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2024, Forensic Science & Addiction Research
4 pages
1 file
Proof of tolerance, whereby higher dosages of the psychoactive ingredient are needed to produce the same effects that were initially induced by smaller amounts.
Forensic Science International, 1988
Data on the analysis of 840 illicit drug samples of a total weight of 749.677 kg, confiscated in the Marmara Region, Turkey, from January 1986 to April 1987 is presented. The majority (82.3%) of all cases examined by the Division of Narcotic Drugs Research Laboratories of the Council of Forensic Medicine of Turkey, related to Cannubis products. Heroin represented 16.7% and all other controlled drugs made up, the remaining 1%. From the 691 samples analyzed. 43.15% was Cannubis plant material. From the 140 illicit heroin samples analyzed by capillary gas chromatography, 61% had a diacetylmorphine content between 30 and 48%. O-6monoacetylmorphine was detected in 43% of the samples ranging from 0.4 to 8.6%. Almost half (46.6%) of all heroin samples contained procaine ranging from 0.7 to 22%.
Journal of Applied Toxicology, 2005
The purpose of this paper is to present Greek law and legislation for crimes and felonies regarding drugs of abuse and the interpretation of hair testing results with respect to Greek law. Details (such as the process, the decision and the competence of the Court, the police record, the indictment, the expert reports, the defendant's individuality, the crimes and the penal confrontal and many others) from legal cases related to toxicomany and its judicial verification were collected and analysed. Laboratory data of cases concerning the laboratory evaluation of toxicomany in addicts and also occasionally the legal course of cases with addict defendants are presented. In four representative cases segmental hair analysis proved that, for as long as the individuals were imprisoned, findings with drug substances corresponding to that period were lesser or practically absent compared with samples corresponding to the time out of prison, which showed increased drug abuse. Hair analysis provides information on chronic exposure rather than acute poisoning. Its detection window varies from some days to months or even years. The procedure that the law lays down in many cases is insufficient and in most cases impossible to abide by. When the medical examiner is not able to decide if the claim of toxicomany is real, segmental hair analysis may be the only way to prove it. In other cases where the medical examiner is able to diagnose the addiction, a segmental hair analysis is necessary because it can show long-term drug abuse.
The development of the use of psychotropics today is increasing and not for the sake of treatment or for scientific purposes with the aim of obtaining big profits. The current abuse and illicit trafficking of psychotropic substances are increasingly complicated by the discovery of several facts in society, including the tendency to abuse psychotropic substances at the age of beginners or teenagers. The misuse of psychotropic substances can lead to a dependence syndrome if their use is not under the supervision and guidance of health workers who have the expertise and authority to do so. This is not only detrimental to the abuser but also has a social, economic and national security impact, so this is a threat to the life of the nation and state. Law enforcement for perpetrators of criminal acts of trafficking in psychotropic drugs. This type of research uses a normative juridical nature, namely by reviewing/analyzing secondary data in the form of legal materials, especially primary legal materials and secondary legal materials by understanding law as a set of positive rules or norms in the statutory system that regulates Human life Enforcement of criminal law in Indonesia has a good side and a bad side, in law enforcement against the illegal distribution of drugs, law enforcement officers have succeeded in arresting drug dealers/perpetrators of all ages and from all regions and from various aspects of the mode.
A statistical and morphological study of forensic medical aspects of deaths related to drug abuse in the period 2006-2009 is presented. Materials and methods: complete forensic medical examination – collecting anamnestic and criminological data, examination of the crime/accident scene, autopsy, histological examination, toxicological analysis. The research is based on data of the Department of Forensic Medicine and Deontology, Medical University, Sofia. Results: there is a tendency of a relatively stable level of deaths among drug addicts, mainly due to acute poisonings with illicit substances, pathological complications as a result of drug abuse and different traumatic causes of death, including accidents, suicides and homicides under the influence of drugs. Toxicological results showed that the prevailing drug of abuse in the period remains heroin alone or in combinations with other illicit substances, alcohol and medicines. The pathological changes due to drug abuse established i...
Archives of Forensic Medicine and Criminology, 2017
Cel pracy: Badanie polegało na analizie materiału dowodowego w postaci 2075 preparatów zawierających nowe substancje psychoaktywne (NPS). Materiał i metody: Materiał ten stanowiły tabletki, kapsułki, proszki, susz roślinny i kadzidełka przesłane do Katedry i Zakładu Medycyny Sądowej UJCM przez stacje sanitarno-epidemiologiczne w latach 2010-2015, celem ich identyfikacji na rzecz kontroli prawnej. Analizę badanych próbek przeprowadzono przy zastosowaniu autorskiej procedury analitycznej obejmującej metodę GC-EI-MS, po metanolowej ekstrakcji analitów z materiału dowodowego. Wyniki: Opracowano obszerną, otwartą bazę widm mas zidentyfikowanych związków. A zgromadzone wyniki posłużyły do oceny trendów zmieniającego się rynku NPS. W wyniku analizy stwierdzono w badanych produktach: pochodne piperazyny ( BZP, MPMP, TFMPP), pochodne katynonu ( pentedron, 3-MMC, butylon, 4-MEC), pochodne pirowaleronu (MDPV, nafyron, α-PVP, α-PVT), syntetyczne kannabinoidy ( AM-2201, UR-144, XLR-11, JWH073, JWH081, PB-22, AB-CHMINACA). Wnioski: Badania prowadzone w latach 2010-2015 wskazują na zmniejszającą się liczbę składników aktywnych w preparatach. Wykazano ponadto, że wprowadzanie kolejnych nowelizacji ustawy o przeciwdziałaniu narkomanii wpływało na eliminowanie z rynku kolejnych związków i zastępowanie ich nowymi pochodnymi. Od 2011 r. na rynku nie obserwuje się pochodnych piperazyny. Słowa kluczowe: nowe substancje psychoaktywne (NPS), GC-EI-MS, identyfikacja w materiale dowodowym.
Journal of pharmacy practice, 2012
Two criminal cases are presented in which the counsel for the defendants requested an expert witness to opine whether their drug-intoxicated clients were capable of forming the specific intent necessary to commit the felonies for which they were charged. Intent from a legal standpoint is often times a poorly understood concept among expert witnesses. The application of a criminal defense of intoxication depends upon the nature of the crime the defendant is accused. The intoxication defense cannot be applied to general intent crimes. In cases where specific intent crimes are charged against the defendant, voluntary intoxication may be used to prove that the defendant could not possess the capacity to formulate the intent as a necessary element of the crime. Voluntary intoxication may be used as a defense in specific intent crimes to negate the critical element of intent required for the prosecution to prove in criminal cases. Without being able to prove intent, the prosecution has no...
Rom J Leg Med, 2008
Comparing the number of drug related deaths -DRD -reported officially in Romania to the one forwarded by the rest of the European countries (of course, keeping the proportions related to population and drug use incidence) -based on a range of several dozens cases, for countries with a small population, up to a couple of hundreds, in the case of bigger states -the national and international organizations have permanently shown a reluctance with regard to under-reporting casuistry. Forensic Medicine, as primary link in identifying these cases, has the benefit of plurivalence in reporting, offering the possibility both of collecting statistical data, and of passing anatomo-pathological, medical, criminal, criminological conclusions. For this reason, important measures were taken for creating medico-legal management algorithms for DRD-susceptible cases, which materialized in reports assessed by the European fora as being a real progress. We will present in this material the data of a study which practically covered the entire medico-legal casuistry reported by Romania at the EMCDDA European Center between 2001 and 2007.
Briefing of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction Drugs in focus Khat use in Europe: implications for European policy Khat leaves are cultivated in the highlands of the Horn of Africa, Southern Arabia and along the East African coast. In parts of Ethiopia, Kenya, Somaliaand Yemen, khat leaves have been chewed for centuries for their mildly stimulating properties and are for many a regular part of social life. Traditionally, khat was used mostly by men during highly ritualised communal 'khat parties'. Within about one hour, the user experiences physiological excitation and euphoria. This is followed by a quieter, more introvert phase, giving way to a gradual comedown, which may include restlessness, irritability and melancholia. Traditionally, culturally integrated consumption patterns occurred adjacent to production regions, inspiring artistic expression in architecture, handicraft, poetry and songs. Since the end of the 19th century, successive improvements to the transport infrastructure have opened up new khat markets. More recently, the mass migration of people from the Horn of Africa has been associated with the spread of khat usage to neighbouring countries, Europe and the rest of the world. Contemporary patterns of consumption tend to be less formal and can be more excessive. This may be due to an erosion of protective cultural factors that previously helped regulate use. Exact numbers of regular khat users on a worldwide scale do not exist, however estimates range up to 20 million. Key issues at a glance 1. Khat contains stimulant substances that have amphetaminelike properties. In their pure forms, they are internationally controlled substances, but the leaves are not.
Indian Journal of Forensic and Community Medicine, 2023
To give the judicial system relevant information, forensic science collects, examines, and applies scientific data. Pharmacy fills a forensic niche. The majority of pharmacists moonlight or work in forensics part-time in their day jobs. A person with expertise in pharmacology has professional knowledge and practical experience in the fields of therapeutics, pharmacokinetics, and toxicology in addition to having been exposed to areas like forensic medicine during medical school. All of these knowledge areas can be used in forensic scenarios and serve as an interface. A forensic pharmacologist's training and experience can be beneficial in a wide range of legal issues. The development and integration of forensic pharmacologists in the Indian legal system are urgently required due to the country's rising frequency of criminal and civil cases. A substantial technological improvement in pharmacology research has allowed it to broaden its use beyond the field of medicines, allowing Indian pharmacologists to study the specialized field of forensic pharmacology. The many facets of forensic pharmacology include the different pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs in living and dead people, drug interactions, drug abuse, personal injury or death brought on by drug exposure resulting in medico-legal issues, environmental chemical exposure, doping, and forensic pharmacovigilance. Forensic pharmacologists have shown to be invaluable assets in a variety of criminal and civil cases across various nations. They use their pharmacological expertise in civil and legal matters, such as settling disputes, the drug approval process, and the criminal justice system. The role of thorough investigation in determining the cause of death in crime scenes with positive drug screens has been demonstrated via several research papers and case studies. Even the general public is aware of the importance of forensic sciences in the legal system of justice. Keywords: Forensic medicine, Medico legal, Toxicology, Pharmacovigilance, Adverse drug reaction.
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