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Academia Mental Health and Well-Being, 2024
Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) most commonly occurs in adolescence and represents one of the highest risk factors for future suicidal behaviors. As such, understanding the prevalence, risk factors, and effective treatments in high-risk groups such as adolescents who are criminally incarcerated is of substantial importance. A systematic review was conducted for articles related to NSSI in incarcerated adolescents. Results of the meta-analysis found the pooled estimated prevalence of NSSI in this population to be 28% (CI: 95% 0.21-0.36). Studies varied in their method of measuring NSSI, with some studies relying on medical record review, unstandardized assessments, or standardized assessments. Several demographic, social, psychiatric, and interpersonal factors were noted to increase risk. No studies evaluated the efficacy of treatment for NSSI in this population. Results indicate the need for studies to evaluate efficacy of treatment as well as highlighted widely varying methodologies used in studies of NSSI in juveniles currently incarcerated.
De género, obra escrita, microempresas, milagros y fútbol, 2021
Solo per studenti stranieri. Final Call per la Summer School in Dante Studies Anche quest’anno a Ferrara organizziamo, in italiano, una Summer School in Dante Studies di livello graduate / postgraduate (5 giugno-16 giugno, tutti i pomeriggi dal lunedì al venerdì, alle 14:30 o alle 15:00 Central European Summer Time). Purtroppo le leggi e i regolamenti universitari italiani rendono l’iscrizione ai nostri master più difficile e costosa per gli studenti stranieri (si richiede la traduzione legalizzata del titolo di studio, le tasse di iscrizione possono essere pagate solo attraverso il sistema italiano PAGOPA ecc.). Per venire incontro alle richieste di qualche studente, abbiamo pensato quindi di rendere fruibili online le 32 ore di lezioni e seminari della nostra Summer School in Dante Studies, senza la giornata del 16, dedicata agli esami, e senza il conseguimento del master, ma a un prezzo fortemente scontato (190 euro anziché 320 euro). Gli argomenti delle lezioni e anche quelli della giornata mancante risultano dal programma allegato. Gli studenti che seguiranno tutte le lezioni riceveranno comunque un attestato di frequenza alle 32 ore di lezione firmato dal direttore del corso. Per rendere le lezioni più utili e rendere possibili domande e risposte ammetteremo solo i primi 18 studenti che chiederanno di iscriversi per email, precisando la data e l’ora in cui abbiamo ricevuto l’email). Questi studenti saranno invitati a pagare immediatamente la tassa di iscrizione con bonifico bancario al nostro Dipartimento e a mandarci la ricevuta e riceveranno entro il 4 giugno le credenziali per accedere alle lezioni. info: [email protected]
Europa und die Arktis - auf einem Auge blind?, 2024
Blickt man auf eine Weltkarte, so nimmt die Arktis einen vermeintlich kleinen Raum an der Peripherie ein. Jedoch entwickelt sich der arktische Raum im vergangenen Jahrzehnt wieder zu einem geopolitisch bedeutsamen Gebiet, das die Aufmerksamkeit internationaler Akteure immer stärker auf sich zieht. Angesichts der sich verändernden geopolitischen Dynamiken, des Klimawandels und Ressourcen im nördlichen Vorgarten Europas, Asiens und Amerikas ist eine auf die Arktis gerichtete Sicherheitspolitik der Europäischen Union von zunehmender Relevanz. Welche Bedeutung hatte die Arktis für Europa und trägt die Europäische Union dieser Bedeutung Rechnung?
Municipality, District, Provincial Self-government as the Components of the System of Cultural Heritage Protection. The local self-government in Poland took over the duties concerning heritage protection quite late. However, in modern democratic states self-government is an important element of the protection of cultural heritage, with a particular emphasis on monuments as its core component. In this respect, it is very important to distribute tasks and responsibilities between the governmental administration and the local self-government properly, because the first one is unable to carry out the tasks assigned to it by the Act of 2003 on the protection and the preservation of monuments. The law has transferred several tasks and responsibilities to the local self-government units of different levels, including two out of four forms of the protection of monuments (the creation of a cultural park and the local zoning plan). The act has also obliged municipalities to undertake other activities, such as conducting a municipal register of monuments and planning. Local self-government units, especially municipalities, are the owners of a significant number of monuments around the country so, in addition to obligations concerning the protection of monuments, they are responsible for the preservation of these monuments too. All this proves that the modern local self-government of all levels, with special emphasis on municipalities, is a very important and essential component of the system of cultural heritage protection.
Hablar no es sinónimo de emitir palabras. Más allá de la simple e-misión, la comunicación pretende la transmisión de contenidos y emociones. Los pensamientos van siempre cargados de sentimientos. Y la comunicación no resulta eficaz tanto si el receptor no comprende el mensaje como si no despierta su atención. En definitiva, saber hablar es comunicar con el otro.
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ArcheoSciences 43.2, 2019
Il valore dei gesti e degli oggetti. Monete e altri elementi in contesti funerari., 2023
Bitácora arquitectura, 2017
New Testament Studies 60, 2014
Journal of Media Practice, 2007
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Diabetic Medicine, 1987
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Faculty Opinions – Post-Publication Peer Review of the Biomedical Literature, 2016
Research, Society and Development, 2023
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Journal of Agriculture and Technology Management , 2019
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