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1993, Molecular and General Genetics MGG
1 file
We isolated a gene encoding a 218 kDa myosin-like protein from Saccharomyces cerevisiae using a monoclonal antibody directed against human platelet myosin as a probe. The protein sequence encoded by the MLP1 gene (for myosin-like protein) contains extensive stretches of a heptad-repeat pattern suggesting that the protein can form coiled coils typical of myosins. Immunolocalization experiments using affinity-purified antibodies raised against a TrpE-MLP1 fusion protein showed a dot-like structure adjacent to the nucleus in yeast cells bearing the MLP1 gene on a multicopy plasmid. In mouse epithelial cells the yeast anti-MLP1 antibodies stained the nucleus. Mutants bearing disruptions of the MLP1 gene were viable, but more sensitive to ultraviolet light than wild-type strains, suggesting an involvement of MLP1 in DNA repair. The MLP1 gene was mapped to chromosome 11, 25 cM from metl.
Revista on line de Política e Gestão Educacional, 2018
International journal for crime, justice and social democracy, 2024
In : V. Cicolani, C. Lorre, A. Hurel (dir.), " Le printemps de l'archéologie préhistorique. Autour de Gabriel de Mortillet", Dan@ 11, UNA éditions, p. 177-195., 2024
Chercher à comprendre l'oeuvre et la postérité de Gabriel de Mortillet revient, pour une large part, à questionner le contexte d'émulation propre à l'émergence des études préhistoriques. Par-delà la figure charismatique du maître, les actes de ce colloque nous invitent en effet à déporter notre regard, à faire un pas de côté pour mieux saisir les conditions historiques du développement de la discipline. Car, derrière Mortillet - ou plutôt à ses côtés -, ce sont certaines des personnalités majeures de la génération 1860 qui s'esquissent ; celles précisément qui ont fondé l'anthropologie préhistorique au sens où on l'entendait durant le second tiers du XIX e siècle. La plupart d'entre elles nous sont connues ; d'autres, confusément perçues car tenues à distance, nous échappent pour une large part. Parmi ces figures, celle de Guillaume-Joseph Bailleau (1830-1909) se distingue par l'originalité et l'ampleur de son parcours. Longtemps restée confidentielle, elle est aujourd'hui mise en lumière par un solide dossier des sources, constitué pour l'essentiel d'archives inédites. Il met en exergue une personnalité de premier plan, dont la pratique archéologique, entre terrain et collection, lui permit très tôt d'envisager, sous un jour singulier, les enjeux épistémologiques de la Préhistoire naissante.
Program Studi Computer Engineering Politeknik Telkom Bandung 2010 ABSTRAK ABSTRAK Mobilitas yang tinggi dari pengguna internet membuat pengguna hotspot menjadi tuntutan. Walaupun secara umum teknoologi wireless masih belum bisa mengalahkan teknologi pendahulunya (wired), perlu dipertimbangkan peningkatan mobilitas yang luar biasa pada teknologi wireless. Pertemuan bisnis yang memerlukan koneksi internet dapat dilakukan tidak terbatas diruangan rumah makan saja, tetapi disemua area rumah makan. Pada proyek akhir ini akan dibahas pembangunan jaringan komputer "hotspot", Manajemen bandwith serta proxy server di Rumah Makan Sinar Banyumas menggunakan EasyHotspot. EasyHotspot merupakan software yang menggabungkan beberapa software opensource lain menjadi satu sehingga kita bisa mendapatkan manajemen billing hotspot yang sangat membantu. Tulisan ini menjelaskan mengenai rancang bangun jaringan hotspot, manajemen bandwith serta proxy server guna membatasi akses internet client. Penjelasan yang dilakukan mengenai cara konfigurasi hotspot dan pengaturan billing plan, pembatasan kecepatan download maupun upload, pembatasan hak akses user serta menyediakan layanan hotspot yang mudah diakses oleh client. Kata kunci : hotspot, proxy server
Scripta Theologica
Llama la atención el arranque de la Encíclica: es una enunciado sucinto. A la cabeza de una introducción extensa-más amplia incluso que algunos capítulos-y tras evadir el protocolo acostumbrado, según el cual la primera oración del texto tiende a ser anchurosa, Juan Pablo II condensa en cuatro términos el sendero argumental de su escrito: Ecclesia de Eucharistia vivit. El verbo vivit presenta aquí una fuerte connotación experiencial, litúrgica y mística 1. Al carácter contundente de este inicio corresponde no casualmente lo temprano de la cita de otra expresión no menos contundente: «La sagrada Eucaristía contiene todo el bien espiritual de la Iglesia» 2. Ambas proposiciones presentan una unidad convergente, ambas se sitúan en la cabecera de la Encíclica. La última da razón de la primera: porque en la Eucaristía halla su domicilio todo bien y toda gracia, la Iglesia vive de ella. Y así, desde su comienzo mismo, la Encíclica subraya que, en la Iglesia, la Eucaristía reviste un carácter culminante. Este adjetivo traduce la realidad de que en la Eucaristía tenemos el sacrificio redentor de Jesús, su adoración 3. Una 87 SCRIPTA THEOLOGICA 36 (2004/1) 87-109
Arqueología y Territorio Medieval, 2014
This article responds to recent work by Michel Kazanski and Patrick Périn, defending the ability of archaeology to recognise ethnic identity in the burial record of the early Middle Ages. After summarising the main outlines of their argument, it takes the components of their hypothesis in turn and subjects them to analysis. This analysis is based around the archaeological evidence and what it can and cannot say without the intrusion of preconceptions drawn from a (usually oldfashioned) reading of historical sources. After finding the argument wanting even on its own terms, the article concludes by looking at the nature of ethnicity itself and whether it is likely to leave such obvious and straightforward traces in the archaeological record.
Practical Theology
IJOT 17, 2022
Abstract The Protestant movement, which changed Europe definitively from Mediaeval Europe to Modern Europe, has been accepted after a very violent struggle of more than one hundred years, starting in 1517, when Martin Luther, professor of moral theology at the University of Wittenberg and town preacher, wrote the Ninety-Five Theses against the contemporary practices of the Church with respect to indulgences, etc. The Roman CatholicChurch, practically the only Christian church in Western Europe, reacted very violently. The Dutch who massly converted to Protestantism although Calvinist variant were harshly suppressed by Catholic Lords from Spain. Violent Dutch independence War that lasted from 1568 until 1648and the Thirty Years’ War 1618–1648. Protestantism as a European religion was accepted at the end with peace in Westphalia in 1648 when the new European order of states were formed and Protestantism was legalized and accepted by teh Catholic States and Church. As such, the Westphalia Peace Treaty was considered the first international legal document that accepted Protestantism. There is another neglected international document, however, composed thirty-six years earlier than the Westphalia agreement (1612) that for the first time recognized Protestantism (under the name of Lutheranism). In this document of Turkish Sultan Ahmed I the members of the new form of Christianity were put under the protection of Turkish Sultan. This document as such is the earliest document that recognizes Protestantism and is the subject of this article. 1. Dutch Uprising
Bulletin of the Comediantes, 2018
Iranian Rehabilitation Journal (IRJ), 2024
Frontiers in psychology, 2024
The AAG review of books, 2016
The American Journal of Cardiology, 1992
Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, 1989
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2020
AIP Conference Proceedings
Drug and Alcohol Review, 2021
Computer Graphics Forum, 2020
Analytica Chimica Acta, 2004
Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia, 2013