Journal of Modern Physics, 2019, 10, 585-600
ISSN Online: 2153-120X
ISSN Print: 2153-1196
(As published 5-8-2019)
Interval Based Analysis of Bell’s Theorem
F. P. Eblen1, A. F. Barghouty2
Advanced Communications and Navigation Technology Division, Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) Program,
Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters, Washington DC, USA
Astrophysics Division, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters, Washington DC, USA
How to cite this paper: Eblen, F.P. and
Barghouty, A.F. (2019) Interval Based Analysis of Bell’s Theorem. Journal of Modern
Physics, 10, 585-600.
Received: March 28, 2019
Accepted: May 5, 2019
Published: May 8, 2019
Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and
Scientific Research Publishing Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution International
License (CC BY 4.0).
Open Access
This paper introduces the concept and motivates the use of finite-interval
based measures for physically realizable and measurable quantities, which we
call -measures. We demonstrate the utility and power of -measures by
illustrating their use in an interval-based analysis of a prototypical Bell’s inequality in the measurement of the polarization states of an entangled pair of
photons. We show that the use of finite intervals in place of real-numbered
values in the Bell inequality leads to reduced violations. We demonstrate that,
under some conditions, an interval-based but otherwise classically calculated
probability measure can be made to arbitrarily closely approximate its quantal counterpart. More generally, we claim by heuristic arguments and by formal analogy with finite-state machines that -measures can provide a more
accurate model of both classical and quantal physical property values than
point-like, real numbers—as originally proposed by Tuero Sunaga in 1958.
Measurement Theory, Bell’s Theorem, Bell’s Inequality, Interval-Based
Analysis, Interval-Based Physical Measures
1. Introduction
We present first two heuristic arguments, followed by theoretical and numerical
demonstrations, to support motivation of a concept to replace point-like
real-numbered physical property values with intervals of value we call
-measures, which may be weighted by some function. The exact nature of the
weighting is not crucial, however, to the interval-based representation. In Sect.
1.1, we show how these arguments suggest that the conventionally assumed assignment of real numbers to represent physical property values may not be tenable (see, e.g., [1]), and instead -measures can provide more accurate models
DOI: 10.4236/jmp.2019.106041
May 8, 2019
Journal of Modern Physics
F. P. Eblen, A. F. Barghouty
of manifest physical reality. In Sect. 1.2, we introduce the concept of finite intervals as defined and practiced in computing theory. In Sect. 2, we apply the
-measure concept to a new analysis of Bell’s theorem using well established interval-analysis theorems to show that violations of the classically derived Bell’s
inequality may thereby be reduced to expectations arbitrarily approaching their
quantum prediction counterparts that are consistent with results of Bell tests. In
Sect. 3, we offer concluding, general remarks highlighting how the use of finite
intervals to represent physically measurable quantities may have significant impact on analysis of physical systems, both classical and quantal, and how, in particular, the new results derived from interval-based analysis may also impact
technologies based on them.
1.1. -Measure Description of a Physically Measurable Quantity
Measurement of any physical property value and generic manifestation of any
physical property value are equivalent processes at some fundamental level. This
equivalence is foundational to environmental decoherence theory since certain
manifestations of value are physically realized1 via “implicit measurement” of
objects by the environment in which they exist [2]. This is precisely the essence
of the equivalence claim, that object properties become physically manifest by
unavoidable implicit measurement resulting from any and every interaction.
This means that certain attributes of any process to measure physical values are
common attributes of any generic process of manifestation of physical values.
For example, all physically realizable measurements are performed using resolution-limited devices and processes, so generic manifestation of physical values
are equally resolution-limited. Therefore, no physically realizable measurement
and no physically realizable manifestation of any physical property value are expected to be represented by a single, point-like, real number. Such an assignment
would require realization of infinite (physical) resolution. Infinite resolution is
clearly untenable, and hence, a non-physical abstraction. This suggests that any
assignment that relies on a finite resolution can only be manifest as finite intervals of values, i.e., “ -measures”.
From a communication theoretic point of view, suppose a communication
signal could have a producible and detectable parameter represented by a real
number. Since real numbers are infinitely precise and can be represented mathematically [1] only by an infinite number of digits, such a signal would contain
an infinite amount of information. Conveyance of this signal from one point to
another would constitute an infinite change of entropy, or an exchange of infinite information [3], in a finite time through a finite spectral width channel,
which is not physically possible, even if the channel were noise-free. Therefore
We use the term “physically realized”, while admittedly not rigidly definable, because it offers a
working definition of the notion of a physically realized entity as one that can exist in and have influence on physical reality, while having physical properties that are, in principle, measurable by a
physical device. It is to be contrasted with an abstracted physical property, which may be formally
useful but may not be measurable by a physical device.
DOI: 10.4236/jmp.2019.106041
Journal of Modern Physics
F. P. Eblen, A. F. Barghouty
the signal parameter cannot be validly represented by a single real number. A
-measured parameter, on the other hand, has finite precision and finite information content, requiring a finite spectral width and finite time to convey.
Further, the physics principle known as the Bekenstein bound [4] dictates that
infinite entropy, or information, cannot exist in a finite region of space with finite energy, which can be interpreted as precluding both production and detection of any signal with a real-numbered parameter. It is interesting to note that
-measures are “naturally” endowed with interval entropy and related information content [5].
Using these and other similar arguments, we assert that realizable and measurable property values are more accurately modeled by -measures than by
point-like real-numbered values of zero measure. We further assert that
-measures apply to both classical and quantal physically realizable values. At
some level, the interval ( -measure) model is in conflict with the convention of
classical physics to assume measurable property values are mathematically
represented by real numbers; this conventional representation may be too restrictive.
The conflict is perhaps less pronounced for quantal measurement outcomes
due to the intrinsic uncertainties and ambiguities in a quantal description, but
there is a critical difference in -measured quantal superposition and conventional quantal superposition: -measured outcome values, even when weighted
by some appropriate function, are not envisaged to be associated with a probability metric across eigenvalues. Because -measure intervals apply to each
single measurement, or manifestation of value, the eigenvalues within an interval
are assumed associated with a non-statistical ontic metric. While the exact definition and meaning of this ontic metric is not yet clear (and the subject of a follow-on paper), the assertion that it is non-statistical means that single measurement outcomes have distributed value, i.e., they are -measures. This interval-based representation suggests that all realizable quantum states that result
from measurement are comprised of simultaneously physically existing eigenstates. Every physically realizable quantum state is a superposition of multiple
states in every realizable basis, i.e., a basis with physically measurable eigenvalues. A -measured state cannot be represented by a single, real-numbered direction in an abstract space of realizable eigenvalues.
-measured quantum state definitions open the opportunity to form an entropy metric calculated just like Shannon information entropy [2] is calculated
from a symbol alphabet probability density function, i.e., − ∫ dxf ( x ) log f ( x ) ,
where f ( x ) is defined as the modulus squared of a state vector as a function of
x eigenvalues. A critical difference in a -measured entropy, however, is that
the function value is an ontic, or physical, metric as opposed to an epistemic, or
informational/probability, metric. This is because the eigenstates of a -measured
state are treated as simultaneously physically existing eigenstates in superposition, yet the entropy of the state can never be zero [4] in any realizable basis
DOI: 10.4236/jmp.2019.106041
Journal of Modern Physics
F. P. Eblen, A. F. Barghouty
since this would require a single real-numbered eigenvalue, a non-realizable entity in the -measure concept (see, e.g. [6]).
Application of -measures to physical values is analogous to the application
of intervals to the values typical of finite-state machines, which are incapable of
specifying or processing real-numbered values. The application of interval analysis herein to all physically realizable property values is likewise suggested for
fundamentally similar reasons. Physical objects, systems of objects, and processes,
such as classical and quantum measurement, are limited in their ability to manifest real-numbered property values by parameters such as spectral limits,
process and time limits, and various other constraints. Both classical and quantal
physically realizable objects and systems thus can be viewed in some sense as finite-state machines.
1.2. -Measures Represented by Finite Intervals
The mathematical formalism of interval analysis was developed and has seen its
primary application in computing theory for numerical analysis and mathematical modeling. It is a relatively recent cross-disciplinary field pioneered by M.
Warmus [7], T. Sunaga [8], R. Moore [9], and U. Kulisch [10]. (For these and
other early contributions, see [11]). According to [11], it was Sunaga [8] who
first foresaw the fundamental connection between the mathematical concept of
an interval and its applications to real systems and applied analysis. Applications
to the physical sciences have thus far been extremely limited, however, to studies
of formal systems through the “intervalization” of their representative differential or algebraic equations [12] [13].
The need for the concept of an interval was spawned by the need in the above
numerical applications to enclose a real number when it can be specified only
with limited accuracy, i.e., it cannot be exactly represented on any finite-precision machine. In physical systems, inaccuracy in measurement coupled
with known or unknown uncertainty and variability in physical parameters, initial and boundary conditions, etc., formally inhibit the manifestation of measurable quantities as real numbers, to be treated via the machineries of real
numbers’ arithmetic and algebra. Special axioms and special interval arithmetic
and algebra were clearly needed to endow the new field with rigorous mathematical foundations.
In numerical analysis, finite intervals of one or more dimensions are seen as
extensions of real (or complex) numbers. As mathematical objects, intervals in
themselves do not form proper vector spaces [14] [15]. Interval arithmetic and interval algebra have nonetheless been developed by abstracting their real-numbered
counterparts, based primarily on set theory and algebraic geometry [16]. However, compared to real-number objects, intervals have “extended” properties. As
we demonstrate below, these properties provide for a powerful analytical tool in
the description and/or analysis of real physical systems when property values are
represented by -measures.
DOI: 10.4236/jmp.2019.106041
Journal of Modern Physics
F. P. Eblen, A. F. Barghouty
2. Application to Bell’s Theorem
In Sect. 2.1, we demonstrate how, under some conditions, an intervalized but
otherwise classically calculated correlation function can be made to arbitrarily
come close to its quantal counterpart. The demonstration is essentially a re-casting
using intervals and interval analysis of a limiting case derived by Bell [17]. Using
proxies of the interval-valued correlation functions, and using two basic theorems of interval analysis suggest that, under some conditions, the two can be
made to come arbitrarily close to each other. In Sect. 2.2, we test this assertion by
applying it to a prototypical measurement of the polarization states of an entangled pair of photons.
2.1. Theoretical Illustration
We demonstrate in this section the validity of the following assertion: Expressed
as interval-valued functionals, as opposed to real number-valued functions, the
distance between a classically calculated correlation function, of two measured
interval quantities, and its quantal counterpart can be shown (under some conditions) to arbitrarily approach zero.2
X = [ X min , X max ]
Y = [Ymin , Ymax ] , where we assume that both are one-dimensional intervals (ge-
neralization to higher dimensions may not be trivial, see, e.g., [18]). We denote
their real-numbered values, i.e., their degenerate values, as x and y, and the unit
vectors along their directions by x̂ and ŷ . By definition, a classically calculated correlation function of X and Y, C Xcl ,Y ( xˆ , yˆ ; λ ) , will always involve a
weighted sum over the parameter λ of their inner product. For the sake of this
demonstration we do not distinguish between a Riemann and a Lebesque integration; we only assume the existence of an integrable real-valued function or
functional. Its quantal counterpart, assuming an entangled single state, is a dot
product (in the same metric space), which can be expressed as − xˆ ⋅ yˆ . For
real-valued inner and dot products, it has been shown [17], Equation (18), that
Cxcl, y ( xˆ , yˆ ; λ ) + ( xˆ ⋅ yˆ ) ≤ ,
where is a small number but which cannot be made arbitrarily small, i.e., will
always be bounded from below due to the finite precision of any physical measurement. Our demonstration of the assertion made above is essentially a recast
of Equation (1) in its interval analog for intervals X and Y, but in which the analog of is shown that it can be made arbitrarily small. The conditions pertain
to our assumed low dimensionality of the intervals and of the unit vectors, in
addition to the assumed forms of the inner and dot products, our proxy correlation functions.
In lieu of the inner product, we will have an interval-valued integral function,
or a functional, and in lieu of the dot product for unit vectors, an assumed interval-valued functional related to the range of the first. The interval analog of
By “demonstration” we mean here that what follows is neither a rigorous nor a general validation of
the above assertion.
DOI: 10.4236/jmp.2019.106041
Journal of Modern Physics
F. P. Eblen, A. F. Barghouty
the inner product can be written as
∂C cl ,
∂C cl ,
C Xcl ,Y ( xˆ , yˆ ; λ ) =
∫[ Z ],lower X ,Y ∫[ Z ],upper X ,Y
where lower and upper refer to the lower and upper Darboux integrals [13]. It is
important to note that
∫[Z ]∂Cx, y ∈ ∫[Z ]∂C X ,Y
over the same interval “[Z]”, which follows from our assumed interval-extension
of C xcl, y . Although generalization to an extended λ is straightforward and
could present interesting cases for further analysis, for purposes of this demonstration, we take the parameter λ to be the same in both the real-numbered
valued and interval-valued cases. Since the interval [ Z ] = [ X ][Y ] has a range
[ −1, +1] ,
C Xcl ,Y can be written as:
C Xcl,Y= Z × F ([ Z ]) ,
where F ([ Z ]) is a functional of Z. Note that the above form for C Xcl ,Y is not
unique; as uniqueness is not required for this demonstration. Also, the exact
form of the interval-valued function F is not required, but that it is analytic and
convergent over an interval Z 0 that includes Z, and over which interval the
derivative of F exists and does not contain zero. These general properties [13]
follow since F is assumed to be an “extension” of the real-valued function f, i.e.,
the integral function that gives C xcl, y ; since,
f ( x ) − f ( y ) ≤ const x − y for x, y ∈ Z 0 ,
we have for F,
d F ([ Z ]) ≤ const d ( Z ) for Z ⊆ Z 0 ,
where d ( ⋅) denotes the diameter (or width) of its interval argument.
A fundamental property of any extended function, F, of an interval is its “enclosure” property, i.e.,
( F ; [ Z ]) ⊆ F ([ Z ]) ,
where ( F ; [ Z ]) is the range of the function F over the interval [ Z ] , F ([ Z ])
is now a “functional” of the interval [ Z ] , and “ ⊆ ” denotes “a subset of”. Almost all derived properties of intervals, including their mapping, differentiation
and integration, differential (or integral) equations-based applications are based
on the enclosure property [12] [13]. We will use this property below.
The extended functional F ([ Z ]) is further assumed divisible into smaller
subintervals, where it can be regarded as the union of these subintervals,
( )
F ([ Z ] ; k ) = F [ Z ] ,
and where smaller refers to the diameter of each sub-interval Z being reduced
by the factor = 1, 2, , k .
For the interval-valued dot product of the unit vectors, being a projection of
DOI: 10.4236/jmp.2019.106041
Journal of Modern Physics
F. P. Eblen, A. F. Barghouty
one unit vector onto the other, and since the range is also
[ −1, +1] , we make the
ansatz and connect this with the functional F via its range,
const ( F ; [ Z ]) ,
( xˆ ⋅ yˆ ) =
or with any linear function of ( F ; [ Z ]) , where ( F ; [ Z ]) is the range of F
over the interval Z. Again, this relation is not unique for xˆ ⋅ yˆ .
Next, we take advantage of two basic theorems of interval analysis [9] [12].
The first concerns the distance between two intervals, also referred to as the
Hausdorff distance [12], . For our demonstration, the distance between
( F ; [ Z ]) and F ([ Z ]) is given by:
( F ; [ Z ]) , F ([ Z ]) ≤ const d ([ Z ]) ,
where d F ([ Z ]) ≤ const [ Z ] ∞ , and the constants
≥ 0 . || ⋅ ||∞ denotes the
maximum norm. Applied to the subdivided F ([ Z ] ; k ) , the Hausdorff distance
( F ; [ Z ]) , F ([ Z ] ; k ) ≤ const d Z 0
k2 .
What the above theorem suggests is that ( F ; [ Z ]) , our proxy for the intervalized dot product, can be arbitrarily close to F ([ Z ] ; k ) , our proxy for the inter-
valized inner product, if the subdivision of F ([ Z ]) is made sufficiently fine.
Clearly, this is only true under the conditions (i.e., low dimensionality of the in-
tervals and the unit vectors) and assumptions made (i.e., the assumed specific
forms of the inner and dot products). Applications to different forms and/or any
generalization are clearly beyond the scope of the assertion.
2.2. Numerical Illustration
Our first application of the -measure concept is to an interval-based analysis
of a prototypical [19] [20] form of Bell’s inequality [17] [21]. The quantum-mechanical probability for a measurement of the polarization states of an
entangled pair of photons can be shown to be proportional to the cosine (or sine)
squared of the measured polarization angles [21]. (See Appendix for an illustrated structure of a prototypical Bell test using the entangled spin states case,
which is, in essence, the same as the polarization states but easier to illustrate.) If
θ1 is the measured polarization angle detected by detector 1 of photon 1, and
similarly for θ 2 , the probability of detecting a photon along the 2-dimensional
axes, x − y , of each detector is
pxy ∝ sin 2 (θ1 − θ 2 ) or ∝ cos 2 (θ1 − θ 2 )
for each of the four possible combinations that add up to unity. When a third
detector is introduced, a Bell’s inequality can constrain the degree of polarization correlation among the angular separations in such a way that
sin 2 (θ 2 − θ1 ) + sin 2 (θ3 − θ 2 ) ≥ sin 2 (θ3 − θ1 ) .
To intervalize Equation (13), we re-express the measured angles, θ1 , θ 2 , and
DOI: 10.4236/jmp.2019.106041
Journal of Modern Physics
F. P. Eblen, A. F. Barghouty
θ3 as angle intervals, Θ1= [θ1 − δθ1 ,θ1 + δθ1 ] , Θ2= [θ 2 − δθ 2 ,θ 2 + δθ 2 ] and
Θ3= [θ3 − δθ3 , θ3 + δθ3 ] , where δθi is the total uncertainty in measuring θi ,
i.e., including all system and random errors in the set-up and the measuring devices. Note that in the limit of δθi → 0 , Θ1 =[θi , θi ] , i.e., it is a degenerate interval. Being a statement about probability measures and their correlations, the
form of Equation (2) is retained when expressed as
sin 2 ( Θ3 − Θ1 ) ⊆ sin 2 ( Θ 2 − Θ1 ) + sin 2 ( Θ3 − Θ 2 ) .
Intervalized, Equation (14) suggests that the interval
sin 2 ( Θ 2 − Θ1 ) + sin 2 ( Θ3 − Θ 2 ) will always include the interval sin 2 ( Θ3 − Θ1 ) .
Note that the sine of an interval is also an interval since the sine function will
map every point in the interval argument to a point in the interval image of the
The enclosure property, Equation (7), can be used, as an example, to show
sin 2 ( Θ3 − Θ1 ) ⊆ sin ( Θ3 − Θ1 ) × sin ( Θ3 − Θ1 ) .
Another intriguing property of interval functionals is their dependence on the
algebraic form or structure of the enclosing function f, or its extended pair F.
This dependence stems from the set-theoretic attributes of intervals. For example, another form of Equation (14) that is equivalent for degenerate intervals, i.e.,
real numbers, but is not for finite intervals is
sin 2 ( Θ3 − Θ1 ) − sin 2 ( Θ 2 − Θ1 )
≠ ( sin ( Θ3 − Θ1 ) + sin ( Θ 2 − Θ1 ) ) ( sin ( Θ3 − Θ1 ) − sin ( Θ 2 − Θ1 ) ) .
“Inequality violation” of Equation (14) is when the left hand side of the equation minus the right hand side becomes negative. This is indeed seen for the
quantum-mechanically calculated probabilities at various angles and over extended domains of none-zero measures (see Figure 1). For our demonstration,
however, all we need is to choose carefully a small set of angles (or even a single
set of angles) at which Equation (13) is violated by an amount much larger than
a typical experimental value of the order of the error in angular measurement
δθ , typically ~0.1 deg. For clarity of illustration we choose θ1 to be identically
zero, and θ 2 = 36 deg and θ3 = 72 deg, since the surface dips appreciably,
~0.1, below the zero plane for this choice. The expected standard deviation in
Equation (13), given non zero δθ 2 and δθ3 , can easily be calculated given δθ
to be only ~10−4.
For δθ ∈ [ 0.01, 0.25] , we calculate the probability (at θ 2 = 36 deg and
θ3 = 72 deg) of no violation for each δθ . This is when that difference in the
two parts of Equation (14) crosses the zero plane. We assume that both the intervalized difference and the difference that is calculated using error propagation
are centered Gaussians. To arrive at the probability of no violation, we simply
integrate from the center of the interval to the zero point, after normalizing to
unity and subtracting 1/2. Since, for purposes of this demonstration, we do not
DOI: 10.4236/jmp.2019.106041
Journal of Modern Physics
F. P. Eblen, A. F. Barghouty
Figure 1. Density plot of Equation (13) evaluated at θ1 = 0 for θ 2 ,θ3 ∈ [ − π, π ] . The
surface is seen to dip below zero for some angles.
ascribe any weighting function to the intervalized angles, the calculated probabilities are more representative of upper limits rather than most likely values.
Figure 2 shows the calculated probability of no violation as a function of the
size of the error in the angle measurement, δθ . From Figure 2 we see that intervalizing measured polarization angles, i.e., using their -measures, and using interval arithmetic to calculate probabilities and correlations can lead to
re-interpreting violations as non-violations with the probabilities as estimated
above. The calculated probabilities of no-violation themselves show a strong,
nonlinear geometric relation to the assumed uncertainty in the measured angles.
This is due both to the structure of Equation (14) and the size of the error in the
measured angles, i.e., not just the presence of the error itself. For this particular
photon polarization-angle example, Figure 2 suggests that uncertainties in the
measured angles need to be less than 0.05 deg to differentiate clear violation
from no violation.
As mentioned above, the calculated no-violation probabilities using interval-based quantities appear to depend on the algebraic structure of the inequality
itself. A critical parameter in the interval estimation for the probabilities is the
Hausdorff distance, Equation (11). In Figure 3, we show the dependence of this
distance on the number of subdivisions needed for the proxy classical correlation interval to enclose the proxy quantal correlation interval. The distance is
DOI: 10.4236/jmp.2019.106041
Journal of Modern Physics
F. P. Eblen, A. F. Barghouty
Figure 2. Probability of no violation of Bell’s inequality versus the total uncertainty in the
measurements of θ 2 and θ3 . The top set of points is from Equation (14), the intervalized inequality, while the bottom set is from the not intervalized inequality, Equation
Figure 3. The Hausdorff distance, Equation (11), normalized to the interval diameter as a
function of k, i.e., the number of enclosing intervals.
normalized to the diameter of the interval at each k, such that a distance of unity
is the smallest possible distance. Here, k = 16 seems to give a rapid (but not
necessarily too rapid) of a convergence, almost in an exponential rather than a
geometric fashion. This feature may be important in designing Bell tests optimized for error constraints and the algebraic form or structure of the inequality.
Rapid convergence (the “right” form of the inequality) can compensate for the
size of the measurement error. In this particular illustration, however, given the
exponential convergence, the form of the inequality, Equation (14), seems less of
DOI: 10.4236/jmp.2019.106041
Journal of Modern Physics
F. P. Eblen, A. F. Barghouty
a consequence to the calculated no-violation probabilities than the size of the
measurement error.
3. Discussion
We have introduced and motivated the use of finite intervals to represent physically measurable quantities, we call -measures, in place of the real-numbered
representation, which we consider untenable. We demonstrate the utility of
-measures using theoretical and numerical illustrations. Our theoretical demonstration, an interval-based recasting of Bell’s inequality using proxy correlation
functionals, shows that, under some conditions, two measured interval quantities—a classically calculated correlation function and its quantal counterpart—can
come arbitrarily close to each other. This is in stark contrast to the Bell theorem
claim, which assumes classical property values are real-numbered, that no hidden variable theory [21] [22] [23] [24] can produce this arbitrary closeness.
In our numerical demonstration, we apply interval analysis to a measurement
of the polarization states of an entangled pair of photons. We calculate the
probabilities of no violation and demonstrate that quantal violation of the Bell
inequality is likely less severe under the assumption of -measured values.
This means that Bell tests should be considered less compelling as proof of
quantum correlations and non-locality [25] [26] [27] [28].
These demonstrations, along with our heuristic arguments, motivate the need
for and use of -measures to more accurately model physical property values
than the traditionally assumed real-numbered representation. We assert that the
interval-based -measured representation applies to both classical and quantal
physical values, and that their desirability and need for broader application to
physical theories in general seems apparent. The development of interval analysis for computing theory and its application to finite-state computing machines
was predicated by the need to represent numerical values and quantities that are
only approximate by necessity in a real world computing machine. It may be at
first counterintuitive to think, for example, any microscopic or macroscopic object can have two or more simultaneous values for any one of its physical properties. Upon analysis, however, it becomes evident that distributed values as
provided by -measures are more tenable than real-numbered values, just like
in finite-state machines. Thus we suggest that the application of -measures
and interval analysis should see rapid and pervasive growth in applications to
many physical and other theories.
More than 60 years ago, mathematician Tuero Sunaga, working in the field of
communication theory at the University of Tokyo wrote [8]: “The interval concept is on the borderline linking pure mathematics with reality and pure analysis
with applied analysis.” Since that time, however, the application of interval analysis has been almost entirely restricted to the theory of computing machines. It
is past time that Sunaga’s vision and seminal contributions regarding interval
analysis are realized in broader applications as they may have dramatic and far
DOI: 10.4236/jmp.2019.106041
Journal of Modern Physics
F. P. Eblen, A. F. Barghouty
reaching impacts.
More specifically to NASA, the need for advancements in communication and
computing theories and related technologies make broader applications of
-measures to physical systems even more compelling. Our own future work on
this effort will include more rigorous interval-based mathematical modeling of
Bell-like tests, re-formulation of some well known models of physical systems
using interval-based analysis, and a better appreciation of the benefits and limitations of the new analysis when applied to physical theory, with the goal of
supporting the advancement of quantum-based analysis, modeling and technologies.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.
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DOI: 10.4236/jmp.2019.106041
Journal of Modern Physics
F. P. Eblen, A. F. Barghouty
Appendix: The Structure of a Bell Test
In 1964, Irish physicist John S. Bell proposed a revolutionary theorem that could
possibly prove the existence of quantal correlations of entangled objects. His
theorem showed that violations of a classical probability inequality could be
tested so as to prove classical correlations of detected particles cannot be made
arbitrarily close to quantal correlations (see, e.g., [29] [30], and references
therein). We illustrate the Bell theorem and tests with an example Bell test
structure with these key elements (see Figure 4): 1) A source of twin photons, P1
and P2, entangled with the same quantum spin state. 2) A set of two detectors,
D1 and D2, one for each of the entangled pair. 3) An adjustable relative angle,
θ , between the two detectors, along with relationships for the classical correlation function to the relative detector angle and for the quantal correlation function (Figure 5).
If quantal correlations are as predicted by the theory, Bell test data show a cosine squared-relationship of correlation with respect to the relative detector angle (the red curve in Figure 5). If classical correlations are correct, on the other
hand, the relationship will be linear (the blue curve in Figure 5). Figure 6 and
Figure 7 illustrate the justifications for the linear and the cosine-squared relationships, respectively.
The classical and quantum correlations are most easily illustrated using photons with the same spin, though twin polarization photons are essentially the
same. The angle of Detector 1, designated D1, is used as a reference angle of
0-deg. The angle of D2 relative to D1 is θ . For the classical case, the green arc
in Figure 6 shows where these detectors will agree, i.e., be correlated, while the
red arc shows where they will disagree. Clearly, as θ increases linearly, the
green arc will diminish linearly and the red arc will increase linearly. This shows
the relationship of correlation to relative detector angle to be linear for the classical case. Linearity can also be appreciated to stem from the assumed uniform
distribution of a random θ .
The quantal case is very different, as illustrated by Figure 7. Quantum theory
dictates that when D1 detects P1 spin, for example, spin up, the quantum spin
state of P2 must assume the same spin angle, i.e., spin up. So P2 must strike D2
with the D1 detected angle of P1. But since D2 is at a relative angle of θ with
D1, the P2 quantum spin state must be projected onto D2, i.e., multiplied by the
Figure 4. A notional Bell test setup. Key elements are 1) a source of twin photons, P1 and
P2, entangled with the same quantum spin state, 2) a set of two detectors, D1 and D2, one
for each of the entangled pair, and 3) an adjustable relative angle, θ , between the two
DOI: 10.4236/jmp.2019.106041
Journal of Modern Physics
F. P. Eblen, A. F. Barghouty
Figure 5. Prototypical classical correlation (in blue) and quantum correlation (in red) as
functions of the relative detector angle θ .
Figure 6. Classical correlation as a linear function of θ ; linear increases in θ cause
correspondingly linear changes in the green and red arc lengths.
cos θ . Since quantum probability is the square of the state amplitude, the multiplier becomes cos 2 θ . This means the probability of a D1 detection being the
same as a D2 detection, i.e., the probability of agreement, or correlation, is a
function of cos 2 θ .
So, if quantum predictions are correct, Bell test data will reproduce the red
curve in Figure 5 for many measurements of random spin and random detector
angles. If classical predictions are correct, the blue curve will be reproduced.
Many actual Bell tests consistently have reproduced the quantum prediction.
However, there is a critical built-in assumption for the classical case and the Bell
inequality: that property values, such as spin or polarization, are real-numbered
But, as we have argued in this paper, if one replaces real-numbered values
with “quasi classical” interval values, or -measures, the differences between
DOI: 10.4236/jmp.2019.106041
Journal of Modern Physics
F. P. Eblen, A. F. Barghouty
the two results may not be as pronounced or as differentiated, at least under
some conditions (see Figure 8). One obvious result of this finding is that the validity of using conventional Bell tests to demonstrate quantum correlations may
be less compelling when using -measures than a real-number representation.
Figure 7. Quantum correlation as a function of cos 2 θ . P2 assumes the direction of the
P1 state detected by D1, e.g., spin up. This state is then projected onto the D2 up direction.
The projected amplitude is squared so as to get the absolute probability.
Figure 8. For -measured (intervalized) spin angles, correlated and uncorrelated regions can overlap.
DOI: 10.4236/jmp.2019.106041
Journal of Modern Physics