Antenna Array Basics
Big antennas can detect faint signals much better than small antennas. A big
antenna collects a lot of electromagnetic waves just like a big bucket collects
a lot of rain. The largest single aperture antenna in the world is the Arecibo
Radio Telescope in Puerto Rico (Figure 1.1). It is 305 m wide and was build
inside a giant sinkhole. Mechanically moving this reflector is out of the
Another approach to collecting a lot of rain is to use many buckets rather
than one large one. The advantage is that the buckets can be easily carried
one at a time. Collecting electromagnetic waves works in a similar manner.
Many antennas can also be used to collect electromagnetic waves. If the output
from these antennas is combined to enhance the total received signal, then
the antenna is known as an array. An array can be made extremely large as
shown by the Square Kilometer Array radio telescope concept shown in
Figure 1.2. This array has an aperture that far exceeds any antenna ever built
(hundreds of times larger than Arecibo). It will be capable of detecting
extremely faint signals from far away objects.
An antenna array is much more complicated than a system of buckets to
collect rain. Collecting N buckets of rain water and emptying them into a large
bucket results in a volume of water equal to the sum of the volumes of the N
buckets (assuming that none is spilled). Since electromagnetic waves have a
phase in addition to an amplitude, they must be combined coherently (all the
same phase) or the sum of the signals will be much less than the maximum
possible. As a result, not only are the individual antenna elements of an array
important, but the combination of the signals through a feed network is also
equally important.
An array has many advantages over a single element. Weighting the signals
before combining them enables enhanced performance features such as interference rejection and beam steering without physically moving the aperture.
It is even possible to create an antenna array that can adapt its performance
to suit its environment. The price paid for these attractive features is increased
complexity and cost.
This chapter introduces arrays through a short historical development.
Next, a quick overview of electromagnetic theory is given. Some basic antenna
Antenna Arrays: A Computational Approach, by Randy L. Haupt
Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Figure 1.1. Arecibo Radio Telescope (courtesy of the NAIC—Arecibo Observatory,
a facility of the NSF).
150 Km
Figure 1.2. Square kilometer array concept. (Courtesy of Xilostudios.)
definitions are then presented ends before a discussion of some system considerations for arrays. Many terms and ideas that will be used throughout the
book are presented here.
The first antenna array operated in the kilohertz range. Today, arrays can
operate at virtually any frequency. Figure 1.3 is a chart of the electromagnetic
frequency spectrum most commonly used for antenna arrays. Antenna arrays
are extremely popular for use in radars in the microwave region, so that spectrum is shown in more detail.
The development of antenna arrays started over 100 years ago [1]. Brown
separated two vertical antennas by half a wavelength and fed them out of
phase [2]. He found that there was increased directivity in the plane of the
antennas. Forest also noted an increase in gain by two vertical antennas that
Figure 1.3. Frequency spectrum.
Figure 1.4. Chain Home, AMES Type 1 antenna array. (Courtesy of the National
Electronics Museum.)
formed an array [3]. Marconi performed several experiments involving multiple antennas to enhance the gain in certain directions [4]. These initial array
experiments proved vital to the development of radar.
World War II motivated countries into building arrays to detect enemy
aircraft and ships. The first bistatic radar for air defense was a network of
radar stations named “Chain Home (CH)” that received the formal designation “Air Ministry Experimental Station (AMES) Type 1” in 1940 (Figure 1.4)
[5]. The original wavelength of 26 m (11.5 MHz) interfered with commercial
broadcast, so the wavelength was reduced to 13 m (23.1 MHz). At first, the
developers thought that the signal should have a wavelength comparable to
the size of the bombers they were trying to detect in order to obtain a resonance effect. Shorter wavelengths would also reduce interference and provide
greater accuracy. Unfortunately, the short wavelengths they desired were too
difficult to generate with adequate power to be useful. By April 1937, Chain
Home was able to detect aircraft at a distance of 160 km. By August 1937,
three CH stations were in operation. The transmitter towers were about 107 m
tall and spaced about 55 m apart. Cables hung between the towers formed a
“curtain” of horizontally half-wavelength transmitting dipoles. The curtain
had a main array of eight horizontal dipole transmitting antennas above a
secondary “gapfiller” array of four dipoles. The gapfiller array covered the
low angles that the main array could not. Wooden towers for the receiving
arrays were about 76 m tall and initially had three receiving dipole antennas,
Figure 1.5. SCR-270 antenna array. (Courtesy of the National Electronics Museum.)
vertically spaced on the tower. As the war progressed, better radars were
needed. A new radar called the SCR-270 (Figure 1.5) was available in Hawaii
and detected the Japanese formation attacking Pearl Harbor. Unlike Chain
Home, it could be mechanically rotated in azimuth 360 degrees in order to
steer the beam and operated at a much higher frequency. It had 4 rows of 8
horizontally oriented dipoles and operates at 110 MHz [6].
After World War II, the idea of moving the main beam of the array by
changing the phase of the signals to the elements in the array (originally tried
by F. Braun [7]) was pursued. Friis presented the theory behind the antenna
pattern for a two element array of loop antennas and experimental results that
validated his theory [8]. Two elements were also used for finding the direction
of incidence of an electromagnetic wave [9]. Mutual coupling between elements in an array was recognized to be very important in array design at a
very early date [10]. A phased array in which the main beam was steered using
adjustable phase shifters was reported in 1937 [11]. The first volume scanning
array (azimuth and elevation) was presented by Spradley [12]. The ability to
scan without moving is invaluable to military applications that require
extremely high speed scans as in an aircraft. As such, the parabolic dish antennas that were once common in the nose of aircraft have been replaced by
phased array antennas (Figure 1.6).
Figure 1.6. The old reflector dishes in the nose of aircraft have been replaced by
phased array antennas. (Courtesy of the National Electronics Museum.)
Analysis and synthesis methods for phased array antennas were developed
by Schelkunoff [13] and Dolph [14]. Their static weighting schemes resulted
in the development of low sidelobe arrays that are resistant to interference
entering the sidelobes. These later formed that basis of the theory of digital
filters. In the 1950s, Howells and Applebaum invented the idea of dynamically
changing these weights to reject interence [15]. Their work laid the foundation
for adaptive, smart, and reconfigurable antenna arrays that are still being
researched today.
Improvements in electronics allowed the increase in the number of elements as well as an increase in the frequency of operation of arrays. The
development of transmit–receive (T/R) modules have reduced the cost and
size of phased array antennas [16]. Computer technology improved the modeling and design of array antennas as well as the operation of the phased arrays.
Starting in the 1960s, new solid-state phase shifters resulted in the first practical large-scale passive electronically scanned array (PESA). A PESA scans a
volume of space much more quickly than a mechanically rotating antenna.
Typically, a klystron tube or some other high-power source provided the
transmit power that was divided amongst the radiating elements. These antennas were ground- and ship-based until the electronics became small and light
enough to place on aircraft. The Electronically Agile Radar (EAR) is an
example of a large PESA that had 1818 phase shifting modules (Figure 1.7).
Active electronically scanned arrays (AESA) became possible with the development of gallium arsenide components in the 1980s. These arrays have many
transmit/receive (T/R) modules that control the signals at each element in
the array.
Today, very complex phased arrays can be manufactured over a wide range
of frequencies and performing very complex functions [17]. As an example,
the SBX-1 is the largest X-band antenna array in the world (Figure 1.8) [18].
It is part of the US Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS) that tracks and
identifies long-range missiles approaching the United States. The radar is
mounted on a modified, self-propelled, semi-submersible oil platform that
Figure 1.7. EAR array. (Courtesy of the National Electronics Museum.)
travels at knots and is designed to be stable in high winds and rough seas.
Through mechanical and electronic scanning, the radar can cover 360° in
azimuth and almost 90° in elevation. There are 45,000 GaAs transmit/receive
modules that make up the 284-m2 active aperture. Figure 1.9 shows the array
being placed on the modified oil platform. A radome is placed over the array
to protect it from the elements (Figure 1.10).
Before delving into the theory of antenna arrays, a review of some basic electromagnetic theory is in order. The frequency of an electromagnetic wave
depends on the acceleration of charges in the source. Accelerating charges
produce time-varying electromagnetic waves and vice versa. The radiated
waves are a function of time and space. Assume that the electromagnetic fields
are linear and time harmonic (vary sinusoidally with time). The total electromagnetic field at a point is the superposition of all the time harmonic fields at
that point. If the field is periodic in time, the temporal part of the wave has a
complex Fourier series expansion of the form
E (t ) =
1 f0
∑ an e j 2π nf0t
n =−∞
where an = f0 ∫0 E ( t ) e − j 2π ntf0 = Fourier coefficients and f0 is the fundamental
frequency. The fundamental frequency determines where the wave is centered
Figure 1.8. SBX-1 X-band antenna array. (Courtesy of Missile Defense Agency
History Office.)
Figure 1.9. SBX-1 array being loaded on board the platform. (Courtesy of Missile
Defense Agency History Office.)
Figure 1.10. SBX-1 deployed inside a radome. (Courtesy of Missile Defense Agency
History Office.)
on the frequency spectrum in Figure 1.3. If the electromagnetic field is periodic
or aperiodic, it has the following temporal Fourier transform pair:
E (t ) =
∫ E ( f )e
− j 2 π ft
E( f ) =
∫ E (t ) e
j 2 π ft
Equations (1.1), (1.2) and (1.3) illustrate how any time-varying electromagnetic field may be represented by a spectrum of its frequency components.
E(t) is the superposition of properly weighted fields at the appropriate frequencies. Superimposing and weighting the fields of the individual frequencies
comprising the waveform. Traditional electromagnetics analysis examines a
single-frequency component, and then it assumes that more complex waves
are generated by a weighted superposition of many frequencies.
Equations (1.1), (1.2) and (1.3) do not take the vector nature of the fields
into account. A single-frequency electromagnetic field (Fourier component)
is represented in rectangular coordinates as
ˆ x cos ( 2π ft ) + yE
ˆ y cos ( 2π ft + ψ y ) + zE
ˆ z cos ( 2π ft + ψ z )
E ( t ) = xE
where x̂, ŷ, and ẑ are the unit vectors in the x, y, and z directions; Ex, Ey, and
Ez are the magnitudes of the electric fields in the x, y, and z directions; and
ψy and ψz are the phases of the y and z components relative to the x component. Using Euler’s identity, (1.4) may also be written as
E ( t ) = Re {Ee j 2π ft }
where E represents the complex steady-state phasor (time independent) of
the electric field and is written as
ˆ x + yE
ˆ y e jψ y + zE
ˆ z e jψ z
E = xE
and Ex, Ey, and Ez are functions of x, y, and z and are not a function of t.
Maxwell’s equations in differential and integral form are shown in Table
1.1. Note that the ejωt time factor is omitted, because it is common to all components. Variables in these equations are defined as follows:
electric field strength (volts/m)
electric flux density (coulombs/m2 )
magnetic field strength (amperes/m)
magnetic flux density (webers/m2 )
electric current density (amperes/m2)
electric charge density (coulombs/m3)
magnetic current density (volts/m2)
magnetic charge density (webers/m3)
total electric charge contained in S (coulombs)
total magnetic charge contained in S (coulombs)
closed surface (m2)
closed contour line (m)
Electric sources are due to charge. Magnetic sources are fictional but are often
useful in representing fields in slots and apertures.
Each of the equations in Table 1.1 is a set of three scalar equations. There
are too many unknowns to solve these equations, so additional information is
necessary and comes in the form of constitutive parameters that are a function
of the material properties. The constitutive relations for a linear, isotropic,
homogeneous medium provide the remaining necessary equations to solve for
the unknown field quantities.
D=ε E
J=σ E
TABLE 1.1. Maxwell’s Equations in Differential and Integral Form
∇ × E= −jωB − Jm
∫ E ⋅ dl = − jω ∫∫ B ⋅ ds − ∫∫ Jm ⋅ ds
∇ × H= jωD + J
∇ · D= ρev
∫ H ⋅ dl = jω ∫∫ D ⋅ ds + ∫∫ J ⋅ ds
Gauss electric
∫∫ D ⋅ ds = Qe
Gauss magnetic
∇ · B= ρmv
∫∫ B ⋅ ds = Qm
where the constitutive parameters describe the material properties and are
defined as follows:
permeability (henries/m)
permittivity or dielectric constant (farads/m)
conductivity (siemens/m)
Assuming the constant to be scalars is an over simplification. In today’s world,
antenna designers must take into account materials with special properties,
such as
Superconducting materials
Ferromagnetic materials
Smart materials
Chiral materials
Conducting polymers
Electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) materials
Antenna design relies upon a complex repitroire of different materials that
will provide the desired performance characteristics.
Spatial differential equations have only general solutions until boundary
conditions are specified. If these equations still had the time dependence
factor, then initial conditions would also have to be specified. The boundary
conditions for the field components at the interface between two media are
given by
The tangential electric field:
n̂ × ( E1 − E 2 ) = − J m
The normal magnetic flux density:
n̂ ⋅ ( B1 − B2 ) = ρms
The tangential magnetic field:
n̂ × ( H1 − H 2 ) = Js
The normal electric flux density:
n̂ ⋅ ( D1 − D2 ) = ρes
where subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the two different media, ρms is the magnetic
surface charge density (coulombs/m2), and ρes is the electric surface charge
density (webers/m2).
Maxwell’s equations in conjunction with the constitutive parameters
and boundary conditions allow us to find quantitative values of the field
Power is an important antenna quantity and has units of watts or volts times
amps. Multiplying the electric field and the magnetic field produces units of
W/m2 or power density. The complex Poynting vector describes the power
flow of the fields via
Re {E × H*}
Note that the direction of propagation (direction that S points) is perpendicular to the plane containing the E and H vectors. S is the power flux density,
so ∇ · S is the volume power density leaving a point. A conservation of energy
equation can be derived in the form of
⎛ε E2 µ H2⎞
∫∫∫ ⎜⎝ 2 + 2 ⎟⎠ dv
The terms 21 ε E and 21 µ H are the electric and magnetic energy densities,
respectively. Finally, E · J* represents the power density dissipated.
The sources that generated the current on the antenna or the voltage across
the terminal of the antenna must be known in order to calculate the fields
radiated by the antenna. There is an analytical approach to finding fields for
some very simple antennas in which the current on the antenna is postulated.
In most practical cases, however, the fields must be found using numerical
methods. This section presents an approach for analytically finding fields for
simple antennas that also forms the basis for some numerical approaches in
the frequency domain.
1.3.1. The Wave Equation
A time-varying current on an antenna is the input to a linear system called
free space. The output is the radiated electromagnetic field. The simplest
conceivable antenna is called an isotropic point source, and it radiates equally
in all directions. At a constant distance from the source (the surface of an
imaginary sphere), the amplitude and phase of the electromagnetic field
radiated by the point source is the same at a given instant in time. Point
sources don’t really exist. However, certain radiating objects, such as stars,
behave as though they were point sources when the observer is far away. If a
point source is modeled as a spatial impulse, then an impulse response must
exist for free space. Once the impulse response is known, then the output is
found by convolving an input with the impulse response. This approach to
finding the fields radiated by an antenna is identical to finding the impulse
response of a filter.
The quest for the impulse response of free space (also called the free-space
Green function) begins with the vector wave equation for the electric field
with only electric sources. It is derived by taking the curl of Faraday’s law and
substituting Ampere’s law into the right-hand side.
∇ × ∇ × E = − jωµ∇ × H = − jωµ ( jωε E + J ) = k 2 E − jωµ J
The left-hand side of this equation may be converted to a more convenient
form using the vector identity ∇ × ∇ × E = ∇(∇ · E) − ∇2E and substituting
Gauss’ law.
∇ 2 E + k 2 E = jωµσ J + ∇ρev
This equation is very useful when there are no sources, because E is easy to
find. Unfortunately, the sources are in terms of both J and ρev. Thus, in order
to calculate the fields radiated by an antenna or scattering object, both J and
ρev must be known.
Our goal is to have one vector quantity on the left-hand side of the equation and one source quantity on the right-hand side. In order to achieve this
goal, a wave equation is found for the magnetic vector potential A. Then, E
and H are found from A. The derivation of the wave equation for the vector
magnetic potential starts by defining A from Gauss’ law, ∇ · B = 0, and the
vector identity ∇ · ∇ × A = 0.
Substituting (1.18) into Faraday’s law gives
∇ × ( E + jω A ) = 0
Recognizing that (1.19) fits the form of the vector identity ∇ × ∇V = 0, E is
defined as
−∇V = E + jω A
E = − jω A − ∇ V
where V is an arbitrary scalar potential. The next step is to substitute (1.18)
and (1.21) into Ampere’s law to get
∇ × ∇ × A = jωε ( − jω A − ∇V ) + J
which may be rewritten as
∇ 2 A + k 2 A = − µ J + ∇ (∇ ⋅ A + jωµεV )
by using the vector identity ∇ × ∇ × A = ∇(∇ · A) − ∇2A, defining k2 = ω2µε,
and rearranging the terms. Since V and A are arbitrary (we took them from
some vector identities), we can define our own relationship between them.
Looking at (1.23), the choice for relating V and A that would greatly simplify
the equation is
∇ ⋅ A + jωεµV = 0
This relationship between A and V is known as the Lorentz condition. Using
the Lorenz condition in (1.23) yields the wave equation.
∇2A + k 2 A = − µJ
A similar derivation for magnetic sources yields another wave equation.
∇ 2 F + k 2 F = −ε Jm
where F is the electric vector potential for the fictional magnetic current.
1.3.2. Point Sources
If the source in (1.25) is an impulse function or a point source, then it is represented in rectangular coordinates as
J ( x ′, y′, z′ ) = J ( r ′ ) = δ ( x ′ )δ ( y′ )δ ( z′ )
The field characteristics of a point source are most simply defined in terms of
θ and φ. The z-component of (1.25) outside the origin.becomes
1 ∂ 2 ∂Az
+ k 2 Az = 0
r 2 ∂r
The θ and φ variations are zero, so the wave equation is only a function of r,
the distance from the origin to the point of observation. The impulse response
of free space, G(r), is found by substituting Az = G(r)/r into (1.28) to get
d 2G (r )
+ k 2G ( r ) = 0
dr 2
where r= rr̂ = xx̂ + yŷ + zẑ and r = |r|. Solving this equation for G(r) results in
two solutions. Since the assumed time dependence is ejωt, the first solution
represents waves traveling away from the point source (transmit antenna)
G (r ) =
e − jkr
4π r
and the second solution represents waves traveling toward the point source
(receive antenna)
G (r ) =
e jkr
4π r
Theoretically, real antennas consist of a collection of point sources. Their
far-field patterns are a convolution of the current on the antenna (J) with G.
An antenna may be thought to consist of point sources distributed throughout
space. When a point source is at (x′, y′, z′) instead of at the origin, it is represented as
J ( R ) = δ ( x − x ′ )δ ( y − y′ )δ ( z − z′ )
δ ( r − r ′ )δ (θ − θ ′ )δ (φ − φ ′ )
4π r ′ 2
If the point source is at the origin, then
J (r ′ ) =
δ (r ′ )
4π r ′ 2
e − jkR
4π R
and the free-space Green function is
G (r r ′ ) =
where r′= x′x̂ + y′ŷ + z′ẑ, r′ = |r′|, and R = |r − r′|.
To summarize, the electromagnetic fields radiated by an antenna may be
found by the following steps:
1. Postulate the current on the antenna (J). This may be done experimentally, analytically, numerically, or a reasonable guess.
2. Calculate A by convolving the J and or F by convolving the Jm with G
for each vector component:
A = µ ∫∫∫ J ( r ′ )
e − jkR
4π R
F = ε ∫∫∫ J m ( r ′ )
e − jkR
4π R
3. Calculate H:
∇ × A − jω F − j
∇ (∇ i F )
4. Calculate E from Ampere’s law:
∇×H− ∇×F
The next two subsections demonstrate this procedure on simple antennas.
Figure 1.11. Hertzian dipole along the z axis.
1.3.3. Hertzian Dipole
A Hertzian dipole is a straight-wire antenna that is 2a long and is very small
compared to a wavelength (2a << λ). We follow the steps of the previous
section to find the radiated fields. If the antenna lies along the z axis, then it
can be modeled as a line of point sources from z = −a to z = a (Figure 1.11).
Since the antenna is so small, the current is approximately a constant, J =
ẑI0δ(x′)δ(y′) along the length of the wire. The magnetic vector potential is
given by
Az = µ ∫ − a ∫ −∞ ∫ −∞I 0δ ( x ′ )δ ( y′ )
e − jk r −z′
dx ′dy′ dz′
4π r − z′
This integral simplifies to
Az =
µ ( 2a) I 0 e − jkr
4π r
given the following assumptions:
R = r − z′ ≃ r
2a λ
2a R
I ( z′ ) is a constant = I 0
This solution has a variable r that is one of the dimensions of a spherical
coordinate system yet has a vector component that is in a rectangular
coordinate system. In order to put everything in one coordinate system, the z
component is converted to spherical coordinates.
2aµ I 0 − jkr
rˆ cos θ − qˆ sin θ
4π r
The electric and magnetic fields are derived from (1.35) and (1.36):
jk 1
2aµ I 0 Z ⎡
⎛ k 2 jk 1 ⎞ ⎤ − jkr
− 2 + 3 ⎟ q̂ ⎥ e
2 cosθ ⎛ 2 + 3 ⎞ rˆ − sin θ ⎜ −
⎝ r
r ⎠
r ⎠ ⎦
4π k ⎣
2aµ I 0 sin θ ⎛ jk 1 ⎞ − jkr
e ĵ
⎝ r r2 ⎠
where Z is the impedance given by
A short distance from the antenna, the 1/r2 and 1/r3 terms quickly become
negligible compared to the 1/r term:
E = j 2aZI 0 k sin θ
e − jkr
4π r
H = j 2aZI 0 k sin θ
e − jkr
4π r
Equations (1.45) and (1.46) are far-field equations because the electric and
magnetic fields are orthogonal to each other and to the direction of propagation. Another property of the far field evident from these equations is that the
electric and magnetic fields are related by
E = −Zrˆ × H
rˆ × E
The power flow is shown to be in the radial direction by calculating the
complex Poynting vector given by
I Z0 a2 k 2 sin 2 θ
E × H* = rˆ 0
8π 2 r 2
Thus, the power radiated is a function of 1/r2, which is the same as an individual point source. Unlike the isotropic point source, the Hertzian dipole has
Figure 1.12. Small loop model.
preferred directions of radiation and reception as given by the sin θ term. It is
also polarized: The electric field is described by a vector.
1.3.4. Small Loop
Point sources may also be placed side-by-side to form a loop as shown in
Figure 1.12. Assume the loop is so small that the current is constant on the
loop and is given by
I (φ ) =
δ (θ − 90°)δ ( r − a) ˆ
The magnetic vector potential is found from
2π π ∞
µ I (φ ′ )
− jkR 2
∫ ∫ ∫ jˆ 4π R e r ′ sin θ ′dr ′dθ ′dφ ′
0 00
where R is given by
R = r − r ′ = ( r − r ′ ) ⋅ ( r − r ′ ) = r 2 + r ′ 2 − 2r ⋅ r ′
= r 2 + a2 − 2ar {sin θ ( cos φ cos φ ′ − sin φ sin φ ′ )}
The observation distance is assumed to be much greater than the loop diameter (r >> a). Factor r out of the radical, then the a2/r2 inside the radical is very
small and can be ignored. Since a/r is also very small, the binomial expansion
for the square root gives an accurate approximation:
R ≃ r − a sin θ ( cos φ ′ + sin φ sin φ ′ )
The second term contributes little to the amplitude of the magnetic vector
potential, because its maximum value is a. For instance, if r is 100 m and a is
1 m, then the amplitude of A decreases by about 1%. Thus, R ⯝ r in the
denominator. However, the same 1% increase in R produces a 180° phase shift
at a frequency of 600 MHz, and (1.53) must be used in the phase term. Making
the proper substitutions into (1.51) yields
µ I 0 π ∞ 2π δ (θ ′ − 90°)δ ( r ′ − a) e − jk[r −a sinθ (cosφcosφ ′+ sin φ sin φ ′ )] 2
r ′ sin θ ′dr ′dθ ′dφ ′ĵ
∫∫ ∫
4π 0 0 0
Integrating over θ′ and r′, substituting the rectangular representation of φ′,
and making the small phase angle approximation ejx ⯝ 1 + jx reduces the
equation to
µ I 0 ae − jβ r
4π r
∫ (− xˆ sin φ ′ + yˆ cos φ ′ ) [1 + jka sin θ (cos φ cos φ ′ + sin φ sin φ ′ )] dφ ′ĵ
After performing the final integration and substituting jˆ = − xˆ sin φ + yˆ cos φ ,
jµkπ a2 I 0 sin θ e − jkr
4π r
1 ∂
Mk 2 sin θ − jkr ˆ
∇×A = −
e q
(rAφ ) qˆ = −
4π r
µ r ∂r
The magnetic field is
where M = πa2I0 is the dipole moment of the small current loop. The electric
field is given by
E = −Zrˆ × H = −
MZk 2 sin θ − jkr ˆ
e q
4π r
These equations have a form similar to those for the Hertzian dipole and are
called dual formulations. The analysis of larger loops is more complicated
because one cannot assume that a is small compared to λ, so the current is not
constant in amplitude and phase around the loop.
1.3.5. Plane Waves
A plane wave is a transverse electromagnetic (TEM) wave having constant
amplitude and phase in an infinite plane in space at an instant in time. A TEM
wave has the electric and magnetic fields orthogonal to the direction of propagation. The plane wave travels in the direction orthogonal to the plane. Thus,
a plane wave is described by a vector or an angle of propagation and magnitude and phase of the field in the plane. The propagation vector points in the
direction of propagation and is written as
k = kx xˆ + k y yˆ + kzzˆ
where the propagation constants in the x, y, and z directions are given by
kx =
= k sin θ cos φ
ky =
= k sin θ sin φ
kz =
= k cos θ
and the projections of the wavelength onto the x, y, and z directions are given
by λx, λy, and λz.
Even though the point source and plane wave are mathematical and conceptual models, we relate them in a very practical way, because we are often
only interested in a portion of the angular extent of the field. When the spherical wave of a transmit antenna impinges on the receive antenna, how spherical
does it look? As the distance between the antennas increases, the incident
wave looks less curved. At some distance R the incident wave can be said to
be a plane wave relative to the receive antenna or over a local extent. This
approximation is extremely important in antenna measurements. As a rule of
thumb (and IEEE definition [19]), a receive antenna is in the far field of a
point source when the maximum phase deviation across the aperture is less
than λ/16 or π/8 radians. Figure 1.13 shows the simple trigonometric derivation
for the far-field formula given by
2 D2
where R is the distance from the point source to the receive antenna and D
is the largest dimension of the receive antenna. For high-performance (lowsidelobe) antennas, a stricter error tolerance may be needed, and the far field
will be a greater distance from the antenna.
Figure 1.13. Derivation of the definition of far field.
Antennas transmit and/or receive signals. From a circuit point of view, the
antenna appears as a load on a transmission line. An antenna is matched when
the signal from the transmission line is radiated and not reflected back to the
transmitter. Determining the impedance of this load and matching it to the
feed line is important. An antenna may also be considered a filter. The filter
passes electromagnetic waves with desirable frequency, directional, and polarization attributes. These models are widely used in antenna design and are
described in the next sections.
1.4.1. An Antenna as a Circuit Element
A radiating system consists of an oscillating source to generate a signal, a
transmission line or waveguide, and an antenna to transform that signal to an
electromagnetic wave. Not all the power generated by the transmitter goes to
the antenna. Transmission lines and connectors between the source and
antenna become potential sources for degradation due to mismatches, radiation loss, and heat loss. A guided wave traveling along a transmission line
reflects from any discontinuity, or point in the transmission path where the
impedance changes. These reflections set up a standing wave in the line which
stores energy and reduces the amount of power delivered to the intended load
(antenna). The standing wave ratio (SWR) is the ratio of the maximum to
minimum value of the voltage standing wave established by the reflections.
SWR is a common measure used in matching guided wave components and
is calculated by
Vmax 1 + Γ L
Vmin 1 − Γ L
where ΓL is the reflection coefficient at the discontinuity. An SWR of 1 indicates a perfect match. The reflection coefficient is the ratio of the reflected to
incident voltages at the discontinuity
ΓL =
Vreflected ZL − Z0
Vincident ZL + Z0
where Z0 is the transmission line impedance and ZL is the discontinuity impedance. Frequently, ΓL is also called s11 from the s parameters. Impedances are
a function of frequency, so SWR is often used to establish the frequency range
or bandwidth in which an antenna can be used. In most cases, an SWR < 2 or
s11 < −10 dB define the bandwidth limits. One needs to be careful comparing
the bandwidth of two antennas. Sometimes, for receive antennas, the bandwidth is defined over the frequency range when VSWR ≤ 3. It is more important to have a low VSWR for a transmit antenna, because the reflected power
can be high enough to damage circuits.
Signal power escapes from the circuit through radiation or heating.
Radiation losses occur when the signal leaks from the transmission path by
way of connectors or the open sides of microstrip lines. Thermal losses result
when resistance in the transmission line converts part of the signal to heat.
Resistance comes from the imperfect conductors and dielectrics that make up
the transmission line. The reduced power delivered to the antenna terminals
is given by
Pt = δ hδ r 1 − Γ L
where δh is the thermal dissipation efficiency, δr is the radiation dissipation
efficiency, ΓL is the reflection coefficient due to reflections within the transmission line, and PTR is the power generated by the transmitter. The intent is to
get as much power as possible to radiate in a desired direction and receive as
much power from the intended source as possible. Any loss of power or addition of unwanted power is very undesirable.
Example. If a system has δh = δr = 0.99 and Z0 = 75 Ω and ZL = 77 + j30 Ω,
then find Pt.
ΓL =
77 + j 30 − 75
2 + j 30
77 + j 30 + 75 152 + j 30
The resulting transmitted power is
Pt = .99 2 (1 − .19 2 ) 10W ⇒ %transmitted = 94.3%
1.4.2. An Antenna as a Spatial Filter
Antennas do not radiate power isotropically (equally in all directions). Instead,
an antenna is a spatial filter which concentrates power in certain directions at
the expense of decreasing the power radiated in other directions. The power
density (W/m2) radiated by an antenna is given by
Sr =
( Eθ2 + Eφ2 )
2ηr 2
Directivity compares the power density in a designated direction to the average
power density. Unless otherwise specified, directivity implies that the maximum
value of directivity is given by
4π Sr max
2π π
∫0 ∫0 Sr sin θ dθ dφ
The gain of the antenna is the ratio of the power radiated in a particular
direction to power delivered to the antenna. Gain differs from directivity
because gain includes losses.
Directivity is always greater than or equal to gain. The denominator in
(1.65) can be replaced by power delivered to the antenna, thus avoiding the
double integration. Gain and directivity are related through the radiation
efficiency,δe, the ratio of the power radiated by the antenna to the power input
to the antenna
G (θ , φ ) = δ e D (θ , φ )
The realized gain includes the losses due to the mismatch of the antenna input
impedance to a specified impedance. Realized gain is frequently used by engineers when integrating the antenna into the system. When gain is written
without any angular dependence, G, it implies the maximum gain of the
antenna. Since G is a power ratio, it is often expressed in decibels
GdB = 10 log 10 G = 10 log G
Figure 1.14 shows a three-dimensional plot in cylindrical coordinates of a
relative antenna radiation pattern far from the antenna as a function of θ and
Figure 1.14. Three-dimensional antenna pattern.
φ, where θ is measured in the radial direction, φ is in the horizontal plane, and
the pattern amplitude in the vertical direction. Relative means that no absolute units of power are associated with the pattern, but the power between
two different angles are of the correct ratio. A relative antenna pattern means
that the maximum value is normalized to 1 or 0 dB. The direction of maximum
gain is at the center of a large lobe called the main beam, while smaller lobes
are called sidelobes, and the zero-crossings are called nulls. Bigger lobes in
some directions indicate greater gain in those directions.
Three-dimensional antenna patterns (Figure 1.14) provide an overall qualitative evaluation of the antenna’s spatial response. Accurately determining
sidelobe levels, null locations, and beamwidth require the use of twodimensional cuts, however. An antenna pattern cut is the two-dimensional
antenna pattern measured on a great circle around the antenna. Figure 1.15
shows two orthogonal polar magnitude plots of the three-dimensional pattern
in Figure 1.14 (φ = 0° and φ = 90°). These same patterns appear as rectangular
plots in Figure 1.16 (dB) and in Figure 1.17 (linear). The polar plot is useful
for appreciating the angular layout of the pattern. The rectangular plots are
used to precisely locate nulls, determine beamwidth, and establish sidelobe
Figure 1.15. Polar plot of the relative antenna pattern in decibels.
Figure 1.16. Linear antenna pattern plot in decibels.
levels. Note that low sidelobes are difficult to see in the linear plot compared
to the dB plot. In this book, φ is the azimuth angle and θ is the elevation angle.
For linear or nearly linearly polarized antennas, the terms E-plane and Hplane cuts are used. An E-plane cut is the antenna pattern in the plane containing the electric field and the maximum of the main beam, while the H-plane
cut is the antenna pattern in the plane containing the magnetic field and the
Figure 1.17. Linear rectangular antenna pattern.
maximum of the main beam. Antenna patterns are often normalized to the
peak of the main beam.
The beamwidth of an antenna may mean either (a) the angular separation
between the half-power (3 dB) points on either side of the peak of the main
beam (most common engineering definition) or (b) the angular separation
between the first nulls on either side of the main beam (definition often used
in optics and physics). If the antenna pattern is not symmetrical, then the
beamwidth must be specified in the plane of the antenna pattern cut. Usually
the beamwidth is specified in two orthogonal antenna pattern cuts.
Another important antenna gain characteristic is effective (or equivalent)
isotropically radiated power (EIRP). EIRP is the gain of the transmitting
antenna multiplied by the power delivered to its input.
It is the transmitter–antenna combination that determines the transmitted
power of a system. EIRP is especially important for satellite antennas where
power and antenna size are at a premium.
1.4.3. An Antenna as a Frequency Filter
Antennas transmit and receive certain frequencies better than other frequencies, making the antenna a frequency filter. Antennas that respond to a very
small range of frequencies are known as narrowband or resonant antennas,
and those that respond over a wide range of frequencies are known as broadband antennas. Usually, a narrowband antenna is quite simple in shape, like
a dipole. The simplicity allows the current to resonate over a well-defined
region. On the other hand, broadband antennas have a more complex shape,
like a helix or spiral. The complex shape gives the antenna the ability to resonate at many different adjacent frequencies.
The bandwidth is usually stated in one of three ways:
Percent of center frequency
BW =
fhi − flo
× 100
Ratio of high and low frequencies
BW =
Range of frequencies
BW = fhi − flo
Broadband implies that the antenna has a 10% or higher bandwidth, or it
operates over at least an octave (fhi/flo = 2). The term ultra-wide band (UWB)
refers to antennas that have very broad bandwidths [20]. The Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) defines UWB as BW ≥ 25%
and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) defines UWB as
BW ≥ 20%.
Defining the values of fhi and flo are not easy. Some ways this is done
A function of antenna gain. fcenter is the frequency of the highest antenna
gain, fhi is the highest frequency at which the gain has not fallen below
−3 dB, and flo is the lowest frequency at which the gain has not fallen
below −3 dB.
A function of SWR. fcenter is the frequency at which the antenna is best
matched, fhi is the highest frequency at which the SWR is still less than 2,
and flo is the lowest frequency at which the SWR is still less than 2. An
equivalent definition is the reflection coefficient (s11) is less than 1/3 or
−10 dB. Sometimes receive antennas may be specified using a VSWR > 2.
A function of some important antenna performance feature. fhi and flo
define the bandwidth over which the performance indicator lies within
acceptable bounds.
The bandwidth can refer to either the instantaneous bandwidth or operational bandwidth. Instantaneous bandwith is the bandwidth of the signal at
the antenna. The operational bandwidth is the bandwidth of the antenna and
is greater than the instantaneous bandwidth.
Example. Is an antenna that has a bandwidth over the AM broadcast frequencies a broadband antenna? fhi = 1600 kHz and flo = 540 kHz ⇒ fcenter =
1070 kHz BW = fhi − flo = 1060 kHz, BW = fhi − flo/fcenter × 100 = 1060/1070 ×
100 = 99.065%, and BW = fhi/flo = 1600/540 = 2.963. This antenna would be
1.4.4. An Antenna as a Collector
As mentioned previously, an antenna collects electromagnetic waves in a
similar manner that a bucket collects rain. A time-varying electromagnetic
field incident on an antenna causes charges in the receiving antenna to oscillate. If the charges oscillate at the same rate as the incident field, some of the
electromagnetic wave re-radiates as a wave at the same frequency as the incident wave. The remainder of the wave converts into heat or is delivered to a
load such as a radio receiver. The amount of current induced by an incident
wave may be represented by a current density distributed over an area called
the collecting aperture (Ac). The areas over which the collected energy is
coupled to a receiver, scattered, and dissipated are represented respectively
by the effect aperture (Ae), the scattering aperture (As), and the loss aperture
(AL) [21].
Ac = Ae + As + AL
All the aperture terms have units of area, but they are not necessarily related
to the projected area of the antenna. The effective aperture represents that
part of the incident power density delivered to the receiving system, while the
scattering and loss apertures represent those parts of the incident power
density that are scattered and dissipated as heat.
The power delivered to the output of a receiving antenna is the same as
the incident power density multiplied by the effective aperture.
Pr = Si Ae
Equation (1.73) is very similar to EIRP, as we would expect from a reciprocal
device. The effective aperture is related to gain by
4π Ae
Effective aperture is a term reserved for receive antennas, whereas gain
describes both transmitting and receiving antennas.
Example. Find the gain of a 50-m-diameter radio telescope parabolic reflector
antenna at 1 GHz. Assume that Ac = Ae = area of the reflector aperture.
Ae = π 252
4π 2 252
( 3 × 108
1 × 109 )
= 54.4 dB
1.4.5. An Antenna as a Polarization Filter
Polarization of an electromagnetic wave describes how the magnitude and
orientation of the electric field vector changes as a function of time at a given
point in space. The polarization of an antenna is defined as the polarization
of the wave transmitted by the antenna. The orientation of the time-varying
electric field is important because it determines the orientation of the current
induced in an object. Remember that the current flows in the same direction
as the electric field. Thus, a time-varying electric field with z-directed polarization will produce a time-varying current in a wire parallel to the field, no
current in a wire perpendicular to the z direction, and some time-varying
current in a wire oriented between parallel and perpendicular. The orientation
of a transmitting antenna, receiving antenna, and any scatterer in between
affects the amount of power received.
If we assume that the electric field vector is a plane wave traveling in the
z direction, the electric field lies in the x–y plane. The time harmonic representation of a single frequency electric field is
E ( t ) = Ex 0 cos (ω t − kz) xˆ + Ey 0 cos (ω t − kz + Ψ y ) yˆ
We may examine the vector at a point in space (z = 0):
E = Ex xˆ + Ey yˆ
Equating (1.75) to (1.76) results in these definitions:
Ex = Ex 0 cos (ω t )
Ey = Ey 0 cos (ω t + Ψ y )
Solving for cos(ωt) produces
cos (ω t ) =
Ex 0
Using trigonometry, (1.79) can be written as
⎛ E ⎞
sin (ω t ) = 1 − ⎜ x ⎟
⎝ Ex 0 ⎠
With a little manipulation, the following equation describes the orthogonal
components of the propagating plane wave:
aEx2 − bEx Ey + cEy2 = 1
E cos2 Ψ y
2 sin Ψ y
Ex 0 Ey 0 cos2 Ψ y
E cos2 Ψ y
This equation for an ellipse tells us that at any point in space, the tip of the
electric field vector traces an ellipse over a period of time. Conversely, if a
wave is frozen in time, the tip of the E vector along the propagation path
traces out the same ellipse. For this reason, we say that the wave is elliptically
The electric field vector rotates either clockwise or counterclockwise. If you
place your right thumb in the direction of wave propagation, and your fingers
curve in the direction of the E field trajectory, the wave is said to be right-hand
polarized (RHP). On the other hand (literally), if the trajectory is such that
the thumb of the left hand can be pointed in the direction of wave propagation, and the fingers curve in the direction of the E field trajectory, the wave
is left-hand polarized (LHP). The relative phase determines the handedness
of the wave. For 0° < Ψy < 180° the wave is LHP, and for 180° < Ψy < 360° the
wave is RHP. Figure 1.18 shows the electric field rotation for left-hand and
right-hand elliptical polarization.
Figure 1.18. Rotation of the electric field for right-hand and left-hand polarization.
Figure 1.19. Polarization ellipse.
An ellipse (Figure 1.19) is characterized by (a) its axial ratio (AR), defined
by the ratio of the major axis to the minor axis of the ellipse, and (b) the
orientation, represented by the angle the major axis makes with the x axis
of the coordinate system (τ). The AR has values ranging from 1 for a circle to
∞ for a line. Sometimes the inverse of the AR is given, because it has
values between zero and one which are more computer-friendly. The axial
ratio is positive for right-hand polarization and negative for left-hand
Two extremes of elliptical polarization are when AR = ∞ and AR = 0. When
AR = ∞ the minor axis of the ellipse is zero, so the trajectory describes a
straight line.
Linear Polarization (AR = ∞)
Ex0 = 0 (linearly polarized in y direction)
Ey0 = 0 (linearly polarized in x direction)
Ex0 = Ey0 and Ψy = 0 (linearly polarized with τ = 45°)
Since an x-polarized wave has Ey = 0, and a y-polarized wave has Ex = 0, any
linearly polarized wave is the sum of an x-polarized wave and a y-polarized
The other special case occurs when the length of the major axis equals the
minor axis (AR = 1). Since both the longest and the shortest chords through
the center are the same length, the trajectory is a circle. Circular polarization
occurs when Ex0 = Ey0 and they are 90° out of phase.
Circular Polarization (AR = 1)
Ex0 = Ey0, Ψy = +90° (left-circularly polarized)
Ex0 = Ey0, Ψy = −90° (right-circularly polarized)
If the receive antenna is not polarization-matched to the incoming electromagnetic wave, then it will not receive the maximum possible power. The
receive polarization of an antenna is defined as the polarization of an incident
wave that results in maximum power at the antenna terminals. It is related to
the (transmit) polarization of the antenna in the same plane of polarization
by having the same
1. Axial ratio
2. Sense of polarization
3. Spatial orientation
The power received by an antenna is multiplied by a polarization efficiency
or polarization mismatch factor to account for the polarization mismatch
between an incident wave and an antenna’s receive polarization. This polarization efficiency is calculated by taking the inner product of the incident wave
polarization vector and the complex conjugate of the receive antenna polarization vector.
p = eˆi ⋅ eˆr∗
êi = polarization vector of incident wave =
êr = polarization vector of receive antenna =
E incident
E incident
The received power is given by
Pr = pAe S
If the receive antenna has the same polarization as the transmit antenna, then
there is a perfect match.
Example. Given the following values of Ex, Ey, and Ψy, what is the polarization of the field?
x linear
linear 45° from x axis
LHP circular
linear 60° from x axis
Antenna arrays find applications over a wide range of frequencies. Some
common types of systems that depend on arrays are described in this section.
1.5.1. Communications System
A communications system sends information from one point to another. For
the receiver to detect the signal, the signal must be strong enough to be distinguished from noise. Radio receivers are typically rated by the minimum
detectable ratio of received power to noise power, also known as the signalto-noise ratio (SNR).
Average power density at a distance R from an isotropic radiator is the
total radiated power divided by the surface area of a sphere, Pt/4πR2. Increasing
R to 2R reduces the average power density on the new imaginary sphere by
one forth. The transmitter power density incident on an object, therefore,
depends on the transmitted power, the antenna gain (which depends upon the
antenna efficiency and the directivity function of azimuth and elevation), and
the range from the radiator to the target:
Si =
t t
4π R 2
In reality, electromagnetic waves encounter such problems as atmospheric
absorption, particulate scattering, and obstacle scattering. To account for
these additional losses, a loss factor (L < 1.0) is included in the calculation of
power density.
Si =
t tL
4π R 2
The power density incident on the receiving antenna is multiplied by the effective aperture to get the power delivered to the output terminals of the antenna.
The resulting equation is known as the Friis transmission formula (Figure
1.20) [22].
Figure 1.20. Friis transmission formula.
Pr =
t t LAe
4π R 2
Example. A cellular phone transmits 1 W of power at 840 MHz. Assume the
phone is always between 100 m and 3 km of a base station. What is the
minimum sensitivity of the receiver at the base station? The antennas are
monopoles with gains of 1.5.
Pr =
1 × 1.5 × 1.5 × 1 × 0.357 2
t t Gr Lλ
( 4π R)
( 4π × 3000 )2
1.5.2. Radar System
A radar system determines the characteristics of a target by radiating electromagnetic waves toward a target and analyzing the waves re-radiated toward
the radar receiver. Radar can determine up to five different target parameters:
angular location (azimuth and elevation), range, speed, size (in RCS terms),
and identification.
The angular location of a target is found from the orientation of the antenna
beam. When a target is detected, the position of the antenna pattern main
lobe corresponds to the target location within a beamwidth of accuracy. In
order to accurately determine location, radar antennas must have narrow main
beamwidths, meaning antennas with high gain or directivity, and the beams
must be movable to search the space around the radar. Antenna beams are
scanned by either physically moving the antenna or electronically scanning
the beam.
Monopulse is a more sophisticated method of locating a target. A monopulse antenna simultaneously employs two beams: a sum beam and a difference beam. The sum beam has a high gain in the direction of the target to
determine the presence of the target. The difference beam has a sharp, deep
null in the direction of the target to accurately determine its angular location.
If the target is kept inside the deep null, the angular location of the target can
be accurately determined. Since the difference pattern beam null is deep and
narrow, it is easy to precisely locate a target.
Other target parameters are determined by characteristics of the received
signal. A radar signal is an information signal; and consequently, the information extracted depends on the signal bandwidth and the type of information
transmitted in the first place. Different types of radar modulation provide
different information. One common type of modulation is pulse modulation
where the carrier is switched on and off at a particular rate (called the PRF
or pulse repetition frequency) for a short period of time (or pulse width).
Another method of modulating a radar signal is to sweep the frequency linearly over a bandwidth (this is a sawtooth FM signal). Frequency and pulse
modulation are combined in pulse compression radars.
The simplest method of determining target distance comes from accurately
timing a radar pulse from the time it leaves the radar until it returns. The
target distance is given by [23]
where c is the speed of light and Δt the time delay between pulse transmission
and reception.
The range resolution depends on the pulse width.
ΔR =
where ΔR is range resolution and τ is pulse width. The maximum unambiguous
range is the range beyond which a target appears closer because multiple
pulses were transmitted before a return pulse is received.
Runamb =
where PRF is the pulse repetition frequency.
When an object stands in the free-space propagation path of an electromagnetic wave, the wave induces current on that object. Some of the current
induced on the object reradiates or scatters, but not equally in all directions.
Like the effective aperture of an antenna, the radar cross section, (σ), has
units of area (typically square meters) and is only partially related to the
physical size of the scatterer. RCS is a function of the size, shape, and material
composition of the target, as well as the frequency and polarization of the
incident wave.
The power density incident on a scattering object is given by (1.88). The
power scattered in any direction is determined by multiplying the incident
power density by the area represented by the radar cross section.
Figure 1.21. Derivation of the bistatic radar range equation.
Ps =
t t Ltσ
4π R 2
If the scattered power travels a distance Rr to receive with a gain of Gr, then
the final equation for the received power (Figure 1.21) is
Ps =
t t Ltσ Ae Lr
16π 2 Rt2 Rr2
This equation is known as the bistatic radar range equation because the transmitter and receiver are at two different locations [24].
Like an antenna pattern, the RCS pattern has a main lobe, sidelobes, and
nulls. Also like antenna patterns, two-dimensional plots are frequently used
to evaluate various properties of RCS. Since RCS has units of m2, when
expressed in logarithmic form it is usually compared to a 1-m2 target. Thus,
the units are dBsm or dB relative to a square meter.
When the radar uses one antenna to transmit and receive, the bistatic radar
range equation reduces to the monostatic radar range equation or more simply
the radar range equation. The RCS in this case represents only power scattered directly back to the radar (backscattering). For clarity, the path loss (L)
has been ignored.
Pr =
( 4π R )
2 2
2 2
( 4π )3 R4
Example. An over-the-horizon radar transmits a pulse with 1-MW average
power. This waveform bounces from the ionosphere to the ocean and back
to a receive station that is 300 miles away from the transmit station. If
the distance from the transmitter to the ocean is 2000 km and the distance
from the ocean to the receive antenna is 2400 km, then how much power
arrives at the receiver. Both the transmit and receive antennas have gains
of 30 dB. The bistatic RCS of the ocean at these angles is 10 m2. The
radar operates at 10 MHz. G = 1030/10 = 1000, λ = 3 × 108/(10 × 106) =
30.0 m, Ae = 302(1000)/(4π) = 71,620.0 m2, Pr = 1 × 106(1000)(71,620)(10)/
[(4π · 2,000,000)2(4π · 2,400,000)2] = 1.2466 × 10−15 W
1.5.3. Radiometer
Communications and radar systems use both transmitting and receiving subsystems. A radiometer, on the other hand, uses only the receiver subsystem
[25]. The radiometer listens to electromagnetic waves naturally emitted by
objects. All objects with a temperature above absolute zero have vibrating
charges. Because accelerating charges radiate electromagnetic waves, the
random thermal motion of charges in any object results in the radiation of
electromagnetic waves. Temperature indicates the amount of random molecular motion. At higher temperatures, more molecular collisions take place, and
molecules move faster because more energy is stored in the material; therefore, more waves will be radiated at higher frequencies. Thus, temperature
and electromagnetic radiation are closely related.
A blackbody is a perfect radiator and absorber of electromagnetic energy.
Planck’s radiation law states that a blackbody radiates uniformly in all directions with a spectral brightness given by
Bf =
2 hf 3 ⎛
2 ⎝ hf kBT
− 1⎠
where Bf is spectral brightness, h is Planck’s constant, f is temporal frequency
(Hz), c is the speed of light in a vacuum (3 × 108 m/s), kB = Boltzman’s constant
(1.23 × 10−23 JK−1), and T is absolute temperature (K). This power is radiated
over a broad range of frequencies; but for objects with temperatures near the
ambient reference temperature (300 K), most of the power is concentrated in
the thermal infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. At microwave
frequencies, although these signals are only about one-millionth as strong as
the thermal infrared signal, good microwave antenna systems can detect the
blackbody radiation. The brightness is found by integrating the blackbody
spectral brightness over a frequency bandwidth (f) for a blackbody at temperature T. This equation is known as the Stefan–Boltzmann law:
B = ∫ Bf df =
σs 4
where σs = 5.673 × 10−8 Wm−2K−4 is the Stefan–Boltzmann constant. No natural
objects emit perfect blackbody radiation; however, all objects such as terrain,
sea, or the atmosphere emit a fraction of the ideal thermal radiation. The
emissivity (e) is the ratio of the brightness of an object to the brightness of a
blackbody at the same temperature.
e (θ , φ ) =
B (θ , φ )
where B(θ, φ) represents brightness of material at temperature T and Bbb
represents brightness of a blackbody at temperature T. Emissivity ranges
between zero for a perfect reflector to unity for a blackbody. Emissivity varies
with the material composition and the shape of the radiating object as well as
with wavelength. At some frequencies, a particular body looks a lot more like
a blackbody than at other frequencies.
Brightness temperature, TB, is another way to represent the thermal radiation emitted from a gray body. For a blackbody, the temperature equals the
absolute temperature of the object. Note that the emissivity and brightness
temperature vary with orientation.
TB (θ , φ ) = e (θ , φ )T
The output of an antenna receiving only thermal radiation is frequently represented by an antenna temperature, TA, which is proportional to the total
power resulting from the thermal radiation incident on the antenna. The
antenna temperature is given by
TA =
∫∫4π TB (θ , φ )G (θ , φ ) dΩ
where G(θ, φ) is the antenna gain pattern and TB(θ, φ) is the brightness temperature distribution incident on the antenna, and dΩ is the differential solid
angle. The antenna temperature is therefore the spatially filtered sum of the
radiation emitted by the bodies surrounding the antenna.
A receiving antenna generates power due to the increased thermal activity.
If the antenna is modeled as a noise-generating resistor at temperature, TA,
the available noise power from the antenna is given by
Pr = kBTA Δf
where kB = 1.23 × 10−23J K−1J (Boltzmann’s constant) and Δf is the bandwidth
of the receiver. A radiometer uses an antenna and receiving system to measure
emission from objects. The brightness temperature distribution incident on a
spaceborne microwave radiometer directed toward the earth is due both to
radiation from the earth’s surface and its atmosphere. At microwave frequencies below 10 GHz, atmospheric absorption and emission is small and may be
neglected. At higher frequencies, the atmospheric contributions are significant
and must be included.
Since emissivity is a characteristic of target size, shape, and composition,
the brightness temperature for any aspect maps the emissivity of the observed
target to a power level. The radiometer uses a highly directional antenna to
scan in azimuth and elevation, and the data are recorded to produce a pixel
map of the emissivity of the surface being scanned.
Example. Calculate the power received by an isotropic point source if the
emissivity of the observed object is isotropic at 300 K.
1 2π π
∫ ∫ (1)( 300 )(1) sin θ dθ dφ and then substitute into
4π 0 0
(1.101) to get Pr = 300 × 1.23 × 10−23 × Δf.
First, find TA : TA =
1.5.4. Electromagnetic Heating
Electromagnetic heating systems radiate electromagnetic waves for the sole
purpose of heating an object. When an electromagnetic wave strikes an object,
it induces both a displacement current and a conduction current. Conduction
current results from the free movement of electrons in an object, while displacement current results from the constrained motion of electric dipoles,
a polarized pair of charges. If the material has high conductivity, conduction
current predominates, and the surface current density is expressed by
Ohm’s law,
Jσ = σ E
If the material has a large real-valued dielectric constant, most of the induced
current will be a displacement current density equal to the time rate of change
of the electric flux density (D).
Jε =
The total current density is the sum of the displacement current density and
the conduction current density.
JT = Jε + Jσ =
+ σE
Ordinarily, charged particles and dipoles are randomly distributed and
oriented in a media, so the thermal activity is totally random. An electric field,
however, induces organized motion of charges (current). A time-varying field
causes free electrons, ions, and dipoles to move in a target. They collide and
transfer some of their energy to other particles. Since molecular dipoles have
larger mass than electrons, heating is more effective in dielectrics, where dis-
no field
+ _+
+ _+
+_ +
applied electric field
+ _+
+ _+
+ _+
+ _+
+ _+
+ _+
Figure 1.22. Water molecules aligning with the electric field.
placement current is large. The field induces a torque on the dipoles that
makes each molecule attempt to rotate in order to align its dipole moment
with the electric field. For instance, water molecules, which are dipoles,
become polarized by an applied electric field (Figure 1.22). Due to the inertia
of the molecule, it takes time for this torque to polarize the media. Energy is
transferred to surrounding molecules and the dipoles rotate, thereby increasing the temperature. Conversely, when the electric field is removed, the
increased random molecular motion destroys the alignment of the dipole
moments and reduces the polarization exponentially with time.
The response time of a dielectric is a measure of the rate at which the
polarization decays if the electric field is suddenly removed. The amount of
displacement current density is time-dependent. Some of the dipole alignment
energy becomes random motion (heat) every time a dipole is knocked out of
alignment and then realigned. The response time indicates whether the dipole
moments can keep in step with a time-varying electric field. At low frequencies
the electric fields change direction slower than the response time of the dipoles,
so the dipoles orient quickly, and the media only absorbs energy for a relatively short period of time. If the electric field changes direction faster than
the response time of the dipoles, the dipoles do not rotate, no energy is
absorbed, and the dielectric does not heat. When the electric field changes at
about the same rate that the dipoles can respond, they rotate, but the resulting
polarization lags behind the changes in the direction of the electric field. This
lag indicates that the dielectric absorbs energy from the field and its temperature increases [26].
A microwave heating system consists of a microwave source and antenna.
The source generates power at a frequency selected to correspond to the
response time of the dielectric being heated. Heating of dielectrics has two
familiar applications: microwave ovens and cancer therapy (induced hyperthermia). These applications work because both food and tumors contain
mostly water (a molecular dipole). The heater uses an appropriate frequency
(high MHz to low GHz region) to excite the water dipoles at a rate near the
response time of water, and the target absorbs the transmitted energy.
Example. If a microwave oven is placed in a room at a temperature less than
0°C, can the oven melt an ice cube?
Answer: As explained above, the microwave oven excites dipoles in the
water. Ice is a crystal. Consequently, the ice will not melt. If there is a small
amount of water on the ice, then this water will heat and the ice will melt
through microwave heating of the water and heat conduction.
1.5.5. Direction Finding
Finding the direction of a signal can be done in two ways. The first is to point
the antenna main beam at the signal, so the direction of the signal occurs at
the maximum received power. This approach requires a large antenna for
accurate direction finding. On the other hand, nulls are precisely defined and
have large variations in gain over a short angular sector. A small loop has a
distinct null that has been used for direction finding since the early 1900s.
Figure 1.23 shows an example of an early DF loop antenna that operated
at HF.
This book is organized as a progression from relatively simple antenna arrays
consisting of point sources to very complex digital beamforming arrays that
can perform extremely complex signal processing. Most research on arrays
was limited to point sources due to the computational limits of computers.
The next two chapters summarize many of the developments surrounding the
analysis and synthesis of these simple arrays. Real antenna arrays have real
antenna elements, however. These elements are introduced in Chapter 4.
Chapter 5 extends the narrow view of an array lying in a plane to an array
consisting of antenna elements that can lie anywhere on a surface or in space.
Thus, an array becomes even more versatile than a single aperture antenna.
Placing array elements close together results in the elements interacting with
each other. Each element in the array receives signals for all the other ele-
Figure 1.23. Early DF loop antenna. (Courtesy of the National Electronics Museum.)
ments in the array. This mutual coupling can significantly change the array
performance and must be accounted for in the design. This complicated
mutual coupling concept is described in Chapter 6. Coherently combining the
signals in an array or beamforming is addressed in Chapter 7. Finally, the array
has the potential to change its ability to receive and transmit signals based
upon the environment and feedback. These adaptive arrays can reject interference, form multiple beams, and change performance characteristics. An
emphasis is placed upon computational aspects of antenna arrays.
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