Journalof Neuro-Oncology 22: 261-267,1994.
9 1994KluwerAcademic Publ&hers.Printedin the Netherlands.
Blood flow and metabolic microenvironment of brain tumors
P. Vaupel
Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology, Pathophysiology Division, University of Mainz, Duesbergweg 6, D-55099 Mainz, Germany
Key words: metabolic microenvironment, blood flow, oxygenation, pH, energy status
Tumor growth and response to nonsurgical treatment modalities, e.g., radio- or chemotherapy, are
not only determined by intrinsic or genetic properties of malignant cells, but also by extrinsic epigenetic factors such as the internal milieu ('metabolic
microenvironment'). This microenvironment is determined by the distribution of oxygen partial pressures, glucose, lactic acid, and ATP concentrations
and by pH. It is critically associated with the efficacy
of tumor blood flow including (i) nutritive flow (the
flow that is in contact with the cells, 'tissue perfusion') and (ii) shunt flow (blood flowing directly
from the arterial to the venous side). Despite the
apparent importance of the cellular microenvironment for tumor growth, for early tumor response to
treatment, and probably for prediction of long term
outcome, reliable data on solid tumors in humans
are scarce, although the number of clinical investigations dealing with this subject is rapidly increasing. In the following, it is attempted (i) to summarize the current information concerning blood supply of primary and metastatic brain tumors and
flow-related physiological properties, and (ii) to
demonstrate that inadequacy and heterogeneous
distribution of tumor microcirculation can be a
causative factor for the known resistance to radio-/
Blood flow
Blood flow through brain tumors is anything but
uniform. Most tumors contain both highly perfused
areas which are rapidly growing, as welt as regions
with compromised and sluggish perfusion, often associated with the development of necrosis. From
experimental brain tumor studies in the rat the following conclusions can be drawn [1-12]: In experimental gliomas there is a tremendous scattering of
regional blood flow (tissue perfusion), ranging from
0.1 to 3.8 ml/g/min (Fig. 1). Flow values can be lower
than those measured in the normal white matter, or
can exceed those of the normal cerebral cortex.
When glioma cell lines are implanted subcutaneously, scattering is reduced which emphasizes the
great impact of the growth site in experimental systems [6, 7, 9]. Human gliomas [11] and medulloblastomas [12] xenografted into rat exhibited flow values ranging between 0.05 and 1.0 ml/g/min. As a
model of metastasis, intracerebral implantation of
Walker 256 tumors yielded flow values ranging
from 0.15 to 1.75 ml/g/min [1, 4, 8]. These flow data
are comparable to those PET-derived values [1319] measured in primary brain tumors or metastatic
lesions in patients (Table 1). Also, no differences
are observed between brain tumors and other tumor entities outside the brain. In experimental gliomas, blood flow correlated only poorly with morphological and histological features of the tumors (necrosis, cellularity, cytology, location and size). Besides pronounced inter-tumor variability, marked
regional heterogeneity was typical for the gliomas
investigated [5].
The currently available data can be summarized
as follows:
Table 1. Blood flow in normal human brain and through primary
and metastatic brain lesions (pooled data)
I .......
--'~ whitematter
regional blood flow (ml.g -1.min -t)
Fig. 1. Regional blood flowof intracerebrallyor subcutaneously
implanted experimental gliomas, of intracerebrally growing
Walker 256 tumors, and of human brain tumor xenograftsin the
rat (gray bars). Data are compared with the respectiveflowvalues in the normal rat cortex and white matter (white bars).
1) Blood flow can considerably vary despite similar histological classification.
2) Experimental systems, primary and metastatic
brain tumors show flow rates which can be lower
than values in the white matter, or can exceed
flow rates of the normal cortex.
3) Metastatic lesions show flow rates which are
comparable to those of primary brain tumors.
4) Blood flow measured at multiple sites within
one tumor shows marked heterogeneity. There
is also great inter-tumor variability.
5) Flow in brain tumors does not deviate substantially from that of other tumor entities and may
not correlate with tumor grade. Gliomas of different grades show similar mean flow values and
great inter-tumor variability within one grade.
Oxygenation and oxygen consumption
Tissue oxygenation as characterized by the distribution of 0 2 partial pressures (pO2) within a given tissue is the result of oxygen availability and 0 2 consumption of the tumor cells. In normal brain, oxygen supply meets the requirements of the cells,
which leads to an adequate tissue oxygenation. In
brain tumors, hypoxic (low pO2) tissue areas are
found, which can be heterogeneously distributed
within the tumor and which are thought to result
Blood flow
Grade I
Grade II
Grade III
Grade IV
Brain metastases
[15, 17, 19]
Normal gray matter
Normal white matter
from compromised microcirculation. Mean oxygen
tension obtained in experimental brain tumors of
the rat (subcutaneously growing gliosarcomas [8])
and in primary human tumors [20] is on average distinctly lower than in normal brain tissue (Figs. 2 and
3). pO 2 values lower than 5 mmHg are considered
to be 'hypoxic' in terms of radiation sensitivity. In
human glioblastomas, there is no correlation between tumor size and median pO 2 values. Together
with our studies on breast and cervix cancers [22,
23], there is a clear indication that median pO 2 values in tumors are distinctly lower than in normal tissue, and that the oxygenation status of individual
tumors before therapy cannot be predicted on the
basis of tumor size. The lack of predictability is predominantly due to pronounced inter-tumor variability even if tumors of the same pathological stage
are compared. Inter-tumor variability is more pronounced than intra-tumor heterogeneity.
Oxygen consumption rates of brain tumors exhibit a broad variability, ranging from 2-36 gl/g/min
(Fig. 4). There is ample evidence to suggest that the
oxygen extraction is not impaired and that the respiratory function of cancer cells is not deficient
(Table 2). When considering oxygen extraction data derived from tSO2-PET studies using the 0 2 steady state technique, an underestimation of the mean
values has to be considered on the basis of computer simulation studies mimicking tissue heterogeneity [26]. To date published P E T studies may thus not
be accurate enough for the assessment of oxygen
extraction in tumors.
20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
normal human brain
40 ............................................ median pO2 = 24 mmHg
cerebral cortex
O" 25
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9L gliosarcoma
40 1
(rat' S'c')". . . . . .
Fig. 2. Frequency distribution of measured oxygen partial pressures (pO 2 histograms) of the normal rat cerebral cortex (upper
panel, ref. [21]) and of an experimental (s.c. growing) rat gliosarcoma (9L tumor, lower panel, ref. [8]).
Heart (strenuous exercise)
. . . .
,oo ~ ~
Skeletal Muscle (strenuous exercise)
. . . . .
Heart (at rest)
- - - . . . .
median pO2 = 7 mmHg
, , ,
tissue pO2 (mmHg)
tissue P02 (mmHg)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1r 0 O~ "
20 .....................................................................
~176 10s~ .......
_ [
Fig. 3. pO 2 histograms of the normal human brain (upper panel,
ref. [14]), and of human glioblastomas (lower panel, ref. [20]).
Glucose consumption
Over 60 years ago, Warburg [27] studied the glucose
turnover in tumor slices incubated aerobically and
found high rates of lactic acid production. From
these and other experiments, an attitude regarding
the high rate of aerobic glycolysis and lactate release became a biochemical 'hallmark' of malignancies. Since that time, more detailed insight into this
aspect of tumor energy metabolism has been obtained. Positron emission tomography (PET) and
the tracers 18F-2-deoxyglucose (FDG) and 'C-2glucose have been used to measure regional glucose
utilization in brain tumors and normal brain in vivo
Ce[olid Body
- -
Skelelal Muscle (resting)
Fig. 4. Range of oxygen consumption rates (Voz) of human gliomas and brain metastases (black bars), and of normal human
gray and white matter (white bars). 02 consumption rates of normal tissues are given for comparison (horizontal lines). Values
presented are pooled consumption rates obtained with the 1502
inhalation technique and PET (for a review see ref. [14]).
T a b l e 2. Oxygen utilization (02 extraction ratio, 02 extraction
fraction) of human brain tumors and normal brain tissue (data
derived from PET studies, ~502)
02 utilization (v/v)
Brain metastases
[15-17, 19]
Normal brain
Gray matter
White matter
[15, 17, 19, 25]
Table 3. Glucose uptake rates ('Qg~)of brain tumors and of normal
brain tissue (for review see [14])
9g, (gmol/g/min)
Grades I-II
Grades III-IV
Whole brain
Gray matter
White matter
Brain stem
[28, 29, 36]
[19, 30, 36]
Exptl. gliomas
Exptl. metastases
(Walker 256)
0.09-2.11 +
0.34-1.70 +
Gray matter
White matter
0.30-1.39 +
0.07-0.43 +
* H u m a n PET data, § rat data [1, 2, 48, 64]. Exptl. = experimental.
(Table 3). Di Chiro etal. [28] found a strong correlation between the glucose consumption rate and the
grade of gliomas, with visual 'hot spots' present in
all high grade tumors (WHO III and IV) and only in
a few cases of low grade gliomas (WHO I and II). In
grade I/II gliomas, the glucose consumption rate
was on average 0.21 _+0.10 gmol/g/min compared to
0.30 + 0.15 Bmol/g/min in grade II! tumors, and
0.41 + 0.20 gmol/g/min in grade IV tumors. In addition, a depression of glucose consumption in peritumoral regions was found. Meningiomas were also
studied by this group [35], where a correlation between metabolic rates of glucose and the tumor
growth rate (determined by repeated CT scans) was
demonstrated. From these studies, it was concluded
that the utilization rate of glucose appears to be at
least as reliable as the histological classification of
tumors. The differentiation of radiation induced
necrosis and glioma recurrence and the detection of
meningioma recurrence [30, 35] is also possible using PET and FDG. However, the above mentioned
'strong' correlation between FDG uptake and glioma grade has not been confirmed by other groups
[36-38]. Comparing FDG-PET with magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), a correlation between
maximum glucose consumption rate and maximum
lactate accumulation was demonstrated in human
gliomas [36].
pH of brain tumors
Besides glucose oxidation, cancer cells intensively
metabolize glucose to lactic acid. Since this can lead
to acidosis, tumors were thought to have a more
acidic intracellular pH (pHi) than most normal tissues. In addition, ATP hydrolysis and glutaminolysis have been discussed as catabolic pathways contributing to tumor acidosis. Using non-invasive
techniques like MRS or PET with the tracer 11CDMO [14], studies on human and experimental tumors have shown that pH i is alkaline rather than
acidic [14, 39]. Acidic values were only found in bulky, poorly oxygenated, energy- and nutrient-deprived tumors [13]. In experimental brain tumors of
the rat and in human brain tumors, pHi values are
slightly higher than in normal brain (Fig. 5 [40-51]).
Similar data were obtained for pH i of sarcomas
when compared with the resting skeletal muscle
[14]. In contrast, the extracellular pH (pile) in normal human brain is slightly more alkaline than pHi,
whereas in brain tumors pHo is on average more
acidic compared to pHi. This difference (0.3-0.5 pH
units) has been obtained by electrode measurements in solid tumors [14, 39].
The gradient in proton concentration between
0 rat brain
9 brain tumors
0 human brain
9 brain tumors
Fig. 5. Intracellular (pHi) and extracellular pH (pile) values in
normal brain (rat, human), in experimental rat and primary human tumors. Tumor pH~ is higher than that of the tumor extracellular fluid (pHi). This is in contrast to normal tissues (brain, liver,
skeletal muscle) in which pH~ is lower than pHe. Values presented are means and the range of pH data measured.
intra- and extracellular space in tumors is most
probably due to the fact that t u m o r cells, like normal cells, have efficient mechanisms for intracellular p H homeostasis. These mechanisms include a
rapid export of anionic lactate- which is accompanied by a m o v e m e n t of protons. The subsequent inadequate removal of protons from the enlarged extracellular space (in tumors, the extracellular space
can be enlarged 4-5 fold) due to an inadequate microcirculatory function in m a n y tumors, or at least
in some t u m o r areas, may result in an extracellular
acidosis. Export of protons into the extracellular
space and the resulting proton gradient between
the intra- and extracellular space have impact on interrelated ionic gradients. As a result, e.g., the Na +
concentration is usually higher in tumor cells than
in their normal counterparts, and the K § concentration is distinctly lower [39], which can result in
changes of the m e m b r a n e potential.
F r o m these data, it can be concluded that on average the bioenergetic stages may be similar in normal brain and in brain tumors.
Summarizing these in vivo data in the context of
brain tumor therapy, the following aspects are of
particular importance: Low and heterogeneous tum o r blood flow m a y - in addition to the limiting effects of the blood-brain barrier - result in compromised delivery of drugs from blood to the tissue.
Low tumor pO 2 reduces sensitivity to standard radiation and 'OR-dependent' anticancer drugs. Treatm e n t efficacy m a y be further altered by changes of
tumor pH. Particularly acidosis can decrease radiation sensitivity and modulate the cytotoxicity of
anticancer drugs. In the following presentations,
these aspects will be discussed regarding in vivo data obtained with positron emission tomography.
Bioenergetic status
The m e a s u r e m e n t of regional A T P distributions
with quantitative bioluminescence showed that
A T P levels in experimental brain tumors are similar
to normal brain [52] with slightly lower glucose and
substantially higher lactate concentrations in viable
tumor tissue. All metabolites showed m a r k e d heterogeneity concerning their regional distribution.
In m a n y h u m a n malignancies other than brain tumors high concentrations of p h o s p h o m o n o e s t e r s
(precursors of m e m b r a n e lipids), phosphodiesters
(metabolites), inorganic phosphate (Pi) and low
phospho-creatine (PCr) levels have been reported
using 31P-MRS. In contrast, spectra of h u m a n brain
tumors often fail to show any significant differences
c o m p a r e d to normal brain. The ratios of PCr/P i can
be used for characterization of the bioenergetic status of cells. In normal brain and brain tumors, these
ratios have been found to be very similar [53-63],
whereas - for illustration - this ratio is significantly
higher in normal skeletal muscle or m y o c a r d i u m
c o m p a r e d to sarcomas, and higher in parenchymal
breast c o m p a r e d to breast cancer. Like the PCr/P i
ratios, also the 13-NTP/P~ ratios for h u m a n brain tumors and normal brain are within a similar range.
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Address for offprints: R Vaupel, Department of Physiology and
Pathophysiology, Pathophysiology Division, University of
Mainz, Duesbergweg 6, D-55099 Mainz, Germany