GRASP and path relinking for the max–min diversity problem

2010, Computers & Operations Research

The Max-Min Diversity Problem (MMDP) consists in selecting a subset of elements from a given set in such a way that the diversity among the selected elements is maximized. The problem is NP-hard and can be formulated as an integer linear program. Since the 1980s, several solution methods for this problem have been developed and applied to a variety of fields, particularly in the social and biological sciences. We propose a heuristic methodbased on the GRASP and path relinking methodologies -for finding approximate solutions to this optimization problem. We explore different ways to hybridize GRASP and path relinking, including the recently proposed variant known as GRASP with evolutionary path relinking. Empirical results indicate that the proposed hybrid implementations compare favorably to previous metaheuristics, such as tabu search and simulated annealing.

GRASP AND PATH RELINKING FOR THE MAX-MIN DIVERSITY PROBLEM MAURICIO G.C. RESENDE, RAFAEL MARTÍ, MICAEL GALLEGO, AND ABRAHAM DUARTE Abstract. The Max-Min Diversity Problem (MMDP) consists in selecting a subset of elements from a given set in such a way that the diversity among the selected elements is maximized. The problem is NP-hard and can be formulated as an integer linear program. Since the 1980s, several solution methods for this problem have been developed and applied to a variety of fields, particularly in the social and biological sciences. We propose a heuristic method – based on the GRASP and path relinking methodologies – for finding approximate solutions to this optimization problem. We explore different ways to hybridize GRASP and path relinking, including the recently proposed variant known as GRASP with evolutionary path relinking. Empirical results indicate that the proposed hybrid implementations compare favorably to previous metaheuristics, such as tabu search and simulated annealing. 1. Introduction The problem of maximizing diversity deals with selecting a subset of elements from a given set in such a way that the diversity among the selected elements is maximized. As stated in Kuo et al. (1993), there are basically two approaches to formulate these problems: the Max-Sum and the Max-Min models. Both have received much attention in recent years. The former, also known as the maximum diversity problem (MDP) has been studied in Glover et al. (1998), Silva et al. (2004), and Duarte and Martı́ (2007). For the max-min diversity problem (MMDP), both exact (Erkut, 1990) and heuristic approaches, such as simulated annealing (Kincaid, 1992), tabu search (Kincaid, 1992), and GRASP (Ghosh, 1996) have been proposed. Because of the flat landscape of max-min problems, these papers agree that the MMDP presents a challenge to solution methods based on heuristic optimization. The MMDP consists in selecting a subset M of m elements (|M | = m) from a set N of n elements in such a way that the minimum distance between the chosen elements is maximized. The definition of distance between elements is customized to specific applications. As mentioned in Kuo et al. (1993) and Glover et al. (1998), the MMDP has applications in plant breeding, social problems, and ecological preservation. In most of these applications, it is assumed that each element can be represented by a set of attributes. Let sik be the state or value of the k-th attribute of element i, where k = 1, . . . , K. The distance between elements i Key words and phrases. Max-Min Diversity Problem, Metaheuristics, Adaptive Memory Programming, GRASP, Path Relinking. 1 2 M.G.C. RESENDE, R. MARTÍ, M. GALLEGO, AND A. DUARTE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 4.6 6.2 2.1 3.5 3.6 4.4 2 4.6 6.6 7.1 8.2 2.4 5.3 3 6.2 6.6 7.3 3.3 2.4 3.8 4 2.1 7.1 7.3 5.5 1.1 2.3 5 3.5 8.2 3.3 5.5 6.4 3.4 6 3.6 2.4 2.4 1.1 6.4 5.4 7 4.4 5.3 3.8 2.3 3.4 5.4 - Figure 1. Distance matrix of an instance with n = 7. and j can be defined as v uK uX dij = t (sik − sjk )2 . k=1 In this case, dij is simply the Euclidean distance between i and j. The distance values are then used to formulate the MMDP as a quadratic binary problem, where for i = 1, . . . , n, variable xi takes the value 1 if element i is selected and 0 otherwise: (MMDP) max zMM (x) = min dij xi xj i<j subject to n X xi = m i=1 xi = {0, 1}, i = 1, . . . , n. Erkut (1990) and Ghosh (1996) showed independently that the MMDP is NPhard. The maximum diversity problem (MDP) can be formulated in a similar way by simply replacing the objective function, zMM (x), in the formulation above with X dij xi xj . zMS (x) = i<j Although the MDP and the MMDP are related, we should not expect a method developed for the MDP to perform well on the MMDP. The example in Figure 1 illustrates that the correlation between the values of the solutions in both problems can be relatively low. Suppose we have seven elements of which we need to select five. Furthermore, the distances between each pair of elements are given by the matrix of Figure 1. For such a small example, we can enumerate all possible solutions (selections of m out of n elements) and compute for each one the values zMS (x) and zMM (x). The correlation between both objective functions is 0.52, which can be considered relatively low. Moreover, we find that the optimal solution x∗ of the MDP has a value zMS (x∗ ) = 54.4 and a value zMM (x∗ ) = 2.1. However, the optimal solution y ∗ of the MMDP has a value zMM (y ∗ ) = 3.3, which is relatively larger than zMM (x∗ ). Moreover, 30% of the solutions present a zMM (x) value larger than zMM (x∗ ). Therefore, we should not expect a method for the MDP to obtain good solutions for the MMDP. In this paper, we restrict our attention to solution methods specifically designed for the MMDP. In Section 2, we describe previous work. In this paper, we explore the hybridization of the GRASP, path relinking, and evolutionary path relinking methodologies GRASP AND PATH RELINKING FOR MAX-MIN DIVERSITY 3 to find optimal or near-optimal solutions to the MMDP. Then, we introduce our algorithms in Sections 3 and 4. Computational experiments are described in Section 5 and concluding remarks are made in Section 6. 2. Previous Methods Chandrasekaran and Daughety (1981) introduced the MMDP under the name of m-dispersion problem. They proposed two simple polynomial-time heuristics for the special case of tree networks. Kuby (1987) introduced the problem on general networks, proposing integer linear programming formulations with O(n2 ) constraints and n binary variables, and tested the formulations on instances of dimension n = 25 (m = 5 and m = 10). Erkut (1990) proposed a branch and bound algorithm and a heuristic method. The branch and bound method was able to solve problems with n = 40 in half an hour of CPU time (on an AT-compatible microcomputer with clock speed of 10 Mhz). The heuristic method consists of construction plus local search. The construction starts with the infeasible solution where all n elements are selected. To reduce the set of selected elements to m, the procedure performs n · m steps. At each step, it de-selects the element i∗ with an associated shortest distance. Note that given a shortest distance dij there are at least two elements with this associated distance. The method randomly selects one of them. The construction can be repeated, obtaining a different solution each time. The local search method scans the set of selected elements in search of the best exchange to replace a selected element with an unselected one. The method performs moves as long as the objective value increases and stops when no improving exchange can be found. Kincaid (1992) proposed two heuristics for the MMDP based on exchanges: a simulated annealing (SA) heuristic and a tabu search (TS) heuristic. In a given iteration, the SA method generates a random move (an exchange between a selected and an unselected element). If it is an improving move, it is automatically made; otherwise, it still may be made with positive probability. The so-called temperature and cooling schedule in the SA that manage the evolution of this acceptance probability are implemented according to Lundi and Mess (1986). The algorithm starts with an initial temperature equal to the largest distance value and it is reduced according to the factor tfactr = 0.89. For each temperature value, sample size = 10n moves are generated. The SA method terminates when a maximum number of iterations max it = 80 is reached (note that within this number of iterations the temperature value is still strictly positive). The tabu search heuristic also performs exchange moves. At each iteration, sample size = 10n moves are considered and the method performs the best admissible move among them. Admissible here refers to the tabu status. When a move is performed and a selected item i is exchanged with an unselected item j, the unordered pair (i, j) is recorded in the tabu list and is labeled tabu for tabu size = 20 iterations. A selected move is admissible if it is not labeled tabu, or if its value improves upon the best known solution (aspiration criterion). After max it = 65 iterations, the search is re-initiated from a new initial solution for diversification purposes. The author examines the performance of both methods on 30 instances of size n = 25 (in three groups of ten with different characteristics) and m ranging from 5 to 15. 4 M.G.C. RESENDE, R. MARTÍ, M. GALLEGO, AND A. DUARTE Kuo et al. (1993) proposed the following improved integer linear programming formulation: max Z = w subject to n X xi = m, i=1 (C − dij )yij + w ≤ C,1 ≤ i < j ≤ n, xi + xj − yij ≤ 1, 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n, − xi + yij ≤ 0, − xj + yij ≤ 0, 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n, 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n, yij ≥ 0, 1≤i<j≤n and illustrated it on small examples. The constant C takes an arbitrarily large value. The authors state that, for both exact and heuristic methods, the MMDP is harder to solve than the MDP. As reported in Section 5, we will use this formulation to solve small-size instances with an integer linear programming solver. Ghosh (1996) proposed a solution construction procedure and a local search method. Given a set N with n elements, the construction method performs m steps as follows. Let Mk−1 be a partial solution with k − 1 elements (1 ≤ k ≤ m). For any i ∈ N \ Mk−1 , let ∆zMM (i) be the contribution of i to the value of the solution. Let ∆zL (i) and ∆zU (i) be, respectively, a lower and an upper bound of ∆zMM (i). ∆zL (i) is computed as the minimum between the value of the current solution and the minimum distance between i and the other elements in N . ∆zU (i) is computed by first sorting the distances between i and the elements in N \ Mk−1 and then computing the smallest among the largest m − k elements. Then ∆z ′ (i) = (1 − u)∆zL (i) + u∆zU (i) is an estimate of ∆zMM (i) (where u is a random number from the U(0,1) uniform distribution). The element i∗ with the largest value of the estimate is selected to be included in the partial solution: Mk = Mk−1 ∪ {i∗ }, ∆x′ (i∗ ) = max i∈N \Mk−1 {∆z ′ (i)}. Starting with a randomly selected element, this process is repeated until Mm is finally delivered as the output of the construction (|Mm | = m). The local search is similar to the one introduced in Erkut (1990) and begins at the conclusion of the construction phase, attempting to improve upon an incumbent solution through neighborhood search. The neighborhood of a solution is the set of all solutions obtained by replacing one element by another. Given a solution M , for each i ∈ M and j ∈ N \M , we compute the move value ∆zMM (i, j) associated with the exchange of i and j. The method scans the entire neighborhood and performs the move with the largest ∆zMM value, if it improves the current solution. The current solution is updated as well as its corresponding value. The search stops when no move improves the current solution (i.e. when ∆zMM (i, j) ≤ 0 for all i and j). The method performs ten global phases (construction followed by improvement) and the best solution overall is returned as the output. GRASP AND PATH RELINKING FOR MAX-MIN DIVERSITY 5 begin GRC 1 Sel ← ∅; 2 Select i randomly from N ; 3 Sel ← {i}; 4 while |Sel | < m do 5 dj ← min djk , ∀j ∈ CL = N \ Sel ; k∈Sel 6 d∗ ← max dj ; j∈CL 7 RCL ← {j | dj ≥ α · d∗ }; 8 Select i∗ randomly in RCL; 9 Sel ← Sel ∪ {i∗ }; 10 end-while; end Figure 2. Constructive heuristic GRC. 3. GRASP The GRASP methodology was developed in the late 1980s (Feo and Resende, 1989; 1995) and the acronym was coined in Feo et al. (1994). We refer the reader to Resende and Ribeiro (2003) for a recent survey of this metaheuristic. Each GRASP iteration consists in constructing a trial solution and then applying local search from the constructed solution. The construction phase is iterative, randomized greedy, and adaptive. In this section we describe our adaptation of the GRASP methodology for the MMDP. 3.1. Construction procedures. From the previous algorithms reviewed in Section 2, we can point to two construction procedures. ErkC, the method proposed in Erkut (1990) is based on de-selecting elements, and GhoC, the one due to Ghosh (1996), is based on an estimate of the contribution of the elements. In this section, we propose two new construction methods based on the GRASP methodology. Given a set N with n elements, the construction procedure GRC performs m steps to produce a solution with m elements as shown in Figure 2. The set Sel represents the partial solution under construction. At each step, GRC selects a candidate element i∗ ∈ CL = N \ Sel with a large distance to the elements in the partial solution Sel . Specifically, it first computes dj as the minimum distance between element j and the selected elements. Then, it constructs the restricted candidate list RCL with all the candidate (unselected) elements j with a distance value dj within a fraction α (0 ≤ α ≤ 1) of the maximum distance d∗ = max{dj | j ∈ CL}. Finally, GRC randomly selects an element in RCL. GRC implements a typical GRASP construction in which first each candidate element is evaluated by a greedy function to construct the RCL and then an element is selected at random from the RCL. We now consider GRC2, an alternative construction procedure introduced in Resende and Werneck (2004) as random plus greedy construction. In GRC2 we first randomly choose candidates and then evaluate each candidate according to a greedy function to make the greedy choice. GRC2 first constructs the restricted candidate list RCL2 with a fraction β (0 ≤ β ≤ 1) of the elements in CL selected at random. Then, it evaluates all the elements in RCL2, computing dj for all j ∈ RCL2 , and selects the best one, i.e. the element 6 M.G.C. RESENDE, R. MARTÍ, M. GALLEGO, AND A. DUARTE j ∗ such that dj ∗ = max dj . j∈RCL2 In the computational study, we discuss how search parameters α and β affect GRC and GRC2, respectively. We also test the reactive variants (Reactive-GRC and Reactive-GRC2) in which the value of the parameter is randomly determined according to an empirical distribution of probabilities (Prais and Ribeiro, 2000). During the initial constructions of Reactive-GRC (Reactive-GRC2), the value of α (β) is randomly selected from the set S = {0, 0.1, 0.2, . . .0.9, 1} with a uniform distribution. 20% of the constructions sample from the uniform distribution while 80% sample according to the hits value. In each iteration, we test whether the constructed solution x(a) obtained with α = a (β = a), has a value zMM (x(a)) within a pre-established threshold of the best constructed solution so far.1 In this case, we increment hits(a) by one unit (where hits(i) is initially set to zero for all i ∈ S). Otherwise, hits(a) remains unchanged. Therefore, initially all the values considered in S have the same opportunity to be selected for construction. However, as the algorithm progresses, those values better suited for a particular instance (those that produce better constructions) are more frequently selected. In this way, the reactive construction customizes the best value (or values) of the parameter for each instance. Note that in the non-reactive variants described earlier, the selection of the parameter is made offline and adjusted to a fixed value for all the instances considered. 3.2. Local search methods. Erkut (1990) and Ghosh (1996) propose the local search method BLS, based on the best-improvement strategy, in which at each iteration the method scans the entire neighborhood in search of the best exchange (between a selected and an unselected element). In what follows, we propose two new local search methods based on the first-improvement strategy (also known as mildest ascent ). The first method, FLS, consists in a straightforward implementation of this strategy, while the second, called improved local search (IMLS), explores the neighborhood according to an evaluation function. Given a set N with n elements, and a solution Sel with m selected elements, we compute the following values: di = min dij , d∗ = min dj , j∈Sel j∈Sel where di is the minimum distance of element i to the selected elements (those in Sel), and d∗ is the objective function of the current solution, i.e. d∗ = zMM (Sel ). It is clear that to improve a solution we need to remove (and thus replace) the elements i in the solution for which di = d∗ . The FLS method scans, at each iteration, the list of elements in the solution (i ∈ Sel ) with minimum di value, i.e. for which di = d∗ . It scans the list of elements in lexicographical order, starting with a randomly selected element. Then, for each element i with a minimum di -value, FLS examines the list of unselected elements (j ∈ N \Sel) in search for the first improving exchange. The unselected elements are also examined in lexicographical order, starting with a randomly selected element. The method performs the first improving move (Sel ← Sel \ {i} ∪ {j}) and updates di for all elements i ∈ Sel as well as the objective function value d∗ , concluding 1We have empirically found that a conservative value of 90% for this threshold provides good results. GRASP AND PATH RELINKING FOR MAX-MIN DIVERSITY 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 3 4 5 7 5 2 3 3 4 8 1 3 4 4 5 3 4 - 6 6 4 5 7 9 5 7 8 4 5 8 7 6 5 1 7 9 8 - Figure 3. Local search performance the current iteration. The algorithm repeats iterations as long as improving moves can be performed and stops when no further improvement is possible. As described below, the definition of “improving” is not limited to the objective function. The example in Figure 3 with n = 6 and m = 4 illustrates the performance of the local search procedure. Consider the solution Sel = {1, 2, 3, 4}, depicted with dark circles, with a value of d∗ = 3 in which we perform an iteration of the FLS method. For the sake of clarity, Figure 3 only depicts some of the distances between the elements. The di values of the elements in the solution are d1 = 3, d2 = 3, d3 = 3, and d4 = 4. The FLS method selects an element with minimum di value, say for example i = 1. It then scans the list of unselected vertices in search for an improving move. Note, however, that when we remove element 1, elements 2 and 3 remain in the solution and therefore d∗ will be equal to d23 = 3, regardless of the element that we introduce in the solution to replace element 1. Then, strictly speaking, we cannot find any improving exchange when we remove element 1. On the other hand, it is clear that in a certain sense the solution improves when we remove element 1, because the number of elements for which d∗ is reached decreases and therefore we can say that we are closer to obtaining a better solution. This is why we consider an extended definition of improving for a given move, including not only when the move increases the value of d∗ , but also when d∗ remains fixed and the number of elements i with di = d∗ is reduced. In this example, when we replace element 1 with element 5 obtaining Sel ′ = {2, 3, 4, 5}, we say that this is an improving move, because d∗ = 3 and di only matches d∗ in two elements (2 and 3), which compares favorably with the initial solution Sel (in which three elements matched d∗ = 3). The example in Figure 3 also illustrates that when we select an element for exchange, it would be better to consider not only the distance with the closest element, but also the second closest, third closest, and so on. Given an element i, let d1i , d2i , . . . , dki be its k lowest distance values between i and the m elements in the solution (k < m) sorted in increasing order (di = d1i ). In the example, d11 = 3, d21 = 4, d12 = 3, and d22 = 3. Then it is better to remove element 2 instead of element 1 because by removing element 2 the objective d∗ could increase to d32 = 4. Therefore, we propose a new local search method, that we call IMLS, which is based on the evaluation of the value k X dji e(i) = j j=1 8 M.G.C. RESENDE, R. MARTÍ, M. GALLEGO, AND A. DUARTE for elements i ∈ Sel with di = d∗ , according to each element’s lowest k distance values (where k is a search parameter). The local search method IMLS selects, at each iteration, the element i∗ with the lowest e(i) value among the selected elements i ∈ Sel with di = d∗ . It then moves this element from the solution: Sel ← Sel \ {i∗ } to the unselected set, and computes the e(s) value for all elements s ∈ N \ Sel. The method then scans the elements in N \ Sel in decreasing order of e(s) and performs the first improving move. If no improving move is found, the method selects the next element with lowest e(i) value among the selected elements i ∈ Sel with di = d∗ and tries to find an improving move. We also apply here the definition of improving move introduced in FLS (increasing the value of d∗ , or keeping d∗ fixed and reducing the number of elements i with di = d∗ ). The method stops when no further improvement is possible. 4. Path relinking Path relinking (PR) was suggested as an approach to integrate intensification and diversification strategies in the context of tabu search (Glover, 1996; Glover and Laguna, 1997). This approach generates new solutions by exploring trajectories that connect high-quality solutions – by starting from one of these solutions, called an initiating solution, and generating a path in the neighborhood space that leads toward the other solutions, called guiding solutions. This is accomplished by selecting moves that introduce attributes contained in the guiding solutions, and incorporating them in an intermediate solution initially originated in the initiating solution. Laguna and Martı́ (1999) adapted PR in the context of GRASP as a form of intensification. The relinking in this context consists in finding a path between a solution found with GRASP and a chosen elite solution. Therefore, the relinking concept has a different interpretation within GRASP since the solutions found from one GRASP iteration to the next are not linked by a sequence of moves (as in the case of tabu search). Resende and Ribeiro (2003) present numerous examples of GRASP with PR. In this section we explore the adaptation of GRASP with PR to the MMDP across different designs in which greedy, randomized, and evolutionary elements are considered in the implementation. 4.1. Greedy path relinking. Let x and y be two solutions of the MMDP, interpreted as the sets of m selected elements Sel x and Sel y , respectively (|Sel x | = |Sel y | = m). The path relinking procedure PR(x, y) starts with the first solution x, and gradually transforms it into the second one y, by swapping out elements selected in x with elements selected in y. The elements selected in both solutions x and y, Sel xy , remain selected in the intermediate solutions generated in the path between them. Let Sel x−y be the set of elements selected in x and not selected in y and symmetrically, let Sel y−x be the set of elements selected in y and not selected in x, i.e. Sel xy = Sel x ∩ Sel y , Sel x−y = Sel x \ Sel xy , Sel y−x = Sel y \ Sel xy . Let p0 (x, y) = x be the initiating solution in the path P(x, y) from x to y. To obtain the solution p1 (x, y) in this path, we unselect in p0 (x, y) a single element i ∈ Sel x−y , and select a single element j ∈ Sel y−x , thus obtaining Sel p1 (x,y) = Sel p0 (x,y) \ {i} ∪ {j}. GRASP AND PATH RELINKING FOR MAX-MIN DIVERSITY 9 In the greedy path relinking (GPR) algorithm, the selection of the elements i and j is made in a greedy fashion. To obtain pk+1 (x, y) from pk (x, y), we evaluate all the possibilities for i ∈ Sel pk (x,y)−y to be de-selected and j ∈ Sel x−pk (x,y) to be selected, and perform the best swap. In this way, we reach y from x in r = |Sel x−y | = |Sel y−x | steps, i.e. pr (x, y) = y. The output of the PR algorithm is the best solution, different from x and y, found in the P(x, y) path (among p1 (x, y), p2 (x, y), . . . , pr−1 (x, y)). The PR algorithm operates on a set of solutions, called elite set (ES ), constructed with the application of a previous method. In this paper, we apply GRASP to build the elite set. If we only consider a quality criterion to populate the elite set, we could simply populate the elite set with the the best |ES | solutions generated with GRASP. However, previous studies (Resende and Werneck, 2004) have empirically found that an application of PR to a pair of solutions is likely to be unsuccessful if the solutions are very similar. Therefore, to construct ES we will consider both quality and diversity. Initially ES is empty, and we apply GRASP for b = |ES | iterations and populate it with the solutions obtained. We order the solutions in ES from the best (x1 ) to the worst (xb ). Then, in the following GRASP iterations, we test whether the generated (constructed and improved) solution x′ qualifies to enter ES. Specifically, if x′ is better than the best x1 , it is put in the set. Moreover, if it is better than the worst xb and it is sufficiently different from the other solutions in the elite set (d(x′ , ES) ≥ dth), it is also put in ES. The parameter dth is a distance threshold value that reflects the term “sufficiently different” and it is empirically adjusted (see Section 5). To keep the size of ES constant and equal to b, whenever we add a solution to this set, we remove another one. To maintain the quality and the diversity, we remove the closest solution to x′ in ES among those worse than it in value. Figure 4 shows pseudo-code of the GRASP with PR algorithm. The design in Figure 4 is called static since we first apply GRASP to construct the elite set ES and then we apply PR to generate solutions between all the pairs of solutions in ES. Given two solutions in ES , x and y, we apply path relinking in both directions, i.e. PR(x, y) from x to y and PR(y, x) from y to x. The best solution generated in both paths is subjected to the local search method for improved outcomes. As shown in Figure 4, we always keep the best solution in the elite set (x1 ) during the realization of the GRASP phase and we only replace it when the new solution generated improves it in quality. The algorithm terminates when PR is applied to all the pairs in ES and the best overall solution xbest is returned as the output. As aforementioned, distance is used to measure how diverse one solution is with respect to a set of solutions. Specifically, for the MMDP, let xri be the value of the i-th variable for the elite solution r ∈ ES . Also let xti be the value of the i-th variable for the trial solution t. Then, the distance between the trial solution t and the solutions in the ES is defined as d(t, ES ) = b · m − b X X r=1 xri . i:xti =1 The formula simply counts the number of times that each selected element in the trial solution t appears in the elite solutions and subtracts this value from the maximum possible distance (i.e., b · m). The maximum distance occurs when no 10 M.G.C. RESENDE, R. MARTÍ, M. GALLEGO, AND A. DUARTE begin StaticGRASP+PR 1 GlobalIter ← number of global iterations; 2 Apply GRASP (construction and local search) for b = |ES | iterations to populate ES ← {x1 , x2 , . . . , xb }; 3 iter ← b + 1; 4 while iters ≤ GlobalIter do 5 x ← GRASP construction phase; 6 x′ ← GRASP local search starting at x; 7 if zM M (x′ ) > zM M (x1 ) or (zM M (x′ ) > zM M (xb ) and d(x′ , ES ) ≥ dth) then 8 xk ← closest solution to x′ in ES with zM M (x′ ) > zM M (xk ); 9 ES ← ES \ {xk }; 10 Insert x′ into ES so that ES remains sorted from best x1 to worst xb ; 11 end-if; 12 iters ← iters + 1; 13 end-while; 14 xbest ← x1 ; 15 for (i = 1 to b − 1 and j = i + 1 to b do 16 Apply PR(xi , xj ) and PR(xj , xi ) and let x ← best solution found; 17 x′ ← local search phase of GRASP starting from x; 18 if zM M (x′ ) > zM M (xbest ) then 19 xbest ← x′ ; 20 end-if; 21 end-for; 22 return xbest ; end Figure 4. GRASP with PR in a static variant. element that is selected in the trial solution t appears in any of the elite solutions in ES . An alternative implementation of GRASP with PR consists in a dynamic update of the elite set as introduced in Laguna and Martı́ (1999). In this design, each solution x′ generated with GRASP is directly subjected to the PR algorithm, which is applied between x′ and a solution xj selected from ES . The selection is probabilistically made according to the value of the solutions. As in the static design, the local search method is applied to the output of PR, but now, the resulting solution is directly tested for inclusion in ES. If successful, it can be used as guiding solution in later applications of PR. Figure 5 shows pseudo-code for this dynamic variant. In our computational experience, described on Section 5, we compare the static variant versus the dynamic variant with respect to both quality and speed. 4.2. Greedy randomized path relinking. Faria Jr. et al. (2005) introduced greedy randomized path relinking (GRPR) where instead of moving between the initiating and the guiding solutions in a greedy way, the moves are done in a greedy randomized fashion. As described above for the greedy path relinking algorithm, at each step in the path from the initiating solution x to the guiding solution y, the selection of the elements i (to be de-selected) and j (to be selected) is made in a greedy fashion. In the GRPR algorithm, we construct a set of good candidates i and j for swapping and randomly select one among them. This procedure mimics the selection method employed in a GRASP construction. GRASP AND PATH RELINKING FOR MAX-MIN DIVERSITY 11 begin DynamicGRASP+PR 1 GlobalIter ← number of global iterations; 2 Apply GRASP (construction and local search) for b = |ES | iterations to populate ES ← {x1 , x2 , . . . , xb }; 3 iter ← b + 1; 4 while iters ≤ GlobalIter do 5 x ← GRASP construction phase; 6 x′ ← GRASP local search starting at x; 7 Randomly select xj from ES ; 8 Apply PR(x′ , xj ) and PR(xj , x′ ) and let y be the best solution found; 9 y ′ ← GRASP local search starting at y; 10 if zM M (y ′ ) > zM M (x1 ) or (zM M (y ′ ) > zM M (xb ) and d(y ′ , ES ) ≥ dth) then 11 xk ← closest solution to y ′ in ES with zM M (y ′ ) > zM M (xk ); 12 Add y ′ to ES and remove xk ; 13 Sort ES from best x1 to worst xb ; 14 end-if; 15 end-while; 16 xbest ← x1 ; 17 return xbest ; end Figure 5. GRASP with PR in a dynamic variant. To obtain pk+1 (x, y) from pk (x, y), we evaluate all the possibilities for i ∈ Sel pk (x,y)−y to be de-selected and j ∈ Sel y−pk (x,y) to be selected. The candidate set C contains all these swaps, i.e. Ck (x, y) = {(i, j) | i ∈ Sel pk (x,y)−y , j ∈ Sel y−pk (x,y) }. Let z(i, j) be the value of the move associated with de-select i and select j in the current solution pk (x, y) to obtain pk+1 (x, y). Then, z(i, j) = zMM (pk+1 (x, y)) − zMM (pk (x, y)). In step k of the path from x to y, the restricted candidate list RCLk (x, y) of good candidates for swapping is RCLk (x, y) = {(i, j) ∈ Ck (x, y) | z(i, j) ≥ δz ∗ }, where z ∗ is the maximum of z(i, j) in Ck (x, y) and δ (0 ≤ δ ≤ 1) is a search parameter. A pair (i, j) ∈ RCLk (x, y) is randomly selected and the associated swap is performed. In the application of PR in the GRASP with PR algorithm, we can apply the greedy variant (GPR) described in Subsection 4.1 or the randomized variant (GRPR) described in this subsection. Specifically, in the static variant we only need to apply GPR or GRPR in step 16 of the pseudo-code shown in Figure 4, and similarly in the dynamic variant we apply one or the other in step 8 of the pseudo-code in Figure 5. 4.3. Truncated path relinking. As aforementioned, path relinking explores a path in the solution space from an initiating solution x = p0 (x, y) to a guiding solution y = pr (x, y), where r = |Sel x−y | = |Sel y−x | is the number of steps from x to y. At each intermediate solution pk (x, y), a restricted neighborhood of the solution is searched for the next solution in the path from pk (x, y) to y. The neighborhood 12 M.G.C. RESENDE, R. MARTÍ, M. GALLEGO, AND A. DUARTE is restricted because only moves that remove element i ∈ Sel pk (x,y)−y and put in its place an element j ∈ Sel y−pk (x,y) are allowed. As the procedure moves from one intermediate solution to the next, the cardinalities of sets Sel pk (x,y)−y and Sel y−pk (x,y) decrease by one element each. Consequently, as the procedure nears the guiding solution, there are fewer allowed moves to explore and the search tends to be less effective. This suggests that path relinking tends to find good solutions near the initiating solution since it can explore the solution space more effectively around that solution. If this happens, then the effort made by path relinking near the guiding solution is fruitless. In truncated path relinking, a new stopping criterion is used. Instead of continuing the search until the guiding solution is reached, only κ steps are allowed, i.e. the resulting path in the solution space is p1 (x, y), p2 (x, y), . . . , pκ (x, y) and the best of these solutions is returned as the path relinking solution. 4.4. Evolutionary path relinking. Resende and Werneck (2004) introduced evolutionary path relinking (EvPR) as a post-processing phase for GRASP with PR (see also Andrade and Resende (2007)). In EvPR, the solutions in the elite set (ES ) are evolved in a similar way that the reference set evolves in scatter search (SS) (Laguna and Martı́, 2003). As in the dynamic variant of GRASP with greedy path relinking, in GRASP with EvPR we apply in each iteration the construction and the improvement phase of GRASP as well as the PR method to obtain the elite set (see steps 5 to 9 in the pseudo-code shown in Figure 5). After a pre-established number of iterations the GRASP with greedy path relinking stops. However, in GRASP with EvPR, a post-processing phase based on path relinking is applied to each pair of solutions in ES. The solutions obtained with this latter application of PR are considered to be candidates to enter ES, and PR is again applied to them as long as new solutions enter ES. This way we say that ES evolves. Figure 6 shows the pseudo-code of GRASP with EvPR in which this process is repeated for GlobalIter iterations. GRASP with EvPR and scatter search (SS) are evolutionary methods based on evolving a small set of selected solutions (elite set in the former and reference set in the latter). We can, therefore, observe similarities between them. In some implementations of SS, GRASP is used to populate the reference set, but note that other constructive methods can be used as well. Similarly, PR can be used to combine solutions in SS, but we can use any other combination method (Martı́ et al., 2006). From an algorithmic point of view, we may find two main differences between these methods. The first one is that in SS we do not apply PR to the solutions obtained with GRASP (as we do in steps 7 and 8 in pseudo-code of GRASP with EvPR shown in Figure 6), but rather, we only apply PR as a combination method between solutions already in the reference set. The second difference is that in SS when none of the new solutions obtained with combinations are admitted to the reference set (elite set), it is rebuilt, removing some of its solutions, as specified in the reference set update method (Martı́ et al., 2006). In GRASP with EvPR we do not remove solutions from ES, but rather, we again apply GRASP (starting from step 5) and use the same rules for inclusion in the ES. 5. Computational experiments This section describes the computational experiments that we performed to test the efficiency of our GRASP with path relinking procedures as well as to compare GRASP AND PATH RELINKING FOR MAX-MIN DIVERSITY 13 begin GRASP+EvPR 1 GlobalIter ← number of global iterations; 2 Apply GRASP (construction and local search) for b = |ES | iterations to populate ES ← {x1 , x2 , . . . , xb }; 3 for iter = 1, . . . , GlobalIter do 4 for i = 1, . . . , LocalIter do 5 x ← GRASP construction phase; 6 x′ ← GRASP local search starting at x; 7 Randomly select xj from ES ; 8 Apply PR(x′ , xj ) and PR(xj , x′ ) and let y be the best solution found; 9 y ′ ← GRASP local search starting at y; 10 if zM M (y ′ ) > zM M (x1 ) or (zM M (y ′ ) > zM M (xb ) and d(y ′ , ES ) ≥ dth) then 11 xk ← closest solution to y ′ in ES with zM M (y ′ ) > zM M (xk ); 12 Add y ′ to ES and remove xk ; 13 Sort ES from best x1 to worst xb ; 14 end-if; 15 end-for; 16 NewSol ← 1; 17 while NewSol do 18 NewSol ← 0; 19 Apply PR(x, x′ ) and PR(x′ , x) for every pair (x, x′ ) in ES not combined before. Let y be the best solution found; 20 y ′ ← GRASP local search starting at y; 21 if zM M (y ′ ) > zM M (x1 ) or (zM M (y ′ ) > zM M (xb ) and d(y ′ , ES ) ≥ dth) then 22 xk ← closest solution to y ′ in ES with zM M (y ′ ) > zM M (xk ); 23 Add y ′ to ES and remove xk ; 24 Sort ES from best x1 to worst xb ; 25 NewSol ← 1; 26 xbest ← x1 ; 27 end-if; 28 end-while; 29 end-for; 30 return x1 ; end Figure 6. GRASP with EvPR. them with the previous methods identified to be the state-of-the-art for the MMDP. We implemented the methods in Java SE 6 and solved the integer linear programming formulation described in Section 2 with Cplex 8.0. All the experiments were conducted on a Pentium 4 computer running at 3 GHz with 3 GB of RAM. We have employed three sets of instances in our experiments: Glover : This data set consists of 75 matrices for which the values were calculated as the Euclidean distances from randomly generated points with coordinates in the 0 to 100 range. The number of coordinates for each point is also randomly generated between 2 and 21. Glover et al. (1998) developed this test problem generator and constructed instances with n = 10, 15, and 30. The value of m ranges from 0.2n to 0.8n. Geo: This data set consists of 60 matrices constructed with the same test problem generator employed in the Glover set. We generated twenty instances with n = 100, 250, and 500. For each value of n we consider m = 0.1n, 0.3n (generating ten instances for each combination of n and m). These instances are similar to the geometric instances introduced in Erkut (1990). 14 M.G.C. RESENDE, R. MARTÍ, M. GALLEGO, AND A. DUARTE Ran: This data set consists of 60 matrices with random numbers. These instances are based on the generator introduced by Silva et al. (2004). As for the Geo set, we generated twenty instances with n = 100, 250, and 500 (and for each value of n we consider m = 0.1n, 0.3n). The integer random numbers are generated between 50 and 100 in all the instances except when n = 500 and m = 150 in which they are generated between 1 and 200 (to make them harder in terms of comparison among heuristics). In each experiment, we compute for each instance the overall best solution value, BestValue, obtained by all executions of the methods considered. Then, for each method, we compute the relative percentage deviation between the best solution value obtained with that method and BestValue for that instance. We report the average of this relative percentage deviation (Dev.) across all the instances considered in each particular experiment. We finally report, for each method, the number of instances (#Best) in which the value of the best solution obtained with this method matches BestValue. We also report the statistic Score achieved by each method, as described in Ribeiro et al. (2002). For each instance, the n score of a method M is defined as the number of methods that found a better solution than M . In case of ties, all the methods receive the same n score, equal to the number of methods strictly better than all of them. We then report Score as the sum of the n score values across all the instances in the experiment. Thus, the lower the Score the better the method. In our preliminary experimentation we consider the set of 40 instances formed with ten instances from the Geo set with n = 100 and ten with n = 25 and similarly from the Ran set (half with m = 0.1n and half with m = 0.3n). In the first preliminary experiment, we study the parameter α in constructive method GRC as well as the parameter β in the constructive method GRC2. We run GRC and GRC2 100 times, thus obtaining 100 solutions for each method and instance pair. Table 1 reports, for this set of 40 instances and each value of α, the values of Dev., #Best, and Score described above. The results in Table 1 show that the best outcomes are obtained when the constructive method GRC2 is run with a value of β = 0.90. Therefore, we use this method in the rest of our experimentation. Table 1. New constructive methods on Geo and Ran instances with n = 100, 250. GRC(α) 0.75 0.90 0.95 Dev. 9.23% 2.51% 1.09% #Best 0 5 10 Score 277 184 101 GRC2(β) Reactive 0.81% 16 60 0.75 0.90 0.95 0.70% 0.58% 0.66% 21 21 18 41 43 51 Reactive 1.07% 15 90 GRASP AND PATH RELINKING FOR MAX-MIN DIVERSITY 15 Table 2. Constructive methods on Geo and Ran instances with n = 100, 250. Method Dev. #Best Score RanC TD2 GD2 ErkC GhoC GRC2 22.85% 0 168 23.21% 1 151 17.10% 0 117 6.08% 4 80 1.68% 15 26 0.12% 37 4 In our second preliminary experiment we compare the constructive method GRC2(0.9) with the two previous constructive methods for the MMDP: ErkC, (Erkut, 1990) and GhoC (Ghosh, 1996). We also consider a random construction (RanC) in which the m elements in the solution are randomly selected as a baseline for comparison. In addition, we include in this experiment two previous algorithms developed for the maximum diversity problem (MDP) considered to be the best constructive methods for this variant of the problem: TD2 and GD2 (Duarte and Martı́, 2007). We generate 100 solutions with each method on each instance and report the three statistics described above. Results in Table 2 clearly show the superiority of the proposed method (GRC2) on these instances. The method is able to obtain 37 best solutions out of 40 instances. Moreover, this experiment confirms that the methods developed for the MDP provide low-quality solutions when employed to solve the MMDP. Specifically, TD2 and GD2 obtain, respectively, 23.21 and 17.10 relative percentage deviation on average, while ErkC, GhoC, and GRC2 obtain 6.08, 1.68, and 0.12 respectively. As expected, RanC obtains low-quality solutions. In the third preliminary experiment, we compare the constructive with the local search methods for the MMDP. Specifically we target the constructive and improvement methods ErkC+BLS (Erkut, 1990) and GhoC+BLS (Ghosh, 1996). We consider the two local search methods proposed in Subsection 3.2, FLS and IMLS in combination with the constructive method GRC2. We denote by GRASP1 the constructive method GRC2(0.9) coupled with the local search FLS, and by GRASP2 the GRC2(0.9) method with IMLS. We construct and improve 100 solutions in each instance with these four methods and report the statistics of the best solutions found in Table 3. We do not report the solution methods for the MDP since, as in the previous experiment, they provide low-quality results. Table 3. Local search method on Geo and Ran instances with n = 100, 250. Method Dev. #Best Score ErkC+BLS GhoC+BLS GRASP1 GRASP2 2.40% 8 81 0.82% 22 85 0.24% 29 16 0.38% 29 22 16 M.G.C. RESENDE, R. MARTÍ, M. GALLEGO, AND A. DUARTE 62 GRASP1 GhoC+BLS ErkC+BLS Objective function value 60 58 56 54 52 50 Solutions sorted by objective function value Figure 7. Solution values with construction + local search Table 3 shows that our two new approaches based on the GRASP methodology are able to improve upon previous methods also based on construction plus local search. Specifically, GRASP1 and GRASP2 present an average percent deviation from the best solutions obtained in this experiment of 0.24 and 0.38, respectively, while ErkC+BLS and GhoC+BLS obtain 2.4 and 0.82, respectively. To complement the information shown in Table 3, Figure 7 shows the values of the 100 solutions obtained with GRASP1, GhoC+BLS, and ErkC+BLS, ordered from lowest to highest, on a Ran instance of dimension n = 250 and m = 25. The results shown in Figure 7 show that GRASP1 systematically obtains better solutions than the other two methods tested. Although, for the sake of simplicity, this figure only shows the results for one instance, we have found that it is representative of the evolution of the tested methods in the entire set. In the following experiment we compare the two variants of the greedy path relinking algorithm described in Subsection 4.1. We consider both the static version in which the PR is applied after GRASP1 (pseudo-code shown in Figure 4), and the dynamic version in which the PR is executed within each iteration of GRASP1 (pseudo-code shown in Figure 5). The path relinking method depends on the parameter dth that specifies the minimum distance for a solution to enter the elite set. Table 4 reports, for the set of 40 instances considered in our preliminary experiments and four different values of dth, the average percentage deviation from the best solution obtained (Dev.), the number of best solutions (#Best), the sum of the n score values (Score), and the average CPU time (Time) in seconds. Table 4 clearly shows that the greedy path relinking (GPR) in its dynamic variant obtains better solutions than the GPR in the static variant, although it consumes more running time (about 18 seconds on average compared with the 11 seconds of the static version). Moreover, this table also shows that the best value of dth in the GRASP AND PATH RELINKING FOR MAX-MIN DIVERSITY 17 Table 4. Greedy path relinking methods on Geo and Ran instances with n = 100, 250. Static GPR dth Dev. #Best Score Time Dynamic GPR 4 8 10 12 4 8 10 12 0.65% 20 86 11.0s 0.63% 21 71 11.3s 0.54% 24 62 10.7s 0.76% 20 85 11.0s 0.21% 30 35 18.1s 0.32% 29 29 18.6s 0.49% 22 69 18.3s 0.47% 22 52 18.2s dynamic version is 4, since the method obtains an average percentage deviation of 0.21 and 30 best solutions, which compares favorably with the other values shown. We therefore set the value of dth to 4 in the following path relinking algorithms and restrict our attention to the dynamic variant. In the next preliminary experiment we undertake to compare the greedy path relinking (GPR) algorithm considered above with the greedy randomized path relinking (GRPR) described in Subsection 4.2. We first study the effect of the parameter δ in the performance of the GRPR algorithm, considering δ = 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, and 0.9. We do not reproduce the results of this experiment in a table, but we simply report that we obtain slightly better solutions with δ set to 0.9 than with the other values (an improvement of 0.2% for the average deviation from the best solutions in this experiment). We then compare the performance of GPR and GRPR with δ = 0.9 both running for two minutes, and consider in this experiment the truncated strategy described in Subsection 4.3 in which the path is truncated when a portion depth of the solutions is explored. When depth is set to 100%, the entire path is explored (and therefore no truncation at all is applied). Alternatively, when depth is set to 10%, for example, only the first 10% solutions in the path are explored. Table 5 reports the statistics Dev., #Best, Score, as well as the number of paths explored (#Paths) and the average running time in seconds (PR time) that each method dedicates to the path relinking algorithm. Table 5 shows that the GPR method provides better solutions than the GRPR, since the average percentage deviation values obtained with the former range from 0.20% to 0.26% while with GRPR these values range from 0.34% to 0.58%. As expected, as the value of the parameter depth increases, the time dedicated to the path relinking (PR time) also increases. Moreover, given that the total running time is set to 2 minutes in all the cases, the number of explored paths (#Paths) is reduced as depth increases. However, these variations (PR time and #Paths) are small since the time saved when the path is truncated is very small in this implementation because the cardinality of the neighborhood explored in the path reduces as the path approaches the guiding solution. Therefore, variations in the parameter depth have a small effect on the quality of the final solution obtained with the method. 18 M.G.C. RESENDE, R. MARTÍ, M. GALLEGO, AND A. DUARTE 100 90 Average number of best solutions 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0-10% 10-20% 20-30% 30-40% 40-50% 50-60% 60-70% 70-80% 80-90% 90-100% Percentage of path length Figure 8. Average number of best solutions in the path Figure 8 complements the information shown in Table 5, plotting the number of best solutions found in each part of the path. The figure shows the average number of best solutions found in the first 10% of the path, the number of best solutions in the second 10% of the path (from 10% to 20%), and so on. The figure confirms the hypothesis that the best solutions are mainly obtained at the beginning of the path. However, good solutions are also obtained in the final part of the path. This fact, together with the small time saving associated with truncated the path lead us to consider in the following experiments the GPR method with depth set to 100%. Table 5. Truncated GPR and GRPR methods on Geo and Ran instances with n = 100, 250. GPR depth Dev. #Best Score #Paths PR time GRPR 50% 70% 90% 100% 50% 70% 90% 100% 0.26% 31 18 3268.95 0.28s 0.23% 33 20 3115.10 0.30s 0.25% 32 14 3026.58 0.31s 0.20% 34 14 3094.68 0.33s 0.37% 28 39 3277.18 0.26s 0.34% 30 33 3142.88 0.30s 0.43% 28 43 3111.90 0.30s 0.58% 23 91 3208.15 0.30s GRASP AND PATH RELINKING FOR MAX-MIN DIVERSITY 19 In our final experiment, we compare our best methods with the state-of-the-art methods for the MMDP. Specifically, we consider the following six algorithms (all run for 100 global iterations except GRASP+EvPR): GhoC+BLS : Multi-start method (Ghosh, 1996). SA: Simulated annealing (Kincaid, 1992). TS : Tabu search (Kincaid, 1992). GRASP1 : Constructive method GRC2(0.9) coupled with the local search FLS. GPR: Dynamic greedy path relinking in which the PR is executed within each iteration of GRASP1 with dth = 4 and depth = 100%. GRASP+EvPR: Evolutionary path relinking with GlobalIter = 5 (generation with GPR and evolution with PR of the elite set) and LocalIter = 20. Tables 6, 7, and 8 report, for each method on each set of instances, the average relative percentage deviation (Dev.) between the best solution values obtained with each method and the best known, the number of instances (#Best) in which the value of the best solution obtained with each method matches the best known, the statistic Score where the lower the Score the better the method, and the average CPU time in seconds. Experiments with CPLEX 8.0 (with the Kuo et al. (1993) formulation) confirm that the best known solutions in the 75 Glover instances reported in Table 6 are the optimal solutions. The problem instances in the Glover set (Table 6) do not provide a way of differentiating the performances of the methods that we are comparing. They are easy to solve and all the methods are capable of quickly finding the optimal solutions. Tables 7 and 8 show the merit of the proposed procedures. Our GPR and GRASP+EvPR implementations consistently produce the best solutions with percent deviations smaller than those of the competing methods (and with number of best solutions found larger than the others). GRASP+EvPR presents a marginal improvement when compared with GPR but requires longer running times (especially for large instances). On the other hand, the GRASP1 algorithm is able to obtain relatively good solutions in short computational time, with a performance very similar to the GhoC+BLS method. The SA and TS methods perform well on small Geo instances (n = 100) but are clearly inferior to the others reported in our comparison when target large sized instances (n = 500). The ranking of the methods with respect to the best solutions found in the 120 Geo and Ran Table 6. Best methods – Glover instances Dev. #Opt Score Time GhoC+BLS SA TS GRASP1 GPR GRASP+EvPR 0.00% 75 0 0.03s 0.00% 75 0 0.98s 0.00% 75 0 1.56s 0.00% 75 0 0.02s 0.00% 75 0 0.02s 0.00% 75 0 0.04s 20 M.G.C. RESENDE, R. MARTÍ, M. GALLEGO, AND A. DUARTE 8 SA GhoC+BLS GRASP1 GRASP+EvPR 7 Average percentage deviation 6 SA 5 4 3 GhoC+BLS 2 GRASP1 1 GRASP+EvPR 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 CPU time (seconds) 2500 3000 3500 Figure 9. Search profiles on large Geo instance. instances is: GRASP+EvPR(96), GPR(73), GRASP1(37), SA(34), TS(32), and GhoC+BLS(30). Figure 9 shows the typical search profile for the methods that we compared. This run corresponds to the largest Geo instances (n = 500, m = 150) with a time limit of 60 minutes per instance and method. Table 7. Best methods – Geo instances GhoC+BLS SA TS GRASP1 GPR GRASP+EvPR n = 100 Dev. #Best Score Time 0.75% 10 42 2.45s 0.00% 19 1 20.96s 0.00% 20 0 33.64s 0.76% 10 44 0.68s 0.11% 16 13 1.68s 0.09% 17 8 3.76s n = 250 Dev. #Best Score Time 1.00% 0 65 30.50s 0.68% 6 36 220.57s 1.75% 2 73 439.68s 1.11% 1 71 5.58s 0.19% 7 18 33.44s 0.16% 14 11 65.57s n = 500 Dev. #Best Score Time 2.36% 0 56 282.37s 3.48% 0 62 1449.85s 9.27% 0 100 3633.36s 2.39% 0 61 34.99s 0.25% 7 13 788.31s 0.04% 16 4 1465.44s GRASP AND PATH RELINKING FOR MAX-MIN DIVERSITY 21 Table 8. Best methods – Ran instances GhoC+BLS SA TS GRASP1 GPR GRASP+EvPR n = 100 Dev. #Best Score Time 1.71% 4 51 1.37s 2.89% 9 41 10.82s 3.28% 10 44 33.11s 1.37% 7 40 0.84s 0.61% 14 16 2.96s 0.49% 15 9 7.36s n = 250 Dev. #Best Score Time 2.01% 3 34 15.98s 3.73% 0 78 115.10s 7.49% 0 90 430.07s 1.34% 5 20 19.22s 0.81% 11 9 101.57s 0.26% 17 3 271.05s n = 500 Dev. #Best Score Time 2.95% 13 11 93.05s 41.62% 0 80 868.00s 41.62% 0 80 3606.49s 1.70% 14 8 99.02s 0.18% 18 2 2172.38s 0.27% 17 3 6349.20s Figure 9 clearly shows that GRASP+EvPR outperforms the other methods over a long term horizon (3600 seconds in this experiment). Moreover, it is worthwhile noting that GRASP+EvPR obtains high quality solutions (better than the competing methods) from the first iterations (100 seconds). On the other hand, SA presents a low performance when comparing with the other three methods in this experiment. The GRASP1 method obtains the best solutions within the first 50 seconds. However, GRASP1 by itself (without the PR post-processing) is not able to improve these initial solutions and presents a flat profile during the entire search. 6. Conclusions The objective of this study has been to advance the current state of knowledge about implementations of path relinking procedures (PR) for combinatorial optimization. Unlike other evolutionary methods such as genetic algorithms or scatter search, PR has not yet been extensively studied. In this paper, we studied the generation of solutions with GRASP and their combination with PR. We also tested four different variants of PR known as greedy PR, greedy randomized PR, truncated PR, and evolutionary PR, as well as two search strategies: static and dynamic. We performed several experiments with previously reported instances. Our experiments show that the dynamic variants of GRASP with greedy PR and GRASP with evolutionary PR are the best methods for the MMDP instances tested in this paper. 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E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Duarte) Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain. E-mail address: [email protected]