Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica
Modelling, Analysis and Simulation
Modelling, Analysis and Simulation
Casimir scaling, glueballs, and hybrid gluelumps
V. Mathieu, C. Semay, F. Brau
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Copyright © 2006, Stichting Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica
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ISSN 1386-3703
Casimir scaling, glueballs, and hybrid gluelumps
Abstract. Assuming that the Casimir scaling hypothesis is well verified in QCD, masses of glueballs and
hybrid gluelumps (gluon attached to a point-like cc̄ pair) are computed within the framework of the rotating
string formalism. In our model, two gluons are attached by an adjoint string in a glueball, while the gluon
and the colour octet cc̄ pair are attached by two fundamental strings in a hybrid gluelump. Masses for such
exotic hadrons are computed with very few free parameters. These predictions can serve as a guide for
experimental searches. In particular, the ground state glueballs lie on a Regge trajectory and the lightest
2++ state has a mass compatible with some experimental candidates.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 81V05; 81V35
Keywords and Phrases: Glueball; Relativistic quark model
Note: This work was carried out under project MAS3 | NWO 633.000.401
EPJ manuscript No.
(will be inserted by the editor)
Casimir scaling, glueballs, and hybrid gluelumps
Vincent Mathieua1, Claude Semayb1 and Fabian Brau2
Groupe de Physique Nucléaire Théorique, Université de Mons-Hainaut, Académie universitaire Wallonie-Bruxelles, Place du
Parc 20, BE-7000 Mons, Belgium, e-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected]
CWI, P.O. Box 94079, 1090 GB Amsterdam, The Netherlands, e-mail:
[email protected]
January 31, 2006
Abstract. Assuming that the Casimir scaling hypothesis is well verified in QCD, masses of glueballs and
hybrid gluelumps (gluon attached to a point-like cc̄ pair) are computed within the framework of the rotating
string formalism. In our model, two gluons are attached by an adjoint string in a glueball, while the gluon
and the colour octet cc̄ pair are attached by two fundamental strings in a hybrid gluelump. Masses for such
exotic hadrons are computed with very few free parameters. These predictions can serve as a guide for
experimental searches. In particular, the ground state glueballs lie on a Regge trajectory and the lightest
2++ state has a mass compatible with some experimental candidates.
PACS. 12.39.Mk Glueball and nonstandard multiquark gluon states – 12.39.Ki Relativistic quark model
– 12.39.Pn Potential model
1 Introduction
Lattice calculations [1,2] and other models of QCD [3,4]
predict that the Casimir scaling hypothesis is well verified
in QCD, that is to say that the potential between two opposite colour charges in a colour singlet is proportional to
the value of the quadratic Casimir operator. This mechanism can be tested for instance in two-gluon glueballs.
Direct evidence for such a system is still controversial,
but several models [5–8] predict similar masses with values close to some of the experimental candidates [9,10].
The Casimir scaling hypothesis can also be tested in another system whose colour-spin structure is similar to the
one of a glueball. Let us consider an hybrid meson containing a colour octet spin one cc̄ pair and a gluon. Due
their very heavy masses, the charm quarks can be assumed
nearly fixed at the centre of mass with the gluon orbiting
around. A gluon attached to a static colour octet (“infinitely heavy gluon” approximation) is called a gluelump
[11,12], so the gcc̄ system considered here is called a hybrid gluelump as in Ref. [13].
In our model, a quark and an antiquark are attached
by a fundamental string while two gluons in a glueball
are attached by an adjoint string. We assume here that
the three-body nature of the confinement implies that
the gluon and the colour octet pair are attached by two
fundamental strings in a hybrid gluelump. Within these
hypothesis, we compute the masses of glueballs and hybrid gluelumps with a simple effective model of QCD [14–
16]. This semirelativistic potential model is described in
IISN Scientific Research Worker
FNRS Research Associate
Sec. 2. It depends on few parameters which are fixed on
well known mesons in Sec. 3. Masses of glueballs and hybrid gluelumps are computed respectively in Sec. 4 and
5. We focus our attention on the first orbital excitations,
neglecting the details of the spin dependent interactions,
assumed weak with respect to the confinement. Some concluding remarks are given in Sec. 6.
2 Hamiltonian
Starting from the QCD theory, a Lagrangian for a system of two confined spinless colour sources can be derived
taking into account the dynamical degrees of freedom of
the string, with tension σ, joining the two particles: the
rotating string model (RSM) [14–16]. This model is completely equivalent to the relativistic flux tube model [17],
once the auxiliary fields appearing in the RSM are properly eliminated [18–20]. The nonlinear coupled equations
of these models are difficult to solve [17,21]. So we will use
an approximation of these effective QCD theories [22,23],
which is simply given by the following spinless Salpeter
H0 = p2 + m21 + p2 + m22 + σr,
completed by a perturbative part due to the motion of the
σL(L + 1)
∆Hstr = −
4(µ21 + µ22 − µ1 µ2) + (µ1 + µ2)σr
2µ1µ2 [12µ1 µ2 + 4(µ1 + µ2 )σr + (σr)2 ]
Vincent Mathieu, Claude Semay, Fabian Brau: Casimir scaling, glueballs, and hybrid gluelumps
The quantity µi appearing in the above equation is a kind
of constituent particle mass given by
µi =
p + mi ,
in which the average value is taken for an eigenstate of
the Hamiltonian (1). The constituent mass is then statedependent. Equation (2) is obtained by taking the slow
motion limit of Eqs. (33) in Ref. [20]. The contribution
∆Mstr to the mass due to the string can be computed
with a good precision by the following approximation [22,
∆Mstr = −σL(L + 1)
4(µ1 + µ22 − µ1µ2 ) + (µ1 + µ2 )σhri
. (4)
2µ1 µ2 [12µ1µ2 + 4(µ1 + µ2)σhri + (σhri)2 ]
It is worth noting that, in this formalism, the particle
masses m1 and m2 are the current ones. So, in the following, we will consider that the mass mn of the n quark
(n stands for u or d) and the mass mg of the gluon are
A significant contribution to hadron masses is also
given by the one-gluon exchange (OGE) mechanism between colour sources. At the zero order (neglecting the
spin), the interaction has the following form
∆HCoul = −κ .
αS is a phenomenological strong coupling constant and κ
is a colour factor given by
(C12 − C1 − C2 ) ,
where C12 is the colour Casimir operator for the pair 12
and Ci is the corresponding one for the particle i.
If M0 is the solution of the eigenequation H0 |φi =
M0 |φi, the total mass M for the system of the two colour
sources is given by
M = M0 + ∆Mstr + h∆HCouli.
In this formula, the Coulomb-like contribution is computed as a perturbation. It is shown in Ref. [22], that this
approximation is very good, especially for states with high
angular momentum L. All computation are performed using the Lagrange-mesh method [24].
Recently, it was shown that the quark self-energy (QSE)
contribution, which is created by the colour magnetic moment of the quark propagating through the vacuum background field, adds a negative constant to the hadron masses
[25]. Its negative sign is due to the paramagnetic nature
of the particular mechanism at work in this case. Other
contributions due to quark spin (spin-spin, spin-orbit) also
exist but they are smaller that the QSE one [14], and they
are neglected in this work. The QSE contribution ∆Si for
a quark of current mass mi is given by
∆Si = −f
σ η(mi /δ)
The η function is such that η(0) = 1, and its value decreases monotonically towards 0 with increasing quark
mass [23]. δ is the inverse of the gluonic correlation length,
and its value is estimated about 1.0-1.3 GeV. As the meson masses vary very little with this parameter [23], we fix
the value of δ at 1 GeV (meson masses do not depend on
δ when m = 0). The factor f has been computed by lattice calculations. First quenched calculations gave f = 4
[26]. A more recent unquenched work [27] gives f = 3, the
value that we choose in P
this work. If a hadron contains
q quarks, a contribution i=1 ∆Si must be added to its
mass. Strong theoretical and phenomenological arguments
indicate that gluons do not bring any contribution of self
energy [28,29].
3 Parameters
As we are mainly interested in describing the main features of spectra, we can use a Hamiltonian of spinless particles since spin effects are generally an order of magnitude
smaller than orbital or radial excitations. Moreover, we
will consider hadrons for which the spin-dependent part
of the Hamiltonian is the weakest possible.
The raise of degeneracy between spin 0 and spin 1
mesons can be due to a spin-spin potential coming from
the OGE or due to an instanton induced interaction [30,
31]. For spin 1 mesons, the spin-dependent interaction is
small in the former case or vanishing in the latter case.
The spin-dependent part of the gluon-gluon interaction
has a small contribution for glueballs with spin 2 [8]. If
we consider a hybrid gluelump containing a cc̄ pair with
spin 1, we minimize the spin effect for the heavy quarks.
As such a system is similar to a glueball from the point
of view of the spin-colour structure, we can also expect
that the spin contribution will be the smallest if we study
spin 2 hybrids. For all these reasons, as in Ref. [13], we
will only consider systems with maximal value of the total
spin S: J = L + 1 for mesons and J = L + 2 for glueballs
and hybrid gluelumps.
A correct determination of the parameter is crucial to
predict new states. For theoretical reasons, we have chosen
to take mn = 0, mg = 0, f = 3, and δ = 1 GeV. Now,
we will fix the values of the remaining free parameters
with well established meson states. As, the light nn̄ spin
1 mesons can be isoscalar (I = 0) or isovector (I = 1), we
will use an average mass defined, as usual, by
Mnn̄(av.) =
Mnn̄ (I = 0) + 3 Mnn̄(I = 1)
At this stage, it is interesting to obtain an approximate
analytical formula for light nn̄ mesons.
E such a system,
Dp For
m1 = m2 = 0 and µ1 = µ2 = µ =
p . It can then be
shown that M0 = 4µ with µ ∝ σ [19]. Using the semirelativistic virial theorem [32], we find hri = 2µ/σ. With the
following approximation h1/ri ≈ 1/hri, we obtain finally
L(L + 1) καS
Mnn̄ ≈ σ 4ν −
16ν 3
Vincent Mathieu, Claude Semay, Fabian Brau: Casimir scaling, glueballs, and hybrid gluelumps
Table 1. Experimental masses in GeV for some light mesons
(nn̄), D∗ mesons (cn̄), and charmoniums (cc̄), with maximal
S and J = L + S [33]. The mesons ψ(4040) and ψ(4415) are
assigned to N = 2 and N = 3 states respectively.
N = 0, J P (C)
nn̄ I = 0
nn̄ I = 1
nn̄ av.
J = 1, N
Table 2. Parameters of the model. The values of mn , mg ,
mcc̄ , f , and δ are fixed by theoretical or phenomenological
considerations (see text). The string tension a for a meson and
the strong coupling constant αS are free parameters.
mn = 0
mg = 0
mc = 1.300 GeV
mcc̄ = 2 mc
a = 0.175 GeV2
αs = 0.10
δ = 1 GeV
in which ν = µ/ σ is independent of σ. Let us note that
an approximate value for ν is given by [23]
where N L is the solution of the dimensionless Hamiltonian q2 + |x| in which q and x are conjugate variables.
The accuracy of formula (10) with the approximation (11)
is about 5-10% [22].
The contribution of the motion of the string to the
meson mass is small, since the ratio ∆Mstr /M0 is at most
1/16 [23]. Formula (10) shows that the contribution of
the Coulomb term and of the self energy shift the square
mass Mnn̄
of the meson without modifying the slope of
the Regge trajectories [23]. This slope depends mainly on
the string tension which we call a for a quark-antiquark
bound state. With a fit, it is only possible to determine
the following combination of parameters καS /2−f/π. But
since the value of f is fixed, it is possible to compute αS .
We fix the parameters by fitting the results, obtained
with formula (7) and the exact solutions of Hamiltonian (1),
on experimental data [33] (see Table 1). Using the Regge
trajectory for light meson, we find a = 0.175 GeV2 and
αs = 0.10. The value obtained for αS is small with respect
to values found in other potential models of meson. For
instance, in Ref. [22], a value of 0.39 is obtained because
the meson masses are fitted on the centre of gravity of
spin 1 and spin 0 mesons. In this case, the average mass
of the J = 1 nn̄ state is 0.612 GeV, a value quite different
from the one we choose, 0.777 GeV. The mass of the quark
c is determined by computing the masses of D∗ mesons,
which are systems dynamically closer to hybrid gluelumps
than charmonium states. All parameters are gathered in
Table 2.
The quality of a fit is estimated by computing for each
state the relative error on binding energy. The theoretical (experimental) binding energy for a meson is given by
the theoretical (experimental) mass minus the theoretical
current masses of the quark and the antiquark (0 for the
light nn̄ mesons, mc for the D∗ , 2 mc for the charmoniums). Quite good meson masses are obtained, taking into
account the simplicity of the model (see Table 3). The error is around 1% for light nn̄ mesons (see Fig. 1), around
Fig. 1. Regge trajectories for light mesons (average between
I = 0 and I = 1) and glueballs (with or without Coulomb
interaction). These states are characterized by N = 0, S maximal, and J = L + S.
3% for the D∗ (see Fig. 2), around 10% for the mesons
J/ψ and χc2 (see Fig. 2), but less than 5% for radial excitations of the J/ψ (see Fig. 3).
4 Glueballs
In this paper, we assume that the string tension between
two colour sources is controlled by the Casimir scaling.
So, contrary to what is done in Ref. [13], we assume that
the ratio between the string tension in a glueball and the
string tension in a meson is given by the ratio of the
Casimir operators. In a two gluon system, we have then
σ = 9 a/4, and the Regge slope is increased by the same
factor. Moreover, following the theory of Simonov [28,29],
there is no self-energy contribution coming from gluon.
Let us note that, in the same framework [14–16], the con√
stituent mass of a particle is directly proportional to σ
when its current mass m is vanishing. If we compute µg
from a two-gluon glueball and µn from a light meson, we
have µg /µn = 3/2. A gluon cannot decay spontaneously
into a nn̄ pair.
At the lowest order, the colour Coulomb factor in such
a system is given by the formula (6), that is to say κ = 3.
Nevertheless, in some model, it is found that the Coulomb
Vincent Mathieu, Claude Semay, Fabian Brau: Casimir scaling, glueballs, and hybrid gluelumps
Table 3. Predicted masses in GeV for nn̄ (average between
I = 0 and I = 1), cn̄, cc̄, glueballs (only L even), and hybrid
gluelumps. These states are characterized by N = 0, S maximal, and J = L + S. The asterisk indicates that the states is
calculated with κ = 0. Only the three first states are indicated
for glueballs and hybrids.
Fig. 2. Masses for cn̄, cc̄, and hybrid gluelumps (with or without Coulomb interaction). These states are characterized by
N = 0, S maximal, and J = L + S.
When κ = 0, the slope is not changed and the intercept
becomes 0.57. This results is somewhat different from the
results of Refs. [13,34] because the smaller value of our
string tension a. But our glueball masses are compatible
with those of the model III.A of Ref. [8]. Our predictions
are also in good agreement with the spin averaged glueball
masses of Ref. [28]. The model in this last paper and our
model rely on the same physical bases. More states are
predicted in Ref. [28] because more values are considered
for the spin and the radial quantum number.
Moreover, our lightest state has a mass compatible
with possible experimental candidates [9,10].
5 Hybrids
Fig. 3. Masses of cc̄ J = 1 mesons as a function of the quantum
radial number N . The states ψ(4040) and ψ(4415) are assigned
to ψ(3S) and ψ(4S) respectively.
force in glueballs could be damped [5] or strongly reduced
[28]. So, we have considered both cases κ = 0 and κ = 3
to study this possible effect. As our value of αS is small,
the two spectra do not differ strongly.
The colour wave function of two gluons is symmetric
and the spin wave function considered here is symmetric
since S = 2. As gluons are bosons, the spatial wave function is also symmetric and L is even. The first three states
are computed with the six lowest light mesons of the first
Regge trajectory. Results, obtained with formula (7) and
the exact solutions of Hamiltonian (1), are given in Table 3
and in Fig. 1. When κ = 3, the trajectory is
J = 0.36M 2 + 0.80.
With formula (6), we find κ = 3/2 for a gluon-quark pair
inside the hybrid. As the quark and the antiquark are
assumed to be very close, the total colour factor for the
Coulomb-like force between the gluon and the point-like
cc̄ pair is 2×3/2 = 3, which is the same as into a two gluon
glueball. As in the previous case, we have considered both
cases κ = 0 and κ = 3.
The situation is different for the confinement which
is actually a three-body force. Let us consider the general
case of a triangle formed by three colour sources named A,
B, C, and a point P inside this triangle, where the three
flux tubes, with lengths |AP |, |BP |, |CP |, generated by
these sources meet [35]. The triangular inequalities imply
|AB|+|AC| < 2|AP |+|BP |+|CP |. Let us assume that the
energy of these flux tubes are respectively σA |AP |, σ|BP |,
and σ|CP |, with σA = k σ. The total energy of the flux
tubes is then σ(k|AP | + |BP | + |CP |). If k > 2, the above
inequality shows that it is energetically favourable for the
junction point P to be on the source A. The potential
energy of the system is then σ(|AB| + |AC|). In the case
of a hybrid gluelump, the gluon is at position A with k =
9/4 and the quarks occupy positions B and C, which are
merged here. So the confining energy is equal to two times
the confining energy in a meson, and we take σ = 2.
A hydrid is then considered here as a gluon and a
point-like cc̄ pair attached by two fundamental strings.
To compute its mass, we must determine the mass of the
Vincent Mathieu, Claude Semay, Fabian Brau: Casimir scaling, glueballs, and hybrid gluelumps
cc̄ pair. In our model, there is no direct confining interaction between the quark and the antiquark, but a small
repulsive Coulomb force exists since formula (6) implies
that κ = −1/6 for a quark-antiquark pair in a colour
octet. The c and c̄ quarks does obviously not really occupy the same position. If we assume a typical separation
around the J/ψ radius, the contribution of the Coulomb
interaction is around 10-20 MeV. For heavy quark, the
constituent mass µ is around the current mass m. For a
cc̄, the contribution of the self-energy can be estimated
around −40 MeV. So, if we neglect the kinetic energy of
the quarks inside the point-like cc̄ pair, we can take the
point-like cc̄ with a mass equal to 2 mc . We estimate that
this approximation can generate an error on hybrid glueball around 100 MeV.
The masses of hybrids, obtained with formula (7) and
the exact solutions of Hamiltonian (1), are given up to
J = 4 with the masses of cn̄ and cc̄ mesons (see Table 3 and Fig. 2). The hybrid masses found are significantly lower than those obtained in Refs. [13,36], again
because the smaller value of our string tension a. If the
Coulomb interaction is cancelled, the masses increase by
about 150 MeV.
A gluelump is a hypothetical object in which a real
gluon is attached to a static one (“infinitely heavy gluon”
approximation). The hybrid system considered here is very
similar to a gluelump but with the adjoint string replaced
by two fundamental strings and the infinitely heavy gluon
replaced by a very heavy point-like cc̄ pair with gluon
quantum numbers. If we subtract from the hybrid masses,
obtained in cancelling the Coulomb-like contribution, the
quantity 2 mc , we obtain respectively 1.410, 1.864, and
2.284 GeV. These masses are in good agreement with
those obtained for gluelumps within the framework of the
QCD string model [11]. They are also compatible with the
spectra predicted by lattice calculations [11,37].
6 Concluding remarks
We compute the masses of the lightest glueballs and hybrid gluelumps (gluon attached to a point-like cc̄ pair)
within the framework of a simple effective model of QCD
derived from the rotating string model [14–16]. The corresponding semirelativistic Hamiltonian is dominated by
a linear confinement, supplemented by a one gluon exchange interaction and a contribution from self-energy for
the quarks only. It is assumed that the Casimir scaling hypothesis is well verified, and that two gluons are attached
by an adjoint string in a glueball, while the gluon and
the colour octet cc̄ pair are attached by two fundamental strings in a hybrid gluelump. Values of effective string
tension σ and colour factor κ for the different hadrons
considered here are gathered in Table 4.
In order to minimize the contributions of the spin dependent interactions, only the masses of states with maximal spin have been calculated. This strongly constraints
the values of our three free parameters: the mass of the
charm quark, the strong coupling constant and the string
Table 4. Values of effective string tension σ and colour factor
κ for different hadrons.
tension in a meson. With these parameters, we find glueballs and hybrid gluelumps with masses relatively small
[13,34,36]. The contribution of the Coulomb interaction is
about 100-200 MeV, depending on the particular hadron.
The ground state glueballs lie on a Regge trajectory and
the lightest 2++ state has a mass compatible with some
experimental candidates [9,10]. Despite the simplicity of
the model, these predictions can serve as a guide for experimental searches of exotic hadrons.
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