Chapter 17
Open Innovation in
SMEs of Developing and
Transitional Economies
Hakikur Rahman
University of Minho, Portugal
Isabel Ramos
University of Minho, Portugal
Despite being accepted by corporate entrepreneurs and large business houses around the globe, the adaptation of strategies and concepts belonging to the newly evolved dimension of entrepreneurships, and
the open innovation (OI), countries in the East, West or Southare yet to accommodate open innovation
strategies in their business practices - especially in efforts to reach out to the grassroots communities.
By far, firms belonging to the small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), irrespective of their numbers and contributions towards their national economies, are far behind in accepting open innovation
strategies for their business developments. While talking about this newly emerged business dimension,
it comprises of complex and dynamically developed concepts like management of intellectual property
aspects, administration of patents and copyright issues, or supervision of market trend for minute details
related to knowledge acquisition. All these issues are largely responsible for adding value to the business proposition in terms of economy or knowledge gain, and organizations or entities acting in this
aspect deserve comprehensive investigation. As most of the developed countries have already adopted
open innovation strategies, finding this as a weak link in terms of entrepreneurships in less developed
countries, this chapter intends to seek answers related to the mentioned issues focusing adaption of open
innovation strategies in developing and transitional economies. It is a longitudinal study on business
houses or national efforts from countries belonging to these categories, deducting from a literature
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1619-6.ch017
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Open Innovation in SMEs of Developing and Transitional Economies
review. The chapter goes on looking into various aspects of business development incorporating OI
concepts, synthesizes building a reasonable framework to be applicable in the target economies, points
out to some future research aspects, and concludes the finding of this research. This study is supposed
to enhance the knowledge of entrepreneurs and researchers by gaining specific knowledge on the trend
of open innovation strategies in developing and transitional economies.
Innovation is no more an experimentation, but a
genuine reality within the entrepreneurships, given
the circumstances of economic crisis, global competition and novelties of technologies. Perplexing
further to face the reality and overcome crises,
enterprises are day by day adopting newly developed ideas, concepts and perceptions to fit into the
business dimension from within and outside the
boundaries of their entities, thus channeling the
entrepreneurships through the paradigm of open
innovation (OI). By far, majority of the corporate
business houses and multi-national enterprises are
competing or collaborating with a common goal
in promoting value added products, processes, or
services. Notwithstanding, they are transforming the entire entrepreneurship infrastructure to
face the reality and move ahead (Van Hemert &
Nijkamp, 2010).
However, a major portion of the business
community, despite their justified contribution
to economic growth and employment generation,
the sector belonging to the small and medium enterprises (SMEs), are not always in advantageous
situations in the arena of open innovation due to
many factors, seen, unseen, attended, un-attended,
researched, deserves further research (United
Nations, 2006; World Business Council, 2007).
In this context, Edwards, Delbridge and
Munday (2005) argue that, in spite of increasing
attention being given to the role of SMEs and
innovation there is a gap between what is understood by way of the general innovation literature
and the extant literature on innovation in SMEs.
They further argue that studies of innovation in
SMEs have largely failed to reflect advances in
the innovation literature. Supporting these arguments, this study has tried to find out relevance
of open innovation among SMEs, and particularly
the emergence of OI strategies in developing and
transitional economies.
To advance into the context of this research
this study has observed that, countries ranking as
developed economies are ahead in the race adopting open innovation in their business development, while countries within the developing and
transitional economies are struggling to fit into
the race of the champions. This chapter based on
a study, though not a specific case of one country, has tried to illustrate a few discrete scenarios
from five developing countries through horizontal
literature review. The chapter has tried to provide
a generic context of innovation (inclined to open
innovation) in those randomly selected countries,
and present challenges they are facing, including
some recommendations, before concluding for
further extensive research. Along this route, the
chapter has tried to build a framework synthesizing the aspects of the findings. It is expected that
this study will contribute to enhance knowledge
of readers in refreshing the basic concept of open
innovation and application of OI strategies among
SMEs in developing countries. Furthermore, as
majority of OI strategies nowadays are mainly
dependent on utilization of information technologies, this study could form a start up literature
towards future e-commerce practices adopting
strategic and pragmatic business processes.
Open Innovation in SMEs of Developing and Transitional Economies
Joseph Schumpeter (1883–1950), one of the first
theorists who studied the economy through the
innovative eye, stated that innovation is about
new ways of doing things by combining existing
elements into new products through a creative
process (De Jong, Vanhaverbeke, Kalvet &
Chesbrough, 2008). Along the way, innovation
through the creation, dissemination and utilization of knowledge has become a key driver of
economic growth. However, factors influencing
innovation performance have changed in this
globalized knowledge based economy, partly due
to the advent of new information and communication technologies (ICTs), and partly due to the
increased global competition. Innovation results
from increasingly complex interactions at the
local, national, regional and global levels among
individuals, firms, industries and other knowledge institutions. Moreover, governments exert
a strong influence on the innovation processes
through financing and steering of public bodies
which are directly responsible for knowledge
creation and dissemination (universities, public
and private labs, research houses or intermediaries), and through the provision of financial and
regulatory inducements (Carayannis, Popescu,
Sipp & Steward, 2006).
In this context, firstly, the new ICTs; secondly,
the government and its politics; thirdly, universities and research houses; fourthly, entrepreneurs,
suppliers, vendors; and finally, consumers have
roles in forming environments pertaining to the
launching of innovation within and among entrepreneurships. By far, all these actors need to
collaborate and actively participate to create the
environment, thus even, turning the innovation
processes from traditional or closed ended towards
rather non-traditional or open ended, terming it
as open innovation.
However, due to the close acquaintance and
strong industry-university relationship, including
familiarity with new ICTs and exploring their
benefits, developed countries are much on the lead
in creating and commercializing new knowledge.
On the contrary, though developing nations are
familiarizing their entrepreneurships through
university spin-offs and increased intensification
of industry-university relation to commoditize
ready-made knowledge, but the situation is far
behind to compete with the developed world. This
applies both to the standardization of universityindustry relationship and to the competency of the
university, which need further investigation (Kroll
& Liefner 2008). In this aspect, Savitskaya (2009)
argues that the contribution to the understanding of
open innovation practices in developing countries
resides in demonstrated role of the government for
creating favorable conditions for entrepreneurs to
open up and integrate into innovation system in the
country. She assumed that open innovation system
needs a certain level of governmental support to
emerge in developing economies.
Furthermore, when comes to the question of
introducing open innovation in entrepreneurships,
the focus directly or indirectly goes to developed
countries, even so towards large and corporate
business houses. But a prospective observation
this study has made is that, with increased relationship between public funded research houses and
entrepreneurs, including government initiatives,
the sector of business entities that belongs to the
SMEs are catching up in the run by adopting open
innovation, mainly in developed countries, and
very recently in a few developing countries. To
set the benchmarking of a post doctoral research
on assessing current scenario of open innovation
dynamics in developing countries this study incorporates some specific observations along this
context and this chapter is the result of a horizontal
study on a few countries of that category who are
trying in adopting open innovation (rather, trying
to be innovative) in their businesses.
Apart from the entrepreneurship development,
due to the very basic inheritance of the marginal
societies in developing nations, a considerable
interest of the entrepreneurs among SMEs has fo-
Open Innovation in SMEs of Developing and Transitional Economies
cused on their roles in the alleviation of widespread
poverty. However, looking beyond the immediate,
pressing concern of the poor, Andrew Warner
(2001) has advanced the concept that SMEs are
the building blocks of innovation and sustainable
growth in developing countries, such as SMEs
represent foci of technological creativity. Supporting Kowalski (2009) this study accepts that,
these concepts are linked as sustained economic
growth, which can alleviate real poverty. Hence,
as SME development drives economic growth
in a country, there is a concomitant reduction
in poverty. Now the question appears as what
could be an acceptable approach in establishing
a sustained business environment in developing
countries’ perspective in the longer run? And, what
could be the appropriate strategies they should
adopt to enter into the open innovation paradigm?
Moreover, as long as the developing countries
are trying to adopt novel ideas and strategies as a
booster of economic activity, especially by adopting open innovation strategies for the development
of small and medium enterprises, the study has
find that these concepts are relatively unfamiliar
in developing countries.
Though Lee et al. (2010) mentioned, there
is considerable literature about innovation, and
various models have been suggested to describe
its nature, such as product innovation and process
innovation; radical innovation and incremental
innovation; systemic innovation and component
innovation; technology-push and market-pull;
and more recently closed innovation, open innovation or crowdsourcing innovation. Models
can also be divided according to their innovation
processes (linear models, chain-linked models,
etc.), or according to the fitness for developed
or developing countries, etc. but, this research
argues that models as such on developing countries
perspectives are scant.
Following these observations, this study
explores the role and impact of SMEs in the
developing and transitional economies, and discusses about a few countries’ context focusing
the emancipation of SMEs policies and practices
accommodating open innovation (rather, innovation). The study observes that to roll out open
innovation at the grass roots level of developing
and transitional countries, it needs more additional
input in addition to just being innovative. Next
section looks into some details about innovation
in business sector in developing countries.
Based on the arguments organized above, there
arise several other issues in terms of implementing open innovation for SMEs development in
developing and transitional countries (though the
following notes emphasizes on available definitions of developing countries). Firstly, it must be
understood that the term “developing countries”
comprises a wide variety of nations that are at
very different stages of economic development,
have very heterogeneous levels of technological
capabilities, and have very diversified cultural
differences. Hence, the innovation appropriability
dynamics will be very different, for example, in
advanced developing countries such as some Latin
American or Asian economies where industrial,
export and innovation capabilities are more or less
strong, vis à vis most least developed countries
(LDCs), mainly rely on traditional agricultural
activities and have poorer productive and technological capabilities. Predominantly, there is a
reasonable innovation gap in between them.
Secondly, it is often thought that developing
countries are mainly imitators or adopters of
technologies and knowledge developed elsewhere.
Hence, the debate on introducing OI strategies in
developing countries is often focused on whether
environments are more favorable for technological
changes in those countries. While lax or strong
intellectual property rights (IPRs) are thought to
favor imitation, copy and reverse engineering;
and hence are seen by some authors as a favorable
Open Innovation in SMEs of Developing and Transitional Economies
factor for the deployment of learning processes
that could lead in the medium and long run to
the creation of genuine innovation capabilities
in those countries; it is often stated that strong
IPRs are a condition for developing countries to
receive updated technology transfers by means
of licenses and foreign direct investment (Pollitt,
2007; López, 2009).
Thirdly, reasonable policy update is desired at
national and local contexts in transforming business environments in favor of open innovation.
Developing countries are yet to be familiarized
with the newly evolved OI strategies. Transitional countries (that are in between developed
and developing situation and being in transit to
be developed) are by far in a better situation to
adopt new innovation. However, to enhance OI
adoption and to create a sustained platform of OI,
developing countries (even, transitional countries)
should come up with policies at their national
levels, emphasizing local businesses.
Fourthly, one has to recognize that, SMEs are
critical to the economies of all countries, especially
the developing ones (Payne, 2003), and encouraging innovation in SMEs remains at the heart of
policy initiatives for stimulating economic development at the local, state, national and regional
levels (Jones & Tilley, 2003; Edwards, Delbridge
& Munday, 2005). According to Ernst, Mytelka
and Ganiatsos (1994), innovation in developing
countries is based on the continuous and incremental upgrading of existing technologies or on
a new combination of them.
Realizing these issues, in recent years, there
is a considerable interest among entrepreneurs in
establishing SMEs in developing countries. There
are probably two main reasons for this. One is
the belief that SME development may prove to
be an effective antipoverty initiation. The second
is the belief that SME development is one of the
building blocks of innovation and sustainable
growth. These two reasons are of course interlinked because most of the research evidence
says that growth and real poverty reduction go
hand in hand. If SMEs development helps growth,
more than likely it helps reduce poverty as well
(Warner, 2001).
Finally, organizational approaches (with
patronage from the highest corners of the government) in the form of providing assistance in
finding funds, knowledge and technologies are
meant to be common practices at the beginning
of the innovation cycle, till it matures to take over
on its own both at the local and national level. In
this aspect, transitional countries can take this
opportunity for being at a little advantageous
position to take lead in establishing not only local
and national level networks, but also regional and
global networks of innovation channels.
Evidently, across Southeast and South Asia,
the contribution of SMEs to the overall economic
growth and the GDP is relatively high. Some
examples include:
Bangladesh where SMEs contribute 50%
of industrial GDP and provide employment to 82% of the total industrial sector
India, where SMEs’ contribution to GDP
is 30%;
Nepal, where SMEs constitute more than
98% of all establishments and contribute
63% of the value-added segment;
Thailand, where SMEs account for more
than 90% of the total number of establishments, 65% of employment and 47% of
manufacturing value-added; and
The Philippines, where SMEs comprise
99% of the total manufacturing establishments and contribute 45% of employment
and 18% of value added in the manufacturing sector (Kowalski, 2009).
However, when comes the question of finding
good cases or case studies or national initiatives on
adoption of open innovation for SMEs development at the context of developing countries, they
are rare. Although, the phenomenon on innovation
Open Innovation in SMEs of Developing and Transitional Economies
of SMEs has captured the interest of many scholars, few studies have been found on studying the
issue from the developing countries’ perspective.
Literature on innovation indicates that over
the last two decades, there has been a systematic
and fundamental change in the way firms undertake innovating activities. Particularly, there has
been a tremendous growth in the use of external
networks by firms of all sizes. Innovation is seen
as a process which results from various interactions among different actors. Inter-organizational
and cross-sectoral networks, which facilitate the
accelerated flows of information, resources and
trust necessary to secure and diffuse innovation,
have emerged as leaders. However, as SMEs with
scarce resources, have less R&D, and generally
face more uncertainties and barriers to innovation,
networks represent a complementary response to
insecurity arising from development and use of
new technologies, while reducing uncertainties
in innovation. Moreover, in the era of ‘‘open innovation’’, according to Chesbrough (2003), firms
consistently rely on external sources of innovation
by emphasizing the ideas, resources and individuals flowing in and out of organizations, searching
for and using a wider range of external ideas,
knowledge and resources, networks, which are
becoming essential for the creation of successful
innovations for SMEs (Li, Chen & Zheng, 2010;
Zeng, Xie & Tam, 2010; Chesbrough, 2011), but
seems unfamiliar in developing countries.
Furthermore, in the perspective of innovation
systems in developing countries, production and
exchange of knowledge (mainly technical; internal
or external or both) and information are not the
only prerequisites for innovation; several additional factors play as key roles, such as policy,
legislation, infrastructure, funding, and market
developments (Klein-Woolthuis, Lankhuizen &
Gilsing, 2005). In addition to these, the concept
of knowledge absorption is often used related to
intra- and inter- firm knowledge transfer and ability
to implement the acquired knowledge, and the notion of absorptive capacity can be related to cross-
region or cross-country knowledge exchange. This
is most relevant to developing countries, who are
believed to be imitators, rather than innovators,
and their innovative development happens in terms
of adaptation of existing technologies to satisfy
local realities (Feinson, 2003; Savitskaya, 2009).
This chapter likes to discuss a few SMEs development initiatives in five developing countries
in terms of adopting innovative approaches. The
study has tried to collect researches or examples
based on policies and practices adopting open innovation. The selection criterion follows random
sampling and availability of searched literature
within accessible search engines.
Small and medium enterprises are being recognized in different ways in different countries
.Most countries have adopted the benchmarks of
employment. Some classify them in terms of assets, a few in terms of sales and others, in terms
of fund. In a few countries, a hybrid definition is
used, such as employment and assets or turnover.
Although definition differ across countries, they
have one thing in common; the vast majority of
SMEs are relatively small and over 95% of SMEs
in Asia employ less than 100 people. Based on
this, broad comparison on the characteristics and
role of SMEs is still possible even with differing
definitions (Pandey & Shivesh, 2007).
This study has considered five countries from
Africa and Asia. Among them the two countries in
Africa, South African one is based on the Sekhukhune Living Labs experience and Ugandan one
is showing the national contexts focusing SMEs
development. Among the three Asian countries;
from Bangladesh, India and China, the national
policy perspectives have been illustrated, which
show evolution of entrepreneurships towards
innovation paradigm. Countries in this section
have been selected at random basis, however,
the intention is to find out the trend of doing any
Open Innovation in SMEs of Developing and Transitional Economies
innovative (rather open innovative) entrepreneurships among these countries, any initiative taken
by their governments to promote innovative
entrepreneurships, and to find out any catalytic
agents in this aspect. They are being described
next following alphabetical order.
Government of Bangladesh formulated the National Industrial Policy 2005 by giving emphasize
for developing Small and Medium Enterprises1
as a thrust sector to achieve a balanced and sustainable industrial development in the country
with the vision for facing the challenges of free
market economy and globalization. In the policy
strategies, smooth and sustainable development
of SMEs all over the country has been considered
as one of the important vehicles for accelerating
national economic growth including poverty alleviation, and generation of employment. Most
of the industrial enterprises in Bangladesh are
typically SME in nature. Generally SMEs are
found to be labor intensive with relatively low
capital intensity. SMEs also possess a character
of privilege as cost effective and comparative cost
advantages by nature. In this aspect, the SME
policy strategies have been formulated in line
with the acknowledged principles for achieving
the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by
the Government (Govt. of Bangladesh, 2005a).
Furthermore, the provisions of facilities for
attracting foreign investments (foreign direct investments) have been envisaged in the Industrial
Policy. The government has taken an initiative
to formulate a separate SME policy to provide
entrepreneurs with necessary guidance and strategic support in respect of the establishment of
SME industries all over the country (Govt. of
Bangladesh, 2005b).
A few of the broad objectives of the SME
policy strategies are to:
accept SMEs as an indispensable player
in growth acceleration and poverty reduction, worthy of its total commitment in the
requisite overall policy formulation and
SME policy strategies shall essentially be
linked with broad based and integrated
manner in line with the poverty reduction strategy paper of the Government of
encourage and induce private sector development and promote the growth of foreign
direct investment (FDI), develop an acceptable code of ethics and establish good
governance, ICT based knowledge management and customer supremacy in the
market alliances;
identify and establish the network of infrastructure and institutional delivery mechanisms that facilitate the promotion of
SMEs at the national level;
re-orient the existing fiscal and regulatory
framework and government sponsored
institutions supporting the goals of SME
have credible management teams in terms
of the delivery of needed services, leadership, initiation, counseling, mentoring and
create innovative but rewarding arrangements so that deserving and especially
enterprises with desired entrepreneurial
qualifications and promise can be offered
financial incentives within industries prescribed on some well-agreed bases;
assist implement dispute settlement procedures that proactively shield small enterprises especially from high legal costs and
insidious harassments; and
take measures to create avenues of mobilizing debt without collaterals to match
(either using debt-guarantee schemes or
mapping intellectual-property capital into
pseudo-venture capital) in order to assist
Open Innovation in SMEs of Developing and Transitional Economies
small enterprises in dealing with their pervasive lack of access to finance (Govt. of
Bangladesh, 2005a). This study notes that
use of debt-guarantee scheme, mapping of
intellectual property or concept of venture
capital are very basic ingredients of open
innovation strategies.
For promotional support the following booster
sectors has been identified and the list has been
set to be reviewed every three years:
Electronics and Electrical Engineering,
Software Development, and
Light Engineering, comprising
Agro-processing and related business;
Leather and Leather goods;
Knitwear and Ready Made Garments;
Plastics and other synthetics;
Healthcare and Diagnostics;
Educational Services;
Toiletries; and
Fashion-rich personal effects, wear
and consumption goods (Govt. of
Bangladesh, 2005a).
Moreover, the government has established
an SME Foundation as a pivotal platform for the
delivery of all planning, developmental, financing, awareness-raising, evaluation and advocacy
services in the name of SME development as one
of the crucially-important element of poverty alleviation. The Foundation suppose to provide a
one-window delivery of all administrative facilities, including some resources needed for capacitybuilding in appropriate industry association(s),
for SMEs in Bangladesh (Govt. of Bangladesh,
2005a; 2005b).
China is attempting to catch-up in terms of
innovating their entrepreneurships, which is
fundamentally different from earlier latecomers
like Japan and South Korea. The basic elements
of Chinese catching up strategy are: market size,
market-oriented innovation, global alliance and
open innovation, spillover of FDI and role of government. Moreover, the core capability of Chinese
company is an integration capability of market
knowledge, outsourcing and learning (Liu, 2008).
Since the realization of the open policy in 1978,
China has made great efforts to change from a
highly centralized planned state to the near market
economy. The role of SMEs has been expanding in
the changing socio-political context. They not only
play a greater role in the economies (accounting
for more than 99% of all firms being SMEs), but
also contribute in a large extent to the increased
levels of business activity and employment (Siu,
2005). Zeng, Xie & Tam (2010) argue that, the
manufacturing industry is the main driving force
of social development and economic growth in
developing countries. In this context, Zeng, Xie
& Tam (2010) mention that China, with more than
two decades of market oriented reform, there has
been a rapid growth in the manufacturing industry. Hence, it is necessary to explore the external
cooperation network of manufacturing SMEs in
order to help them improve their industrial competitiveness. However, there is a paucity of studies
on the impact of external cooperation network on
the innovation of Chinese manufacturing SMEs.
This study notes that collaborative networking is
one of the most effective preconditions for adopting OI strategies.
Using a structured questionnaire survey,
Zeng, Xie & Tam (2010) examine the innovation
networking activities of some surveyed SMEs in
Shanghai, the largest city and economic center in
China. Their study aims to explore the relationships between different cooperation networks
and innovation performance of SME. Based on
a survey of 137 Chinese manufacturing SMEs,
they empirically explore the relationships between
different cooperation networks and innovation
performance of SME using the technique of
Open Innovation in SMEs of Developing and Transitional Economies
structural equation modeling (SEM). Their study
finds that there are significant positive relationships between inter firm cooperation, cooperation
with intermediary institutions, cooperation with
research organizations and innovation performance of SMEs, of which inter firm cooperation
has the most significant positive impact on the
innovation performance of SMEs.
This study supports the above mentioned parameters as the basic building block in establishing a platform of open innovation. However, the
result of Zeng, Xie & Tam (2010) reveals that the
linkage and cooperation with government agencies
do not demonstrate any significant impact on the
innovation performance of SMEs. Moreover, their
findings confirm that the vertical and horizontal
cooperation with customers, suppliers and other
firms plays a more distinct role in the innovation
process of SMEs than horizontal cooperation with
research institutions, universities or colleges, and
government agencies, which is quite opposite to
the context of developed countries. This study
suggests that further studies need to be carried
out to re-confirm this hypothesis or find out any
future diversions.
In India, the term small scale industries (SSIs2),
is used far more often than SMEs and is based
upon investment in assets3 (Saini & Budhwar,
2008). However, despite various liberalizations
and schematic changes to meet the emerging requirements of the business sector, availability of
finance continues to be a major problem for small
enterprises in India. Realizing this fact, some of
the development financial institutions (DFIs) and
forward looking commercial banks have put in
operation a number of innovative schemes, and
among them the Small Industries Development
Bank of India (SIDBI) has taken the lead. It has
been observed that the majority of the experiments
have started showing good results. Furthermore,
the SSI sector plays a significant role in the
Indian economy. For the past one decade, it has
been consistently registering about three per cent
higher real growth rate in terms of GDP (8.9 per
cent during 1999–2000) compared to the growth
recorded by the industrial sector as a whole. The
SSI sector contributes over 41 per cent of the total
industrial production, 31 per cent of the country’s
total exports, and jointly with traditional industries (for example Khadi, handloom, handicrafts,
sericulture, and coir) the relative percentage goes
up to 58 per cent (Narain, 2001).
In terms of finance, transaction lending such
as asset based lending, factoring and leasing have
been in use to fund SMEs for some time, and
there is some evidence of relationship lending
in India. Moreover, in developing countries, the
private economy would comprise largely of family businesses. It is estimated that in India, family businesses account for 70% of the total sales
and net profits of the biggest 250 private-sector
companies (Economist, 1996), and almost all the
micro-small-and-medium-enterprise (MSME)
would be family firms. Inter-family relationships
and family succession play an important role in
the performance of family firms, and financial
institutes would need to take this into account
in their credit decisions. A study by Marisetty,
Ramachandran & Jha (2008) finds that family
businesses in India where succession takes place
without fights and splits show higher profitability
(Thampy, 2010). This study notes that India is
accepting several strategies towards open innovation, such as providing financial supports;
liberalizing market conditions; adopting lending,
factoring and leasing; and foremost promoting
South Africa
In European context, supporting open innovation
among SMEs, Living Labs are providing significant input in terms of co-creation, exploration,
experimentation and evaluation4. As a knowledge
centre of the European Network of Living Labs
Open Innovation in SMEs of Developing and Transitional Economies
(ENoLL), the Sekhukhune Living Lab focuses on
small, medium and micro-enterprises (SMMEs)
which are regarded as important growth engines
in South Africa. However, several barriers are
inhibiting rural entrepreneurship and access to
mainstream or global supply chains and markets.
Schaffers et al. (2007), in their research mentions
that, long distances, high transport/transaction
costs and low economies of scale are the consequences of typical rural conditions such as
physical remoteness and low economic activity
levels. Furthermore, the problems associated with
these barriers worsen dramatically where roads
are poor, telecommunications bandwidth is limited or expensive, and many rural entrepreneurs
have limited computer literacy and do not own a
truck, motorcar or computer. These are the typical complexities faced by rural entrepreneurs in
most of the developing countries, and in South
Africa’s “deep rural areas” such as Sekhukhune.
Through ENoLL, Sekhukhune Living Lab
introduces a range of services through the facilitation of so called Infopreneurs, which are
micro, self-sustainable service enterprises that
channel and deliver services for local SMMEs and
citizens into the community. These Infopreneurs
are the 1st tier target SMME group of the work
and interventions of the C@R Living Lab. They
provide knowledge-based services such as crossorganizational business process enabling, SWOT
analysis and logistics brokerage to assist start-up,
grow and cluster other SMME’s in various sectors
(for example, health, mining, or construction).
These Infopreneurs are being deployed in
existing infrastructure and getting benefit from
ongoing local initiatives supported by the SouthAfrican government. Franchise-like agreements
are shaping the collaboration among partners.
However, the focus of Living Lab development
is on establishing collaboration tools and processes, particularly addressing the accessibility
of knowledge-based services that are relevant to
local SMME businesses, in harnessing increased
mobile connectivity and enabling rural service
channels that enhance effective collaboration
amongst SMMEs in communities and between
first and second economy enterprises.
The ubiquitous infrastructure shortcomings of
South-Africa (such as, constricted bandwidth or
poor infrastructure) are being taken into account
when setting up these knowledge service agents.
By forming clustered enterprises via Infopreneur
services, consolidation of supply chain volumes
is achieved with lower transaction and transportation costs. The strategy is to create Infopreneur
service bundles to enhance local business and
geo-economic intelligence that helps SMMEs to
seamlessly interoperate among each other and
first economy enterprises (Schaffers et al., 2007).
Intermediaries are an essential element of promoting open innovation dynamics in diverse and
difficult environments, as such this study notes.
In Uganda, SMEs5 are increasingly taking the
role of the primary vehicles for the creation of
employment and income generation through
self-employment, and treated as tools for poverty
alleviation. SMEs also provide the economy with
a continuous supply of ideas, skills and innovation necessary to promote competition and at the
same time, efficient allocation of scarce resources.
Furthermore, mentioned by Kasekende (2001),
a few strong SMEs in Uganda, like Capital Radio,
Kabira International School, Masaba Cotton Co.
Ltd and Africa Basic Foods were formed through
joint venture arrangements with foreign partners
from the United Kingdom and the United States.
These and other SMEs have provided domestic
linkages, comprising link between agriculture
and industry and between SMEs and large-scale
industries. This has created opportunities for employment and income generation both in rural and
urban areas at relatively low cost, thus ensuring
a more equitable income distribution. In turn, the
stimulation of activities in both rural and urban
areas has mitigated some of the problems that un-
Open Innovation in SMEs of Developing and Transitional Economies
Table 1. Observed Tendencies on SMEs development
Pattern at national context
Observed tendency
Policy initiation
Awareness development, acceptance of policy, initiation of policy,
and patronization from the government
Action through vertical and horizontal
Cooperation among customers, suppliers, other firms, research
institutions, universities and government agencies; Market driven
initiation accommodating global competition, dependency on
FDI, and patronization from the government
Identify the potential business sector where thrust should be given
South Africa
Clusterization and Institutionalization
Build a sustainable infrastructure serving local community at
local context
Application of appropriate strategies at designated levels of
planned urbanization tends to create, thus offering
an efficient and progressive decentralization of the
economy. In this aspect, SMEs play a crucial role
in creating opportunities to achieve equitable and
sustainable growth. SMEs in Uganda are providing
employment and income generation opportunities
to low income sectors of the economy.
However, due to their characteristics and
nature, SMEs in Uganda suffer from constraints
that lower their resilience to risk and prevent
them from growing and attaining economies of
scale. The challenges are not only in the areas of
financial investment and working capital, but also
in human resource development, market access,
and access to modern ICTs. Furthermore, access
to financial resources is constrained by both internal and external factors. Internally, most SMEs
lack creditworthiness and management capacity,
so they have trouble securing funds for their
business activities, for example procuring raw
materials and products, and investing in plant and
equipment. From the external viewpoint, SMEs
are regarded as insecure and costly businesses to
deal with because they lack required collateral and
have the capacity to absorb only small amount of
funds from financial institutions. Foremost, due
to high intermediate costs, including the cost of
monitoring, they are rationed in their access to
credits and having difficulties in enforcing loan
contracts (Kasenkende, 2001).
To overcome such constraints, the government
and other players such as the Bank of Uganda
(BOU) have designed programmes and policies
to support SMEs that are market driven and nonmarket distorting. The government has created
stable macroeconomic conditions, liberalized the
economy, and encouraged the growth of the microfinancing business. In conjunction with donors,
the government has designed a medium-term
competitive strategy and a Rural Financial Services Programme to benefit SMEs. However, the
challenge to SMEs in accessing financial services
will remain dependent on how they themselves
increase their creditworthiness (Kasekende, 2001).
This study observes that to widen OI strategies
at the national and local level, Uganda has been
moving in the appropriate direction.
Synthesizing the countries of this study provides
different dimensions of business growth in their
countries, accommodating innovation. Ranging
from policy initiation to networking, to liberization, to institutionalization are evident there.
Table 1 shows various aspects of the synthesis
in the form of a framework, however, this does
not mean that any country is superseding another.
Open Innovation in SMEs of Developing and Transitional Economies
This section starts using a quote of Saini and
Budhwar about the understanding on SMEs,
saying “The concept of SME itself is quite problematic” (2008, p. 417). This study finds another
important quote from their paper, where Storey
notes, ‘‘there is no single, uniformly acceptable,
definition of a small firm”. There are differences
as to size, shape and capital employed. In the USA
there is no standard definition of small business.
Even a firm employing up to 1500 employees is
considered as small by American Small Business
Administration. The concept in USA is industryspecific; mostly income and persons employed will
determine whether a firm falls in the category of
small business or not’’ (1994, p. 8).
The European Commission classifies firms
according to the number of employees as: micro
(0–9), small (10–99) and medium (100–499).
However, in Oslo Manual (OECD, 2005) the
EC has incorporated turn over, in addition to the
number of employees. In China, it includes companies employing less than 200 persons; and in
Japan those employing less than 300 persons are
considered to be SMEs (Srivastava, 2005: 166).
Even, sometimes the definition of SMEs depends
on the stage of national economic development
and the broad policy purposes for which the definition is required (observed in case of Bangladesh,
or India, or USA). But, the essential fact is that,
whatever may be the definitional problems, SMEs
occupy an important place in the economy of most
countries; especially they are favored in developing countries due to their employment potential
(Saini & Budhwar, 2008).
Furthermore, access to finance has been identified as a key element for SMEs to succeed in
their drive to build productive capacity, compete,
create job opportunities and contribute to poverty
alleviation in developing countries. Without finance, neither SMEs cannot acquire or absorb new
technologies, nor they can expand to compete in
global markets or even establish business linkages
with larger firms. Finance has been identified in
many business surveys as the most important factor determining the survival and growth of SMEs
in both developing and developed countries (including transitional countries). Access to finance
allows SMEs to undertake productive investments
to expand their businesses and acquire the latest
technologies, thus ensuring their competitiveness.
Poorly functioning financial systems can seriously
undermine the microeconomic environment of a
country, resulting in lower growth in income and
employment (UNCTAD Secretariat, 2001)
Despite their dominant numbers and importance in job creation, SMEs face difficulty in
obtaining formal credit or equity. For example, maturities of commercial bank loans made available
to SMEs are often limited to a period far too short
to pay off any sizeable investment. Meanwhile,
access to competitive interest rates is reserved
for only a few selected blue-chip companies
while loan interest rates offered to SMEs always
remain high. Moreover, banks in many developing countries traditionally lent overwhelmingly
to the government, which are less risky and offer
higher returns. Such practices have congested most
private sector borrowers and increased the cost
of capital for them. Governments cannot expect
to have a dynamic private sector as long as they
absorb the bulk of private savings. In the case of
venture capital funds (an essential ingredient of
open innovation entrepreneurship), governments
have been concentrated in high technology sectors.
Similarly, the international financial institutions
have ignored the plight of SMEs. These preferences and tendencies have aggravated the lack of
financing for SMEs (UNCTAD Secretariat, 2001).
Technological advancements have contributed
to remarkable changes to the nature of current
production systems. This has also created impact
on the nature of work, workers and skills involved.
SMEs may take benefit from these advancements
in their operations, but they do not recognize the
critical role of effective human resource policies
for their success. Furthermore, the need for a
Open Innovation in SMEs of Developing and Transitional Economies
skilled workforce in SMEs certainly becomes
apparent during periods of such technological
changes. Particularly, SMEs have to undergo
some changes when they compete with global
companies and other large buyers, as they are
dependent on supply contracts from the same.
This puts substantial pressure on SMEs to control
both their costs and quality and meet the different
legal requirements. Moreover, this poises a serious
challenge for SMEs, especially for those operating in developing countries with labor-intensive
technologies, where labor cost is a major concern.
Many of them resort to disputed practices, such as
employment of child labor to reduced labor costs
and violation of labor standards including denial
of minimum wage, and other minimum-work
conditions. Majority of them also lack access to
relevant data and information about new markets,
legal provisions regulating their working, and
product innovations, which hinders their survival.
In addition to these, it has been found that their
accessibility to professional management tools is
almost absent (Zeng, Xie & Tam, 2010).
In terms of innovation, not all countries have
the opportunity or ability to capitalize on the opportunity to catch up. Specially, for a developing
country, it is not easy to proceed from stage of
imitation to stage of innovation (Zeng, Xie &
Tam, 2010). Bell and Pavitt (1993) pointed out,
just installing large plants with foreign technology and foreign assistance will not assist in the
building of technological capability. The prevailing fact is that the relation between competition
patterns, productive structures and innovation in
developing countries are very different from that
in developed countries, and hence one should also
expect to find differences in the pattern of use
of intellectual property rights (IPRs) and other
innovation mechanisms. Furthermore, there are
differences when comparing developing countries
at different stages of industrial and technological
development (López, 2009). Hence, researching
into open innovation focusing SMEs development
in developing countries requires further intensive
study and research.
This section concludes with a final sentence
that, among these five nations, being driven by
geographical, cultural, economical and most of all
economical aspects, are very different from each
other in achieving innovation in their entrepreneurships, which is a challenge to develop a generic
framework for developing countries. However,
as this research continues, efforts will be given
to include a few more countries of similar socioeconomic-cultural contexts and in-depth study
will be carried out.
From this study on a few country specific aspects
of SMEs development, if one likes to interpret
them towards the dimension of open innovation,
the question will arrive, as how important open
innovation thinking should be at the national level
to guide the policy makers and other decision support systems in policymaking. In terms of adopting
open innovation, especially in developing countries, there may be other priorities in policymaking
due to the relatively modest absorptive capacity
of incumbent enterprises and under-developed
innovation institutions. In such countries it would
probably easier to start with the relatively simple
guidelines with simpler framework, for example
developing basic innovation and interaction
skills, rather than starting with more sophisticated
interventions to enhance technology markets or
stimulate corporate entrepreneurship (matured
stages of technology exploration or technology
exploitation). Future work may explore if there is
an optimal sequence in the innovation system as
how to adopt various open innovation policy guidelines, and if the developed framework needs to be
refined for this purpose (De Jong, Vanhaverbeke,
Kalvet & Chesbrough, 2008; Rahman & Ramos,
2010; Gassmann, Enkel & Chesbrough, 2010).
Open Innovation in SMEs of Developing and Transitional Economies
In recent years banks in developed countries
have launched a number of initiatives that both
improve the profitability of lending to SMEs,
and provides SMEs with better access to finance
and financial products that are better tailored
to their needs. A number of leading banks have
demonstrated that providing financial services to
SMEs can be turned into a profitable business.
Although the business environments in developing
countries and developed countries differ in many
respects, the problems of servicing SME customers remain similar, such as high perceived risk,
problems with information asymmetry and high
administrative costs. Hence, recent innovations in
developed countries to improve SMEs access to
credit may provide valuable insights for developing country banks to become more SME-oriented
and increase the volume and the quality of their
services (Warner, 2001).
Davidsson (2006) forwarded the idea of the
Small Business Innovation Program, and suggested that, perhaps in one way to adjust the
conditions and challenges of a developing country
one can pursue the following focus areas:
Education, training and skill development
programmes for entrepreneurship;
Routines, inductions and contacts for initiating start-ups;
Communication with government officials
to better understand legislation and regulation in the area of entrepreneurships, including marketing environments;
Availability of skills those are useful for
potential consumer markets;
Improving online access by skills and
Access to financial resource and contacts
for foreign direct investments;
Strengthen the technological capacity;
Successful e-business models; and
Establish stronger, more effective representation of small enterprises’ interests at
local, and national government and international level.
Foremost, there is an urgent need to make the
best out of the public and private resources invested
in fundamental and applied research. Both budget
pressures and the need to solve crucial challenges,
such as transitioning to an environmentally sustainable economy and supporting the equitable
growth of developing countries mean that science will be required to generate technology at
an ever-increased rate to maintain the continuous
stream of social and market driven innovations
(Ruiz, 2010).
SMEs are in general initiated by a single entrepreneur or a small group of people, and are often
managed by owner–managers. Their organizational structures are typically flat. SMEs do not
have many layers (mainly due to small number of
both employees/supervisors and specializations in
human skills) because the owner/s is/are mostly at
the top of decision making affairs (which still keeps
them bureaucratic as most of the times employees
do not dare to challenge the supervisors/owner/s).
However, the good thing come from this nature is
that it adds to their flexibility. Many researchers
argue that entrepreneurs mostly seek to derive
several advantages by undertaking operations at
a smaller level in terms of flexibility, informality,
sustainability, and structural adaptability (Zeng,
Xie & Tam, 2010).
However, this study argues that, to observe
the rolling out of innovation processes in developing countries, a multi-facet research has to
be carried out, including broader aspects of the
entire context of open innovation dynamics and
incorporating larger sample size. Adoption of a
generic definition of SMEs in terms of operating
and sustained context, learning about conceptual
and behavioral challenges, formulation of a broad
Open Innovation in SMEs of Developing and Transitional Economies
based framework, and above all perception on human skills on innovation are among many factors
to explore. The discussions presented so far, is an
attempt to overview the open innovation paradigm
and relevant public policy context in a developing country. The indicative remarks may offer
insights for future research in the fields of open
innovation and innovation policy initiation. This
study had its limitations. Scant literature and lack
of necessary tools, such as survey or interview or
other instruments are among them. Nevertheless,
introducing these tools is expected to bring along
opportunities for further research.
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Developed Economies: While there is no one
set definition, but typically a developed economy
refers to a country with a relatively high level of
economic growth and security. Some of the most
common criteria for evaluating a country’s degree
of development are its per capita income or gross
domestic product (GDP), the level of industrialization, general standard of living and the amount
of widespread infrastructure. Increasingly other
non-economic factors are included in evaluating
Open Innovation in SMEs of Developing and Transitional Economies
an economy or country’s degree of development,
such as the Human Development Index (HDI)
which reflects relative degrees of advancement
in education, literacy and health.
Developing Economies: Comprise low- and
middle-income countries where most people have
lower standard of living with access to fewer goods
and services than most people in high-income
countries. Developing countries are broadly split
into two categories, the middle-income and the
low-income groups.
Emerging Economies: Are the most economically progresses of developing countries. In
terms of GNP per capita, they correspond to the
medium-low and medium-high country groups but
are characterized by a regulated and functioning
securities exchange, or in the process of developing one, and the fact that shares traded on the
stock exchanges must be available for purchase
by foreign investors, even if subject to certain
Entrepreneurs: An entrepreneur is a person
who has possession of a new enterprise, venture or
idea organizes, operates a business or businesses
and assumes significant accountability for the
inherent risks and the outcome.
Entrepreneurships: It is the process of discovering new ways of blending resources. When
the market value generated by this new blending
of resources is greater than the market value these
resources can generate elsewhere individually or
in some other combination, then the entrepreneur
makes a profit.
First Economy Enterprises: These are the
enterprises that are comprised of established
businesses in sustained form.
Second Economy Enterprises: These are the
form of enterprises that are mainly belong to the
working poor, or marginalized communities, and
working in the informal economy.
Enterprises shall be categorized using the following definition (fixed investment implies
exclusion of land and building, and valuation on the basis of current replacement cost
only): Small enterprise: an enterprise should
be treated as small if, in today’s market prices,
the replacement cost of plant, machinery and
other parts/components, fixtures, support
utility, and associated technical services by
way of capitalized costs (of turn-key consultancy services, for example), etc, excluding
land and building, were to be up to Tk. 15
million; Medium enterprise: an enterprise
would be treated as medium if, in today’s
market prices, the replacement cost of plant,
machinery, and other parts/components, fixtures, support utility, and associated technical
services (such as turn-key consultancy), etc,
excluding land and building, were to be up
to Tk. 100 million; a. For non-manufacturing
activities (such as trading or other services),
the Taskforce defines: Small enterprise: an
enterprise should be treated as small if it has
less than 25 workers, in full-time equivalents;
Medium enterprise: an enterprise would be
treated as medium if it has between 25 and
100 employees.
In India, the industrial sector has two broad
segments viz., (a) Small Scale Industries
(SSI) and (b) Others (i.e. medium and large
industries). The Government of India notifies
the definition of small-scale industry from
time to time based on the investment ceiling.
The present definition is, “an industry in the
small scale sector shall have investment in
plant and machinery not exceeding INR
10 million” (approx. US$22,000). A subcomponent of micro enterprises, known as
the “Tiny Sector” forms part of the overall
SSI sector. Medium sized industries are
out of the purview. India, thus, follows the
concept of SSIs and not SMEs.
Open Innovation in SMEs of Developing and Transitional Economies
In India, until recently there has been no formal concept of SME or medium enterprises.
However, the term small scale industry (SSI)
is well known; this is different from the SME
sector in other countries. The Government
of India had a policy of providing assistance
of different types to SSIs through various
state agencies. Lately, Indian Parliament
has enacted the Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises Development Act, 2006.1 As per
this Act, medium manufacturing or production enterprises are those which have an
investment in plant and machinery between
Rs. 50 million and 100 million (1$ US =
Rupees 40.10 approximately in July 2007).
The investment referred to in this definition
is that in ‘‘initial fixed assets’’ i.e., the plant
and machinery (which excludes land & building). Under this Act, a micro enterprise has
been defined as one where the investment in
plant and machinery does not exceed Rs. 2.5
million and a small enterprise as one where
such investment is more than Rs. 2.5 million
but does not exceed Rs. 50 million. Whereas,
a medium enterprise is one in which the
investment limit is between Rs. 50 million
and Rs. 100 million. In this Act there is no
reference to the term SME. One may, however, combine the definitions of small and
medium enterprises to derive a concept of
SME. This would mean that an SME in the
Indian context is an enterprise in which the
investment in plant and machinery is between
2.5 million and 100 million.2 The definition of the terms ‘‘small’’ and ‘‘medium’’
enterprise in India is investment specific,
while in the rest of the world it reflects a
combination of factors including terms of
employment, assets or sales or combination
of these factors (Saini & Budhwar, 2008).
SMEs are widely defined in terms of their
characteristics, which include the size of
capital investment, the number of employees,
the turnover, the management style, the location, and the market share. Country context
plays a major role in determining the nature
of these characteristics, especially, the size
of investment in capital accumulation and
the number of employees. For developing
countries, small-scale generally means
enterprises with less than 50 workers and
medium-size enterprises would usually mean
those that have 50–99 workers. In Uganda,
a small-scale enterprise is an enterprise or
a firm employing less than 5 but with a
maximum of 50 employees, with the value of
assets, excluding land, building and working
capital of less than Ugshs. 50 million (USD
30,000), and an annual income turnover
of between Ugshs. 10–50 million (USD
6,000–30,000). A medium-size enterprise is
considered a firm, which employs between
50–100 workers. Other characteristics have
not been fully developed.