Cosmic New Year- The Essence of Time Is Resurrection

2018, The Event in Science, History, Philosophy & Art

‘Thus past and future are linked together on this New Year's Eve, this Cosmic New Year's Day. For today, what is impending is indeed a kind of Cosmic New Year's Day. The future stands before us as a formidable question, not an indefinite abstract question, but as a concrete question. How can we approach that which, as a question put to mankind, in the form of a spiritual revelation, is striving more and more since the last third of the nineteenth century [read: last third of the 20th century], to enter our earthly world? And how are we to place it in relation to revelations of the past? These questions should be livingly experienced’.

Cosmic New Year: The Essence of Time is Resurrection I posted this in 31 December 2011: ‘Thus past and future are linked together on this New Year's Eve, this Cosmic New Year's Day. For today, what is impending is indeed a kind of Cosmic New Year's Day. The future stands before us as a formidable question, not an indefinite abstract question, but as a concrete question. How can we approach that which, as a question put to mankind, in the form of a spiritual revelation, is striving more and more since the last third of the nineteenth century [read: last third of the 20th century], to enter our earthly world? And how are we to place it in relation to revelations of the past? These questions should be livingly experienced’. - Rudolf Steiner, 31.12. 1919 (GA 195). And I added the closing words from my book,The Event in Science, History, Philosophy & Art: ‘At the same historical place of time's breaking down, of time's death, if historical time is not raised into full consciousness, a radical reversal of the good is realized. But the same historical time, if raised to a fully artistic and moral consciousness of becoming, also turns into a place of real historical metamorphosis. It is precisely here that history becomes a source of future creative and joyful healing. We wished to demonstrate through the four branches of this research on the Event, in science, history, philosophy and art, that we may be justified in harboring this hope and that such hope can be founded on a real resurrection experience. In a sense, everything woven together through these four branches is but a search for means to justify what perhaps only Levinas could have understood in the second half of last century, namely, that ‘the essence of time is resurrection´. The Event in Science, History, Philosophy & Art (Temple Lodge, London, 2018). From Chapter 4: The Event in Art: How the Spiritual Event of our Time is Expressed in Art My research of the Event in art discovered that there are seven basic elements, ‘becomings,’ or stages of metamorphosis in the creation process of each real work of art. The more truly inspired the work, the more these becomings will be visible to spiritual sight: 1. Threshold identity 2. Initiation language 3. Sensation body 4. Vortex (metamorphosis) 5. Consciousness' crystal 6. Memory and destiny (Guardian of the Threshold) 7. History (Resurrection) Continue reading: The Seventh Becoming: History (Resurrection)