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Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research
5 pages
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Abstract— Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is a modern approach that has been the foundation of development of hardware, software and interaction programs that integrates the user’s experience with the desired results. In this research paper, the history of HCI is investigated and how there have been several changes over time as a result of the changing users’ needs. The goals and purposes of HCI including increasing efficiency, safety, and effectiveness of users usability are also discussed. The Norma’s model that illustrate the cycle required in development of an effective HCI system is illustrated using some of the principles of usability; interactions and interactivity. The paradigm of how computers act as social factors in HCI are discussed with an emphasis on how the interpersonal communication should be included in computer systems to maximize utility. Under the machine agency theory, virtual individuals in the computer systems use non-verbal communication styles such as eye contact to promote users’ experience. The current and future trends in HCI are analyzed to include the use of robots, Artificial intelligence, and virtual reality to enhance the use of HCI principles.
Applied sciences, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Computers in Human Behavior, 2000
Advancements in computer technology have allowed the development of human-appearing and -behaving virtual agents. This study examined if increased richness and anthropomorphism in interface design lead to computers being more in¯uential during a decision-making task with a human partner. In addition, user experiences of the communication format, communication process, and the task partner were evaluated for their association with various features of virtual agents. Study participants completed the Desert Survival Problem (DSP) and were then randomly assigned to one of ®ve dierent computer partners or to a human partner (who was a study confederate). Participants discussed each of the items in the DSP with their partners and were then asked to complete the DSP again. Results showed that computers were more in¯uential than human partners but that the latter were rated more positively on social dimensions of communication than the former. Exploratory analysis of user assessments revealed that some features of human±computer interaction (e.g. utility and feeling understood) were associated with increases in anthropomorphic features of the interface. Discussion focuses on the relation between user perceptions, design features, and task outcomes. # Modern information technology now aords organizations, businesses, individuals, and institutions of learning a variety of options for engaging in communication Computers in Human Behavior 16 0747-5632/00/$ -see front matter # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. P I I : S 0 7 4 7 -5 6 3 2 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 2 9 -7
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
The idea of human-computer interaction was born as computer technology progressed. The youthful age group of people who are educated and technically skilled are used in research studies in human computer interaction. In Human-Computer Interaction, this study focuses on the mental model. This review study takes many methods, one of which is to highlight current methodologies, findings, and trends in human-computer interaction, and the other is to identify research that was invented a long time ago but is now falling behind. This study also discusses fidelity prototyping and a user's emotional intelligence to make a product more userfriendly. Why do humans use computers, we investigate in this paper. What is the purpose of a computer system in the human mind? In addition to HCI's computer science. This study examines the literature on humancomputer interaction as well as the technological aspects of human-computer interaction using digital technologies. All these challenges are explored and recommendations for designing good human-computer digital devices are provided. Digital devices have continued to increase in efficiency and processing capacity thanks to advancements in both hardware and software. However, many of these systems are growing in size and complexity. While such intricacy normally offers no problems for most users, it frequently creates impediments for users while utilising digital devices. Typically, when designing those digital devices, the human-computer interaction is overlooked. I.
HCI is a multidisciplinary fi eld focused on human aspects of the development of computer technology. As computer-based technology becomes increasingly pervasive -not just in developed countries, but worldwide -the need to take a human-centered approach in the design and development of this technology becomes ever more important. For roughly 30 years now, researchers and practitioners in computational and behavioral sciences have worked to identify theory and practice that infl uences the direction of these technologies, and this diverse work makes up the fi eld of human-computer interaction. Broadly speaking it includes the study of what technology might be able to do for people and how people might interact with the technology. The HCI series publishes books that advance the science and technology of developing systems which are both effective and satisfying for people in a wide variety of contexts. Titles focus on theoretical perspectives (such as formal approaches drawn from a variety of behavioral sciences), practical approaches (such as the techniques for effectively integrating user needs in system development), and social issues (such as the determinants of utility, usability and acceptability).
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2023
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is a rapidly evolving field that seeks to understand and improve the interactions between humans and technology. This research paper provides an in- depth review of the theory, design principles, and emerging trends in HCI. The paper begins by discussing the history and evolution of HCI, followed by a review of the different theoretical frameworks that have been used to study HCI. The paper then examines the different design principles that have been developed to guide the design of user interfaces, including the principles of usability, user experience, and accessibility. Finally, the paper explores emerging trends in HCI, including the use of artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, and ubiquitous computing.
This paper discusses the research that has been done in the field of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) relating to human psychology. The overview includes the basic definitions and terminology, a survey of existing technologies and recent advances in the field, common architectures used in the design of HCI systems which includes unimodal and multimodal configurations, and finally the applications of HCI. Human-computer interaction (HCI) is the study of how people design, implement, and use interactive computer systems and how computers affect individuals, organizations, and society. This encompasses not only ease of use but also new interaction techniques for supporting user tasks, providing better access to information, and creating more powerful forms of communication. It involves input and output devices and the interaction techniques that use them; how information is presented and requested; how the computer's actions are controlled and monitored; all forms of help, document...
H. Hristov & S. Stavrev, Generations of human-computer interactions: evolution, tendencies and perspectives, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 2339, International Conference on Electronics, Engineering Physics and Earth Science 2022 (EEPES 2022) 21/06/2022 - 24/06/2022 Varna, Bulgaria, , 2022
In this paper, we present the usability evolution of human-computer interactions. In addition, we group the various user interfaces of human-computer interaction into two generations with three classes each. The most user interfaces for human-computer interaction are assigned into a class depending on objective criteria scores, such as technical literacy level, level of natural interactions, user learning curve and UI's ability to adapt. In addition, current tendencies for HCI are presented and future perspectives are discussed. Finally, we summarize the achieved results and draw conclusions.
Computer technology is continuously evolving. New processors, devices, apps ... are emerging each day. Moreover, electronic devices, like computers, mobile phones, tablets, PDA’s, GPS’s ... are used by more people and with new purposes in a way that they are almost essential in our lives. When we talk about computers or technology and how people use it we have clearly to talk about interaction. Human Computer Interaction involves the study, planning, and design of the interaction between users and computers.
Capítulo 71: Esqueleto del tórax 827 Capítulo 72: Articulaciones del tórax 833 Capítulo 73: Tórax osteocartilaginoso en general 837 Capítulo 74: Músculos del tórax 842 Capítulo 75: Diafragma 845 Véase Guía topográfica: Tórax
XIX. Türk Tarih Kongresi – 3-7 Ekim 2022 / Ankara – Kongreye Sunulan Bildiriler, 2024
Kaŋlı (Kanglı) Türkleri 12.-13. yüzyıllar Avrasyası’nda kalabalık ve etkin bir halktılar, ancak ilk kökenleri ve ortaya çıkışları Türk tarihi uzmanları arasında bir yüzyıldır tartışma konusu olmaktadır. Modern araştırmacılar tarafından çoğu zaman Kıpçakların (Kumanlar) bir parçası olarak kabul edilmelerine rağmen kökenleri konusunda başka görüşler de vardır ki bunlardan birisi, onları Çin kaynaklarında Tiele 鐵勒 ile diğer biçimlerle bilinen, Tegrekler olarak adlandırılan ve kağnılar süren erken Ortaçağ boylarına bağlamaktadır. Bu bildiri Kaŋlılar hakkında Tibet, Uygur ile Çin kaynaklarında 8. yüzyıla ait ilk muhtemel kayıtları incelemekte ve onların bazı 9.-10. yüzyıl Türk-Moğol toplulukları arasında görülüp Çin kaynaklarında Kara Arabalar (Heichezi 黑車子) olarak geçen çeşitli boylarla bağlantılarına işaret etmektedir. Bu Çin-Tibet kaynakları 8.-10. yüzyıllarda Güney Sibirya, Cungarya, Altaylar ve Hingan’da yaşayan Kara Kaŋlılar ile Kara Arabalara değinmektedirler, bir yandan ise Mançurya’daki Moğol Şirviler (Shiwei 室韋) arasında Kara Araba Şirvileri olarak adlandırılan boylar 10. yüzyılda ortaya çıkmaktadırlar. Çalışmada bazı araştırmacıların Kara Arabaları tamamen bir Moğol topluluğu sayılması gerektiğine ilişkin görüşlerine karşı çıkılmakta, Kara Arabaların çoğunun Türk boylarından oluşmasının daha muhtemel olduğu önerilmektedir. Şirviler arasındaki Kara Arabalar sonradan Moğollaşmış bir Türk topluluğu olabilecekleri gibi, Kara Araba adı bu dönemde hem Türk hem Moğol halkları arasında kullanılan genel bir adlandırmaya dönüşmüş olabilir. Bu bildirinin bir başka yönü ise Moğol döneminin tarihî ve mitolojik metinlerinin Kaŋlıları nasıl Kıpçaklardan ayrı bir halk olarak gösterdiğine odaklanmasıdır. Sonuç olarak, tarihî kaynaklara ve modern araştırmalara dayanan bu çalışma Kaŋlı Türklerinin kökenleri ile ortaya çıkışlarının 8.-9. yüzyıllarda Güney Sibirya’da yaşayan Tegrek boylarında aranması gerektiğini önermektedir. Her ne kadar tarihî kaynaklarda yeterince bilgi bulunmasa da Kaŋlı Türklerinin müstakil bir halk olarak ortaya çıkmaları büyük olasılıkla Ötüken Uygur Kağanlığı (744-840) ve onun yıkılışından sonraki süreçlerle bağlantılı olmalıdır. ---------------- The Qaŋlï (Qangli) Turks were a numerous and active people in twelfth-thirteenth centuries Eurasia, but their ultimate origins and emergence remain a matter of debate among scholars of Turkic history for around a century. Often considered by modern scholars to be a part of the Kipchaks (Cumans), there are also other opinions about their origins, one of them linking them to cart-riding early medieval Turkic tribes called Tägräks, who are known in Chinese sources as Tiele 鐵勒 and other forms. This paper examines the earliest eight century possible references to the Qaŋlïs in the Tibetan, Uyghur and Chinese sources, and points to the possible links between them and various tribes seen among some Turko-Mongol groupings of ninth-tenth centuries mentioned in the Chinese sources as Black Carts (Heichezi 黑車子). These Sino-Tibetan sources mention Qara Qaŋlïs and Black Carts living in Southern Siberia, Dzungaria, Altai Mountains and Khingan Mountains during the eight-tenth centuries, while tribes called Black Cart Shirvi emerge among the Mongolic Shirvi (Shiwei 室韋) of Manchuria in the tenth century. In this study, the opinions of some scholars regarding that the Black Carts should be considered entirely as a Mongolic grouping is opposed, proposing that most of the Black Carts being formed from Turkic tribes is more probable. The Black Carts among Shirvi might be a Turkic grouping that eventually became Mongolified, or the name Black Carts might have evolved into a generic name used among both Turkic and Mongolic peoples during this period. Another aspect of this paper is that it focuses on how both historical and mythological texts of the Mongol period show the Qaŋlïs as a people distinct from the Kipchaks. Ultimately, this study based on both historical sources and modern researches proposes to seek the origins and emergence of the Qaŋlï Turks among Tägräk tribes living in Southern Siberia during the eight-ninth centuries. Although historical sources lack sufficient information, the emergence of Qaŋlï Turks as a distinct people is most probably connected with the Orkhon Uyghur Qaghanate (744-840) and the processes after its collapse.
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