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USDA National Wildlife Research Center Staff Publications
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Coyote depredation management:
current methods and research needs
Brian R. Mitchell∗
Michael M. Jaegar†
Reginald H. Barrett‡
∗ University
of Vermont, Burlington, VT
State University, Logan, UT
‡ University of California, Berkeley, CA
This paper is posted at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln.
† Utah
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Coyote depredation management:
current methods and research needs
Brian R. Mitchell, Michael M. Jaeger, and Reginald H. Barrett
This paper examines the severity of livestock depredation by coyotes (Canis latrans),
reviews evidence implicating breeding (or “alpha”) coyotes in the majority of incidents, evaluates currently used depredation control techniques, and suggests directions for future research. Nonlethal control ranges from varied animal husbandry
practices to coyote behavioral modification or sterilization. These methods show significant promise but have not been proven effective in controlled experiments.
Therefore, many livestock producers rely on lethal control, and most employ nonselective strategies aimed at local population reduction. Sometimes this approach is
effective; other times it is not. This strategy can fail because the alpha coyotes, most
likely to kill livestock, are the most resistant to nonselective removal techniques. An
alternative is selective lethal control. Livestock Protection Collars (LPCs) and coyote
calling are the primary selective lethal approaches. However, LPCs do not have support from the general public due to the toxicant used, and the factors affecting the
selectivity of coyote calling have not been studied. The greatest impediments to effective coyote depredation management currently are a scarcity of selective control
methods, our lack of understanding of the details of coyote behavioral ecology relative to livestock depredation and wild prey abundance, the absence of solid research
examining the effectiveness of different control techniques in a variety of habitats and
at multiple predation intensities, and the dearth of rigorous controlled experiments
analyzing the operational efficacy of selective removal versus population reduction.
Key words Canis latrans, coyote, depredation, livestock, nonlethal control, population reduction,
selective control, sheep
Coyotes (Canis latrans) are vilified throughout
the western United States as insatiable livestock
killers. This impression is based on the fact that
coyotes are the most important predator of sheep,
goats, and cattle. Sheep producers attributed
39,800 sheep and 126,000 lamb deaths (valued at
$9.6 million) to coyotes in 1999; this was 61% of
losses they ascribed to predators and 22% of their
total losses (National Agricultural Statistics Service
[NASS] 2000c). Coyotes therefore ate their way
through 2.3% of the country’s 1999 sheep popula-
tion, which was estimated at 7.2 million individuals
(NASS 2000b). Coyotes were blamed for the deaths
of 21,700 goats in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas
in 1999, out of a total population of 1.3 million.
This accounted for 35.6% of the total loss to predators, at an economic cost of $1.6 million (NASS
2000b, c). Predation was a minor cause of loss to
the cattle industry; coyotes killed less than 0.1% of
the United States’ total cattle population in 2000
(NASS 2000a, 2001). In 1995 only 2.7% of total cattle losses were due to predation (and 1.6% of total
Address for Brian R. Mitchell: Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Vermont, 81 Carrigan Drive,
Burlington, VT 05405-0088, USA; e-mail:
[email protected]. Address for Michael M. Jaeger: United States Department of
Agriculture/Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service/Wildlife Services/National Wildlife Research Center, College of Natural
Resources, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-5230, USA. Address for Reginald H. Barrett: Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, University of California, 151 Hilgard Hall #3110, Berkeley, CA 94720-3110, USA.
Wildlife Society Bulletin 2004, 32(4):1209–1218
Peer refereed
Wildlife Society Bulletin 2004, 32(4):1209–1218
cattle losses were due to coyotes). Respiratory
problems, digestive problems, calving problems,
and weather each killed 6 to 17 times more cattle
than did coyotes (NASS 1996). Nevertheless, coyotes were the dominant cattle predator; they were
implicated in 65% of cattle losses due to predation
in 2000, or 8,000 cattle and 87,000 calves worth a
total of $31.8 million (NASS 2001).
Based on these statistics, coyotes are responsible
for over $40 million in damages to livestock producers every year, with proportionally more damage to sheep and goats than to cattle. While this
may seem negligible in the face of the $638 million
value of the United States sheep industry in 1999
and the $67 billion value of the United States cattle
industry in 2000 (NASS 2003), the livestock industry traditionally operates on slim profit margins.
For example, a survey with 76 respondents (representing approximately 5% of United States lamb
meat production) revealed that net profits per ewe
were $3.70 in 1997, –$3.95 in 1998, and –$4.06 in
1999. During this period the annual proportion of
ranchers who lost money ranged from 36–64%
(United States International Trade Commission
2002). Losses of livestock due to coyote predation
can easily transform a narrowly profitable operation into an unprofitable one. The problem is compounded by the fact that coyote damage is not
spread equally among producers. High losses at a
Montana ranch were documented by O’Gara et al.
(1983). These researchers reported 24% and 27% of
lambs lost to coyotes during a consecutive 2-year
period with minimal coyote control and a 13% loss
in the third year despite intensive control. In general, large sheep operations tend to be harder hit by
depredation, with 10% of all sheep producers typically losing more than 20% of their lambs to coyotes (Wagner 1988). Producers generally choose to
protect their economic interests by controlling
their losses, including those related to predation.
Because coyote control is so prevalent in ranching
areas, it is worth examining the available data concerning coyotes that kill livestock and then evaluating depredation management strategies in light of
this information.
Not all coyotes kill sheep
Many people believe that every coyote will kill
sheep if given the chance. For example,Timm and
Connolly (2001) blamed elevated levels of depredation on increased predator abundance at the
Coyote being released for the authors' research investigating
conditions that enhance the efficacy of coyote calling.
University of California’s Hopland Research and
Extension Center (HREC). There is some evidence
that supports a relationship between coyote population size and depredation levels, particularly
when wild prey is unavailable. Pearson and
Caroline (1981) observed that livestock predation
rates were highest during periods of low rainfall,
when prey populations presumably were at low
levels, and O’Gara et al. (1983) noted that predation
was highest when sheep arrived on their summer
range, which coincided with low rodent populations and coyote pup weaning. A nonsignificant
trend between coyote abundance indices and
sheep losses was found by Robel et al. (1981).
Stoddart et al. (2001) analyzed 6 years of data
during a black-tailed jackrabbit (Lepus californicus) irruption and decline at an Idaho site. They
concluded that predation rates on ewes and lambs
were proportional to coyote density and that coyote population reduction would therefore alleviate
sheep losses. However, this relationship was not
convincingly demonstrated. For example, total losses were used as a proxy for losses due to coyotes,
under the assumption that nonpredation mortality
factors were constant during the study. Meanwhile,
other lines of evidence strongly indicate that only
certain coyotes kill sheep. Connolly et al. (1976)
studied the sheep-killing behavior of captive coyotes at HREC and reported that older males and the
females with which they were paired were highly
likely to attack and kill sheep, while younger males
rarely attacked sheep and unpaired females never
Coyote depredation management • Mitchell et al.
killed sheep. When mated pairs attacked sheep, the
male almost always took the lead. A subsequent
series of field studies at HREC (Conner et al. 1998,
Sacks et al. 1999b, Blejwas et al. 2002) found that
breeding (or “alpha”) coyotes whose territories
overlapped sheep were the primary livestock
depredators and that nonbreeders rarely were associated with sheep kills.
Till and Knowlton (1983) found that killing pups
of depredating alpha coyotes (denning) reduced
sheep kills by 88% in the week following removal
and that killing pups and the breeding pair reduced
sheep kills by 98%. These researchers suggested
that the need to provision pups caused breeding
coyotes to maximize foraging efficiency by focusing on large and easily killed prey. They raised the
possibility that sterilized coyotes might abstain
from killing while maintaining exclusive territories
that prevent intrusion by other coyotes. One study
has shown a reduction in sheep depredation by
sterilized coyotes (Bromley and Gese 2001b). This
research was conducted in an area where sheep
had not been recently grazed, and each pack was
exposed to sheep for only 5–23 days per year.
While it was promising that the surgically sterilized
packs maintained their social structure for the 3year study (Bromley and Gese 2001a), it remains to
be seen whether sterilized coyotes will avoid
killing sheep that are available for longer periods.
The evidence from HREC suggests that dominant, pair-bonded coyotes eventually will kill sheep
if they are available within the coyotes’ territory
year-round (Blejwas et al. 2002). At HREC, lambing
occurred in the winter, before pups were present,
yet the dominant coyotes still killed lambs (Sacks et
al. 1999b). The authors of this study suggested that
paired coyotes work cooperatively to attack larger
ungulate prey that they would not be able to handle alone. These coyotes may start off with smaller
lambs in the winter and then work their way up to
adults as they gain experience. Alternatively, the
pressures of provisioning pups in the spring may
cause alpha coyotes to initially attack older lambs
and then adult sheep. Experience with older sheep
may then lead to a higher likelihood of coyotes
attacking young lambs when they become available
the following winter. Observations of coyote
attacks on wild ungulates (Gese and Grothe 1995)
support the notion that the breeding pair (and particularly the male) takes the lead in successful
ungulate attacks and that coyotes do cooperate
when making kills. It is reasonable to assume that
attacks on other ungulates, such as sheep, goats, and
calves, would be conducted in a similar manner.
The available evidence implicates breeders in the
vast majority of coyote-caused livestock losses. This
evidence does not preclude the possibility of an
effect of coyote density on depredation levels
because the number of breeders or their behavior
relative to sheep may vary with coyote population
density and wild prey abundance. For example,
regions with high coyote density typically are better coyote habitat, with smaller territory sizes and
more breeders per unit area. Increases in depredation levels as wild prey populations decline could
be due primarily to an increase in livestock kills by
breeders (as opposed to the coyote population as a
Eradicating all coyotes in an area would certainly
stop coyote depredations, but this approach may
not be cost-effective and has potential ecosystemlevel repercussions, such as mesopredator release
(Crooks and Soulé 1999) and increased rodent populations (Henke and Bryant 1999). Control methods will be most effective and ecologically sound
when they remove the threat posed by breeding
coyotes that live where livestock are pastured. The
best depredation management techniques would
be selective toward specific problem animals, effective at reducing livestock losses for an extended
period, have minimal environmental impact, be
socially acceptable to the general public, and cost
less than the losses they prevent.
Nonlethal depredation management
A number of animal husbandry techniques show
promise for meeting these criteria. Fences can be
built that, when properly maintained, are nearly
100% effective at preventing coyotes from accessing livestock (deCalesta and Cropsey 1978,
Conover 2002). Birthing in sheds, keeping herders
with livestock during the day, bedding animals near
people for the night, removing or burying carcasses, and lighting corrals where stock are kept at
night all have been suggested to reduce depredation (Davenport et al. 1973, Nass 1977, Tigner and
Larson 1977, Conover 2002). Guard animals may
effectively protect livestock, though not in all circumstances. Guard dogs commonly are used by
Europeans and native Americans, and the majority
of people who employ dogs to protect sheep and
goats report that they reduce predation (Black and
Green 1984, Green et al. 1984). Donkeys and lla-
Wildlife Society Bulletin 2004, 32(4):1209–1218
mas, which have a natural dislike for canids, also
have been successfully used as guard animals
(Conover 2002).
These husbandry techniques are selective, in that
they aim to prevent coyotes intent on killing livestock from contacting their prey, and they seem to
be effective in certain situations. The public generally approves of these methods because they are
nonlethal, selective, and do not cause serious ecological damage. However, some do have ecological
impacts; for example, fencing may inhibit wildlife
movements (Knowlton et al. 1999), range quality
decreases in and around confined bedding grounds
(Davenport et al. 1973, Wagner 1988), and guard
dogs occasionally will harass wildlife (Black and
Green 1984). These husbandry practices also have
significant up-front and maintenance costs that
must be borne by the producer, ranging from material costs for fencing and sheds to labor costs for
herding livestock and training dogs. Guard dogs
carry an additional risk, since up to 10% of them
eventually harass or kill livestock (Green et al.
An alternative class of nonlethal depredation
management techniques, behavioral modification,
has received considerable attention. The aversiveconditioning (or “Clockwork Orange”) approach
involves using negative reinforcement to train individual coyotes to avoid killing livestock. One
experiment with captive coyotes successfully
trained 3 of 4 individuals to avoid domestic rabbits
(Olsen and Lehner 1978). Another experiment
found that coyotes fitted with electronic shock collars could be trained to avoid sheep (Andelt et al.
1999). Both of these studies documented behavioral changes that lasted for over 4 months.
However, expenses involved in capturing and conditioning all coyotes in an area that potentially
could depredate livestock undoubtedly exceeds the
benefits in the majority of situations. Recent
research at the National Wildlife Research Center
(Shivik and Martin 2000) could make aversive conditioning more cost-effective by using sound-activated shock collars attached to coyotes when they
pass through snares; the collar would be activated
by special bells attached to livestock. Coyotes that
chased animals wearing the bells would be shocked
until they left the vicinity.
Another aversive-conditioning approach involves
using an emetic (such as lithium chloride) in sheep
carcasses and baits to train coyotes to avoid live
sheep. There is, however, no evidence that coyotes
actually generalize from the baits to live sheep, and
producers who tried this technique invariably
stopped using it because they felt it was not worthwhile (Conover and Kessler 1994).
Other behavioral modification strategies try to
frighten or repel coyotes away from their prey
without relying on a conditioning or training phase.
Lehner et al. (1976) tested over 45 potential olfactory repellents and did not find any that produced
an avoidance reaction. They concluded that olfactory repellents were likely to work only in combination with actual aversive conditioning. Other
researchers have used light or sound to scare coyotes. Linhart spent several years developing an
“electronic guard” incorporating a strobe light and
alarm (Linhart et al. 1984, 1992). He felt these
devices were effective for extended periods when
multiple guards were used. However, the first
experiment was uncontrolled and had several trials
(4 of 15) in which predation ceased for less than 4
weeks, and the second experiment was biased in its
presentation of loss reductions. Linhart (1992)
compared total losses during the entire summer
(10–12 weeks) for the year before experimental trials with losses during the latter portion of the summer (<8–10 weeks) that guards were used. This
bias would be enhanced if losses decreased
through the summer as lambs got larger and breeding coyotes stopped provisioning pups (O’Gara et
al. 1983).
Fright tactics like the electronic guard are vulnerable to habituation of coyotes to the stimuli
used. The devices may not be effective for more
than a few days, and they are usually not recommended for reducing livestock depredation
(Koehler et al. 1990, Conover 2002). These techniques might work better if guard device activation
was contingent on predator behavior instead of random. When a device fires randomly, coyotes may
learn that activation has nothing to do with them.
If the device activates only when the coyote
approaches a particular pasture or engages in a certain behavior, the coyote is more likely to associate
activation of the device with its own actions (Shivik
and Martin 2000). Field tests of a Radio Activated
Guard (RAG) that was triggered by wolf (Canis
lupus) radiotransmitters had promising results
(Breck et al. 2002), and controlled trials with coyotes showed less habituation to behavior-contingent alarms than to randomly fired alarms (Shivik
and Martin 2000). Behavior-contingent frightening
stimuli may become an attractive control option,
Coyote depredation management • Mitchell et al.
particularly if the prohibitively priced ($3,800 US)
RAG could be made affordable by using inexpensive motion or infrared sensors that would detect
uncollared predators.
Another nonlethal technique is sterilization of
alpha coyotes whose territories overlap sheep. This
may reduce depredation when sheep are only seasonally grazed within coyote territories (Bromley
and Gese 2001b). However, reproductive inhibition
will not eliminate killing if ungulate predation
results from pair-bonding and cooperative foraging
rather than the need to provision pups (Sacks et al.
1999b). There currently are no chemical sterilants
proven safe and effective for coyotes that will not
interfere with territorial behavior, and there is no
reliable way to distinguish alphas from betas and
transients at the time of capture. Therefore, any
reproductive inhibition program would require the
capture and physical sterilization of all adult coyotes in an area.
Lethal coyote control: population
Because all of the aforementioned nonlethal coyote control techniques require significant time and
initial expense on the part of livestock producers,
lethal control is more common. This is particularly
true when large numbers of sheep are grazed over
an extended area with rough terrain and cover that
favors coyotes; nonlethal methods often are impractical under these conditions. Lethal control also is
less expensive and less labor-intensive for many
producers, since they can supplement their own
efforts by calling in predator control specialists
who are paid through government sources.
However, lethal techniques can vary in their efficacy against problem coyotes and in their tendency
to affect nontarget species. Leghold traps, snares,
and cyanide ejectors (M-44s) can be used in ways
that are highly species-selective, by taking care to
use appropriate baits, equipment, and techniques.
These methods are not always effective at removing problem coyotes, though. Research at HREC in
north-coastal California (Sacks et al. 1999a) found
that young coyotes were particularly vulnerable to
M-44s and that older and alpha coyotes rarely were
trapped or snared during the winter lambing season when depredation losses peaked.
Aerial gunning of coyotes is highly species-selective, since shooters verify the target’s identity
before pulling the trigger. Aerial gunning often is
practiced in a population reduction or “preventative” mode, in which coyotes are shot in an area up
to 6 months prior to the arrival of sheep. Because
preventative aerial gunning is widely touted as an
effective management tool, it makes sense to critically evaluate the science upon which this claim is
based. The best available research on the efficacy of
this method (Wagner and Conover 1999) concluded that gunning significantly reduced lamb losses
the following summer. Unfortunately, this study
had several problems.
Site selection was
pseudoreplicated; 6 of the 33 grazing allotments
were used 2 or 3 times, which violated the statistical assumption of independent replicates. In addition, the selection of treatment and control plots
appeared biased. Wagner and Conover (1999) presented data for 22 of the allotments that tested for
differences between treatment and control sites.
High variability in losses ensured there were no significant differences in mean losses, yet sites that
were later gunned had lower confirmed yearly
lamb losses (2.9 versus 5.4), fewer lambs lost to all
causes (70 versus 100), and a smaller number of
ewes lost to all causes (28 versus 38). The statistical results also were artificially enhanced by a lack
of correction for multiple comparisons. Confirmed
lamb kills, estimated lamb kills, and lambs lost to all
causes were estimated from the same data set, and
the alpha level for significance should have been
reduced to 0.017. Using the revised alpha level, the
only significant result was the finding that gunned
allotments had fewer confirmed lamb kills than
control allotments. It is unclear whether this result
would have been statistically significant if site-selection bias and pseudoreplication were correctly
A concurrent study found “no consistent relationship between extent and intensity of aerial
hunting and lamb losses or the need for SPM”
(Wagner 1997:56), where SPM refers to summer
predation management with traps and shooting.
Wagner (1997) indicated that the lack of correlation could be explained if gunning effort was
biased toward sheep units with more predation, yet
there was no correlation between lamb losses for
the previous year and the amount or extent of gunning.
Traps, snares, M-44s, and preventative aerial gunning are essentially aimed at reducing coyote population levels; they are nonselective methods used
to remove as many coyotes as possible. A study at
Wildlife Society Bulletin 2004, 32(4):1209–1218
HREC found no relationship between subsequent
lamb losses and the number of coyotes killed using
traps, snares, and M-44s (Conner et al. 1998).
Wagner (1988:113) said that the population reduction approach is “something of a sledge-hammer
one: If enough coyotes are shot, trapped, and
exposed to M-44s… their numbers can be reduced
and the chances are that the offending animal(s)
will be among those taken and the losses reduced.”
While this approach likely works to decrease livestock losses in many cases (e.g., Dorrance and Roy
[1976] discuss increased losses in the United States
after the 1972 toxicant ban), the general public disapproves of techniques that kill large numbers of
innocent animals, and this sentiment contributed to
California’s ban on leghold traps and M-44s in 1998
(California Fish and Game Code 1998). In addition,
overuse can decrease the efficacy of these techniques (Sacks et al. 1999a), and intensive lethal control affects coyote demographics. Exploited coyote
populations have a younger age structure, lower
survival, increased juvenile reproduction, larger litters, and smaller packs (Knowlton et al. 1999). If
populations are severely reduced, there also is the
potential of mesopredator release (Crooks and
Soulé 1999), in which small-carnivore populations
increase and negatively affect birds and small vertebrates. Henke and Bryant (1999) found that when
coyote density was reduced by 50%, rodent and
black-tailed jackrabbit density increased, the abundance of badgers (Taxidea taxus), bobcats (Lynx
rufus), and gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus)
increased, and rodent species diversity declined.
Lethal selective control
A few lethal control techniques seem to be selective toward depredating coyotes: livestock protection collars (LPCs) and techniques based on coyote
calling. Livestock protection collars are the most
specific; in one study the devices killed coyotes that
attacked sheep in 10 of 14 attacks (Burns et al.
1996). Livestock protection collars are rubber collars that can be placed around the necks of sheep
or goats; each collar has 2 pouches filled with poison. When a coyote attacks the throat of an animal
wearing a collar, one or both of the pouches usually are punctured and the attacker ingests the toxicant (Conover 2002). Although any poison could
conceivably be used in an LPC, the only chemical
currently approved by the United States
Environmental Protection Agency is Compound
1080, or sodium monofluoroacetate. Compound
1080 is highly toxic to canids; 5 mg will kill a coyote (Burns et al. 1986).
Livestock protection collars filled with
Compound 1080 have several drawbacks. The collars are expensive (around $20 US each),the EPA limits the number of collars that can be used in a given
area, collars must be closely monitored, and carcasses and spills must be treated as hazardous waste.
States are required to have registration, training, and
documentation programs before LPCs can be used,
and in 1999 only 7 states had these programs in
place (Timm and Connolly 2001, Conover 2002). In
addition, there are risks of accidental poisoning and
secondary toxicity from Compound 1080.
Accidental poisoning occurs when nontarget animals ingest poison that spills out of a ruptured collar.
One milliliter of fluid from an LPC exceeds the LD50
(the amount of poison that will kill 50% of individuals) of small scavenging birds, golden eagles (Aquila
chrysaetos), all canids, most mustelids, domestic cats,
and bobcats (Wagner 1988). A study examining the
potential for nontarget poisoning found that domestic dogs were somewhat susceptible to poisoning,
and that scavenging magpies (Pica hudsonia) tended not to feed on contaminated material (Burns and
Connolly 1995). Because coyotes normally feed on
the flank, hindquarters, and viscera rather than the
neck (Wade and Bowns 1982), coyotes that scavenge
another animal’s kill also are unlikely to be poisoned.
Innocent coyotes are susceptible to poisoning if they
eat regurgitant from a poisoned coyote; in one study
the researchers believed that a coyote died in this
manner (Burns et al. 1986). Secondary toxicity
occurs when Compound 1080 levels are high
enough in a poisoned animal to affect other animals
that scavenge the carcass. When striped skunks
(Mephitis mephitis) and golden eagles were fed a
diet simulating toxin levels found in coyotes killed by
LPCs, all study animals reduced their food intake, and
half of the eagles showed sublethal signs of 1080 poisoning (Burns et al. 1991).
The other lethal techniques that show promise
for selecting depredating coyotes, denning and calling and shooting, are both based on coyote calling.
Calling has been in use for decades (e.g., Alcorn
1946), and involves producing sounds that interest
coyotes enough for them to vocally respond or
approach. Calling techniques include imitating
coyote howls and prey by mouth, making sounds
with the help of small reed-based callers, or using
sophisticated electronic speakers that store a vari-
Coyote depredation management • Mitchell et al.
ety of calls and can be operated by remote control.
Denning typically depends on vocal responses to
calling; these responses are used by trappers to pinpoint den sites. Once located, the den site is visited and pups or adults are killed; killing only the
pups has been shown to temporarily reduce coyote
depredations almost as much as killing the entire
pack (Till and Knowlton 1983). The combination of
calling and shooting is used by itself or in conjunction with denning; coyotes are shot when they
approach the site where a call was broadcast.
Calling is often used in conjunction with trained
dogs that enhance responsiveness to calls and help
damage-control specialists find active coyote dens
(Coolahan 1990). The selectivity of coyote calling
toward breeding males seems to vary depending on
the type of call used. Windberg and Knowlton
(1990), when they used rabbit distress calls to
attract coyotes, found that calling and shooting was
biased toward younger animals, but not sex-biased.
In contrast, Wagner (1997) found that calling and
shooting was strongly sex-biased when pup distress
calls, adult coyote calls, and trained dogs were used:
80 percent of coyotes shot were adult males
despite an apparently equal population sex-ratio.
Coyote calling has potential as a selective, effective, and inexpensive way of dealing with problem
animals. If used sparingly, denning and calling and
shooting have minimal population-level or environmental effects; also, the public is more approving of
selective control measures than of poisons and indiscriminate trapping and shooting (Reiter et al. 1999).
The selectivity of these methods needs to be evaluated experimentally, and their use will remain limited without a more thorough understanding of how
coyotes respond to a variety of calls played in different environmental conditions throughout the year.
A variety of common control methods can be used
selectively in certain situations. Traps, snares, and M44s can be set in locations that are more likely to be
visited by problem animals (e.g., around sheep bedding grounds or coyote den sites); shooting can be
used to kill coyotes as they approach bedded flocks;
and aerial gunning can be used in conjunction with
coyote calling to remove coyote dens. It is likely
these techniques will work well for selective control,
but their efficacy remains to be demonstrated.
The future of coyote depredation
management research
Past and current research has improved our
understanding of coyote ecology and assisted in the
development of new and improved control methods, but this is not enough. New studies are needed that will examine coyote behavior and the efficacy of depredation management while following
strict experimental protocols under operational
conditions. These studies must be well designed,
with appropriate controls and randomization. This
level of rigor is rare in coyote depredation research,
primarily because it is difficult to convince producers to accept a random treatment assignment that
could require them to follow a strategy they feel is
inappropriate. Much of their resistance probably
could be overcome with the establishment of a
compensation fund for documented losses that
occur when producers participate in research.
We believe that research needs to continue and
expand along 4 fronts: studies aimed at developing
and improving depredation management techniques; investigations of coyote ecology relative to
livestock and natural prey; comparative studies of
the efficacy of specific control methods; and examination of the relative costs and benefits of different
control strategies in different situations. Specific
ideas for research in each of these areas are outlined below. These experiments are not cheap or
easy, but they would go a long way toward improving the success and cost-effectiveness of coyote
depredation management.
Improved depredation management
This category includes separate phases for technique development and testing. Development
should begin with observations of coyote behavior
toward control devices and procedures. For example, how do coyotes behave toward guard animals?
What do they do after a behavior-contingent guard
fires? What are the conditions that increase the
responsiveness of dominant individuals to coyote
calling? Which coyotes investigate traps set near
bedding grounds? Observations and behavioral
experiments investigating how marked, free-ranging coyotes behave toward various control methods are crucial for ensuring that techniques are as
effective as possible before expensive operational
tests are conducted.
Operational testing should incorporate 2 or 3
pairs of sites that are identical with respect to
important parameters (e.g., flock size, topography,
herding procedures, depredation levels, and previous and ongoing control efforts). One site in each
Wildlife Society Bulletin 2004, 32(4):1209–1218
pair should be randomly selected to receive the new
control method, and the treatment site should be
switched in the following year. Additional sets of
sites that differ for some of the important parameters can be included in the experiment or pursued
as a separate experiment to determine how the control technique performs across a variety of depredation management conditions. A standardized procedure for using the management technique and
measuring its success would be needed to allow for
comparisons of efficacy in different situations.
Investigations of coyote ecology
A long-term (>5 years) experiment is needed that
investigates the relationship between coyote population density and depredation levels, examines
potential buffering by wild prey, and determines
whether depredation results from the actions of a
subgroup of the coyote population. This study
should be conducted at >2 sites, and planned to
coincide with natural variation in wild prey abundance (e.g., a black-tailed jackrabbit population
irruption and crash, as in Stoddart et al. [2001]).
Accurate counts of livestock losses from coyotes
would be needed and could be facilitated by using
subcutaneous radiotransmitters on a subset of the
livestock so that causes of death of missing animals
can be estimated. Prey densities can be measured
using adequately calibrated line transects (for larger prey like rabbits) and trapping grids for rodents.
Coyotes would not need to be captured for this
experiment; mark–recapture population estimates
can be obtained by analyzing DNA in coyote scats
collected along a grid of scat transects. The DNA
analysis also would allow for a determination of the
social structure, especially if the data were supplemented with DNA from pup scats at den sites. Scat
transects also would yield diet information and
approximate territory boundaries for coyotes in
the population; in addition, the scat DNA can be
compared with saliva DNA taken from wounds of
dead livestock (Williams et al. 2003) to identify
problem coyotes in the population.
Comparative efficacy of control methods
There currently is no solid data on the comparative efficacy of various corrective (i.e., post-depredation) lethal control methods, but this information
could be collected with the cooperation of depredation management specialists. Participants would
collect predator DNA from saliva samples on dead
livestock, then carry out corrective control using
methods of their choosing. These methods could
include calling and shooting, denning, trapping
with snares or leghold traps, use of M-44s, or corrective aerial gunning. As specialists kill coyotes in
the area, they would collect a DNA sample from
each carcass, note the control method, and record
their location. DNA from saliva swabs would be
matched to DNA from coyotes removed from the
same area to determine whether the livestock killer
was taken. This information would be supplemented with geographic habitat and topography data,
plus information from livestock producers documenting important covariates (e.g., whether livestock are present year-round, plus their numbers
and distribution). Finally, a cost-benefit analysis of
the various control techniques could be conducted
using additional information concerning the time
and physical resources used for control efforts.
Costs and benefits of different control
Several cost-benefit analyses suggest that lethal
coyote control is a cost-effective way of solving
depredation problems (Nass 1980, Pearson and
Caroline 1981, Bodenchuk et al. 2000). These analyses were based on the same group of studies from
the 1970s that documented livestock losses in situations with and without lethal control. The studies
occurred in a variety of different habitats with multiple types of husbandry practices and differing baseline predation levels. As Pearson and Caroline
(1981) noted, comparing these studies was not
strictly valid, but it did provide a reasonable starting
point for estimating the benefits of predator control.
The accuracy of these and other cost-benefit
analyses will be questioned until rigorous controlled experiments produce reliable data about different control strategies. One potential experiment
would involve identifying 6 sites that are matched
for animal husbandry practices, ecological characteristics, existing coyote control efforts, and livestock losses. At the start of the 3-year study, onethird of the sites would receive no lethal control,
another third would receive selective control targeted toward specific problem animals, and the
remaining sites would receive coyote population
reduction. Control methods would then be rotated
for the next year (e.g., of the 2 sites initially receiving no lethal control, 1 would receive population
reduction and the other would receive selective
control), and the remaining treatment for each site
would be applied in the final year. This counterbal-
Coyote depredation management • Mitchell et al.
anced repeated-measures design should reduce any
potential carryover effect, in which the treatment
applied in one year affects the results for the following year (Zar 1999). Data collected would
include livestock losses and the costs and efficacy
of the different control strategies, and the analysis
would produce the first accurate assessment of the
benefits of lethal control for reducing livestock
losses. Replicating this experiment at other groups
of sites with different initial conditions would lead
to an accumulation of reliable data that livestock
producers and control agencies could use to determine the best depredation management strategy
for a given situation.
Acknowledgments. We thank E. A. Lacey, S. R.
Beissinger, and 2 anonymous reviewers for helpful
comments on this manuscript. This review was funded primarily by the United States Department of
Agriculture’s National Wildlife Research Center
through a cooperative agreement with the University
of California at Berkeley (12-03-7405-0235 CA).
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Brian R. Mitchell (photo) is
a post-doctoral researcher at
the University of Vermont’s
Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural
Resources. He has a B.A. in
biology and English from
Brown University, and a
Ph.D. in environmental science, policy, and management from the University of
California, Berkeley. Brian
is an Associate Wildlife
Biologist and has served
on the TWS Student Affairs
Committee. His Ph.D.
research investigated the potential usefulness of coyote calling
to manage problem coyotes. Michael M. (Mike) Jaeger is a
research zoologist for the United States Department of Agriculture, Wildlife Services, National Wildlife Research Center. He
has a B.A. in biology from the University of St. Thomas, an M.S.
in biology from Creighton University, and a Ph.D. in zoology
from Michigan State University. Mike has been leading
research investigating coyote depredation ecology and potential
techniques of depredation management since 1991. Reginald
H. (Reg) Barrett is a professor in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management at the University of
California, Berkeley. He has a B.S. in game management from
Humboldt State College, an M.S. in wildlife management from
the University of Michigan, and a Ph.D. in zoology from the
University of California, Berkeley. He is a Certified Wildlife
Biologist and a past-president of the Western Section of The
Wildlife Society. His research interests include the ecology of
economically or politically important species and the responses of animals to human activities and land use.
Associate editor: Applegate