Slim Luneburg lens for antenna
Angela Demetriadou1,2,∗ and Yang Hao2,3
1 Blackett
Laboratory, Imperial College London, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2AZ, UK
Engineering, Queen Mary, University of London, E1 4NS, London, UK
[email protected]
2 Electronic
[email protected]
Abstract: Luneburg lens is a marvellous optical lens but is extremely difficult to be applied in any practical antenna system due to its large spherical
shape. In this paper, we propose a transformation that reduces the profile
of the original Luneburg lens without affecting its unique properties. The
new transformed slim lens is then discretized and simplified for a practical
antenna application, where its properties were examined numerically. It is
found that the transformed lens can be used to replace conventional antenna
systems (i.e. Fabry-Perot resonant antennas) producing a high-directivity
beam with low side-lobes. In addition, it provides excellent steering
capabilities for wide angles, maintaining the directivity and side-lobes at
high and low values respectively.
© 2011 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: (080.2740) Geometric optical design; (080.3620) Lens system design; (080.3630)
Lenses; (160.3918) Metamaterials; (220.3620) Lens system design; (220.3630) Lenses;
(260.2110) Electromagnetic optics.
References and links
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Received 29 Jun 2011; revised 1 Sep 2011; accepted 1 Sep 2011; published 27 Sep 2011
10 October 2011 / Vol. 19, No. 21 / OPTICS EXPRESS 19925
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1. Introduction
For the past few decades, various studies have been developed to increase significantly the
directivity and lower the side-lobe levels of an antenna systems. In previous designs of highlydirective antennas [1–4], several schemes including the use of frequency selective surfaces
(FSS) [5], electromagnetic band-gap (EBG)superstrates [5–7], partially reflecting superstrates
(PRS) and phase-induced apodization methods [8,9] were demonstrated in order to compensate
for the phase difference caused by different path lengths of the rays. For broadband operations,
array feeds were suggested instead of single feeds [10, 11]. Also, several important ways were
reported in the literature, that manipulate an antenna beam. Some of them use a cylindrical
superstrate for an omnidirectional antenna [12–14], shift the patch antenna from the centre of
the cavities [15], and introduce an electrically phase-varying partially reflecting superstrate in
front of the antenna [16, 17]. Despite the fact that all these significant advances in antenna
performances, all the proposed antenna designs are rather complex or have drawbacks in either
the frequency bandwidth, the side-lobe levels or their steering capabilities.
The method discussed in this paper is a new and simpler approach to create a broadband,
high-directivity, low side-lobe and steerable antenna, by using a dielectric lens as a superstrate. The idea is to use transformation optics to produce a lens that ‘directs’ and ‘transforms’
the beam from a feeding antenna as we wish. Transformation optics flourished rapidly in the
past decade due to the development of metamaterials [18–20], and especially since the realization [21] and experimental verification [22] of a cloaking device.
We are inspired by the Luneburg lens [23], which can focus a plane wave or convert the
spherical wave from a point source to a plane wave. The Luneburg lens belongs to a family
of GRIN (GRadient INdex) lenses that feature spherical iso-surfaces for their refractive index.
Mikaelian lens, Tarhanov plane convex lens and Ilinsky’s meniscus lens [24] are other examples
of lenses that belong to this family and are also free from spherical aberations. By performing
a geometric transformation to the Luneburg lens, we manage to reshape it to a slimmer design, which is more applicable for antenna systems. Since all the properties of the traditional
Luneburg lens are preserved, then the new lens can create a high-directivity beam with very low
#150086 - $15.00 USD
(C) 2011 OSA
Received 29 Jun 2011; revised 1 Sep 2011; accepted 1 Sep 2011; published 27 Sep 2011
10 October 2011 / Vol. 19, No. 21 / OPTICS EXPRESS 19926
levels of side-lobes and steering capabilities for relatively wide angles. Furthermore, if homogeneous dielectrics are used as the sub-units (i.e. non-dispersive structures) of the lens, then the
lens functions very well within a very broadband range as well. Therefore, the lens proposed
in this paper combines a number of significant and desirable antenna properties, without compromising or restricting the performance of the antenna system significantly, due to its simple
The paper is organised as: In section 2, our proposed transformation of the Luneburg lens is
discussed both analytically and numerically using a Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD)
algorithm [25], explaining its performance, properties and limitations. In section 3, the continuously spatially variant transformation lens is discretized (in order to produce a more realistic
design for future manufacturing purposes) and Finite Integration simulations are performed.
The lens is fed by a patch antenna and the directivity, first side-lobe levels and the steerability
of the overall system are computed, where the excellent performance of the lens is evident.
2. Transformed Slim Luneburg
The Luneburg lens is a spatially variable refractive-index spherical structure, that manages
to focus a plane wave, or transform a circular wave from a point source to a plane wave, as
shown in Figs. 1(a)–1(c). The spatially variant permittivity and refractive index of the lens, are
functions of the lens’ radius r and given by:
ε (r) = 2 −
= n2 (r)
where r = y2 + z2 at a given point (assuming a 2D case in a yz-plane) and R is the radius of
the lens, and the lens is magnetically inactive (i.e. µ = 1). It varies from ε (r = 0) = 2 in the
centre of the lens, to ε (r = R) = 1 at the circumference, such that there are no reflections at the
interface of lens-vacuum. Using an FDTD algorithm [25], a 2D study of the lens is performed by
placing a point source on the circumference of the Luneburg lens. The circular wave produced
by the point source is transformed by the lens to a plane wave, as shown in Fig. 1(b). Also, note
that for a source placed at any point on the circumference of the lens, the produced plane wave
has the wavevector parallel to the line connecting the point source and the centre of the lens, as
shown in Figs. 1(b)–1(c).
However, due to the large spherical (or cylindrical in 2D) shape of the lens, it is very unsuitable for antenna applications. Also, it is difficult to spatially control an antenna, since it has
to be moved on the circumference of such a large lens. Therefore, we propose a transformation of the Luneburg lens, which creates a slimmer lens, while all the properties of the original
Luneburg lens are maintained. The transformation equations create a ‘discus’-shaped lens, by
‘squeezing’ or ‘slimming’ the spherical lens and are given by:
= y
= z/δ
where δ takes any real integer, which leads to:
y′2 + (δ z′ )2
1/δ 0
= 2−
ε′ = ε
µ =
#150086 - $15.00 USD
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Received 29 Jun 2011; revised 1 Sep 2011; accepted 1 Sep 2011; published 27 Sep 2011
10 October 2011 / Vol. 19, No. 21 / OPTICS EXPRESS 19927
Fig. 1. For R ∼ 13λ , (a) ε (r) for the conventional Luneburg lens. (b) Field configuration
for a conventional Luneburg lens with a point source at (−R, 0) and (c) with a point source
at (−R cos(π /4), −R cos(π /4)). (d)ε ′ for the transformed slim Luneburg lens for δ = 6.
(e) field configuration for the slim Luneburg lens for a point source excited at (R/6, 0) and
(f) at (R/6, −0.5R).
′ < 1 component, which can be realised with metamaterials. HowThe ε ′ -map of Eq. (3) has εyy
ever, ‘meta-atoms’ effective permittivities smaller than unity are resonant, which limits the frequency bandwidth of the lens and increases losses. Therefore, since the fields are focused in the
high refractive index region of ε ′ -map, and avoid the low index regions (except for the highest
′ = 1 can be taken without severely affecting
angles of incidence [26,27]), the approximation εyy
′ µ ′ = 1, therefore µ ′ ∼ 1 is also a benign assumption.
the performance of the lens. Also, µyy
Hence, the lens is all-dielectric with
y′2 + (δ z′ )2
ε ′ = εzz′ = δ 2 −
which is plotted in Fig. 1(d) for δ = 6. These assumptions simplify the manufacturing process,
open a broad range of suitable materials and ensure that the lens can be non-dispersive (i.e.
Using a FDTD code, the performance of the new lens is initially examined in 2D for δ =
6 and Eq. (5) describing the ε ′ -map (for the rest of the paper, consider δ = 6 and Eq. (5)).
A point source is placed on two different point on the circumference of the lens. It can be
seen in Figs. 1(e)–1(f) (where R ∼ 13λ ) that the wave emerging from the lens has plane-wave
properties. Also, when the source is moved at a different point on the circumference of the new
lens, the transformed plane wave has an angle with the z-axis, as expected. The plane wave is
produced by delaying the phase of the circular wavefront inside the lens as it can be seen in
Figs. 1(e) and 1(f). If we assume a source emitting a wave at f = 10GHz ⇒ λ = 30mm, then
the lens in Figs. 1(d)–1(f) has Δy′ ∼ 406mm ∼ 13.5λ (where Δy′ is the height of the lens along
the y-axis), which is extremely large and very difficult to be computationally modelled and also
not desirable for most application purposes. Therefore, the lens needs to be scaled down by
considering R ∼ λ .
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Received 29 Jun 2011; revised 1 Sep 2011; accepted 1 Sep 2011; published 27 Sep 2011
10 October 2011 / Vol. 19, No. 21 / OPTICS EXPRESS 19928
Fig. 2. For R ∼ λ , field configurations for the slim Luneburg lens (a) for a point source
excited at (R/6, 0), (b) (R/6, −R/2) (c) (R/2, 0) and (d)(R/2, −R/2).
However, the proposed transformation equations hold for all frequencies where λ is above
the diffraction limit of the lens, as happens with all conventional lenses. Therefore, we would
expect that for Δz′ > (λ /2) the lens to behave as in Figs. 1(d)–1(f), where Δz′ is the width of
the lens. For Δz′ < (λ /2), the lens becomes too small with respect to λ and stops operating
as it was designed, but as shown in Figs. 2(a) and 2(b). It is clear that the width of the lens
is not large enough to cause the required phase delay of the wave and convert the wavefront
from circular to plane. Therefore, the wavefront emerging from the lens still has significant
curvature. We can address this problem by simply placing the point source at a distance from
the lens. Then, the wavefront reaching the lens has smaller curvature and the lens is now able to
delay the wave phase enough in order to have a flat wavefront emerging from the other side of
the lens, as it can be seen in Figs. 2(c) and 2(d). Therefore, the focal length of the lens becomes
proportional to λ of the wave.
There are several GRIN lenses discussed in the literature [8, 9, 24] and some of them have
a thin width (such as Tarhanov’s and Ilinsky’s lenses [24]) that can also be used for antenna
applications. However, the slim Luneburg lens proposed in this paper, has a significant advantage compared with the Tarhanov’s lens and Ilinsky’s lenses. The slim Luneburg lens has a
smooth variation of the ε -map, with high values at the centre and low values at the edges of
the lens (i.e. identical to vacuum at edges of the lens). Therefore, the wave enters the lens with
negligibly small reflections and exits the lens in a similar fashion, avoiding (multiple) internal
reflections. Hence, the power of the wave is not significantly compromised by passing through
the slim Luneburg lens. However, Tarhanov’s and Ilinsky’s lenses have a high value of ε at
one of their interface with vacuum, reflecting part of the wave, and limiting the performance of
any antennas system they are implemented in. This significant advantage of the slim Luneburg
lens is particularly important for all high-directive antennas, but more particular for high-power
antenna applications.
3. Antenna application for the slim Luneburg lens
A 3D lens of ’discus’-shape is generated by rotating around the z-axis the 2D all-dielectric map
from previous section (i.e. any cross-section of the 3D lens gives the permittivity map shown in
Fig. 1(d)). In this paper, we consider as feeding source antenna a patch antenna emitting a wave
at 10GHz (i.e. x patch = y patch = 6.95mm) and fed with a coaxial wire, such that the emitted
wave has an E-field polarized along the x-axis (i.e. Ex -polarization). Notice that, because of the
revolution symmetry, the operating principle of the lens is independent of the actual polarization
of the emitted wave propagating along z.
Furthermore, the transformed lens is discretized, to account for manufacturing issues. The
discretized lens is shown in Fig. 3(b) and was based on the permittivity map produced analytically. The discretization was performed such that the width of each layer to be much smaller
#150086 - $15.00 USD
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Received 29 Jun 2011; revised 1 Sep 2011; accepted 1 Sep 2011; published 27 Sep 2011
10 October 2011 / Vol. 19, No. 21 / OPTICS EXPRESS 19929
Fig. 3. (a)The cross-section of the antenna system set-up. (b) The yz-cross-section of the
discretized lens showing the dielectric layers and dimensions. (c)The maximum directivity
(red square dots), the FSLL (first side lobe level) for φ = 0◦ (green x-points) and for φ =
90◦ (blue star-point) plotted against the distance b from the patch antenna, where FSLL =
D f irstsidelobe − Dmainlobe .
than the wavelength at 10GHz, ensuring minimum reflections from the layers. The effect of
discretization on the performance of the lens was studied by illuminating the lens with a plane
wave and observing its focusing properties. In Fig. 4, the |E|2 along the optical axis of the lens
is plotted, where it can be seen that the discretization slightly increases the focal depth, but
without significantly compromising the behaviour of the antenna. Also, Fig. 4 shows that the
discretization level chosen (i.e. 6 layers) is the lowest without significantly limiting the performance of the lens, ensuring easier manufacturing process. The small increase on the focal
depth for the 6-layer discretized lens (used for the rest of the paper) compared with the uniform
lens, makes the antenna system of Fig. 3(a) less sensitive on the value of b, without affecting
significantly the performance of the lens (which can be found useful for realistic applications
of the lens).
Table 1. The dimensions of the discretized lens, as they were used for the CST Microwave
Studio simulations, where ε is the dielectric permittivity of each layer, Ry and Rz are defined
in Fig. 3(b).
Ry (mm)
Rz (mm)
Note that the value of δ dictates the geometry and ε ′ -map of the lens and can be varied to
suit various manufacturing techniques and material property restrictions. The value δ = 6 chosen for this work along with the discretization level, allow for reasonably easy manufacturing
techniques (since all layer widths are larger than 1mm). Also, for all ε values needed, natural
material can be found with extremely low loss tangent. The set-up of the antenna system is
shown in Fig. 3(a) and the dimensions of the discretized lens used from now on in this paper
are shown in Fig. 3(b) and Table 1 obtained after optimization of the y-axis dimensions of the
lens to allow for the non-point-like patch antenna wave. The following results were obtained
using CST Microwave Studio (CST GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany).
The patch antenna emits a wave with frequency 10GHz and Ex -polarization. The wave
#150086 - $15.00 USD
(C) 2011 OSA
Received 29 Jun 2011; revised 1 Sep 2011; accepted 1 Sep 2011; published 27 Sep 2011
10 October 2011 / Vol. 19, No. 21 / OPTICS EXPRESS 19930
normalized |E|2 (a.u.)
uniform lens
8 layers
6 layers
4 layers
Fig. 4. |E|2 along the optical axes of the lens for different levels of discretization (i.e.
number of layers), when the lens is illuminated with a plane wave. The set-up of the lens
is identical to Fig. 2, where the lens’s centre is at the origin point and the plane wave is
incident from the right towards the left.
reaches the discretized lens, and while it passes through, it experiences the appropriate phase
delay, in order to be transformed to a plane wave. Figures 5(a)–5(b) show that the lens manage to produce a very conformal beam with the maximum main lobe directivity at 17.1dBi
and extremely low first side-lobe levels (FSLL) with values lower than ∼ −15dB, where
(FSLL is defined as the directivity (D) of the first side lobe with respect to the main lobei.e. FSLL = D f irstsidelobe − Dmainlobe ). These results were observed when the patch antenna was
placed at b = 31mm ∼ λ distance from the lens, where b is the distance of the patch antenna
from the lens (as defined in Fig. 3(a)).
Fig. 5. The directivity pattern for (a) φ = 0◦ and (b)φ = 90◦ , plotted against θ for various
values of b.
The focal length of the lens was examined by moving the lens closer and/or further away
from the patch antenna (i.e. along the z-axis). The directivity patterns calculated numerically
are shown in Figs. 4 and 3(c). As it was expected, the directivity of the main lobe is low when
the lens is too close to the patch antenna. However, as the lens moves further away from the
#150086 - $15.00 USD
(C) 2011 OSA
Received 29 Jun 2011; revised 1 Sep 2011; accepted 1 Sep 2011; published 27 Sep 2011
10 October 2011 / Vol. 19, No. 21 / OPTICS EXPRESS 19931
patch antenna, the maximum directivity increases gradually and saturates at b = 31mm ∼ λ , as
expected. The side-lobe levels are also reduced for larger values of b, and reach optimum values
around b = 31mm. Note that despite several simplifications from the initial transformation of
Eq. (5), the antenna system shows amazingly conformal directivities with high values for the
main lobe, and extremely low values for FSLL. Also, the antenna system is not highly sensitive
to b, unlike other high-directive antennas, such as Fabry-Perot, FSS or EBG antennas.
Fig. 6. The directivity pattern for (a) φ = 0◦ and (b)φ = 90◦ , plotted against θ for various
values of c.
However, the most significant advantage of the slim Luneburg lens as discussed above is
its steering properties. The steerable behaviour of the slim lens was examined by moving the
patch antenna along the y-axis by a distance c (defined in Fig. 3(a)). It was found that the lens
steered the main lobe, while it maintained high values for the directivity and low side-lobes.
The directivity plots for various c values are shown in Fig. 6 for φ = 0◦ and φ = 90◦ . In Fig. 7,
the directivity of the main lobe is plotted against c, where it can be seen that the antenna system
is steerable for ±20◦ , for directivity values higher than 15dBi. Also, the FSLL for φ = 0◦ and
φ = 90◦ are plotted against c, and which are kept at very low values for ±20◦ . It is observed
Fig. 7. (a)The directivity and steered angle of the main lobe plotted against c for b = 31mm.
(b) The FSLL for φ = 0◦ and φ = 90◦ , and steered angle plotted against c for b = 31mm.
in Fig. 7 that the directivity of the main lobe is reduced and FSLL increases for higher steering
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Received 29 Jun 2011; revised 1 Sep 2011; accepted 1 Sep 2011; published 27 Sep 2011
10 October 2011 / Vol. 19, No. 21 / OPTICS EXPRESS 19932
′ = 1 was taken analytically in order to
angles. This is expected, since the assumption that εyy
′ < 1 and conclude to an easily-manufactured lens. However, the
avoid using materials with εyy
40◦ steering angle range for main lobe directivities higher than 15dBi is rather wide. Finally,
the Ex -fields for various values of c are shown in Fig. 8, where the extreme steering of the beam
is observed, along with the conversion of the spherical wavefront to planar. Note that there is
no ground plane and that the reflections from the lens’ layers are insignificantly small as it can
be seen in Figs. 8(a)–8(h).
Fig. 8. The Ex -field for b = 31mm and (a)c = 0mm, (b)c = 2mm, (c) c = 4mm, (d) c = 6mm,
(e) c = 10mm, (f) c = 16mm, (g) c = 20mm and (h) c = 24mm.
Note that the steerability is observed only for the φ = 90◦ in Fig. 6, since the antenna emits a
Ex -polarized wave and moves along the y-axis. If we move the patch antenna along the x-axis
by c, then the same behaviour will be observed only for the φ = 0◦ directivity pattern, since the
lens is symmetric in the yz-plane. If on the other hand, the main lobe needs to be steered at any
other direction, then the patch antenna can be moved accordingly on the xy-plane.
Observing the results discussed in this paper, one may notice that FSLL is extremely low
and to the best of the authors’ knowledge lower than any other antenna system reported in
the literature and based on Fabry-Perot resonant cavities incorporating EBG, FSS and PRS
structures. Additionally, it maintains high directivity values for wide steering angles. Therefore,
a very simple design for a superstrate manages to create a broadband, high-directivity, and low
FSLL, steerable antenna.
4. Conclusions
A transformed Luneburg lens is proposed that can be applied in practical antenna systems.
Initially, the transformation equations are introduced and discussed both analytically and numerically using a FDTD algorithm. Several assumption were taken in order to simplify the
material and design requirements for the lens and exclude dispersive media from the manufacturing process. Eventually, an all-dielectric, discretized lens was realised, with dielectric layers
forming a ‘discus’-shaped design, which is relatively simple to be manufactured. The performance and properties of the lens were numerically examined, for a patch-antenna source. It
has been shown that the antenna system, composed of the feed and the slim Luneburg lens,
has high directivity, low FSLL and steering capabilities for wide angles, outperforming similar
lens and superstrate antennas. It is worth noting that the proposed slim Luneburg lens combines
a number of significant and desirable antenna properties, without any major compromises or
restrictions to the performance of the antenna system, due to its simple design.
#150086 - $15.00 USD
(C) 2011 OSA
Received 29 Jun 2011; revised 1 Sep 2011; accepted 1 Sep 2011; published 27 Sep 2011
10 October 2011 / Vol. 19, No. 21 / OPTICS EXPRESS 19933
The authors are grateful to the Office of Naval Research Global (ONRG) under Naval International Cooperative Opportunities (NICOP) for the funding support with Grant No. N00014-091-1013.
#150086 - $15.00 USD
(C) 2011 OSA
Received 29 Jun 2011; revised 1 Sep 2011; accepted 1 Sep 2011; published 27 Sep 2011
10 October 2011 / Vol. 19, No. 21 / OPTICS EXPRESS 19934