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2020, Innovation in Aging
2 pages
1 file
Physical resilience (PR), which denotes one’s ability to resist functional physical decline, can be operationalized through longitudinal assessments on the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB). Dual-task walking (DTW) is predictive of adverse outcomes but its role in predicting incident PR has not been assessed. Herein, we determined whether velocity during Single-Task-Walk (STW) and Dual-Task-Walk (DTW) conditions predicted incident loss of PR and identified moderators of this relationship. Participants were 163 (mean age=75.5; %female=52) non-demented, community-dwelling older adults with baseline SPPB scores of 10-12. At baseline, individuals completed neuropsychological testing, the SPPB and DTW paradigm. Cognitive reserve was evaluated using the Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT-3) and speed of processing was assessed using the Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT). Individuals with SPPB scores < 10 were categorized as not physically resilient. Those with scores of 10 or ...
Bulletin of Faculty of Arts , University of Tripoli, Vol. (28), 325 - 354. (Arabic), 2016
The study aimed at exploring the extent of change or development occurred in the structure of Science's Basic Education Level Leaving Certificate's Examinations in Libya after completing the implementation of the new developed science curriculum compared with the previous one, separated sciences, in addition of the introduction of the national Basic Education Level Leaving Certificate's Examinations. This was carried out through determining the extent of concern shown in the questions of the textbooks and the examination papers to the assessment of the different students' cognitive abilities, the suitability of the distribution of the questions of these examinations across the syllabus. the textbook's chapters and the weight of these chapters in the curriculum plan. The analysis of the two physics examination papers and the two science examination papers showed no change in the diversity and level of the examinations' questions. The paper raised some questions regarding the regulations and criteria of setting the examinations' papers and suggested some steps to improve the quality of the assessment system at this level.
2 ratusan ribu anak mati diare puluhan ribu ton tinja per hari 75 % air sungai tercemar milyaran rupiah ongkos produksi air naik per tahun 70 % air tanah tercemar Permasalahan Sanitasi di Indonesia: Studi ADB: Kerugian ekonomi yg terkait sanitasi yg buruk diperkirakan sekitar Rp 42,3 triliyun per tahun, atau 2% dari GDP 3 Perilaku Masyarakat Yang Tidak Seharusnya mencuci dan mandi di sungai tercemar Sampah di saluran drainase Air Buangan industri tanpa pengolahanan
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a long-standing issue that has recently been investigated as a significant social and interpersonal problem. Research has suggested that psychological abuse is both more prevalent and more devastating to victims, as compared to physical violence. While there remains no true consensus as to the definition of "psychological abuse", a current conceptualization typifies psychological abuse into four groups of acts that are meant to (a)denigrate and damage a partner's self-esteem, (b) withhold nurturing and support, (c) both explicitly and implicitly threaten, and (d) restrict personal freedom. It is hypothesized that an analysis of existing measures of IPV will find the four proposed distinct groups of psychological abuse and one distinct group of physical violence. By controlling for physical violence, it is hypothesized that the four proposed groups of nonphysical abuse will each individually account for more variance in trauma symptoms than physical violence alone. Two hundred and fifty two volunteers from the greater Missoula community who experienced or were experiencing violence in their relationship participated in this study. All participants completed a semi-structured interview, the Conflict Tactics Scale (Straus & Gelles, 1979), the Psychological Maltreatment of Women Inventory (Tolman, 1989), and the Trauma Symptoms Checklist (TSC-33, Briere & Runtz, 1989). An exploratory factor analysis was conducted to investigate the fit of all items of the measures of emotional abuse to Maiuro's conceptualization. Five distinct forms of abuse were found: emotional control and restriction of resources; denigration and damage to partner's self-image or esteem; restriction of social outlets; the abusive partner's self-centered manipulation tactic, and physical threats and violence. A hierarchical regression found that emotional control and restriction of access to resources was the only significant form of nonphysical abuse contributing to trauma. This suggests that an abuser's efforts to isolate a victim from their children, control the household and finances, and block the victim's access to care is a significantly traumatizing experience. Results have implications for the importance of investigating, assessing and treating forms of emotional abuse that include isolation, control, and restriction of resources for women in violent relationships.
Theofilos, 2022
Artikkelen fokuserer på karismatiske oppfatninger om at spesielt åndsutrustede mennesker kan gjøre undergjerninger slik som Jesus Kristus. Til grunn for dette ligger en temmelig konform oppfatning om at Jesus er prototyp, som helbreder og undergjører. I løpet av de siste ti årene har ledere innen den globale karismatiske bevegelse, publisert bøker som begrunner denne praksisen ved hjelp av ideer fra kvantefysikk og nevrovitenskap. Artikkelen analyserer de oppfatninger som utvikles. Avslutningsvis foretas en evaluering av den karismatiske prototyp kristologien i lys av pro-nikensk teologi, det vil si, teologi som er i samsvar med den Nikenske bekjennelse. Dels for å skissere et annet teologisk grunnlag for teologi om helbredelse, og dels for å vise hvordan den karismatiske prototyp-kristologien avviker fra den nikenske kristologien
Revista de Estudios Colombinos, 2023
Cuando Juan Sebastián Elcano completó la primera circunnavegación al mundo en septiembre de 1522, a la Corona de Castilla se le abrió un nuevo frente comercial para poder mercadear con las Islas de las Molucas. Para llevar a cabo esta empresa, Juan Rodríguez de Fonseca decidió crear una nueva Casa de la Contratación en el norte de la Península Ibérica, con la intención de conectar el comercio especiero con los principales puertos mercantiles del norte europeo. De este modo, la Casa de la Contratación de Sevilla quedaba relegada al comercio con el continente americano, y perdía un potencial mercado con el que aumentar su monopolio financiero. Nuestro trabajo es estudiar los antecedentes de la creación de esta institución en la ciudad de La Coruña hasta su fundación el 24 de diciembre de 1522, de la mano de Cristóbal de Haro. When Juan Sebastián Elcano completed the first circumnavigation of the world in September 1522, the Crown of Castile was given a new commercial front with which to trade with the Moluccas Islands. To carry out this company, Juan Rodríguez de Fonseca decided to create a new House of Trade in the north of the Iberian Peninsula, with the intention of connecting the spice trade with the main commercial ports of northern Europe. Therefore, the Seville Contracting House was relegated to trade with the American continent, and lost a potential market with which to increase its financial monopoly. Our work is to study the background of the creation of this institution in the city of La Coruña until its foundation on 24 December 1522, by the hand of Cristobal de Haro.
Any dispute related to the use of the works of the IDB that cannot be settled amicably shall be submitted to arbitration pursuant to the UNCITRAL rules. The use of the IDB's name for any purpose other than for attribution, and the use of IDB's logo shall be subject to a separate written license agreement between the IDB and the user and is not authorized as part of this CC-IGO license. Following a peer review process, and with previous written consent by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), a revised version of this work may also be reproduced in any academic journal, including those indexed by the American Economic Association's EconLit, provided that the IDB is credited and that the author(s) receive no income from the publication. Therefore, the restriction to receive income from such publication shall only extend to the publication's author(s). With regard to such restriction, in case of any inconsistency between the Creative Commons IGO 3.0 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives license and these statements, the latter shall prevail. Note that link provided above includes additional terms and conditions of the license. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Inter-American Development Bank, its Board of Directors, or the countries they represent., 2003
Le souffle du mort, la tragédie de la mort chez le Batãmmariba du Togo et du Bénin. Paris : Plon (collection Terre humaine) 2013, mars 2019 Une approche empathique des rituels funéraires : idéologie et taphonomie SEWANE, D. 2003 Le souffle du mort : la tragédie de la mort chez le Batãmmariba du Togo et du Bénin.
ICT keyboaboard Publishers, 2024
Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal, 2022
Purpose This paper presents a viewpoint that considers the construction of ‘expertise’ as an impediment to successfully using cross-functional expertise in the organization. The construction of expertise forms a bounded perspective that creates hidden impediments to success that culminate in organizational underachievement. Design/methodology/approach Experiential knowledge of the authors that incorporated 20 years of organizational management experience and extensive practice of hiring experts to progress organizational learning, knowledge, and development is the primary basis of this work. Findings A common misperception of ‘expertise’ relates to a limiting perspective on what expertise is? Organizations segregate expertise (silo) as a way of increasing functionality and division of labor in an organizational structure. However, organizational underachievement is not due to functional arrangement in the organization’s structure (which is a commonly held belief) rather a byproduct ...
Research Square (Research Square), 2023
Bug Out Now: Practical Survival Prepping by Max Gaishan
Journal for Activist Science and Technology Education
Clinica Chimica Acta, 2010
Natura Neotropicalis, 2005
RODRIGUES, Cristina Carneiro; LUCA, Tania Regina de; GUIMARÃES, Valéria. (Org.). Identidades brasileiras. Composições e recomposições., 2014
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