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The Business of Fashion, 2024
A simple innovation still in use today likely allowed prehistoric humans to turn clothing into the complex social signals they are now, according to researchers. Interview with Marc Bain.
Materials Science Forum, 2018
The problem of graphite crystallization and growth in cast iron has recently received increased attention. As most of the literature data describe analysis of room temperature graphite, there is a legitimate concern that the crystallization of graphite is obscured by subsequent recrystallization and growth in solid state. To avoid confusion in the interpretation of room temperature graphite morphology, the authors used Field Emission Gun Scanning Electron Microscopy on deep-etched interrupted solidification (quenched) specimens to reveal the morphology of graphite at the very beginning of solidification, when the graphite is in contact with the liquid. Information from related phenomena, such as crystallization of hexagonal structure snowflakes and metamorphic graphite, as well as of diamond cubic structure silicon crystals in aluminum alloys is incorporated in the analysis. Research discussing graphite produced through gas-solid and solid-solid transformations is also examined. Because the faceted growth of graphite is the result of diffusion-limited crystal growth in the presence of anisotropic surface energy and anisotropic attachment kinetics, a variety of solidification morphologies are found. The basic building blocks of the graphite aggregates are hexagonal faceted graphite platelets generated through the growth of graphene layers. As solidification advances, the platelets thicken through 2-D nucleation or spiral dislocation growth. Depending on bulk composition, local supersaturation and undercooling, the platelets aggregate through a variety of mechanisms including foliated/tiled-roof crystals and dendrites, curvedcircumferential, cone-helix, helical (macro-spiral), and polyhedral columnar or conical (pyramidal) sectors growth.
Tianxia III: Formulating a Minimalist Morality for a Planetary Geopolitical Order:Alternative Cultural Perspectives, 2024
This paper argues that the search for minima moralia, common moral principles shared by all civilizations, is unlikely to succeed, while it is possible to find commonalities in civilizational models of moral self-cultivation. It further discusses the conditions that would have to obtain for a tianxia order to be voluntarily embraced across diverse civilizational traditions.
1] Sea surface temperatures (SST) and inorganic continental input over the last 25,000 years (25 ka) are reconstructed in the far eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) based on three cores stretching from the equatorial front (~0.01°N, ME0005-24JC) into the cold tongue region (~3.6°S; TR163-31P and V19-30). We revisit previously published alkenone-derived SST records for these sites and present a revised chronology for V19-30. Inorganic continental input is quantified at all three sites based on 230 Th-normalized fluxes of the long-lived continental isotope thorium-232 and interpreted to be largely dust. Our data show a very weak meridional (cross-equatorial) SST gradient during Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1, 18-15 ka B.P.) and high dust input along with peak export production at and north of the equator. These findings are corroborated by an Earth system model experiment for HS1 that simulates intensified northeasterly trade winds in the EEP, stronger equatorial upwelling, and surface cooling. Furthermore, the related southward shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) during HS1 is also indicative of drier conditions in the typical source regions for dust.
ÖZET Emek ve kent birbirini etkileyen ve şekillendiren olgulardır. Emek bir yandan kenti inşa ederken, kent de emeğin doğasını biçimlendirir. Kentleşme tarihi içinde yaşanan süreçlerin emeğe biçtiği rol ise insan hayatını ve toplumsal tahayyülleri şekillendirmektedir. Bu nedenle ortada derin bir bakış açısıyla okunması gereken bir kavram vardır. Bu çalışma, emek ile kent arasındaki karmaşık ilişkiyi tarihsel olarak anlamaya yöneliktir. Araştırma, Bomonti Bira Fabrikası tarihinde yer alan emek deneyimlerini konu alırken, bu deneyimlerin gerçekleştiği yer olan Bomonti semtinin tarihsel olarak toplumsal yapısını ve mekânsal dönüşümünü ortaya koymuştur. Sermayenin, emeğin kentlerde başrolü oynadığı zamanlardan farklı olarak kentsel çevreleri emeğin yarattığı birikimlerden ve zenginliklerden yoksun bırakması, çalışma hayatının giderek daha da sertleşmesine ve sosyal hayatın renksizleşmesine yol açmıştır. Emeğin yaşadığı ortamın, bir zamanlar sırtını devletine dayadığı işini kaybetme korkusu yaşamadığı, yaşam kalitesinin daha yüksek olduğu, dolayısıyla bireyin şimdiki gibi yalnızlaşmış değil, kalabalık hissettiği bir ortamdan, güvensiz ve tedirgin yaşanılan bir ortama dönüştüğü görülmektedir. Unutulmaması gereken başka bir nokta kuşaklar arası aktarımın sekteye uğradığı gerçeğidir. Bundan dolayı bu eksikliğe bir katkı yapmak üzere yaşanan dönüşüm, deneyimleyenlerin anlatılarına başvurularak kurgulanmıştır. Çalışma, emeğin anlamının sorgulanmasıyla başlayarak, Türkiye‟de emek tarihi ve kentleşme sürecine yönelik farklı dönemleri inceleyen birinci bölümü, Bomonti semtinin tarihsel gelişiminin değerlendirildiği ikinci bölümü, Bomonti Bira Fabrikası üzerinden emek deneyimlerinin incelendiği üçüncü bölümü içermektedir. Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Şehir ve Bölge Planlama Anabilim Dalı Kentsel Planlama Programı Tez Danışmanı: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Besime ŞEN MAYIS 2010 ABSTRACT Labor and city are phenomena that effect and shape each other. While at one hand labor builds the city, the city in turn shapes the nature of the labor. The role given to labor by the processes in the history of urbanization shapes the human life and societal aspirations. Because of this reason this is a concept which needs to be looked into with a deeper perspective. This work is towards understanding the complicated relationship between labor and the city. The research investigated the labor experiences in the history of the Bomonti Beer Factory in a frame that involves the societal and environmental transformations of the historic Bomonti district. In contrary to the times when labor had the leading role in the cities, when capital deprived the city environment from the experiences and richness of the labor it lead to a tougher work life and a less colorful social life. The time when labor lived the individual was backed up by the government, had no fear of losing a job and had a higher life quality and therefore the individual felt populated instead of feeling alienated like now. We now see that this setting has transformed into an insecure and troublesome environment. Another point that should not be forgotten is the fact that the transfer between generations has came to a halt. The research begins with questioning the meaning of labor and consists of three parts. First chapter investigates the different periods in the history of labor and urbanization in Turkey. In the second chapter the historic development of Bomonti district is assessed and in the third chapter the labor experiences from Bomonti Beer Factory is analyzed. Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University İnstitute of Science and Technology Department of City and Regional Planning Urban Planning Programme Advisor: Assistant Prof. Besime ŞEN MAY 2010
Hak Cipta © 2016 pada Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Dilindungi Undang-Undang MILIK NEGARA TIDAK DIPERDAGANGKAN Disklaimer: Buku ini merupakan buku guru yang dipersiapkan Pemerintah dalam rangka implementasi Kurikulum 2013. Buku guru ini disusun dan ditelaah oleh berbagai pihak di bawah koordinasi Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, dan dipergunakan dalam tahap awal penerapan Kurikulum 2013. Buku ini merupakan "dokumen hidup" yang senantiasa diperbaiki, diperbaharui, dan dimutakhirkan sesuai dengan dinamika kebutuhan dan perubahan zaman. Masukan dari berbagai kalangan yang dialamatkan kepada penulis dan laman atau melalui email [email protected] diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas buku ini.
, a force of Hussites led by the priest Václav Koranda attacked the Cistercian monastery of Aula regia (Königsaal / Zbraslav), a few hours' march to the south of Prague. Founded by the Přemyslid king Wenceslas II (r. 1278-1305), the house enjoyed close ties to the Bohemian royal family. In the abbey church, several sources agree, they opened the grave of the Luxembourg king Wenceslas IV, interred there just a year previously, and desecrated his corpse. 1 On one account, the King's decomposing body was placed on an altar, bedecked with a straw crown, and doused with beer. 2 After setting fire to the monastic [405] buildings, the rebels returned in triumph to Prague, some wearing in their hats fragments of dismembered religious images. 3
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Elektronikus kézirat. Budenz Alkotóház. Székesfehérvár 2018, 2 p.
Fossil Record, 2008
Lembaga Studi dan Advokasi Masyarakat, 2022
Remote Sensing of Environment, 2002
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2016
Clinical interventions in aging, 2018
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Health Science, ICHS 2020, 26-27 October 2020, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2021