Current Biology Vol 15 No 23
restricted diet of either of these
two fish.
In the wild, kittiwakes have
to learn to look for particular
colours and patterns in the
ocean to find the best place to
fish. The researchers tried to
recreate this for the captive
birds by making them search
for their food among a
chequerboard of different
coloured bowls. Chicks on the
unrestricted fatty diet quickly
learned which bowls contained
food, but chicks on lean
rations were very slow learners
and never really worked out
the colours and patterns
associated with the food.
“The ability of kittiwakes to
associate the colour of a dish
with the presence of food
decreased proportionally with
the magnitude of nutritional
stress they had experienced
during development,” the team
write in the paper in the
Proceedings of the Royal
Society (published online).
A climate shift in the north
Pacific and Bering Sea in the
mid-1970s resulted in fewer
lipid-rich fish around the
islands. By the early 1980s redlegged kittiwake populations
on the islands had fallen by 50
per cent. “The results of our
study suggest that declines in
availability of lipid-rich fish —
caused by climate change or
human-induced — are likely to
result in an inferior quality of
seabirds in later life and an
increased chance of mortality,”
the team write.
Previous studies have shown
that passerine birds such as
blackbird and sparrow appear
to struggle to learn their mating
songs if they do not have a
good diet as a chick.
A healthy diet looks vital —
what is not clear is how much
climate change and human
interference is likely to impact
on the preferred food of
seabird populations. Many
coastlines could be heading for
a collapse in seabird numbers
in the face of breeding failure
or the fledging of
disadvantaged chicks.
Quick guide
Chris T. Amemiya1,2,
Tsutomu Miyake1 and
Jonathan P. Rast3
What are echinoderms?
Echinoderms — from the Greek
for spiny skin — are invertebrates
that exclusively inhabit marine
environments. Most species have
a five-fold radial body plan.
Echinoderms are monophyletic
and comprise a sister-group to the
hemichordates (acorn worms).
There are approximately 7,000
extant echinoderm species which
fall into five well-defined
taxonomic classes (Figure 1):
Crinoidea (sea lilies and feather
stars); Asteroidea (starfishes);
Ophiuroidea (basket stars and
brittle stars); Holothuroidea (sea
cucumbers); and Echinoidea (sea
urchins, sand dollars, and sea
biscuits). This group has left an
exceptional fossil record dating
back to at least the Cambrian; this
well defined fossil record allows
comparative molecular studies to
be made over a wide range of
relatively well documented
divergence times.
Echinoderms have several
shared features that distinguish
them from other animals,
including a water vascular system
and a characteristic form of
calcium carbonate endoskeleton
called stereom. Most echinoderms
begin life as larvae and undergo
complex metamorphosis to form
an adult. As a group they display a
diverse array of life history traits.
Most have a sexual mode of
reproduction, although some can
reproduce asexually. Their larvae
are primitively free-living and
planktonic, and show a
considerable diversity in
morphology and function, some of
the traits being clearly shared with
the larvae of certain
Nearly all echinoderm adults
adopt a benthic adult form
following metamorphosis, though
a few deep-water holothuroids are
pelagic or epibenthic swimmers.
Adult echinoderms are radially
symmetrical, usually pentameric,
with intricate internal skeletons of
calcium carbonate ossicles,
supported by a characteristic
array of collagenous ligaments.
When present in larvae, skeletons
take the form of elaborate rods
which are independently derived
in Ophiuroidea and Echinoidea
(and absent in larvae of the other
three echinoderm classes).
What is their history as
experimental models?
Echinoderm embryos and larvae
have been used as experimental
model systems for more than a
century. Research on
echinoderms has led to significant
advances in the areas of
developmental biology, cell
biology and immunology, several
specific lines of research being
recognized with Nobel Prizes.
Echinoderm larvae were central to
classic studies that resulted in
fundamental biological concepts
including Hans Driesch’s
demonstration of nuclear
equivalence in development,
Theodor Boveri’s characterization
of the chromosomal basis of
inheritance, and Elie Metchnikoff’s
exploration of cellular immunity.
How do echinoderms develop?
Echinoderm species exhibit a
variety of developmental
strategies, from maximally indirect
development, where adults
emerge from metamorphosis of a
larva with virtually no similarity to
the adult, to direct developmental
transition from a fertilized egg into
an adult. The bilaterally
symmetrical larvae of indirect
developing species are feeding,
long-lived and very simple in
structure and cell number (in the
most-used sea urchin models the
pluteus larva has only about 2000
cells). A variety of intermediate
developmental modes exist with,
for example, non-feeding larvae or
facultative larval feeding. For
echinoderms indirect
development is primitive, and a
dipleurula-type larva is found in all
five living classes, as well as in the
sister-phylum Hemichordata.
Are echinoderms really
considered bilaterians? Yes.
Figure 1. Interrelationships
of echinoderms and related
The deuterostomes comprise three phyla: Chordata
(vertebrates, cephalochordates and urochordates),
Hemichordata and Echinodermata, which are more
closely related to each
other than to any of the protostome phyla.
While adult echinoderms are
radially symmetric (usually
pentameric, but sometimes with
higher-order symmetry),
phylogenetic analysis
unequivocally shows this state is
derived from a bilaterian ancestor.
Analyses of hox gene expression
and fossil evidence indicate that
the anterior–posterior axis of
echinoderms runs along the axis
of the gut. Echinoderm larvae
exhibit bilateral symmetry, with
the first ontogenetic signs of a
pentameric form appearing in the
adult anlage (rudiment) in the
advanced larva. Extinct Paleozoic
forms with bilateral adult body
architecture are known from
Which echinoderms are used
as models? Nearly all of the
molecular biology research and
most of the classical embryology
studies have been done using the
embryos and larvae of a few
species of indirectly developing
sea urchins. Some work has been
done also with starfish embryos.
Congenic pairs of sea urchin
species, one exhibiting direct and
the other indirect development,
have been used to investigate the
developmental basis for changes
in life history strategies.
Why are echinoderm embryos
used for developmental
studies? From embryological
and molecular perspectives, they
offer advantages over other
deuterostome models. Sea
urchins produce enormous
quantities of eggs, which are
fertilized in sea water and
develop as simple, optically
clear, free-living embryos. They
can be grown as staged cultures
(by the millions and, if necessary,
billions) and provide large
quantities of materials for
biochemical or molecular biology
analyses. They are easy to
maintain and their development
can be conveniently manipulated
at the cellular and molecular
levels. Importantly the embryos
form feeding larvae that provide
an exceptionally simple
deuterostome model with the
basic attributes of any animal.
Why are they used for gene
regulatory network analysis?
The studies of gene regulatory
networks aim to map and
understand the transcriptional
circuitry of developmental
programs. This requires accurate
measurement of mRNA
prevalence, efficient cis-regulatory
analysis, and specific perturbation
of regulatory interactions in order
to create a predictive network
model, which can then be tested
by further perturbations and
measurements. Most of these
analyses must be made in a
genuine developmental context,
and sea urchin embryos are
convenient for each of these
steps. They are relatively simple in
morphology and developmental
mechanism. Thousands of
transgenic embryos can be
routinely generated in a single
injection session. Perturbation
agents, such as morpholino
antisense oligonucleotides,
mRNAs and interfering mutated
expression constructs, can be
easily injected and outcomes
analyzed. These molecular
perturbations can be combined
with experimental manipulation
and transplantation techniques
developed over more than a
century of embryological research
using echinoderms. Further
information on gene networks in
the sea urchin can be found at
How does their development
relate to that of more complex
vertebrates? Despite their
simplicity, sea urchin embryos
and larvae use homologs of many
of the same transcription factors
employed by more complex
bilaterians, some specific to the
deuterostomes. Co-expression of
many of these factors in the
specification of mesoderm,
endoderm and ectoderm, and
later in cell type differentiation
and function, suggests
conservation at the wider gene
network level. This has been
tested in one case where
conservation of interactions that
specify endomesoderm in sea
urchin has been demonstrated in
a starfish, which shares a
common ancestor with the sea
urchins that existed at least 500
million years ago. The simplicity of
these echinoderm systems can be
exploited to characterize similar
network interactions that are
conserved within vertebrates.
Is there an echinoderm
genome project? Yes, the
genome of the purple sea urchin,
Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, is
being sequenced at the Baylor
College of Medicine Human
Genome Sequencing Center
under the auspices of the National
Human Genome Research
Institute. A compilation of genome
Current Biology Vol 15 No 23
resources for the sea urchin can
be found at
me/guide/sea_urchin/ and at
Where can I find out more?
Cameron, C.B., Garey, J.R., and Swalla, B.J.
(2000). Evolution of the chordate body
plan: New insights from phylogenetic
analyses of deuterostome phyla. Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97, 4469–4474.
Davidson, E.H., Rast, J.P., Oliveri, P.,
Ransick, A., Calestani, C., Yuh, C.H.,
Minokawa, T., Amore, G., Hinman, V.,
Arenas-Mena, C., et al. (2002). A
genomic regulatory network for
development. Science 295, 1669–1678.
Davidson, E.H., and Cameron, R.A. (2002).
Arguments for sequencing the genome
of the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus
purpuratus. A white paper submitted to
the National Human Genome Research
Duboc, V., Rottinger, E., Lapraz, F.,
Besnardeau, L., and Lepage, T. (2005).
Left-right asymmetry in the sea urchin
embryo is regulated by nodal signaling
on the right side. Dev. Cell 9, 147–158.
Ettensohn, C.A., Wessel, G.M., and Wray,
G.A. eds. (2004). Development of sea
urchins, ascidians and other invertebrate
deuterostomes: Experimental
Approaches, Volume 74 (London:
Elsevier Academic Press).
Hinman, V.F., Nguyen, A.T., Cameron, R.A.,
and Davidson, E.H. (2003).
Developmental gene regulatory network
architecture across 500 million years of
echinoderm evolution. Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci. USA 100, 13356–13361.
Peterson, K.J., Arenas-Mena, C., and
Davidson, E.H. (2000). The A/P axis in
echinoderm ontogeny and evolution:
evidence from fossils and molecules.
Evol. Dev. 2, 93–101.
Raff, E.C., Popodi, E.M., Kauffman, J.S., Sly,
B.J., Turner, F.R., Morris, V.B., and Raff,
R.A. (2003). Regulatory punctuated
equilibrium and convergence in the
evolution of developmental pathways in
direct-developing sea urchins. Evol. Dev.
5, 478–493.
Shu, D.-G., Conway Morris, S., Han, J.,
Zhang, Z.-F., and Liu, J.-N. (2004).
Ancestral echinoderms from the
Chengjiang deposits of China. Nature
430, 422–428.
Genetics Program, Benaroya
Research Institute at Virginia Mason,
1201 Ninth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101,
USA. 2Department of Biology, University
of Washington, 24 Kincaid Hall, Seattle,
Washington 98195, USA. 3Department
of Molecular & Cellular Biology,
Sunnybrook & Women’s Research
Institute and Medical Biophysics,
University of Toronto, 2075 Bayview
Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M4N 3MS,
Evolution of the
avian brain and
Nathan J. Emery and
Nicola S. Clayton
In Western society, the term ‘bird
brain’ is often used as a
derogatory term for a person of
diminished intellect, partly
because many people tend to
think of birds as pecking
machines, responding reflexively
to stimuli in their environment, and
partly because birds seem so
different from us, with their beady
eyes and small heads. But over 40
years ago William Thorpe, who
was the leading authority on bird
learning at that time, pointed out:
“The poor development in birds of
any brain structures clearly
corresponding to the cerebral
cortex of mammals led to the
assumption among neurologists
not only that birds are primarily
creatures of instinct, but also that
they are very little endowed with
the ability to learn...this
misconceived view of brain
mechanisms, hindered the
development of experimental
studies on bird learning”.
In the 1960s little was known
about the cognitive capacities of
birds, but recent studies lend
support for Thorpe’s view: we now
know that some bird species
make and use tools, can count,
remember specific past events
and reason about the mental
states of individuals, behaviours
that some have considered to be
unique to humans. Despite the
apparent cognitive similarity
between humans and some birds,
neuroscientists have tended to
view bird brains as interesting
curiosities with little relevance to
the workings of the human brain.
Recently, however, the Avian
Brain Nomenclature Consortium
published a series of papers
attempting to re-address the issue
of the importance of the bird brain
to neuroscience by investigating
how the avian brain evolved, how
the structure of the avian brain
relates to that of the mammalian
brain, and how names have had a
negative influence on how birds
are perceived.
Negativity surrounding the avian
brain began in the late nineteenth
century, when Ludwig Edinger
provided names for the various
parts of the vertebrate brain. His
form of nomenclature was based
on the naïve view that evolution
occurs in a linear progression, so
that each new species is an
elaboration of an older species.
This scala naturae is often
represented as a ladder. With
respect to intelligence, Arthur
Jenson, one of the key figures in
studies of human intelligence
argued that “single-cell
protozoans, such as amoeba, rank
at the bottom of the scale,
followed in order by the
invertebrates, the lower
vertebrates, the lower mammals...
and finally the primates, in order:
New World monkeys, Old World
monkeys, the apes, and at the
pinnacle, humans”.
With respect to brain evolution,
Edinger applied this scala naturae
suggesting that the brains of living
vertebrates retained ancestral
structures, but that new brain
areas were added onto older
ones, or older areas increased in
size and complexity to form new
areas (Figure 1A). According to
this view, evolutionarily older
brains are simple, and so produce
simple instinctive behaviour, and
evolutionarily newer brains are
complex, and therefore can
control learned and intelligent
behaviour. The oldest brain
regions — those present in all
vertebrates — were prefixed with
the term ‘paleo-‘, the next oldest
brain regions were given the prefix
‘archi-’, whereas the new brain
regions — those present in the
species closest to the top of the
‘ladder’ — were assigned the
prefix ‘neo-’.
We now know that, as with
other parts of the body, the brains
of distantly related species tend to
be derived from the same basic
elements found in the common
ancestor — they exhibit homology
(Figure 1B). So although the
common ancestor of birds and
mammals lived approximately 300