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PsycEXTRA Dataset
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LAND, 2025
Special Issue Cultural Heritage Preservation as a Basis for Sustainable Development and Transformation of Historic Urban Landscapes Message from the Guest Editors Cultural heritage and cultural landscapes are a popular topic of research. Often preservation and development is presented as two poles that need to be balanced. With this Special Issue we want to follow a contemporary approach that uses heritage (preservation) as the starting point and resource for sustainable development policies, strategies, projects, and results. Starting with a systemic understanding of heritage that includes objects, landscapes, subjects, processes, values, etc. and views heritage as a system and process, this Special Issue shall explore how heritage can contribute, stimulate, facilitate, and accompany urban development and also transformation projects and processes. The goal of this Special Issue is to collect papers (original research articles and review papers) to give insights about heritage preservation and transformation as a basis for the sustainable development and transformation of historic urban landscapes.
La autora dedica esta obra a la SOCIEDAD TEOSÓFICA. Fundada En el año 1875, en Nueva York, para estudiar las materias de que se trata.
Journal of Global Business and Social Entrepreneurship (GBSE), 2016
Over last decade, entrepreneurial issues have received much attention due to it significant contribution towards the national economy. In Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies, Small Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) share of gross domestic product (GDP) range from 20% to 50%. Meanwhile, SMEs in Malaysia are contributing about 32.7% of Malaysia's GDP (Department of Statistics, Malaysia, 2013). SMEs are regarded as business entities with smaller number of personnel. Therefore, entrepreneurial competencies of the owner/ manager and employees are the critical success factors for its survival and sustainability. Social responsibility is receiving attention in the 21 st century due to its' contribution in business sustainability. This leads to the opportunity to investigate the role of entrepreneurial orientation in SMEs social responsibility specifically the employee's aspect. This paper aims to study the impact of entrepreneurial orientation in the implementation of internal corporate social responsibility (CSR); and examine the moderating effect of the perceived role of ethics and social responsibility in the implementation of internal CSR. The findings provide some insights pertaining to EO in internal decision strategy and the perception of ethics and social responsibility in internal decision making.
Arquivo de impressão gerado em 06/11/2015 16:46:26 de uso exclusivo de UTFPR -UNIVERSIDADE TECNOLOGICA FEDERAL DO PARANA Arquivo de impressão gerado em 06/11/2015 16:46:26 de uso exclusivo de UTFPR -UNIVERSIDADE TECNOLOGICA FEDERAL DO PARANA © ABNT 2015 Todos os direitos reservados. A menos que especificado de outro modo, nenhuma parte desta publicação pode ser reproduzida ou utilizada por qualquer meio, eletrônico ou mecânico, incluindo fotocópia e microfilme, sem permissão por escrito da ABNT. ABNT Av.Treze de Maio, 13 -28º andar 20031-901 -Rio de Janeiro -RJ
Hispania, 2017
Rejoinder to Silvia Betti in Hispania's Centenary Issue
Le marche petrolier depend de considerations geologiques, economiques et geopolitiques. Des l’origine, le petrole a souleve des polemiques impliquant ces trois dimensions qui sont etroitement interconnectees. Aujourd’hui, c’est toujours le cas : seule la prise en compte de toutes ces dimensions permet de comprendre l’evolution du marche.
The goal of this monograph is to report on the most important levels of political security for Poland and Ukraine. This publication is an attempt to outline the specifics of our activities both on the internal level of each of these nations as well as the external dimension, including cooperation among nations.
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Lógoi anthropínoi: palabras humanas Homenaje a Giselle von der Walde, Andrea Lozano-Vásquez (coordinadora)
Technika i Technologia Tworzenia Podobrazi Drewnianych w XVII wieku w Niderlandach Wykorzystanie dawnych technik stolarskich do wykonania podobrazia tablicowego do kopii technologicznej., 2023
Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 2020
The Department of Civil Engineering PhD-68736612 Dec 2022, 2022
Новгород и Новгородская земля. История и археология. Материалы XXXII научной конференции, посвященной памяти Н. Н. Гринева. Великий Новгород. 23-25 января, 2018 г. Выпуск 32 / Отв. ред. Е. Н. Носов / НГОМЗ, 2019 - С. 217-223, 2019
PLOS Genetics
Kasaba: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, 2019
Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 2021
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2014
Life Sciences, 2003