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مجلة البحوث الفقهیة والقانونیة, 2008
مجلة بحوث کلیة الآداب . جامعة المنوفیة, 2010
مجلة جامعة فلسطين للأبحاث و الدراسات, 2016
عندما ننظر إلي واقع العملية التعليمية في المدارس نجد شيوع أسلوب التلقين والحفظ، فالمعلم يتحدث عادة من قاعدة أنه يمثل سلطة المعرفة التي تملك زمام المعلومات، وأن هؤلاء الجالسين ليس أمامهم إلا أن يستمعوا لما يقال لهم، علي أساس أنهم غير ناضجين، والدور الإيجابي الوحيد الذي يمكن أن يقوموا به هو حفظ ما يسمعون أو يقرأون، تمهيداً لاستظهاره عندما يطلب منهم ذلك، وهو وقت الامتحان، فالتربية في مجتمعنا ما يزال ينظر إليها كنظام من المعارف والأساليب التي تستوجب التلقين والتدريس قصد الحفظ والاستظهار ومن ثم فإن التعليم التلقيني من شأنه أن ينشئ عقولا سهلة التقليد والانقياد ، ويربي شخصيات تألف الخنوع والاستكانة، وتفرغ من النقد والتغيير، وهو تعليم يضعف القدرة الإبداعية . أضف إلى ذلك إن تمثل المعلم للقيم العلمية المرتبطة بمجتمع المعرفة، تعتبر مهمة تربوية تتحرك في اتجاهين، هما: - الأول / يتعلق بقدرته على تنمية قدر مشترك من الثقافة العلمية. - الثاني/ التكوين العلمي، وحفز الطلبة تجاه الإبداع. وعليه تتعاظم مهمة المعلمين في هذين المجالين، خاصة في عالم يموج بالتغيرات وتتدفق فيه المعلومات والاكتشافات يوماً بعد يوم، وعليه تتمثل مشكلة الدراسة الحالية في السؤال الرئيس التالي: ما درجة تمثل معلمي التعليم الثانوي بمحافظات غزة للقيم العلمية المرتبطة بمجتمع المعرفة؟
Security Policy Paper, 2021
الأمن الصحِّي هو السعي إلى تحرير الإنسان من كل التهديدات التي يمكن أن تؤثِّر سلبًا في سلامته الجسدية والعقلية والاجتماعية، وليس مجرد تقديم الرعاية الصحية التي تحميه من المرض والعجز فحسب.
International Journal of Educational & Psychological Studies, 2018
The aim of study was to identify the degree of innovative leadership practice of academic leaders at the University of Bishah from the point of view of faculty members. The researcher Used the descriptive method to fit it for the purposes of this study and the sample was formed from (209)Faculty member. The result of the survey showed that the degree of innovative leadership practice among the a Academic at the University of Bishah in the sample of the research sample was medium with an average of (3.83) and a standard deviation (0.614). the Following Fields were ranked as follows (Towards persistence towards personal initives towards new ideas towards problems) There were no statistically significant differences (0.05) between the average responses of faculty members at the University of Bishah in their assessment of the degree of academic leader ship practice of innovative leadership which is a attributed to variables (gender ,scientific garage).Experience specialization work place).the researcher, recommendations, including work on the interest of innovation by academy leaders to improve the way of work and do the Tasks Required.
• To debate the ethical challenges of taxation to a globalizing world • To promote the concept of justice and responsibility in a pluralistic society • Contrast and Compare the different beliefs and values of the classical to the contemporary period of taxation
Monografski broj / Special issue: “Revolucije i revolucionari: iz rodne perspektive Revolutions and revolutionaries: from the gender perspective”, 2017
This paper will analyse ways in which representation of women changed from partisans as revolutionary subjects to housewives and consumers in the late 1960's. This transformation is linked with socio-political changes in the Yugoslav context and the abandonment of women's emancipation as it was framed and adopted initially during and after WWII. Namely, the partisan struggle for the liberation from Nazi occupation, as well as the socialist revolution were two foundational myths of Socialist Yugoslavia. Women played an active role in this struggle, both as fighters and through their work behind the lines (as logistical support, spying, nursing, etc.). Likewise, equality between men and women was an important part the country's official ideology. These narratives were later memorialized through literature, cinema, music as well as comic books. In our work, we will explore five tropes of femininity in Yugoslav cinema: (1) the role of the partisan, (2) woman in the background, (3) collaborator, (4) worker and (5) housewife, in order to map out ways in which the representation of women between between 1947 and the late 1960's corresponds to official emancipatory politics of the time and how these tropes related with everyday life in this period. Finally, this will lead to an analysis of cinema as a collection of stories Yugoslav women and men told themselves (and others) about themselves. This approach has the potential to indicate the antagonisms within the social context in which these films were produced, by highlighting the unattained ideals of freedom and emancipation. Simultaneously, the goal of this analysis is not to merely open up another space for a more complex exploration of the past, but also to reconsider the emancipatory potential this exploration offers us today. Key words: woman, gender, socialism, Yugoslavia, film, representation
Es una guía de como realizar un inventario de fauna silvestre en cualquier lugar del mundo
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Forschungen in Augst 43/3 / Augst Archaeological Research 43/3, 2009
Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2014
Third World Planning Review, 1999
Selvedge, 2018
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Proceedings of the European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering 18 Escape, 2008
Solar drying of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.): Mathematical modelling, drying experiments, and effects of the drying conditions, 2010
American Journal of Nephrology, 2016
IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2022
Anthropology of the Middle East, 2007
Kritika Kultura, 2006
Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, 2017