherence
with the tremor on both sides. In this patient we also saw a
weak but significant coherence between the muscles on both
sides. All of the three representative patients displayed in Fig.
4 (top row) also showed corticomuscular coherence in the
physiological 15- to 30-Hz band in parallel as displayed in the
bottom row. The hot spot of this higher-frequency corticomuscular coherence covered almost the same electrodes as the
main hot spot of the coherence with the tremor in the central
region. Because it is well established that the 15- to 30-Hz
coherence is generated in the primary sensorimotor cortex
(Baker et al. 2003; Brown et al. 1998; Conway et al. 1995;
Halliday et al. 1998; Kilner et al. 2000; Salenius et al. 2002)
this finding confirms that the sensorimotor cortex is also
involved in the ET oscillations. The 15- to 30-Hz coherence
was always limited to the one relatively large contralateral area
around the central region and we have not seen a second frontal
hot spot as seen for the tremor frequency.
Cortico-cortical coherence between the central and the more
frontal area was significant at the tremor frequency in all the
patients in whom we found a second frontal mesial hot spot.
FIG. 4. Isocoherence maps for 3 different patients
(A–C). Top row: cortical areas showing significant
coherence with the tremor. Bottom row: topographical
distribution of the corticomuscular coherence in the
physiological 15- to 30-Hz band. Note that there were
2 distinct areas that were coherent with the tremor in
some patients as shown in A.
J Neurophysiol • VOL
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power values for the coherent 15- to 30-Hz EMG activity were
clearly below the threshold for corticomuscular coherence at
the tremor frequency in the vast majority of the recordings.
Application of ROC analysis (see METHODS) confirmed that
there is a good degree of separation between the relative EMG
power values at the coherent tremor frequency and those in the
coherent 15- to 30-Hz range (overlap is only 2.8%), whereas
there is less separation between the noncoherent and coherent
tremor recordings (overlap is 14.5%) and least separation
between the noncoherent tremor frequency and the coherent
15- to 30-Hz band (overlap is 33.1%). The relative EEG power
did not show any difference between the two frequency bands
or coherent and noncoherent recordings.
Dynamics of corticomuscular coherence
5. Relative EMG power at the tremor frequency and in the 15- to
30-Hz frequency. Relative EMG power at the tremor frequency for all extensor
and flexor EMGs with a visible tremor peak and for all the recordings from all
the patients are displayed separately for recordings with a significant corticomuscular coherence at the tremor frequency and noncoherent recordings (solid
dots). Relative power in the 15- to 30-Hz band is given only for muscles and
recordings with a significant coherence in this band (open rhombi). Corticomuscular coherence was seen only when the relative EMG power rose above
a certain level around 5. Nevertheless, a number of recordings with relative
tremor power above this level did not show significant coherence. Relative
power of the 15- to 30-Hz EMG activity was below this level for the vast
majority of recordings with significant corticomuscular coherence in this band.
Receiver operating characteristics analysis confirmed that there was hardly any
overlap between the relative power at the coherent tremor frequency and the
coherent 15- to 30-Hz band (2.8%), whereas the overlap between coherent and
noncoherent tremors was greater (14.5%). Largest overlap was found between
noncoherent tremor and coherent 15- to 30-Hz activity (33.1%).
Peripheral tremor intensity and corticomuscular coherence
The relative EMG power of the peripheral extensor and
flexor EMG at the tremor frequency bands was compared
between recordings with a significant corticomuscular coherence and recordings without a significant coherence at the
tremor frequency (4 –7 Hz); both of these groups were compared with the 15- to 30-Hz band. Although the relative EMG
power was calculated for any distinguishable peak at the
tremor frequency, irrespective of whether it was coherent with
the EEG, there were hardly any noticeable peaks in the 15- to
30-Hz band. Therefore in this frequency band the maximal
power in the coherent frequency band of each individual
recording was used, which could be calculated for recordings
only with a significant coherence in this frequency band. The
relationship-relative EMG power and the incidence of significant coherence did not differ significantly between the flexor
and the extensor EMGs. Figure 5 displays the relative EMG
power values for the coherent and noncoherent tremor frequencies (black dots, left two columns) and the relative EMG power
values in the coherent 15- to 30-Hz band (open rhombi,
rightmost column). Although tremor-related cortical activity is
seen only above a certain relative EMG power threshold
around 5, the relative EMG power at the tremor frequency in
those recordings without significant corticomuscular coherence
covered a very broad range reaching up to values at which
there was a significant coherence in many other recordings. All
the subjects showed corticomuscular coherence at the tremor
frequency in at least one of the recordings that disappeared
intermittently in single recordings, although the relative EMG
power often remained almost unchanged. The relative EMG
J Neurophysiol • VOL
The corticomuscular coherence does not only vary from
recording to recording but it also changes over time within one
recording. It was not constantly present during the recording
but disappeared intermittently. In only one of our patients did
the corticomuscular coherence at the tremor frequency remain
throughout the recordings—in this subject we obtained recordings of only 1-min length. As shown in Fig. 6A the relative
EMG power sometimes seemed to vary in parallel to the
coherence, although the corticomuscular coherence was completely lost at times at which the relative EMG power showed
only a slight decline on a high level. Figure 6B displays the
dynamics of the coherence in a patient with less overall tremor
intensity. In such cases we often found only very small changes
of the relative EMG power over time and they seemed largely
independent of the changes in the corticomuscular coherence.
The coherence in the 15- to 30-Hz band was generally less
variable and dropped below the significance level intermittently in only five of the 11 patients in whom we found
corticomuscular coherence in this band. The variations in the
two frequency bands were not related in any of the patients.
This is shown for one representative patient in Fig. 6B. The
relative EEG power at the respective coherent frequencies was
monitored and did not show any changes in parallel to the
Both the corticomuscular coherence at the central hot spot
and also the coherence between the more frontal area and the
tremor activity were variable over time in the majority of the
recordings. Figure 7 gives representative examples from three
patients with an additional fontal/mesial hot spot. In the first
patient (A) the rise of coherence in the central hot spot starting
at about 60 –70 s is clearly not paralleled by the coherence in
the frontal hot spot, which starts to rise above the significance
level at only about 90 s. The cortico-cortical coherence at the
tremor frequency displayed at the bottom became significant
only at the time at which both hot spots showed tremor-related
activity, but even in this period the coherence between the two
hot spots dropped below the significance level intermittently.
In the example from the second patient (B) the corticomuscular
coherence at the tremor frequency ran almost perfectly in
parallel and the two hot spots were strongly coupled at the
tremor frequency even at the beginning of the recording when
both hot spots did not show tremor-related activity. In the third
recording from yet another patient (C) we again found an
intermittent drop in coherence in only one of the hot spots (end
of the recording), whereas the other remained coherent. The
97 • MAY 2007 •
FIG. 6. Corticomuscular coherence at the tremor frequency over time. Two examples from patients (A and B) are given. Top row: relative EMG power (at
the tremor frequency) over time. Bottom row: corticomuscular coherence, the 99% confidence limit of which is given by the horizontal line. They are calculated
for moving windows of 30-s length and an overlap of 28 s (time resolution: 2 s). Example in A displays the relative tremor power of the right wrist extensor
and its coherence with C3. This patient suffered from a strong tremor at 6 Hz. Corticomuscular coherence and the peripheral tremor intensity seem to change
in parallel in this case. However, the coherence intermittently drops below the 99% confidence limit even though the tremor remains strong. B: example of a
patient with weaker tremor at 7 Hz with parallel 15- to 30-Hz coherence. Relative tremor power is given for the left wrist extensor and its coherence with C4.
Although the tremor remained stable over time the coherence varied considerably and dropped below the 99% confidence limit after about 1 min; 15- to 30-Hz
coherence remained stable over the whole time.
cortico-cortical coherence also was only intermittently significant and dropped below the significance level even at the time
at which both hot spots are coherent with the tremor. These
examples show that the tremor-related activity in both hot spots
does not necessarily appear in parallel and that the intracortical
coupling often disappears intermittently.
Direction of corticomuscular interaction and
corticomuscular delay
Two examples of the method for delay estimation (Govindan et al. 2005, 2006) are given for single coherent
cortical electrodes in two different patients in Fig. 8 (see
METHODS). The coherence is displayed against time shift.
There are clearly discernible maxima in both shift directions
in Fig. 8A, indicating a delay from EEG to EMG as well as
an interaction and delay from EMG to EEG. This is a typical
example of an electrode in the central hot spot (C3 vs. right
forearm extensor in this case). In Fig. 8B there is only one
coherence maximum in the positive shift direction that
makes up for a delay from EEG to EMG. This is a typical
example of an electrode from the frontal/mesial hot spot
(here: FCz electrode vs. right forearm extensor). The final
delay values after weighting by the coherence values (see
METHODS) are given in Table 1, which shows that a significant delay could be estimated between the central hot spot
and the contralateral forearm extensor muscle in nine of the
15 patients. All of these patients showed a transmission of
the tremor frequency from the central hot spot to muscle
with delays between 11 and 20 ms (mean 12.1 ⫾ 2.2 ms)
and feedback from muscle to cortex with delays between 9
and 24 ms (mean 15.1 ⫾ 4.1 ms). In the remaining six
patients the coherence maxima did not pass the significance
level as determined by the surrogate analysis (Govindan et
al. 2005). Thus we could not estimate the corticomuscular
interaction reliably in these cases. The frontal/mesial hot
spot was coherent in five of our patients and showed a
corticomuscular delay between 23 and 27 ms (mean 25 ⫾
1.5 ms). In only two of these patients did we find an
interaction from muscle to the frontal hotspot with delays
around 10 ms (mean 10.2 ms) and in one of these patients
we could not reliably estimate the delay for the frontal hot
spot in either direction. Overall the delays between the
FIG. 7. Corticomuscular coherence for both hot spots
and cortico-cortical coherence over time. Corticomuscular
coherence at the tremor frequency is given for the central
(top row) and the more frontal hot spot (middle row) and the
cortico-cortical coherence between the two hot spots (bottom row) is displayed for 3 recordings from 3 different
patients (A–C). Horizontal lines represent the 99% confidence limit. Plots show that the corticomuscular coherence
is variable for the frontal hot spot as well (A–C). These
variations often do not occur in parallel (A, C), however,
and the 2 hot spots may become intermittently independent
(not coherent) even while both hot spots are coupled with
the peripheral tremor (A, C).
J Neurophysiol • VOL
97 • MAY 2007 •
FIG. 8. Example of delay estimation for representative individual cortical electrodes in 2 patients. Corticomuscular coherence at the tremor frequency
(ordinate) is plotted against the time by which one time series is shifted while the other remains constant. Positive time shifts make up for delays from EEG to
EMG and negative ones for EMG–EEG delays. In case of a delay the coherence increases from its value at zero shift and reaches a maximum when the delay
has been made up for completely. In A there is a clear coherence maximum in both directions indicating transmission of the signal at the tremor frequency from
cortex to muscle and from muscle to cortex. Delay times of 22 ms from EEG to EMG and 23 ms from EMG to EEG are marked by the vertical lines. This is
a typical example of an electrode from the central hot spot (C4). In B there is only one peak at (⫹)27 ms. This peak indicates a corticomuscular transmission
and is a typical example of an electrode from the more frontal hot spot (FC2). Coherence peaks displayed here all exceeded the 95% confidence limit as
determined by the surrogate analysis for every single step of the time shift (for details see Govindan et al. 2005).
frontal area and muscle were slightly longer than those from
the central area and the feedback from the periphery was
less consistent.
In five of the 11 patients with coherence in the 15- to 30-Hz
band we also found a corticomuscular interaction in this
frequency band (mean delay: 19.4 ⫾ 6 ms), satisfactorily in
keeping with previously published data (Gross et al. 2000;
Mima et al. 2000b). In four of these patients there was also
feedback from muscle to cortex in this band (mean delay:
17.3 ⫾ 7.9 ms), in line with recent findings (Riddle et al. 2005)
in normal subjects.
In the present study we could show that the corticomuscular
delay times at the tremor frequency would be in keeping with
transmission of oscillatory activity from cortex to muscle,
which is in turn fed back to the cortex. However, involvement
of the sensorimotor cortex is more complex than previously
envisaged. The corticomuscular coherence at the tremor freTABLE
1. Corticomuscular delay
Delay, ms
Central Hot Spot
Frontal/Mesial Hot Spot
12.0 ⫾ 6.6
14.0 ⫾ 4.4
11.0 ⫾ 3.7
10.5 ⫾ 5.1
16.0 ⫾ 7.7
11.3 ⫾ 6.1
11.0 ⫾ 0.8
20.4 ⫾ 6.2
11.2 ⫾ 3.2
12.1 ⫾ 2.2
16.2 ⫾ 2.6
9.0 ⫾ 4.4
9.0 ⫾ 3.8
9.1 ⫾ 4.0
24.0 ⫾ 9.0
15.0 ⫾ 3.8
17.6 ⫾ 1.2
18.0 ⫾ 1.3
11.6 ⫾ 3.2
15.1 ⫾ 4.1
25.0 ⫾ 10.4
23.0 ⫾ 7.9
27.3 ⫾ 12.7
26.1 ⫾ 12.9
25.0 ⫾ 1.5
10.0 ⫾ 2.3
10.5 ⫾ 5.0
10.2 ⫾ 0.3
n.s., not significant; —, no coherence; *, average weighted by the error bars.
J Neurophysiol • VOL
quency is seen only in higher-amplitude tremors and it disappears intermittently, albeit continuously strong peripheral
tremor activity. By contrast, the physiological 15- to 30-Hz
coherence is present even without any visible peak at this
frequency in the power spectra.
Bidirectional interaction between cortex and peripheral
tremor rhythm
For the corticomuscular coherence in the 15- to 30-Hz band
it has been convincingly shown that it is transmitted from the
cortex to the periphery by fast conducting corticospinal fibers
(Gross et al. 2000; Mima and Hallett 1999) and also fed back
to the cortex (Riddle et al. 2005). We found similar results in
some of our patients. The direction of interaction between the
tremor and its cortical correlate has not been assessed for ET,
although (Hellwig et al. 2001) one of the reasons is that the
established methods for delay estimation do not work in
narrow-band tremor signals (Lindemann et al. 2001; Muller et
al. 2003). By means of a newly developed method we were
able to estimate the delay between cortex and muscle in
essential tremor. All the patients in whom a significant delay
could be calculated showed a bidirectional interaction between
primary sensorimotor area and peripheral tremor. The delay
times for corticomuscular interaction were principally compatible with a transmission in fast-conducting corticospinal pathways, although slightly lower than the corticomusucular latencies described in cortical stimulation studies (Rothwell et al.
1991). The delay times from muscle to cortex were more
variable between subjects, but on average they were also in
keeping with somatosensory conduction delays from the distal
arm to the sensory cortex as measured in somatosensoryevoked potentials. This variability and the differences to cortical stimulation studies may be attributable to factors influencing the delay estimation other than the pure corticomotoneuronal conduction delay (e.g., capacitance or impedance of
neurons and neuronal assemblies). Feedback to the primary
motor cortex, the primary sensory cortex, or other parietal
areas cannot be separated as a consequence of the limited
spatial resolution of the EEG; thus the coherent central area
most likely represents a mixture of efferent connections from
97 • MAY 2007 •
motor cortex to muscle and its afferent feedback to different
(motor and) sensory areas.
Thus our results would be in keeping with transmission of
the tremor rhythm in ET from the cortex to the peripheral
muscle (Elble 2000; Hellwig et al. 2001), which is in turn fed
back to the cortex, although other explanations cannot be ruled
out. In fact, the tremor-related activity in the cortex may
merely be an efference copy of a subcortically generated
oscillatory signal reaching the muscle by bulbospinal pathways. In this case the estimated corticomuscular delay should
reflect the difference between the subcortico-muscular delay
and short subcortico-cortical latencies. Because we do not
know which subcortical system is involved and there are hardly
any human data on the conduction velocity of these systems
this point remains speculative. In studies on monkeys, however, the latencies of forearm muscle facilitation after stimulation of the reticular formation were found to be very similar
to the latencies after corticospinal tract stimulation on the brain
stem level (e.g., Davidson and Buford 2004, 2006). If this
applied similarly to the systems involved in essential tremor
generation the resultant delays may indeed resemble fast corticomotoneuronal transmission time.
The bidirectionality of corticomuscular interaction would be
in keeping with contributions of the whole feedback loop
between CNS and periphery, as previously proposed on the
basis of mechanical resetting experiments (Britton et al. 1992).
1996). Whether the oscillatory activity reaches the cortex may
depend on the state of the thalamic neurons or the whole
physiological cerebello-thalamo-cortical motor circuit as recently suggested by Hua and Lenz (2005) on the basis of
thalamic recordings in ET patients.
However, because cerebellar and brain stem centers are
difficult to access in humans the evidence remains indirect. On
the one hand, the intermittent loss in corticomuscular coherence need not necessarily reflect a complete lack of cortical
contribution to the peripheral tremor and may be explained by
other reasons (e.g., intermittent nonlinear corticomuscular interaction or modulating influences from other cortical areas);
on the other hand, even the phases with significant coherence
could mainly reflect cortical input from subcortical tremor
generators (efference copy) rather than an important causal role
of the cortical output.
The strong oscillatory EMG activity at the tremor frequency
showing only loose and intermittent coupling with the cortex is
clearly contrasted by corticomuscular coherence in the physiological 15- to 30-Hz band even without any visible rise in the
EMG power spectrum in the same patients. Whereas the
broader 15- to 30-Hz coherence may reflect a mainly cortical
activity transmitted through relatively hard-wired corticospinal
projections the corticomuscular coherence at the tremor frequency possibly represents only one output relay of a more
widely distributed oscillatory network.
The intermittent nature of cortical involvement
The frontal (mesial) hot spot
In accordance with the results of Hellwig et al. (2001) we
found that the tremor intensity in ET as given by the relative
EMG power has to exceed a certain threshold before we see
corticomuscular coherence at the tremor frequency. On the
other hand there were a number of recordings without coherence and the vast majority of recordings showed an intermittent
loss of corticomuscular coherence at the tremor frequency
despite strong peripheral tremor, whereas the coherence in the
15- to 30-Hz range was more constantly present (albeit much
weaker) EMG signal (relative power) than at the tremor frequency. This is principally in keeping with the results obtained
by Halliday et al. (2000) in a small number of ET patients.
If the tremor remains even when the corticomuscular coherence at the tremor frequency has vanished one may ask
whether the tremor-related cortical activity is connected to
tremor at all. The corticomuscular delays seem to be in favor of
a direct corticomuscular transmission. Nevertheless, the intermittency of cortical involvement draws attention to other
subcortical mechanisms, possibly bypassing transcortical pathways.
There is converging evidence from functional imaging studies and studies on motor function that the cerebellar system is
strongly involved in the pathophysiology of ET (Bucher et al.
1997; Colebatch et al. 1990; Deuschl et al. 2000; Jenkins et al.
1993; Louis et al. 2002; Pagan et al. 2003; Stolze et al. 2001).
The cerebellum projects not only to the thalamus, which was
previously shown to be involved in the oscillations in ET (Hua
and Lenz 2004; Hua et al. 1998), but also to brain stem centers.
These centers may at least intermittently function as an output
station, transmitting the tremor oscillations by bulbospinal
pathways, and may be at least similarly important as the
thalamo-cortico-spinal projections (Deuschl et al. 2001; Elble
Given the poor spatial resolution of the isocoherence maps
in the present study it was not possible to draw any conclusions
on the exact anatomical area generating the separate frontal
(mesial) hot spot in five of our patients. It is tempting to
interpret the separate midline coherence in terms of an involvement of the supplementary or cingulate motor area possibly
related to the corticomuscular coherence at around 10 –15 Hz
found over the SMA in electrocorticographic recordings of
epileptic patients (Ohara et al. 2000; Raethjen et al. 2004).
Other premotor areas, however—the cortex adjacent to the
lateral sulcus and the sensorimotor cortex—are equally likely
to generate tremor-related activity in the mesial/frontal electrodes. Thus it is possible that this coherence does not reflect
the involvement of any other separate cortical motor center at
all but may be the result of a complex field distribution of
activity generated in the lateral central area. Nevertheless,
some of our results seem to separate these frontal (mesial)
electrodes from the main lateral central hot spot: First, there is
less consistent feedback of the tremor rhythm to the frontal
electrodes. This would be in keeping with the sparse direct
sensory input to premotor areas (Geyer et al. 2000). Second,
the delay is clearly longer between the frontal/mesial electrodes and muscle than between central lateral electrodes and
muscle, which would be in accordance with longer corticomuscular conduction times from premotor areas demonstrated in
primates (Cerri et al. 2003; Maier et al. 2002). Third, the
corticomuscular coherence in the frontal/mesial and central
lateral electrodes behaved differently over time in that there
were phases in which one of the areas showed tremor-related
activity, whereas the other did not. If they were both generated
by the same underlying structure one would rather expect a
parallel time course of the coherence.
J Neurophysiol • VOL
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On the basis of these considerations one may speculate that
different cortical areas are involved in the tremor oscillations
possibly being different cortical targets of putative subcortical
(e.g., cerebello-thalamic) projections (Dum and Strick 1991;
Macpherson et al. 1982; Porter and Lemon 1993) carrying the
tremor oscillations. There is good evidence in the nonhuman
primate (Rouiller 1996; Strick 1985; Strick et al. 1993) and
first hints in humans (Hurtado et al. 1999; Marsden et al. 2000;
Williams et al. 2002) that these projections are dynamically
organized (Hurtado et al. 2005) in different, somewhat independent channels exchanging information mainly through cortico-cortical connections (Houk 2001; Rouiller 1996). The
intermittent loss of cortico-cortical coherence between the
lateral central and the frontal/mesial electrodes in our data may
reflect such transiently coupled subcortico-cortical channels
being involved in the tremor oscillations in ET.
However, coherence is a linear measure and therefore most
sensitive to linear associations and we cannot rule out nonlinear interactions in noncoherent phases. Further, there is only a
small number of patients with separate tremor-coherent activity
in frontal/mesial electrodes. Thus if this frontal coherence has
a separate generator at all it seems to be dispensable for tremor
generation and at the most represents one part of a variable and
dynamically organized tremor-generating network (Hurtado et
al. 2005).
In conclusion, the corticomuscular coherence and delay
times seem to support the notion that the motor cortex is
involved in generating ET. In the dynamic coherence analysis,
however, coherence becomes insignificant intermittently, although the peripheral tremor remains almost with the same
amplitude. Further, the dynamic corticomuscular coherence
analysis of the frontal (midline) region and cortico-cortical
dynamic coherence analysis show that the central and the
frontal coherent regions are not coupled at all times to cause
peripheral oscillations. Based on these facts, to explain the
observed peripheral tremor in the phases of insignificant coherence, we hypothesize that at least intermittently subcortical
centers come into play and directly maintain the external
tremor. However, addressing the exact nature of these pathways is beyond the scope of the current work. Nevertheless our
findings would conform with a widely spread oscillatory network keeping up tremor oscillations for longer periods of time,
although the participation of individual network components
seems to be variable. A similar view was recently put forward
for the small-scale oscillatory network of Parkinsonian tremor
in the GPi (Hurtado et al. 2005) and may thus also be a
common property of large-scale tremor-generating networks.
In search of new targets for therapeutic interventions future
studies will have to address whether there are core structures in
these dynamic networks that are more important than others for
sustaining tremor oscillations.
We thank K. Lange for excellent technical assistance during the recordings.
We also thank Dr. J. D. Wilson for helpful discussion on signal processing
This work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Grant RA
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