Defects and conductivity of DNAs
A.Yu. Kasumov, A. Chepelianskii, S. Guéron, H. Bouchiat
Université Paris-Sud
Laboratoire de Physique des Solides
Bâtiment 510, 91405 Orsay
[email protected]
S. Nakamae
Service de Physique de l’Etat Condensé
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette
M. Cazayous
École Supérieure de Physique et Chimie Industrielles
Laboratoire de Physique du Solide
10 rue Vauquelin 75231 Paris
T. Kawasaki, Y. Okahata
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Department of Biomolecular Engineering
4259 Nagatsuda, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8501
D. Klinov
Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, RAS
Miklukho-Maklaya 16/10, Moscow 117871
Abstract: We have measured temperature dependent (between 20 and 80 ◦ C) electrical conductivity and molecular
structure (Raman spectroscopy) of DNA-lipid cast film. Our findings show that the conductivity is strongly influenced by premelting effects in the molecular structure starting near physiological temperatures (∼40 ◦ C), prior to
the global DNA denaturation. We also measured proximity induced superconuctivity in DNAs connected with Ga
Key–Words: DNA conductivity defects
Most measurements reported in the last decade on
the DNA conductivity are conducted at room temperatures and below [1]. Very recently electrical properties of single duplex DNAs with complementary and
mismatched strands have been measured [2]. Wellmatched duplex DNAs have had very low resistance
about 200kOhm. If DNA is to become exploitable
in micro-electronics applications, however, its performance must be reliable at temperatures slightly above
the room temperature due to the inevitable heating of
electronic components. It is well known that DNA
molecules, both natural and synthetic, undergo a denaturation process at Tdn = 70 ∼ 80 ◦ C. Above this
temperature, the double-stranded molecular conformation is destroyed, and consequently, the electri-
ISSN: 1792-4235
cal conductivity is lost [3, 4]. According to numerous theoretical models [5, 6] even at physiological
temperatures (∼40 ◦ C), DNA experiences structural
perturbations leading to local denaturations and/or
“bubble”-type defect formations. The existence of
“bubbles” [7, 8] as well as the temperature induced
local perturbations at T < Tdn , termed “premelting”
[9, 10, 11, 12, 13] has been confirmed experimentally,
and the biological aspects of these local denaturations
were discussed in a number of studies (see for example, [7]). Local deformations should cause breaking
of a long-range order in the DNA structure (i.e., interruption of the parallel base-pair (bp) stackings) similar
to an order breaking in solid bodies due to the dislocation introduction. But their influence on conduc-
ISBN: 978-960-474-214-1
tivity has not been properly addressed until now. In
this letter, we present the temperature dependent conductivity and structural evolution monitored through
Raman spectroscopy measured on the DNA-lipid cast
film between physiological and denaturation temperatures. These DNA-lipid films were previously studied
by Okahata et al. [3], where disappearance of conductivity above the denaturation temperature was reported. We observed a substantial reduction in the
DNA conductivity due to premelting effects starting
at temperature as low as 40 ◦ C, lending support to the
theoretical inference on the importance of the long
range parallel bp stacking in DNA for the electrical
face [15]). For our conductivity measurements, a section of a film of about 5x0.5 cm2 was placed on a
glass plate. The detailed description of measurement
apparatus is given in Figure 1. The measurements
were performed in a Hewlett-Packard measurement
systems in a dark box at temperatures of 30-150 ◦ C
and with or without illumination. The leak current
through the contacts was less than 1 nA in the measurement range of ± 3 V and for temperatures between 25 and 80 ◦ C, irrespective of illumination. Indentation created by the electrodes in soft insulators,
such as resist or teflon, leads only to a reduction of
the leak current due to an increase in the distance between electrodes. Similar increase is expected in the
DNA film, while the total current (I) at 3 V reaches
1 µA and larger. Once heating the film to 150 ◦ C, I
again decreases down to ∼ 1 nA.
With illumination of 3 mW/cm2 (Halogen photo
optic lamp, unfiltered and unpolarized), the overall conductivity and the maximal current (Imax =
I(−3V )) through the DNA-film start to diminish at
about 40 ◦ C (Figure 2a). The largest change is observed between 35 and 45 ◦ C (Figure 2b) where Imax
is reduced by more than 70 %. The stability of the
temperature was ± 0.5 ◦ C during I-V characteristics
measurements. When measurements are conducted in
dark, the conductivity is 5 times smaller at 35 ◦ C and
the temperature dependent reduction of Imax is limited to 20 % (not shown). One possible reason for
the increase of the conductivity is the photoassisted
transport across a molecular junction due to the creation of quasiparticles with an energy hω (h - Plank
constant; ω - light frequency) above the Fermi energy
[16]. This hypothesis [16] considers metal-moleculemetal junctions based on oligophenylenes of varying
lengths. However, the resulting effects should remain
qualitatively similar for junctions based on other organic molecules provided that the Fermi energy of the
metal lies in the gap between the molecule’s highestoccupied and lowest-unoccipied molecular orbitals (a
valid statement for a DNA molecule [1]). For a sufficiently low light intensity (order of 1 mW) the conductivity of biased molecular junction can increase by
an order of magnitude [16] as observed in our experiment. The photoassisted transport is of a resonant
tunneling type (i.e., nearly molecular length independent [16]) and should be more sensitive to local defects within a molecule. A quantitative analysis is not
possible at this stage because of the lack of information about detailed atomic structure.
These temperature induced changes in the conductivity are entirely reversible upon thermal cycling
provided that the DNA-film is not subjected to a high
voltage bias (± 3V) at the highest temperature (80
◦ C). We observed similar effect on another sample but
1 mm
500 nm
200 nm
Figure 1: Conductivity measurement set-up. One micron high tungsten nanoelectrodes with a less than 5
nm separation were prepared by decomposing Tungsten hexacarbonyl by focused ion beam [28] on a silicon chip. The silicon chip was then pressed into the
DNA-lipid film surface on which gold contacts had
been pre-deposited.
Self-standing DNA-lipid cast films with thickness of about 60 microns were prepared according
to the method described elsewhere [14]. Once the
self-standing film is mechanically stretched, DNA
molecules (natrual DNA, 2000 bp’s each) are aligned
along film’s long axis with an average inter-molecular
distance of 41 Å. In previous investigations, Okahata et al. have verified the anisotropic conductivity through these films and concluded that the electrons are traveling through the molecules and not via
the lipid matrix (conductivity of these molecules was
not suppreseed by strong interaction with a solid sur-
ISSN: 1792-4235
ISBN: 978-960-474-214-1
with slightly lower photocoductivity. After heating
the sample to 150 ◦ C the conductivity has disappeared
entirely. The most probable reason for the conductivity reduction is the creation of local defects (premelting), as indicated by Raman spectrum evolution (described below), analogous to that of local dislocations
in a solid body during high temperature annealing. In
the case of a solid body, local dislocations can physically migrate at elevated temperatures and stop close
to grain or phase boundaries [17]. Therefore local defects in DNA can be expected to also advance close
to the tungsten nanoelectrodes, inducing irreversible
changes in the molecule-metal contact characteristics
[18]. We indeed observe such irreversibility in conductivity when the sample was maintained at 80 ◦ C
for 10-15 minutes with the maximum voltage (3V) of
a chosen polarity. After cooling the sample back down
to 30 ◦ C, I(V) instability is observed on the positive
branch (Figure 2c). When the sample was re-heated to
80 ◦ C with V of the opposite sign, the instability appears on the negative branch of I(V) curve after cooling to 30◦ C. We observed such behavior up to 4 cycles
of measurements.
In order to associate the conductivity changes
with DNA structural modifications, we have tracked
the structural evolution of DNA molecules by Raman spectroscopy. The 514.5 nm excitation line of an
Ar+ -Kr+ laser was focused on the samples through
a ×50 magnification objective lense with a radiation
power at source of 10 mW. The scattered light was
analysed using a Jobin-Yvon triple grating spectrometer in the confocal configuration. The effective spectral resolution was less than 1 cm−1 . Raman spectra were taken in the 10-80◦ C temperature range on
several films from the same batch as the conductivity measurements. The spectra of DNA-lipid complex taken at room temperature and at 80◦ C as well
as that of natural B-DNA (also taken in our lab) are
compared in Figure 2. Temperature dependent Raman
sepctra of the DNA-lipid complex films showed certain notable differences from those observed in DNA
molecules in aquaous solution. First, a cooperative
melting of double-stranded DNA was not observed
even at 80◦ C, whereas the pre-melting effects in 1065◦ C range were clearly present. We also remarked
that nearly all vibrational modes exhibit a reversible
temperature dependency during premelting after the
heating and the subsequent cooling of the films (not
shown). Structural rigidity of molecules imposed by
the lipid intercalation may explain these differences.
It should also be noted that the hypochromic effect
[13] was not observed with exception of 1680cm−1
marker (see discussion below) due to the progressive
change in the background luminescence of the film.
Therefore, we have used the heating induced shifts in
Raman peaks to track the premelting effects in DNA
molecules. These peaks are sensitive to i) backbone
and deoxynucleoside conformations, ii) interbase hydrogen bonding and iii) base stacking effect.
i) The broad peak at 780 cm−1 contains contributions from dC, dT and the 5’C-O-P-O-C3’ backbone stretching. The peak frequency shifts down
from 781 to 776 cm−1 ) starting around 45◦ C until
near 70◦ C (see Fig. 4a). The peak located at 840
cm−1 originates from the 5’C-O-P-O-C3’ phosphodiester backbone movements and can be used as a
quantitative measure of the ordered phosphodiester.
This peak decreases in intensity and disappears into
the background. The 746 cm−1 peak is the vibrational marker of C2’-endo/anti conformation of dT.
This peak broadens and shifts strongly to lower frequency indicating the extended distribution of conformations at higher temperature (Fig. 4b). The onset of
this movement is 55◦ C and continues to shift toward
lower frequency up to 80◦ C.
ii) The bands at 1482 and 1573 cm−1 correspond
to ring stretching vibrations of purine imidazole ring
and are sensitive to hydrogen bonding. The both peaks
“ Bubble s ”
45 C
I, mA
Imax, mA
35 C
-3 -2 -1
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Temperature ( C)
“ Bubble”
“ Bubble”
I, mA
30 C
“ Bubble”
Figure 2: Temperature dependent conductivity measurements under luminosity. a) Temperature dependence of Imax , b) I − V characteristics (at 30◦ C) of
the DNA film at 35 and 45 ◦ C. The insets show the
increasing number of bubbles with a temperature, c)
Irreversible I − V characteristics of the DNA film
which had been subjected to a high bias voltage at
80 ◦ C with opposing polarities. The insets show the
assumed schematics of the bubble type defect movements inside the DNA molecules.
ISSN: 1792-4235
ISBN: 978-960-474-214-1
shift to lower frequencies by 1 and 3 cm−1 , respectively, between 35 and 40◦ C and stabilize for temperature above 65◦ C (Fig. 4c). These shifts are the signature of the thermo-instability of base pairing. Moreover, the 3 cm−1 shift down of the Raman peaks between 1200-1400 cm-1 is associated with elimination
of hydrogen bonding between bases (Fig. 4d).
considerably more intense than in a typical B-DNA
(see Fig 3), suggesting that contribution from the lipid
complex cannot be ignored. Hence we cannot conclude the hypochormicity observed here to the effect
of DNA pre-melting without further investigation.
As described above, the premelting effects observed in DNA Raman isgnatures coincide with the
temperature dependence of electrical conductivity
measured in these films. Local destruction of doublestranded DNA conformation caused by premelting effects is most simply described as a “bubble” creation.
The formation of such bubbles, and more importantly,
its movement within the molecule is just like a dislocation loop moving in a metal microwire subjected
to a high current density [21]. The insets in fig. 2c
will help understand the observed changes in electrical conductivity (Fig. 2). Probably, in the presence
of defects, the potential barrier in the vicinity of the
molecule-metal contact decreases. This barrier reduction is a known effect in metal-semiconductor microcontacts near a dislocation [22] and electromigration,
the physical displacement of defects under an applied
electrical current, is also well-known [23]. In electromigration, the direction of dislocation movement
can be switched by changing the current direction.
To estimate the pressure on a “bubble” by an electron wind, the current density in a DNA molecule
must be known. Emerging consensus states that DNA
molecules longer than 10 nm combined with bad electric contacts become insulating [24]. Therefore, only
about 10 molecules at the film surface should be electrically active in our measurements. Taking 2 nm as
the DNA diameter, the corresponding current density
would be as high as 107 A/cm2 , comparable to a current density required to drag a dislocation in a metal
microwire [21]. One can estimate the applied force on
a bubble, Fb , using the equation for a dislocation in a
metal [25]: Fb = jm∗ Vf Sb /e , where j is the current
density, m∗ and Vf are the effective mass and Fermi
velocity of the electrons injected in DNAs from the
tungsten electrods [26], Sb is the scattering cross section of the electrons by a bubble, and e is the electron
charge. The applied force is about 1 pN (with m∗ ∼
10−30 kg and Vf ∼ 106 m/s in W [27], Sb ∼ 1nm2
for a small bubble) which is enough to deform a DNA
molecule [7]. The number of bubbles increases with
a temperature [6], and it decreases the conductivity of
DNAs (Fig. 2.b) and makes I-V characteristics more
symmetrical (probably due to symmetrical moleculemetal contacts, see insets in Fig. 2b).
In summary, our measurements demonstrate that
the electrical conduction in DNA can be compromised under a moderate heating above room temperature due to local disruptions in the long-range B-DNA
structure. Furthermore, displacement of defects along
Raman Intensity (arb. units)
DNA-lipid film
80 C
Wavenumber (cm )
Figure 3: Raman sepctra of natural B-DNA (top)
and the DNA-lipid complex at room temerature and
at 80◦ C. The solid arrows indicate the Raman peaks
unique to the lipid complex. The dotted arrows indicated the peaks that contain contributions from both
DNA molecules and the lipid complex. For detailed
annotation of individual Raman bands, the readers
are kindly asked to refer to literature, for example,
[9],[19] and [20]. The Raman bands corresponding
to the lipid-complex did not show heating induced
shifting while certain DNA bands moved to lower
wavenumbers. The DNA PO−
2 symmetric stretching
mode remains at 1092cm−1 through out the measurements indicating that the DNA molecules remains in
their B-form without a signigicant change in the relative humidity around the molecues.
iii) The intensity evolution of three peaks located
at 1658, 1668 and 1682 cm−1 (inset of Fig. 4b) are
normally attributed to the base stacking effects related to carbonyl stetching vibrations coupled to ring
stretching vibration (mostly dT) [20]. The Raman
peak at 1682cm−1 of the DNA-lipid film is; however,
ISSN: 1792-4235
ISBN: 978-960-474-214-1
molecules could explain why the structural transformation, as probed by Raman spectroscopy, is a reversible process while the electrical conductivity is
Peak Displacement (cm )
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781 cm
Raman Intensity (a.u.)
We thank A.Braslau and
K.Tsukagoshi for useful discussions and acknowledge
the financial support by the Russian Foundation for
Basic Research and ANR Quantadn.
746 cm
20 C
80 C
1680 -1 1720
Frequency (cm )
1573 cm
1482 cm
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1333 cm
1370 cm
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