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2020, Revista médica de Chile
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Acta Médica …, 1994
Guérir parfois, soulager souvent consoler toujours " (Curar aveces, aliviar a menudo, consolar siempre) (Ambroise Paré)
Revista Medica De Chile, 2021
A reflection about the ethical implications of telemedicine Recognizing the role of technology in the development of medicine and the impact of telecommunication advances, we reflect on the meaning and ethics of the use of Telemedicine, both in its general dimension for the use and distribution of knowledge, as well as in the delivery of health actions, scientific research, and data management. Teleconsultation is discussed in greater detail, analyzing its process and application, reviewing its possible advantages and disadvantages, from the point of view of providers and patients. We highlight the need to carry out an appropriate evaluation of each instance, from the point of view of both the patient and the professional who uses it. The importance of maintaining a doctor-patient relationship in agreement with the nature and practice of Medicine, respecting people's dignity, is emphasized. We mention the ethical conditions that must be bore in mind for the proper use of telemedicine. We discuss the eventual influence that this practice will have on the concept and practice of medical care, while suggesting the need to legislate on the matter.
Anales Del Sistema Sanitario De Navarra, 2005
Telemedicine has been considered to be a scientific discipline midway between medicine and technology. Thus, over the last decade it has been largely influenced by the continuous development of computer and communications technologies. Now that the phase of its laboratory investigation has been completed, it can be considered to be a technique in a mature state. Hence, both from the point of view of technology suppliers and of the users of medicine-patients and professionals-there is a demand for a takeoff in the arena of its implantation, that is to say, the need for new health services based on telemedicine. This article offers an up-to-date view of the state of the art of telemedicine but without entering into an indepth evaluation and description of the technology and its applications. On the contrary, our aim is to make it known to users and to the different health organisations, including their managers, that the conditions for its development are now available. Thus the success or failure of its implantation is a task for all of the actors involved. What is certain is that in the light of the experience and results of its application during the last decade, both in our surrounding geographical milieu and in the United States, there are unmistakable signs that telemedicine is here to stay.
The use of telehealth expanded rapidly as a consequence of Covid-19 pandemic, which has benefitted millions of patients. This surge is not only due to increased demand, with patients either fearful or unable to see their medical providers in person; it is also due to policymakers easing restrictions on telehealth tools. This article will examine the potential benefits that the increased use of telehealth can bring even after the pandemic as well as the legal and political changes that would be necessary to maintain good care in the future.
Arch Med (Manizales), 2003
El ritual se inicia en el momento de ingreso del enfermo al consultorio, hecho que lo convierte en paciente, denominación adquirida gracias a la categorización que el mismo acto establece sobre los participantes; así, el médico como poseedor de un saber ha dispuesto el lugar —consultorio— como escenario simbólicamente definido: objetos dispuestos para un actor que autoriza la palabra y decreta el silencio, que organiza y decide la secuencia gestual del cuerpo, construyendo una gramática bajo las reglas de una sintaxis que permite enunciar solo aquellos signos elegidos por su ciencia
Human Review, International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades., 2023
La filosofía de la tecnología es una rama reciente de la filosofía en general. Puede aportar herramientas para problemas derivados de aplicaciones tecnológicas recientes, como la telemedicina. Un problema señalado reiteradamente por la bioética lo constituye la privacidad en general, y las modificaciones que pueden introducirse por el cada vez mayor uso de las tecnologías. Comentando propuestas desde la Asociación Médica Mundial y datos contemporáneo derivados de la pandemia de COVID-19, puede reconocerse que la privacidad es una exigencia ética que requiere regularse a través de su implementación política para su adecuada protección legal. The philosophy of technology is a recent branch of philosophy in general. It can provide tools for problems arising from recent technological applications, such as telemedicine. A problem repeatedly pointed out by bioethics is privacy in general, and the changes that can be introduced by the increasing use of technology. Commenting on proposals from the World Medical Association and contemporary data derived from the COVID-19 pandemic, it can be recognized that privacy is an ethical requirement that requires regulation through its political implementation for its adequate legal protection. CITA: Álvarez-Díaz JA. La privacidad ante la telemedicina. Aportes de la filosofía de la tecnología a la bioética. Human Review, International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades. 2023;19(2):2-9. (ISSN 2695-9623)
Transdigital, 2023
Revista Médica Universitaria, 2021
Acta Médica Grupo Ángeles, 2021
El propósito de este trabajo es analizar las ventajas y desventajas de la telemedicina durante la pandemia. Se realizó una revisión sistemática en Web of Science con las palabras clave “COVID-19 and Dermatology and Telemedicine” y “Telemedicine and Dermatology and Pandemic”, arrojando 11 artículos, de los cuales nueve fueron analizados para esta revisión. Se encontró que algunos estudios reportan que más de 70% de las consultas físicas pudieron haber sido sustituidas por la telemedicina; además de que aún existe una resistencia a este tipo de consultas por los pacientes (Datos Wellmedic). La telemedicina es una herramienta que posee ventajas importantes durante tiempos de crisis, disminuyendo el riesgo de exposición de pacientes y médicos, así como una mejor distribución del uso de equipo personal de protección. Sin embargo, posee limitaciones en países en vías de desarrollo o poblaciones rurales por la falta de equipo y la resistencia de pacientes y médicos a utilizarla, además la carencia de un marco legal es clave en algunos países. Sin embargo, el costo-beneficio se considera mayor. Este es el primer artículo que habla acerca del impacto de la telemedicina durante la pandemia en México.
Este trabajo describe la experiencia del programa de Telemedicina de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, con sede Leticia. Mediante una investigación cualitativa se profundiza en la génesis, evolución y dinámica de la prestación del servicio en la región amazónica, así como las lecciones aprendidas en su experiencia y perspectivas a futuro.
"CHIAMATI ALL’UNITÀ" - Decimo anniversario della visita di papa Francesco alla Chiesa Evangelica della Riconciliazione di Caserta
Anatolia Antiqua XXVIII, 2020
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2011
Environmental …, 2008
The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 2014
Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology, 1995
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2015
International Journal of Nursing Studies, 2013
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2009
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Journal of Heavy Metal Toxicity and Diseases, 2018