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1. Program Kerja Setiap instansi pendidikan atau sekolah memiliki program kerja sebagai penunjang tetap berlangsungnya kinerja-kinerja dalam sekolah tersebut. Ada beberapa program yang disusun oleh berbagai sekolah agar lulusan setiap sekolah dapat bersaing dengan lulusan sekolah lainnya. Begitupun dengan SMP Neg.2 ALLA' memprogramkan berbagai kegiatan untuk melatih siswa lebih kreatif mengembangkan bakat dan minat serta berwawasan luas melalui penyelenggaraan kegiatan pembinaan siswa/ektrakulkuler. Dalam kegiatan ekstrakulkuler siswa mengikuti lomba, berkemah, berbagai kegiatan lainnya. Adapun hal diprogramkan yang berhubungan dengan pembangunan sekolah misalnya saat ini SMP Neg. 2 ALLA' akan mengadakan renovasi ruangan yang rusak. SMP Neg. 2 ALLA' juga memprogramkan tempar parker yang saat ini sangat tidak layak pakai. SMA Negeri 1 Alla merupakan salah satu sekolah dari kabupaten Enrekang yang telah mulai menerapkan Kurikulum 2013. Sekolah ini juga sudah sejak 2 tahun yang lalu mulai menerapkan moving class. Tujuannya agar siswa tidak jenuh menerima materi dalam kelas. 2. Sistem Pengelolaan Keuangan Sistem keuangan di kelolah oleh bendahara sekolah. Sekolah memiliki Rencana Anggaran Biaya (RAB) yang kerangkanya sistematis dan selalu diperbaharui setiap tahun. RAB memuat rencana pemeliharaan sekolah yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan sekolah dan ketercapaiannya 75%-100%. Dana yang masuk ke sekolah ada dua yaitu dana Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS) dari pusat dan dana pendidikan gratis dari provinsi dan kabupaten. Dana BOS diterima sekali dalam setahun dan dana pendidikan gratis diterima sekali dalam 3 bulan. Setiap semester bendahara sekolah selalu membuat Rencana Anggaran Biaya (RAB).
Epoca bronzului de-o parte şi de alta a Carpaţilor. Studii în onoarea lui Tudor Soroceanu la 80 de ani, 2024
Tudor Soroceanu's early career concentrated on Vatin culture, with notable excavations at Cornești-Dealul Cornet and Socodor-Căvăjdie. His and other researchers' work have contributed to clarifying the cultural dynamics of the Middle Bronze Age (MBA) in Banat and southern Crișana. Recent studies have provided deeper insights into the MBA and the early Late Bronze Age (LBA) in southwestern Romania, specifying the characteristics of the Cornești-Crvenka group. In this regard, research has focused on chronology, origin and the end of this group, ceramic or metal artifacts. The catalogue of Cornești-Crvenka settlements, refined over time, now includes 67 records, divided into genuine tells, tell-like settlements, open settlements, cave habitations, and isolated features. Most sites are located in the Banat plain, with a few in piedmont and mountainous regions. In this paper we also highlight the importance of the research methods in the understanding of the Cornești-Crvenka settlements' dynamics and distribution.
Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 2019
This article provides a practical guide to the scholarly work and authorial contributors to the Exchanges journal since its inception. It incorporates two forms of index. Firstly a volume by volume listing of articles, authors, subjects and links. Secondly, an author index, providing information on the issues to which each has contributed.
Charlotta Hillerdahl & Kristin Ilves, eds. Re-imagining periphery. Archaeology and text in northern Europe from Iron Age to Viking and Medieval Periods, 2020
The solidus from the Slättäng hoard can be used as a lens through which one can observe the past as it has been handed down to us from the 5th-century barbarian kleptocracy to the late 19th-century birth of archaeology as an antiquarian science involving all levels of state functionaries.
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The Intrinsic Language of Emotions, 2019
We produce sounds (speech), capture those sounds with our ears (hearing), interpret them through our minds (understanding) and react to them all the time and in all aspects of our human lives from how we feel. There is a language at the basis of all that we communicate, a system that permits us to consciously formulate, understand and interpret speech. Yet the way we react emotionally to "the way" we communicate is mostly unconscious. When we communicate, what we see and what we learn generally depends on our ability to 'read' each other. The way we 'interpret' emotions depends on the way we discern our own. When our emotions are triggered, we make others responsible and are unable to see the person in front of us. When we focus too much on a real or imagined obstacle, we are not aware of the context which this is part of. When we feel hurt or angry, we isolate ourselves from our feelings and disassociate from what we are dealing with at present. Human behavior seems so complex, situations and contexts so numerous, responses so many and the cover-up strategies so diverse and sometimes buried so deeply, that we tend to become overly fragmented. This can lead to critical physical and emotional distress.
Social Inequality, Childhood and the Media, 2019
This chapter focuses on the core aspects of the longitudinal study over nearly twelve years: the dynamic development of the children and their media repertoires, on the one hand, and the role of different contexts of socialisation, such as parents, siblings, relatives and friends of the family on the other hand. Very relevant factors here are kindergartens, schools, assisted living communities, peers in general, the children’s friends and, later, apprenticeships—sometimes with residence in hostels—and romantic involvements. In addition, we noted (sports)clubs and, last but not least, the role of politics and society as important. They all affect the children in different ways at various stages of their personal development. Against this background, the chapter sheds light on the variety of ways in which both children and parents incorporate media (“established” as well as “new” media), into their everyday lives.
The Journal of Economic History, 1998
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Revista Panamericana de Comunicación
Bulletin of the Veterinary Institute in Pulawy, 2014
ТОВ «Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2018
TTR : traduction, terminologie, rédaction, 1988
Jurnal Agrinika : Jurnal Agroteknologi dan Agribisnis, 2021
OTA International: The Open Access Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma, 2019
The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1996
International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 2023
Sustainable Development in Western China, 2008
Annales Geophysicae, 1997