A new species of Globularia L. (Globulariaceae) from South Anatolia

2001, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society

Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society (2001), 137: 425428. With 3 figures doi:l0.1006/boj1.2001.0489, available online at http;// on c? IBE kLd A new species of Globularia L. (Globulariaceae) from South Anatolia W HAYRI DUMAN Received January 2001; accepted for publication June 2001 A new species of Globularia L., G. hedgei H. Duman sp. nov., is described and illustrated. The species is restricted to the south of Siitqiiler (Isparta) and grows on calcareous rocky cliffs. It is suggested that its IUCN category is Critically Endangered (CR). Diagnostic morphological characters for a detailed discrimination from the most closely similar taxa are discussed. C 2001 The Linnean Society of London ADDITIONAL KEY WORDS: Globularia orientalis - Globularia sintenisii - systematics - taxonomy - Turkey. ~ INTRODUCTION Type. Turkey C3, Isparta, Siitgiiler, Candir, Yazili Kanyon, 320m, on calcareous rocky cliffs, 29. viii. 1993, H. Duman 5436 Z. Aytaq & A. A. Donmez. In 1993 a new species of Globularia L. was collected in the Siitqiiler District, Isparta Province. After careful examination of this material in the Edinburgh Herbarium in 1997, I noticed that this new species differs from all others in Globularia in having a stellate pilose indumentum (Hollander & Jager, 1994). Thorough studies and a comparison with material of similar taxa indicate that these specimens belong to an unexpected new species. Holotype. GAZI. Isotypes. E, AIBU Affinis G. orientali L. sed praesentia foliorum emortuorum, planta pilis omnino stellatis (haud glabra nec sparsim simpliciter pilosa), caule virgato (non rigido), capitulis 3-4 mm (non 5-14 mm) diametro eis terminalibus et lateralibus similibus (terminalibus lateralia haud maioribus), bracteis elliptico-oblanceolatis obtusis (non ovato-ellipticus, acutis), marginibus dentium calycis et nerva dorsali et marginibus lateralibis tubi calycis dense longe ciliatis, calyce usque ad 1/3 diviso (calyce non omnino dense adpressim longe serice0 nec usque ad l/4 tantum diviso) differt. A G. sintenisii Hausskn. & Wettst. praesentia (haud absentia) foliorum et foliorum rosulatorum, planta pilis omnino stellatis (haud glabra), foliis caulinus ad 10 tantum et distantibus (non 10-20 approximatis), calyce in marginibus dentium, secus nervum dorsalem et ad margines laterales dense et longe ciliato (non omnino pilis longis patentibus obtecto), usque ad l/3 tantum (non ad medium) diviso recedit. MATERIAL AND METHODS All plants thought to belong to the new species were examined. In total, three herbarium specimens (c. eight individuals) from only one locality were collected and deposited in the herbaria of GAZI, AIBU and E. Specimens of similar taxa were studied from E, K, GAZI, ANK and HUB herbaria. DESCRIFTION Globularia hedgei H. Duman sp. nov. (subgen. Globularia sect. Pol.ycephalum 0. Schwarz). (Figs 1-3) E-mail: [email protected] 0024-4066/01/120425 + 04 $35.00/0 Suffruticose cushion-forming perennial with much branched stock bearing numerous leaf rosettes; dead leaf rosettes persistent a t base of stem. Whole plant densely t o sparsely hairy; hairs stellate, mostly restricted to leaves and lower part of stem. Basal leaves 425 C 2001 The Linnean Society of London Downloaded from by guest on 22 May 2020 Gazi Uniuemity, Faculty of Science a n d Arts, Department of Biology, 06500 Teknikokullal; Ankara, n r k e y 426 H.DUMAN spathulate-oblanceolate,distinctly petiolate; petiole <2 cm, narrowly winged; lamina elliptical, 10-20 x 4-8 mm, margin undulate, acute. Stem up to 40 cm, virgate; stem leaves up to 10, distant, elliptical-lanceolate t o linear, acute, gradually decreasing in size towards inflorescence. Capitula (3-)8-20, dispersed along upper part of stem, widely spaced, 3-4 mm diameter, terminal and lateral capitula similar. Involucral bracts elliptical-oblanceolate,c. 2.5 mm, obtuse, upper margins and centre of dorsal surfaces densely ciliate. Downloaded from by guest on 22 May 2020 Figure 1. Globularia hedgei H. Duman sp. nov. A, habit; B, leaf; C, inflorescence. N E W S P E C I E S OF GLOBULARIA FROM TURKEY 427 I A corolla. 1 2 4 3 5 7 6 8 9 10 42 40 6 ‘ii L I I I I 28 30 32 34 \I 36 1 I I I 38 40 42 44 Figure 3. Distribution m a p of Globularia hedgei H. D u m a n sp. nov. (*) i n Turkey. Table 1. Com.parison of the diagnostic characteristics of Globularia hedgei with i t s two nearest allies Characteristic G. hedgei G. orientalis G. sintenisii Dead leaves Rosette leaves Stem Indumentum present present virgate stellate hairy absent absent virgate glabrous Stem leaves Capitula up to 10; distant 3-20 per stem; 3-4 mm diam.; terminal and lateral similar Bracts Calyx elliptical-oblanceolate,obtuse long ciliate on teeth margins, dorsal line and lateral margins; divided into v3 absent present stout glabrous or simple sparsely pilose 3-7; distant 4-12 per stem; 5-14 mm diam.; terminal larger than lateral ovate-elliptical, acute whole calyx densely adpressed long sericeous hairy; divided into 1/4 10-20; lower approximate to 30 per stem; 2 . 5 4 mm diam.; terminal and lateral similar orbicular-obovoid, mucronate whole cayx long spreading hairy; divided into l/2 Downloaded from by guest on 22 May 2020 Figure 2. Globularia hedgei H. D u m a n sp. nov. A, bracts; B, calyx; C, dissected calyx; D, corolla; E, dissected 428 H. DUMAN Calyx 2-lipped, 1.5-2mm, divided to l/3; teeth margins, dorsal-veins and lateral margins long ciliate. Corolla 2-lipped, 3 . 5 4 mm, divided t o half-way, upper two segments linear-filiform,1-veined,slightly shorter than the lower 3 lobes, lower segments oblong-lanceolate, each segment 3-veined.Throat of corolla sparsely pilose. Stamens 4, long exserted. Style exserted. Stigma 2-lobed. Fruit c. 1mm, brownish. Phenology. In the wild, flowering occurs in August. Fruiting occurs in September and October. On calcareous rocky cliffs, 320 m alt. ECOLOGY AND DISTRIBUTION This species, an East Mediterranean element, is apparently a local endemic in Turkey, known only from the type locality in South Anatolia. The new species occurs on limestone cliffs in Yazili Kanyon (SiitqiilerIsparta), associated with plants such as Staehelina lobelii DC., Inula hetemlepis Boiss., Ptilostemon afer (Jacq.) Greuter subsp. eburneus Greuter and Verbascum pumiliforme Hub.-Mor. (endemic). The range of new species is restricted to a single location. Populations are very pure, area of occupancy being less than 1km2,the number of mature individual specimens less than 50 (criteria B and D), (IUCN, 1994). I thus suggest that Globularia hedgei should be placed under the IUCN category Critically Endangered (W. DISCUSSION This new species is very distinct and has no obvious allies in Turkey and Europe, because of its stellate indumentum of stems, leaves and floral parts. After thorough studies using the Flora of n r k e y (Edmondson, 1982; Davis, Mill & Tan, 1988), Flora Eumpaea (Tutin, 1972) and a monographic publication (Schwarz, 1938),superficiallythe closest species to the new material appear t o be G. orientalis L. and G. sintenisii Hausskn. & Wettst. (sect. Polycephalum 0. Schwarz). However, when its stems, leaves and floral ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish t o thank Dr R. R. Mill (RBGE) for checking the Latin diagnosis, and Dr A. Duran for preparing the illustrations (Kmkkale). I also wish t o thank the Sibbald Trust for financial support during my visit t o Edinburgh, and the curator of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh for study facilities. This new species was collected during the (Turkish) Endemic Plants Project, which is funded by TUBITAK (Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey: project no.: TBAG-DFT C. SEK/4). REFERENCES Davis PH, Mill RR, Tan K. 1988. Flora of TLrlzey and the East Aegean Islands, vol. 10. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 201. Edmondson JR.1982.Globularia L.In: Davis PH, ed. Flora of Thrkey and the East Aegean Islands, vol. 7. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 27-31. Holliinder K, Jager EJ. 1994.Morphologie, Biologie und okogeographische Differenzierung von Globularia: 1. Progessionen in der Wuchsform, Infloreszenz, Blattnervatur und Verbreitung. Flora 189:223-254. IUCN Species Survival Commission. 1994. IUCN Red List Categories.Approved by the 40th meeting of the IUCN Council. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. Schwarz 0.1938. Die Gattung Globularia. Botanische Jahrbiichr 6 9 318-373. Tutin TG. 1972. Globularia. In: Tutin TG, Heywood VH, Burges NA, Moore DM, Valentine DH, Walters SM, Webb DA, eds. Flora Eumpaea, vol. 3. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 282-283. Downloaded from by guest on 22 May 2020 Specimens examined. Turkey C3, Isparta, Siitqiiler, Candir, Yazili Kanyon, 320m, on calcareous rocky cliffs, 24. x. 1993,A. Giiner 11643& H. Duman (AIBU). parts are examined carefully, it can easily be distinguished from all the Turkish and European Globularia species because of the stellate indumentum; in all other Globularia species the stem is glabrous or rarely simply pilose. More detailed comparison of the new species with relevant species is given in Table 1. The new material was compared with many specimens in GAZI, E, K herbaria resulting in the decision t o erect a new species. I have named this species after Dr Ian C. Hedge, an expert on the flora of south-west Asia (especially the families Cruciferae, Labiatae, Chenopodiaceae), who has given me much assistance.