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1970, Physical Review Letters
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Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 2003
for the g-2 collaboration The experimental method together with the analysis method and results of the data taken in 2000 and prospects of the muon anomalous magnetic and electric dipole moment experiments are presented here.
Physical Review Letters, 2002
A higher precision measurement of the anomalous g value, aµ = (g − 2)/2, for the positive muon has been made at the Brookhaven Alternating Gradient Synchro tron, based on data collected in the year 2000. The result a µ + = 11 659 204(7)(5) × 10 −10 (0.7 ppm) is in good agreement with previous measurements and has an error about one half that of the combine d previous data. The present world average experimental value is aµ(exp) = 11 659 203(8) × 10 −10 (0.7 ppm). PACS numbers: 13.40.Em, 12.15.Lk, 14.60.Ef The study of magnetic moments has played an important role in our understanding of sub-atomic physics. Precision measurements of the electron anomalous magnetic moment, together with those of the hyperfine structure of hydrogen and the Lamb shift, stimulated the development of modern quantum electrodynamics and have since provided stringent tests of this theory. In this Letter we report a new measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the positive muon, a µ = (g − 2)/2, with a relative precision of 0.7 parts per million (ppm), nearly two times better than our previous work [1, 2, 3]. This measurement comes from data collected in the year 2000. At this level, a µ is sensitive to QED, weak, and hadronic virtual loops and provides an important constraint on extensions to the standard model.
Physical Review Letters, 2004
The anomalous magnetic moment of the negative muon has been measured to a precision of 0.7 parts per million (ppm) at the Brookhaven Alternating Gradient Synchrotron. This result is based on data collected in 2001, and is over an order of magnitude more precise than the previous measurement of the negative muon. The result a µ − = 11 659 214(8)(3) × 10 −10 (0.7 ppm), where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic, is consistent with previous measurements of the anomaly for the positive and negative muon. The average for the muon anomaly is aµ(exp) = 11 659 208(6) × 10 −10 (0.5 ppm).
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 2019
This paper introduces a new approach to measure the muon magnetic moment anomaly a μ = (g − 2)/2 and the muon electric dipole moment (EDM) d μ at the J-PARC muon facility. The goal of our experiment is to measure a μ and d μ using an independent method with a factor of 10 lower muon momentum, and a factor of 20 smaller diameter storage-ring solenoid compared with previous and ongoing muon g − 2 experiments with unprecedented quality of the storage magnetic field. Additional significant differences from the present experimental method include a factor of 1000 smaller transverse emittance of the muon beam (reaccelerated thermal muon beam), its efficient vertical injection into the solenoid, and tracking each decay positron from muon decay to obtain its momentum vector. The precision goal for a μ is a statistical uncertainty of 450 parts per billion (ppb), similar to the present experimental uncertainty, and a systematic uncertainty less than 70 ppb. The goal for EDM is a sensitivity of 1.
Physical Review Letters, 2001
A precise measurement of the anomalous g value, a m ͑g 2 2͒͞2, for the positive muon has been made at the Brookhaven Alternating Gradient Synchrotron. The result a m 1 11 659 202͑14͒ ͑6͒ 3 10 210 (1.3 ppm) is in good agreement with previous measurements and has an error one third that of the combined previous data. The current theoretical value from the standard model is a m ͑SM͒ 11 659 159.6͑6.7͒ 3 10 210 (0.57 ppm) and a m ͑exp͒ 2 a m ͑SM͒ 43͑16͒ 3 10 210 in which a m ͑exp͒ is the world average experimental value.
Ahvalnews'un benimle seçimler hakkında telefonla yaptığı mülakatın yazıya dökülmüş biçimi
Cahiers d’études italiennes , 2024
This article examines the sensory agency exerted by different types of objects in the religious experience of late medieval women whose life is attested to us by hagiographies and spiritual autobiographies produced in the Italian area between the 13th and the 15th century. In examining the references to such objects, I pay particular attention to how the different senses were involved in the interaction between the objects and the individuals around them, as a crucial means to assess whether and how these objects could influence the people around them and play an active role in social relations. The first part of the article takes as case‑study the Latin Life of Umiliana Cerchi (ca. 1246), analyzing its representation of the role of an image of the Virgin Mary in the woman’s devotional experience. The second part is organized thematically and relies on a variety of sources which, compared and juxtaposed, offer insights into the role played by these objects in the devotional life of women in the context in question.
The study employed a case study research design to investigate customers’ perceptions of service quality at a new Radiology department in the Gauteng Province of South Africa. The study further theoretically tested the applicability of the SERVQUAL model as a measure of service quality in the radiology department, determined the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction and determine customers’ perceptions of service quality at a new Radiology department. The SERVQUAL model was found not to be valid for the study, with only the tangible construct having all its items falling under the same factor. However, it should be noted that this conclusion was based on the discriminant validity of SERVQUAL as reflected in the factor analysis. The SERVQUAL model provided a satisfactory level of overall reliability, indicating no problems with the questionnaire. Thus, the SERVQUAL questionnaire was an appropriate tool of data collection for the designed survey. The gap analysis score revealed that expectation and perception were almost equal, an indication that service quality at a new Radiology department was satisfactory. While the study further confirms the general view in literature that the SERVQUAL model act as a powerful tool for assessing the quality of health care services, the researcher strongly feel that the tool needs to be viewed critically regarding its strength. Regarding the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction at a new radiology department, the study found that reliability construct had the largest impact on overall service quality, with the gap analysis showing that customers have higher perceptions on radiology staff performing services and procedures correctly the first time, not causing rework. Responsiveness construct was ranked the second with the gap analysis revealing that customers had higher perceptions on new Radiology staff trying to help customers. The least ranked construct was tangibility. Pertaining the relationship between perceptions and service quality at a new Radiology department, the study found customer perceptions to have positive and significant influence on three service quality constructs and these were reliability, responsiveness and empathy.
Vesper. Journal of Architecture, Arts & Theory, 2021
Architectural model making is a field of ceaseless enquiries. While the scale model is designed to be apprehended in the round, its materiality has been radically altered in the age of mechanical reproducibility. Over the 20th century, new visualisation techniques and practices fuelled a relentless quest for realism, as the perception of miniature was reconfigured through the camera lens. Further experiments with model-video simulation addressed the discrepancy between human and model scales that is known as Gulliver Gap. The recurring references to Jonathan Swift’s novel in the discourse on model making attest to the allure of scale narratives within architectural culture. This is corroborated by the work of contemporary photographers, such as Naoya Hatakeyama, who have explored the uncanny space we imaginatively inhabit when moving between scales. Weaving together theories, experiments, and narratives, the essay traces how adventures in scale are embedded in the architectural imagination.
Cumhuriyetin 100 Yilinda Sosyal Bilimler, 2023
Jurnal Sosial Politik
Razon Y Fe Revista Hispanoamericana De Cultura, 2011
Journal of Organisational Studies and Innovation, 2019
GLADIUS, XXI, pp. 155-166., 2001
Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2013
Proceedings of the International Conference on Media and Communication Studies (ICOMACS 2018), 2018
ศรีนครินทร์เวชสาร, 2014
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2016
Ibrahim Medical College Journal, 2010
Mammalian Genome, 2003