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2021, International journal of anatomy radiology and surgery
2 pages
1 file
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2002
We report on and name two new taxa of basal crocodylomorph archosaurs from the Lower Jurassic, Litargosuchus leptorhynchus gen. et sp. nov. , from the upper Elliot Formation (Stormberg Group) of South Africa, and Kayentasuchus walkeri gen. et sp. nov. , from the Kayenta Formation (Glen Canyon Group) of Arizona, USA. Examination of this material led to a reconsideration of basal crocodylomorph interrelationships. A phylogenetic analysis found no support for the monophyly of Sphenosuchia.
Kieler Beiträge zur Filmmusikforschung
Stewart Levine ein Musikfestival in Afrika organisieren. Sie wandten sich an den Box-Impresario Don King mit der Bitte, das Festival im Vorfeld des Titelkampfes zwischen Muhammad Ali und George Foreman in Kinshasa (in der zentralafrikanischen Republik Zaire) zu veranstalten. Es war von Anfang an geplant, das Festival nach dem Vorbild erfolgreich im Kino ausgewerteter Beispiele-wie etwa dem WOODSTOCK-Film (USA 1970, Michael Wadleigh)-zu dokumentieren. Ein Kamerateam nahm daher das dreitägige Festival, die Vorbereitungen und eine Reihe von Backstage-Szenen auf. Das Kamerateam war prominent besetzt; zu ihm gehörte etwa der bekannte Direct-Cinema-Regisseur Albert Maysles. Auf Grund einer Verletzung von George Foreman musste der Boxkampf um fünf Wochen verschoben werden, was zur Folge hatte, dass das Festival zeitlich getrennt vom Kampf stattfand und dadurch nicht jene internationale Aufmerksamkeit erreichte, die sich die Organisatoren erhofft hatten. Somit blieb das Material liegen. Erst als 1996 Leon Gast aus dem vorliegenden Material zum Boxkampf die Oscar-gekrönte Dokumentation WHEN WE WERE KINGS (USA 1996) machte, kam sein Cutter Jefferey Levy-Hint auf die Idee, auch den Film zum Festival fertigzustellen, was am Ende mit dreißigjähriger Verspätung gelang. Das Ergebnis, SOUL POWER, hatte 2008 auf dem Tribeca Film Festival in New York Premiere. Levy-Hint hatte aus über 125 Stunden Filmmaterial einen kompakten 93minütigen Film, der musikalische Auftritte mit Footage von der Vorbereitung, dem Publikum und den Musikern kombiniert, gemacht [1]. Zaire 74, wie das Festival genannt wurde, sollte US-amerikanische Musikerinnen und Musiker zu ihren afrikanischen Wurzeln zurückbringen. Beiden Filmen, WHEN WE WERE KINGS wie auch SOUL POWER, ist die Idee der Zusammengehörigkeit von Afrikanern und Afro-Amerikanern zueigen. Die Idee der Rückkehr zu den Wurzeln einer Black Nation. Das Festival war 1974 als deutliches Zeichen der Black-Power-Bewegung geplant.
Annals for Aesthetics, 2015
Advertisement for a recently published paper and its two initial pages [in Greek with short English abstract]. No other symbol than that of the Holy Cross has been so significant and influential for both pure religion (Christianity) and Chivalry. Its irresistible symbolism, which sometimes is also cosmovisional and cosmographic, is always inspiring. Furthermore, the ancient Egyptian symbol of life, used throughout the Christian history of Egypt as a symbolic heritage of earlier pharaonic eras, is also connected to faith and the victory over death and evil ...
Rapporti ISTISAN 24/7 ISSN: 1123-3117 (cartaceo) • 2384-8936 (online), 2024
The report describes a participatory research project focused on ‘social theatre laboratories and the promotion of health and well-being’. This initiative was conducted under the Agreement ‘Synergies between environmental and social epidemiology and artistic disciplines, particularly social theatre, for health promotion’, established between the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (the National Institute of Health in Italy) and the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan. Researchers in the fields of epidemiology, psychology, humanities, and social theatre operators have been engaging in the participatory research. The first part of the Report describes the underlying rationale and theoretical aspects, the second shows the research activities carried out and provides a critical discussion of the experience in order to identify the lessons learned. Key words: Health promotion; Performing arts; Social theatre; Participatory research; Cultural welfare Il rapporto descrive un’esperienza di ricerca partecipata su laboratori di teatro sociale e promozione della salute e del benessere maturata nell’ambito dell’Accordo Quadro dal titolo “Sinergie tra epidemiologia ambientale e sociale e discipline artistiche, in particolare il teatro sociale, nella promozione della salute”, stipulato tra l’Istituto Superiore di Sanità e l’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano. Quanto documentato è frutto di attività che hanno visto la collaborazione di ricercatrici e ricercatori nei settori dell’epidemiologia, della psicologia, delle humanities, e operatrici e operatori di teatro sociale. La prima parte del rapporto descrive il razionale e gli aspetti teorici che sono alla base della ricerca, la seconda riporta le attività di ricerca realizzate e si conclude con la discussione critica dell’esperienza al fine di identificarne le lessons learned. Parole chiave: Promozione della salute; Arti performative; Teatro sociale; Ricerca partecipata; Welfare culturale
Se analiza el fundamento de la defensa de la relación de poder. Se describe las característicias de la defensa extrajudicial y las judiciales que contempla el Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación Argentina. Se reflexiona en torno a la figura de los interdictos.
TRANS/FORM/AÇÃO - Revista de Filosofia UNESP, 2024
Comentário a "Animalidade humana e naturalismo realista em Alasdair MacIntyre"
DSM-5 introduced two diagnoses describing neurodevelopmental deficits in social communication (SC); Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder (SPCD). These diagnoses are differentiated by Repetitive and Restricted Behaviors (RRB), required for an ASD diagnosis and absent in SPCD. We highlight the gaps between the research into SPCD and DSM-5's diagnostic criteria, and discuss the clinical implications of this diagnostic decision. We argue that DSM-5's demand for full manifestation of both SC and RRB axes when diagnosing ASD, prematurely forced a categorical view on the continual nature of the potentially dependent SC and RRB phenotypes. We conclude by highlighting the implications of this differential diagnostic decision on public health policies, designated therapy, and the need for further research regarding SPCD.
Mikrotöne: Small is Beautiful - IV -, 2023
In the following text I discuss three pieces for guitar I wrote, which make use of microtonal scordatura. This is a chapter of the book 'Mikrotöne: Small is Beautiful - IV -' edited by Agustín Castilla-Ávila
Wratislaviensium Studia Classica olim Classica Wratislaviensia VI–VII (XXXVII–XXXVIII), 2017
Fonti musicali nel Biellese: bande musicali a Candelo, 2001
CIRICE 2020. La Città Palinsesto. Tracce, sguardi e narrazioni sulla complessità dei contesti urbani storici., 2021
isara solutions, 2023
Central European History, 2013
Tumori Journal, 2009
Al-Aijaz Research Journal of Islamic Studies & Humanities, 2021
Technium Romanian Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology, 2021
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2006
The Journal of Neuroscience, 1993
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 1961