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Administración de los servicios de Enfermería, 2010
Libro sobre los principios básicos y avanzados de la Materia de Administración de los servicios de Enfermería.
Les cultures urbaines sont le fruit d'apports divers puisqu'elles sont en partie importées des États-Unis (notamment par le biais de la culture hip-hop) et influencées par les cultures d'Afrique sub-saharienne, du Maghreb ou de la Caraïbe. Les grandes villes, mais aussi leurs banlieues deviennent donc le laboratoire majeur de ce phénomène culturel. La littérature urbaine en particulier se donne à lire comme une oeuvre résolument militante dans la mesure où elle renferme des éléments permettant d'aborder la dimension postcoloniale de la France d'aujourd'hui.
Todos os direitos reservados Resumo A criação de mentes, e o seu design, tem acompanhado a evolução do homem e a sua ânsia em replicar o poder da inteligência e de articular os seus principais componentes. Nos últimos 30 anos, a sua discussão (teoria da identidade, teorias da mente, governo versus controle) foi grande na Filosofia e, também, na Inteligência Artificial, sobretudo em redor dos agentes artificiais, em virtude da potencialidade de aplicações em áreas não muito afastadas, a saúde pública ou a sustentabilidade ambiental, a segurança e a energia, os fenómenos sociais ou as políticas. Nesta contribuição procurámos abrir um campo de reflexões e de conjeturas sobre a abstração da inteligência, introduzindo uma rede de conexões (memória) com termos (conceitos) aparentemente distantes, não esquecendo um olhar para os cérebros e os comportamentos. Simultaneamente, a imagem de mente ajudar-nos-á a invadir um território interdisciplinar e a confrontar/cruzar várias visões para simplificarmos ou complicarmos a ideia de mente possível. Recorrendo à Simulação Social, podermos depois experimentar uma variedade de hipóteses, e deste modo percebermos que mesmo um agente artificial pode evoluir, graças a mentes mais complicadas, se quisermos ficar mais perto do realismo das situações.
Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte, 73, 3, pp. 363-376 , 2010
International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, 2021
In this article we investigate the relationship between legal translation and legal interpretation. The common wisdom is that these activities are closely related, but the nature of that relationship remains disputable. We adopt the perspective of legal theory-as opposed to the perspective of translation studies-which seems to be underrepresented in the literature of the subject. We start with distinguishing between the two notions of legal interpretation: the wide sense (interpretation as understanding) and the narrow sense (interpretation as problem solving). We argue that the relationship between legal translation and legal interpretation changes significantly depending on the notion of legal interpretation that is assumed. The wide sense is often assumed by translation scholars and it renders legal interpretation as a necessary prerequisite for legal translation. Jurists, on the other hand, usually assume the narrow sense which renders legal interpretation and legal translation as two distinct activities with some shared features. We then focus on four issues of legal interpretation in the narrow sense: the types of legal interpretive problems, the creation of legal interpretive problems, the methods of legal interpretation, the resolution of legal interpretive problems. We conclude with a detailed comparison of legal translation and legal interpretation in the context of those four issues.
Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2015
More and more organizations have been replacing face-to-face human resource management activities with electronic human resource management, E-HRM for short. E-HRM facilitates the HR function to create dynamic and operational capabilities and contributes greatly on HRM effectiveness. This article elaborates on E-HRM in detail on the following aspects: Introduction of E-HRM, types of E-HRM, role of E-HRM, factors influencing utility, effectiveness of E-HRM, determinants of attitude towards E-HRM and the context for E-HRM in China, and it is expected to help people understand E-HRM more comprehensively and systematically.
The hypothesis of this article is that academics in the field of Public Administration academics are focusing primarily on practice-oriented applied research and are not enhancing knowledge development. There has not been the same development of a cumulative and meaningful knowledge base in the discipline that there has been in the other social sciences. Theory development is weak. An empirical database was developed to test this hypothesis. An analysis was undertaken of the two main South African Public Administration journals, the Journal of Public Administration (JOPA) and Administratio Publica (AP), from 1994-2006, to establish the state of academic research in the field. A database of 383 articles was compiled, including 28 articles from JOPA and 105 from AP. The methodology used was a content analysis, consisting of both qualitative and quantitative research approaches. By triangulating findings from the six main analytical variables (research topic, research purpose, research methodology, research focus, research cumulativeness and institutional funding), it was concluded that there has been little theory development in South African Public Administration. There has also not been the development of a cumulative and meaningful knowledge base in the discipline. There are a number of reasons for this, which are discussed below. The article concludes by suggesting ways to improve the quality of research in Public Administration academia.
Jornal das Primeiras Matemáticas , 2018
No contexto da implementação do Projeto Prof DA do Programa "ProSucesso - Açores pela Educação", da Secretaria Regional da Educação e Cultura do Governo dos Açores, e da Oficina "Matemática Passo a Passo: Estratégias de Superação de Dificuldades para o 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico", da Universidade dos Açores, os autores apresentam um leque de materiais idealizados e construídos com o objetivo de promover o sentido de número em crianças ao longo do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e analisam as potencialidades da implementação dos mesmos em contexto de sala de aula. Palavras chave: Projeto Prof DA do Programa "ProSucesso - Açores pela Educação", sentido de número, 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
Sensors, 2023
Science of The Total Environment, 2020
M. Vinzent, M. Chiriatti, D. Olkinuora (eds), Studia Patristica 130, p. 31-39., 2021
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
Annuaire de l’EHESS. Comptes rendus des cours et conférences, 2004
Acta Bio-medica : Atenei Parmensis, 2018
Journal of Infection, 2017
Revista Paraense de Medicina, 2006
Data in brief, 2018
Retrovirology, 2012
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003