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14 pages
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The first € price and the £ and $ price are net prices, subject to local VAT. Prices indicated with * include VAT for books; the €(D) includes 7% for Germany, the €(A) includes 10% for Austria. Prices indicated with ** include VAT for electronic products; 19% for Germany, 20% for Austria. All prices exclusive of carriage charges. Prices and other details are subject to change without notice. All errors and omissions excepted. I. Aaltio, A.J. Mills, J.H. Mills (Eds.) Ageing, Organisations and Management
This paper sets out to study recent developments in the relatively new area in management theory -Age Management. First the general labor and financial market conditions are specified which have led to the growing need of an age-oriented strategy for employment in the company. Next the concept of Age Management is defined, both from the macro, enterprise-level and individual perspectives. The next section studies the benefits derived from implementing Age Management for the company and its employees, followed by a section on specific Age Management tools and measures. The penultimate section explores the prerequisites for successful implementation. This paper finds that Age Management as a concept is gaining ground, predominantly in managing and retaining near-retirement-age workers. Concluding, we find that there is a significant need for more comprehensive Age Management and effective Age Management measures to maintain firms' and economies' competitiveness in the face of demographic decline.
Age Management as a Tool for the Demographic Decline in the 21st Century: An Overview of its Characteristics, 2012
This paper sets out to study recent developments in the relatively new area in management theory – Age Management. First the general labor and financial market conditions are specified which have led to the growing need of an age-oriented strategy for employment in the company. Next the concept of Age Management is defined, both from the macro, enterprise-level and individual perspectives. The next section studies the benefits derived from implementing Age Management for the company and its employees, followed by a section on specific Age Management tools and measures. The penultimate section explores the prerequisites for successful implementation. This paper finds that Age Management as a concept is gaining ground, predominantly in managing and retaining near-retirement-age workers. Concluding, we find that there is a significant need for more comprehensive Age Management and effective Age Management measures to maintain firms’ and economies’ competitiveness in the face of demographic decline.
Management, 2017
Summary In article we present selected issues of age management in organizations. They pointed to the lack of rationale for the discriminatory policies of some companies to employees aged 50+. Attention of managers was paid to the problem of age management in organizations, conditioned by an increase in the number of employees 50+. In Poland, currently there are employed approx. 31% of workers in this group (64 years old). While in EU countries the employment rate for workers aged fifty years and older more than 50%. The article discusses the specifics of the development processes and changes in the phase of middle and late adulthood, characterizing the population of employees and pointing to the “strengths” of the group. Age management in the context of both pathology and positive practices was presented. Referring to the data the benefits of age management were indicated.
WISeR catalogue no: 201513 The Australian Workplace and Social Research Centre (WISeR) has taken care to ensure the material presented in this report is accurate and correct. However, WISeR does not guarantee and accepts no legal liability or responsibility connected to the use or interpretation of data or material contained in this report. The Australian Workplace Innovation and Social Research Centre (WISeR) focuses on work and socioeconomic change. WISeR is particularly interested in how organisational structure and practices, technology and economic systems, policy and institutions, environment and culture interact to influence the performance of workplaces and the wellbeing of individuals, households and communities. WISeR also specialises in socioeconomic impact assessment including the distributional impacts and human dimensions of change on different population groups and localities. Our research plays a key role in informing policy and strategy development at a national, local and international level.
The Social Experimentation for Active Ageing (hereafter referred to as Active Ageing) project involved the identification of good age management practice, supporting and encouraging employers (SMEs) in Edinburgh, participating in this European funded project, involving 4 European regions, to introduce such practices in the areas of recruitment, retention and retirement.
The need to improve the labour market participation of older people has received ever greater attention in recent years, especially in view of the significant demographic changes the European Union will undergo due to population ageing. Besides the macroeconomic level, implications of this trend are strongly seen at the company level, particularly when it comes to managing the ageing workforce. Companies are thus introducing new approaches, policies and instruments which seek to foster the higher employment rates of the elderly by implementing the active-ageing concept in business and HRM practice. The paper aims to highlight the development of active-ageing initiatives within Slovenian companies where the practice of age management is still in its early stages. Consequently, we shed light on problems and obstacles appearing in the developmental process of implementing the active-ageing concept in Slovenian companies, and conclude with some recommendations for the future development...
If some European countries started work on age management long ago, several reports confirmed the urgency and the complexity of age management in France. The low participation of French older workers in the labour market was the result of premature exclusion, within a context of high unemployment and industrial restructuring. Discrimination concerning access to jobs and training persists with regard to older workers. The management of ages is not yet something from which enterprises could expect a return, because of the socio-cultural negative perceptions and image of older workers. Nevertheless, some companies start to implement innovative initiatives and test new solutions for promoting active ageing. This article brings some examples of those experiences and concludes with the necessity to reconciliate "age, work and training" to favour social links and better sharing between generations promoting "aging, living and working well together". Résumé Le taux de participation faible de la population active des travailleurs âgés en France est le résultat d'une politique de retraite anticipée dans un contexte de chômage important et de restructurations industrielles. Les discriminations concernant l'accès à l'emploi et à la formation des personnels vieillissants persistent. Le management de l'âge n'est pas encore à l'ordre du jour des agendas des entreprises en France en raison de représentations négatives tenaces relatives aux travailleurs de plus de 45 ans. Cependant, un certain nombre d'entreprises commencent à mettre en oeuvre des initiatives innovantes et à tester de nouvelles solutions pour promouvoir le travailleur vieillissant. Cet article rend compte d'expériences menées dans des entreprises et de la nécessité de (ré)concilier « âge-travail-formation » pour permettre la création de liens sociaux intergénérationnels et promouvoir « un mieux vieillir, travailler et vivre ensemble ».
The Lancet, 2013
The ageing of European populations presents health, long-term care, and welfare systems with new challenges. Although reports of ageing as a fundamental threat to the welfare state seem exaggerated, societies have to embrace various policy options to improve the robustness of health, long-term care, and welfare systems in Europe and to help people to stay healthy and active in old age. These policy options include prevention and health promotion, better selfcare, increased coordination of care, improved management of hospital admissions and discharges, improved systems of long-term care, and new work and pension arrangements. Ageing of the health workforce is another challenge, and policies will need to be pursued that meet the particular needs of older workers (ie, those aged 50 years or older) while recruiting young practitioners.
Yogyakarta menjadi salah satu daerah di Indonesia yang dikenal kental akan budaya jawanya. Yogyakarta juga memiliki banyak tempat yang menyimpan sejarah dan sering dikunjungi sebagai destinasi wisata para turis. Selain wisata sejarahnya, Yogyakarta juga memiliki kesenian-kesenian tradisional yang tak kalah menariknya, seni tari, seni musik, seni drama yang kerap ditampilkan di acara-acara bertaraf nasional bahkan internasional. Kotagede merupakan salah satu kecamatan di Kota Yogyakarta yang memiliki potensi kesenian yang dapat dikembangkan untuk menjadi daya tarik pariwisata di Kotagede. Oleh karena itu, dengan adanya Pusat Kesenian Tradisional di Kotagede ini dapat memunculkan kembali identitas kesenian tradisional Kotagede dan memperkenalkannya ke mancanegara. Output dari perancangan pusat kesenian tradisional ini tidak hanya dari segi estetika dan fungsi bangunan, melainkan juga menerapkan nilai-nilai dari arsitektur tradisional jawa. Dengan menerapkan gaya arsitektur jawa kontem...
Global sustainability, 2024
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