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2022, Mongolian journal of agricultural sciences/Hôdôô až ahujn šinžlèh uhaan
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Foothill and mountain agriculture and stockbreeding, 2019
Ключові слова: мікробна біомаса, регідратаційний метод, органічна речовина ґрунту, ясно-сірий лісовий поверхнево оглеєний ґрунт. Partyka T., Olifir Yu., Havryshko O. Influence of fertilizer systems on the dynamics of microbial biomass of light gray forest surface-gleyed soil Although the total number of microorganisms does not generally exceed 3 % of soil carbon content, they are involved in most soil biochemical processes. The state of the soil microbial community significantly depends on the applied agricultural techniques, among which liming is at the forefront. However, despite on the large number of studies on soil microorganisms, due to the great variability and heterogeneity of the soil environment, there is still a lot of uncertainty in determining the C content of microbial biomass. There was no significant difference by the average MB content during the growing season in soil under spring barley and corn, using the rehydration method for appraisal a total MB. However, during the growing season, the amount of MB in different phases of corn and barley development slightly varied. In the first year of applying organic fertilizers in the field of corn for green mass ensured a 2,2-fold increase in microbial biomass, compared to only mineral fertilizers (respectively 530,5 and 458,3 μg С • g-1). Under barley, such an increase was not observed. In the organo-mineral fertilizer system with application of the optimal lime rate according to the acid-base buffering capacity (2,5 t/ha CaCO 3) microbial biomass on the cornfield increases to 466,7 against 416,5 μg С • g-1 of fertilizer system with the background of CaCO 3 dose (6.0 t/ha), calculated according to hydrolytic acidity. A similar distribution is also typical for the mineral fertilizer system with the background of liming with a dose of CaCO 3 calculated according to Ha and acid-base buffering capacity. In the soil under spring barley under the organo-mineral fertilizer system with the background of liming, the application of the optimal dose of CaCO 3 provides a slightly lower MB content than when applied according to hydrolytic acidity. However, under the mineral system, applying 6 t/ha of lime provides a slightly larger amount of MB. In general, application of organo-mineral and mineral fertilizer systems with the background of liming with a dose of CaCO 3 , calculated according to hydrolytic acidity, contributes to the increase of soil microbial biomass during the period of intensive growth and development of plants compared with similar fertilizer and liming with a dose, calculated according to acid-base buffering capacity.
Mongolian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2021
The aimed of this study was to effect of crop rotation on soil microorganisms activity, that’s soil biological indicator. Plots are Fallow-Wheat-Pea and Green manure fallow-Wheat-Oat+Melilotus of 3 fields rotation type. The study was conducted to determine the effect of crop rotation in soil biological indication is microbial active. Total number of microorganisms and nitrogen fixing bacteria determined in soil of three field rotation (Fallow-What-Peat, Green manure fallow-Wheat, Oat and Melilotus). The results of study in 2016-2019 in three field rotation – Peat, Wheat, Fallow were 85.6-96.9x106 CFU/g microorganisms. There were 87.5-89.3% bacteria and 10.6-12.4% actinomycetes. Rotation fields of Oat and Melilotus, Green manure fallow, Wheat were 91.7-92.4 CFU/g microorganisms of it 82.1-84.4% bacteria and 15.5-17.8%-actinomycetes. Хөрсний бичил биетний идэвхид сэлгээний нөлөөг судалсан дүн Хөрсний биологийн илтгүүр болох бичил биетний идэвхид таримлын сэлгээний үзүүлэх нөлөөг судл...
Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 2017
Хайдер Раад Надим Аль-Хазаали, В. П. Ковбаса НУ биоресурсов и природопользования Украины, г. Киев, Украина На основании проведенного анализа динамики контактного взаимодействия кротователя с почвой установлены компоненты нормальных и сдвиговых напряжений почвы на поверхности контакта. Определены направления и величины уплотнения почвы, а также составляющие сил сопротивления почвы движению кротователя в зависимости от его геометрических параметров, скорости поступательного перемещения и механических свойств почвы. С использованием регрессионных уравнений связи изменения плотности почвы с гидростатическим и максимальным касательным напряжением были получены функции изменения плотности почвы под воздействием кротователя. Ключевые слова: почва, уплотнение, компоненты напряжений, модуль упругости, модуль вязкости, составляющие сил сопротивления, кротователь, геометрические параметры, режимы работы.
Environmental Research, 2020
Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Biologiya, 2018
Оценка микробного пула растений верховых болот Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 16-04-00452-а Исследование посвящено изучению численности и биомассы микроорганизмов на листьях, стеблях и корнях 6 растений: подбела обыкновенного, багульника болотного, шейхцерии болотной, пушицы влагалищной, осоки черной и росянки круглолистной, произрастающих на верховом болоте в Тверской области. Установлено, что на листьях и стеблях длина грибного мицелия варьировала от 56 до 566 м/г, численность спор и дрожжеподобных клеток-от 3 до 24 млн спор/г, бактерий-от 0,5 до 4 млрд клеток/г. На корнях растений численность спор и дрожжеподобных клеток оказалась ниже, чем на листьях и стеблях, а длина грибного мицелия и численность бактерий-выше. Микробная биомасса на вегетативных органах растений верховых болот составила 0,1-2 мг/г. В её структуре на листьях и стеблях доля бактерий достигала 36%, спор грибов и дрожжеподобных клеток-60%, на корнях растений доминировал грибной мицелий. Максимальные показатели микробного обилия выявлены у осоки, минимальные-у росянки.
Ivanova, D., Perfanova, J., & Petkova, Z. (2019). Effect of increasing rates of organic fertilizers on the soil microflora (pot experiment with maize). Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology, 53(2), 36-44 The present study was carried out with Leached Vertisol at a pot experiment, to assess the impact of increasing fertilization rates of organic fertilizers on the growth and spreading of major groups of soil microorganisms in the rhizosphere zone of maize (Zea mays L.). The obtained results showed that Humipromoter and Biopromoter have a positive еffect on the numbers of the soil microflora, which is observed to a varying extent depending on the applied fertilization rates.
The aim is to conduct the biodiagnosis of soil sampled in the area of the underground storage of natural gas (UGS) (Stepnoye village, Saratov region) with the use of microbiological analysis. Methods. In the course of the work, using Koch’s solid medium method were estimated the following: the total number of heterotrophic microorganisms on meat peptone agar, amount of methylotrophic, hydrocarbon oxidizing, ironoxidizing and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria in the respective selective mediums; as well as the hydrogen index, oxidation-reduction potential and magnetic susceptibility of the soil. Results. Microbiological analysis of the soil in the Stepnovsky UGS area has shown changes in soil biocenoses. A reduced content of heterotrophic microorganisms was detected in comparison with background samples. In a number of samples, we also discovered an increased content of hydrocarbon-oxidizing and methylotrophic microorganisms, including obligate ones, which suggest the methane entering the upper layers of the soil. An increased content of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria was also detected; the presence of iron-oxidizing microorganisms in the soil was shown. Conclusions. The revealed features in the content of indicator microorganisms in the soil sampled in the area of the underground storage of natural gas, indicating the development of specialized soil microorganisms, confirmed the presence of contaminants in the soil which are hydrocarbons and sulfur compounds. The use of microbiological indicator values seems promising for environmental monitoring of soils in the areas of gas storage and early detection of methane leakage.
Fires have a strong effect on soil microbiome, and the mechanisms of soil restoration after fires are currently not well understood. This study describes the characteristics of microbial communities in the Psamment Entisol soils of pine forests in the city of Togliatti after forest crown and surface fires. Geochemistry, soil respiration and microbial community structure via 16S rRNA gene sequencing were studied in different soil horizons. Both crown and surface fires resulted in the variations of microbial diversity and shifts in taxonomic composition. There is a tendency to an increase in the proportion of representatives from phyla Actinobacteria and Gemmatimonadetes for soil samples recovering after fires. An increase in the proportion of bacteria ( Micrococcaceae , Blastocatellaceae ) associated with the degradation of substances formed after combustion also has been shown. The research has shown that the crown fire has a smaller effect on the soil microbiome than the surface fi...
The author notes that Federal Law "On the basis of health protection in Russian Federation" of 21.11.2011 № 323 creates significant barriers to the implementation of the Concept of long-term socioeconomic development of the Russian Federation up to 2020.
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