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2017, in M. Barlai, E. Boss, B. Fähnrich, C. Griessler, & M. Rhomberg (eds), European Perspectives on the Migrant Crisis, (chapter 20), Berlin: LIT Verlag. pages 127-144
21 pages
1 file
RICS Built Environment Journal, 2019
Credo Magazine, 2024
Interview with Credo Magazine on divine simplicity
In: T. L. Kienlin/A. Zimmermann (Hrsg.), Beyond Elites. Alternatives to Hierarchical Systems in Modelling Social Formations. Univforsch. Prähist. Arch. 215 (Bonn 2012)
The great weapons or booty sacrifices of the Roman Iron Age in Northern Europe point to the existence of hierarchically organized armed forces. These indicate a social hierarchy which is also reflected in settlement structure and burial patterns. The weapons offering of Hjortspring is, although significantly older in date, often seen as the beginning of a long-lasting tradition of war booty sacrifices, thus implicating a continuity of the social organization from the pre-Roman to the Roman Iron Age. However, as regards the combination of objects Hjortspring is much different from the later sacrifices and therefore embedded in a differing context of meaning. For the pre-Roman Iron Age it is possible to reconstruct patterns of power which were based on kinship relations. Hierarchy and rulership can, however, be ascertained only for the advanced Roman Iron Age, and in this development the influence of Rome played a significant role.
C.I: Barcelona, 31 de Julio del 2015 PILAS GALVÁ NICAS Y ELECT ROLÍT ICAS Pilas Galvánicas y Electrolíticas ¿Qué es la electroquímica?
Bilan des connaissances en génétique et évolution à l'entrée en Terminale Rappels de seconde : La biodiversité est à la fois la diversité des écosystèmes, la diversité des espèces et la diversité génétique au sein des espèces. L'état actuel de la biodiversité correspond à une étape de l'histoire du monde vivant : les espèces actuelles représentent une infime partie du total des espèces ayant existé depuis les débuts de la vie. La biodiversité se modifie au cours du temps (des espèces disparaissent, d'autres apparaissent), naturellement ou sous l'effet de nombreux facteurs, dont l'activité humaine.
International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management, 2002
The concept of sustainable development and its application in South Africa are outlined, within the context of emerging policies and legislation. South African trends in the transition to sustainability are discussed for each of five stages in the life cycle of the built environment: urban planning; project design; the manufacture of building materials and products; construction and maintenance and management. When these trends are evaluated in terms of the economic, social, and environmental components of sustainability, a number of issues become apparent. Differing forms of environmental sustainability are evident in all five stages of the life cycle, although environmental factors should not be overlooked in 'fast-track' development, driven as it is by a sense of urgency to create economic growth. Economic sustainability is most readily observed in the construction phase through the empowerment of emerging contractors, employment-intensive practices, and training initiatives for
Tophets are Phoenician and Punic sanctuaries where cremated infants and children were buried. Many studies focus on the potentially sacrificial nature of these sites, but this article takes a different approach. Combining osteological analysis with a consideration of the archaeological and wider cultural context, the authors explore the short life-courses and mortuary treatments of 12 individuals in the tophet at the Neo-Punic site of Zita, Tunisia. While osteological evidence suggests life at Zita was hard, and systemic health problems may have contributed to the deaths of these individuals, their mortuary rites were attended to with care and without concrete indication of sacrifice.
European Eye on Radicalization, 2020
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2012
A Cultural History of Objects in Antiquity, ed. Robin Osborne, 2021
Social Scientist , 2024
Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2018
Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, 2023
KU Leuven, Institute of Philosophy, 2023
ASEP’s Exercise Medicine Text for Exercise Physiologists, 2016
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Cancer Letters, 1987
Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2018
Brain Injury, 2007
Wiener klinische Wochenschrift, 2008