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AI-generated Abstract
This work proposes a distributed planning framework that addresses the challenges of Multi-Agent Planning (MAP) when agents need to maintain confidentiality regarding their individual plans. It combines Abductive Reasoning (AR) with Event Calculus (EC) to form the Global Abductive Phase for constructing plans while preserving the confidentiality of actions through a virtual plan system. The proposed algorithm ensures that the resulting collaborative plans are both confidential and consistent, suitable for achieving common goals without disclosing agents' private strategies.
Autonomous Agents & Multiagent Systems/Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages, 2009
Abstract We investigate the problem of keeping the plans of multiple agents synchronized during execution. We assume that agents only have a partial view of the overall plan. They know the tasks they must perform, and know the tasks of other agents with whom they have direct dependencies. Initially, agents are given a schedule of tasks to perform together with a collection of contingency plans that they can engage during execution in case execution deviates from the plan.
Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An International Journal, 2011
We present an approach to plan representation in multi-actor scenarios that is suitable for flexible replanning and plan revision purposes in dynamic non-deterministic multi-actor environments. The key idea of the presented approach is in representation of the distributed hierarchical plan by social commitments, as a theoretically studied formalism representing mutual relations among intentions of collaborating agents. The article presents a formal model of a recursive form of commitments and discusses how it can be deployed to a selected hierarchical planning scenario. The decommitment rules definition and their influence on the plan execution robustness and stability is also presented. The approach was verified and evaluated in a simulated environment. The experimental validation confirms the performance, stability, and robustness of the system in complex scenarios.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2002
The judicious use of abstraction can help planning agents to identify key interactions between actions, and resolve them, without getting bogged down in details. However, ignoring the wrong details can lead agents into building plans that do not work, or into costly backtracking and replanning once overlooked interdependencies come to light. We claim that associating systematicallygenerated summary information with plans' abstract operators can ensure plan correctness, even for asynchronously-executed plans that must be coordinated across multiple agents, while still achieving valuable efficiency gains. In this paper, we formally characterize hierarchical plans whose actions have temporal extent, and describe a principled method for deriving summarized state and metric resource information for such actions. We provide sound and complete algorithms, along with heuristics, to exploit summary information during hierarchical refinement planning and plan coordination. Our analyses and experiments show that, under clearcut and reasonable conditions, using summary information can speed planning as much as doubly exponentially even for plans involving interacting subproblems.
2008 International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, 2008
We present an approach to plan representation in multi-actors scenarios that is suitable for flexible replanning and plan revision purposes. The key idea of the presented approach is in integration of (i) the results of an arbitrary HTN (hierarchical task network) -oriented planner with (ii) the concept of commitments, as a theoretically studied formalism representing mutual relations among intentions of collaborating agents. The paper presents formal model of recursive form of commitments and discusses how it can be deployed to a selected hierarchical planning scenario 1 .
Readings in Distributed Artificial Intelligence, 1988
A theory of action suitable for reasoning about events in multiagent or dynamically changing environments is prescntcrl. A device called a process model is used to represent the observable behavior of an agent in performing an action. This model is more general than previous models of act ion, allowing sequencing, selection, nondeterminism, iteration, and parallelism to be represented. It is shown how this model can be utilized in synthesizing plans and reasoning about concurrency.
In the collaborative multi-agent systems where agents' goals are prioritized, an agent often needs to be more flexible in the pursuit of its own goals, for the sake of the higher priority goals of the others. In such situations, finding an optimal plan under the constraints imposed by the other agents' plans, is really an important area which needs more investigation. This work aims to fill this gap by studying two different situations in a similar context. In the first situation, which we call Coordinated Planning, an agent has to compute a temporal plan for the achievement of its own goals, but without violating the constraints of another agent's plan, and utilizing where possible the cooperative opportunities offered by the latter. For this purpose, we propose Coordinated-Sapa an extension to the well known planner Sapa, which aims to deal with negative and positive interactions. In the second situation, which we call Proactive-Reactive Coordination, an agent has to modify its plan in order to remove any conflicts with the plan of another agent, having high priority goals. We propose a plan merging algorithm supported by a sound plan repair technique to solve this problem.
s Distributed SIPE (DSIPE) is a distributed planning system that provides decision support to human planners in a collaborative planning environment.
grant n umber gr/f36545 { uk Information Engineering Directorate project number ied 4/1/1320) funded a collaborative project with icl, Imperial College and other partners in which the O-Plan architecture was used to guide the design and development of a planner with a exible temporal logic representation of the plan state. A number of other research and development contracts placed with aiai have led to research progress on the O-Plan prototype. The u.s. Government is authorised to reproduce and distribute reprints for Governmental purposes notwithstanding any c o p yright annotation hereon. The views and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing oocial policies or endorsements, either express or implied, of darpa, Rome Laboratory or the u.s. Government. O-Plan is a valuable asset of the Artiicial Intelligence Applications Institute and must not be used without the prior permission of a rights holder. Please conta...
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