Data Collection and Analysis
Tamara van Gog and Fred Paas*
Open University of the Netherlands, Heerlen, the Netherlands
Wilhelmina Savenye
Arizona State University-Tempe, Tempe, Arizona
Rhonda Robinson
Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois
Mary Niemczyk
Arizona State University-Polytechnic, Mesa, Arizona
Robert Atkinson
Arizona State University-Tempe, Tempe, Arizona
Tristan E. Johnson
Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida
Debra L. O’Connor
Intelligent Decision Systems, Inc., Williamsburg, Virginia
Remy M. J. P. Rikers
Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Paul Ayres
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Aaron R. Duley
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California
Paul Ward
Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida
Peter A. Hancock
University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida
* Tamara van Gog and Fred Paas were lead authors for this chapter and coordinated the various sections comprising this chapter.
Tamara van Gog, Fred Paas et al.
Introduction .....................................................................................................................................................................766
Assessment of Learning vs. Performance.............................................................................................................766
Brief Overview of the Chapter Sections ...............................................................................................................767
Assessment of Individual Learning Processes................................................................................................................767
Rationale for Using Mixed Methods.....................................................................................................................768
Analyzing Learning Using Quantitative Methods and Techniques......................................................................768
Selecting Tests .......................................................................................................................................................768
Validity .........................................................................................................................................................769
Reliability .....................................................................................................................................................769
Evaluating and Developing Tests and Test Items........................................................................................770
Scores on Numerically Based Rubrics and Checklists ...............................................................................770
Measuring Learning Processes in Technology-Mediated Communications ...............................................770
Using Technology-Based Course Statistics to Examine Learning Processes.............................................771
Measuring Attitudes Using Questionnaires That Use Likert-Type Items...................................................771
Analyzing Learning Using More Qualitative Methods and Techniques ..............................................................771
Grounded Theory .........................................................................................................................................772
Participant Observation ................................................................................................................................772
Nonparticipant Observation .........................................................................................................................772
Issues Related to Conducting Observations ................................................................................................773
Interviews .....................................................................................................................................................773
Document, Artifact, and Online Communications and Activities Analysis................................................774
Methods for Analyzing Qualitative Data.....................................................................................................774
Writing the Research Report.................................................................................................................................775
Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................................775
Assessment of Group Learning Processes......................................................................................................................776
Group Learning Processes Compared with Individual Learning Processes and Group Performance ................776
Methodological Framework: Direct and Indirect Process Measures....................................................................777
Data Collection and Analysis Techniques.............................................................................................................778
Direct Process Data Collection and Analysis..............................................................................................778
Use of Technology to Capture Group Process............................................................................................779
Use of Observations to Capture Group Process..........................................................................................779
Direct Process Data Analysis.......................................................................................................................779
Indirect Process Data Collection and Analysis ...........................................................................................780
Interviews .....................................................................................................................................................780
Questionnaires ..............................................................................................................................................780
Conceptual Methods ....................................................................................................................................781
General Considerations for Group Learning Process Assessment .......................................................................782
Group Setting ...............................................................................................................................................782
Variance in Group Member Participation....................................................................................................782
Overall Approach to Data Collection and Analysis ....................................................................................782
Thresholds ....................................................................................................................................................782
Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................................782
Assessment of Complex Performance ............................................................................................................................783
Assessment Tasks ..................................................................................................................................................784
Assessment Criteria and Standards .......................................................................................................................784
Collecting Performance Data ................................................................................................................................785
Collecting Performance Outcome (Product) Data ......................................................................................785
Collecting Performance Process Data .........................................................................................................785
Data Analysis .........................................................................................................................................................788
Analysis of Observation, Eye Movement, and Verbal Protocol Data.........................................................788
Combining Methods and Measures .............................................................................................................789
Discussion ..............................................................................................................................................................789
Data Collection and Analysis
Setting Up a Laboratory for Measurement of Complex Performances .........................................................................789
Instrumentation and Common Configurations ......................................................................................................790
Design Patterns for Laboratory Instrumentation...................................................................................................790
Stimulus Presentation and Control Model ..................................................................................................791
Stimulus Presentation and Control Model with External Hardware ..........................................................793
Common Paradigms and Configurations.....................................................................................................795
Summary of Design Configurations ............................................................................................................796
General-Purpose Hardware....................................................................................................................................797
Data Acquisition Devices.............................................................................................................................797
Computers as Instrumentation...............................................................................................................................789
Discussion ..............................................................................................................................................................800
Concluding Remarks .......................................................................................................................................................800
References .......................................................................................................................................................................800
The focus of this chapter is on methods of data collection and analysis for the assessment of learning processes and complex performance, the last part of the
empirical cycle after theory development and experimental design. In the introduction (van Gog and Paas),
the general background and the relation between the
chapter sections are briefly described. The section by
Savenye, Robinson, Niemczyk, and Atkinson focuses
on methods of data collection and analysis for assessment of individual learning processes, whereas the section by Johnson and O’Connor is concerned with methods for assessment of group learning processes. The
chapter section by van Gog, Rikers, and Ayres discusses the assessment of complex performance, and
the final chapter section by Duley, Ward, Szalma, and
Hancock is concerned with setting up laboratories to
measure learning and complex performance.
Assessment criteria: Describe the aspects of performance that will be assessed.
Assessment of learning: Measuring learning achievement, performance, outcomes, and processes by
many means.
Assessment standards: Describe the quality of performance on each of the criteria that can be expected
of participants at different stages (e.g., age, grade)
based on a participant’s past performance (selfreferenced), peer group performance (norm-referenced), or an objective standard (criterion-referenced).
Collective data collection: Obtaining data from individual group members; data are later aggregated or
manipulated into a representation of the group as
a whole.
Complex performance: Refers to real-world activities
that require the integration of disparate measurement instrumentation as well as the need for timecritical experimental control.
Direct process measure: Continuous elicitation of data
from beginning to end of the (group) process; direct
process measures involve videotaping, audiotaping, direct researcher observation, or a combination
of these methods.
Group: Two or more individuals working together to
achieve a common goal.
Group learning process: Actions and interactions performed by group members during the group learning task.
Holistic data collection: Obtaining data from the group
as a whole; as this type of data collection results
in a representation of the group rather than individual group member, it is not necessary to aggregate or manipulate data.
Indirect process measure: Discrete measure at a specific point in time during the (group) process; often
involves multiple points of data collection; indirect
process measures may measure processes, outcomes, products, or other factors related to group
Instrumentation: Hardware devices used to assist with
the process of data acquisition and measurement.
Mixed-methods research: Studies that rely on quantitative and qualitative as well as other methods for
formulating research questions, collecting and analyzing data, and interpreting findings.
Online/offline measures: Online measures are recorded
during task performance, offline measures are
recorded after task performance.
Process-tracing techniques: Records performance process data such as verbal reports, eye movements,
and actions that can be used to make inferences
about the cognitive processes or knowledge underlying task performance.
Tamara van Gog, Fred Paas et al.
Qualitative research: Sometimes called naturalistic;
research on human systems whose hallmarks
include researcher as instrument, natural settings,
and little manipulation.
Quantitative research: Often conceived of as more
traditional or positivistic; typified by experimental
or correlational studies. Data and findings are usually represented through numbers and results of
statistical tests.
Task complexity: Can be defined subjectively (individual characteristics, such as expertise or perception),
objectively (task characteristics, such as multiple
solution paths or goals), or as an interaction (individual and task characteristics).
ally advisable to conduct a pilot study to test your data
collection and analysis procedures.
In educational research many studies share the
common goal of assessing learning or performance,
and the chapter sections in this chapter provide information on methods for collecting and analyzing learning and performance data. Even though learning and
performance are conceptually different, many of the
data collection and analysis techniques can be used to
assess both; therefore, we first discuss the differences
between the assessment of learning and the assessment
of performance before giving a brief overview of the
content of the chapter sections.
Assessment of Learning vs. Performance
Tamara van Gog and Fred Paas
The most important rule concerning data collection and
analysis is do not attempt to collect or analyze all possible kinds of data. Unless you are conducting a truly
explorative study (which is hardly ever necessary nowadays, considering the abundance of literature on most
topics), the first part of the empirical cycle—the process
of theory development—should result in clear research
questions or hypotheses that will allow you to choose
an appropriate design to study these. These hypotheses
should also indicate the kind of data you will need to
collect—that is, the data you have hypotheses about and
some necessary control data (e.g., time on task), and
together with the design provide some indications as to
how to analyze those data (e.g., 2 × 2 factorial design,
2 × 2 MANCOVA). But, these are just indications, and
many decisions remain to be made. To name just a few
issues regarding data collection (for an elaboration on
those questions, see, for example, Christensen, 2006;
Sapsford and Jupp, 1996): Which participants
(human/nonhuman, age, educational background, gender) and how many to use? What and how many tasks
or stimuli to present and on what apparatus? What (control) measures to take? What instructions to give? What
procedure to use? When to schedule the sessions?
Making those decisions is not an easy task, and
unfortunately strict guidelines cannot be given because
acceptable answers are highly dependent on the exact
nature, background, goals, and context of the study.
To give you some direction, it might help to have a
look at how these questions have been dealt with in
high-quality studies in your domain (which are generally published in peer-reviewed, high-impact journals).
Because of the importance and difficulty of finding
correct operationalizations of these issues, it is gener766
The definitions of learning and performance have an
important similarity, in that they can be used to refer
both to an outcome or product and to a process. The
term learning is used to refer to the knowledge or skill
acquired through instruction or study (note that this
dictionary definition ignores the possibility of informal
learning, unless this is encompassed by study), as well
as the process of acquiring knowledge or skill through
instruction or study. The term performance is used to
refer to things accomplished (outcome or product) and
to the accomplishment of things (process). Performance
implies the use of knowledge rather than merely possessing it. It seems that performance is more closely
related to skill than to knowledge acquisition (i.e., learning), but an important difference between the definitions
of learning and performance is that performance can be,
but is not defined as, a result of instruction or study.
The similarities and differences between these
terms have some important implications for educational research. First of all, the fact that both learning
and performance can refer to a product and a process
enables the use of many different kinds of measures
or combinations of measures to assess learning or performance. This can make it quite difficult to compare
results of different studies on learning or performance,
as they might have assessed different aspects of the
same concept and come to very different conclusions.
Second, collection and analysis of data about the
knowledge an individual possesses can be used to
assess their learning but not their performance. That
possessing knowledge does not guarantee the ability to
use it has been shown in many studies (see, for example, Ericsson and Lehmann, 1996). Nonetheless, for a
long time, educational certification practices were
based on this assumption: Students received their diplomas after completing a series of courses successfully,
and success was usually measured by the amount of
knowledge a student possessed. Given that this measure
Data Collection and Analysis
has no one-to-one mapping with successful performance, this practice posed many problems, both for
students and employers, when students went to work
after their educational trajectory. Hence, in the field of
education it is recognized now that knowledge is a
necessary but not sufficient condition for performance,
and the field is gradually making a shift from a knowledge-based testing culture to a performance-based
assessment culture (Birenbaum and Dochy, 1996).
Finally, because performance is not defined as a
result of instruction or study, it can be assessed in all
kinds of situations, and when applied in instructional
or study settings it may be assessed before, during,
and after instruction or study phases. Note though, that
in that case, only the difference between performance
assessed before and after instruction or study is indicative for learning. One should be careful not to interpret gains in performance during instruction or study
as indicators for learning, as these may be artifacts of
instructional methods (Bjork, 1999).
the opportunities to combine several different measures and the benefits of doing so.
The fourth and final chapter section, Setting Up a
Laboratory for Measurement of Complex Performances by Duley, Ward, Szalma, and Hancock, provides insight into the technical setup of laboratories
for the assessment of learning processes and complex
performance. Rather than providing a list of available
hardware, software, and instruments, they have chosen
to take the more sensible approach of familiarizing the
reader with setting up configurations for stimulus presentation, control options, and response recording,
which are relevant for many laboratory studies.
Brief Overview of the Chapter Sections
It is the goal of this section to introduce educational
technology researchers to the conceptual basis and
methods of data collection and analysis for investigating individual learning processes, including both quantitative and qualitative research techniques. Learning
processes, of course, may involve both individual and
group efforts of learners in the form of strategies and
activities designed to facilitate their learning. Though
this section focuses on individual processes and performances, using a variety of methods, these may be
adapted for group use (see the chapter section by
Johnson and O’Connor).
Several assumptions guide this work. Although
methods can be suggested here, the researcher must be
responsible for understanding the foundational ideas of
any study. He or she will want to conduct the study
with the utmost attention to quality and therefore will
want to turn to specific and detailed texts to learn more
deeply how to apply research methods. This section will
point the researcher to such references and resources.
The objectives of this section are listed below. It
is hoped that after reading this chapter, educational
technology researchers will be able to:
The first chapter section, Assessment of Individual
Learning Processes by Savenye, Robinson, Niemczyk,
and Atkinson, introduces educational technology
researchers to the conceptual basis and methods of data
collection and analysis for investigating individual
learning processes. They discuss the quantitative and
qualitative research paradigms and the associated
approaches to data collection and analysis. They also
point out the benefits of combining quantitative and
qualitative approaches by conducting mixed-methods
The second chapter section, Assessment of Group
Learning Processes by Johnson and O’Connor, focuses
on the study of group learning processes, which is
more complex than the study of individual learning
processes. They discuss several issues that need to be
considered prior to setting up a study of group learning
processes, such as holistic vs. collective data collection, direct vs. indirect methods of data collection,
aggregation or manipulation of individual data into
group level data, and special considerations for setting
up a study of group learning processes.
The third chapter section, Assessment of Complex
Performance by van Gog, Rikers, and Ayres, discusses
data collection and analysis methods for assessment
of complex performance. In line with the two-edged
definition of performance as a thing accomplished or
accomplishing a thing, they distinguish product and
process measures and subdivide the process measures
further into online (while working on a task) vs. offline
(after task completion) measures. They also discuss
Wilhelmina Savenye, Rhonda Robinson,
Mary Niemczyk, and Robert Atkinson
• Describe methods and techniques for conducting research on individual learning, and
compare qualitative and quantitative methods.
• Describe common problems in conducting
and evaluating quantitative and qualitative
research methods to examine learning processes.
• Consider issues that contribute to the quality
of studies using mixed methods.
Tamara van Gog, Fred Paas et al.
Rationale for Using Mixed Methods
The terms quantitative and qualitative are commonly
used to describe contrasting research approaches. Typically, quantitative research is considered to be more
numbers driven, positivistic, and traditional (Borg and
Gall, 1989), while qualitative research is often used
interchangeably with terms such as naturalistic, ethnographic (Goetz and LeCompte, 1984), subjective, or
post-positivistic. We define qualitative research in this
section as research that is devoted to developing an
understanding of human systems, be they small, such
as a technology-using teacher and his or her students
and classroom, or large, such as a cultural system.
Quantitative and qualitative methods for data collection
derive in some measure from a difference in the way
one sees the world, which results in what some consider
a paradigm debate; however, in assessing learning processes, both approaches to data collection have importance, and using elements from both approaches can be
very helpful. Driscoll (1995) suggested that educational
technologists select research paradigms based on what
they perceive to be the most critical questions. Robinson (1995) and Reigeluth (1989) concurred, noting the
considerable debate within the field regarding suitable
research questions and methods. Learning processes
are complex and individual. Lowyck and Elen (2004)
argued that learning processes are active, constructive,
self-regulated, goal oriented, and contextualized. In
addition, digital technologies are changing the nature
of knowledge and of teaching and learning (Cornu,
2004). It is clear then that the methods required to
collect and analyze how learning processes work, when
they work, and why they work can be drawn from a
mixed-method approach. Thus, researchers can investigate carefully and creatively any questions they
choose and derive valid data to help understand learning processes using a combination of methods from
both perspectives. Although not the main focus of this
chapter, it is assumed that researchers will submit all
procedures, protocols, instruments, and participation
forms to the appropriate human-subjects or ethics
review unit within their organizations. In any case,
researchers should be specific about how they define
the assumptions of the study and why what was done
was done—in short, they should be able to enter into
the current and upcoming discussions as thoughtful,
critical, and creative researchers.
Analyzing Learning Using
Quantitative Methods and Techniques
Learning achievement or performance in educational
technology research is often the primary outcome measure or dependent variable of concern to the researcher.
Learning is often therefore studied using more quantitative measures, including what researchers may call
tests, assessments, examinations, or quizzes. These
measures may be administered in paper-and-pencil
form or may be technology based. If they are technology based, they may be administered at a testing center, with tutors or proctors, or completed on the student’s own. In either format, they may be scored by
an instructor or tutor or may be automatically scored
by the computer (Savenye, 2004a,b). Issues of concern
in selecting and developing tests and test items also
are relevant when learning is measured en route as
performance on practice items. Completion time, often
in conjunction with testing, is another learning process
variable that can efficiently be examined using quantitative methods.
Learning achievement on complex tasks may also
be measured more quantitatively using numerically
based rubrics and checklists to evaluate products and
performances or to evaluate essays or learner-created
portfolios. Rubrics and checklists are also often used
to derive quantitative data for measuring learning in
online discussions or to build frequencies of behaviors
from observations of learning processes, often used in
conjunction with more qualitative methods (discussed
later in this section). Many computer-based course
management systems now routinely collect course statistics that may be examined to determine how learners
proceed through instruction and what choices they
make as they go. Self-evaluations and other aspects of
learning, such as learner attitudes, are more commonly
measured using questionnaires. Selected types of
quantitative methods for examining learning are discussed in turn:
• Tests, examinations, quizzes (administered
via paper or technology, including self-evaluations)
• Rubrics or checklists to measure learner performance
• Measuring learning processes in technologymediated communications
• Technology-based course statistics
• Attitude measures such as questionnaires
using Likert-type items
Selecting Tests
Educational researchers frequently select existing tests
to assess how individual learning processes are
impacted by a novel educational intervention. During
this process, the researchers must be conversant with
a number of important concepts, including validity and
reliability. In the following sections, these concepts are
Data Collection and Analysis
described in greater detail with a specific focus on what
researchers need to know when selecting tests.
Arguably, the most critical aspect of a test is its quality
or validity. Simply put, a test is considered valid if it
measures what it was created to measure (Borg and
Gall, 1989). A test is generally considered valid if the
scores it produces help individuals administering the
test make accurate inferences about a particular characteristic, trait, or attribute intrinsic to the test taker.
As an example, researchers exploring the relative
impact of several learning environments would consider a test valid to the extent to which it helps them
make an accurate determination of the relative quality
and quantity of learning displayed by the students
exposed to the respective learning environments.
Validity is not a unitary concept; in fact, test developers use several widely accepted procedures to document the level of validity of their test, including content-related, criterion-related, and construct-related
validity. Content-related validity represents the extent
to which the content of a test is a representative sample
of the total subject matter content provided in the
learning environment. Another type of validity is criterion-related validity, which depicts how closely
scores on a given test correspond to or predict performance on a criterion measure that exists outside the
test. Unlike content validity, this type of validity yields
a numeric value that is the correlation coefficient
reported on a scale of –1 (perfect, negative relationship) to +1 (perfect, positive relationship). The third
type of validity is construct-related validity, which
refers to the extent to which the scores on a test correspond with a particular construct or hypothetical
concept originating from a theory.
Also worth mentioning is a relatively unsophisticated type of validity known as face validity, which is
based on the outward appearance of the test. Although
this is considered a rather rudimentary approach to
establishing validity, it is considered important
because of its potential impact on the test taker’s motivation. In particular, respondents may be reluctant to
complete a test without any apparent face validity.
Another important concept involved in test selection
is reliability. Simply put, reliability refers to the consistency with which a test yields the same results for
a respondent across repeated administrations (Borg
and Gall, 1989). Assuming that the focus of the test—
a particular attribute or characteristic—remains
unchanged between test administrations for a given
individual, reliability sheds light on the following
question: Does the test always yield the same score
for an individual when it is administered on several
Determining and Judging Reliability
The three basic approaches to determining the reliability of a test are test–retest, alternate forms, and internal
consistency (Borg and Gall, 1989; Morris et al., 1987).
Perhaps the simplest technique for estimating reliability is the test–retest method. With this approach, a test
developer simply administers the test twice to the same
group of respondents and then calculates the correlation between the two sets of scores. As a general rule,
researchers select tests displaying the highest reliability coefficient because values approaching +1.00 are
indicative of a strong relationship between the two sets
of respondents’ scores; that is, the respondents’ relative performance has remained similar across the two
testing occasions. Specifically, values above .80 are
preferable (Chase, 1999).
Another approach to determining reliability is the
alternate forms method, in which two equivalent forms
of a test are administered to a group of respondents on
two separate occasions and the resulting scores correlated. As with the test–retest method, the higher the
reliability coefficient, the more confidence a test
administer can place in the ability of a test to consistently measure what it was designed to measure.
The final method for estimating the reliability of a
test is referred to as internal consistency. Unlike the
two previous methods, it does not rely on testing the
same group of respondents twice to estimate the internal consistency of a test. Instead, the reliability of a
test is estimated based on a single test administration,
which can be accomplished in two ways—either using
the split halves method or using one of the Kuder–
Richardson methods, which do not require splitting a
test in half.
Limits of Reliability
A number of caveats are associated with reliability.
First, it is important to recognize that high reliability
does not guarantee validity; in other words, a test can
consistently measure what it was intended to measure
while still lacking validity. Knowing that a test is reliable does not permit someone to make judgments about
its validity. Reliability is, however, necessary for validity, as it impacts the accuracy with which one can draw
inferences about a particular characteristic or attribute
intrinsic to the test taker. The reliability is impacted by
several factors. Test length is the first. All things being
equal, shorter tests tend to be less reliable than longer
Tamara van Gog, Fred Paas et al.
tests because the latter afford the test developer more
opportunities to accurately measure the trait or characteristic under examination. The reliability of a test is
also impacted by the format of its items. A general
heuristic to remember is that tests constructed with
select-type items tend to be more reliable than tests
with supply-type or other subjectively scored items.
Evaluating and Developing Tests and Test Items
The construction of learning assessments is one of the
most important responsibilities of instructors and
researchers. Tests should be comprised of items that
represent important and clearly stated objectives and
that adequately sample subject matter from all of the
learning objectives. The most effective way to ensure
adequate representation of items across content, cognitive processes, and objectives is to develop a test
blueprint or table of specifications (Sax, 1980). Multiple types of performance measures allow students an
opportunity to demonstrate their particular skills in
defined areas and to receive varied feedback on their
performances; this is particularly important in selfinstructional settings, such as online courses (Savenye,
2004a,b). Multiple learning measures in online settings
also offer security advantages (Ko and Rossen, 2001).
Tests should also give students the opportunity to
respond to different types of item formats that assess
different levels of cognition, such as comprehension,
application, analysis, and synthesis (Popham, 1991).
Different approaches and formats can yield different
diagnostic information to instructors, as well; for
example, well-developed multiple-choice items contain alternatives that represent common student misconceptions or errors. Short-answer item responses can
give the instructor information about the student’s
thinking underlying the answer (Mehrens et al., 1998).
Because the test item is the essential building block
of any test, it is critical to determine the validity of the
test item before determining the validity of the test
itself. Commercial test publishers typically conduct
pilot studies (called item tryouts) to get empirical evidence concerning item quality. For these tryouts, several forms of the test are prepared with different subsets
of items, so each item appears with every other item.
Each form may be given to several hundred examinees.
Item analysis data are then calculated, followed by
assessment of the performance characteristics of the
items, such as item difficulty and item discrimination
(i.e., how well the item separates, or discriminates,
between those who do well on the test and those who
do poorly). The developers discard items that fail to
display proper statistical properties (Downing and Haladyna, 1997; Nitko, 2001; Thorndike, 1997).
Scores on Numerically Based Rubrics and Checklists
Assessing performance can be done by utilizing
numerically based rubrics and checklists. Typically,
two aspects of a learner’s performance can be assessed:
the product the learner produces and the process a
learner uses to complete the product. Either or both of
these elements may be evaluated. Because performance tasks are usually complex, each task provides
an opportunity to assess students on several learning
goals (Nitko, 2001). Performance criteria are the specific behaviors a student should perform to properly
carry out a performance or produce a product. The key
to identifying performance criteria is to break down
the overall performance or product into its component
parts. It is important that performance criteria be specific, observable, and clearly stated (Airasian, 1996).
Scoring rubrics are brief, written descriptions of
different levels of performance. They can be used to
summarize both performances and products. Scoring
rubrics summarize performance in a general way,
whereas checklists and rating scales can provide specific diagnostic information about student strengths
and weaknesses (Airasian, 1996). Checklists usually
contain lists of behaviors, traits, or characteristics that
are either present or absent, to be checked off by an
observer (Sax, 1980). Although they are similar to
checklists, rating scales allow the observer to judge
performance along a continuum rather than as a dichotomy (Airasian, 1996).
Measuring Learning Processes in
Technology-Mediated Communications
Tiffin and Rajasingham (1995) suggested that education is based on communication. Online technologies,
therefore, provide tremendous opportunities for learning and allow us to measure learning in new ways; for
example, interactions in online discussions within
Internet-based courses may be used to assess students’
learning processes. Paulsen (2003) delineated many
types of learning activities, including online interviews, online interest groups, role plays, brainstorming, and project groups. These activities, generally
involving digital records, will also yield online communication data for research purposes, provided the
appropriate ethics and subject guidelines have been
The postings learners create and share may also be
evaluated using the types of rubrics and checklists
discussed earlier. These are of particular value to learners when they receive the assessment tools early in the
course and use them to self-evaluate or to conduct peer
evaluations to improve the quality of their work
Data Collection and Analysis
(Savenye, 2006, 2007). Goodyear (2000) reminded us
that digital technologies add to the research and development enterprise the capability for multimedia communications.
Another aspect of online discussions of value to
researchers is that the types of postings students make
and the ideas they discuss can be quantified to illuminate students’ learning processes. Chen (2005), in an
online course activity conducted with groups of six
students who did not know each other, found that
learners under a less-structured forum condition posted
many more socially oriented postings, although their
performance on the task was not less than that of the
students who did not post as many social postings. She
also found that the more interactions a group made,
the more positive students’ attitudes were toward the
the greater the reliability. The increase is noticeable
up to about seven steps; after this, the reliability begins
to diminish, as it becomes difficult to develop meaningful anchors. Five-point scales tend to be the most
common. Increasing the number of items can also
increase reliability. Although there is considerable
debate about this, many researchers hold that better
results can be obtained by using an odd number of
steps, which provides for a neutral response. The
anchors used should fit the meaning of the statements
and the goal of the measurement. Common examples
include continua such as agree–disagree, effective–
ineffective, important–unimportant, and like me–not
like me.
Using Technology-Based Course Statistics
To Examine Learning Processes
Although learning outcomes and processes can be productively examined using the quantitative methods discussed earlier, in a mixed-methods approach many
qualitative methods are used to build a deeper understanding of what, why, and how learners learn. With
the increasing use of interactive and distance technologies in education and industry, opportunities and at
times the responsibility to explore new questions about
the processes of learning and instruction have evolved.
New technologies also enable researchers to study
learners and learning processes in new ways and to
expand our views of what we should investigate and
how; for example, a qualitative view of how instructors
and their students learn through a new technology may
yield a view of what is really happening when the
technology is used.
As in any research project, the actual research
questions guide the selection of appropriate methods
of data collection. Once a question or issue has been
selected, the choice of qualitative methods falls
roughly into the categories of observations, interviews,
and document and artifact analysis, although others
have conceptualized the methods somewhat differently
(Bogdan and Biklen, 1992; Goetz and LeCompte,
1984; Lincoln and Guba, 1985). Qualitative researchers have basically agreed that the human investigator
is the primary research instrument (Pelto and Pelto,
In this section, we begin with one approach to
conducting qualitative research: grounded theory. We
then discuss specific methods that may be called observations, interviews, and document and artifact analysis. As in all qualitative research, it is also assumed
that educational technology researchers will use and
refine methods with the view that these methods vary
in their degree of interactiveness with participants. The
In addition to recording learners’ performance on quizzes, tests, and other assignments, most online course
management systems automatically collect numerous
types of data, which may be used to investigate learning processes. Such data may include information
about exactly which components of the course a
learner has completed, on which days, and for how
much time. Compilations of these data can indicate
patterns of use of course components and features
(Savenye, 2004a).
Measuring Attitudes Using Questionnaires
That Use Likert-Type Items
Several techniques have been used to assess attitudes
and feelings of learners in research studies and as part
of instruction. Of these methods, Likert-type scales are
the most common. Typically, respondents are asked to
indicate their strength of feeling toward a series of
statements, often in terms of the degree to which they
agree or disagree with the position being described.
Previous research has found that responding to a Likert-type item is an easier task and provides more information than ranking and paired comparisons. The
advantage of a Likert-type item scale is that an absolute
level of an individual’s responses can be obtained to
determine the strength of the attitude (O’Neal and
Chissom, 1993).
Thorndike (1997) suggested several factors to consider in developing a Likert-type scale, including the
number of steps, odd or even number of steps, and
types of anchors. The number of steps in the scale is
important as it relates to reliability—the more steps,
Analyzing Learning Using More
Qualitative Methods and Techniques
Tamara van Gog, Fred Paas et al.
following qualitative methods, along with several
research perspectives, are examined next:
Grounded theory
Participant observations
Nonparticipant observations
Interviews, including group and individual
Document, artifact, and online communications and activities analysis
Grounded Theory
In their overview of grounded theory, Strauss and
Corbin (1994, p. 273) noted that it is “a general methodology for developing theory that is grounded in data
systematically gathered and analyzed,” adding that it
is sometimes referred to as the constant comparative
method and that it is applicable as well to quantitative
research. In grounded theory, the data may come from
observations, interviews, and video or document analysis, and, as in other qualitative research, these data
may be considered strictly qualitative or may be quantitative. The purpose of the methodology is to develop
theory, through an iterative process of data analysis
and theoretical analysis, with verification of hypotheses ongoing throughout the study. The researcher
begins a study without completely preconceived
notions about what the research questions should be
and collects and analyzes extensive data with an open
mind. As the study progresses, he or she continually
examines the data for patterns, and the patterns lead
the researcher to build the theory. The researcher continues collecting and examining data until the patterns
continue to repeat and few new patterns emerge. The
researcher builds the theory from the data, and the
theory is thus built on, or grounded in, the phenomena.
Participant Observation
In participant observation, the observer becomes part
of the environment, or the cultural context. The hallmark of participant observation is continual interaction
between the researcher and the participants; for example, the study may involve periodic interviews interspersed with observations so the researcher can question the participants and verify perceptions and
patterns. Results of these interviews may then determine what will initially be recorded during observations. Later, after patterns begin to appear in the observational data, the researcher may conduct interviews
asking the participants about these patterns and why
they think they are occurring.
As the researcher cannot observe and record everything, in most educational research studies the inves772
tigator determines ahead of time what will be observed
and recorded, guided but not limited by the research
questions. Participant observation is often successfully
used to describe what is happening in a context and
why it happens. These are questions that cannot be
answered in the standard experiment.
Many researchers have utilized participant observation methods to examine learning processes. Robinson (1994) observed classes using Channel One in a
Midwestern middle school; she focused her observations on the use of the televised news show and the
reaction to it from students, teachers, administrators,
and parents. Reilly (1994) analyzed video recordings
of both the researcher and students in a project that
involved defining a new type of literacy that combined
print, video, and computer technologies. Higgins and
Rice (1991) investigated teachers’ perceptions of testing. They used triangulation and a variety of methods
to collect data; however, a key feature of the study was
participant observation. Researchers observed 6 teachers for a sample of 10 hours each and recorded
instances of classroom behaviors that could be classified as assessment. Similarly, Moallem (1994) used
multiple methods to build an experienced teacher’s
model of teaching and thinking by conducting a series
of observations and interviews over a 7-month period.
Nonparticipant Observation
Nonparticipant observation is one of several methods
for collecting data considered to be relatively unobtrusive. Many recent authors cite the early work of Webb
et al. (1966) as laying the groundwork for use of all
types of unobtrusive measures. Several types of nonparticipant observation have been identified by Goetz
and LeCompte (1984). These include stream-of-behavior chronicles recorded in written narratives or using
video or audio recordings, proxemics and kinesics (i.e.,
the study of uses of social space and movement), and
interaction analysis protocols, typically in the form of
observations of particular types of behaviors that are
categorized and coded for analysis of patterns. In nonparticipant observation, observers do not interact to a
great degree with those they are observing. The
researchers primarily observe and record, using observational forms developed for the study or in the form
of extensive field notes; they have no specific roles as
Examples of studies in which observations were
conducted that could be considered relatively nonparticipant observation include Savenye and Strand (1989)
in the initial pilot test and Savenye (1989) in the subsequent larger field test of a multimedia-based science
curriculum. Of most concern during implementation
Data Collection and Analysis
was how teachers used the curriculum. A careful sample of classroom lessons was recorded using video,
and the data were coded; for example, teacher questions were coded, and the results indicated that teachers typically used the system pauses to ask recall-level
rather than higher-level questions. Analysis of the
coded behaviors for what teachers added indicated that
most of the teachers in the sample added examples to
the lessons that would provide relevance for their own
learners. Of particular value to the developers was the
finding that teachers had a great degree of freedom in
using the curriculum and the students’ learning
achievement was still high.
In a mixed-methods study, nonparticipant observations may be used along with more quantitative methods to answer focused research questions about what
learners do while learning. In a mixed-methods study
investigating the effects and use of multimedia learning materials, the researchers collected learning outcome data using periodic tests. They also observed
learners as they worked together. These observations
were video recorded and the records analyzed to examine many learning processes, including students’ level
of cognitive processing, exploratory talk, and collaborative processing (Olkinuora et al., 2004). Researchers may also be interested in using observations to
study what types of choices learners make while they
proceed through a lesson. Klein and colleagues, for
instance, developed an observational instrument used
to examine cooperative learning behaviors in technology-based lessons (Crooks et al., 1995; Jones et al.,
1995; Klein and Pridemore, 1994).
A variation on nonparticipant observations represents a blend with trace-behavior, artifact, or document
analysis. This technique, known as read-think-aloud
protocols, asks learners to describe what they do and
why they do it (i.e., their thoughts about their processes) as they proceed through an activity, such as a
lesson. Smith and Wedman (1988) used this technique
to analyze learner tracking and choices. Techniques
for coding are described by Spradley (1980); however,
protocol analysis (Ericsson and Simon, 1984) techniques could be used on the resulting verbal data.
Issues Related to Conducting Observations
Savenye and Robinson (2004, 2005) have suggested
several issues that are critical to using observations to
studying learning. These issues include those related
to scope, biases and the observer’s role, sampling, and
the use of multiple observers. They caution that a
researcher can become lost in the multitudes of observational data that can be collected, both in person and
when using audio or video. They recommend limiting
the scope of the study specifically to answering the
questions at hand. Observers must be careful not to
influence the results of the study; that is, they must not
make things happen that they want to happen. Potential
bias may be handled by simply describing the
researcher’s role in the research report, but investigators will want to examine periodically what their role
is and what type of influences may result from it. In
observational research, sampling becomes not random
but purposive (Borg and Gall, 1989). For the study to
be valid, the reader should be able to believe that a
representative sample of involved individuals was
observed. The multiple realities of any cultural context
should be represented. If several observers will be used
to collect the data, and their data will be compared or
aggregated, problems with reliability of data may
occur. Observers tend to see and subsequently interpret
the same phenomena in many different ways. It
becomes necessary to train the observers and to ensure
that observers are recording the same phenomena in
the same ways. When multiple observers are used and
behaviors counted or categorized and tallied, it is desirable to calculate and report inter-rater reliability.
In contrast with the relatively non-interactive, nonparticipant observation methods described earlier, interviews represent a classic qualitative research method
that is directly interactive. Interviews may be structured or unstructured and may be conducted in groups
or individually. In an information and communication
technologies (ICT) study to investigate how ICT can
be introduced into the context of a traditional school,
Demetriadis et al. (2005) conducted a series of semistructured interviews over 2 years with 15 teachers/
mentors who offered technology training to other
The cornerstone for conducting good interviews is
to be sure one truly listens to respondents and records
what they say rather than the researcher’s perceptions
or interpretations. This is a good rule of thumb in
qualitative research in general. It is best to maintain
the integrity of the raw data and to make liberal use
of the respondents’ own words, including quotes. Most
researchers, as a study progresses, also maintain field
notes that contain interpretations of patterns to be
refined and investigated on an ongoing basis.
Many old, adapted, and exciting techniques for
structured interviewing are evolving. One example of
such a use of interviews is in the Higgins and Rice
(1991) study mentioned earlier. In this study, teachers
sorted the types of assessment they had named previously in interviews into sets of assessments that were
Tamara van Gog, Fred Paas et al.
most alike; subsequently, multidimensional scaling
was used to analyze these data, yielding a picture of
how these teachers’ viewed testing. Another type of
structured interview, mentioned by Goetz and
LeCompte (1984), is the interview using projective
techniques. Photographs, drawings, and other visuals
or objects may be used to elicit individuals’ opinions
or feelings.
Instructional planning and design processes have
long been of interest to educational technology
researchers; for example, using a case-study approach,
Reiser and Mory (1991) employed interviews to examine two teachers’ instructional design and planning
techniques. One of the models proposed for the design
of complex learning is that of van Merriënboer et al.
(1992), who developed the four-component model,
which subsequently was further developed as the
4C/ID model (van Merriënboer, 1997). Such design
models have been effectively studied using mixed
methods, including interviews, particularly when those
processes relate to complex learning. How expert
designers go about complex design tasks has been
investigated using both interviews and examination of
the designers products (Kirschner et al., 2002).
Problem-based instructional design, blending
many aspects of curriculum, instruction, and media
options (Dijkstra, 2004), could also be productively
studied using interviews. Interviews to examine learning processes may be conducted individually or in
groups. A specialized group interview method is the
focus group (Morgan, 1996), which is typically conducted with relatively similar participants using a
structured or semi-structured protocol to examine
overall patterns in learning behaviors, attitudes, or
Suggestions for heightening the quality of interviews include employing careful listening and recording techniques; taking care to ask probing questions
when needed; keeping the data in their original form,
even after they have been analyzed; being respectful
of participants; and debriefing participants after the
interviews (Savenye and Robinson, 2005).
Document, Artifact, and Online
Communications and Activities Analysis
Beyond nonparticipant observation, many unobtrusive
methods exist for collecting information about human
behaviors. These fall roughly into the categories of
document and artifact analyses but overlap with other
methods; for example, verbal or nonverbal behavior
streams produced during video observations may be
subjected to intense microanalysis to answer an almost
unlimited number of research questions. Content anal774
ysis, as one example, may be done on these narratives.
In the Moallem (1994), Higgins and Rice (1991), and
Reiser and Mory (1991) studies of teachers’ planning,
thinking, behaviors, and conceptions of testing, documents developed by the teachers, such as instructional
plans and actual tests, were collected and analyzed.
Goetz and LeCompte (1984) defined artifacts of
interest to researchers as things that people make and
do. The artifacts of interest to educational technologists are often written, but computer and online trails
of behavior are the objects of analysis as well. Examples of artifacts that may help to illuminate research
questions include textbooks and other instructional
materials, such as media materials; memos, letters, and
now e-mail records, as well as logs of meetings and
activities; demographic information, such as enrollment, attendance, and detailed information about participants; and personal logs participants may keep.
In studies in educational technology, researchers
often analyze the patterns of learner pathways, decisions, and choices they make as they proceed through
computer-based lessons (Savenye et al., 1996; Shin et
al., 1994). Content analysis of prose in any form may
also be considered to fall into this artifact-and-document category of qualitative methodology. Lawless
(1994) used concept maps developed by students in
the Open University to check for student understanding. Entries in students’ journals were analyzed by
Perez-Prado and Thirunarayanan (2002) to learn about
students’ perceptions of online and on-ground versions
of the same college course. Espey (2000) studied the
content of a school district technology plan.
Methods for Analyzing Qualitative Data
One of the major hallmarks of conducting qualitative
research is that data are analyzed continually, throughout the study, from conceptualization through the
entire data collection phase and into the interpretation
and writing phases. In fact, Goetz and LeCompte
(1984) described the processes of analyzing and writing together in what they called analysis and interpretation.
Data Reduction
Goetz and LeCompte (1994) described the conceptual
basis for reducing and condensing data in an ongoing
style as the study progresses. Researchers theorize as
the study begins and build and continually test theories
based on observed patterns in data. Goetz and
LeCompte described the analytic procedures researchers use to determine what the data mean. These procedures involve looking for patterns, links, and relationships. In contrast to experimental research, the
Data Collection and Analysis
qualitative researcher engages in speculation while
looking for meaning in data; this speculation will lead
the researcher to make new observations, conduct new
interviews, and look more deeply for new patterns in
this recursive process. It is advisable to collect data in
its raw, detailed form and then record patterns. This
enables the researcher later to analyze the original data
in different ways, perhaps to answer deeper questions
than originally conceived. It should be noted that virtually all researchers who use an ethnographic
approach advocate writing up field notes immediately
after leaving the research site each day. If researchers
have collected documents from participants, such as
logs, journals, diaries, memos, and letters, these can
also be analyzed as raw data. Similarly, official documents of an organization can be subjected to analysis.
Collecting data in the form of photographs, films, and
videos, either produced by participants or the
researcher, has a long tradition in anthropology and
education. These data, too, can be analyzed for meaning. (Bellman and Jules-Rosette, 1977; Bogaart and
Ketelaar, 1983; Bogdan and Biklen, 1992; Collier and
Collier, 1986; Heider, 1976; Hockings, 1975).
Coding Data
Early in the study, the researcher will begin to scan
recorded data and to develop categories of phenomena.
These categories are usually called codes. They enable
the researcher to manage data by labeling, storing, and
retrieving it according to the codes. Miles and Huberman (1994) suggested that data can be coded descriptively or interpretively. Bogdan and Biklen (1992) recommended reading data over at least several times to
begin to develop a coding scheme. In one of the many
examples he provided, Spradley (1979) described in
extensive detail how to code and analyze interview
data, which are semantic data as are most qualitative
data. He also described how to construct domain, structural, taxonomic, and componential analyses.
Data Management
Analysis of data requires continually examining, sorting, and reexamining data. Qualitative researchers use
many means to organize, retrieve, and analyze their
data. To code data, many researchers simply use notebooks and boxes of paper, which can then be resorted
and analyzed on an ongoing basis. Computers have
long been used for managing and analyzing qualitative
data. Several resources exist to aid the researcher in
finding and using software for data analysis and management, including books (Weitzman and Miles, 1995)
and websites that discuss and evaluate research software (American Evaluation Association, 2007; Cuneo,
2000; Horber, 2006).
Writing the Research Report
In some respects, writing a report of a study that uses
mixed-methods may not differ greatly from writing a
report summarizing a more traditional experimental
study; for example, a standard format for preparing a
research report includes an introduction, literature
review, description of methods, and presentation of
findings, completed by a summary and discussion
(Borg and Gall, 1989). A mixed-methods study, however, allows the researcher the opportunity to create
sections of the report that may expand on the traditional. The quantitative findings may be reported in the
manner of an experimental study (Ross and Morrison,
2004). The qualitative components of research reports
typically will be woven around a theme or central
message and will include an introduction, core material, and conclusion (Bogdan and Biklen, 1992). Qualitative findings may take the form of a series of themes
from interview data or the form of a case study, as in
the Reiser and Mory (1991) study. For a case study,
the report may include considerable quantification and
tables of enumerated data, or it may take a strictly
narrative form. Recent studies have been reported in
more nontraditional forms, such as stories, plays, and
poems that show participants’ views. Suggestions for
writing up qualitative research are many (Meloy, 1994;
Van Maanen, 1988; Wolcott, 1990).
In addition to the studies mentioned earlier, many
excellent examples of mixed-methods studies may be
examined to see the various ways in which the results
of these studies have been written. Seel and colleagues
(2000), in an investigation of mental models and
model-centered learning environments, used quantitative learning measures that included pretests, posttests, and a measure of the stability of learning four
months after the instruction. They also used a receptive
interview technique they called causal explanations to
investigate learners’ mental models and learning processes. In this and subsequent studies, Seel (2004) also
investigated learners’ mental models of dynamic systems using causal diagrams that learners developed
and teach-back procedures, in which a student explains
a model to another student and this epistemic discourse
is then examined.
The challenges to educational technology researchers
who choose to use multiple methods to answer their
questions are many, but the outcome of choosing
mixed methods has great potential. Issues of validity,
reliability, and generalizability are central to experimental research (Ross and Morrison, 2004) and mixed775
Tamara van Gog, Fred Paas et al.
methods research; however, these concerns are
addressed quite differently when using qualitative
methods and techniques. Suggestions and criteria for
evaluating the quality of mixed-methods studies and
research activities may be adapted from those suggested by Savenye and Robinson (2005):
• Learn as much as possible about the context
of the study, and build in enough time to
conduct the study well.
• Learn more about the methods to be used,
and train yourself in these methods.
• Conduct pilot studies whenever possible.
• Use triangulation (simply put, use multiple
data sources to yield deeper, more true views
of the findings).
• Be ethical in all ways when conducting
• Listen carefully to participants, and carefully
record what they say and do.
• Keep good records, including audit trails.
• Analyze data continually throughout the
study, and consider having other researchers
and participants review your themes, patterns, and findings to verify them.
• Describe well all methods, decisions,
assumptions, and biases.
• Using the appropriate methods (and balance
of methods when using mixed methods) is
the key to successful educational research.
Tristan E. Johnson and Debra L. O’Connor
Similar to organizations that rely on groups of workers
to address a variety of difficult and challenging tasks
(Salas and Fiore, 2004), groups are formed in various
learning settings to meet instructional needs as well as
to exploit the pedagogical, learning, and pragmatic
benefits associated with group learning (Stahl, 2006).
In educational settings, small groups have been typically used to promote participation and enhance learning. One of the main reasons for creating learning
groups is to facilitate the development of professional
skills that are promoted from group learning, such as
communication, teamwork, decision making, leadership, valuing others, problem solving, negotiation,
thinking creatively, and working as a member of a
group (Carnevale et al., 1989).
Group learning processes are the interactions of
two or more individuals with themselves and their
environment with the intent to change knowledge,
skill, or attitude. We use the term group to refer to the
notion of small groups and not large groups characterized as large organizations (Levine and Moreland,
1990; Woods et al., 2000). Interest in group learning
processes can be found not only in traditional educational settings such as elementary and secondary
schools but also in workplace settings, including the
military, industry, business, and even sports (Guzzo
and Shea, 1992; Levine and Moreland, 1990).
There are several reasons to assess group learning
processes. These include the need to measure group
learning as a process outcome and to capture the learning process to provide feedback to the group with the
intent to improve team interactions and thereby
improve overall team performance. Studies looking at
group processes have led to improved understanding
about what groups do and how and why they do what
they do (Salas and Cannon-Bowers, 2000). Another
reason to assess group learning processes is to capture
highly successful group process behaviors to develop
an interaction framework that could then be used to
inform the design and development of group instructional strategies. Further, because the roles and use of
groups in supporting and facilitating learning have
increased, the interest in studying the underlying group
mechanisms has increased.
Many different types of data collection and analysis methods can be used to assess group learning processes. The purpose of this section is to describe these
methods by: (1) clarifying how these methods are similar to and different from single learner methods, (2)
describing a framework of data collection and analysis
techniques, and (3) presenting analysis considerations
specific to studying group learning processes along
with several examples of existing methodologies.
Group Learning Processes Compared
with Individual Learning Processes
and Group Performance
Traditional research on learning processes has focused
on psychological perspectives using traditional psychological methods. The unit of analysis for these
methods emphasizes the behavior or mental activity of
an individual concentrating on learning, instructional
outcomes, meaning making, or cognition, all at an
individual level (Koschmann, 1996; Stahl, 2006). In
contrast, the framework for group research focuses on
research traditions of multiple disciplines, such as
communication, information, sociology, linguistics,
military, human factors, and medicine, as well as fields
of applied psychology such as instructional, educational, social, industrial, and organization psychology.
Data Collection and Analysis
As a whole, these disciplines extend the traditional
psychological perspectives and seek understanding
related to interaction, spoken language, written language, culture, and other aspects related to social situations. Stahl (2006) pointed out that individuals often
think and learn apart from others, but learning and
thinking in isolation are still conditioned and mediated
by important social considerations.
Group research considers various social dimensions but primarily focuses on either group performance or group learning. Group learning research is
focused in typical learning settings. We often see children and youth engaged in group learning in a school
setting. Adult group learning is found in post-secondary education, professional schools, vocational
schools, colleges and universities, and training sessions, as well as in on-the-job training environments.
A number of learning methods have been used in all
of these settings. A few specific strategies that use
groups to facilitate learning include cooperative learning, collaborative learning (Johnson et al., 2000;
Salomon and Perkins, 1998), computer-supported collaborative learning (Stahl, 2006), and team-based
learning (Michaelsen, 2004). General terms used to
refer to the use of multiple person learning activities
include learning groups, team learning, and group
learning. Often, these terms and specific strategies are
used interchangeably and sometimes not in the ways
just described.
In addition to learning groups, adults engage in
groups activities in performance (workplace) settings.
Although a distinction is made between learning and
performance, the processes are similar for groups
whose primary intent is to learn and for those focused
on performing. The literature on workplace groups
(whose primary focus is on completing a task) offers
a number of techniques that can be used to study group
learning processes much like the literature on individual learning. Group learning process methods include
the various methods typically found when studying
individuals and also have additional methodologies
unique to studying groups.
Methodological Framework:
Direct and Indirect Process Measures
When studying group learning processes, three general
categories of measures can be employed: (1) the process or action of a group (direct process measures),
(2) a state or a point in time of a group (indirect process
measure), and (3) an outcome or performance of a
group (indirect non-process measure). Direct process
measures are techniques that directly capture the process of a group. These measures are continuous in
nature and capture data across time by recording the
sound and sight of the group interactions. Examples
of these measures include recording the spoken language, written language, and visible interactions.
These recording can be video or audio recordings, as
well as observation notes.
Indirect process measures use techniques that indirectly capture group processes. These measures are
discrete and capture a state or condition of the group
processes at a particular point in time, either during or
after group activity. These measures involve capturing
group member or observer perceptions and reactions
that focus on group processes. Examples of these measures involve interviews, surveys, and questionnaires
that focus on explicating the nature of a group learning
process at a given point in time. These measures focus
on collecting group member responses about the process and are specifically not a direct observation of the
Indirect non-process measures capture group
learning data relating to outcomes, products, performance. These are not measures of the actual process
but are measures that might be related to group processes. They may include group characteristics such
as demographics, beliefs, efficacy, preferences, size,
background, experience, diversity, and trust (Mathieu
et al., 2000). These types of measures have the potential to explicate and support the nature of group learning processes. These measures are focused on collecting products or performance scores as well as
soliciting group member responses about group characteristics. These measures are not a direct observation
of the group learning process. Examples of these measures include performance scores, product evaluations,
surveys, questionnaires, interview transcripts, and
group member knowledge structures. These measures
focus on explicating the nature of a given group’s nonprocess characteristics.
When considering how to assess group learning
processes, many of the techniques are very similar or
the same as those used to study individuals. Group
learning process measures can be collected at both the
individual and group levels (O’Neil et al., 2000; Webb,
1982). Because the techniques can be similar or identical for individuals and groups, some confusion may
arise when it is realized that individual-level data are
not in a form that can be analyzed; the data must be
group-level data (group dataset; see Figure 55.1) for
When designing a study on group learning processes, various measurement techniques can be used
depending on the type of questions being asked.
Although numerous possibilities are associated with
the assessment of group learning processes, three
Tamara van Gog, Fred Paas et al.
Holistic Group
Holistic Group
Collective Group
Analysis of individual data
to construct
collective group dataset
Group Constructs
B. Indirect elicitation of individual level process
data yielding collective group dataset
Individual level data elicitation
specific point in time
Group process data elicitation
specific point in time
Indirect Process Measures
A. Indirect elicitation of group level process
data yielding holistic group dataset
Group Level
Group process data capture
over time
Direct Process Measures
A. Direct capture of group level process data
yielding holistic group dataset
Figure 55.1 Alternative process measures for assessing group learning processes.
elements must be considered when deciding on what
techniques to use: data collection, data manipulation,
or data analysis.
Data collection techniques involve capturing or
eliciting data related to group learning processes at an
individual or group level. Data collected at the group
level (capturing group interactions or eliciting group
data) yield holistic group datasets (Figure 55.1). When
the collected data are in this format, it is not necessary
to manipulate the data. In this form, the data are ready
to be analyzed. If, however, data are collected at the
individual level, then the data must be manipulated,
typically via aggregation (Stahl, 2006), to create a
dataset that represents the group (collective group
dataset) prior to data analysis (Figure 55.1). Collecting
data at the individual level involves collecting individual group members’ data and then transforming the
individual data to an appropriate form (collective group
dataset) for analysis (see Figure 55.1). This technique
of creating a collective group dataset from individual
data is similar to a process referred to as analysis constructed dataset creation (O’Connor and Johnson,
2004). In this form, the data are ready to be analyzed.
Data Collection and Analysis Techniques
When considering the different group learning process
assessment techniques, they can be classified based on
the type of measure (continuous or discrete). The corresponding analytical techniques that can be used are
dependent on the collected data. Many techniques have
been used to assess groups. The following section presents the major categories of techniques based on their
ability to measure group processes directly (continuous measures) or indirectly (discrete measures). Table
55.1 summarizes the nature of data collection, manipulation, and analysis for the three major grouping of
measurement techniques: direct process measures and
the two variations of indirect process measures.
Direct Process Data Collection and Analysis
Direct process measurement techniques focus specifically on capturing the continuous process interactions
in groups (O’Neil et al., 2000). These techniques
include measures of auditory and visual interactions.
Several data collection and data analysis techniques
Data Collection and Analysis
TABLE 55.1
Summary of Measurement Techniques Used to Assess Group Learning Processes
Direct Process Measure Techniques—Holistic Group Dataset
Data collection
Directly capturing group learning processes involves techniques that are used by all group members at the same time.
Data manipulation
Data manipulation not needed because data is captured at group level (holistic group dataset).
Data analysis
Continuous process techniques focus on interactions of group members generating qualitative and quantitative findings
associated with continuous measures.
Indirect Process Measure Techniques—Holistic Group Dataset
Data collection
Indirectly eliciting group learning processes involves techniques that are used by all group members at the same time.
Data manipulation
Data manipulation not needed because data is captured at group level (holistic group dataset).
Data analysis
Discrete process techniques are dependent on dataset characteristics (focus on process or performance). They can include
qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques associated with discrete measures.
Indirect Process Measure Techniques—Collective Group Dataset
Data collection
Indirectly eliciting group learning processes involves techniques that are used by each group member separately.
Data manipulation
Individual data is then aggregated to create a dataset that represents the group data (analysis constructed).
Data analysis
Discrete process techniques are dependent on dataset characteristics (focus on process or performance). They can include
qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques associated with discrete measures.
are related to measuring the group learning processes
directly. The two key techniques for capturing actions
and language are (1) technology and (2) observation.
Using technology to capture group processes can provide researchers with data different from the observation data. Researchers can combine the use of technology and observation simultaneously to capture group
processes (O’Neil et al., 2000; Paterson et al., 2003).
These data can be analyzed in the captured form or
transcribed into a text form.
Use of Technology to Capture Group Process
Spoken Language Processes
Techniques to capture a group’s spoken language
involve either audio recording or video recording
(Schweiger, 1986; Willis, 2002) the spoken language
that occurs during group interactions (Pavitt, 1998). It
can also include the spoken language of group members as they explain their thinking during group processes in the form of a think-aloud protocol (Ericsson
and Simon, 1993).
Written Language Processes
Group learning processes are typically thought of as
using spoken language, but new communication tools
are available that allow groups to communicate and
interact using written language. Examples include chat
boards, whiteboards (although these are not limited to
written language), and discussion boards. Also, computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) is a
computer-based network system that supports group
learning interactions (Stahl, 2006).
Visible Processes
Techniques to capture a group’s visible interactions
include video recording of the behaviors and actions
that occur in group interactions (Losada, 1990; Prichard,
2006; Schweiger, 1986; Sy, 2005; Willis et al., 2002).
Use of Observations to Capture Group Process
Although the use of technology may capture data with
a high level of realism, some group events can be better
captured by humans because of their ability to observe
more than what can be captured by technology. Observations ideally are carried out with a set of carefully
developed observation protocols to help focus the
observers and to teach them how to describe key process events. Observers are a good source for capturing
various types of information (Patton, 2001), such as
settings, human and social environments, group activities, style and types of language used, nonverbal communication, and events that are not ordinary. Observational data, for example, are important for studying
group learning process (Battistich et al., 1993; Lingard, 2002; Sy, 2005; Webb, 1982; Willis et al., 2002).
The type of information typically captured includes
location, organization, activities, and behaviors (Battistich et al., 1993; Losada, 1990), as well as the frequency and quality of interactions (Battistich, 1993).
Direct Process Data Analysis
Data that are a direct measure of group processes are
captured in a holistic format that is ready to be analyzed (Figure 55.1 and Table 55.1). Several analytical
Tamara van Gog, Fred Paas et al.
techniques are available that can be used for analyzing
group data, particularly direct process data. The following list is a representative sample of the analysis
techniques applied to spoken or written language, visible interaction, and observational data: sequential
analysis of group interactions (Bowers, 2006; Jeong,
2003; Rourke et al., 2001), analysis of interaction communication (Bales, 1950; Qureshi, 1995), communication analysis (Bowers et al., 1998), anticipation ratio
(Eccles and Tenenbaum, 2004), in-process coordination (Eccles and Tenenbaum, 2004), discourse analysis
(Aviv, 2003; Hara et al., 2000), content analysis (Aviv,
2003; Hara et al., 2000), cohesion analysis (Aviv,
2003), and protocol analysis (Ericsson and Simon,
1980, 1993). Visible interactions techniques also
include using a behavior time series analysis (Losada,
1990). This analysis involves looking at dominate vs.
submissive, friendly vs. unfriendly, or task-oriented vs.
emotionally expressive behavior. For observational
data, researchers focus on various qualitative techniques associated with naturalistic observations (Adler
and Adler, 1994; Patton, 2001). Some common tasks
associated with this type of analysis include group and
character sequence analysis and assertion evaluation
(Garfinkel, 1967; Jorgensen, 1989).
Indirect Process Data Collection and Analysis
Many data collection techniques are related to measuring the group learning processes indirectly. Indirect
group process, characteristic, and product measurement
techniques elicit group information at a specific point
in time. These discrete measures do not capture group
processes directly but elicit data that describe group
processes or process-related data such as group characteristics or group outcomes (things that may have a
relation to the group processes). The three key types of
data related to group learning processes are indirect
group process data, group characteristic data, and
group product data, within which specific factors can
be measured. Indirect group process data describe group
processes and can include factors such as group communication (verbal/nonverbal), group actions, group
behaviors, group performance, and group processes.
Group characteristic data, relating to group processes,
include factors such as group knowledge, group skills,
group efficacy, group attitudes, group member roles,
group environment, and group leadership. The key elicitation techniques for both of these types of indirect data
include interviews, questionnaires, and conceptual
methods (Cooke et al., 2000). Each technique can be
focused on group process or group characteristics. After
reviewing methods to analyze group processes, we discuss methods for analyzing group products.
Interviews are a good technique for collecting general data about a group. The various types of interviewing techniques include unstructured interviews
(Lingard, 2002) and more structured interviews,
which are guided by a predetermined format that can
provide either a rigid or loosely constrained format.
Structured interviews require more time to develop
but are more systematic (Cooke et al., 2000). Interviews are typically conducted with a single person
at a time; however, is not uncommon to conduct a
focus group, where the entire group is simultaneously
interviewed. In a focus group, a facilitator interviews
by leading a free and open group discussion (Myllyaho et al., 2004). The analysis of interview data
requires basic qualitative data analysis techniques
(Adler and Adler, 1994; Patton, 2001). Conducting
interviews can be straightforward, but the analysis of
the data relies tremendously on the interviewer’s
interpretations (Langan-Fox, 2000). Key steps to analyzing interviews are coding the data for themes (Lingard, 2002) and then studying the codes for meaning.
Each phrase is closely examined to discover important concepts and reveal overall relationships. For a
more holistic approach to analysis, a group interview
technique can be used to discuss findings and to
generate collective meaning given specific questions
(Myllyaho et al., 2004). Content analysis is commonly used to analyze written statements (LanganFox and Tan, 1997). Other key analysis techniques
focus on process analysis (Fussell et al., 1998; Prichard, 2006), specifically looking at discussion topics, group coordination, group cognitive overload,
and analysis of task process. Other group characteristic analysis techniques could include role analysis
and power analysis (Aviv, 2003).
Questionnaires are a commonly used technique to collect data about group processes (O’Neil et al., 2000;
Sy, 2005; Webb, 1982; Willis et al., 2002). Similar to
highly structured interviews, questionnaires can also
look at relationship-oriented processes and task-oriented processes (Urch Druskat and Kayes, 2000).
Questionnaires can be either closed ended or open
ended (Alavi, 1994). Open-ended questionnaires are
more closely related to a structured interview; the data
collected using this format can be focused on group
processes as well as group characteristics. Closedended questionnaires offer a limited set of responses.
The limited responses involve some form of scale that
could be nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio. Data from
Data Collection and Analysis
this format have a limited ability to capture group
process data, but this is the typical format for collecting
data associated with group characteristics such as
social space, group efficacy scales, group skills, group
efficacy, group attitudes, group member roles, leadership, and group knowledge. Data from questionnaires
can be analyzed much like interview data if the items
are open ended. If the questionnaire is closed ended,
then the instrument must be scrutinized for reliability
prior to data analysis. Assuming sufficient evidence of
reliability, analyzing data from closed-ended questionnaires involves interpreting a measurement based on a
particular theoretical construct. The types of data analysis techniques that are appropriate depend on the type
of scale used in a questionnaire (nominal, ordinal,
interval, or ratio).
Conceptual Methods
Conceptual methods involve assessing individual or
group understanding about a given topic. Several data
collection techniques are utilized to elicit knowledge
structures. A review of the literature by Langan-Fox
et al. (2000) found that knowledge in teams has been
investigated by several qualitative and quantitative
methods, including various elicitation techniques (e.g.,
cognitive interviewing, observation, card sorting,
causal mapping, pairwise ratings) and representation
techniques (e.g., MDS, distance ratio formulas, Pathfinder) that utilize aggregate methods.
One of the most common methods for assessing
group knowledge is the use of concept maps (Herl et
al., 1999; Ifenthaler, 2005; O’Connor and Johnson,
2004; O’Neil et al., 2000). Through concept mapping,
similarity of group mental models can be measured in
terms of the proportion of nodes and links shared
between one concept map (mental model) and another
(Rowe and Cooke, 1995). Several researchers believe
that group knowledge and group processes are linked.
Research has shown that specific group interactions
such as communication and coordination mediate the
development of group knowledge and thus mediate
group performance (Mathieu et al., 2000). Group interactions coupled with group shared knowledge are a
predominate force in the construct of group cognition.
As teammates interact, they begin to share knowledge,
thus enabling them to interpret cues in similar ways,
make compatible decisions, and take proper actions
(Klimoski and Mohammed, 1994). Group shared
knowledge can help group members explain other
members’ actions, understand what is occurring with
the task, develop accurate expectations about future
member actions and task states, and communicate
meanings efficiently.
Analyzing knowledge data can certainly involve
qualitative methods. These methods tend to offer more
detail and depth of information than might be found
through statistical analyses (Miles and Huberman,
1994; Patton, 2001). Using qualitative analysis, we
obtain greater understanding about the relationships
between concepts within the context of the individual
mental model. We also gain better insight into the
sharedness of understanding between group members.
Quantitative data analysis techniques provide
researchers with tools to draw inferences on the change
in group knowledge as well as statistically proving a
change or variation in knowledge structures.
Several methods have been developed to analyze
data regarding group knowledge. Most of them include
an elicitation and analysis component. Some techniques use mixed methods such as the analysis-constructed shared mental model (ACSMM) (O’Connor
and Johnson, 2004), DEEP (Spector and Koszalka,
2004), and social network analysis (Qureshi, 1995).
Other methods are quantitative in nature, such as the
Stanford Microarray Database (SMD) (Ifenthaler,
2005), Model Inspection Trace of Concepts of Relations (MITOCAR) (Pirnay-Dummer, 2006), multidimensional scaling (MDS), distance ratio formula, and
Pathfinder (Cooke et al., 2000).
Group product data are the artifacts created from
a group interaction. Group products typically do not
capture the process that a group undertook to create
the product but is evidence of the group’s abilities.
Many research studies that claim to study group processes only capture group product data. This is due in
part to the claim that is made regarding the link
between group products and group processes and characteristics (Cooke et al., 2000; Lesh and Dorr, 2003;
Mathieu et al., 2000; Salas and Cannon-Bowers, 2001;
Schweiger, 1986). Although some evidence suggests
this relationship in a few areas, more research is
required to substantiate this claim.
Analysis of the group product data involves techniques used when analyzing individual products. Analyzing the quality of a product can be facilitated by
the use of specified criteria. These criteria are used to
create a product rating scale. Rating scales can include
numerical scales, descriptive scales, or checklists.
Numerical scales present a range of numbers (usually
sequential) that are defined by a label on either end.
Each item in the questionnaire is rated according to
the numerical scale. There is no specific definition of
what the various numbers mean, except for the indicators at the ends of the scale; for example, a scale
from 1 (very weak) to 5 (very strong) is very subjective
but relatively easy to create. Descriptive scales are
similar, but focus on verbal statements. Numbers can
Tamara van Gog, Fred Paas et al.
be assigned to each statement. Statements are typically
in a logical order. A common example of a descriptive
scale is “strongly disagree (1), disagree (2), neutral
(3), agree (4), and strongly agree (5).” A checklist can
be developed to delineate specific qualities for a given
criterion. This can provide a high level of reliability
because a specific quality is presented and the rater
simply indicates whether an item is present or not. The
validity of a checklist requires a careful task analysis
to ensure scale validity.
General Considerations for Group
Learning Process Assessment
In assessment of group learning processes, researchers
should consider several issues. These issues fall into
four categories: (1) group setting, (2) variance in group
member participation, (3) overall approach to data collection and analysis, and (4) thresholds.
Group Setting
To a somewhat lesser degree than the other three issues,
group settings should be considered when determining
the best approach and methods for a particular study.
Finalizing which techniques to use may depend on
whether the groups will be working in a group learning
setting or individually and then coming together as a
group at various points. Some groups may meet in faceto-face settings or other settings that allow for synchronous interactions; however, distributed groups have
technology-enabled synchronous and asynchronous
tools or asynchronous interactions only. These variations in group setting can influence the selection of
specific group learning process assessment methods.
Variance in Group Member Participation
When collecting multiple sets of data over time,
researchers should consider how they will deal with a
variance in group member participation (group members absent during data collection or new members
joining the group midstream). There are benefits and
consequences for any decision made, but it is necessary to determine whether or not all data collected will
be used, regardless of the group members present at
the time of data collection. Researchers who choose
not to use all data might consider using only those data
submitted by group members who were present during
all data collection sessions (O’Connor and Johnson,
2004). If data analysis will be based on a consistent
number of group members, it will be necessary to
consider how to handle data from groups that may not
have the same group members present in each measure
point. Also, with fluctuations in group compositions,
it is important to consider the overall group demographics and possible influences of individual group
members on the group as a whole.
Overall Approach to Data Collection and Analysis
In a holistic approach, individual group members work
together and one dataset represents the group as a
whole; however, the processes of group interaction
naturally changes how individual group members
think. The alternative is to capture individual measures
and perform some type of aggregate analysis methods
to represent the group; however, researchers should
consider whether or not the aggregate would be a true
representation of the group itself.
When using indirect measures that require an aggregation or manipulation of data prior to analysis,
researchers will have to consider such issues as similarity scores. These scores define the parameters for
deciding if responses from one individual group member are similar to the responses from other group members (O’Connor and Johnson, 2004; Rentsch and Hall,
1994; Rentsch et al., in press); for example, will the
rating of 3.5 on a 5-point scale be considered similar
to a rating of 4.0 or a rating of 3.0? When aggregating
individual data into a representation of the group, will
the study look only at groups where a certain percentage of the group responded to measures (Ancona and
Caldwell, 1991)? How will what is similar or shared
across individual group members be determined? Will
the analysis use counts (x number of group members)
or percentage of the group (e.g., 50%)? What level of
similarity or sensitivity will be used to compare across
groups (O’Connor and Johnson, 2004)—50%? 75%?
What about the level of mean responses in questionnaires (Urch Druskat and Kayes, 2000)? Many different thresholds that must be considered when assessing
group learning processes and analyzing group data are
not concerns when studying individuals.
Assessment of group learning processes is more complex than assessment of individual learning processes
because of the additional considerations necessary for
selecting data collection and analysis methods. As in
most research, the “very type of experiment set up by
researchers will determine the type of data and therefore what can be done with such data in analysis and
interpretation” (Langan-Fox et al., 2004, p. 348).
Data Collection and Analysis
Indeed, it is logical to allow the specific research questions to drive the identification of data collection methods. The selection of research questions and subsequent identification of data collection methods will
naturally place limitations on suitable data analysis
methods. Careful planning for the study of group learning processes, from the selection of direct or indirect
assessment measures to considering the possible influences group characteristics may have on group learning processes, is essential.
Because of the many possible combinations of
methods and techniques available for studying group
learning processes, some feel that research has not yet
done enough to determine the best methods for studying
groups (Langan-Fox et al., 2000). Many group learning
process studies consider only outcome measures and
do not directly study group learning processes (Worchel
et al., 1992). Others look only at portions of the group
process or attempt to assess group learning processes
through a comparison of discrete measures of the group
over time. Still other methods for data collection and
analysis of group data are being developed as we speak
(Seel, 1999). No one best method has been identified
for analyzing group learning process data, so we suggest that studies should consider utilizing multiple
methods to obtain a more comprehensive picture of
group learning processes. If we are to better understand
the notion of group learning processes and utilize that
understanding in design, implementation, and management of learning groups in the future, then we must
address the basic issues that are related with conceptualization and measurement (Langan-Fox et al., 2004).
Tamara van Gog, Remy M. J. P. Rikers, and Paul Ayres
This chapter section discusses assessment of complex
performance from an educational research perspective,
in terms of data collection and analysis. It begins with
a short introduction on complex performance and a
discussion on the various issues related to selecting
and defining appropriate assessment tasks, criteria, and
standards that give meaning to the assessment.
Although many of the issues discussed here are also
important for performance assessment in educational
practice, readers particularly interested in this topic
might want to refer, for example, to Chapter 44 in this
Handbook or the edited books by Birenbaum and
Dochy (1996) and Segers et al. (2003). For a discussion of laboratory setups for data collection, see the
section by Duley et al. in this chapter.
Complex performance can be defined as performance on complex tasks; however, definitions of task
complexity differ: Campbell (1988), in a review of the
literature, categorized complexity as primarily subjective (psychological) or objective (function of objective
task characteristics), or as an interaction between
objective and subjective (individual) characteristics.
Campbell reported that the subjective perspective
emphasized psychological dimensions such as task
significance and identity. On the other hand, objective
definitions consider the degree of structuredness of a
task or of the possibility of multiple solution paths
(Byström and Järvelin, 1995; Campbell, 1988). When
the process of task performance can be described in
detail a priori (very structured), a task is considered
less complex; in contrast, when there is a great deal
of uncertainty, it is considered highly complex. Similarly, complexity can vary according to the number of
solutions paths possible. When there is just one correct
solution path, a task is considered less complex than
when multiple paths can lead to a correct solution or
when multiple solutions are possible.
For the interaction category, Campbell (1988)
argued that both the problem solver and the task are
important. By defining task complexity in terms of
cognitive load (Chandler and Sweller, 1991; Sweller,
1988; Sweller et al., 1998) an example of this interaction can readily be shown. From a cognitive load perspective, complexity is defined by the number of interacting information elements a task contains, which
have to be simultaneously handled in working memory. As such, complexity is influenced by expertise
(i.e., subjective, individual characteristic); what may
be a complex task for a novice may be a simple task
for an expert, because a number of elements have been
combined into a cognitive schema that can be handled
as a single element in the expert’s working memory.
Tasks that are highly complex according to the objective definition (i.e., lack of structuredness and multiple
possible solution paths) will also be complex in the
interaction definition; however, according to the latter
definition, even tasks with a high degree of structuredness or one correct solution path can be considered
complex, given a high number of interacting information elements or low performer expertise.
In this chapter section, we limit our discussion to
methods of assessment of complex performance on
cognitive tasks. What is important to note throughout
this discussion is that the methods described here can
be used to assess (improvements in) complex performance both during training and after training, depending on the research questions one seeks to address.
After training, performance assessment usually has the
goal to assess learning, which is a goal of many studies
Tamara van Gog, Fred Paas et al.
in education and instructional design. If one seeks to
assess learning, one must be careful not to conclude
that participants have learned because their performance improved during training. As Bjork (1999)
points out, depending on the training conditions, high
performance gains during training may not be associated with learning, whereas low performance gains
may be. It is important, therefore, to assess learning
on retention or transfer tasks, instead of on practice
tasks. Selection of appropriate assessment tasks is an
important issue, which is addressed in the next section.
Assessment Tasks
An essential step in the assessment of performance is
the identification of a collection of representative tasks
that capture those aspects of the participant’s knowledge and skills that a study seeks to address (Ericsson,
2002). Important factors for representativeness of the
collection of assessment tasks are authenticity, number, and duration of tasks, all of which are highly
influenced by the characteristics of the domain of
Selecting tasks that adequately capture performance often turns out to be very difficult. Selecting
atypical or artificial tasks may even impede learners
in demonstrating their true level of understanding. Traditional means to evaluate the learners’ knowledge or
skills have been criticized because they often fail to
demonstrate that the learner can actually do something
in real life or in their future workplace with their
knowledge and skills they have acquired during their
training (see, for example, Anderson et al., 1996; Shepard, 2000; Thompson, 2001).
The argument for the use of authentic tasks to
assess the learners’ understanding has a long tradition.
It started in the days of John Dewey (1916) and continues to the present day (Merrill, 2002; van Merriënboer, 1997); however, complete authenticity of assessment tasks may be difficult to realize in research
settings, because the structuredness of the domain
plays a role here. For structured domains such as chess
and bridge, the same conditions can be reproduced in
a research laboratory as those under which performance normally takes place; for less or ill-structured
domains, this is difficult or even impossible to do
(Ericsson and Lehmann, 1996). Nonetheless, one can
always strive for a high degree of authenticity. Gulikers
et al. (2004) defined authentic assessment as a fivedimensional construct (i.e., task, social context, physical context, form/result, and criteria) that can vary
from low to high on each of the dimensions.
The number of tasks in the collection and the duration are important factors influencing the reliability
and generalizability of a study. Choosing too few tasks
or tasks of too short duration will negatively affect
reliability and generalizability. On the other hand,
choosing a large number of tasks or tasks of a very
long duration will lead to many practical problems and
might exhaust both participants and researchers. In
many complex domains (e.g., medical diagnosis), it is
quite common and often inevitable to use a very small
set of cases because of practical circumstances and
because detailed analysis of the learners’ responses to
these complex problems is very difficult and time consuming (Ericsson, 2004; Ericsson and Smith, 1991).
Unfortunately, however, there are no golden rules for
determining the adequate number of tasks to use or
their duration, because important factors are highly
dependent upon the domain and specific context (Van
der Vleuten and Schuwirth, 2005). It is often easier to
identify a small collection of representative tasks that
capture the relevant aspects of performance in highly
structured domains (e.g., physics, mathematics, chess)
than in ill-structured domains (e.g., political science,
medicine), where a number of interacting complex
skills are required.
Assessment Criteria and Standards
The term assessment criteria refers to a description of
the elements or aspects of performance that will be
assessed, and the term assessment standards refers to
a description of the quality of performance (e.g., excellent/good/average/poor) on each of those aspects that
can be expected of participants at different stages (e.g.,
age, grade) (Arter and Spandel, 1992). As Woolf
(2004) pointed out, however, the term assessment criteria is often used in the definition of standards as well.
Depending on the question one seeks to answer, different standards can be used, such as a participant’s
past performance (self-referenced), peer group performance (norm-referenced), or an objective standard
(criterion-referenced), and there are different methods
for setting standards (Cascallar and Cascallar, 2003).
Much of the research on criteria and standard setting
has been conducted in the context of educational practice for national (or statewide) school tests (Hambleton
et al., 2000) and for highly skilled professions, such
as medicine, where the stakes of setting appropriate
standards are very high (Hobma et al., 2004; Van der
Vleuten and Schuwirth, 2005). Although formulation
of good criteria and standards is extremely important
in educational practice, where certification is the prime
goal, it is no less important in educational research
settings. What aspects of performance are measured
and what standards are set have a major impact on the
generalizability and value of a study.
Data Collection and Analysis
The degree to which the domain is well structured
influences not only the creation of a collection of representative tasks but also the definition of criteria, setting of standards, and interpretation of performance in
relation to standards. In highly structured domains,
such as mathematics or chess, assessing the quality of
the learner’s response is often fairly straightforward
and unproblematic. In less structured domains, however, it is often much more difficult to identify clear
standards; for example, a music student’s interpretation of a piano concerto is more difficult to assess than
the student’s technical performance on the piece. The
former contains many more subjective elements (e.g.,
taste) or cultural differences than the latter.
Collecting Performance Data
No one best method for complex performance assessment exists, and it is often advisable to use multiple
measures or methods in combination to obtain as complete a picture as possible of the performance. A number of methods are described here for collecting performance outcome (product) and performance process
data. Methods are classified as online (during task
performance) or offline (after task performance).
Which method or combination of methods is the most
useful depends on the particular research question, the
possible constraints of the research context, and the
domain. In ill-structured domains, for example, the
added value of process measures may be much higher
than in highly structured domains.
Collecting Performance Outcome (Product) Data
Collecting performance outcome data is quite straightforward. One takes the product of performance (e.g., an
electrical circuit that was malfunctioning but is now
repaired) and scores it along the defined criteria (e.g.,
do all the components function as they should, individually and as a whole?). Instead of assigning points for
correct aspects, one can count the number of errors, and
analyze the types of errors made; however, especially
for assessment of complex performance, collecting performance product data alone is not very informative.
Taking into account the process leading up to the product and the cognitive costs at which it was obtained
provides equally if not more important information.
Collecting Performance Process Data
Time on Task or Speed
An important indication of the level of mastery of a
particular task is the time needed to complete a task.
According to the power law of practice (Newell and
Rosenbloom, 1981; VanLehn, 1996), the time needed
to complete a task decreases in proportion to the time
spent in practice, raised to some power. Newell and
Rosenbloom (1981) found that this law operates across
a broad range of tasks, from solving geometry problems to keyboard typing. To account for the power law
of practice, several theories have been put forward.
Anderson’s ACT-R explains the speed-up by assuming
that slow declarative knowledge is transformed into
fast procedural knowledge (Anderson, 1993; Anderson
and Lebiere, 1998). Another explanation suggested
that speed-up is the result of repeated encounters with
meaningful patterns (Ericsson and Staszewski, 1989);
that is, as a result of frequent encounters with similar
elements, these elements will no longer be perceived
as individual units but will be perceived as a meaningful whole (i.e., chunk). In addition to chunking, automation processes (Schneider and Shiffrin, 1977; Shiffrin and Schneider, 1977) occur with practice that
allow for faster and more effortless performance. In
summary, as expertise develops equal performance can
be attained in less time; therefore, it is important to
collect time-on-task data to assess improvements in
complex performance.
Cognitive Load
The same processes of chunking and automation that
are associated with decreases in the time required to
perform a task are also responsible for decreases in
the cognitive load imposed by performing the task
(Paas and van Merriënboer, 1993; Yeo and Neal, 2004).
Cognitive load can be measured using both online and
offline techniques. The cognitive capacity that is allocated to performing the task is defined as mental effort,
which is considered to reflect the actual cognitive load
a task imposes (Paas and van Merriënboer, 1994a; Paas
et al., 2003). A subjective but reliable technique for
measuring mental effort is having individuals provide
self-ratings of the amount of mental effort invested. A
single-scale subjective rating instrument can be used,
such as the nine-point rating scale developed by Paas
(1992), or a multiple-scale instrument, such as the
NASA Task Load Index (TLX), which was used, for
example by Gerjets et al. (2004, 2006). As subjective
cognitive load measures are usually recorded after
each task or after a series of tasks has been completed
they are usually considered to be offline measurements, although there are some exceptions; for example, Ayres (2006) required participants to rate cognitive load at specific points within tasks.
Objective online measures include physiological
measures such as heart-rate variability (Paas and van
Merriënboer, 1994b), eye-movement data, and secondary-task procedures (Brünken et al., 2003). Because
Tamara van Gog, Fred Paas et al.
they are taken during task performance, those online
measures can show fluctuations in cognitive load during task performance. It is notable, however, that Paas
and van Merriënboer (1994b) found the heart-rate variability measure to be quite intrusive as well as insensitive to subtle fluctuations in cognitive load. The subjective offline data are often easier to collect and
analyze and provide a good indication of the overall
cognitive load a task imposed (Paas et al., 2003).
Actions: Observation and Video Records
Process-tracing techniques are very well suited to
assessing the different types of actions taken during
task performance, some of which are purely cognitive,
whereas others result in physical actions, because the
“data that are recorded are of a pre-specified type (e.g.,
verbal reports, eye movements, actions) and are used
to make inferences about the cognitive processes or
knowledge underlying task performance” (Cooke,
1994, p. 814). Ways to record data that allow the inference of cognitive actions are addressed in the following sections. The following options are available for
recording the physical actions taken during task performance: (1) trained observers can write down the
actions taken or check them off on an a priori constructed list (use multiple observers), (2) a (digital)
video record of the participants’ performance can be
made, or (3) for computer-based tasks, an action record
can be made using screen recording software or software that logs key presses and coordinates of mouse
Attention and Cognitive Actions:
Eye-Movement Records
Eye tracking (Duchowski, 2003)—that is, recording
eye-movement data while a participant is working on
a (usually, but not necessarily computer-based)
task—can also be used to gather online performance
process data but is much less used in educational
research than the above methods. Eye-movement data
give insights into the allocation of attention and provide a researcher with detailed information of what
a participant is looking at, for how long, and in what
order. Such data allow inferences to be made about
cognitive processes (Rayner, 1998), albeit cautious
inferences, as the data do not provide information on
why a participant was looking at something for a
certain amount of time or in a certain order. Attention
can shift in response to exogenous or endogenous
cues (Rayner, 1998; Stelmach et al., 1997). Exogenous shifts of attention occur mainly in response to
environmental features or changes in the environment
(e.g., if something brightly colored would start flashing in the corner of a computer screen, your attention
would be drawn to it). Endogenous shifts are driven
by knowledge of the task, of the environment, and of
the importance of available information sources (i.e.,
influenced by expertise level) (Underwood et al.,
2003). In chess, for example, it was found that experts
fixated proportionally more on relevant pieces than
non-expert players (Charness et al., 2001). In electrical circuits troubleshooting, van Gog et al. (2005a)
also found that participants with higher expertise fixated more on a fault-related component during problem orientation than participants with lower expertise.* Please note that this is not an exhaustive
overview and that we have no commercial or other
interest in any of the programs mentioned here.
Haider and Frensch (1999) used eye-movement data
to corroborate their information-reduction hypothesis, which states that with practice people learn to
ignore task-redundant information and limit their
processing to task-relevant information.
On tasks with many visual performance aspects
(e.g., troubleshooting technical systems), eye-movement records may therefore provide much more information than video records. Some important problemsolving actions may be purely visual or cognitive, but
those will show up in an eye-movement record,
whereas a video record will only allow inferences of
visual or cognitive actions that resulted in manual or
physical actions (van Gog et al., 2005b). In addition
to providing information on the allocation of attention,
eye-movement data can also give information about
the cognitive load that particular aspects of task performance impose; for example, whereas pupil dilation
(Van Gerven et al., 2004) and fixation duration (Underwood et al., 2004) are known to increase with increased
processing demands, the length of saccades (i.e., rapid
eye movements from one location to another; see
Duchowski, 2003) is known to decrease. (For an indepth discussion of eye-movement data and cognitive
processes, see Rayner, 1998.)
Thought Processes and Cognitive
Actions: Verbal Reports
Probably the most widely used verbal reporting techniques are concurrent and retrospective reporting
(Ericsson and Simon, 1993). As their names imply,
concurrent reporting is an online technique, whereas
retrospective reporting is an offline technique. Concurrent reporting, or thinking aloud, requires participants
to verbalize all thoughts that come to mind during task
* Note that the expertise differences between groups were relatively
small (i.e., this was not an expert–novice study), suggesting that eyemovement data may be a useful tool in investigating relatively subtle
expertise differences or expertise development.
Data Collection and Analysis
performance. Retrospective reporting requires participants to report the thoughts they had during task performance immediately after completing it. Although
there has been considerable debate over the use of
verbal reports as data, both methods are considered to
allow valid inferences to be made about the cognitive
processes underlying task performance, provided that
verbalization instructions and prompts are carefully
worded (Ericsson and Simon, 1993).
Instructions and prompts should be worded in
such a way that the evoked responses will not interfere with the cognitive processes as they occur during
task performance; for example, instructions for concurrent reporting should tell participants to think
aloud and verbalize everything that comes to mind
but should not ask them to explain any thoughts.
Prompts should be as unobtrusive as possible.
Prompting participants to “keep thinking aloud” is
preferable over asking them “what are you thinking?”
because this would likely evoke self-reflection and,
hence, interfere with the cognitive processes. Deviations from these instructional and prompting techniques can change either the actual cognitive processes involved or the processes that were reported,
thereby compromising the validity of the reports
(Boren and Ramey, 2000; Ericsson and Simon, 1993).
Magliano et al. (1999), for example, found that
instructions to explain, predict, associate, or understand during reading influenced the inferences from
the text that participants generated while thinking
aloud. Although the effect of instructions on cognitive processes is an interesting topic of study, when
the intention is to elicit reports of the actual cognitive
processes as they would occur without intervention,
Ericsson and Simon’s (1993) guidelines for wording
instructions and prompts should be adhered to.
Both reporting methods can result in verbal protocols that allow for valid inferences about cognitive
processes; however, the potential for differences in the
information they contain must be considered when
choosing an appropriate method for answering a particular research question. According to Taylor and
Dionne (2000), concurrent protocols mostly seem to
provide information on actions and outcomes, whereas
retrospective protocols seem to provide more information about “strategies that control the problem solving
process” and “conditions that elicited a particular
response” (p. 414). Kuusela and Paul (2000) reported
that concurrent protocols contained more information
than retrospective protocols, because the latter often
contained only references to the effective actions that
led to the solution. van Gog et al. (2005b) investigated
whether the technique of cued retrospective reporting,
in which a retrospective report is cued by a replay of
a record of eye movements and mouse/keyboard operations made during the task, would combine the advantages of concurrent (i.e., more action information) and
retrospective (i.e., more strategic and conditional information) reporting. They found that both concurrent and
cued retrospective reporting resulted in more action
information, as well as in more strategic and conditional information, than retrospective reporting without a cue.
Contrary to expectations, concurrent reporting
resulted in more strategic and conditional information
than retrospective reporting. This may (1) reflect a
genuine difference from Taylor and Dionne’s results,
(2) have been due to different operationalizations of
the information types in the coding scheme used, or
(3) have been due to the use of a different segmentation
method than those used by Taylor and Dionne (2000).
An explanation for the finding that concurrent
reports result in more information on actions than
retrospective reports may be that concurrent reporting
occurs online rather than offline. Whereas concurrent
reports capture information available in short-term
memory during the process, retrospective reports
reflect memory traces of the process retrieved from
short-term memory when tasks are of very short duration or from long-term memory when tasks are of
longer duration (Camps, 2003; Ericsson and Simon,
1993). It is likely that only the correct steps that have
led to attainment of the goal are stored in long-term
memory, because only these steps are relevant for
future use. This is why having participants report
retrospectively based on a record of observations or
intermediate products of their problem-solving process is known to lead to better results (due to fewer
omissions) than retrospective reporting without a cue
(van Gog et al., 2005b; Van Someren et al., 1994).
Possibly, the involvement of different memory systems might also explain Taylor and Dionne’s (2000)
finding that retrospective protocols seem to contain
more conditional and strategic information. This
knowledge might have been used during the process
but may have been omitted in concurrent reporting
as a result of the greater processing demands this
method places on short-term memory (Russo et al.,
1989). Although this explanation is tentative, there
are indications that concurrent reporting may become
difficult to maintain under high cognitive load conditions (Ericsson and Simon, 1993). Indeed, participants in van Gog et al.’s study who experienced a
higher cognitive load (i.e., reported investment of
more mental effort) in performing the tasks indicated
during a debriefing after the experiment that they
disliked concurrent reporting and preferred cued retrospective reporting (van Gog, 2006).
Tamara van Gog, Fred Paas et al.
Neuroscientific Data
An emerging and promising area of educational
research is the use of neuroscience methodologies to
study (changes in) brain functions and structures
directly, which can provide detailed data on learning
processes, memory processes, and cognitive development (see, for example, Goswami, 2004; Katzir and
Paré-Blagoev, 2006). Methods such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI), electroencephalography (EEG), magnetoencephalography (MEG), positron-emission
tomography (PET), and single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) provide (indirect) measures of neuronal activity. The reader is referred to
Katzir and Paré-Blagoev (2006) for a discussion of
these methods and examples of their use in educational
Data Analysis
Analyzing performance product, time on task, and
mental effort data (at least when the subjective rating
scales are used) is a very straightforward process, so
it is not discussed here. In this section, analysis of
observation, eye movement, and verbal protocol data
is discussed, as well as the analysis of combined methods/measures.
Analysis of Observation, Eye Movement,
and Verbal Protocol Data
Observation Data
Coding and analysis of observation data can take many
different forms, again depending on the research question. Coding schemes are developed based on the performance aspects (criteria) one wishes to assess and
sometimes may incorporate evaluation of performance
aspects. Whether coding is done online (during performance by observers) or offline (after performance
based on video, screen capture, or mouse-keyboard
records), the use of multiple observers or raters is
important for determining reliability of the coding.
Quantitative analysis on the coded data can take the
form of comparison of frequencies, appropriateness
(e.g., number of errors), or sequences of actions (e.g.,
compared to an ideal or expert sequence) and interpreting the outcome in relation to the set standard.
Several commercial and noncommercial software
programs have been developed to assist in the analysis
of action data;* for example, Observer (Noldus et al.,
* Please note that this is not an exhaustive overview and that we have
no commercial or other interest in any of the programs mentioned here.
2000) is commercial software for coding and analysis
of digital video records; NVivo (Bazeley and Richards,
2000) is commercial software for accessing, shaping,
managing, and analyzing non-numerical qualitative
data; Multiple Episode Protocol Analysis (MEPA)
(Erkens, 2002) is free software for annotating, coding,
and analyzing both nonverbal and verbal protocols;
and ACT Pro (Fu, 2001) can be used for sequential
analysis of protocols of discrete user actions such as
mouse clicks and key presses.
Eye-Movement Data
For analysis of fixation data it is important to identify
the gaze data points that together represent fixations.
This is necessary because during fixation the eyes are
not entirely motionless; small tremors and drifts may
occur (Duchowski, 2003). According to Salvucci
(1999), the three categories of fixation identification
methods are based on velocity, dispersion, or region.
Most eye-tracking software allows for defining values for the dispersion-based method, which identifies
fixation points as a minimum number of data points
that are grouped closely together (i.e., fall within a
certain dispersion, defined by pixels) and last a minimum amount of time (duration threshold). Once fixations have been defined, defining areas of interest
(AoIs) in the stimulus materials will make analysis
of the huge data files more manageable by allowing
summaries of fixation data to be made for each AoI,
such as the number of fixations, the mean fixation
duration, and the total time spent fixating. Furthermore, a chronological listing of fixations on AoIs can
be sequentially analyzed to detect patterns in viewing
Verbal Protocol Data
When verbal protocols have been transcribed, they can
be segmented and coded. Segmentation based on utterances is highly reliable because it uses pauses in natural speech (Ericsson and Simon, 1993); however,
many researchers apply segmentation based on meaning (Taylor and Dionne, 2000). In this case, segmentation and coding become intertwined, and the reliability of both should be evaluated. It is, again, important
to use multiple raters (at least on a substantial subset
of data) and determine the reliability of the coding
scheme. The standard work by Ericsson and Simon
(1993) provides a wealth of information on verbal
protocol coding and analysis techniques. The software
program MEPA (Erkens, 2002) can assist in the development of a coding scheme for verbal data, as well as
in analysis of coded data with a variety of quantitative
or qualitative methods.
Data Collection and Analysis
Combining Methods and Measures
As mentioned before, there is not a preferred single
method for the assessment of complex performances.
By combining different methods and measures, a more
complete or a more detailed picture of performance
will be obtained; for example, various process-tracing
techniques such as eye tracking and verbal reporting
can be collected and analyzed in combination with
other methods of assessment (van Gog et al., 2005a).
Different product and process measures can easily be
combined, and it can be argued that some of them
should be combined because a simple performance
score* ignores the fact that, with expertise development, time on task and cognitive load decrease,
whereas performance increases.
Consider the example of a student who attains the
same performance score on two comparable tasks that
are spread over time, where cognitive load measures
indicate that the learner had to invest a lot of mental
effort to complete the task the first time and little the
second. Looking only at the performance score, one
might erroneously conclude that no progress was
made, whereas the learner actually made a subtle step
forward, because reduced cognitive load means that
more capacity can be devoted to further learning.
The mental efficiency measure developed by Paas
and van Merriënboer (1993) reflects this relation:
Higher performance with less mental effort invested
to attain that performance results in higher efficiency.
This measure is obtained by standardizing performance and mental effort scores, and then subtracting
the mean standardized mental effort score (zE) from
the mean standardized performance score (zP) and
dividing the outcome by the square root of 2:
Much of the research into learning and instruction
involves assessment of complex performances of cognitive tasks. The focus of this chapter section was on
data collection and analysis methods that can be used
for such assessments. First, the important issues related
to selecting an appropriate collection of assessment
tasks and defining appropriate assessment criteria and
standards were discussed. Then, different ways for
collecting performance product and process data,
using online (during task performance) or offline (after
task performance) measurements, were described.
Analysis techniques were discussed and, given the lack
of a single preferred method for complex performance
assessment, ways to combine measures were suggested
that will foster a more complete or more detailed
understanding of complex performance.
This chapter section aimed to provide an overview
of the important issues in assessment of complex performance on cognitive tasks and of available data collection and analysis techniques for such assessments,
rather than any definite guidelines. The latter would
be impossible when writing for a broad audience,
because what constitutes an appropriate collection of
tasks, appropriate criteria and standards, and appropriate data collection and analysis techniques is highly
dependent on the research question one seeks to
address and on the domain in which one wishes to do
so. We hope that this overview, along with other chapter sections, provides the reader with a starting point
for further development of rewarding and informative
zP − zE
When tasks are performed under time constraints, the
combination of mental effort and performance measures will suffice; however, when time on task is selfpaced, it is useful to include the additional time parameter in the efficiency measure (making it three-dimensional) (Paas et al., 2003; Tuovinen and Paas, 2004):
zP − zE − zT
* This term is somewhat ambiguous, as we have previously classified
mental effort and time-on-task data as performance process data. We
feel they should be regarded as such; however, in the literature performance score is often used to refer to the grade assigned to a solution
or solution procedure, which is the sense in which the term is used in
this subsection.
Aaron R. Duley, Paul Ward, and Peter A. Hancock
This chapter section describes how to set up laboratories for the measurement of complex performance.
Complex performance in this context does not exclusively refer to tasks that are inherently difficult to
perform; rather, the term is used here in a broader sense
to refer to the measurement of real-world activities that
require the integration of disparate measurement
instrumentation as well as the need for time-critical
experimental control. We have assumed that our primary readership is comprised of graduate students and
research faculty, although the chapter addresses issues
relevant to all who seek a better understanding of
behavioral response.
Tamara van Gog, Fred Paas et al.
The central theme of this section relates to laboratory instrumentation. Because instrumentation is a requisite element for complex performance measurement,
a common problem encountered by researchers is how
to overcome the various technical hurdles that often
discourage the pursuit of difficult research objectives.
Thus, creating a testing environment suitable to
address research questions is a major issue when planning any research program; however, searching the
literature for resources relating to laboratory instrumentation configurations yields a surprisingly scant
number of references and resources that address these
issues. Having made just such an attempt for the purposes of this section, the ability to articulate a generalpurpose exposition on laboratory setup is indeed a
challenging endeavor. This pursuit is made more difficult by addressing a naturally ambiguous topic such
as complex performance; nevertheless, our section
looks to provide the bearings needed to resolve such
questions. In particular, we cover stimulus presentation
and control alternatives, as well as hardware choices
for signal routing and triggering, while offering solutions for commonly encountered problems when
attempting to assemble such a laboratory. Some portions of this section are moderately technical, but every
attempt has been made to ensure that the content is
appropriate for our target audience.
Instrumentation and
Common Configurations
Psychology has a long legacy of employing tools and
instrumentation to support scientific inquiry. The online
Museum of the History of Psychological Instrumentation, for example, has illustrations of over 150 devices
used by early researchers to visualize organ function
and systematically investigate human psychological
processes and behavior (see http://www.chss.montclair.
edu/psychology/museum/museum.htm). At this
museum, one can view such devices as an early Wundtstyle tachistiscope or the Rotationsapparatus für Komplikations-Versuche (rotary apparatus for complication
studies). Titchener, a student of Wundt, continued this
tradition in his own laboratory at Cornell University
and described the building requirements and the costs
associated with items needed for establishing the ideal
psychological laboratory (Titchener, 1900, pp.
For optics, there should be two rooms, light and dark,
facing south and north respectively, and the later divided
into antechamber and inner room. For acoustics, there
should be one large room, connected directly with a small,
dark, and (so far as is possible without special construc-
tion) sound-proof chamber. For haptics, there should be
a moderately sized room, devoted to work on cutaneous
pressure, temperature, and pain, and a larger room for
investigations of movement perceptions. Taste and smell
should each have a small room, the latter tiled or glazed,
and so situated that ventilation is easy and so does not
involve the opening of doors or transom-windows into the
building. There should, further, be a clock-room, for the
time-registering instruments and their controls; and a
large room for the investigations of the bodily processes
and changes underlying affective consciousness.
Instrumentation is a central component of complex
performance measurement; however, the process by
which one orchestrates several devices in the broader
context of addressing an experimental question is
indeed challenging. Modern-day approaches reflect a
paradigm shift with respect to early psychological procedures. Traditionally, a single instrument would be
used for an entire experiment. Complex performance
evaluation, however, often entails situations where the
presentation of a stimulus is controlled by one computer, while supplementary instrumentation collects a
stream of other data on a second or perhaps yet a third
computer. Certainly, an ideal testing solution would
allow one to minimize the time needed to set up an
experiment and maximize the experimental degree of
automation, thus minimizing investigator intervention,
without compromising the scientific integrity of the
experiment. Nevertheless, the measurement of complex performance is often in conflict with this idyllic
vision. It is not sufficient for contemporary researchers
simply to design experiments. They are also required
to have access to the manpower and the monetary or
computational resources necessary to translate a scientific question into a tenable methodological test bed.
Design Patterns for
Laboratory Instrumentation
Design patterns represent structured solutions for such
recurring assessment problems (Gamma et al., 1995).
The formal application of design patterns as abstract
blueprints for common challenges has relevance for
laboratory instrumentation configuration and equipment purchasing decisions. Although research questions vary, experiments will regularly share a comparable solution. These commonalities are important to
identify, as the ability to employ a single set of tools
has distinct advantages compared to solutions tailored
for only one particular problem. Such advantages
include cost savings, instrumentation sharing, instrumentation longevity, and laboratory scalability (e.g., the
capacity to run multiple experiments simultaneously).
Data Collection and Analysis
Presentation Layer
Computing Target
Stimulus, Control,
and Response Layer
SCRL Application
Figure 55.2 Stimulus and presentation control model.
The purpose of the following section is to provide
a level of abstraction for instrumentation configurations commonly encountered in the design of experiments related to complex performance. This approach
is favored beyond simply providing a list of items and
products that every laboratory should own. We
acknowledge the considerable between-laboratory
variability regarding research direction, instrumentation, and expertise; therefore, we focus primarily on
instrumentation configuration and architecture as represented by design patterns common to a broad array
of complex performance manipulations.
Given that an experiment will often require the
manipulation of stimuli in a structured way and seeing
the impracticality in comprehensively covering all
research design scenarios, the following assumptions
are made: (1) Stimuli are physically presented to participants, (2) some stimulus properties are required to
be under experimental control (e.g., presentation
length), (3) measurable responses by the participant
are required, and (4) control or communication of secondary instrumentation may also be necessary. These
assumptions accommodate a broad spectrum of possible designs and from these assumptions several frameworks can be outlined.
Stimulus Presentation and Control Model
Figure 55.2 depicts the simplest of the design patterns,
which we term the stimulus presentation and control
(SPC) model. The SPC model is a building block for
more complex configurations. The basic framework of
the SPC model includes the presentation layer and the
stimulus, control, and response layer. The presentation
layer represents the medium used to physically display
a stimulus to a participant (e.g., monitor, projector,
speaker, headphones). The stimulus, control, and
response layer (SCRL) encapsulates a number of interrelated functions central to complex performance
experimentation, such as the experimental protocol
logic, and is the agent that coordinates and controls
experimental flow and, potentially, participant
response. Broadly speaking, SCRL-type roles include
stimulus manipulation and timing, instrument logging
and coordination, and response logging, in addition to
experiment procedure management.
As the SCRL often contains the logic necessary to
execute the experimental paradigm, it is almost always
implemented in software; thus, the SCRL application
is assumed to operate on a computing target (e.g.,
desktop, portable digital assistant), which is represented by the dashed box in Figure 55.2. As an example
implementation of the SPC model, consider a hypothetical experiment in which participants are exposed
to a number of visual stimuli for 6 sec each. Each
visual stimulus occurs after a fixed foreperiod of 1 sec
and a subsequent fixation cross (i.e., the point at which
participants are required to direct their gaze) presented
for 500 msec. Each visual stimulus is followed by a
2-sec inter-trial interval (ITI). The only requirement of
the participant is to view the visual stimuli for the
duration of its presentation. How do we implement this
This problem has several possible solutions. A
monitor (presentation layer) and Microsoft PowerPoint
(SCRL) would easily accomplish the task; however,
the SPC model is suitable to handle an extensive
arrangement of experimental designs, so additional
procedural requirements increase the need for added
SCRL functionality. Consider an experiment where
both a monitor and speakers are required to present
the stimuli. This basic pattern still reflects an SPC
Tamara van Gog, Fred Paas et al.
TABLE 55.2
SCRL-Type Applications
Cogent 2000/
Cogent Graphics
PEBL (Psychology
Experiment Building
PyEPL (Python
Realtime Experiment
Complete PC-based software environment for functional brain mapping
experiments; contains commands useful for presenting scannersynchronized visual stimuli (Cogent Graphics), auditory stimuli,
mechanical stimuli, and taste and smell stimuli. It is also used in monitoring
key presses and other physiological recordings from the subject.
Win 32-based display system used in psychology laboratories around the
world to measure reaction times to visual and auditory stimuli.
Suite of applications to design, generate, run, collect data, edit, and analyze
the data; includes: (1) a graphical environment that allows visual selection
and specification of experimental functions; (2) a comprehensive scripting
language; (3) data management and analysis tools.
Program for generating and presenting visual perceptual experiments that
require a high temporal precision. It is controlled by a simple experiment
building language and allows experiment generation with either a text or a
graphical editor.
Program for running psychology experiments; capabilities include presenting
text and graphics, playing and recording sounds, and recording reaction
times via the keyboard or a voice key.
New language specifically designed to be used to create psychology
Windows, Linux
Windows, Linux
Linux, Windows,
Linux, Mac
Linux, Mac
Linux, Mac
Windows, Mac
Psychology stimulus software for Python; combines the graphical strengths
of OpenGL with the easy Python syntax to give psychophysics a free and
simple stimulus presentation and control package.
Interactive graphic system for experimental design and control on the
Application for scripting psychology experiments, similar to SuperLab, MEL,
or E-Prime
Library for coding psychology experiments in Python; supports presentation
of both visual and auditory stimuli, as well as both manual
(keyboard/joystick) and sound (microphone) input as responses.
Extensible hard real-time platform for the development of novel experiment
control and signal-processing applications.
Stimulus presentation software with features that support the presentation of
multiple types of media as well as rapid serial visual presentation paradigms
and eye tracking integration, among other features.
model and PowerPoint could be configured to present
auditory and visual stimuli within a strict set of parameters. On the other hand, a real experiment would
likely require that the foreperiod, fixations cross, and
ITI appear with variable and not fixed timing. Presentation applications like PowerPoint, however, are not
specifically designed for experimentation. As such,
limitations are introduced as experimental designs
become more elaborate. One solution to this problem
is to use the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) functionality embedded in Microsoft Office; however,
requiring features such as variable timing, timing
determinism (i.e., executing a task in the exact amount
of time specified), support for randomization and
counterbalancing, response acquisition, and logging
illustrates the advantages for obtaining a flexible
SCRL application equipped for research pursuits.
A number of commercial and freeware applications have been created over the past several decades
to assist researchers with SCRL-type functions. The
choice to select one application over the other may
have much to do with programming requirements, the
operating system platform, protocol requirements, or
all of the above. Table 55.2 provides a list of some of
the SCRL applications that are available for psychological and psychophysical experiments. Additional
information for these and other SCRL applications can
be found in Florer (2007). The description column is
Data Collection and Analysis
Presentation Layer
Sound Output
Computing Target
Stimulus, Control,
and Response Layer
Interface Layer
Instrumentation Layer
Figure 55.3 SPC model with external hardware.
text taken directly from narrative about the product
provided by Florer (2007). A conventional programming language is best equipped for SCRL functionality. This alternative to the applications listed in Table
55.2 may be necessary for experiments where communication with external hardware, interfacing with
external code, querying databases, or program performance requirements are a priority, although some of
the SCRL applications listed in Table 55.2 provide
some varying degrees of these capabilities (e.g., EPrime, SuperLab).
The prospect of laboratory productivity can outweigh the flexibility and functionality afforded by a
programming language; for example, from a laboratory management perspective, it is reasonable for all
laboratory members to have a single platform from
which they create experiments. Given the investment
required to familiarize oneself with a programming
language, the single platform option can indeed be
challenging to implement in practice. Formulating a
laboratory in this manner does allow members to share
and reuse previous testing applications or utilize
knowledge about the use and idiosyncrasies of an
SCRL application.
Despite the learning curve, a programming language has potential benefits that cannot be realized by
turnkey SCRL applications. As mentioned, high-level
programming languages offer inherently greater flexibility. Although it is important to consider whether
the SCRL application can be used to generate a particular test bed, one must also consider the analysis
requirements following initial data collection. The
flexibility of a programming language can be very
helpful in this regard. One might also consider the
large support base in the form of books, forums, and
websites dedicated to a particular language which can
mitigate the problems that may arise during the learning process.
Stimulus Presentation and Control
Model with External Hardware
Communicating with external hardware is essential to
complex performance design. Building upon the basic
SPC framework, Figure 55.3 depicts the SPC model
with support for external hardware (SPCxh). Figure
55.3 illustrates a scenario where the SCRL controls
both monitor and headphone output. The SCRL also
interfaces with an eye tracker and a bio-instrumentation device via the parallel port and a data acquisition
device (DAQ), respectively. DAQ devices are an
important conduit for signal routing and acquisition,
and we discuss them in greater detail later. Extensions
of the SPCxh and the SPC model are the interface and
instrumentation layers. A good argument can be made
for another interface layer to exist between the presentation layer and the SCRL, but for our purposes the
interface layer specifically refers to the physical connection that exists between the SCRL and the instrumentation layer. Figure 55.3 depicts the stimulus presentation and control model with external hardware
support (SPCxh). The SPCxh is derived from the basic
Tamara van Gog, Fred Paas et al.
Digital Input/Output
Computing Target
Network to Computing Target
DAQ Device
Figure 55.4 A real-world example of the SPCxh model.
SPC model, with two additional layers: one to represent the external hardware, the second to interface that
hardware with the SCRL.
It is important to emphasize that the SPC and
SPCxh models are only examples. We recognize that
an actual implementation of any one model will most
certainly differ among laboratories. The main purpose
of illustrating the various arrangements in this manner
is to address the major question of how complex performance design paradigms are arranged in an abstract
sense. When the necessary components are identified
for their specific research objective, then comes the
process of determining the specific hardware and software to realize that goal.
It is imperative to understand the connection
between a given model (abstraction) and its real-world
counterpart. Using the example described above, consider an experiment that requires the additional collection of electrocortical activity in response to the
appearance of the visual stimulus. This type of physiological data collection is termed event-related potential, as we are evaluating brain potentials time-locked
to some event (i.e., appearance of the visual stimulus
in this example). Thus, we need to mark in the physiological record where this event appears for offline
analysis. Figure 55.4 depicts one method to implement
this requirement. On the left, the SPCxh model diagram is illustrated for the current scenario. A monitor
is used to display the stimulus. A programming lan-
guage called LabVIEW provides the SCRL functionality. Because the bio-instrumentation supports digital
input/output (i.e., hardware that allows one to send and
receive digital signals), LabVIEW utilizes the DAQ
device to output digital markers to the digital input
ports of the bio-instrumentation while also connecting
to the instrument to collect the physiological data over
the network. We are using the term bio-instrumentation here to refer to the hardware used for the collection
and assessment of physiological data. The picture on
the right portrays the instantiation of the diagram. It
should be observed that the diagram is meant to represent tangible software and hardware entities.
Although LabVIEW is used in this example as our
SCRL application, any number of alternatives could
have also been employed to provide the linkage
between the software used in our SCRL and the instrumentation.
A number of derivations can also be organized
from the SPCxh model; for example, in many cases,
the SCRL may contain only the logic needed to execute the experiment but not the application program
interfaces (APIs) required to directly control a vendor’s hardware. In these situations, it may be necessary
to run the SCRL application alongside (e.g., on another
machine) the vendor-specific hardware application.
Figure 55.5 depicts this alternative, where the vendorspecific hardware executes its procedures at the same
time as the SCRL application. Because the layers for
Data Collection and Analysis
Option 1
Option 2
Sound Output
Computing Target
Sound Output
Computing Target 2
Computing Target 1
SCRL Application
SCRL Application
Computing Target 3
Figure 55.5 SCLEs application operating concurrently with software.
the SPCxh are the same as in Figure 55.3, Figure 55.5
depicts only the example instantiation of the model
and not the layers for the SPCxh model. The SPCxh
example in Figure 55.5 is a common configuration
because hardware vendors do not always supply software interfaces that can be used by an external application. The major difference between the two options,
as shown, is that the second option would require a
total of three computing targets: one to execute the
SCRL application and for stimulus presentation, one
to execute the bio-instrumentation device software,
and a third to execute the eye tracker device software.
A very common question is how to synchronize
the SCRL application and the device instrumentation.
As with the previous example, the method of choice
for the example is via the DAQ device for communication with the bio-instrumentation and through the
parallel port for the eye tracker; however, the option
for event marking and synchronization is only applicable if it is supported by the particular piece of instrumentation. Furthermore, the specific interface (e.g.,
digital input/output, serial/parallel) is dependent on
what the manufacturer has made available for the enduser. Given this information, one should ask themselves the following questions prior to investing
resources in any one instrument or SCRL alternative.
First, what type of limitations will be encountered
when attempting to interface a particular instrument
with my current resources? That is, does the manufacturer provide support for external communication with
other instruments or applications? Second, does my
SCRL application of choice support a method to com-
municate with my external hardware if this option is
available? Third, does the device manufacturer provide
or sell programming libraries or application program
interfaces if data collection has to be curtailed in some
particular way? Fourth, what are the computational
requirements to run the instrumentation software? Will
the software be so processor intensive that it requires
a sole execution on one dedicated machine?
Common Paradigms and Configurations
A number of common paradigms exist in psychological research, from recall and recognition paradigms to
interruption-type paradigms. Although it is beyond the
scope of this section to provide an example configuration for each, we have selected one example that is
commonly used by many of contemporary researchers;
this is the secondary task paradigm. Both the SPC and
SPCxh models are sufficient for experiments employing this paradigm; however, a common problem can
occur when the logic for the primary and secondary
tasks is implemented as mutually exclusive entities.
An experiment that employs a simulator for the primary task environment can be viewed as a self-contained SPCxh model containing a simulation presentation environment (presentation layer), simulation
control software (SCRL application), and simulationspecific hardware (interface and instrumentation layers). The question now is how can we interface the
primary task (operated by the simulator in this example) with another SPRL application that contains the
logic for the secondary task?
Tamara van Gog, Fred Paas et al.
Primary Task
Simulator Presentation
Secondary Task
Computing Target
Simulator Control
Network Interface
Sound Output
Computing Target
SCRL Application
Digital Out
Simulator Control
Figure 55.6 Secondary task paradigm.
Figure 55.6 contains a graphical representation of
a possible configuration: an SPCxh model for the simulator communicating via a network interface that is
monitored from the SCRL application on the secondary task side. On the left side of Figure 55.6 is the
primary task configuration, and on the right side is the
secondary task configuration. It should be noted that
the simulator control software, our SCRL application,
or the device-specific software does not necessarily
need to be executed on separate computers; however,
depending on the primary or secondary task, one may
find that the processor and memory requirements
necessitate multiple computers. On the secondary task
side, the diagram represents a fairly complex role for
the SCRL application. As shown, the SCRL application has output responsibilities to a monitor and headphones while also interfacing with an eye tracker via
the serial port, interfacing the simulator via the network, and sending two lines of digital output information via the DAQ device.
Numerous complex performance test beds require
that a primary and secondary task paradigm be used
to explicate the relationship among any number of
processes. In the field of human factors, in particular,
it is not uncommon for an experiment to employ simulation for the primary task and then connect a secondary task to events that may occur during the primary task. A major problem often encountered in
simulation research is that the simulators are often
closed-systems; nevertheless, most simulators can be
viewed as SPCxh arrangements with a presentation
layer of some kind, an application that provides SCRL
function, and the simulator control hardware itself. If
one wishes to generate secondary task events based on
the occurrence of specific events in the simulation, the
question then becomes one of how we might go about
configuring such a solution when there is no readymade entry point between the two systems (i.e., primary task system and secondary task system). The
diagram on the left shows the SPCxh model for the
secondary task, which is responsible for interacting
with a number of additional instruments. The diagram
shows a connecting line between the secondary systems network interface and the network interface of
the primary task as controlled by the simulation.
Because simulation manufacturers will often make
technotes available that specify how the simulator may
communicate with other computers or hardware, one
can often ascertain this information for integration
with the secondary tasks SCRL.
Summary of Design Configurations
The above examples have been elaborated in limited
detail. Primarily, information pertaining to how one
would configure a SCRL application for external software and hardware communication has been excluded.
This specification is not practical with the sheer number of SCRL options available to researchers. As well,
the diagrams do not inform the role that the SCRL
application plays when interfacing with instrumentation. It may be the case that the SCRL application plays
a minimal role in starting and stopping the instrument
and does not command full control of the instrument
Data Collection and Analysis
via a program interface; nevertheless, one should
attempt to understand the various configurations
because they do appear with great regularity in complex performance designs. Finally, it is particularly
important to consider some of the issues raised when
making purchasing decisions about a given instrument,
interface, or application.
General-Purpose Hardware
It is evident when walking through a home improvement store that countless tools have proved their effectiveness for an almost limitless number of tasks (e.g.,
a hammer). An analog to this apparent fact is that
various tools are also exceedingly useful for complex
performance research; thus, the purpose of the following sections is to discuss some of these tools and their
role in complex performance evaluation.
Data Acquisition Devices
Given the ubiquity of DAQ hardware in the examples
above, it is critical that one has a general idea of the
functionality that a DAQ device can provide. DAQ
devices are the research scientist’s Swiss Army knife
and are indispensable tools in the laboratory. DAQ
hardware completes the bridge between the SCRL and
the array of instrumentation implemented in an experiment; that is, the DAQ hardware gives a properly
supported SCRL application a number of useful functions for complex performance measurement. To name
a few examples, DAQ devices offer a means of transmitting important data between instruments, supports
mechanisms to coordinate complex actions or event
sequences, provides deterministic timing via a hardware clock, and provides methods to synchronize independently operating devices.
A common use for DAQ devices is to send and
receive digital signals; however, to frame this application within the context of complex performance
design, it is important that one be familiar with a few
terms. An event refers to any information as it occurs
within an experiment; for example, an event may mark
the onset or offset of a stimulus, a participant’s
response, or the beginning or end of a trial. A common
design obstacle requires that we know an event’s temporal appearance for the purpose of subsequent analyses or, alternatively, to trigger supplementary instrumentation. The term trigger is often paired with event
to describe an action associated with an the occurrence
of an event. In some cases, event triggers may be
completely internal to a single SCRL application, but
in other instances event triggers may include external
communications between devices or systems.
Data acquisition devices have traditionally been
referred to as A/D boards (analog-to-digital boards)
because of their frequent use in signal acquisition. A
signal, in this context, loosely refers to any measurable
physical phenomenon. Signals can be divided into two
primary classes. Analog signals can vary continuously
over an infinite range of values, whereas digital signals
contain information in discrete states. To remember
the difference between these two signals, visualize two
graphs, one where someone’s voice is recorded (analog) and another plotting when a light is switched on
or off (digital).
The traditional role of a DAQ device was to acquire
and translate measured phenomena into binary units
that can be represented by a digital device (e.g., computer, oscilloscope). Suppose we need to record the
force exerted on a force plate. A DAQ device could be
configured such that we could sample the data derived
from a force plate at a rate of 1 msec per sample and
subsequently record that data to a computer or logging
One should note that the moniker device as a
replacement for board is more appropriate given that
modern DAQ alternatives are not always self-contained boards but may connect to a computing target
in a few different ways. DAQ devices are available for
a number of bus types. A bus, in computing vernacular,
refers to a method of transmission for digital data (e.g.,
USB, FireWire, PCI). The DAQ device pictured in
Figure 55.4, for example, is designed to connect to the
USB port of a computer.
Despite their traditional role in signal acquisition
(e.g., analog input), most DAQ devices contain an
analog output option. Analog output reverses the process of an A/D conversion and can be used to convert
digital data into analog data (D/A conversion). Analog
output capabilities are useful for a variety of reasons;
for example, an analog output signal can be used to
produce auditory stimuli, control external hardware,
or output analog data to supplementary instrumentation. The primary and secondary task example above
illustrates one application for analog output. Recall
that in the SPCxh model described earlier the simulator
was a closed-system interfaced with the SCRL application via a network interface. Suppose that it was
necessary to proxy events as they occurred in the simulation to secondary hardware. A reason for this
approach might be as simple as collapsing data to a
single measurement file; for example, suppose we want
to evaluate aiming variability in a weapons simulation
in tandem with a physiological measure. One strategy
would require that we merge the separate streams of
data after all events have been recorded, but, by using
another strategy employing the analog output option,
Tamara van Gog, Fred Paas et al.
EEG Signal
Visual Stimulus Onset
(leading edge)
Visual Stimulus Offset
(trailing edge)
Figure 55.7 Event triggering and recording.
we could route data from the simulator and proxy it
via the SCRL application controlling the DAQ device
connected to our physiological recording device.
In addition to analog output, DAQ functionality for
digital input/output is a critical feature to solving various complex performance measurement issues. Recall
the example above where an experiment required that
the SCRL application tell the physiological control
software when the visual stimulus was displayed. This
was accomplished by the SCRL application sending a
digital output from the DAQ device to the digital input
port on the bio-instrument. Figure 55.7 depicts this
occurrence from the control software for the bioinstrument. The figure shows one channel of data
recorded from a participant’s scalp (i.e., EEG); another
digital channel represents the onset and offset of the
visual stimulus.
When configuring digital signals, it is also important that one understand that the event can be defined
in terms of the leading or trailing edge of the digital
signal. As depicted in Figure 55.7, the leading edge
(also called the rising edge) refers to the first positive
deflection of the digital waveform, while the trailing
edge (also called the falling edge) refers to the negative
going portion of the waveform. This distinction is
important, because in many cases secondary instrumentation will provide an option to begin or end
recording from the leading or trailing edge; that is, if
we mistakenly begin recording on the trailing edge
when the critical event occurs on the leading edge,
then the secondary instrument may be triggered late
or not at all. Another term native to digital events is
transistor–transistor logic (TTL), which is often used
to express digital triggering that operates within spe798
cific parameters. TTL refers to a standard where a
given instrument’s digital line will change state (e.g.,
on to off) if the incoming input is within a given
voltage range. If the voltage supplied to the digital line
is 0 then it is off, and if the digital line is supplied 5
volts then it is on.
Event triggering is an extremely important constituent of complex performance experimentation. Knowing when an event occurs may be vital for data analysis
or for triggering subsequent events. The example here
depicts a scenario where we are interested in knowing
the onset occurrence of a visual stimulus so we can
analyze our EEG signal for event-related changes. The
channel with the square wave is the event that tells
when the event occurred, with the leading edge representing the onset of the visual stimuli (5 volts) and the
falling edge reflecting its offset (0 volts). A setup similar to that demonstrated in Figure 55.4 could easily
be configured to produce such an example. Although
this example only shows two channels, a real-world
testing scenario may have several hundred to indicate
when certain events occur. One strategy is to define
different events as different channels. One channel
may represent the visibility of a stimuli (on or off),
another may represent a change in its color, and yet
another may indicate any other number of events. An
alternative solution is to configure the SCRL application to send data to a single channel and then create a
coding scheme to reflect different events (e.g., 0 volts,
stimulus hidden; 2 volts, stimulus visible; 3 volts, color
changed to black; 4 volts, color changed to white).
This approach reduces the number of channels and
maximizes the number of digital channels that one can
Data Collection and Analysis
The utility of digital event triggering cannot be
overstated. Although its application for measurement
of complex performance requires a small degree of
technical expertise, the ability to implement event triggering affords a great degree of experimental flexibility.
Under certain circumstances, however, analog triggering may also be appropriate. Consider an experiment
where the threshold of a participant’s voice serves as
the eliciting event for a secondary stimulus. In this case,
it is necessary to determine whether or not the SCRL
application and DAQ interface might support this type
of triggering, because such an approach offers greater
flexibility for some design configurations.
Purchasing a DAQ Device
The following questions are relevant to purchasing a
DAQ device for complex performance research. First,
is the DAQ device going to be used to collect physiological or other data? If the answer is yes, one should
understand that the price of a DAQ device is primarily
a function of its resolution, speed, form factor, and the
number of input/output channels supported. Although
a discussion of unipolar vs. bipolar data acquisition is
beyond the scope of this chapter, the reader should
consult Olansen and Rosow (2002) and Stevenson and
Soejima (2005) for additional information on how this
may effect the final device choice.
Device resolution, on the other hand, refers to the
fidelity of a DAQ device to resolve analog signals; that
is, what is the smallest detectable change that the
device can discriminate? When choosing a board, resolution is described in terms of bits. A 16-bit board can
resolve signals with greater fidelity than a 12-bit board.
By taking the board resolution as an exponent of 2,
one can see why. A 12-bit board has 212 or 4096 possible values, while a 16-bit has a 216 or 65,536 possible
values. The answer to this question is also a function
of a few other factors (e.g., signal range, amplification).
A complete understanding of these two major issues
should be established prior to deciding on any one
device. As well, prior to investing in a higher resolution
board, which will cost more money than a lower resolution counterpart, one should evaluate what is the
appropriate resolution for the application. If the primary application of the DAQ device is for digital event
triggering, then it is important to purchase a device that
is suitable for handling as many digital channels as are
necessary for a particular research design.
Third, does the design require analog output capabilities? Unlike digital channels, which are generally
reconfigurable for input or output, analog channels are
not, so it is important to know in advance the number
of analog channels that a DAQ device supports. Fourth,
does the testing environment require a level of timing
determinism that cannot be provided by software in
less than 1 msec? For these scenarios, researchers
might want to consider a DAQ device that supports
hardware timing. For additional information about A/D
board specifications and other factors that may affect
purchasing decisions, see Staller (2005).
Computers as Instrumentation
Computers are essential to the modern laboratory. Their
value is evident when one considers their versatile role
in the research process; consequently, the computer’s
ubiquity in the science can account for significant costs.
Because academic institutions will often hold contracts
with large original equipment manufactures, computing
systems are competitively priced and warranties ensure
maintenance for several years. Building a system from
the ground up is also a viable option that will often
provide a cost-effective alternative to purchasing
through an original equipment manufacturer. Although
the prospect of assembling a computer may sound
daunting, the process is really quite simple, and numerous books and websites are dedicated to the topic (see,
for example, Hardwidge, 2006). Customization is one
of the greatest advantages to building a machine, and
because only necessary components are purchased
overall cost is usually reduced. On the other hand, a
major disadvantage to this approach is the time associated with reviewing the components, assembling the
hardware, and installing the necessary software.
Most new computers will likely be capable of handling a good majority of laboratory tasks; however,
one should have a basic understanding of its major
components to make an informed purchasing decision
when planning complex performance test beds. This
is important given that one can potentially save considerable resources that can be allocated for other
equipment and be assured that the computer is adequate for a given experimental paradigm.
The following questions should be considered
whether building or buying a complete computing system. First, does the number of expansion ports accommodate input boards that may be needed to interface
instrumentation? For example, if an instrument interfaced an application via a network port and we wanted
to maintain the ability to network with other computers
or access the Internet, it would be important to confirm
that the motherboard of the computer had a sufficient
number of slots to accommodate this addition. Furthermore, because DAQ devices are often sold as input
boards this same logic would apply.
Computers have evolved from general-purpose
machines to machines with specific aptitudes for particular tasks. A recent development is that vendors now
Tamara van Gog, Fred Paas et al.
market a particular computing system for gaming vs.
video-editing vs. home entertainment purposes. To
understand the reasons behind these configurations, we
strongly advocate developing a basic understanding of
how certain components facilitate particular tasks.
Although space prevents us from accomplishing this
within this chapter, it is important to realize that computing performance can alter timing determinism, particularly in complex performance environments.
The challenge of understanding the various technical
facets of laboratory setup and configuration represents
a major hurdle when the assessment of some complex
performance is a central objective. This section has
discussed the common problems and design configurations that one may encounter when setting up such
a laboratory. This approach, abstract in some respects,
was not intended to illustrate the full range of design
configurations available for complex performance
evaluation; rather, the common configurations discussed here should only be viewed as general-purpose
architectures, independent of new technologies that
may emerge. After developing an understanding of the
various design configurations, one must determine the
specific hardware and software that are required to
address the research question. The purpose of providing a few design configurations here was to emphasize
that, in many complex performance testing environments, one must specify what equipment or software
will fill the roles of presentation, stimulus control and
response, instrumentation, and their interfaces.
Setting up laboratories for the measurement of complex performances can indeed be a challenging pursuit;
however, becoming knowledgeable about the solutions
and tools available to aid in achieving the research
objectives is rewarding on a number of levels. The
ability to identify and manipulate multiple software
and hardware components allows quick and effective
transitioning from a research question into a tenable
methodological test bed.
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