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Neurochem Res. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2019 February 26.
Published in final edited form as:
Neurochem Res. 2017 July ; 42(7): 2065–2070. doi:10.1007/s11064-017-2262-4.
Neurodevelopmental Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs
Marissa Kellogg1 and Kimford J. Meador2
of Neurology, Oregon Health Sciences University, 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd,
Mail Code 120, Portland, OR 97239-3098, USA
of Neurology & Neurological Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford CA, USA
Author Manuscript
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Increasing evidence suggests that exposure to certain antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) during critical
periods of development may induce transient or long-lasting neurodevelopmental deficits across
cognitive, motor and behavioral domains. The developing nervous system may endure prolonged
chronic exposure to AEDs during pregnancy (in utero) or during childhood, which can lead to
neurodevelopmental defects such as congenital neural tube defects, lower IQ, language deficits,
autism and ADHD. To date, valproate is the most widely recognized AED to significantly
negatively affect neurodevelopment, and demonstrates greater adverse effects than any other AEDs
that have been assessed. Although some AEDs appear to have low risk (i.e., lamotrigine,
levetiracetam), other AEDs have been implicated in a variety of studies detailed below, and many
AEDs have not been adequately assessed. The purpose of this review article is to summarize our
current understanding of the neurodevelopmental effects of AEDs.
AED; Antiepileptic drugs; Anticonvulsant drugs; Neurodevelopmental effects; Neurodevelopment;
AED exposure
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Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) are neuroactive compounds that reduce seizure incidence by a
variety of biochemical mechanisms which decrease pathological hyperexcitability of the
cerebral cortex [1]. Since AEDs act on the central nervous system, they may induce
neurocognitive, motor and behavioral side effects during active exposure, such as dizziness,
sedation, balance impairment, and mood change. Increasing evidence suggests that exposure
to certain AEDs during critical periods of development may induce transient or long-lasting
neurodevelopmental deficits across cognitive, motor and behavioral domains [2]. Since
epilepsy is a chronic condition, patients must take AEDs daily for years to decades to
prevent seizures; consequently, the developing nervous system may endure prolonged
chronic exposure to AEDs during pregnancy (in utero) or during childhood. At the same
time, poorly-controlled seizures may also lead to adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes and
Correspondence to: Marissa Kellogg.
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other medical complications, so it may be difficult to distinguish the effects of the drugs
from the effects of the epilepsy in individuals with both.
The purpose of this review article is to summarize our current understanding of the
neurodevelopmental effects of AEDs. First, we will discuss the existing body of research on
the topic and how it was acquired. Second, we will review the evidence for neuro-anatomical
teratogenic, cognitive, and behavioral effects in dedicated sections organized by type of
effect with a focus on neurocognitive effects. Finally, we will conclude with a survey of
areas of ongoing research and gaps in knowledge.
Existing Research
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Our current understanding of the neurodevelopmental effects of AEDs has exponentially
increased over the past 30 years, but remains incomplete. Current evidence derives primarily
from studies of in utero exposure to AEDs in both animals and humans, although some
studies of childhood exposure are being conducted. Animal studies are typically randomized
experiments of drug exposure, but human studies are inevitably observational (prospective or
retrospective) given ethical constraints [2]. Human studies of fetal exposure are limited not
only by ethical and practical factors, but also logistical and financial factors; it is expensive
and time-intensive to closely follow exposed children over their many years of development.
In children with epilepsy, randomized controlled trials of cognitive effects are possible, but
few comparative studies have been conducted, especially over prolonged exposure [3].
However, in the development of newer generation AEDs, more standardized
neuropsychological testing of children and adolescents have been incorportated in the
clinical trials.
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Most animal data on neurodevelopmental effects of AEDs derives from rodent studies,
although some primate work has also been done [4]. In animal studies, factors such as dose,
timing, genetic background, mechanism of epilepsy, can be precisely controlled so that
direct comparisons between drugs and doses can be made. However, the applicability of this
research is significantly limited by the fact that animals are not humans, and there are likely
various mechanisms acting on various stages of development that cannot be directly
modeled. While human and rodent molecular biology is nearly identical, higher level brain
structure and function are different. Perhaps more importantly, neurocognitive and
behavioral responses to the AEDs are markedly different and must be measured differently;
for example, a human IQ test bears little resemblance to rodent cognitive tests and cannot be
directly compared.
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One of the most concerning findings of the animal studies is that many AEDs (at therapeutic
levels) have repeatedly been found to be pro-apoptotic to certain populations of cells in the
immature brain [5, 6]. Additional studies have demonstrated decreased cell proliferation or
decreased number of cells in the hippocampus, hypothalamus, cerebellum [7, 8]. Similar to
alcohol, AED-induced cognitive/behavioral deficits may be more related to altered
physiology and synaptogenesis in surviving neurons than actual cell lost. Nevertheless, the
drug-induced apopotosis in the immature brain appears to be a reliable marker of long-term
cognitive/behavioral effects. AED-induced apoptosis in the immature animal brain has been
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demonstrated for benzodiazepines, phenobarbital, phenytoin, valproate and vigabatrin.
Apoptosis does not occur with monotherapy exposure to carbamazepine, levetiracetam,
lamotrigine or topiramate, but these AEDs except levetiracetam may increase apoptosis in
polytherapy with an AED that induces apoptosis in monotherapy [2]. Unfortunately, many
AEDs have not been tested in this model.
It has been proposed that AEDs may induce different teratogenic deficits at different stages
of exposure and may involve different mechanisms. For example, anatomical risks are most
related to first trimester exposure, but cognitive/behavioral effects may be more related to
third trimester exposure similar to alcohol [9]. Possible mechanisms for neurodevelopmental
defects besides apoptosis and cell proliferation alterations include folate deficiency, reactive
intermediates (e.g. epoxides or free radicals), ischemia, synaptic changes, and neuronal
suppression—but there is no strong evidence for a single mechanism [10].
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To assess the potential long-term neurodevelopmental effects of cell loss or altered
physiology in the brain, more animal studies are being conducted measuring outcomes in
learning, social behavior, motor performance, and emotional (eg fear) responses in head-tohead trials of different AEDs. For example, recent studies have shown that there is a
decrease in spatial learning (via the water maze test) and decreased social exploration in
adult rats exposed to phenobarbital, phenytoin, and lamotrigine on postnatal days 7–13 [11].
Numerous studies have shown variable abnormalities in cued fear conditioning, risk
assessment, sensorimotor gating, motor coordination, startle response, risk assessment, and
many other neurodevelopmental measures, depending on the AED, dose and timing; recent
reviews by Bath and Scharfman and Verrotti et al. summarize the highlights of such studies
[4, 12]. On the contrary, some studies have suggested neuroprotective effects of certain
AEDs like levetiracetam and lamotrigine, especially in animals with seizures [13], so further
research is indicated.
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Given the potential risks of fetal exposure to AEDs, it would be ethically, logistically and
practically very difficult to perform randomized controlled trials of exposure in pregnant
women. As a result, the evidence on the topic derives primarily from registry studies such as
the EURAP. Countries such as the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, have nationalized
healthcare with robust population-based databases that facilitate neuro-epidemiological
studies of exposure and longitudinal neurodevelopmental outcomes. In the United States and
Canada, the North American AED Pregnancy Registry (established in 1997) has been the
largest source of data on the risk of major malformations from AED exposures during
pregnancy; 10,200 women had enrolled as of May 2016 [14]. The US and UK-based
Neurodevelopmental Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs (NEAD) study has been the most
comprehensive prospective multicenter observational study of exposure and
neurodevelopmental effects, assessing outcomes such as IQ and behavior in children many
years post-exposure [15, 16]. This investigation is continuing with a new cohort examining
both maternal and child outcomes in the Maternal Outcomes and Neurodevelopmental
Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs (MONEAD) study. The results of the registries have not only
contributed critical data to the medical and scientific community for analysis, systematic
review and incorporation into national and international treatment guidelines, but have also
empowered women with epilepsy and have highlighted gaps in knowledge and care.
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Anatomical Teratogenic Effects of AEDs
It has been recognized for over 50 years that fetal exposure to AEDs can increase the risk for
major congenital malformations (MCMs). Categories of MCMs include neural tube defects
(a neurodevelopmental abnormality), cardiac, craniofacial, skeletal, and urological
malformations. Since the 1960s, physicians began reporting “hare lip and cleft palate…
congenital heart lesions and minor skeletal abnormalities” among children of mothers taking
AEDs of that time period, which included phenytoin, phenobarbitone, and primidone [17].
Currently, it is recognized that certain AEDs are more teratogenic than others, with valproate
being the most teratogenic [18].
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In 2016, the Cochrane Collaboration published a systematic review of on congenital
malformation outcomes in children exposed to AED monotherapy in utero [18]. The review
included 50 published studies, to calculate the relative risks of congenital malformations
using pooled prevalences of malformations within AED groups. Children exposed to
valproate had the highest risk of a MCM at 10.93%, and the level of risk of having a
malformation was linked to the cummulative dose the child was exposed to in the womb.
Additionally, children exposed to carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital, and topiramate
were also at higher risk of malformations. The authors concluded the current evidence
suggested levetiracetam and lamotrigine carried the lowest risks of malformations. The
effect of timing of exposure was difficult to assess by the Cochrane team since not all 50
published studies clarified timing. A committee assembled by the American Academy of
Neurology in 2009 reassessed the evidence related to the care of women with epilepsy
during pregnancy and concluded that AED polytherapy probably contributes to the
development of MCMs, especially when valproate is part of the drug regimen [19]. Since the
topic of malformations has been extensively covered in these recent evidence-based
systematic reviews, we refer readers to those articles and recent reviews for more details on
the topic [1].
Cognitive Effects of AED Exposure
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To date, the evidence suggests that in utero exposure to several AEDs does not significantly
affect IQ after controlling for maternal IQ, with the notable exception of valproate exposure.
However, many AEDs have not been adequately accessed. In 2014, the Cochrane
Collaboration Epilepsy Group systematically reviewed the literature to assess the effects of
prenatal exposure to commonly prescribed AEDs on neurodevelopmental outcomes in the
child, and to assess the methodological quality of the literature [20]. The primary outcome
examined was global cognitive functioning (IQ in adults and school-aged children, and
developmental quotient or “DQ” in non-school-aged children), and secondary outcomes
included deficits in specific cognitive domains or prevalence of neurodevelopmental
disorders. They incorporated 22 prospective cohort studies and six registry-based studies
into their analysis. The most salient finding was that children exposed to valproate in utero
showed poorer cognitive development both in infancy and when school-aged. A link
between valproate dose and child ability was found in six studies, with higher cumulative
doses of the drug linked to a lower IQ ability in the child [21]. There was conflicting
evidence on carbamazepine and phenytoin exposure in utero, which the authors thought was
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most likely due to differences in study design. There was very limited high-quality data on
newer medications, but the preponderance of the evidence suggests that lamotrigine and
levetiracetam have no significant neurodevelopmental adverse effects. In fact, several studies
have recorded above average IQ scores in children exposed to lamotrigine in utero [22, 23].
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Innumerable studies have examined the immediate effects of active AED use on different
cognitive domains, but a paucity of studies have examined the effects of fetal exposure on
specific cognitive domains. Moreover, there is marked heterogeneity in cognitive domain
assessment methodologies—especially since neurodevelopment is a dynamic process and
different methodologies are appropriate at different ages—so comparisons across studies are
challenging. With regards to motor development, phenytoin and valproate have been
implicated in delayed motor milestones or impaired coordination, while carbamazepine,
levetiracetam, and lamotrigine have shown no significant motor impairment [20]. In verbal
or language domains, valproate has consistently been shown to worsen verbal outcomes
[24]; there is no robust evidence for other AEDs affecting language, although carbamazepine
has been implicated in some but not other studies [16, 21]. While topiramate is an AED
known to affect verbal domains during active use [25], there is insufficient evidence to
determine whether there is any neurodevelop-mental effect. To date, no neurodevelopmental
studies have identified isolated visuospatial deficits in the setting of AED exposure; when
visuospatial deficits are found, such as with valproate exposure, they are inevitably
associated with global and verbal deficits as well. In general, there is a paucity of
neurodevelopmental studies specifically evaluating the cognitive domains of attention,
memory and executive function—so further research is needed in these areas. A recent study
of visual attention and orientating to faces in 7 month-old infants exposed to AEDs in utero
found no significant effect of exposure [26]. In addition, the NEAD study found
impairments in executive function, memory and non-verbal cognitive functions in children
exposed in utero to valproate [16].
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In assessing cognitive outcomes of AED exposure, there are a myriad of potential
confounding factors. Maternal IQ is now well-recognized as one of the strongest predictors
of offspring IQ, regardless of epilepsy status or medication use [27]. A recent review by
Inoyama and Meador examined cognitive outcomes of prenatal AED exposure, summarizing
the current evidence and chronicling its evolution over time [28]. They note that prior to
2000, most studies did not control for maternal IQ and therefore are subject to strong bias.
Other potential confounding factors are total AED exposure (dose and duration), type and
severity of maternal epilepsy (both during pregnancy and after), poly-pharmacy,
socioeconomic status, presence of other comorbidities, and breastfeeding exposure. Further,
studies to date have not examined AED blood levels, which may be important given variable
changes in AED clearance during pregnancy.
Behavioral Outcomes of AED Exposure
Rates of behavioral disorders such as autism and attentional deficit disorders have been
reported to be higher in children exposed to certain AEDs in utero [29]. Increased
prevalence of autism spectrum disorders in children with fetal valproate exposure has been
reported in several studies, with prevalences ranging from 3 to 15% [30–32]. The strongest
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evidence linking valproate to autism risk comes from a Danish population-based study of
655,615 children including 508 with fetal valproate exposure; incidence of autism spectrum
disorder was 4.42% (95% confidence interval [CI] 2.59–7.46%) and autism incidence was
2.50% (95% CI 1.30–4.81%) [31] in exposed children, compared to 2.44% (95% CI 1.88–
3.16%) and 1.02% (95% CI 0.70–1.49%), respectively, in children not exposed.
Additionally, rates of autism have been found to be higher with higher doses of sodium
valproate exposure [32]. In other prospective studies of neurobehavioral outcomes, children
whose mothers took valproate during their pregnancy had higher rates of ADHD, and
received significantly higher parental ratings of behaviors consistent with poor attention
regulation and social immaturity [33].
Postnatal AED Exposure Effects on Neurodevelopment
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The neurodevelopmental effects of postnatal exposure to AEDs are methodologically much
more difficult to study than prenatal exposure because, after breastfeeding, AEDs are almost
exclusively given to children with seizures and epilepsy. Therefore, studies must tease apart
the effect size of the various additional confounders: type of epilepsy, seizure control,
underlying brain disease, reversible AED side effects, etc. One way to examine this would
be to conduct neurobehavioral testing on children with age-related epilepsy syndromes who
are exposed to various AEDs during randomized controlled trials of AED therapy, such as
the Phase III clinical trial in newly diagnosed childhood absence epilepsy (CAE) [34]. This
study demonstrated that attentional dysfunction was more common with valproic acid than
with ethosuximide treatment (49 vs 33%, respectively; odds ratio, 1.95; 95% CI 1.12 to
3.41); it would be interesting to study whether this effect was completely reversible with
discontinuation of these medications. Also, longer follow-up studies in children during
chronic treatment are needed to assess long-term adverse neurodevelopmental effects.
Fortunately, standardized neuropsychological testing of children and adolescents is now
being routinely incorporated into clinical trials of the newer therapies, so we will better be
able to assess neurodevelopmental effects going forward [3].
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To date, the studies of the neurodevelopmental effects of AED exposure during
breastfeeding indicate that the practice of breastfeeding while taking AEDs is generally safe
with no documented worsening of adverse neurodevelop-mental effects of AED exposure
[35–37]. In fact, comparisons of infants of mothers on AEDs who breastfed versus bottle-fed
often indicate that breastfeeding may be neurodevelopmentally advantageous despite risks of
ongoing AED exposure. In a subpopulation analysis of the multicenter NEAD study, 42.9%
of children exposed to AEDs prenatally were also exposed during breastfeeding for a mean
of 7.2 months; the breastfed children exhibited higher IQ (adjusted IQ 4 points higher [95%
CI 0–8]) and enhanced verbal abilities compared to the bottle fed children at age 6 years
[37]. For details on this subject, a recent review by Veiby et al. summarizes the current
understanding of the risks and benefits of breastfeeding in women with epilepsy [35].
Future Directions
Clearly, more evidence is needed to better define the neurodevelopmental effects and risks
associated with AED exposure. The consequences of AED exposure may not manifest until
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years or decades after exposure, so more longterm surveillance studies are needed. Countries
with nationalized health systems and more comprehensive required national reporting data
for congenital abnormalities or neurodevelopmental disorders, such as the Netherlands,
Norway and Sweden could perform more prospective neurodevelopmental testing or
correlations of public school and heath care data. In the US, the North American Pregnancy
Registry with combined effort from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has contributed
significantly to our understanding of risk, but it remains a voluntary registry with incomplete
data currently funded by a coalition of pharmaceutical industry partners. Ideally, congenital
defects would require mandatory reporting, and the registry would be nationally funded.
Additionally, the Food and Drug Administration could require follow-up reporting by
pharmaceuticals on their neurodevelopmental effects years after approval, to better delineate
risks. Finally, there needs to be improved NIH funding for basic science and prospective
clinical research to identify the specific mechanisms responsible for the teratogenic effects,
so they can potentially be blocked or minimized by future therapies.
Author Manuscript
Increasing evidence suggests that exposure to certain AEDs during critical periods of
development may induce transient or long-lasting neurodevelopmental deficits across
cognitive, motor and behavioral domains. The developing nervous system may endure
prolonged chronic exposure to AEDs during pregnancy (in utero) or during childhood,
which can lead to neurodevelopmental defects such as congenital neural tube defects, lower
IQ, language deficits, autism and ADHD. To date, valproate is the most widely recognized
AED to significantly negatively affect neurodevelopment, and demonstrates greater adverse
effects than any other AEDs that have been assessed. Although some AEDs appear to have
low risk, other AEDs have been implicated in a variety of studies detailed above, and many
AEDs have not been adequately assessed. While lamotrigine and levetiracetam appear to be
relatively safe, there is insufficient evidence to make definitive conclusions for most AEDs,
and further studies and follow-up are needed to quantify risk.
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