Papers by Henryk Jankowski
Journal Asiatique 308, 1, 2020
This paper is a critical edition of the Crimean Karaim Haggadah from a manuscript compared with t... more This paper is a critical edition of the Crimean Karaim Haggadah from a manuscript compared with two printed editions, one Crimean from Gözlöv/Eupatoria, the other Northwest Karaim from Vilna, and two manuscripts, one Northwest and another Southwest Karaim. The Turkic Karaim text was also compared with the Hebrew Karaim Haggadah. The Crimean Karaim Haggadah has not been yet the object of comprehensive study. Since for the most part the Karaim Haggadah is based on the Bible, the corresponding passages were identified with biblical verses and compared with а manuscript of Crimean Karaim Bible. The article also examines the relationship between the Karaim versions and the Egyptian Karaite Haggadah. Text analysis demonstrates some interesting aspects of style and language.
Acta Orientalia Hung. 77 (2024) 2, 265–277, 2024
Cun Lord’s Prayer in which it is spelled ⟨utro⟩ is incorrect and should be amended to utru. The p... more Cun Lord’s Prayer in which it is spelled ⟨utro⟩ is incorrect and should be amended to utru. The postposition ötrü is used in the Turkic languages not in the meaning ‘against’, but ‘because of, following on’. In addition, it may not follow a nominal in the dative as it appears in the Cun Lord’s Prayer, since ötrü requires the ablative. On the contrary, the opposition utru fulfils both requirements.

Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 2024, 2, 2024
This article presents common South Siberian Turkic and common Yenisey Turkic words that are diffe... more This article presents common South Siberian Turkic and common Yenisey Turkic words that are different in form or meaning from their equivalents in other Turkic languages. The lists include Turkic words and old, phonetically adapted loanwords. South Siberian Turkic languages examined in this article are Altay, North Altay, Khakas, Shor, Chulym, Fuyü Gyrgys, Saryg Yugur, and Tuvan, whereas Yenisey Turkic languages are Khakas, Shor, Chulym, Fuyü Gyrgys, and Saryg Yugur. There are only four words common to all South Siberian Turkic languages, but thirty-two words may be defined as South Siberian Turkic, although some are absent from individual languages. The interrelations between the sub-groups are also examined. The number of common Yenisey Turkic words amounts to thirty-four. As was established by previous studies, the number of common words in either of these groups is low. However, it can be concluded from recently published texts that a lack of evidence does not mean that a particular word does not exist.

The present paper argues for the existence of the final -b and medial -b- at least in some period... more The present paper argues for the existence of the final -b and medial -b- at least in some periods of Old Turkic, recently considered to be -w and -w- and often written as -v and -v-. The medial -b-, especially in the intervocalic position, is more prone to lenition, but synchronically it occurs even in those Turkic languages which do not normally allow -b, e.g. Turkish abartmak ‘to exaggerate’, ebe ‘midwife’ and Kazakh taban ‘sole’, keben ‘stack’. Although some Turkic languages allow no weak stops in the final or impose restrictions on several weak stops, there are three arguments in favour of their existence in Old Turkic. The first is that some modern languages preserved the OT word for ‘house’ in the form ep ~ ɪp ~ em (OT *äv could not change into ep or em) and the word for ‘fame’ in the form čap ~ šap (OT *čav could not change into čap or šap). The second is that OT -b is retained in the words borrowed into Mongolian even if it get in the intervocalic position, e.g. ab > aba ‘hunting’. The third argument is paradigmatic. If OT had other final weak stops such as -g, e.g. ög ‘mother’ and - d, e.g. äd ‘article’, it is very likely that it could also have -b. This argument is weaker than than the preceding two ones, for some modern languages allow -g, but do not allow -b and -d, e.g. Khakas, see below. However, it is Khakas that inherited OT -b and changed it into -p.
The aim of this article is to discuss suitability and functionality of the language names Karacha... more The aim of this article is to discuss suitability and functionality of the language names Karachay-Balkar, Karachay and Balkar as well as the historical background and ethnic issues. The ethnic languages Karachay and Balkar are characterised to show their converging and diverging features. Attention is paid to the problem of Karachay and Balkar variants of Karachay- Balkar as a language established by the Soviet language policy. Some questions of administrative division of the native territories of Karachays and Balkars, their relations with other nationalities in their republics are also examined. The paper also shows a few cases how the policymakers use linguistic and ethnic matters to achieve their goals.

This article is a critical edition of an anonymous Crimean Turkish Karaim polemic treatise Igeret... more This article is a critical edition of an anonymous Crimean Turkish Karaim polemic treatise Igeret Imre Noʿam ‘The Treatise Say- ings of Pleasure’ against the Rabbanites, Christians, Muslims and free- masons, that is the atheists. This is the only polemic religious treatise and one of the few works of this kind written by the Karaims in a Tur- kic language. Dated 1816, it is at the same time the earliest document written in this language as known so far, if we disregard earlier glosses and individual sentences. Although the manuscript which contains the text edited is known since 2003, it has not been mentioned by any study and bibliography of Karaim literature. The article presents two styles encountered in the treatise, one being the author’s own style and the other the style of citations from the Karaim Bible. Attention is paid to the adaptation of the language of the old Crimean Karaim Bible trans- lation to Crimean Turkish Karaim. Some characteristic lexical units and language features are also discussed. A short passage is devoted to other non-biblical works copied in the manuscript in which the Say- ings of Pleasure is found.

Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Türkoloji Dergisi 17, 2 (2010) 131-142., 2010
This paper examines common features in lexicon and grammar of five Turkic languages of Central A... more This paper examines common features in lexicon and grammar of five Turkic languages of Central Asia. The languages that are subject of study are Turkmen, Kirghiz, Kazakh, Özbek, and Uighur. Turkmen is a south-western or Oghuz, Kirghiz a Kipchakized Altai, Kazakh a north-western or Kipchak, while Özbek and Uighur are south-eastern languages. Although these languages belong to different genealogical and geographical groups, due to language contacts and some extralinguistic factors they developed a lot of common features. Among these factors there are historical, religious, geographic, political, climatic and ecological forces. Another important factor is the impact of a common literary Eastern Turkic language called Chaghatai. Direct inheritors of Chaghatai are Özbek and Uighur, but Chaghatai influence is present in the lexicon of all other languages surveyed here. Naturally, common features are not equal in these languages. The features inherited from Common Turkic which manifest themselves in these and many other Turkic languages fall beyond the scope of research.
OTTOMANS -CRIMEA -JOCHIDS Studies in Honour of Mária Ivanics, 2020
The aim of this paper is to provide names of professions evidenced in the historical Turkic langu... more The aim of this paper is to provide names of professions evidenced in the historical Turkic languages of the Crimea such as Kuman, Crimean Tatar, Karaim, Urum, Krymchak and Turkic loanwords in Nor-Nakhichevan Armenian. The material discussed is excerpted from direct sources which provide the names of professions in their social context and from indirect sources such as dictionaries, glossaries and lists of surnames and nicknames. The profession names do not include titles and names of services at the Khan court and local rulers, military ranks, and religious services. The article focuses on the social and cultural background of professions rather than on linguistic questions of the formation of profession names.

Doğumunun 60. Yılında Zühal Ölmez Armağanı. Esengü Bitig. Ankara: Kesit, 385–404 ., 2021
The goal of this article is to discuss various approaches to the rendering of vowels in Arabo-Per... more The goal of this article is to discuss various approaches to the rendering of vowels in Arabo-Persian loanwords in Karakhanid, Khwarezmian Turkic and Chaghatay. There are two major schools. One is based on the Turkish tradition of a nonharmonic, phonetic reading of Arabic and Persian words well established in high-status Ottoman, the other is based on the Western tradition of phonemic rendering of vowels which in most cases does not make difference between a and ä (e). The Turkish way of rendering is practised by the overwhelming majority of Turkish researchers and some researchers in the West, while the Western approach is followed by European, American and some Russian scholars. The Western tradition is only seemingly harmonic, since – especially in Chaghatay – most suffixes have back vowels. There are also local Turkic schools of reading Chaghatay, such as Uzbek, Tatar, Uyghur, Kazakh and Kirghiz. Of these, it is Kazakh and Kirghiz that are most harmonic, while Tatar resembles Turkish, and present-day Uzbek is based on the current Cyrillic and Roman alphabets which in the rendering of vowels are principally identical and like the Western system do not distinguish the allophones of /a/.
The aim of this paper is to present the ideas about language of Aqımet Baytursınulı, the founder ... more The aim of this paper is to present the ideas about language of Aqımet Baytursınulı, the founder of Kazakh linguistics, first Kazakh author of Kazakh grammar. Attempt was made to present and discuss the grammatical categories and linguistic terms as well as to assess his methods and identify possible sources of linguistic description.
This article presents a short collection of Crimean Karaim proverbs and sayings written down in C... more This article presents a short collection of Crimean Karaim proverbs and sayings written down in Cyrillic and Hebrew scripts by Bikenesh Bakkal. Attempt was made to correct some mistakes and provide relevant Turkic parallels as much as possible. Although a minor corpus of written text may not give the final answer to the question of the sound system of Crimean Karaim, the notation of a text in two graphic systems gives a unique opportunity to solve some problems.
Kazakh, beside Yakut, is one of the most dispersed Turkic languages. The territory of Kazakhstan ... more Kazakh, beside Yakut, is one of the most dispersed Turkic languages. The territory of Kazakhstan stretches over 2.7 million km2 and substantial Kazakh minorities inhabit China and Mongolia. Although large lands in Kazakhstan lie uninhabited, the distances between extreme territories are very large. Quite surprisingly most researchers insist that Kazakh is a relatively homogeneous language with few dialect differences.
Addition of h is a well-known phonological process in Turkic languages. It mostly occurs in the i... more Addition of h is a well-known phonological process in Turkic languages. It mostly occurs in the initial. In some languages it is supposed to go back to hypothetical PT *h-, whereas in the others it is regarded as prothesis. In Crimean Karaim affected by Turkish h appears in all positions of the word, i.e. in the initial, medial and final. However, its nature and origin has not been yet thoroughly examined.

Almanach Karaimski 8, 2019
This article is a critical edition of the Karaim Haggadah in the Troki or the North-West Karaim d... more This article is a critical edition of the Karaim Haggadah in the Troki or the North-West Karaim dialect based on an undated, probably 19th-century manuscript and a text published by Feliks/ Pinahas Malecki in 1900, which was most likely based on a another, albeit very similar manuscript. The manuscript was selected as the basic text for the edition, because it is older. In addition, Malecki, a renowned Karaim scholar and spiritual leader, made a number of editorial adaptations in his publication. Occasionally, reference is made to Firkovičius’s (1999) modern edition. In some instances, we also noted the Crimean Karaim versions of the Haggadah, although a comparison with Crimean Karaim is not our goal. Since the Karaim Haggadah is mostly composed of biblical verses, all such verses have been identified and noted. At the same time, the non-biblical portions have also been presented. The introduction discusses the state of the art and all important issues relating to East European Karaim Haggadah whilst also referencing the Egyptian Karaite branch. The edition is composed of the transcribed text with footnotes, a Polish translation, a glossary and facsimiles. The paper is in Polish.
This paper presents the names and surnames of Karaites mentioned in two manuscripts of the 19th-2... more This paper presents the names and surnames of Karaites mentioned in two manuscripts of the 19th-20th centuries, one Qılcı’s, the other Qatıq’s mejuma. Most of them are Crimean inhabitants, including some representatives of western congregations such as the Lucki and Sultanski families from Luck who moved to the Crimea, but some are reported to be residents of a few Ukrainian and Russian cities and towns.

A visitor to Kazakhstan is struck by the dominance of Russian everywhere. A general impression is... more A visitor to Kazakhstan is struck by the dominance of Russian everywhere. A general impression is that both the official language and the first spoken language of non-Kazakhs and the majority of Kazakhs is Russian. Kazakh appears to play the role of a secondary language in all major cities and regions dominated by Russians. A specialist in Turkic languages who before visiting Kazakhstan worked with some Kazakh literary or folklore texts but does not know the real situation of language is astonished that instead of genuine Kazakh words he read in these texts he hears Russian words and phrases in almost every utterance. Naturally there also exists a high standard variety of Kazakh, free of code-mixing and code-switching, but in most cases it functions in strictly limited situations. The attempt of this paper is to show linguistic behaviours of Kazakhs in Kazakh-Russian language contacts and to show the state of Kazakh in modern Kazakhstan.
Papers by Henryk Jankowski
Description taken from
Crimean Karaim is an extinct language, and this dictionary is addressed to those who are interested in Turkic and Hebrew studies or the historical languages of the Crimea.
The Crimean Karaim–English Dictionary was created pursuant to the grant Cross-cultural dialogue as the base of civil society from the European Social Fund.
Each unit features:
– dialogues with useful words and phrases
– vocabulary after each dialogue
– interactive tasks
– grammar points.
In addition:
– beginning in unit 4, there are also short texts which develop the student’s vocabulary and comprehension skills
– there is an appendix with more advanced texts
– the grammatical explanations included in each unit are repeated at the end of the coursebook for the student’s convenience
The coorsebook was performed pursuant to the grant Cross-cultural dialogue as the base of civil society from the European Social Fund.