Epilepsy & Behavior 25 (2012) 251–255
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Tongue biting in epileptic seizures and psychogenic events.
An evidence-based perspective
Francesco Brigo a, b,⁎, Monica Storti c, Piergiorgio Lochner b, Frediano Tezzon b, Antonio Fiaschi a,
Luigi Giuseppe Bongiovanni a, Raffaele Nardone b, d
Department of Neurological, Neuropsychological, Morphological and Movement Sciences, Section of Clinical Neurology, University of Verona, Italy
Department of Neurology, Franz Tappeiner Hospital, Merano, Italy
Department of Medicine, University of Verona, Italy
Department of Neurology, Christian Doppler Clinic, Paracelsus Medical University, Salzburg, Austria
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 13 June 2012
Revised 24 June 2012
Accepted 26 June 2012
Available online 2 October 2012
Epileptic seizures
Likelihood ratio
Psychogenic non-epileptic events
Tongue biting
a b s t r a c t
Tongue biting (TB) may occur both in seizures and in psychogenic non-epileptic events (PNEEs). We undertook a
systematic review to determine sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratios (LR) of TB. Five studies (222 epilepsy
patients and 181 subjects with PNEEs) were included. There was a statistically significant higher prevalence of TB
(both without further specifications on site of lesions and lateral TB) in patients with seizures. Pooled accuracy
measures of TB (no further specifications) were sensitivity 38%, specificity 75%, pLR 1.479 (95% CI 1.117–1.957),
and nLR 0.837 (95% CI 0.736–0.951). Pooled measures of lateral TB were sensitivity 22%, specificity 100%, pLR
21.386 (95% CI 1.325–345.169), and nLR 0.785 (95% CI 0.705–0.875). Only a pooled analysis of data demonstrated
a statistically significant pLR for lateral TB. Lateral TB but not ‘any’ TB has diagnostic significance in distinguishing
seizures from PNEEs, supporting the diagnosis of seizures. Tongue biting without further specifications has, therefore, no value in the differential diagnosis between seizures and PNEEs.
© 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Paroxysmal episodes of loss of consciousness are rarely witnessed
by physicians, and the differential diagnosis between epileptic seizures
and other episodes is usually based on the history. However, even if
witnesses can be given an accurate description of the event, the diagnosis may be difficult and often remains uncertain [1]. The differential
diagnosis of paroxysmal episodes of loss of consciousness mainly includes epileptic seizures, syncope, and psychogenic non-epileptic events
Tongue biting (TB) has long been considered a useful clinical feature
in the diagnosis of epileptic seizures. However, oral lacerations and TB
may occur both in seizures and in PNEEs. Although a lateral TB has
been reported to be highly specific for epileptic seizures [1,2], a comprehensive search of the literature to determine the accuracy of this
physical finding (with special regard to its positive likelihood ratio)
and its prevalence in epileptic seizures and in PNEEs has not yet been
⁎ Corresponding author at: Department of Neurological, Neuropsychological,
Morphological and Movement Sciences, Section of Clinical Neurology, University of
Verona, Piazzale L.A. Scuro, 10‐37134 Verona, Italy. Fax: +39 0458124873.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (F. Brigo).
1525-5050/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In this study, we, therefore, aimed to undertake a systematic review and a meta-analysis of studies evaluating the prevalence of TB
in patients with epileptic seizures and PNEEs and to determine sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratios (LR) of this physical finding.
2. Methods
Our aim was to critically and systematically evaluate the literature to
determine (A) the prevalence of TB in patients with epileptic seizures
and PNEEs as reported in the literature and (B) the sensitivity, specificity,
positive LR (pLR), and negative LR (nLR) of this physical finding.
We included prospective and retrospective studies comparing the
prevalence of TB between patients with epileptic seizures (all types)
and patients with PNEEs. Only data on tongue lesions (not lacerations
to the cheek, to the lip, or in other sites) were considered. No age,
race, or gender restrictions were applied. Studies could rely on historical
reports of TB from patients, on direct examination of patients who
presented to the emergency department after a seizure, or on videoEEG monitoring evaluation.
Studies providing data on the TB prevalence without reporting the
number of patients were excluded.
The MEDLINE (accessed by Pubmed; 1966–April 2011) electronic
database was searched using the following medical subject headings
(MeSH): “Epilepsy”, “Seizures”, and ‘Tongue”, as well as the following
F. Brigo et al. / Epilepsy & Behavior 25 (2012) 251–255
free terms, combined in multiple search strategies with Boolean operators in order to find relevant articles: “tongue”, “epileps*”, “epilept*”,
“seizur*”, “bit*”, “biting”, “bite” (see Appendix). Furthermore, all reference lists in identified trials were scrutinized for studies not
indexed in the electronic database. Only full-length papers and articles already published were considered eligible for inclusion, in
order to ensure maximum transparency of the results and to enable
the readers to reproduce the methodological approaches we adopted;
it should also be considered that in abstracts many methodological
aspects are not declared, and results are often summarized.
The methodological quality of each study was evaluated. Quality
assessment of included studies focused on following criteria: 1. presence or absence of the target disorder (epileptic seizures/PNEEs)
confirmed by means of a valid test (“gold” or reference diagnostic
standard); 2. evaluation of the physical sign on an appropriate spectrum of patients; 3. application of both the physical finding being
evaluated (TB) and the reference diagnostic standard to all patients;
and 4. comparison of the physical sign independent from and blind
to the study test results.
Provided that we thought it to be clinically appropriate and that
no important clinical and methodological heterogeneity was found,
we summarized the results in a meta-analysis.
Prevalence of TB (dichotomous data) as reported in included studies
was analyzed by calculating odds ratio (OR) for each study, with the
uncertainty in each trial being expressed using 95% confidence intervals
(CIs). A weighted effect across studies was also calculated.
In case there were sufficient data available, we planned to undertake subgroup analyses to assess the presence of oral lacerations involving the side of the tongue (lateral TB) and to present results on
the same forest plot to give an overall impression.
Homogeneity among study results was evaluated using a standard
Chi‐squared test, combined with the I 2 statistics, and the hypothesis
of homogeneity was rejected if the p value was less than 0.10. Prevalence was combined to obtain a summary estimate of value (and the
corresponding CIs) using a random-effect model. A random-effect
model is considered more conservative than a fixed-effect model,
since it takes into account the variability between studies, thus leading to wider CIs.
The meta-analysis was undertaken with the Review Manager software developed by the Cochrane Collaboration (5.1).
Sensitivity, specificity, pLR, and nLR with 95% CIs were determined
for each included study and for the summary estimate of pooled analysis using equations reported in the Appendix [3–5].
The sensitivity measures the proportion of positives that are correctly identified, whereas the specificity measures the proportion of
negatives that are correctly identified. In this review, sensitivity represents the proportion of patients with epileptic seizures who have
TB, while specificity refers to the proportion of patients without seizures (but with PNEE) who lack TB.
The LR of a physical sign is defined as the proportion of patients with
epileptic seizure who have TB divided by the proportion of subjects without seizures (but with PNEE) who also have the same finding [5]. A pLR
refers to the presence of the physical sign, whereas a nLR refers to the
absence of that physical sign. The interpretation of LRs is straightforward:
(1) values greater than 1 increase the probability of disease (epileptic
seizure), and the greater the LR, the more compelling the argument for
disease; (2) values between 0 and 1 decrease the probability of disease,
and the closer the LR is to zero, the more the finding argues against the
diagnose of disease; and (3) values equal to zero have no diagnostic
values, as they do not change pre-test probability [5]. A pLR describes,
therefore, how probability changes when the finding is present; nLR
describes how probability changes when the finding is absent.
SPSS 16.0 was used to calculate accuracy measures. The random‐
effect model, which considers both within study and between study
variance to calculate a pooled LR, was used to summarize the LRs
from the included studies [6].
3. Results
The search strategy described above yielded 74 results (71
MEDLINE, 3 in reference lists).
After reading the abstracts, we provisionally selected fifteen studies. After reading the full text of the retrieved articles, we included 5
Thus, 5 studies, comprising 218 epilepsy patients and 228 subjects
with PNEEs, contributed to this review [1,2,7–9].
3.1. Assessment of methodological quality of included studies (Table 1)
A video-EEG recording of the paroxysmal event ideally represents
the reference (“gold”) standard in the differential diagnosis between
epileptic seizures and PNEEs. In all included studies, a clinical evaluation was performed by epileptologists working in tertiary epilepsy
centers and applied both to epilepsy patients and to PNEE patients.
Although not all studies used an ictal video-EEG recording in patients
with epileptic seizures, in all subjects with PNEEs, a video-EEG recording of the paroxysmal events was obtained.
In all studies except from that of Brown [7] and Oliva [2], it was
not specified whether the presence of TB was evaluated independently from and blind to the definite diagnosis. Three studies were prospective [1,2,7], whereas two studies obtained data retrospectively
from hospital records and postal/telephone questionnaires [8,9]. Retrospective studies determined the presence of TB by patient history
only, so that their results might be less accurate than those directly
determining TB by means of physical examination.
Based on the information provided, it is difficult to evaluate whether
the spectrum of patients with epileptic seizures was sufficiently large to
include both patients with and without motor phenomena, although
it is possible that patients with motor phenomena were selectively/
predominantly included, as explicitly made in the study of Benbadis [1].
The choice of an appropriate spectrum of patients may have great
influence on accuracy measures. For instance, when considering that
TB occurs in patients with motor seizures, the adoption of less strict
inclusion criteria (i.e., including also non-motor epileptic seizures)
would decrease sensitivity of TB, without affecting specificity.
More detailed characteristics of included studies are reported in
Table 1.
3.2. Quantitative synthesis
3.2.1. TB (no further specifications on site of laceration) Prevalence of TB (Fig. 1a). There were 5 studies with 446 participants. Significant statistical heterogeneity among trials was not
detected. There was a statistically significant difference in the prevalence of TB between epilepsy and PNEE groups, with higher prevalence in the epilepsy group (82/218 vs. 58/228 participants; OR
3.07; 95% CI 1.66–5.68). Sensitivity, specificity, pLR, and nLR of TB for the diagnosis of
epileptic seizures. Sensitivity, specificity, pLE, and nLR for each included study are reported in Table 2.
Pooled accuracy measures were sensitivity 38%, specificity 75%,
pLR 1.479 (95% CI 1.117–1.957), and nLR 0.837 (95% CI 0.736–0.951).
3.2.2. Lateral TB
Two studies (147 participants) reported enough data to allow a
subgroup analysis on lateral TB. Prevalence of lateral TB (Fig. 1b). There were 2 studies with
147 participants. Significant statistical heterogeneity among trials
was not detected. There was a statistically significant difference in
prevalence of TB between the epilepsy and PNEE groups, with higher
F. Brigo et al. / Epilepsy & Behavior 25 (2012) 251–255
Table 1
Description of included studies.
Group Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Number of
Type of seizures/
reference used
Type of study,
information on TB
et al.
25a, 9/16
(Range 18–46)
12 primary
tonic-clonic seizures; 12 complex
partial seizures; 1
simple partial
Epileptic EEG abnormalities documented by two
electroencephalographers on at least
two EEGs.
Prospective, data
obtained from
interview data and
video recording.
Examiners were blind
to subjects diagnoses.
Attacks similar to those
reported by history, in the
absence of ictal interictal, or
postictal EEG abnormalities.
Bilateral motor (stiffening
and/or shaking) phenomena,
loss of consciousness, or
Equivocal interictal
EEG recordings.
23, 5/18
(Range 19–59)
Ictal video-EEG
26 (range 3–57) 11 generalized
epilepsy; 23
Video-EEG with
evaluation of both
interictal and ictal
Benbadis ES
et al.
et al.
et al.
et al.
Typical complex
34, 13/21
partial seizures, with
altered awareness but
no loss of
29, 10/19
Attacks recorded with
video-EEG and considered
typical by relatives who had
witnessed the events.
Documentation of
spontaneous psychogenic
events with video-EEG, EEG,
seizure observation and ictal
examinations, clinical assessment of an experienced
epileptologist, or provocation of a typical event by intravenous injection of 0.9%
saline unde video-EEG. Multiple admissions to hospital.
Occurrence of at least one
convulsive event, defined
clinically as one that
involved simultaneous
shaking of the body
including all limbs.
73, 17/56
Events characterized
only by a subjective
experience, a subtle
motor activity, or
behavioral change in
infants or children;
epileptic seizures of
mesio-frontal origin.
Evidence of
64, 40/24
concurrent PNEE.
Evidence of
85, 15/70
concurrent epilepsy;
potentials in interictal
30, 10/20
32 (range 1–57) 27 psychogenic
seizures; 2
preverbal children
with behavioral
Ictal video-EEG
29 (range 7–56) 27 partial epilepsy
(complex partial
generalization); 3
generalized epilepsy
(2 myoclonic and
tonic-clonic seizures, 1 tonic and
atypical absence
32 (range 9–52)
38.8 (SD 10.1)
37.1 (SD 15.8)
66, 35/31
37.4 (SD 1.7)
18, 7/11
40.4 (SD2.7)
Prospective, direct
documentation of
oral lesions. Not
reported whether TB
assessment was made
independently and
blinded to the
Retrospective, data
obtained using a
telephone interview.
Not reported whether
TB assessment was
made independently
and blinded to the
Ictal EEG or
video-EEG; clinical
assessment of an
33 history of
seizures lasting over experienced
30 min leading to
more than one
hospital admission;
52 subjects without
history of seizures
lasting over 30 min.
Retrospective, data
extracted from
hospital records and a
postal questionnaire.
Not reported whether
TB assessment was
made independently
and blinded to the
Ictal video-EEG,
clinical and investigational findings.
Prospective, direct
documentation of
oral lesions.
regarding TB was
gathered independently and blinded to
the diagnosis.
36 temporal lobe
epilepsy; 15
extratemporal lobe
epilepsy; 15
primary generalized
ES: epileptic seizures; PNEE: psychogenic non-epileptic events; SD: standard deviations; TB: tongue biting; –: not reported.
Data from one patient missing.
prevalence in the epilepsy group (22/100 vs. 0/47 participants; OR
13.86; 95% CI 1.80–106.53).
Pooled accuracy measures were sensitivity 22%, specificity 100%, pLR
21.386 (95% CI 1.325–345.169), and nLR 0.785 (95% CI 0.705–0.875).
4. Discussion Sensitivity, specificity, pLR, and nLR of lateral TB for the diagnosis
of epileptic seizures. Sensitivity, specificity, pLE, and nLR for each included study are reported in Table 2.
The diagnosis of epileptic seizures is primarily clinical and relies on
the patient's history and an accurate witness description of the attacks
F. Brigo et al. / Epilepsy & Behavior 25 (2012) 251–255
Fig. 1. Prevalence of TB. a. no further specifications on site of laceration; b. lateral TB.
in the event of a loss of awareness, consciousness, or recall of the events.
Sometimes, the diagnosis of seizures can be supported by clinical findings, such as TB. However, TB may occur also in patients with PNEE, so
that the diagnostic utility of this finding should be evaluated in the clinical context.
A modern and evidence-based approach to the clinical diagnosis
of seizures should take into account the concept of refining probability, an evidence-based technique which refines probability of an
epileptic event, thus modifying the estimate of the likelihood of a disease (seizure) through the application of a diagnostic test (EEG) or
the evaluation of a physical finding (such as TB) [10,11].
Refining probability represents a clinical way of stating the Bayes'
theorem: the probability of an event depends on new information applied to what is previously known about that event. Such a concept
may be simplified to the following equation: what we thought before
Table 2
Accuracy measurements for each study and for pooled results.
(95% CIs)
(95% CIs)
(95% CIs)
1. Tongue biting (no further specifications on site of laceration)
Brown et al. [7]
Benbadis et al. [1] 24%
Peguero et al. [8]
Reuber et al. [9]
Oliva et al. [2]
Pooled results
2. Lateral tongue biting
Benbadis et al. [1] 24%
Oliva et al. [2]
Pooled results
(95% CIs)
When calculating LR, if any cell of the 2 × 2 table contained the value of zero, 0.5 was
added to all cells, to avoid creating the unlikely LRs of 0 or infinity (McGee [3]).
(pre-test probability) + test information (likelihood ratios) = what
we think after (post-test probability) [13]. In other terms, we start
with a certain pre-test probability, and after the application of a diagnostic test (EEG) or evaluation of a certain clinical sign, we finish with
a post-test probability of disease [12]). Estimates of the likelihood of a
disease range in probability scale from 0% (disease ruled out) to 100%
(disease ruled in) [12].
Pre-test probability is the probability of disease before application
of the results of a physical finding (i.e., prevalence). Likelihood ratios
(i.e., information given by a test or by evaluation of a clinical sign) assess the discriminatory power of a test or of a physical finding, calculated from the sensitivity and specificity of the test/sign to determine
whether or not and how much test results or a certain physical sign
change the likelihood of a condition. Therefore, LR represents a very
useful and accurate measure to interpret test results for an individual
In this systematic review, we used systematic and explicit methods to
identify, select, and critically appraise studies and to extract data, analyzing them with a meta-analysis. A meta-analysis is the statistical combination of results from two or more separate studies (pair-wise comparisons
of interventions), allowing an increase in statistical power, an improvement in precision, and, sometimes, to answer questions not posed by individual studies as well as to settle controversies arising from conflicting
Meta-analysis showed a statistically significant difference in TB prevalence (both without further specifications on site of lesions and lateral
TB) between the epilepsy and PNEE groups, with higher prevalence in
the epilepsy group (more marked in lateral TB prevalence).
Pooled accuracy measures for TB (both without further specifications on site of lesions and lateral TB) showed a statistically significant pLR, but only that of lateral TB was clinically relevant.
In fact, if the probability of epileptic seizures is estimated by means
of a nomogram describing how pre-test probability relates to post-test
probability given the LR for such a physical finding [13], the possibility
that the patient may have an epileptic seizure instead of a PNEE appears
to be only slightly increased by the presence of TB when no further
specifications on site of laceration are provided. Although greater than
1 (1.479), the pLR is still too close to 1; therefore, the diagnostic value
of this finding is limited, as it does not significantly change pre-test
probability. Conversely, when in doubt between the diagnosis of seizures and PNEE, the high value of pLR for lateral TB is clinically relevant,
F. Brigo et al. / Epilepsy & Behavior 25 (2012) 251–255
seizures and PNEE, showing a statistically significant pLR (95% CI
5. Conclusions
In conclusion, a pooled analysis of data from the literature shows
that TB without further specifications on site of oral lacerations has no
value in the differential diagnosis between epileptic seizures and
PNEEs. Conversely, due to its high specificity and pLR, the presence of
lateral TB suggests the diagnosis of epileptic seizures. Systematic reviews with pooled analyses (meta-analyses) of data from the literature
allow an increased statistical power and an improved precision and represent a useful tool for determining the accuracy of physical examination findings in the differential diagnosis between seizures and other
paroxysmal events. Despite the useful information provided by an
evidence-based approach to the evaluation of a physical sign, the diagnosis of epileptic seizure, syncope, or paroxysmal non-epileptic event
requires careful integration of history, ictal signs, and other clinical
and investigational information and should never be driven by any single clinical sign alone.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at http://
Fig. 2. The probability of epileptic seizures is estimated by means of a nomogram describing how pre-test probability relates to post-test probability given the LR for TB. When in
doubt between the diagnosis of seizure and that of PNEE and given the same pre-test
probability of seizures (i.e. prevalence) of 50%, the presence of TB (without further specifications on site of oral lacerations) does not increase the chance that the patient had an
epileptic seizure (dashed line) (pLR=close to 1). Conversely, given the same pre-test
probability, the presence of lateral TB greatly increases the chance that the patient had
an epileptic seizure (continuous line) instead of a PNEE (pLR=21.386).
as it can greatly change pre-test probability, strongly supporting the
diagnosis of epileptic seizure (Fig. 2).
Both studies evaluating the diagnostic accuracy of lateral TB showed
a high specificity to epileptic seizures [1,2]. The validity of this physical
sign was, however, limited by a pLR that is statistically not significant
(the 95% CI of the pooled value included 1, and the LR value of 1 has
no discriminatory value), due to a relatively small sample size of each
study. Only a pooled analysis of data from these two studies definitively
proved the value of lateral TB in the differential diagnosis between
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