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Case Report
Carpal tunnel syndrome caused by cysticercosis
S. R. Sharma, Nalini Sharma, M. E. Yeolekar
North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Shillong, India
Address for correspondence: Dr. Shri Ram Sharma, North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Shillong, India.
[email protected]
We present a case of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) due to compression of the median nerve
within the carpal tunnel, caused by cysticercosis. Nerve conduction studies revealed severe CTS.
Magnetic resonance imaging suggested an inflammatory mass compressing the median nerve
in carpal tunnel. The histological diagnosis was consistent with cysticercosis. The case resolved
with conservative treatment. Such solitary presentation of entrapment median neuropathy as CTS
caused by cysticercosis is extremely rare. To our knowledge, this is the only case of its kind reported
in literature till date.
Carpal tunnel syndrome; cysticercosis; entrapment neuropathy; median nerve
arpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a constellation of
signs and symptoms resulting from compression
of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel.[1] CTS is
the most commonly encountered entrapment neuropathy
with an incidence of 139 per 100,000 person-years for
men and 506 per 100,000 person-years for women.[2] The
classic symptoms of CTS are numbness and paraesthesia
in the first three fingers of the hand, which is commonly
exacerbated at night.[3] The diagnostic signs include
sensory loss along the lateral aspect of the hand, motor
weakness and wasting of abductor pollicis brevis (APB)
muscle and eliciting Tinel’s and Phalen’s sign at the wrist.
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Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery July-December 2010 Vol 43 Issue 2
The nerve conduction study (NCS) study is a definite
diagnostic test for CTS, with a high degree of sensitivity
and specificity(4). Taenia solium, the pork tapeworm is
endemic in Mexico, Central and South America, Africa,
India, Pakistan and China. Human cysticercosis is caused
by dissemination of embryos of T. solium from the
intestine via the hepatoportal system to the tissues and
organs of the body.[5] Apart from the involvement of the
central nervous system, subcutaneous tissue and muscle
by cysticercosis, less frequently, cysticerci may localise in
other organs like eyes, tongue, oral cavity, breast, heart
and lungs.[6-8]
We present a case of CTS due to compression of the
median nerve within the carpal tunnel, caused by
A 38-year-old man presented with progressively
worsening tingling, pins and needles in the radial four
digits, loss of strength and awakening nocturnal pain in
Sharma, et al.: Carpal tunnel syndrome caused by cysticercosis
the right hand of 2 years duration. Physical examination
showed swelling measuring 3–4 cm over volar aspect
of the wrist. A mild thenar atrophy was observed and
phalen’s test and tinel’s sign were positive. NCS of the
median nerve revealed an absence of digit to wrist
sensory Nerve Action Potential (NAP) on the right side
and distal motor latency was 6.2 ms. Needle Electro Myography findings included fibrillation activity, decreased
recruitment and abnormalities (large and long duration
polyphasic Motor Unit Potentials (MUPs) in configuration
of MUPs. The left hand was neurophysiologically intact.
Both clinical symptoms and signs and neurophysiological
tests [according to American Association of the Electro
diagnostic Medicine (AAEM) criteria] showed severe CTS
in right hand, while the left hand was completely healthy,
implying a secondary disease. Magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) [Figure 1] with contrast revealed a sharply
defined elliptical mass enhancing with contrast, in the
deep palmar space extending into the carpal tunnel and
compressing the median nerve. Fine needle aspiration
cytology revealed a chronic inflammatory mass infiltrated
with predominantly macrophages and lymphocytes
and parasitic fragments, consistent with cysticerosis.
Cysticercus serology was positive. He was started
on a short course of steroids for 2 weeks, along with
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The hand was put
on a splint and physiotherapy was started. There was
remarkable improvement in symptoms with reduction
of swelling size. Although surgical excision was initially
planned, since he improved by conservative management
alone, it was abandoned. He became asymptomatic and
his deformity completely corrected in 2.5 months of
It is widely known that idiopathic CTS usually presents
with bilateral symptoms.[9-11] In patients who present
with unilateral symptoms, 38–50% were reported to
have positive electro diagnostic test results in the
asymptomatic, contralateral hand.[12] CTS is the most
common entrapment neuropathy, with a prevalence of
10–20% for symptoms in the population-based studies. [13]
Space-occupying lesions are known to cause CTS and
the incidence of space-occupying lesions in unilateral
CTS is higher than that in bilateral CTS.[14] Cysticercosis
is a systematic illness caused by dissemination of the
larval forms of the pork tapeworm, T. solium. Man is the
definitive host for T. solium, and humans acquire this
disease by ingesting the eggs of T. solium from food or
water contaminated by human faeces or autoinfection.
The larvae enter the bloodstream, migrate, and encyst in
tissue, usually striated muscle or brain. Less frequently,
cysticerci may localise in other organs. The encysted
larvae may remain asymptomatic or may provoke
granulomatous inflammatory response depending on the
anatomical site.[5]
The presenting muscle symptoms of cysticercosis vary
greatly. Unlike ceberal disease, muscle cysticercosis is
not grave but can cause morbidity of varying severity.[15,16]
Most of the patients are asymptomatic, and characteristic
elliptical, calcified lesions are detected incidentally on
plain X-Ray films of the extremities. It can also present as
acute myositis as a result of a host inflammatory response
to dying larvae, as mass lesions, myopathy, or rarely as
muscular pseudo hypertrophy, depending on the parasite
Figure 1: MRI wrist joint showing compression of median nerve by
Apart from peripheral neuropathy, cranial nerve
neuropathies caused by cysticerosis, involving the
second, third, fourth and fifth cranial nerves, have been
described in the literature.[17-18]
Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery July-December 2010 Vol 43 Issue 2
Sharma, et al.: Carpal tunnel syndrome caused by cysticercosis
Investigations in entrapment neuropathy cases are
directed to confirm the area of entrapment and to
document the extent of the pathology. Cysticerci are
rarely seen in plain radiographs as multiple fusiform, cigar
shaped calcifications within the muscles or as multiple
punctuate soft tissue calcifications. MRI is far superior to
computed tomography in detecting and evaluating the
stage of cysticercosis.[19] The radiographic appearance of
cysticercosis correlates with its pathological features and
reflects the stage of maturation of the disease. Initially,
when the parasite is viable, a fluid-filled cyst without
peripheral enhancement is observed. Later, as in our case,
peripherally enhancing cystic lesions after gadolinium
injection are observed and correlate with the inflammatory
host-tissue response that occurs during leakage of fluid
or during death of the parasites associated with varying
amounts of oedema. The final radiographic appearance
is that of an elliptical, non–fluid-filled, calcified lesion.
The role of MRI is increasing in diagnosing entrapment
neuropathies and other pathological conditions of the
wrist. Definitive diagnosis requires histopathological
demonstration of the cysticercus. A needle or an open
biopsy is used in determining the aetiology of cutaneous
and muscular nodules.[18] It should be emphasised,
however, that the appearance of the parasite varies
with the degree of cyst degeneration or the plane of
sectioning. In our case, we found a dense accumulation
of mononuclear cells probably representing vigorous
granulomatous inflammatory response to dying larvae.
Serological diagnosis of cysticercosis gives additional
clues to the diagnosis as in our case.
varied presentation and should be a part of differential
diagnosis while evaluating CTS. Imaging studies,
especially MRI, which are usually not used in idiopathic
CTS should be remembered in patients with unilateral
symptoms, especially with a long history and when the
symptomatic hand shows severe neurophysiological
impairment. Early identification of the cause of CTS is
essential as early appropriate intervention helps to avoid
surgery and promotes complete recovery.
In cases of entrapment neuropathy, conservative
approach in the form of limb positioning using splints,
physiotherapy and anti-inflammatory drugs is tried
initially. Surgical intervention is indicated if increasing
paraesthesia occurs despite adequate conservative
treatment and at the first sign of motor changes. For
symptomatic cysticercus cysts outside the central
nervous system, the most favourable approach is
surgical resection. Hence, in our case, although initially
surgical approach was planned, surgical intervention was
withheld as the case showed dramatic improvement with
conservative management.
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Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery July-December 2010 Vol 43 Issue 2
Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.