Stock price prediction using principal
Mahsa Ghorbani ID1*, Edwin K. P. Chong ID2
1 PhD Student, Department of Systems Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado,
United States of America, 2 Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Colorado State
University, Fort Collins, Colorado, United States of America
[email protected]
Citation: Ghorbani M, Chong EKP (2020) Stock
price prediction using principal components. PLoS
ONE 15(3): e0230124.
Editor: Stefan Cristian Gherghina, The Bucharest
University of Economic Studies, ROMANIA
The literature provides strong evidence that stock price values can be predicted from past
price data. Principal component analysis (PCA) identifies a small number of principle components that explain most of the variation in a data set. This method is often used for
dimensionality reduction and analysis of the data. In this paper, we develop a general
method for stock price prediction using time-varying covariance information. To address the
time-varying nature of financial time series, we assign exponential weights to the price data
so that recent data points are weighted more heavily. Our proposed method involves a
dimension-reduction operation constructed based on principle components. Projecting the
noisy observation onto a principle subspace results in a well-conditioned problem. We illustrate our results based on historical daily price data for 150 companies from different market-capitalization categories. We compare the performance of our method to two other
methods: Gauss-Bayes, which is numerically demanding, and moving average, a simple
method often used by technical traders and researchers. We investigate the results based
on mean squared error and directional change statistic of prediction, as measures of performance, and volatility of prediction as a measure of risk.
Received: November 6, 2019
Accepted: February 21, 2020
Published: March 20, 2020
Copyright: © 2020 Ghorbani, Chong. This is an
open access article distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the manuscript and its Supporting
Information files.
Funding: The author(s) received no specific
funding for this work.
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
Predicting future stock price values is a very challenging task. There is a big body of literature
on different methods and different predictors to incorporate into those methods to predict the
future values as closely as possible. The literature provides strong evidence that past price/
return data can be used to predict future stock prices. Some studied have found significant
auto-correlation for returns over a short period of time. French and Roll find negative correlation for individual securities for daily returns [1]. Some other studies show there is a positive
correlation for returns over the period of weeks or months [2]. Studies also demonstrate stock
return correlation over the period of multiple months or years. Fama and French report that
the auto-correlation is stronger for longer periods, three to five years, compared to daily or
weekly periods [3]. Cutler et al. report positive auto-correlation over the horizon of several
months and negative auto-correlation over the horizon of three to five years [4]. There are
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some other studies that also show correlation in stock returns over a multiple year interval [5,
6] which all confirm that price/return values are predictable from past price/return values.
Bogousslavsky shows that trading by investors with heterogeneous rebalancing horizons
can give rise to autocorrelation in the returns at different frequencies [7]. Chowdhury et al.
investigate the autocorrelation structure of seven Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) stock markets. All the markets except for Dubai and Kuwait show significant first-order autocorrelation
of returns. They also find that autocorrelation between weekdays is usually larger than that
between the first and last trading days of the week [8]. Li et al. study the nonlinear autoregressive dynamics of stock index returns in seven major advanced economies (G7) and China
using the quantile autoregression model. For the stock markets in the seven developed economies, the autoregressive parameters generally follow a decreasing pattern across the quantiles
with significant portions outside the ordinary least squares estimate intervals [9]. Another
study investigates the autocorrelation structure of stock and portfolio returns in the unique
market setting of Saudi Arabia [10]. Their results show that there is significantly positive autocorrelation in individual stock and market returns. Another study applies the threshold quantile autoregressive model to study stock return autocorrelations in the Chinese stock market
[11]. They report negative autocorrelations in the lower regime and positive autocorrelations
in the higher regime.
Other fundamental or macroeconomic factors can also be used in predicting future stock
price values. Macroeconomic factors such as interest rates, expected inflation, and dividend
can be used in stock return predictions models [3, 12]. Also fundamental variables such as
earnings yield, cash flow yield, size and book to market equity [13, 14] have been found to
have estimation power in predicting future price/return values.
Silvennoinen and Teräsvirta report correlation between individual U.S. stocks and the
aggregate U.S. market [15]. Dennis et al. study the dynamic relation between daily stock
returns and daily volatility innovations, and they report negative correlations [16]. Another
study investigates the effect of common factors on the relationship among stocks and on the
distribution of the investment weights for stocks [17]. They report that market plays a dominant role in both structuring the relationship among stocks and in constructing a well-diversified portfolio. Dimic et al. examine the impact of global financial market uncertainty and
domestic macroeconomic factors on stock–bond correlation in emerging markets [18]. In
another study, the focus is analyzing the impact of oil price shocks on the interactions of oilstock prices [19]. The results show that negative changes in oil prices have a significant impact
on the stock market.
In this paper, we describe a general method for predicting future stock price values based
on historical price data, using time-varying covariance information. When the number of
observations is large compared to the number of predictors, the maximum-likelihood covariance estimate [20] or even the empirical covariance is a good estimate of the covariance of the
data, but that is not always the case. When the number of observations is smaller than the
matrix dimension, the problem is even worse because the matrix is not positive definite [21].
This problem, which happens quite often in finance, gives rise to a new class of estimators
such as shrinkage estimators. For example Ledoit and Wolf, shrink the sample covariance
towards a scaled identity matrix using a shrinkage coefficient that minimizes the mean squared
error of the prediction [22]. Some other studies in this field include [23–25]. In our numerical
evaluations in this paper we have sufficient empirical data to reliably track the covariance
matrix over time.
Momentum-based forecasting relies on prices following a trend, either upwards or downwards. Based on the assumption that trends like this exist and can be exploited, momentum is
used as a heuristic rule for forecasting and is probably the most popular technical indicator
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used by traders; in particular, the method of Direction Movement Index (DMI), due to Wilder
[26]. This kind of heuristic is a special case of pattern-based forecasting, where, in the case of
momentum, the pattern is simply the upward or downward trend. Our method is a systematic
method to capture arbitrary patterns, not just upward or downward trends. Indeed, we compute prevalent patterns in the form of eigenvectors (or “eigen-patterns”) of the local covariance
matrix. As such, we are able to exploit more general patterns that are prevalent (but not necessary known beforehand) in price time series.
The mean squared error (MSE) measures the distance between predicted and real values
and is a very common metric to evaluate the performance of predictive methods [27]. Multivariate conditional mean minimizes the mean squared error [28] and is a good estimator for
future price values. However, numerical results using this method cannot always be trusted
because of associated ill-conditioning issues. In this paper we introduce a method with similar
estimation efficiency that does not suffer from this issue.
Principal component analysis (PCA), which is a method for dimensionality reduction of
the data, is used in different fields such as statistical variables analysis [29], pattern recognition,
feature extraction, data compression, and visualization of high dimensional data [30]. It also
has various application in exploring financial time series [31], dynamic trading strategies [32],
financial risk computations [32, 33], and statistical arbitrage [34]. In this work, we implement
PCA in estimating future stock price values.
Yu et al. introduce a machine-learning method to construct a stock-selection model, which
can perform nonlinear classification of stocks. They use PCA to extract the low-dimensional
and efficient information [35]. In another study, three mature dimensionality reduction techniques, PCA, fuzzy robust principal component analysis, and kernel-based PCA, are applied to
the whole data set to simplify and rearrange the original data structure [36]. Wang et al. present a stochastic function based on PCA developed for financial time-series prediction [37]. In
another study, PCA is applied to three subgroups of stocks of the Down Jones Industrial (DJI)
index to optimize portfolios [38]. Narayan et al. apply PCA to test for predictability of excess
stock returns for 18 emerging markets using a range of macroeconomic and institutional factors [39].
Factor analysis is a technique to describe the variability of observed data through a few factors and is in some sense similar to PCA. There is a long debate in the literature on which
method is superior [40, 41]. Factor analysis begins with the assumption that the data comes
from a specific model where underlying factors satisfy certain assumptions [42]. If the initial
model formulation is not done properly, then the method will not perform well. PCA on the
other hand involves no assumption on the form of the covariance matrix. In this paper, we
focus on developing an algorithm that can ultimately be used in different fields without prior
knowledge of the system, and therefore PCA is the method of choice. In the case study presented in the following section, although only price data is used, it would have been also possible to include multiple predictors to estimate futures values of stock prices.
Our method bears some similarity with subspace filtering methods. Such methods assume a
low-rank model for the data [43]. The noisy data is decomposed onto a signal subspace and
noise based on a modified singular value decomposition (SVD) of data matrices [44]. The
orthogonal decomposition can be done by an SVD of the noisy observation matrix or equivalently by an eigenvalue decomposition of the noisy signal covariance matrix [43].
We compare the performance of our proposed methods in terms of MSE and directional
change statistic. Stock-price direction prediction is an important issue in the financial world.
Even small improvements in predictive performance can be very profitable [45]. Directional
change statistic calculates whether our method can predict the correct direction of change in
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price values [46]. It is an important evaluation measure of the performance because predicting
the direction of price movement is very important in some market strategies.
Another important parameter that we are interested in is standard deviation, one of the key
fundamental risk measures in portfolio management [47]. The standard deviation is a statistical measure of volatility, often used by investors to measure the risk of a stock or portfolio.
As mentioned above, in this paper we focus on forecasting stock prices from daily historical
price data. In Section, we introduce our technical methodology, and in particular estimation
techniques using covariance information. In Section, we describe our method for processing
the data and estimating the time-varying covariance matrix from empirical data, including
data normalization. We also demonstrate the performance of our method.
Theoretical methodology
Estimation techniques
In this section we introduce a new computationally appealing method for estimating future
stock price values using covariance information. The empirical covariance can be used as an
estimate of the covariance matrix if enough empirical data is available, or we can use techniques similar to the ones introduced in the previous section, though the time-varying nature
of the covariance must be addressed.
Suppose that we are given the stock price values for M days. Our goal is to predict company
stock prices for M + 1 to N trading days, using the observed values of the past consecutive M
days. The reason for introducing N will be clear below.
Gauss-Bayes or conditional estimation of z given y. Suppose that x is a random vector of
length N. Let M � N and suppose that the first M data points of vector x represent the end-ofday prices of a company stock over the past M consecutive trading days. The multivariate random vector x and can be partitioned in the form
x ¼ ½y
z �:
Let random vector y represent the first M data points and z the price of the next N − M days
in the future. We wish to estimate z from y.
The covariance matrix for the random vector x can be written as
Syy Syz
Sxx ¼ 4
Szy Szz
where Syy is the covariance of y and Szz is the covariance of z. Assuming that y and z are jointly
normally distributed, knowing the prior distribution of x = [y, z], the Bayesian posterior distribution of z given y is given by
^z zjy
¼ Szy Syy1 y
^ zjy
¼ Szz
Szy Syy1 Syz :
^ zjy matrix, representing the conditional covariance of z given y, is also called the
The S
Schur complement of Syy in Sxx. Note that the posterior covariance does not depend on the
specific realization of y.
The Gauss-Bayes point estimator for the price prediction, the conditional mean ^z zjy , minimizes the mean squared error of the estimate in the Gaussian case [28]. Moreover, in the Guassian case, for a specific observation y, the inverse of the conditional covariance is the Fisher
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^ zjy is the lower bound
Information matrix associated with estimating z from y, and therefore S
on the error covariance matrix for any unbiased estimator of z [28].
The same set of equations arise in Kalman’s filtering. Kalman’s own view of this process is
as a completely deterministic operation [48], and does not rely on assuming normality.
Although the point estimator ^z zjy is optimal in term of mean squared error, in practice there
are numerical complications involved in this method: The matrix Syy is typically not well conditioned, so the numerical calculation of Syy1 cannot always be trusted. To overcome this problem, we propose a better conditioned estimator, which has a behavior close to Gauss-Bayes.
Principal components and estimation in lower dimension. Principal component analysis (PCA) is a well-established mathematical procedure for dimensionality reduction of data
and has wide applications across various fields. In this work, we consider its application in
forecasting stock prices.
Consider the singular value decomposition (SVD) of Sxx:
Sxx ¼ VSV 0 ;
where S is a diagonal matrix of the same dimension as x with non-negative diagonal elements
in decreasing order, and V is a unitary matrix (VV0 = IN). The diagonal elements of S are the
eigenvalues of Sxx.
In general, the first few eigenvalues account for the bulk of the sum of all the eigenvalues.
The “large” eigenvalues are called the principal eigenvalues. The corresponding eigenvectors
are called the principal components.
Let L < N be such that the first L eigenvalues in S account for the bulk part (say 85% or
more) of the sum of the eigenvalues. Let VL be the first L columns of unitary matrix V. Then
the random vector x is approximately equal to the linear combination of the first L columns of
x � VL a;
where α is a random vector of length L. Because L is a small number compared to N, Eq (5)
suggests that a less “noisy” subspace with a lower dimension than N can represent most of the
information. Projecting onto this principle subspace can resolve the ill-conditioned problem
of Syy. The idea is that instead of including all eigenvalues in representing Sxx, which vary
greatly in magnitude, we use a subset which only includes the “large” ones, and therefore the
range of eigenvalues is significantly reduced. The same concept is implemented in speed signal
subspace filtering methods, which are based on the orthogonal decomposition of noisy speech
observation space onto a signal subspace and a noise subspace [43]. Let VM,L be the first M
rows and first L columns of V. We have
y ¼ VM;L a þ Noise:
Mathematically resolving noisy observation vector y onto the principle subspace can be written
as a filtering operation in the form of
w ¼ Gy;
where G is given by
G ¼ ðVM;L VM;L Þ VM;L :
The vector w is actually the coordinates of the orthogonal projection of y onto the subspace
equal to the range of VM,L. We can also think of w as an estimate of α based on least squares.
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Substituting y by w in (3) leads to a better conditioned set of equations:
^z zjw
¼ Szw Sww1 w
^ zjw
¼ Szz
Szw Sww1 Swz ;
because the condition number of Sww is much lower than that of Syy, as we will demonstrate
later. In (9) we have
Szw ¼ E½zw � ¼ Szy G ;
Sww ¼ E½ww � ¼ GSyy G :
If the posterior distribution of z estimated based on (9) has a similar behavior to the distribution estimated by (3), it can be considered a good substitute for the Gauss-Bayes method.
Our numerical results demonstrate that this is indeed the case, which we will show in Section.
Moving average. Technical traders and investors often use technical trading rules, and
one of the most popular methods used by technical traders and researchers are the moving
average (MA) rules [49, 50]. Satchell investigates the reason general MA trading rules are
widely used by technical analysts [51]. He shows that autocorrelation amplification is one of
the reasons such trading rules are popular. Using simulated results, we show that the MA rule
may be popular because it can identify the price momentum and is a simple way of assessing
and exploiting the price autocorrelation without necessarily knowing its precise structure.
Moving average, which is the average of prices over a period of time, is probably the simplest
estimator for z:
^z MA
KMA i¼N K þ1 i
where the quantity KMA is the number of data points included to calculate the average, and ^z MA
is the average of the most recent KMA price values.
There are different possible values of KMA for calculating the average, from short to medium
to long term periods. Here we use periods of 10 and 50 days, which are typical short and midterm values used in the literature. We will use the moving average estimator for comparison
purposes, as we will see in Section below.
Fig 1 shows an example of our stock predictions. Assume that we are given the price values
for the past 20 days (M = 20), and we want to use those values to predict the future prices over
the next 10 business days, from day M + 1 to day N (N = 30). In our reduced-dimension technique, we can get a relatively smooth plot of the predicted value for a relatively small L, to a
plot almost the same as Gauss-Bayes, for larger values of L, as we can can see in Fig 1.
Performance metrics
Mean squared error. To compare the performance of the methods described above, we
evaluate the expected value of the squared error between the actual and estimated values. The
mean squared error of an estimate ^z is given by:
MSE ¼ E kz ^z k2 ¼ E kzk2 þ E k^z k2
2E½ kz0 ^z k �
The MSE can be expressed in terms of the covariance matrices in (2), by substituting the
appropriate form of ^z . Alternatively, the mean squared error of an estimator ^z can be written
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Fig 1. Predicting price for M + 1 to N days, actual price: Solid line, GB: −o−, RD: −� − (two lines, one for a small
value of L, and one for a relatively large number).
in terms of the variance of the estimator plus its squared bias. The conditional MSE given x is
written as
MSEz^jz ¼ E kz
^z k2 j z ¼ traceðSz^jz Þ þ kE ^z j z �
zk :
The first term is called the variance, and the second term is the squared bias. The expected
value of MSE over all observations is the actual MSE, which can be calculated by taking expectations on both sides:
h �
MSE ¼ E E kz
� �
^z k2 j z � ¼ traceðEkSz^jz kÞ þ E kE ^z j z �
zk �:
It turns out that Gauss-Bayes estimator is unbiased, which means that the second term is 0,
while the proposed reduced-dimension methods is a biased estimator.
Directional change statistic.
bij ¼
1; if ðzij
z0 Þð^z ij
z0 Þ > 0
0; otherwise
Then Dj, the direction statistic for day j, averaged over K samples, is equal to
K i¼1 ij
which is a number between 0 and 1 (the higher the better).
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Empirical methodology and results
In this section we describe how we estimate the covariance matrix based on a normalized data
set, and we evaluate the performance of our method using empirical data.
General setting
Suppose that we have K samples of vector data, each of length N, where N < K. Call these row
vectors x1, x2, . . ., xK, where each xi 2 RN ði ¼ 1; . . . ; KÞ is a row vector of length N:
xi ¼ ½ xi1
� � � xiN �:
We assume that the vectors x1, x2, . . ., xK are drawn from the same underlying distribution.
We can stack these vectors together as rows of a K × N matrix:
x11 x12 � � � x1N
x22 � � � x2N 7
X ¼ 6 21
4 ��� ��� ��� ��� 5
xK1 xK2 � � � xKN
Let M � N and suppose that we are given a vector y 2 RM representing the first M data points
of a vector we believe is drawn from the same distribution as x1, x2, . . ., xK. Again, these M data
points represent the end-of-day prices of a company stock over the past M consecutive trading
days. Let z be the price of the next N − M days in the future. We wish to estimate z from y.
Since the vector xi is a multivariate random vector that can be partitioned in the form
x i ¼ ½ yi
zi �;
where yi has length M and zi has length N − M, accordingly the data matrix X can be divided
into two sub-matrices Y and Z as follow:
X ¼ ½Y
Z �:
We can think of Y as a data matrix consisting of samples of historical data, and Z as a data
matrix consisting of the corresponding future values of prices.
Normalizing and centering the data
In the case of stock-price data, the vectors x1, x2, . . ., xK might come from prices spanning
several months or more. If so, the basic assumption that they are drawn from the same distribution may not hold because the value of a US dollar has changed over time, as a result of inflation. To overcome this issue, a scaling approach should be used to meaningfully normalize the
prices (we will deal with the time-varying nature of the covariance later). One such approach is
presented here. Suppose that ti = [ti1, ti2, . . ., tiN] is a vector of “raw” (unprocessed) stock prices
over N consecutive trading days. Suppose that Q � N is also given. Then we apply the following normalization to obtain xi:
xi ¼
ti ðQÞ
This normalization has the interpretation that the xi vector contains stock prices as a fraction
of the value on the Qth day, and is meaningful if we believe that the pattern of such fractions
over the days 1, . . ., N are drawn from the same distribution. Note that xi(Q) = 1.
We believe normalizing the data with this method captures the pattern in the price data better than simply using return data. Although similar to return, the resulting time series still
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suffers from being non-stationary over time. We propose to resolve this issue by using a
weighting averaging method as explained in the next section.
For the purpose of applying our method based on PCA, we assume that the vectors x1, x2,
. . ., xK are drawn from the same underlying distribution and that the mean, x�, is equal to zero.
However because xi represents price values, in general the mean is not zero. The mean x� can
be estimated by averaging the vector xi 2 RN ði ¼ 1; . . . ; KÞ,
K i¼1 i
and then this average vector is deducted from each xi to center the data.
Even though this normalization makes the data stationary in the mean, since stock prices
are very volatile, there is no guarantee that the covariance of the data would be stationary as
well. In order to address this issue, we assign exponential weights (γ0, γ1, � � �, γk) to observations, where 0 < γ < 1, to emphasize the most recent periods of data. Using an exponential
weighting approach to deal with volatility of financial data has been suggested in multiple studies such as [52]. For each observation xi, the last K samples prior to that observation are transformed into a Hankel matrix and normalized. Then (decreasing) exponential weights are
assigned to the K samples and numerical results are calculated. This process, creating the
matrix of data, normalizing, and assigning weights, is repeated for each observation.
To select the value of K we use
K ¼ min fk : gk < 10 3 g:
The daily historical price data for 150 different companies from different market-capitalization
categories were downloaded from Market capitalization is a measure of
the company’s wealth and refers to the total value of all a company’s shares of stock. We randomly select 50 stocks from each of the three market capitalization (cap for short) categories:
Big market-cap (125 B$ to 922 B$), Mid market-cap (2 B$ to 10 B$) and Small market-cap
(300 M$ to 1.2 B$). The stocks from the Big market-cap category are normally the most stable
ones relative to the Small-cap stocks, which have the most volatility. Historical data for four
market indexes, S&P500 (GSPC), Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJI), NASDAQ Composite
(IXIC), and Russell 2000 (RUT), were also included in this study. The data was transformed
into matrices with different sizes as explained in next section. In each case, the daily price
value for next 10 days are predicted and the estimation methods are compare based on their
out-of-sample performance.
Constructing data matrix
The daily stock price data is transformed into a matrix with K rows, samples of vector data,
each of length N. We get that by stacking K rows (K samples), each one time shifted from the
previous one, all in one big matrix, called the Hankel matrix.
More precisely, the Hankel matrix for this problem is constructed in the following format:
2 3 2
6t 7 6
6 2 7 6 Pð2Þ
PðN þ 1Þ 7
6 . 7¼6
6 . 7 4 ���
4 . 5
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where P(i) represents the price for day i. This is our matrix of data, before normalization and
We first normalize each row (observation) by Qth entry, as described earlier, and then subtract the average vector x� from each row. The prediction is done using the processed data.
After doing the prediction, we add back the average vector x�N M (last N − M components of x�)
from days M + 1 through N and also multiply the result by the value of Qth that was used for
normalizing to get back to actual stock prices. We tested different values for Q in terms of
MSE and estimation variance. For the purpose of this study, we chose Q = M because it shows
the best results in this setting. Recall that xi(M) = 1. This column is removed from the data
matrix because it does not provide any information. From now on matrix X represents normalized and centered price data.
To account for the nonstationarity of the covariance, we use an exponential averaging
method as mentioned before. For this purpose, γ = 0.98 was selected and the weights smaller
than 10−3 were considered zero. Then the sample covariance matrix is calculated as
1 g
Sxx ¼
X diagðg0 ; g1 ; � � � ; gk ÞX;
1 gkþ1
where diag(γ0, γ1, � � �, γk) is a diagonal matrix with (γ0, γ1, � � �, γk) as the diagonal elements.
We obtained end-of-day stock prices for General Electric and converted this time series
into Hankel matrices with different lengths as described above. 2000 samples were used to
evaluate the out-of-sample performance of the methods. The values corresponding with the
performance metrics presented in this section converge after a few hundred samples. We construct data matrices with 9 different sizes, M from 50 to 530 with a 60 day interval, to investigate the effect of length of observation vector on performance.
Fig 2 shows the histogram of normalized data as a representation of the distribution of normalized data; the curve resembles a bell shape.
MSE performance
Three different estimation methods are implemented for each of the data matrices constructed
above. The goal is to predict future price values for the next 10 days (days M + 1 to N). when it
comes to reduced-dimension method, for each M we try different values of L, the number of
principle components. The general goal, as mentioned above, is an estimation technique that
has a similar behavior as an ideal Gauss-Bayes estimator but does not have the associated calculation difficulties resulting from ill-conditioning.
We use General Electric price data to calculate the values illustrated in this section. We calculate the squared error (SE) for 2000 samples to evaluate the performance of the methods.
We implement our reduced-dimension technique for different Ms, and for different numbers
of principal eigenvalues, L.
Fig 3 shows the empirical Cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the SE for 2 different
values of M, together with two-standard-deviation confidence interval. Note that to make our
comparisons fair and meaningful, we normalized the results from the moving average predictors so that their values are equally normalized with the values from our RD method. When it
comes to out-of-sample performance, the numerical complications compromise the estimation accuracy of Gauss-Bayes, causing the SE values for this method to become even worse
than the SE plot for the moving average estimators. As we can see, in both plots, our reduceddimension method is superior to the other two methods. For M = 110 some lines are relatively
close together. As M gets larger, the plot for the reduced-dimension method improves and the
plot for Gauss-Bayes gets worse.
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Fig 2. Histogram graph for normalized data.
Another point worth mentioning is that although adding more data improves the performance of our proposed method, that is not the case for the moving average estimator. As the
arrow on the plot on the bottom indicates, by adding more data, moving from zMA10 to zMA50 ,
the performance of the moving average estimator deteriorates. This behavior is expected since
the moving average relies on the momentum, in contrast to the reduced-dimension method,
which extracts the essence of the information by projecting onto a smaller subspace.
Fig 4 shows the values of MSE over all days of estimation versus the value of L, for 9 different M, lengths of observation vector, from 50 to 530. As we can see, the MSE value is insensitive to the value of L for sufficiently large L. For small values of L, the MSE values fall quickly,
but then eventually increase. So if we have a particular constraint on the condition number, we
do not lose much in terms of MSE by choosing a reduced-dimension subspace, which leads to
a better conditioned problem. After a certain point, adding more data is actually adding noise
and the MSE values get worse.
The metric we are looking for is the sum of MSE values over all days of estimation.
For each length of M, the values for MSE are captured based on different constraints of the
condition number of Sww. The MSE values in the reduced-dimension method are significantly
smaller relative to the other two methods.
Fig 5 shows the relative percentage of improvement (RPI) in the reduced-dimension
method compared to the other two methods, calculated as
Note that since the denominator in the equation is MSEGB/MA, the improvement percentage
does not exceed 100% but the actual MSE values are further apart in absolute terms than illustrated here. For example for M = 350, the MSE value for reduced-dimension is between 0.0052
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Fig 3. Empirical CDF of SE corresponding to M = 110 and 290. MA20 and MA50: −o−, GB: −� −, RD: Solid lines.
Dashed lines illustrate a two standard deviation confidence interval. Plots toward the top and left represent better
to 0.018, while the MSE in Gauss-Bayes is around 6.33 × 106. The three (overlapping and therefore appears as only a single plot) lines on top (-� -) of Fig 5 compare the reduced-dimension to
Gauss-Bayes (RPIGB). The three lines on top (‥o‥) correspond to the comparison of the
reduced-dimension and moving average (RPIMA50 ) and the three lines on the bottom (‥o‥) correspond to (RPIMA10 ). In each case the three lines are subject to different upper limits on the
condition number (102, 103, and 104). It is worth mentioning that the condition number of Syy
starts from 103 for M = 50 and goes up to 1019 for M = 530. The upper limit on the condition
number of Sww changes from 102, associated with the lines on the bottom in each case, to 104,
the lines on top, for all values of M.
In general, by increasing M, more information is available in each observation, resulting in
better performance of the prediction in terms of smallest MSE values. This can be observed
easily in the RPI plots in Fig 5 in comparison to the moving average cases since the MSE values
in the those cases are almost constant for different values of M. The percent of improvement of
MSE values corresponding to the reduced-dimension method increases as M increases. This is
as expected since more information is available in each observation, resulting in better
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Stock price prediction using principal components
Fig 4. MSE versus L in the normalized domain for different Ms.
performance. However after a certain point the RPI flattens out suggesting adding more data
at this point is increasing the noise and does not improve the performance.
As we can see, in some cases there is a slight decrease in the improvement rate of the
reduced-dimension method compared to the moving average method. A possible explanation
for this observation is that when we fix some constraint on condition number, we are actually
limiting the value of L, and by increasing M, after a certain point, we mostly increase the noise,
and the MSE value gets worse, which is consistent with Fig 4. Table 1 shows the average RPI
values for all stocks in different market-cap categories and average RPI values for market
indexes. The reduced-dimension method consistently shows better performance than the
other two methods.
Matlab’s two-sample t-test function was used to determine the MSE values from our proposed method for 50 stocks in each market-cap category is significantly smaller than the average of the MSE values generated for the same sample using other methods at 5% significance
level (α = 0.05). When p < α and h = 1, the null hypothesis that the two samples have the same
mean is rejected, concluding that the difference between the averages of the two sets of samples
is statistically significant at α significance level. As shown in Table 2, the results indicate that
the average of the MSE values for predictions from our method is significantly smaller than
the average of MSE values from other competing methods at 0.05 significance level.
Recall that L represents the number of eigenvalues required from the diagonal matrix S to
represent the bulk part of the information carried in x. Fig 6 investigates the dimension of the
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Fig 5. RPI values, subject to different upper limit on condition number of Sww, in each case 102 associated with
the line on the bottom, to 104 associated with the line on top, RPIMA: ‥o‥, RPIGB: −� −. Higher plots represent worse
relative performance (relative to RD).
target subspace by plotting the value of L corresponding to best MSE for different Ms, subject
to different limits on condition number (the same case as in Fig 5).
As the upper limit on condition number increases, the value of MSE improves as M
increases, and we need a bigger subspace, bigger L, to extract the information. However, as the
bottom three plots in Fig 6 show, the value for best L flattens out after a certain point.
Directional change statistic performance
The other evaluation metric that we are interested in is the directional statistic which measures
the matching of the actual and predicted values in terms of directional change. Fig 7 shows the
average directional statistic over 10 days of estimation using the same K = 2000 samples. As
the plot indicates, the reduced-dimension method is superior in terms of directional change
statistic. It is interesting to note that the directional statistic improves as M increases, and then
eventually flattens out, consistent with previous plots.
Table 1. Average RPI values for stocks in different market-cap categories and average RPI values for market
indexes (M = 350).
Market indexes
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Table 2. Statistical analysis for MSE values for stocks in different market cap categories (M = 350).
Table 3 shows the average value for directional statistic for stocks in different market cap
categories and indexes for M = 350 for Sww condition number limited to 104. The reduceddimension method is superior to the other two methods in terms of directional change estimation. It is important to note that the values represented in Table 3 are associated with a specific
M for all companies. In practice, it is recommended to tailor the value of M for each company
to get the best results.
Matlab’s two-sample t-test function was used to determine if the average of the directional
statistics from our method for 50 stocks is significantly larger than the average of directional
statistics from other methods. Table 4 lists the p-value and h-statistic for each test. The results
also indicate that the average of directional statistics from our method is significantly larger
than the average of the directional statistics from other competing methods at 5% significance
Another important parameter that we estimate is the volatility of the prediction, measured in
terms of its standard deviation. The square root of the diagonal elements of the estimated
Fig 6. Best L corresponding to best MSE values subject to different limits on condition number, 102 associated
with the line on the bottom, 103 associated with the line in the middle, and 104 associated with the line on top.
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Fig 7. Best directional statistics subject to different upper limit on condition number of Syy, 102 associated with
the line on the bottom, to 104 associated with the line on top, GB: −� −, RD: Solid lines, MA: ‥o‥ (MA10 on the
bottom and MA50 on top). Higher plots represent better performance.
^ zz , are the estimated standard deviations for individual days of estimation. The
covariance, S
estimate of the covariance in each method is
^ GB
^ zjy ¼ Szz
Szy Syy1 Syz ;
^ RD
^ zjw ¼ Szz
Szw Sww1 Swz ;
However, note that because of the poor conditioning of Syy, using the formula above for
SGB has numerical issues. Hence, we omit their values here. In general the standard deviation
values increase moving from day 1 to day 10 of prediction, since less uncertainty is involved in
the estimation of stock prices of days closer to the current day. In Fig 8, the standard deviation
for individual days of estimation, days 1 to 10, are plotted versus M, the length of observation
vector, for the reduced-dimension method. In the reduced-dimension method, the standard
deviation values decrease as M increases because more information is provided in each observation. For sufficiently large Ms, the standard deviation values for different days are very close.
Table 3. Average directional statistics for stocks in different market cap categories (M = 350).
Directional Statistic
Market Indexes
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Table 4. Statistical analysis for directional statistics values for stocks in different market-cap categories (M = 350).
Fig 8. Standard deviation of individual days of estimation, RD: Solid line.
In this paper we introduced a new method for predicting future stock price values based on
covariance information. We develop this method based on a filtering operation using principle
components to overcome the numerical complications of conditional mean. We also introduced a procedure for normalizing the data. The matrix of data was constructed in different
sizes to investigate the effect of length of observation vector on prediction performance. Our
method has showed consistently better out-of-sample performance than Gauss-Bayes (multivariate conditional mean), a numerically challenged estimator, and moving average, an easy to
use estimator, for 5 different companies in terms of mean squared error and directional change
The proposed method can be modified to include multiple predictors. The significance of
the proposed approach will be even more apparent when using multiple predictors because
where observation vectors are longer it becomes almost impossible to rely on conditional
mean due to the severe ill-conditioning of the covariance matrix.
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Stock price prediction using principal components
Supporting information
S1 File.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Mahsa Ghorbani, Edwin K. P. Chong.
Data curation: Mahsa Ghorbani.
Formal analysis: Mahsa Ghorbani, Edwin K. P. Chong.
Funding acquisition: Mahsa Ghorbani.
Investigation: Mahsa Ghorbani.
Methodology: Mahsa Ghorbani, Edwin K. P. Chong.
Project administration: Mahsa Ghorbani.
Resources: Mahsa Ghorbani.
Software: Mahsa Ghorbani.
Supervision: Edwin K. P. Chong.
Validation: Mahsa Ghorbani.
Visualization: Mahsa Ghorbani.
Writing – original draft: Mahsa Ghorbani.
Writing – review & editing: Mahsa Ghorbani.
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