Journal of Chromatography, 436 (1988) Ill-135
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam -
Printed in The Netherlands
CHROM. 20 108
of Chemistry,
Iowa State University.
Ames, IA 50011 (U.S.A.)
Drug Metabolkm
The Upjohn Company,
MI 49007 (U.S.A.)
(First received May 5th, 1987; revised manuscript received September 29th, 1987)
The split-peak effect, in which even a small sample of pure analyte elutes in
both non-retained and retained fractions, has been shown to be a useful chromatographic tool for such applications as the determination of protein adsorption rate
constants and diffusion coefficients. To evaluate such parameters, it is necessary to
obtain data independent of sample size, or to work under linear elution conditions.
In this paper, computer simulations were used to determine how non-linear elution
conditions affect such measurements. The two cases studied were those in which the
rate of analyte retention was limited either by diffusion or adsorption of analyte on
the column. The simulation data were then compared to results obtained with two
experimental systems: the retention of hemoglobin on reversed-phase columns and
the binding of immunoglobulin G to protein A affinity columns. From the simulations, guidelines were developed for minimizing or eliminating non-linear elution
effects in both of the cases studied.
The effect of non-linear elution conditions, or column overloading, has long
been of interest in chromatography. This has been true for both analytical and preparative-scale work since such conditions may not only result in changes in column
capacity, but can also affect solute retention’+, band-broadening’-j,
and resolutions.
A number of studies have been performed to better understand these effects and to
develop methods by which they can be quantitated. Due to the complexity of the
systems and calculations involved, computer simulations have often been employed
in such studies1J.6.
One area in which non-linear effects have been reported is split-peak chromatography. The split-peak effect occurs when a single solute elutes from a column
1988 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
in two fractions: a non-retained peak and a strongly retained peak7-lo. It has been
shown theoretically that this can occur even when small amounts of solute are used,
or under linear elution conditions’. Such behavior is believed to be a result of the
kinetic nature of the chromatographic process, being caused by either slow diffusion
and/or slow adsorption of analyte in the column7.
First predicted by Giddings and Eyring in 195511, the split-peak effect has
since been used in a number of applications. These include the comparison of the
kinetic properties of affinity matrices 7, the design of affinity chromatographic systems’ 2, and the determination of protein diffusion coefficients’ j. Attempts have also
been made to use this phenomenon in the determination of rate constants for macromolecular interactions7v*.
In these applications, the equations used to describe the split-peak effect generally assume that the relative sizes of the non-retained and retained fractions are
independent of sample size, or that linear elution conditions are present7J2J3. Experimentally, however, a sample size dependence of these fractions has been noted
for a number of systems. Non-linear effects in split-peak studies are typically seen as
an increase in the relative size of the non-retained fraction with sample load. This
has been observed in affinity chromatography for the adsorption of immunoglobulin
G (IgG) on protein A columns7 and the binding of IgG’O, insulinsJo, and interferon14 on immunoaffinity columns. This behavior, however, has not been noted for
IgG retention on reversed-phase columns7.
It is important to consider these effects in the use of split-peak chromatography, especially if physical constants such as diffusion coefficients or adsorption
rate parameters are being measured. In this experiment, the effect of non-linear elution conditions was studied using computer simulations. The two chromatographic
cases examined were those in which the rate of analyte retention was either diffusionor adsorption-limited, the two cases currently most useful in the evaluation of physical constants7J3. From the simulations, guidelines were developed for minimizing
non-linear effects in both cases. The simulation results were also compared to data
obtained for two experimental systems: the retention of IgG on protein A columns
and the binding of hemoglobin on reversed-phase columns.
Chromatographic and simulation models
The chromatographic model used
here is the same as that presented by Hethtote and DeLisi (see ref. 15 and refs. cited therein). In this model, the column is
divided into three distinct phases: the stationary phase, which contains the immobilized ligand or adsorption sites, the stagnant mobile phase, and the flowing mobile
phase. The volume of the stagnant mobile phaseis given by V,,, the pore volume of
the support, and the volume of the flowing mobile phase is given by Ve, the elution
volume of an excluded, non-retained solute.
As solute E passes through the column in the flowing mobile phase, it is viewed
in this model as undergoing the following reactions leading to its adsorption:
E e k?, EP
E, + L kg
where E, and E, represent the solute in the flowing mobile phase and stagnant mobile
phase, respectively, and L is the immobilized ligand. Mass transfer of E between the
flowing and stagnant mobile phases is described by the first-order rate constants kr
and zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
k - 1, while the binding of E with L is described by the second-order adsorption
and first-order desorption rate constants, k3 and k - 3.
In this model, kI and k- 1 are related to the excluded volume and pore volume
of the column, V, and VP, by
where mEPmand mEc, are the numbers of moles of E, and E, at equilibrium, and
is the mass transfer equilibrium constant 7.15. Also, k3 and km3 are related to K3,
the equilibrium binding constant, by the expression
k”_”- [E!-‘-L]
where [ ] represents the concentrations of the given species in the stagnant mobile
In previous work this model was used to develop an equation to describe the
split-peak effect in cases where mass transfer and/or adsorption are rate-limiting. The
relationship that was derived is as follows:
- +k,V,
k3mL >
wherefis the fraction of solute eluting in the non-retained peak (i.e. eluting without
interacting with the stationary phase), F is the flow-rate, and mL is the number of
moles of binding sites in the column7.
Eqn. 5 predicts that a plot of - l/In f VS.F will give a straight line with an
intercept of zero and a slope equal to ( I/k1 V, + l/k3mL). The slope of this plot is
useful in studying retention processes since it is related to the kinetics of the chromatographic system. For example, the slopes of such plots have been used to compare
the overall kinetic properties of affinity supports 7*1?. By obtaining more information
about the system, such as the values of mL and V,, it is also possible to evaluate the
rate constants kI and k3 (ref. 7).
The derivation of eqn. 5 is based on the assumptions that linear elution conditions are present (i.e., [L] B [E,]) and that E adsorbs irreversibly on the time scale
of the experiment (i.e., km3 x 0 or the capacity factor, k’, is large so that the nonretained and retained peaks are resolved from one another). The net result of these
assumptions is that eqn. 2 reduces to the simple first-order reaction
E -L
where ka[L] is the apparent first-order adsorption rate constant7.
One problem with this simplified model is that experimentally obtaining linear
elution conditions can be difficult. For example, non-linear effects may occur even
when small sample loads are applied to a column due to the presence of a local excess
of sample vs. ligand, such as takes place at the head of the column immediately
following injection. To study the effect of such non-ideal conditions on the results
obtained using eqn. 5, computer simulations were used.
The computer model used was the same as presented earlier16. In this model,
the column is divided into a large number of slices, each of which is further divided
into three distinct regions: the flowing mobile phase, the stagnant mobile phase, and
the stationary phase. All material injected on the column begins in the flowing mobile
phase of the first slice. The simulation is performed by repeatedly carrying out two
alternating operations. In the first, the material in each slice is distributed between
the three phases according to the given set of kinetic equations and rate constants
describing the system of interest. This is done for one unit of time, or one iteration.
Once this has been done throughout the column, the material in the flowing mobile
phase of each slice is shifted down the column one unit in order to simulate flow or
convective mass transfer. At the same time, the amount of material leaving the last
slice of the column is monitored, corresponding to detection of the chromatographic
peak. This is repeated until all but a given fraction of solute has eluted from the
column, in this case all but 1 ppm of the remaining free analyte.
Two effects not considered directly by this model are extracolumn band-broadening prior to the column and band-broadening within the excluded volume of the
column. One cause of the first is the use of large sample loops. This can be important
in split-peak chromatography since injection volumes approaching or exceeding the
excluded volume of the column are often used 7+12,13.Although not a problem under
linear elution conditions’, this factor can potentially affect split-peak measurements
made under non-linear conditions. This effect can be studied in simulations by changing the number of iterations over which a given sample is applied.
Band-broadening within the excluded volume of the column can occur by such
processes as eddy diffusion or longitudinal diffusion. Although such an effect is not
easily studied with this model, its role is probably not large compared to extracolumn
band-broadening or other effects, especially when considering the relatively short
column residence time of the non-retained peak and the small columns typically used
in split-peak measurements7*’ 2*13.
In order to compare the simulation results under non-linear elution conditions
to those predicted under linear conditions, an alternate form of eqn. 5 was used’.
24, 1
K--=X- +
( ki
WJ[Ll >
In this equation, ue is the linear velocity of an excluded, non-retained solute, h is the
column length, and [L] is the initial concentration of ligand in the column, mL/Vp.
As in the case of eqn. 5, the above expression predicts a linear relationship between
- l/lnSand a term related to the column residence time of E, uJh. Also, the slope
is again comprised of two terms: the first, Ilki, being related to the kinetics of mass
transfer or diffusion, and the second, (k- i/klk3[L]), being a function of the system’s
adsorption kinetics. Using eqn. 7, it is possible to calculate the theoretical value of
- l/lnfunder
linear elution conditions given uJh, [L], and the rate constants of the
system. This equation is particularly useful in simulations of the type done here since
the total residence time of E in the column can be varied by changing the column
length h (i.e., the number of slices in the column) while keeping ue and the reaction
time in each slice constant (i.e., an excluded linear ,velocity of one slice/iteration and
a reaction time of one iteration).
Equations for the case of d#usion-limited kinetics
Two cases were considered in looking at non-linear elution effects: mass-transfer or diffusion-limited kinetics, and adsorption-limited kinetics. The first studied was
that of simple diffusion-limited kinetics. In this case, adsorption is assumed to be
much faster than mass transfer, or k3[L] B k - 1, such that any solute entering the
stagnant mobile phase binds to free ligand rather than diffusing back to the flowing
mobile phase. The effect on eqn. 7 as adsorption becomes infinitely fast (i.e., k3
approaches cc) is that the second slope term, (k- l/klk3[L]), becomes much smaller
than the first. This reduces eqn. 7 to
24, 1
h 0 kI
Eqn. 8 predicts that for the diffusion-limited cast under linear elution conditions, a
plot of - l/lnf vs. u,/hkI should yield a line with a slope of one and an intercept of
The results for this case under non-linear conditions can be obtained by representing the system by the following reactions:
E, + L + E,-L
Note that in these reactions two situations may occur.
immobilized ligand is present. In this situation, any
mobile phase immediately binds to ligand, preventing
flowing mobile phase. The net reaction of eqns. 9 and
be written as
E, + E,-L
The first takes place when free
E diffusing into the stagnant
E from diffusing back to the
10 under these conditions can
This can be described by the integrated rate expression for a simple first-order reaction”
where t is the time of reaction, and mE,, and mE,, are the moles of E, present at times
t and 0. The subscript “s” is used here to refer to the fact that these parameters are
those for the particular slice studied during a given iteration.
The second situation which can occur in this case takes place when all free L
in the slice has been depleted so that E is no longer able to adsorb onto the stationary
phase in that region. The result is that E can only undergo diffusion into and out of
the pores of the support, making the net reaction
E e k<, EP
This reaction can be described by the integrated rate expression for a reversible firstorder reaction’ 7, which is as follows:
= mE,,m +
(mE - mE,,m)e-(kl+ ‘-$
where mE,,mis the moles of E present in the flowing mobile phase of the slice studied
at equilibrium.
The point at which the system switches from the situation given in eqn. 11 to
that in eqn. 13 occurs when enough solute has entered the stagnant mobile phase to
totally bind any free ligand present. The reaction conditions required for this can be
determined by using eqn. 12 and the mass balance expressions for the system. The
result is the following relationship:
mL, = mE,,(l - emkIt)
which gives the time and mole conditions at which all free L is depleted. If the reaction
conditions are such that mL,, is not less than the right-hand side of eqn. 15, then the
system can be described by eqn. 12. If m L, is less than this expression, eqn. 12 is used
until all ligand in the slice has been depleted and then eqn. 14 is used to describe the
Equations for the case of adsorption-limited kinetics
The second case studied was that of simple adsorption-limited kinetics. In this
case, diffusion is assumed to be much faster than adsorption (i.e., kI and k_ 1 g
kJL]), giving rise to an equilibrium in mass transfer of solute between the stagnant
and flowing mobile phases. The effect on eqn. 7 is that its diffusional slope term,
l/kl, becomes small with respect to that for adsorption, reducing eqn. 7 to
The expected result, then, for the adsorption-limited case under linear elution conditions is that a plot of - l/in f vs. (u,/h)(k- i/klk3[L]) will give a line with a slope
of one and an intercept of zero.
To calculate the results under non-linear conditions, the system is represented
by the reactions
E e-‘E
E, + L -? E,-L
These reactions can be described by the integrated rate expressions given below (see
derivations in the Appendix). For the situation in which mn,, + mapso# mL,, the
rate expression is
and for mE,, + mnP= = mL,, the rate expression is
where I’,, is the total void volume per slice (i.e., vm/h) and mL, is the number of free
ligand sites in the slice of interest.
The protein A, rabbit IgG, and bovine hemoglobin were from Sigma (St, Louis,
MO, U.S.A.) and were the purest grades available. The morpholine and l,l’-carbonyldiimidazole (CDI) were from Aldrich (Milwaukee, WI, U.S.A.). The n-octyldimethylchlorosilane was from Petrarch (Bristol, PA, U.S.A.). The LiChrospher Si-500
(lo-pm particle diameter, 500-A pore size) was obtained from Alltech (Deerfield, IL,
The chromatographic and data acquisition systems used were the same as described earlier7. The detector used for the IgG studies was a Hitachi 100-10 (Tokyo,
Japan) operated at 280 nm. For the hemoglobin studies, a Kratos 757 (Ramsey, NJ,
U.S.A.) detector was used operated at 414 nm. Computer simulations were performed
on a National Advanced Systems 9160 Computer (Mountain View, CA, U.S.A.).
All simulations were performed
in Fortran
G using
double-precision logic. The simulations were initiated by placing the desired amount
of material in the flowing mobile phase portion of the first slice and were ended when
all but 1 ppm of the remaining non-adsorbed material had eluted off the column.
Programs were tested for convergence by performing a series of equivalent
simulations in which columns were divided into increasingly larger numbers of slices
while proportionately decreasing the rate constants for the system. All values reported are within 20 ppm of the estimated value for a column divided into an
infinite number of slices as determined in this manner. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZY
Chromatography . The LiChrospher reversed-phase matrix was prepared according to previously published procedures’ *J 9 using 5.0 g of n-octyldimethylchlorosilane per gram of silica and 50 g of carbon tetrachloride per gram of silica.
The diol-bonded LiChrospher was also prepared as described previously20.
The diol coverage of the LiChrospher prior to activation was 200 pmol per gram of
silica, as determined by the periodate oxidation method2’J2.
Protein A was immobilized onto the diol-bonded LiChrospher using the CD1
methodZ3. Immobilization was performed at pH 4.0 using 10 mg of protein A per
gram of silica. As determined earlier, the immobilization yield of protein A under
these conditions is cu. 100°h7.
The weak mobile phase for the reversed-phase matrix was 0.02 M ammonium
phosphate, 0.01% (v/v) morpholine (pH 7.0). All hemoglobin solutions were prepared in this buffer. The strong mobile phase was 2-propanol containing 0.01% morpholine. Protein retained on the reversed-phase support was eluted by using a linear
20-min gradient from 0 to 100% 2-propanol at a flow-rate of 0.25 ml/min.
The application buffer for the protein A matrix was 0.10 M potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) and the elution buffer was 0.10 M potassium phosphate (pH
3.0). All IgG solutions were prepared in the pH 7.0 phosphate buffer. Elution of IgG
adsorbed on the protein A was done by a step change in pH.
Both the reversed-phase and protein A matrices were placed into their respective weak mobile phases and vacuum-slurry packedI into columns of a previouslypublished design24. Kinetic studies on these columns were performed at 25°C. All
other chromatography was performed at room temperature.
Prior to the kinetic studies, both the protein A and reversed-phase columns
were pretreated several times with either excess IgG or hemoglobin to remove any
residual active groups or irreversible adsorption sites. To test for the removal of such
sites, the static capacity of each matrix was measured by integration of the resulting
breakthrough curves25. The capacities were found to be 8.6 f 0.4 (1 S.D.) mg of
IgG per gram of silica for the protein A matrix and 47.1 f 0.4 mg of hemoglobin
per gram of silica for the reversed-phase matrix. The static capacities of the matrices
were estimated to decrease by less than 5% over the course of the kinetic studies.
The split-peak behavior of the matrices was studied using the method described
earlier’. For the protein A, split peaks were obtained by injecting 10 ~1 of 0.14-0.55
mg/ml IgG on a 6.35 mm x 4.1 mm I.D. column at flow-rates of 0.02-0.5 ml/min.
The areas of both the non-retained and the retained peaks were determined by computer integration, normalized vs. flow-rate and corrected for any sample impurities
(0.8% of the total area) or background shifts as discussed previously’. The corrected
area of the IgG peaks was found to vary linearly with sample size over the entire
sample range used. The free fraction f was calculated from these corrected areas as
described earlier’.
For the reversed-phase columns, split peaks were observed by injecting 3 ~1 of
0.5-2.0 mg/ml hemoglobin on a 6.35 mm x 1.0 mm I.D. column at flow-rates of
0.06-0.63 ml/min. The non-retained area was found as described above, normalized
vs. flow-rate and corrected for the solvent background level. No corrections for sample impurities (less than 0.2% of the total area) were made. The corrected area was
again found to vary linearly with sample size over the entire sample range studied.
The free fraction was calculated by dividing the non-retained area by the total area
of the sample when injected through an open tube, as described previously’.
Simulation results for d@uion-limited kinetics
The first case studied was that in which analyte retention is diffusion-limited
and adsorption is irreversible on the time scale of the experiment. This case is of
interest since split-peak measurements on such systems have been used in the determination of diffusion coefficients. This is possible since the diffusion coefficient of the
analyte is directly related in this model to the value of its mass transfer rate constant,
k17,13. This type of experiment is performed by measuring the non-retained fraction
cf) of the analyte on a diffusion-limited system at a variety of flow-rates. From this
data, a plot of - l/in ,f vs. solute velocity or flow-rate is then made. Assuming linear
elution conditions are present, eqn. 8 and related expressions predict that a straight
line should result with a slope related to k17J3.
Simulations were used to study the effect of non-linear elution conditions on
such measurements by applying a known load of analyte to a column with a fixed
number of binding sites and measuring the relative size of the non-retained peak. In zyxwvu
Fig. 1. Normalized split-peak plots at various column loads for the case of diffusion-limited kinetics with
irreversible adsorption. The plots given are for column loads of 16-128%, in intervals of 16%. The line
shown is the response predicted under linear elution conditions by eqn. 8.
this and in all following studies, the column load was defined as the ratio of the total
moles of solute injected to the moles of free ligand initially present on the column,
or mEt,@Ln
(F or a summary of this and other mathematical terms, see the Symbols
section.) Based on the simulation data, plots were then prepared according to eqn.
8 and used to determine the effect of sample size on the resulting slope. The results
for the diffusion-limited case are given in Fig. 1.
Note in Fig. 1 that - l/lnfis plotted vs. a reduced velocity parameter, u,/hkl,
rather than an absolute velocity term, such as u, or ue/h as would be used in an actual
diffusion coefficient measurement. This was done to better illustrate the effect of
non-linear elution conditions for this case by giving plots independent of the system
rate constants.
The normalized plots given in Fig. 1 for the diffusion-limited case are for loads
of 16128% of the column capacity. Each plot in Fig. 1 is the best-fit curve through
27 data points distributed over the entire range of reduced velocities shown.
By plotting the data in Fig. 1 as a function of the reduced velocity u,/hkl, the
results were not only found to be independent of the absolute value of the system
rate constant kr, but were also independent of the relative size of the excluded and
pore volumes of the column, V, and VP (i.e., the porosity term VP/Vet or k&-i).
This was observed for VP/I’, values of 0.1-2.0, those found with most common chromatographic matricePJ ‘.
In testing for the effect of using different injection volumes or the presence of
extracolumn band-broadening prior to the column, it was found that the data in Fig.
1 were independent of the volume of analyte applied as long as the total moles of
analyte applied was constant. This was observed for the load range of l&128% and
for reduced velocities of 0.06-1.28, where no change in - l/lnfwas noted in going
from an application volume of one slice to twice the excluded volume of the column.
As already mentioned, the plots in Fig. 1 would be expected under linear elution conditions to give the linear relationship predicted by eqn. 8. Under the nonlinear conditions used to generate the data, however, deviations from the ideal response were found to occur for all loads studied. In general, the simulation values
of - l/lnf and the relative size of the non-retained peak were larger than or equal
to those predicted, with the extent of the deviations increasing with column load.
These deviations typically occurred when the value of reduced velocity u,/hkl was
small, or the residence time large, but disappeared as the reduced velocity was increased. Also, the range of reduced velocities over which deviations occurred increased in proportion to the column load applied. For instance, a load of 64% caused
deviations up to a reduced velocity of cu. 0.64 while a load of 128% gave deviations
up to a reduced velocity of cu. 1.28.
It was further observed in Fig. 1 that plots for loads of less than 100% appeared to have a zero intercept, while those for loads of greater than 100% had an
intercept greater than zero. This is due to the fact that as the reduced velocity approaches zero, or the solute residence time becomes infinitely long, the amount of
sample adsorbed reaches its maximum value. When the sample applied is less than
or equal to the column capacity, all would be expected to adsorb causing - l/lnfto
approach zero. If the load is larger then the column capacity, then the amount adsorbed approaches the column capacity, leaving some free solute behind and giving
- l/in f a value greater than zero.
Experimental systems believed to exhibit diffusion-limited kinetics include the
adsorption of some proteins on reversed-phase columns7~13. One such protein is hemoglobin13. To compare such a system to the simulation results presented, split-peak
plots were made for injections of hemoglobin on a Cs reversed-phase column at
known loading levels. The results are given in Fig. 2 for loads of 1.7 and 6.8%.
In order to compare the experimental results in Fig. 2 to the simulation data
in Fig. 1, it was necessary to determine what range of reduced velocities was represented by the data in Fig. 2. This was done by making use of the linear region of the
0.50 mg/ml data, which occurred at flow-rates of cu. 0.25 ml/min or greater. Since
this region followed the relationship between residence time and - l/in f predicted
by eqn. 8, it was used to represent the theoretical response of the system under linear
elution conditions. A linear least-squares fit to the data in this range gave a slope of
1.48 f 0.06 min/ml and an intercept of 0.01 f 0.03. By multiplying each flow-rate
in Fig. 2 by this slope, it was determined that the experimental data shown represented a range in the reduced velocity u,/hkl of 0.09-0.93.
Several similarities can be seen in Figs. 1 and 2. For example, the data in Fig.
2 show the same deviation patterns as those in Fig. 1 in that the obtained values of
- l/in zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
f are larger than predicted at long residence times, or slow flow-rates, but
approach the expected response for linear elution conditions as the reduced velocity
or flow-rate increases. Also, in both figures the size of the deviations and the flowrate range over which they occur increase with the load. Furthermore, this flow-rate
range again appears to increase roughly in proportion to the load, with the 0.50
mg/ml data showing non-ideal effects up to a flow-rate slightly over 0.2 ml/mm and
the 2.0 mg/ml data showing deviations up to a flow-rate of cu. 0.8 ml/min. zyxwvutsrqpo
Fb wra to
hl/ m in)
Fig. 2. Split-peak plots for hemoglobin on a reversed-phase
column. The plots shown are for 3 ~1 injections
of 0.50 mg/ml (0) and 2.00 mg/ml (m) bovine hemoglobin.
The chromatographic
were the
same as described in the text. The line shown is the linear fit for the 0.50 mg/ml data over the flow-rate
range of 0.25463
Figs. 1 and 2 differ in that the deviations in - lllnfseen experimentally were
larger than those predicted from the simulations. This can be due to a number of
secondary effects not taken into account by the kinetic model used. Examples include
site heterogeneity’ and reversible binding 28. Site heterogeneity can be important for
the diffusion-limited case if ligands with different mass transfer properties are present,
such as those located at different depths within the matrix or on particles of different
diameters. Under linear elution conditions this results in k1 becoming an apparent
rate constant, or a function of the individual mass transfer rates present. This also
occurs under non-linear conditions but with the additional possibility that some types
of sites may saturate before others. The result is a change in k1 and - I/in f with
sample load, giving greater deviations than would be expected for a simple homogeneous matrix. In previous work done with proteins on Ca LiChrospher Si-500 and
essentially non-porous matrices of the same diameter, the apparent kl was noted to
vary by 17-fold depending on whether the ligands sampled were only on the surface
of the particle or on the surface plus in the pores ‘. This makes site heterogeneity a
likely explanation for the differences noted between Figs. 1 and 2.
Reversible binding may affect the results if weakly-retained solute elutes near
the non-retained peak, increasing the apparent free fraction and the value of - l/lnf
measured. In previous simulation studies, it was shown for linear elution conditions
that this is a significant problem only for systems with k’ values of 10 or 1esP.
Although deviations due to this effect may increase under non-linear conditions, the
fact that hemoglobin was estimated to have a k’ over 1500 in this experiment suggests
that this was not a major factor.
Regardless of which secondary effects were present, the data in Figs. 1 and 2
clearly show that non-linear effects in split-peak chromatography under diffusionlimited conditions can be minimized or even eliminated by choosing the proper load
and/or flow-rate. In this case, non-linear effects decrease as the load decreases or as
the flow-rate and solute velocity increase and disappear beyond a given flow-rate and
load combination.
This behavior explains why such effects were not seen in previous work examining the retention of IgG on Ca reversed-phase columns’. In this earlier study
two different matrices were used: Nucleosil Si-50, which acts as a pellicular or nonporous support for IgG, and LiChrospher Si-500, which acts as a porous matrix7.
For the Ca Si-50, which should have behaved similarly to the homogeneous case in
Fig. 1, no non-linear effects were seen for loads of 7.3-14.5% over a reduced velocity
range of 0.13-0.36. A comparison of these values with those in Fig. 1 shows that no
observable deviations would have been expected under these conditions. For the Ca
Si-500, which should have given results resembling the heterogeneous case in Fig. 2,
no deviations were noted for loads of 244.0% and reduced velocities of 0.24-0.94
under the same chromatographic conditions as used in Fig. 2. Assuming IgG and
hemoglobin behaved similarly on this matrix, a comparison of these values to those
in Fig. 2 indicates that no significant deviations would have been expected for the
data at 2.4% load or for the majority of the 4.0% load data. Fig. 2 does predict some
observable deviations at the lower reduced velocities used with the 4.0% load, but
the fact that these were not seen may be due to differences in the response of IgG
and hemoglobin to secondary effects. For example, IgG may have been less susceptible than hemoglobin to site heterogeneity due to its larger size, a Stoke’s diameter
of 104 8, for IgG vs. 62 A for hemoglobin29*30, preventing it from sampling as many
diffusionally-distinct ligands within the pores.
The absence of non-linear effects for the diffusion-limited case at small residence times or column loads was further examined by performing a second series of
simulations in which the effect of increasing loads on - l/in zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedc
fwa s measured at constant values of the reduced velocity u,/hkl. This corresponds to an experiment in
which - l/lnfis determined at a constant flow-rate while the sample load is varied.
Fig. 3 shows the results obtained at several different reduced velocities. In Fig. 3, the
load is normalized vs. the reduced velocity u,/hkl to illustrate its relationship to this
parameter as deviations begin to occur. The y-axis is also normalized vs. u,/hkl, but
this is done only for ease of presentation.
For each reduced velocity monitored, the resulting plot showed no deviations
from the expected response under linear conditions at small values of the ratio Load/
(u,/hkl) (Le., small sample loads). But when this ratio exceeded 1.0, deviations in
- ljnfbegan
to occur. It was also noted that the relative amount of these deviations
increased with the size of the reduced velocity monitored.
Based on the simulation and kinetic models used, an equation was derived to
explain why the deviations in Fig. 3 began to occur at such a well-defined point, and
why the reduced velocity at which deviations began to occur in Figs. 1 and 2 increased
proportionally with the load applied. To do this, it was assumed that all deviations
began in the first slice of the column during the first iteration, when the amount of
free analyte was largest with respect to that of free ligand. Under these conditions,
the initial amount of free ligand present in the slice, mL,, is equal to NsmL/h, where
mL/h is the original amount of free ligand per slice and N, is the number of slices
examined. Since only the first slice considered in this case, N. is equal to one. Also
under these conditions, the initial amount of free analyte in the slice, mu,,, is equal
to the total amount of analyte applied, or (Load)
using the definition of load
given earlier. Furthermore, it is possible from the simulation model to replace the
slice reaction time t by the quantity N&. Using each of these expressions along with
eqn. 15 gives the following relationship:
Load I [h(l - e-klY”e)/N,I-l
This equation gives the range of column loads that can be used at a given value of
u,/hkl before deviations begin to occur in a system composed of a finite number of
The equivalent expression for a real system, or one approaching an infinite
number of slices, can be obtained by finding the limit of eqn. 21 at a constant value
of u,/hkl by simultaneously increasing the number of slices in the column and decreasing the amount of time per slice or increasing ue to keep the total residence time
constant. As this is done, the exponential term of eqn. 21, e-klNd”c, approaches zero
and may be replaced by (1 - kl N,/u,), the zeroth- and first-order terms of its Taylor
series expansion3*. Substitution of this into eqn. 21 gives
I 1
which is the same relationship noted empirically in Fig. 3. This expression shows that
1 .5
2 .0
1 .0
{Loa dM u&
k l)
Fig. 3. The effect of increasing load on - l/lnfat a constant value of U./~/C,. The plots shown are for
u,/hkl values of 0.16 (a), 0.32 (+), 0.64 (A), and 1.28 (m). The horizontal line is the response predicted
under linear elution conditions by eqn. 8.
either a small load or large value of the reduced velocity u,/hkI minimizes deviations
because both cause the ratio in eqn. 22 to decrease. Eqn. 22 also explains why the
range over which deviations occur appears to be directly proportional to the load
applied. This occurs since as larger loads are used, a proportionately larger reduced
velocity is needed to bring the ratio in eqn. 22 back to a value of 1.0 or less.
By combining eqn. 22 with eqn. 8, an alternate relationship is obtained for
predicting when deviations due to non-linear effects occur even when kinetic parameters of the system or the value of the reduced velocity are not known.
Load/( - l/lnJ
I 1
Thus, by measuring - l/lnffor a known sample load at the flow-rate of interest and
computing the above ratio, an estimate of whether or not non-linear effects are occurring can be made for diffusion-limited systems following the model used here. zyxwvutsr
the ratio is greater than 1.0, deviations would be expected to occur. As the ratio
becomes less than or equal to 1.0, the chance of deviations occcurring would be
expected to greatly decrease.
The hemoglobin data suggests that this ratio might also be useful in the study
of more complex diffusion-limited systems. This is indicated in Fig. 2 by the fact that
the flow-rate at which deviations begin to occur appears to increase proportionately
with the load. Based on the relationship between flow-rate and - lllnfgiven in eqn.
5, this is equivalent to saying that deviations start to appear at a constant value of
Load/( - l/lnJ, in this case a ratio of 0.05. Though this value is much less than that
predicted by eqn. 23, probably as a result of the presence of secondary effects in the
kg IL11
Fig. 4. Normalized split-peak plots at various column loads for the case of irreversible adsorption-limited
kinetics. The plots given are for column loads of 16128%, in intervals of 16%. The line shown is the
response predicted under linear elution conditions by eqn. 16.
Cs Si-500 studies, the fact that it appears to be constant still makes it useful in
minimizing non-linear effects. For example, if the exact ratio at which deviations
occur is known, as it is here, then the flow-rate conditions required to eliminate
non-linear effects at any size load can be determined. Even if this particular value is
not known, the ratio Load/( - l/lnfl is useful in indicating whether non-linear effects
may be present, since non-linear effects are less likely to occur as the value of
Load/( - l/lnfl decreases. In general, it is known from eqn. 23 that conditions giving
a ratio of I 1.0 should always be used to avoid non-linear effects, while the Cs Si500 results further indicate that for complex diffusion-limited systems, such as those
using porous supports, a ratio even as low as 0.05 or less is desirable.
results for adsorption-limited
The second set of simulation studies examined non-linear effects for systems
with irreversible adsorption-limited kinetics. This case is potentially useful in splitpeak chromatography for the determination adsorption rate constants for macromolecular interactions7+2 *. As in diffusion coefficient measurements, this can be done
by determining the non-retained fractions of analyte at various flow-rates on an
adsorption-limited system containing the ligand of interest. Plots of - l/in f vs. flowrate or solute velocity are then made according to expressions such as eqn. 16.
In this case, a linear relationship with a slope related to k3 should result under linear
elution conditions’.
The effect of non-linear elution conditions on such plots was studied through
simulations in the same manner used for the diffusion-limited case. The plots obtained for the simulation data are shown in Fig. 4. Note that - l/in f is again plotted
against a reduced velocity, in this case (u,/h)(k-i/klk3[L]),
rather than an absolute
velocity for the same reason as stated earlier. The range of reduced velocities used
in Fig. 4 for the adsorption-limited case is the same as that used for the diffusionlimited case in Fig. 1. Each plot given in Fig. 4 is the best-fit curve through 13-16
data points distributed throughout the entire reduced velocity range shown.
In comparing the data in Fig. 4 to the results predicted for this case by eqn.
16 under linear elution conditions, deviations from the ideal response were again seen
for all loads studied. As noted in Fig. 1 for the diffusion-limited case, the simulations
for the adsorption-limited case gave values zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTS
off and - l/lnf larger than those predicted, with deviations increasing as the load increased. It was also again seen that
plots for loads of less than 100% appeared to have zero intercepts while those for
loads above 100% gave non-zero intercepts. This occurred for the same reasons as
discussed previously.
As in the diffusion-limited case, the plots in Fig. 4 were not only independent
of the absolute value of the system rate constants, but were also independent of
relative size of VP and V,. This was again noted over the VP/Ve range of 0.1-2.0.
Unlike the diffusion-limited case, however, it was found that the sample concentration or degree of precolumn sample dispersion did affect the results slightly. When
the sample application volume was increased and the total moles of analyte applied
was held constant, - l/in f decreased at each given reduced velocity. This behavior
was noted for each load studied, 1.6-128% of the column capacity, over injection
volumes ranging from one slice to twice the column excluded volume and reduced
velocities ranging from 0.061.28. Despite this decrease in - l/in f with injection
volume, the plots in Fig. 4 were not significantly affected since the change in - l/lnf
observed was negligible with respect to the overall deviations present in the curves.
For example, the observed decrease in - l/lnfwas only 0.3 ppt or less of the total
deviation from the ideal response seen at any given reduced velocity. Also, it was
noted that the extent of this injection volume dependence became smaller as the
simulated columns were divided into an increasing number of slices.
A more significant difference between the data in Figs. 1 and 4 was that the
values of - l/lnfin Fig. 4 for the adsorption-limited case were typically greater than
those for the diffusion-limited case in Fig. 1 under the same load and reduced velocity
conditions. The two cases also differed in that the results in Fig. 4 did not converge
with the response predicted under linear elution conditions. Instead, no apparent
decrease in absolute deviations were noted as the reduced velocity increased. This
occurred for all loads studied and over a reduced velocity range of at least 0.03-20
(i.e., an expected free fraction range under linear elution conditions of 3 . 10-13%
to 95%). It was further noted in Fig. 4 that small loads, such as 16 and 32%, gave
an almost linear increase in - l/in f with the reduced velocity, behavior not noted
in the diffusion-limited results.
Differences in the adsorption- and diffusion-limited cases were also apparent
when comparing their responses to increasing load at a constant residence time. The
results for the adsorption-limited case, shown in Fig. 5, differ from those under equivalent conditions for the diffusion-limited case in Fig. 3 in that deviations were present
at all loads and residence times studied while in the diffusion-limited case they occurred only once a certain load level had been reached. Also, it was again noted that
the relative size of the deviations in the adsorption-limited case were larger than those
for diffusion-limited systems under equivalent conditions.
Fig. 5. The effect of increasing load on - l/in fat a constant value of (u./h)(k- Jklkl[L]). The plots
shown are for zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
(u./h)(k-,/k,k,[L]) values of 0.16 (a), 0.32 (a), 0.64 (A), and 1.28 (W). The horizontal
line is the response predicted under linear elution conditions by eqn. 16.
Such differences can be explained based on the two kinetic models used. In the
case of diffusion-limited kinetics, the system is represented by a series of first-order
reactions and, under linear elution conditions, the split-peak slope is independent of
the number of ligand sites. The result, as shown earlier, is that deviations occur only
after all ligand in the first segment of the column has been depleted. This produces
the behavior seen in Figs. 1 and 3, where certain load and residence time conditions
must be met to produce non-linear effects. In the adsorption-limited case, however,
the model used is second-order in nature and the split-peak slope is a function of
l/[L]. This means that any depletion of free ligand will cause the apparent rate constant kJ[L] to decrease and the split-peak slope to increase. As a result, the adsorption-limited case would be expected to be more susceptible to deviations than the
diffusion-limited case at any given load, with deviations occurring as long as finite
sample loads are used.
An experimental system previously demonstrated to be adsorption-limited is
the binding of IgG to certain CDI-immobilized protein A affinity columns’. Typical
split-peak plots for this system are given in Fig. 6 for loads of 0.9 to 3.7%. These
plots are similar to the simulation results in Fig. 4 in several ways. First, each data
set in Fig. 6 gave an apparent linear relationship between - l/in zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfe
f and flow-rate, as
seen for loads of 32% or less in Fig. 4. Secondly, the IgG data at different loads did
not converge to a single response at high flow-rates, as was seen with the simulation
results, but continued to increase with flow-rate over the entire range studied.
Because of this last factor, eliminating or even minimizing non-linear effects
in split-peak measurements for such a system can prove difficult if done by only
adjusting the flow-rate and/or load conditions. Instead, a technique is required to
Flow -ra t e
Fig. 6. Split-peak plots for IgG on a protein A column. The plots shown are for IO-~1injections of 0.14
(a), 0.27 (A), and 0.55 mg/ml (B) rabbit IgG. The chromatographic conditions were the same as described
in the text. The line given for each data set is its linear fit through origin.
extrapolate the results under linear elution conditions from those obtained under
non-linear conditions. A third set of simulation studies were performed to determine
what extrapolation methods could be effectively used. The particular technique tested
was one using linear extrapolation since previous work showed that the plots of
- l/lnfvs. flow-rate for protein A columns appeared to increase linearly with sample
These studies were done by using the simulation model to generate split-peak
plots according to eqn. 16 at various loads under adsorption-limited conditions. The
slope of each plot was then measured using a linear least-squares fit through the
origin, the same technique used in the previous study7. Each slope was measured
using 14 points over the reduced velocity range of 0.063-I .24. This range corresponds
to free fractions of 10e5-45% under linear elution conditions. The slopes obtained
were then plotted against load, as shown in Fig. 7. The resulting curve showed an
essentially linear increase in the measured slope for loads of 24% or less but with
some curvature beginning to appear as the load increased further.
The data in Fig. 7 was used to test the extrapolation procedure by performing
linear least-square fits over various load regions of the plot. The intercept obtained
(i.e., the extrapolated value of the slope at 0% load) was then compared to the value
predicted under linear conditions, a true split-peak slope of 1BOO0according to eqn.
16. The results obtained are summarized in Table I. In general, the use of small loads
in the extrapolation gave more accurate results than when larger loads were used,
with an error of only 0.9 ppt being obtained with loads of 416%. However, even
with the largest load range studied, l&64%, the error was still less than the best
previously reported7 experimental precision of such measurements, a value of
f 3.4%.
Load (Xl
Fig. 7. The effect of increasing load on the measured split-peak slope for a system with irreversible adsorption-limited kinetics. The slope values were determined as described in the text. The line shown is the
linear fit to the data over the load range of 416%.
Fig. 8 shows plots obtained when this extrapolation method was applied to
various protein A columns, data from ref. 7 taken under approximately the same
free fraction conditions used to generate the simulation results. The plots given represent two matrices shown to be adsorption-limited, the CDI-500 and SB-50, and
one in which both adsorption and diffusion may have contributed to the overall rate
of IgG retention, the SB-500 (ref. 7). Also shown are the simulation results for the
load range of 4-16%.
In Fig. 8, each protein A matrix gave the same linear response between the
measured slope and load seen with the simulation results. This demonstrates the
apparent applicability of this extrapolation method to complex as well as simple
systems and, in the case of the SB-500, even to some systems
with some diffusional contribution to the kinetics. Although the reason for the linTABLE I
Load range*
Linear zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
least- squares jit parameters
Error (%)**
Slope ( f I a) . 10’
intercept (*I
3.62 f 0.03
3.87 f 0.06
4.43 f 0.15
0.9991 f o.ooo3
0.996 f 0.001
0.983 f 0.007
l The results for each data set are for 4 points distributed evenly throughout the load range studied.
** Calculated using the intercepts and an expected value under linear elution conditions of 1.9000.
Fig. 8. The effect of varying load on the measured split-peak slopes for IgG on various protein A matrices.
The protein A data are from ref. 7. The plots shown are for the SB-50 (A), SB-500 (+), and CD1400
(0) matrices described in the reference and for the simulation results over the load range of 416% (m)
from Fig. 7.
earity of SB-500 response is not totally clear, it may indicate that as the transition
from simple diffusion-limited kinetics to simple adsorption-limited kinetics occurs,
the increased sensitivity of intermediate systems with respect to the diffusion-limited
case to column overloading may give them a response more closely resembling that
of a simple adsorption-limited system.
Another observation made in Fig. 8 was that the experimental data showed a
much larger relative increase in slope with load than predicted from the computer
modeling. For example, the slope of such a plot predicted from the simulations was
3.62 - 10e3 for the given loads while experimentally this value ranged from 0.043 to
1.18. This may, again, be a sign that secondary effects such as site heterogeneity or
reversible binding were present.
Of these, site heterogeneity may have been particularly important. For adsorption-limited kinetics this includes not only diffusional or mass transfer heterogeneity but also heterogeneity of the ligand. The differences in mass transfer heterogeneity of the two matrix materials used in Fig. 8 have already been discussed. The
presence of ligand heterogeneity was suggested by earlier work where it was shown
that the Schiff base and CD1 coupling methods used gave immobilized protein A
with different apparent adsorption rate constants, with the Schiff base protein A
having a k3 value ten times that produced by the CD1 method. One possible interpretation is that the CD1 method denatured the protein to a greater extent, producing
a more heterogeneous population of ligand and lowering the apparent value of zyxwvutsrq
Based on site heterogeneity, it is possible to predict the same order of deviations as seen in Fig. 8. For example, the SB-SO_support, with the largest adsorption
rate constant and the smallest amount of mass transfer heterogeneity, would have
been expected to most closely resemble the simple adsorption-limited case. The SB500 data, obtained using the same type of protein A but on a more porous matrix,
would have been predicted to give even larger deviations. Lastly, the CDI-500 results,
acquired on the same matrix material as the SB-500 but with possibly more heterogeneous protein A, would have been expected to give the largest deviations.
The simulation results presented show that non-linear elution effects in splitpeak chromatography can be minimized by using the proper separation conditions
or extrapolation techniques. For the diffusion-limited case, it was found that these
effects could be reduced or even eliminated by using small sample loads and/or fast
flow-rates. It was found that under these conditions the measured non-retained fraction for the simulation model approached the value predicted under linear elution
conditions. An expression was then derived for this case to calculate the flow-rate
and load conditions needed to eliminate non-linear effects for the simple kinetic system studied. Although such a calculation is accurate for an experimental system only
if its kinetics follow the model used here, this expression should still be useful for
more complex diffusion-limited systems as a guideline in determining the approximate range of load or flow-rate conditions that can be used without producing nonlinear effects. Such information is potentially useful in determining diffusion coefficients by split-peak chromatography, which are obtained assuming linear conditions
are present.
For the adsorption-limited case, simulations demonstrated that non-linear
effects can not be totally eliminated in split-peak measurements by changing the
flow-rate or load. However, the data did show that such effects can be minimized by
using extrapolation techniques. This was done by making a plot of the measured
split-peak slope vs. sample load and performing a linear fit to determine the slope at
zero sample load. When using loads less than 16%, the extrapolated slope obtained
for the case studied varied by less than 1 ppt from that expected under linear elution
conditions. Although the error increased with the loads used, even over a load range
of 16-64% its level was still acceptable, having a value of less than 2%. This type of
information is important to consider in the use of adsorption-limited systems for the
determination of rate constants for macromolecular interactions.
The difference in non-linear effects seen with the split-peak plots obtained for
these two cases suggests that such plots may be useful tools in determining the ratelimiting step for solute retention in chromatographic systems. For example, the
split-peak plots for hemoglobin on a Cs reversed-phase column showed the same
non-linear effects as the diffusion-limited case, while a similar study for IgG on a
CD1 protein A column gave results resembling those obtained for the adsorptionlimited case. These results confirmed those of earlier experiments suggesting that the
hemoglobin and IgG systems studied were diffusion- and adsorption-limited, respectively. Thus, by making split-peak plots at various loads and comparing the resulting
curves to the simulation results presented here, it may be possible to determine the
rate-limiting step in retention for a given matrix. This should not only be useful in
obtaining kinetic data but also in the optimization of chromatographic separations.
Although the hemoglobin and IgG studies showed the same general responses
predicted by the simulations, they also gave larger deviations than expected from
the computer modeling. It was proposed that this was due to the presence of secondary effects such as site heterogeneity or reversible binding. Of these, site heterogeneity may be particularly important since the relative size of deviations seen with
various protein A columns was noted to follow the order predicted based on only
their ligand and mass transfer heterogeneities. Mass transfer heterogeneity was also
implicated in the hemoglobin study. Further computer modeling needs to be done
to better determine the influence of this and other such phenomenon on the nonlinear elution effects seen in split-peak chromatography.
The derivation of the integrated rate expressions for the simple adsorptionlimited system given in eqns. 17 and 18 is similar to that for a one-phase, secondorder reaction as described in ref. 17. For the reaction given in eqn. 18, the rate law
is as follows:
- Wls
= ME,Is[Ll,
where [E& and [L& are the concentrations of E, and L in the stagnant mobile phase
of the slice studied and all other terms are as defined previously. Converting eqn. Al
to an expression in terms of moles gives
where I’,,, is the pore volume per slice, I/,/h. Using the reaction stoichiometry given
in eqns. 17 and 18, the mass balance expression for this system can be written as
- mE,,) + (mEpso-
It is also given that diffusion is much faster than adsorption, or that mass transfer
equal to V,,/V,, by eqn. 3. Substitution of
is in equilibrium, making ma&a,,
V,,/V,, into eqn. A3 and using the fact that I’,, + V,, = I’,,,,, the total slice void
volume, gives the solution in terms ofma, as being
mr,, =
Letting x = (ma,, + ma,, -mL,)
following differential equation:
= (W J’msW
+ ML)
and substituting eqn. A4 into eqn. A2 gives the
Integration of eqn. A5 between the limits of times 0 and t yields the expression given
in eqn. 19 for the case where x # 0. For x = 0, eqn. A5 reduces to
- dmi.
= (k3/I’,,,,)dt
which, upon integration over the same limits, gives the expression shown in eqn. 20.
Analyte or molecule of interest
Immobilized ligand or binding site
Analyte located in the flowing mobile phase and stagnant
mobile phase, respectively
Analyte-ligand complex
Column length; number of slices in the computer model
Void volume; elution volume of a small, non-retained solV,
Excluded volume; elution volume of a large, non-retained
solute; volume of flowing mobile phase in the column
Pore volume; VP = V,,, - V,; volume of stagnant mobile
phase in the column
Excluded linear velocity; linear velocity of an large, excluded solute through the column
Volumetric flow-rate of solvent
Forward and reverse mass transfer rate constants for
kl,k- 1
transfer of solute between the flowing and stagnant mobile phases
Mass transfer equilibrium constant; K1 = kl/k-l
VP/ Ve
Adsorption and desorption rate constants for the interaction of analyte and ligand in the stagnant mobile phase
Equilibrium constant for the binding of analyte to ligand;
K3 = kJk-3
Moles of free, or unbound, ligand immobilized on the
mL zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
stationary phase
Moles of E, and E, in the column
Total amount of E applied to the column
Concentration of E,, L, etc. in the stagnant mobile phase;
etc. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
mn,/ VP, mt.1V,, etc.
Moles of E,, L, etc. in the slice of interest during a given
Non-retained fraction of analyte eluting from the column;
free fraction
Free fraction term as used in eqns. 5, 7, 8 and 16
-l/in zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Apparent first-order adsorption rate constant under linML1
ear elution conditions
Reduced velocity for the diffusion-limited case (see eqn.
Reduced velocity for the adsorption-limited case (see eqn.
Relative amount of analyte applied to the column; Load
= mEtots,/mL
Diffusional slope term of eqn. 7
Adsorption slope term of eqn. 7
Capacity factor
Number of slices examined in the simulation model in
eqn. 21
One unit of time in the simulation model
One unit of length in the simulation model
(k- dW&I)
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant
CHE-8305057. D.S.H. was supported by an American Chemical Society Analytical
Division Fellowship from the Proctor and Gamble Company.
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