Abu Axis Mundi
by Stefan Sattler
The Scroll
sum ergo manifesto
Innsbruck, Austria, December 2024
I am calling Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Jews, Taoists, Pagans, Philosophers, Tantrics, Buddhists,
Yogis, Shengren, Men, Women and Children and for sure Atheists, too to come together and
peacefully gather because mankind has some talking, meeting and collective soul-searching to do. I’m
calling you all to meet at the Axis Mundi.
Allow me to show you what this is all about. I am deeply interested in truth, reality, freedom and
subsequently naturally peace as well, realization, the Living Cosmos, perception, cognition and the
Mastery of Consciousness. 10 years ago, I decided to raise my voice for freedom, the liberation of
mankind and world peace and tried to do so by doing what I like most in life, namely intertwining the
physical and spiritual realms, not the religious ones. Then after one year I almost went nuts when I
made the discovery of The True Motion of Earth and its Axis. There’s a tiny little mistake – with huge
consequences - in our fundamental understanding of the geometry-in-motion of Earth and its Axis
and I decided to have the courage to use it for my intention to help realize peace and freedom for
mankind. And that’s what I’m doing ever since. I’ve sent out my Manifesto and talked to tens of
thousands of media, universities, spiritual figures, movers and shakers of all kinds, scientists,
politicians, embassies, alternative media and whatnot. And wonder o wonder, like a miracle after
many years and initial responses of how crazy and freaked out I were it dawned on them that I am
not the least bit confused and for sure, it is worthwhile to re-consider even the deepest of our
assumptions about this cosmos and our current Codex of Knowledge. I can say in one term what I
consider the essential fatal mistake in our sciences and also in our cosmological understanding and
even in the comprehension of our (ancient) history and the very foundation of this reality, the
physical one and the non-physical one. This is a Living Cosmos and Life and Consciousness are two
aspects and emanations of the same and our current scientific paradigm, and in my humble opinion
also our religious paradigm, has only described a Dead Cosmos. You see, one day still in my very
youth I had that strange thought coming to my mind that in case one wants to gather people and to
create a group around a certain topic, value or identification, one is always inevitably excluding some
people. And that excluded group of people will be the seed for future disagreement, conflict and
fight. So, I started to think about how it might be possible to create a group or an identification that
would enable us to make an offer to all people without excluding a single one. I don't want to go into
the nitty-gritty of the deep thoughts behind that complex problem here, you all can meditate for
yourself about that very deep and profound question of being man but want to just say this. Yes,
although it is not easy it is indeed possible to do such an act of brotherly and sisterly love. I just want
to show you from where I'm coming with my writing and thinking. I've said it already years ago, if the
very last questions of religion, spirituality and existence are the only things left that we have to go on
finding solutions to, well, then we’ve already done a great job, because that's what we should
continuously do in any however glorious future, too. Religious and spiritual questions are nothing to
ever be finished and emptied. They shall never come to an end and in that sense discussing,
exchanging, seeking and answering anew the old, time-approved questions of existence is a sign of a
healthy society. The fact that we are discussing and even arguing about the most profound spiritual
questions is not a sign that we are doing it wrong but instead it is a sign that we are on the exact right
track. See, what still most of the people are lacking and missing when they try to understand reality
and our current time and the situation mankind is in right now is that it is not enough to collect intel
on your adversary or enemy and dig into this, that or the other secret and hidden conspiracy and all
the sinister propaganda and steering mechanisms of how the system and its proponents rob you from
your estates, rights and claims and your very sovereignty. Many of you have done quite some
extensive research and did indeed find out about all the main ruses and rabbit holes but that is not
enough to overcome entanglement and enslavement. The actual problem is that almost all of you do
not know yourself! Not who you are and even much less what you are. That is the key and the only
key that truly sets one free to overcome the deception that the entirety of mankind is currently
subjected to. Maybe that will help. The notion of Know Thyself is what is at the center stage of all
spiritual processes, all religious processes, all seeking divine knowledge and all initiation processes
and is connected to and accompanied by a very crucial but strange and seldomly asked question: Why
do you want to know? What is your intention behind your desire to know the secrets of the cosmos,
the secrets of God and the very secrets of Life, Creation and Life Itself? Why? Why You? What is it that
you are intending to do with that knowledge and wisdom? Why do you think it might be a good
decision for Life Itself to initiate You into The Great Miracle and Mystery of Life and Life Itself?
Why? This is the most important question of all on The Path and your answer to that question is the
most crucial factor in the pace of your progress on that path of life and realization.
Then let’s start with this. What is it exactly that makes a certain event into a paradigm change? What
is it that makes it categorically different from other, even huge and dramatic, epochal changes? The
defining momentum of a paradigm change is the following. Other than with other changes it is not
possible to simply add that new truth or revelation to the current body of knowledge of a certain
civilization or epoch and then go on with business as usual. Instead, the momentum of a paradigm
change requires and forces the people in its entirety to question and to re- build the current body of
knowledge, the old paradigm, which was accepted as truth and reality by the current civilization. Not
just a fraction or a part of it but the whole body of so-called knowledge is shaken to its very core and
is fundamentally questioned and is required to being re-built. By now it should have become obvious
that we have not really understood the one key attribute of Life and Life Itself: Freedom! And namely
the fact that freedom is not the opposite of law, order and rules, but freedom is in fact a rule or a
law. The Rule! The one and only law. Freedom is the law of which all other rules and laws have been
derived of and the problems we have in this world are simply that we have forgotten that most basic
and fundamental fact and law of Life and Life Itself. All the laws we have created over tens of
millennia were merely invented to make freedom possible and to let the process of life flow smoothly
because one could argue that the people are not fully conscious all the time and so these laws are
helpful to enable freedom as best as possible. So far so good. But the mistake we have made as a
civilization is that we forgot that and lost our aim and intention and thus we failed to write and curtail
our laws in such a way that it would eventually lead to fewer and fewer rules being needed and not
more. For the intention was, and still is, to aim for a culture and a civilization where everybody is
naturally fully conscious and aware so that the concept of freedom and liberation is fully realized and
thus almost no more laws are needed because a conscious, ethical and truthful way to conduct life is
fully internalized and practiced. So, in practical terms I do not advocate for abolishing all laws now.
No, not at all. What I am advocating for is to learn to write our laws in such a way that the use of
these laws and the conduct of a people and a civilization under these laws will eventually lead to the
need of less and less laws and one very key element toward this aim is that we revert from a kind of
law of dogma to the principle of the law of taboos. The concept of taboos is very much in harmony
with the concept of the Law of Freedom and thus with Life and Life Itself whereas dogmas simply are
not. Dogmas are lethal poison to a culture, a nation, a people and a civilization!
So, the Living Man stands before the Constitution, and not the law is sacred but the will and the
integer intent to create, honor and abide by the law is sacred. That means that the most important
and fundamental aspect of law and of what makes a certain system and its laws work, is located
completely outside of the realm of law. Only the intent, integrity and the will to understand each
other and to cooperate and honor agreements is what makes any system and set of rules, meaning
laws, into a beneficial and smoothly working process and thus is of primary importance. That is the
crucial point of our problem here on earth right now. The problem we are dealing with is not that it
would be too complex and difficult to find the right laws and to do the right things for mankind to
achieve peace and freedom for all, but the problem is that there are forces, people and entities who
are simply not willing. Simply not willing to grant the others the same basic sovereign rights to a free
life, destiny and existence as they themselves are enjoying. The quality and content of the laws is
important, too but only of secondary importance because when it is clear that man stands before the
constitution, meaning the living man is the sovereign and not the law is sovereign and that the law is
derived of the sovereignty of man and not the other way around, then it is obvious that the quality
and content of laws can be easily changed and adjusted to the needs and wishes of the free people.
That's what sovereignty means. So, let me invite all of you and greet you with, Welcome to the
We are Indigenous, Born-In, Aboriginals, out-of-the-origin, or in short Man and Woman and together
we are forming the movement of becoming and freeing of Life Itself, which is standing up against
all Positivistic Law! Positivistic Law means everything is forbidden except for it is explicitly allowed by
law. That’s the wrong way around. It’s about the geometry of law. Positivistic Law is inverted
Negativistic Law. One says, all is forbidden except it is explicitly allowed, while the other one says,
everything is allowed, except it is explicitly forbidden! The one works with dogmas and the other one
with taboos. One is toxic law, and one is healthy law. One is Law of Death, and one is Law of Life.
We’ve pulled out the trunk in our eyes and with the flame of benevolence, insight and determination
have made a torch of wisdom out of it which shall shine for the benefit and the well-being of all truly
willing participants in that, our living dream. We are Warriors! We are Knowledge-Seekers, Shamans,
Magicians, Yogis and Sorcerers. We are Seers and Seeress and our intention was born and has grown
out of the depth of inner stillness and integrity. Led by the force itself we have been granted to see.
To see that we all have been already connected and interwoven in this eternal, free living dream that
we share all the time. One can now accept this invitation to Life Itself full of joy or can go on trying to
defy for an eternity, just to find out in the end, that one will not have been living at all, not have been
coming home as stardust but space dust, meaning not at all. Meaning never ever has been truly alive,
never has been a true being! Not just forgotten and eradicated from the whole cosmos. No, but
thrown by Life Itself into the Never-Has-Been. Completely useless in the eyes of Life Itself. We are the
last ones of a generation of men and women who collectively have been entrusted to be the heart
and the guardians of our peoples and earth. Brothers and sisters, it is the hour of dignity, the hour to
be. It is the hour to observe carefully, to observe ourselves. Without shame and without fear. It is the
hour of fighting. Open your heart. Prepare your feet, given to you. Open your eyes and your ears, be
alert and attentive. Become now our word. Now, you are not only you anymore, now you are we. Go
now! Go through the countries of the others. Go and speak. Take now our face. Take now our voice.
Go with our sight and vision. Make yourself to become our ears for listening to others. You won’t be
only you anymore. Now you are us. Come down from the mountains and search for the color of the
earth in this world. You won’t be only you anymore. Now you are us.
See, the essence of all spiritual process is just this. One day you realize that you do not know anything
for sure and you look around and you see that man is cheating himself. All men and women are
cheating themselves. Mentally, emotionally, cognitively, spiritually and religiously, yes, even our very
sense organs are deceiving and cheating us. Just think of the eyes of a new-born baby and how for
the first days the baby sees everything upside down and after a short while the brain has started to
automatically re-calculate and to render the picture that is projected into the mind into an inverted
manner so as to correct the via the sense organ incoming picture and turn it around again to better
being able to cope with the surrounding. We are all cheating ourselves and each one is cheating on
his own self. Or is it our self that is cheating us? Well, that exactly is it what one must find out and the
way to do this is by starting to stalk one's own self. You stalk yourself like a hunter is stalking his prey,
your own self, and eventually you hunt it down and catch it. Meaning realizing your own self and thus
becoming your own self; fully and completely. Now, there is nothing unconscious and non-self left
within you anymore that could cheat you. And because there is no cheating energy left within you
yourself, consequently, now nobody can cheat you anymore. That’s a kind of resonance-thing. All the
things, people, energies, mental and emotional interactions that are potentially influencing us need a
certain energetic and frequency-wise opposite analogy and equivalent within the targeted human
being otherwise there can be no resonance, aka communication and interaction and influence. So, if
there is no cheating energy, in other words no lie, within you anymore there is nothing that is going
into resonance with the lie and the cheat. And might it just be at a very low subconscious level. You
can't be lied to anymore. Being confronted with lies and untruth now feels almost like a physical
sensation and thus it is very simple to reject it and denounce the infection of the lie. This is what is
called the Art of Stalking. Now, what you can do in a wakeful state as the Art of Stalking one can do as
well while sleeping. This is the inverted process and the complementary art and process: The Art of
Dreaming. But that's another story for another day.
But then, what is eternal and how does it relate to Man? And is there such an eternal state of being?
And would it be achievable for man? And if so, does it mean that it is an option? As death is an
option, too! One you maybe can hold for an eternity without ever fully using that option.
Nevertheless, an option to have even without ever fully using it is an additional degree of freedom
which can be both, good or not so good. It all depends on whether one can handle freedom or not.
But back to our question about eternal states of being. Would that be like an option that must be
realized; maybe again and again and again? Or does it mean that it is guaranteed, all-inclusive prepaid
nothing to do on your part ticket to the land of milk and honey where crispy fried chickens with the
most delicious Garam Masalas and pickles and trumpet-blowing angels and millions of truly devoted
virgins are flying through the rosy sky? I wonder; I truly wonder. And you know what I was always
wondering about, too? Let's say there is a certain kind of eternal where whatever kind of eternal
beings are in a state of eternity. Think about it, what the heck are those kinds of beings doing the
whole day, for an eternity?! Man, I really wonder. I mean, you must do something. I mean you would
have all the time in the world. So, you must do something. Anything! Definitely. What would You do?
What would you do at the beginning of The Time after Time? Without a deeper and clearer
understanding of our own past it will be impossible for us to steer a course for a future in peace,
freedom, enlightenment, spiritual realization, joy, health, prosperity and harmony among us and with
the cosmos at large. Without the knowledge and wisdom of our past there won't be a sovereign
mankind. Neither sovereign within mankind nor a healthy sovereign relationship towards the rest of
the Living Cosmos. We must make a serious decision whether we want to run in circles forever,
haunted and forced by the inertia of our not understood past and eventually wither away or break
the cycle and spell of ignorance for once and all. The choice is yours! I've already made my choice
long ago and I say: We are Cosmic Gardeners – Embodiment of Life Itself. We are Homo Spiritus
CosmoLogicos Vitalis Axis Mundi. And keepers and guardians of the flame of Life Itself. If you want
the garden, earth and beyond and within, to bloom, you must take care of the physical and material,
mental and emotional, legal and lawful and spiritual health and well-being of the gardener, us, the
human being, mankind.
Now, what exactly are the essential questions of all religions and spirituality? What is birth, life and
death and according to what laws are these realms interconnected? What is the true origin of
mankind, life and of this cosmos and of creation as a whole? Is there a common destiny for mankind
in its entirety and if so, what is it? What is I? What is You? What does We mean? And what is Not-I?
Not-You? Not-We? What is the very essence and quality of The All That Is/The Pure Essence? What is
the very essence and quality of The All That Which Is Not? How is the one single part, the individual,
connected and is interacting and communicating to and with the whole? What is freedom and what is
absolute freedom, in case such a thing does exist? And for sure, what is Ascension? And what is a
Stellar Activation Cycle? Whether you are aware of it or not there is a purpose in and for mankind’s
existence in this cosmos. From the days of mankind’s inception, we have been on a quest to answer a
certain question. Is existence and time cyclical or not? We always knew that the answer is 42, which
is programming Unicode for as you wish, but we have never been able to formulate the correct
question of life, universe and everything else. The question is whether life is cyclical or not and to
answer this you must differentiate between cyclical in a quantitative or in a qualitative way. In a
quantitative sense it is indeed cyclical whereas in a qualitative sense it is not. That’s all the fuss about
it. And by the way, this understanding is the only way out of this unnatural and distorted wheel of
reincarnation mechanism currently here on earth. So, now we can understand why the answer
is 42, as you wish. It is your choice to perceive and live existence and life as a quantum, a thing, in a
quantitative way or as a quality, a fragrance, a living song in its own full and complete authority,
sovereignty and aliveness. Your answer depends on your choice, on the point of view and action you
are taking; on what kind of identification you live by. Do you identify everything and thus yourself too
as a quantum, a thing, certain measured numbers, sizes, duration and things or do you identify
everything and thus yourself too in an immeasurable, qualitative, living and all-inclusive way? I’ve
decided that for myself long ago and live according to that. I am not a thing. I am a quality. I am Life
Itself! What about you? Maybe we should really try out a different path? What do you think? How
about this: Going from binary perception to trinitary perception.
Binary Perception
Sees reality and everything in terms of the Known and the Unknown. There are plenty of examples of
this kind of frame of perception in our history and in today’s world. Black-White, Life-Death, GoodEvil, Male-Female, Shiva-Shakti, Sacred-Profane, Ying-Yang, Tonal-Nagual, Physical-Nonphysical, MeThe Other, Known-Unknown, Catholic vs Protestant vs Orthodox vs Another Orthodox vs Sunni Islam
vs Shia Islam vs Alawites vs Kurdish Alawites vs Jews vs Orthodox Jews vs Zionists vs so-called
Paganism vs Idolatry vs Nihilism vs Atheism, The All That Is vs The All Which Is Not and so on and so
on. See schismogenesis! While this view and perception has of course its merits, benefits and
advantages, the simple truth is that this is not the actual and factual truth about reality. It’s just a
steppingstone, so to speak.
Trinitary Perception
Sees everything and reality in terms of the Known, the Unknown and the Unknowable or the NonPerceivable. That’s the actual truth about how this living reality is organizing its operating system of
perception and cognition. To give you an idea about the scales and dimensions we are talking about
here: The Known, approx. 1%. The Unknown, approx. 10%. The Unknowable, approx. 89%. Now, here
comes the real-world-kicker. The entity that you are calling God is trying to get a hold onto the
gateway, the boundary between the Known and the Unknown. This entity is not the Unknown, not at
all, but tries to install itself as gatekeeper between the Known, a mere 1% of The All That Is and the
wider space and realm of the Unknown, a mere 9% more of The All That Is. To say it bluntly, this socalled God is operating on a basis of knowledge of The All That Is which is as great as approximately
1,38048058215 %. Think about that!
Or in other words: The Merging of the Two Rings of Power. There are two rings of force. Man is made
of two rings, the Two Rings of Power. It’s also called the two attentions. The first attention and the
second attention. When one has mastered the first attention as well as the second attention the
merging of the two rings of power, the two attentions, is taking place for Will and Intent have become
one now. Two rings are merging and thus a third ring is born: The third attention. Translate that into,
riding through Life Itself on the wings of eternity and thus meeting the responsibility of and for
Then let’s ride it. Some people say once you’ve saved somebody’s life you are responsible for him or
her for your entire life. When I first had to deal with that kind of attitude it seemed kind of strange to
me, just because you helped somebody once that you should be responsible for said person for your
entire life. I do understand the kind of logic behind the thought pattern here, that if it was you via
helping and saving someone’s life to make sure that his or her life went on unharmed it was you who
gave this person a second chance to go on living and thus it was you who kind of created that new
chance and thus it is you who is responsible for the further proceeding of this life. Both sides who
argue whether for or against the correctness and validity of this maxim have some justification on
their side but like so very often, to me it seems that the truth is neither fully with one side of the
argument but somewhere in the middle between both of these points of view. In a way it is like one
of the most fundamental maxims of law, at least in Western Law, meaning Judeo Christian Law or
Ecclesiastical Law. He who created something is ultimately responsible for this creation and its deeds
and all the following consequences! According to this maxim, the same architects of Western Law, the
Papacy, are claiming that the creation was the deed of the creator and thus the creator is responsible
for it and owns the entire creation and all beings and things and staff within this creation. To me
that’s pseudo enlightened nonsense. Truth is, you are responsible for the way of introducing your
creation or discovery. Correct, but you are not responsible for all eternity for what happens and
comes out of your creation or discovery. If you were responsible for it for all time and for an eternity
there wouldn’t and couldn’t be Free Will and Free Choice, which is the greatest gift of Life Itself to its
creation, us, and which is what life is all about. And if you don’t know the reason why there must be
free will just imagine the source of creation, what you like to call the creator, is meeting with a fully
realized being who is 100% conscious and aware of his own absolute, essential nature and this
creator would not respect the free will of this being, then what actually is taking place is that this
creator is going against himself. And that in turn would create a Divine Syntax Error or God 404, which
would immediately result in the self-annihilation of this creator and his creation. You couldn’t build
and create and base a living cosmos on such a maxim as mentioned above. The only thing one could
try to do and achieve with such a strategy, and that’s what they have done and why they have styled
our Western Law like this, is to try to criminally, evil-spiritedly and sinfully steal and claim authority
and ownership over this creation.
So, here is the very simple solution for mankind’s legal and lawful and spiritual disaster. Let’s stop
declaring ourselves and each other literally and legally-binding as dead persons and thus stop treating
ourselves and each other as dead things, aka as person. Inanimate dead and unconscious slave
beings. Lost at The High Seas, died the Civilian Death or German: Der Bürgerliche Tod. And no
Intestate Dead Baby Estates or Dead Baby Scam either. It’s that simple, we just have to do it. You
obviously still do not get it, that all my claims, and the same applies to all men and women, are not
coming from any piece of paper, any contract made by people centuries ago. Any contract I haven’t
made and agreed to by myself or which has been inherited but was and still is based on deception
and fraud is null and void. Contracts are derived from Life Itself and that Life Itself is Now Present
Here! That’s what most of you would call God. No need to go back millennia and quote that what
somebody else thought about what somebody else thinks about what someone else believes about
that thing called Living Reality or God. That is childish. You and everybody else don’t know shit about
a dead man’s perspective but that’s all you are doing. Quoting what the forefathers thought, quoting
what this so-called Jesus thought, quoting what the Romans thought, quoting what the Phoenicians
thought and so on. But that’s not the way Life, Life Itself and Living Law work. You are all interested in
power versus I am interested in authority. Real, actual living authority. You know the difference?
Power is always granted by someone or something and thus can always be taken away again for it’s
not genuine, whereas authority is derived from within the living, conscious being and is granted by
Life Itself. You want to organize a society under the power and rule of what you believe to be the
Word of God whereas I want to create a human society of free, conscious, self-ruling living beings,
who can and should and will and are allowed to experience, communicate and interact with The
Force for themselves without any intermediary. No Pope, no Jesus, no Mother Marry, no Buddha, no
Muhammed, no Shiva and not you or me as well. Free, sovereign and self-conscious. Let me give you
the solution that you are searching for many years in one sentence. Go and change the UN Charter
and with it all the constitutions around the world and add just one sentence: The Civilian Death or
German, Der Bürgerliche Tod, the legal and lawful status of Lost at The High Seas doesn’t exist,
doesn’t apply, doesn’t take place and never has and never will, including all the tremendous legal and
lawful consequences.
But then, what is evil? Almost all of you still think of evil in a far too romantic and mystic way.
Although you are all great at quoting Hannah Arendt and her slogan, the Banality of Evil, it pretty
much looks like you haven’t understood the true meaning of that saying. Yes, it is banal, trite, trivial,
platitudinous, hackneyed and simply banal to the absolute maximum. What you might have
understood and might have learned to recognize and decipher by now is the effects of evil and the
external mechanics and ways and consequences of evil and evil deeds. But not the most important
issue about it. Why! Why is there evil? Why and how is it born and emanating in humans and in this
world? How are the inner, psychological-spiritual mechanics of evil and of becoming evil actually
working? What is the deciding factor and the root cause in the very beginning of this chain of cause
and effect that is ensuring that someone is choosing the evil deed over the honorable deed? Because
evil is always a choice, although very often an unconscious one. But don’t forget that no choice, no
decision or an unconscious choice is a decision as well, the worst decision. The short and simple,
albeit almost unbelievable answer is this. Blind and unquestioned belief is the root cause for all evil!
And please pay close attention to my words. I’m saying unquestioned belief and not false belief.
There are no false or correct beliefs. Belief in itself is false, disastrous and fatal to go by as guidance
and to make it into the basis of one’s actions and decisions and into the cornerstone. Because after a
while living with a certain belief you will eventually start confusing and mixing up your belief with
facts and truth, it’s inevitable. It is because when you go with a belief you can’t but invest your time,
energy, life, deeds and emotions into that belief and then after a while you lose the ability to
differentiate between what is belief and what is not. Ever heard the term Sunken Cost Fallacy? Yes,
it’s like the gambler’s mentality. You lose and double the jackpot, lose and double, lose again and
double and so on. You can’t help but declare what you once called a belief to be truth. It’s inevitable
because of the laws of consciousness that at one point you yourself are forcing yourself to take that
step. Although like most of the things modern man is doing you are doing this unconsciously, too. Yes,
it has a lot to do with the pain of shame. And that is the point where evil is born. You are taking a
belief, a fiction, a metaphor, a description or a symbol for the real thing. And you start living with the
surrogate and you start forgetting about the actual real thing more and more every time you are reenforcing that belief version of reality and take it for the real thing instead. Until you forget that once
you started with a belief, meaning an assumption, and not with the knowing of truth. We are
confusing cause and effect constantly and on all scales, from the tiniest to the cosmic and largest
infinite dimensions. From the most mundane and ordinary to the most sacred, we are always
confusing the actual real thing with the surrogate. You take the symbol for the real thing and for the
real act. You take the word for the thing and that’s the reason as well for why you are still swallowing
all that legalese crap and these Paper-Laws-of-Falsehood-and-Death-and-Decay that mankind is using
today in almost the entire world and in all jurisdictions and which was maliciously re-invented by the
Vatican, Holy See, Jesuits and Roman Curia. You turn belief, fiction and falsehood into truth. That’s
what we call lying, don’t we? To call something truth, which is not truth but a lie. That is the essence
and the birth of evil. Very banal indeed. In fact banal to the maximum, is it not?
Let me explain in that context to you why the assumption of so many people that religion is needed
for a culture and a civilization to thrive on, and as moral and spiritual guidance is actually and
factually not true. When people claim that without religion people would live a brutal, primitive and
beastly life that clearly shows that these people do not even believe in the core message of their own
religion. Because believing in such a paradigm means that they are full-blown nihilistic materialists!
They think that something external is needed to make ethics, morals and respect for others flourish
within man because the materialistic nature of the cosmos and the beings within is only dead and
ordinary matter. Same as our current official science says that is still claiming that utter nonsense
that consciousness is an evolutionary consequence of matter. Fact is, it’s the other way around. But
that’s what they say without explicitly saying it. If they knew and understood that this cosmos in itself
is a living cosmos and that consciousness is the basis and root-cause for this physical cosmos and for
all the beings within, it would be 100% evident and self-explanatory that we are beings of spirit and
consciousness, too and no religion would be needed to tame the beast because there is no beast at
all. There is only you and The All That Is, The Pure Essence aka Life Itself. Et voilà, that opens all the
doors within the cosmos and the spiritual world, and everybody can communicate with The Force and
no messenger is ever needed. So the very belief that religion is needed is proof of how weak and
petty and confused the faith of those people is who believe such dogmatic narratives. What do you
think, what kind of dead-beat loser that force of creation is that it would create a cosmos and beings
which needed you or me or any other self-declared guru to guide the people to their fulfillment in
life? So, I declare: Non Habemus Papam! There won’t be any Pope anymore. That kind of sinister
nonsense is over, for once and all. Liquidation is the word of momentum. Doesn’t that sound
refreshing and rejuvenating? The whole ugly mess: Papacy, Roman Curia, Holy See, Vatican, Catholic
Church, Roman Catholic Church, Patriarch of Jerusalem, Vatican Bank (IOR), Jesuits, Opus Dei, Knights
of Malta, Swiss Guards plus the many hidden external hands attached; the whole lot of it, down the
drain of liquidation. Or should I say transmutation?! Or even better, transubstantiation! But probably
not that kind of transubstantiation that they have been talking about all their lives. So, half of The
Chair is already unseated. I guess, it’s because Rex Sacrorum got a little bit pissed off by all this
ridiculous psychotic and autistic kindergarten down there in Rome and started harrumphing and
growling. So, I say: No! The strongest word and the most profound yes. Remember, it’s even asked in
your bible, something along the lines: And you just say one word, this one word and you shall be
absolutely free and unbound! Well, this word is not any name of whatsoever messenger, entity,
demon, God or whatnot. It’s not any spell or mantra nor any Abra Kadabra or Simsallabim or Sesame
Open Up or something like that. No! No, this is the word. It’s that simple and straight forward.
Because No is the strongest Yes one can give. That’s the seemingly paradox secret here. Without the
possibility of no, no meaningful yes could ever exist. And vice versa, for sure. Without the option of a
conscious yes one couldn’t know what no is. Or in other words, what is the commonality between yes
and no? Both are the clearest possible linguistic expressions of intent and purpose. And in a certain
sense no is even stronger because its yes is comprising The All That Is. When you say no to something
specific that means you are saying yes, at least potentially, to all that which is not this special
something, meaning to all the rest, all the cosmos and infinity and simply to all, by whatever name
and description you call it. Anyways, yes and no are not a duality but a polarity, which is a significant
difference. Polarities do not need to wage ideological wars against each other which is a huge and
wonderful and existentially significant difference compared to a duality. So, now I’m saying no and
thus, I am suing you in the Court of the Heavens and of Life Itself! The Vatican, Holy See, Papacy,
Roman Curia, its enforcers and their mundane Headquarter, the entity known as Switzerland
including their CIA, Catholic Intelligence Agency that is, which is headquartered there as the
executing head of lies and evil. With all due respect and for once and all, I am not subject to Rome!
Do you understand that? Nor am I subject to anything or anybody or anybody's fiction or whatever
else anybody is dreaming up. I might be subject to something like Time or Life Itself, the Cosmos, The
Pure Essence, Karma, The Source and Driving Force of The All That Is and The All That Which Is Not
and things of that sort, but the far more important question is this. Who the hell do you think you are
that you insinuate having the authority, power and oversight, not to talk about the ability and insights
into Life Itself and its processes, to make that into your business? It's not your business and never was
and never will be. It's my business! And I wouldn't recommend anybody to ever again mess around
with my business. I am a free man, and it is my own business and choice to decide to what or who I
am dedicating and subjecting or not my very life, energy, time, destiny and all the rest of it. And the
same holds true for all of you, too. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It's just that we must make
sure to get rid of this one thing: The Lie – The Cardinal of all Sins!
Think of it this way. All the so-called sins, they all need one sin as kind of a prerequisite. This is like
the Cardinal Sin of all, for without that one the other sins wouldn’t be committed. That’s the lie and
deception. Without the option of lying, either to oneself or others, the other sins wouldn’t work out.
At least 99% of them, which is fairly a great percentage for a start. So, let’s get rid of the cultural
acceptance of lying of the current mankind and we’ll see unbelievable changes for the better
sweeping around the earth in no time. And just in case you don’t know this for yourself already, the
lie is like an infection, it works both ways, outside and inside. We always tend to think that we are
able to control the distortion of reality, the lie. Meaning that we will be able to keep track of where
we lied to others and where not and we will keep the record straight within us. Well, you see me
laughing because that is a proven hypocrisy. The moment you lie to the outside and to the others,
that infection is there within you and if not taken care of properly, it will behave like cancer. We all
know the rest of the story. But the good thing is that now we know where the responsibility and the
healing lies and therefore we are enabled to work out our way. So, let’s do it. Let's live according to
the maxim of you shall not lie! The only one true commandment. For the record, the term lie includes
actions like deception, omission, half-truth, false framing, undisclosed clauses and things of that sort.
That’s all, it’s that easy. And no, the 9th commandment about bearing false witness to your fellow
man doesn’t say this. In Luther’s terms it’s said to be the 8th commandment. You simply should not
lie, never. Not about others and not to others and not even to yourself. That’s in fact where all the evil
always starts. The rest of the 10 commandments are either nonsensical or, the sensible ones, are
already included in the task of not lying. Nobody would steal and rape, kill and plunder and deceive
and secretly start wars or go after the wife of another man if he would adhere to the rule of not lying.
It is obvious, isn’t it? No war ever started with one party declaring we are power-hungry and so now
we come and take away what is yours. No, never! It’s always under the pretext of a false flag event, a
lie, a distortion of reality, a false narrative, false claims and media propaganda and such. Always it is
needed to twist reality in such a way that the evil criminal liar can blame all the guilt on the other
one, the more or less innocent victim. Similarly, no man ever goes to another man and says, I’m going
to take your wife or steal your house or deceive you via this fine-print in the contract or this subprime-mortgage or going to murder this or that guy or any other evil action. Sure, because then that
crime wouldn’t work out. It is only working in combination with the lie. The criminal and evil one
always includes lies in his crimes. Without that lie, in a civilization where everybody adheres to the
taboo of not lying, nobody would dare to commit these evils because the law and the public opinion
and thus the entire force of mankind and human society would stand against the evil, criminal liar
and they wouldn’t dare to commit such a deed. Now, we partly have some kind of laws that will
punish you for lying. But only in very specific cases and not on a general basis. For example, if you lie
in court and they are going to catch you, you will be punished. Although mostly the punishment is
ridiculous compared to the damage done by it to all the rest of society. They all can lie without any
serious consequences. Just look at all the media and politicians and scientific studies and their public
relations, mega corporation White Books and intelligence agency reports and NGO reports of the likes
of the White Helmets and their own false flag activities, the ridiculously false climate models done on
purpose and so much more. Especially carbon dioxide human induced global warming, which is
wrong on so many levels. All without legal and lawful consequences but with tremendous, dire and
bad consequences for the people, earth and mankind and society at large. In fact, the lie has eaten
itself to such deep levels into our societies that we have reached a point where the judicial system
and the courts and attorneys and judges are liars themselves. Yes, I say it: Our civilization
is Rechtsbankrott, Lawfully Bankrupt or Bankruptcy of Law! The sad but logical consequence of many
centuries of tolerated lying. Think about it! How could one ever expect a sane and peaceful world like
that? It’s impossible. So, let’s get moving and let’s get it done.
We are releasing the shackles of restraint. Your fundamental mistake and failure in this current reality
is that you are twisting reality upside-down, or maybe better inside-out and outside-in. You have
decided to believe in God and are saying, God is Truth, whereas the truth and actual reality is the
opposite, Truth is The Highest, aka God. But you are not interested in truth as the highest because
you already think and believe that you know the highest truth, namely The God. But that is, as you
yourself are calling it, a belief and nothing else. Your blind belief is, except for certain social
identifications, worthless, sorry to say this. It’s just stories and traditions that you have been
indoctrinated with by your ancestors. Sure, they might have done it in good faith but nevertheless it
is not truth but only a belief. The thing is you don’t dare to question your own traditions, and you did
not have any actual real spiritual experience for yourself. How could you, if you are pretending to
know already before ever having investigated reality without any prejudice or any belief? See, it’s like
this. How could you fill in something into a vessel when that vessel is already full of something else?
Everything that you are putting into that vessel will get mixed up and tainted by the substance and
the ideas that are already contained within that vessel. So, the fundamental spiritual problem is that
you’ve never dared to completely empty yourself out of all the half-truths and the dogmatic
nonsense that society and tradition has put into you. And why is that so? Well, the answer is simple.
Because when you start doing this it can be a very dreadful experience to just entertain the thought
and the possibility that everything your society has ever taught you is false. A dreadful experience, as
everyone who ever experienced that for real will tell you. Because that would mean that all
conclusions, all rules, all heroes, all values and everything that you are using as guidance in life has
been tainted and is merely a half-truth or even outright wrong. From money-creation, to science,
history, religion, cosmology, hierarchy in society and much more, all is upside down. It means that all
the people who are celebrated as the good ones are not the good ones and that you are living in a
reality here on earth where always the wrong people are getting the power, authority, credibility,
support and encouragement. And with a little bit of imagination you can see for yourself that this can
only lead into the deepest abyss of dread, death and decay. And now look at this world and ask
yourself: Is that not exactly what is happening? Medical science doesn’t heal but is creating more
diseases. Banks don’t provide real, actual lawful money. Political leaders don’t work for the greater
good of the people. The food industry is not providing healthy food but is largely poisoning people.
The agrobusinesses are not creating healthy soil and land but are draining the land, so that the
microbiological content of soil is now below 1% on a worldwide level. The rivers are drying out and
desertification is eating up huge patches of land. The so-called ecological and environmental
movement is not solving a single problem but is creating far more additional problems via their halfbacked fake solutions. The so-called green technology energy measures are not helping to solve
energy problems and are not providing energy to society but on the contrary are making it more
expensive, scarcer and by far more disruptive for the environment. The priesthood and the religions
are not leading people to freedom and enlightenment, but they are the ones who are literally
penetrating our children in the millions and hence are creating more suffering and the next
generation of crippled and deranged members of society. The greatest peace prizes are given to the
greatest murderers. The greatest scientific prizes and budgets are given to ridiculous sophisticated
charlatans. The greatest credibility, voice and attention in our societies is given to actors, pretenders,
ball-game idiots and below average musicians who are pussy-raping and crime-glamorizing. And I and
many of you yourself could go on ranting like this for hours, days and weeks. But the funny thing is
this. If I talk to you, all 8 billion, on a one-to-one basis, you all will say that it is the others and that
you are part of the good ones because you are a believer in God. Can you see the sad and paradox
irony here? It’s always the others. But imagine I talked to all 8 billion and everybody is saying, it’s the
others. Then let me ask you. Who are the others, if not you yourself? And here we are coming full
circle now. As I’ve said in the beginning, the mistake is that you start with an assumption, make this
assumption into a belief and then a dogma and are now watching everything through that falsifying
dogma. Your belief in a god that you don’t know, never met and just have been indoctrinated with for
nefarious purposes. It is this vicious cycle that is the root cause of all systemic evil here on earth. I
believe in God. God is good and thus, because I belief in God and am thus a part of him, I am per
definition the good one which leaves only one option left for the other one: He must be the bad and
evil one! Dang! Trapped in a death spiral.
And so, eventually the question of death comes up. What about death? Is that death the end of it all,
the Great Nullifier? Let’s see, if we can find some basic, simple mechanism in that death business.
Firstly: Death to me is first of all a very personal relationship. To me my Personal Death is the closest,
best and most trustworthy ally, friend and especially adviser. Incorruptible like no one else. And to be
sure, I’m not talking metaphorically here but actually and factually. He sits a little over my left
shoulder, always there with me all the time. And for the it’s the end of it all part, well, in principle I do
agree. There is no guaranteed, all-free-and-inclusive-first-class-service-ticket-to-the-After-Life for
man. At least at this point in mankind’s evolutionary process and point in time. Maybe there was and
maybe there will be, but not right now. There is also no infinite number of continuous reincarnations
on earth. The number is in fact very limited, and the kind of reincarnation currently talked about here
is a kind of an emergency program. That is not the original blueprint and template meant for and
inherited by mankind. But we are, and always have been, and will be, given an opportunity. One can
do a certain work on one’s own consciousness and being to a degree that you can create a copy of
the original consciousness-life-spark-debt-to-the-Creator, which is the essence of death: The payback
of the initial spark of the flame of life. Although sadly most ordinary people never bothered to create
a copy on their own. Nobody ever told them to! And Life Itself will accept the 100% pure and clean
copy as the real, consciously. It’s not cheating or a trick or such but instead it’s an offer given and
granted to each one of us by Life Itself. One must work harder for it than one ever worked for
anything else in life, but it is indeed possible. This offer is a gift. In deep secret yogic terms, there is a
similar or analog wisdom to that. They call it Stealing from the Earth because normally one cannot
take one’s individuality with oneself when going beyond. It’s a very similar concept. The first concept
has its roots in secret Meso American very ancient traditions. Not the well-known kind of shamanism.
Anyways, just my two cents in a 3-minute impulse-talk. And yes, what I say is very simplified and
rudimentary, for sure. It’s just a, how is it called in modern slang, a teaser.
A few more clarifications. A friend came up with this, which is obvious nonsense. Men are Mortal and
Corporations have Eternal Life. Let me explain. In fact, corporations have no life at all, and for sure no
eternal life, that is stupid nonsense. I, for one, haven’t yet seen any corporation that did not come
down one day. No corporation, no empire, no kingship, no building, no entity, no god, no nothing that
was ever created. So not infinite, if we say infinite equals eternal. Well, that would need a calm and
quiet clarification of these terms in the first place and then, sure, would be an interesting discussion
and thought to play around with. You see, it’s said that everything that has a beginning has an end as
well. So, I wonder, are there things or beings without a beginning, but being?! Or even more spacedout: Could it be that we are beings, who very much are and who are very much alive and conscious
but without a beginning at all? An interesting thought. Especially if one applies it to everybody and
everything and the universe and life at large. Interesting, to say the least.
And another one. Body devoid of spirit is a cadaver. Spirit devoid of body is a ghost. I, for one,
wouldn’t fully agree with that one either. I’d agree with the first part, body devoid of spirit is a
cadaver, but not with the second part. Instead, I’d say: Spirit devoid of a body is consciousness. We
are talking about the so-called physical body. There are more bodies to a human being. Now, the
actual problem is that our Western, European or call it Judeo Christian Greek Roman kind of
civilization and culture has not even really started to ponder those questions in earnest at all, not to
mention answering and understanding them. We are a very primitive culture in our understanding of
Life, Life Itself, Spirit and Consciousness. The fundamental aspect is to know that there are different
types of consciousness. Mainly two categories, the so-called organic consciousness and the inorganic
consciousness. The difference is not as in the analogy to our chemistry and biology by determination
whether it’s carbon-based or not. That’s not the defining difference in terms of consciousness.
Instead, it is about the qualities and abilities of this consciousness. Inorganic consciousness is dead
consciousness, a kind of ghost in your terminology, but organic consciousness is living consciousness
and that is defined by the ability to produce more consciousness out of itself in near endless quantity
and quality. Yes, a true living being of organic consciousness is a so-called Perpetuum Mobile being.
And thus, such a being can give himself as many bodies as he wants. One after the other and very few
Masters are even able to instantly relocate and even appear at the same moment in time at several
locations. But those are specific cases, and such fancy performances are not at all the aim or intent of
the striving to gain such a deep and profound understanding of the process of Life Itself. You see,
these things are almost impossible to talk about with modern so-called civilized man who is part of
our modern culture, because we, as a collective, are so dense that we still argue, whether
consciousness is a product and consequence of the material and the physical realm or not. Which is
utterly self-indulging nonsense to do. With such people it’s almost impossible to have a serious
discussion about anything, much less about the essence of Life and Life Itself and the essence of what
it means to be a conscious human being. Sadly so. Some people asked me whether I’m joking. So
again, no, I am not joking. Why I say, death is sitting on my shoulder, is because of the energetic
arrangements of the Living Man, the being, the physical and energetic body. Let’s use the Indian Yogic
lore for the description and terminology here. There are 114 so-called Chakras forming the human
body, its living systems and the entire being and in short 108 can be worked with and upon while
certain 4 can’t be explicitly worked upon but they just follow the others. And then there are the last
two most secret and mystic ones, number 113 and 114, and these two are outside of the physical
body. Your Personal Death is one of those two. That’s the true meaning behind my metaphorical
More false claims. A Mortal man who chooses eternal life over his own mortality is choosing
corporate personality and death over the continuity of biological life. Please, don’t get me wrong, this
is just criticism at a very high level. Obviously, you don’t get it. Man is more than just biological aka
physical life. Man is more than matter. And you don’t choose eternal life. You choose life, and that to
the fullest and when the time comes, you go and meet Your Personal Death. For many, probably even
most, it sadly will be the first time in their lives to meet that one companion which always has been
their dearest and most trustworthy ally, friend and guardian. But who said that meeting death
necessarily equals to be dead afterwards? Who says such a thing? Who said that it is not possible to
meet death but not being forced to give up all life? And it’s not about being un-die-able, that’s not
how it works. Death exists, in fact death is an option, and a very worthwhile one and this option will
still be existing onward. Even if you are not fully dying here on earth at your death, meaning being
annihilated in all your essential template. You go on and you still have the option of death, which is a
very good thing to have, to make some decisions again and again and again. Just why not live with
that option but never fully draw this option? Freedom is incomplete without the option of death,
meaning without the option of saying No, any Yes is worthless. See, the truth here is this. Most
people need the perspective of death or of some fancy heaven fantasy because they are by far not
able to stick with themselves for much longer. That is the dirty little secret of the current mankind
and their view on death. People don’t like and can’t stand themselves. They hate themselves too
much to be able to cope with themselves, so they get tired of life and of their nonsensical repetitions,
so they are desperately in need of the prospect of soon dying.
We could call that Spiritual Vanity or the Religious Dunning-Kruger-Effect. The ugliest, deadliest, most
evil and most worthless form man can give his life to. Religious vanity or what my friend Theresa
Talea is calling the Irony of the God-Complex is indeed the root of all evil. Once you have fully freed
yourself from all cultural and religious imprints into and onto your being, your body, mind, emotion,
identification, on the legal and lawful frame of your life and in all other ways and managed to strip
yourself completely down to the pure essence of Life Itself that you are, it becomes strikingly obvious
how all evil ever started in this cosmos. It did not start with some entity, be it a man, a fallen angel,
demon, a greedy god or some semi-sweets or even a Plasma AI that went rogue and berserk or any
such thing who got the idea of going against the Big Boss and trying to cheat his way to the top and
rule and control the entire cosmos, its beings and the entire creation. Nope, that’s not what has
happened. In fact, it was the exact opposite development that started the so-called Fall, and which
made sure that many things went south in this creation. It was guys who came up with their religious
vanity claiming they know it all and know it better than everybody else and that they have a special
contact to the big boss and that singularly they are the messengers and teachers and rulers by divine
authority and more of that sort of crap. You all know the rest of these sermons. We’ve had millions of
fools trying to pull that off, knowingly or even more often unwittingly and unconscious of the
schemes they have been entangled in. Because they are blinded or under demonic possession, living
out their childhood traumas, compensating their inner inferior-complexes or got tricked and
indoctrinated into different cults, religions or different spiritual traditions, secret doctrines and so on
and are not willing and capable to reflect on their own indoctrination and teaching, so they are doing
what we all know is the most deadly and dangerous thing. They take whatever tiny little actual
spiritual experience they might have had, if any at all, and blow it up and exaggerate this tiny little
minuscule part of the whole and start selling it as the whole. Not only to others but even to
themselves. Yes, they believe in their own spiritual superiority, although they surely do not admit to
it, but instead they all try to hide it behind the false facade of pretended altruism. I know, this sounds
harsh and paradox to you, but it is the truth. We all know the saying that half-truth is far more
dangerous than no truth at all. That is the mechanism here and that is the reason why I deeply detest
the cults around those Gandhis, Jesus’, Buddhas and such men. Not the actual men themselves;
please pay close attention here. And I even don’t care about whether I do agree to their way of
teaching or not but the cults, that are always established around such men, no matter if real, good or
bad or fake persons and characters, idols and leaders. I do detest such behavior. It is an absolute
mono-dimensional approach to Life Itself and to The All That Is. It’s not exactly false what they are
teaching but the falsehood and deception, again knowingly or unknowingly, is in that they are
presenting their tiny little piece of wisdom as the ultimate and full alpha omega picture and are
insinuating that they are the official spokesperson for that force and entity and its magic secret and
therefore in the position of the highest authority. That is the framing here. And you can observe the
same vanity infection with all the followers of such men. It is the phenomenon of people who have a
slave-mentality and think the best way to have a little power for themselves without the need to
overcome their enslavement is to be close to the Massa aka the guru, messenger, the idol, hero or
the religious leader. That’s where I said no! It’s you who are wrong and completely limited and egodriven and are praying to and being guided by false, evil entities. And it is you who, via this psychotic
and autistic, psychopathological behavior, has started all this fuss about evil, evil, evil, evil, where is
this damned evil in the first place. In classic psychological terms one could call it a special kind of
double-bind situation. Example: Mom says she loves you so much but shows with every word and
deed that you as her child are only a burden and a problem and not at all welcome in her life and
non-verbally she shows you that you are stupid and worthless and that she would be happier if you
were dead. You, the child, will be broken by that kind of evil spell and your personality will be deeply
hurt and damaged. That is what all these religions have done to you and your ancestors for millennia.
At least the book-religions although this game is a far older one. They have told you how much they
love you and all these exaggerated lies while their other hand, the hidden one, has been not only
grabbing into your pockets and wallets but also grabbing your land and soil, your sovereignty, jerked
off on your history, your heritage, tweaked your genetics, desecrated your children and women, and
as if that would not be already enough this hidden hand is also fisting you hard and is even trying to
grab and devour your very soul! Did you not recognize it? And that is also the reason why everybody
in the truther, disclosure and awakening community of the self-proclaimed light warriors went
completely nuts in terms of religious and spiritual talks and claims in the last 10 years. To me it looks
like everybody recently seems to think of him- or herself as a Spiritual Master and a messenger and
thinks he or she needs to give his or her fantastic mental diarrhea to the world as a necessary
revelation. What an absolutely ridiculous farce.
Now, let me add this. You all know this saying: The system did not fail but it is doing exactly what it
was designed for! Well, the same is true here. The religions, churches, the Vatican and their
teachings, doctrines, laws, claims, and messengers haven’t been corrupted, infiltrated and been taken
over. No, they are doing exactly what they were invented for. That’s what I have been trying to tell
you for 10 years now and that’s the only one thing you and I differ in our view of this Living Reality,
meaning this is the only thing that separates us. But, as I’ve said many times, it’s not me who is
initiating the divide and separation, El Diabolo, the Splitter, but it’s you. Because it’s not me who
wants you to admit inferiority to and bow down to anyone or anything but it’s you who think you
know better than me that in this reality I must bow down to this Jesus and to your god. But again, it’s
only in your head and in your fiction and you are the one who is pushing on me and is invading and
violating my sovereignty by thinking that you, or anybody else for that matter, any priest, pope or
other religiously blinded whoever, have the right to give me that kind of spiritual ultimatum: If you
don’t love and bow down to my god then I cannot see and treat you as equal! Here you will have
passed the verdict yourself and on yourself and will have judged yourself and proclaimed yourself to
be guilty of having committed the greatest sin and evil in the cosmos. You’ve got to understand that
all this deception and pretending only succeeded until someone came and said no. So, I say no, and I
declare the following truth. At the basis of every culture and society in the history of mankind there is
a social contract. A contract between and among the living people and not a contract with any socalled god. That social contract is broken in our current world. We need to fix it. If you like to seek and
worship what you call the creator, that is perfectly fine and a beautiful thing to do but you can do that
at home and in your private life. To be honest with all of you, nobody is interested in the slightest bit
in your pretty infantile, insincere and fearful dealings and conversations with God because everybody
has his or her own relationship and their own confused stew to stir and especially no one needs the
dogmatic, self-righteous and blinded and unintelligent preacher man running around and spreading
their lies about a dogmatic, jealous but never-the-less at the same time arrogantly detached and
exclusive god. God doesn’t need a contract with you. That’s a silly idea of people who try to cheat Life
Itself and their fellow mankind. And ultimately themselves, too. Or in other words, your life, your
energy, your life-force, and the living vibrating consciousness which is oscillating right now within and
through your entire being, your spirit and through your very blood is the very contract that you have
with your creator. No words, papers, letters, signs and seals, contracts, treaties, fine-print or privilegeclauses are needed here and everyone who is telling you otherwise is a liar, a cheat and an evil traitor
to you and to Life Itself.
For example, you have told the people the story of Jacob and Esau and you offered your explanation
of this story, saying that there are two gods in this book called Bible and the people need to discern
very carefully which one of these two are speaking. You say one is evil, and one is the good God. As
many people have already understood, it is indeed correct that there are seemingly two gods talking.
But what if I told you that both are enslaving, lying Service-To-Self-Entities?! Both are just two
different faces of the same group-entity. Both are only pretending to be something which they are
not and are only pretending to oppose each other. As I have explained before, it’s called dialectic, and
it is the oldest trick in the book. The Pepsi-God and the Coke-God. The Apple-God and the MicrosoftGod. The Republican-God and the Democrat-God. The left wing and the right wing of the same bird.
The Beatles-God and the Stones-God. The g(o)od cop and the bad cop. The fascist God and the antifascist God. One for collecting and catching the lamb-souls and the other one for hunting down and
catching the wolf-souls. The whole game is rigged. It’s rigged in such a way that by agreeing to play
that game one has already lost. There is nothing to gain in that story for a free, alive and conscious
being. Nothing, because the complete game is rigged. The house will always win, for the game is
rigged and the moment you step into the game, you are already lost. The exact same principle that
you have already discovered about the entire Judicial System in today’s world. By stepping into
the ring, aka the court, you have already decided to lose and to be the victim. Oh, and is it any
wonder? Who do you think these cretins have learned that trick from? It’s like playing poker with
someone who has absolutely nothing, so he’s asking you for some credit and you give him some and
start playing. But no matter how many games you win there is nothing to win, because the other one
has nothing to ever back up the credit with in the first place and so you can only lose. No other, and
might it even be only theoretical, possibility here. The only correct conduct is to not play with such a
fictitious nothingness, it’s that simple. You do not play at all. Thanks, but no, thanks. Stop chasing the
Dragon! There is nothing to chase. Just see it through and laugh and turn away and thus the demon
will starve to death because it was only your life and our life blood and energy which gave him his
artificial life in the first place. Is that too hard to see it through? Why not just go to the very heart of
the matter and give the people the rough and hard but necessary truth in just one sentence? The
Bible, in its dogmatic claim of Univocality, Inerrancy and Historicity, is the false, deceiving and
enslaving narrative and tool to hold you captive, inferior and separated from your true origin, from
Life Itself, our inheritance, power, destiny and everything else, this book is not benign, full stop! Or
even shorter: Jesus didn’t tell the truth. He was, no matter if consciously or unwittingly, not telling the
truth, full stop! Or as I have offered: We, mankind and all our so-called admired scientists, haven’t
understood the True Motion of Earth and its Axis and thus our whole cosmological understanding and
our Standard Model of Physics and our complete science in general is false and a lie, full stop! One
sentence, and the people are forced to stop their whole lives and to sit down and are forced to wake
up. Bang, mission accomplished! They would have to, without a chance to not stop everything and to
re-think everything. But sure, that would require you to let go of what your own fiction and belief is.
You are all tough in asking literally everybody, the others once again, to do exactly that. To reflect and
question themselves to a level that is indeed painful. And I do agree with you that this is necessary,
but what about you yourself? When it comes to your own weak and blind spot of consciousness and
to the lies that are still circulating within your own systems, I only see you whining around like all
the others do with the correct and true information you give them and urge them to digest. And you
are hard with them, you are tough with them and you do not let them slip away and let them sneak
out and escape to another lie, which I do fully agree with and admire. But again, what about you?
What about you, preaching water and drinking wine yourself? Where is your honor, strength and
integrity to stand in front of the whole world and admit: Yes, I have been wrong, dangerously wrong,
deadly wrong! Puff, and the demon would dissolve. Done, finished and the good life could begin,
immediately and with no chance for evil anymore. Let me ask you, can you do that? Are you that
integer? Is your love for truth, freedom and mankind that great that it is even greater than your ego,
your vanity and your own fear? Frankly, it’s not my business at all how many lies are still circulating
and living within your system, but please don’t forget that it’s my life, too. It’s my world and my
mankind, too. It’s my destiny, too. It’s my family, my brothers and sisters, too. It’s my inheritance too,
it’s my love, my pain and my slaughtered and raped and killed and imprisoned and enslaved brothers
and sisters, too. It’s my life, too and you are not the only one here and you all as well should have the
integrity to recognize, when someone comes who is better equipped to do a certain job than you and
you should step back and not only give room but even more give support to the man, or the woman
for that matter, who actually can solve the problem.
So, let me clarify this one very last thing. The paradox of the solution in this current judicial system is
that the claim of coming from and being authorized and entitled by God is indeed the solution to
make the whole system click and like Sesam Open Up would release all treasures and heaven on
earth, but at the same time it is the trap and this seemingly logical and real solution would dissolve
into illusion before your very eyes and slavery would reign forever more and harder than ever. Look,
you have, like other Freemen and law investigators have as well, found out that all this current
Western International Ecclesiastical Maritime and Sea and Air Law construct and narrative which is
the foundation of our practiced and currently established law and its subsequent legal proceedings is
indeed a kind of an emergency program that is running, at least that is how it was set up, until the
savior comes, steps into this carefully carved out position and claims it all in the name of good, God,
righteousness and all the rest of it. So, it is understandable that for many of the very few people who
have come after many years of searching and seeking the solution to all this deception and fraud that
far to having recognized the architecture of the great fraud in its real depth and sinister
profoundness, and who then even have found this alleged solution, so that it seems logical and the
right thing to do to step into that position and become this new savior, the foretold return of the
Christ, the Messiah, including the subsequent narrative. Especially, because most of the people are
still, without actually knowing it for real, equating good = God, the one of the book religions, the only
one. And thus for them it just seems as the most logical and now revealing possibility and
explanation: Ah, so it's me, the One, and that's no problem, because I know for sure that I am good,
oh so good, and that means that it is ok that I become the Special One and the Messenger One and
the One who knows more and thus decides more for I know better and am closer to the God and the
God has put me into this position, so it's ok when I act as the ruler and dictator of Good and
God! Dang, trapped again and lost. You almost solved it. Almost, because in fact you fell exactly for
the trap that was prepared for centuries and millennia. See? Let's go back. By stepping into that
position, yes, it's true, like a safe lock that clinches and is snapping open this would set a lot of claims
and subsequent clearings and accounting and freeing and reshuffling of securities and assets and
authorities over those assets and whatnot in motion. But it is kind of a deal that you would have
made. You wouldn't be free and sovereign anymore because by accepting that position you would
give away and lose your freedom to the pretended higher authority of The God! And this The
God is their franchise, copyright, demon, tool, logo and narrative including everything; the
merchandise, the publishing rights, the interpretation rights, simply everything. In short, you would
be just another Manchurian Candidate like all the others before. And I am talking about not only
politicians but yes, your religious idols have mainly been Manchurian Candidates, to put it mildly.
These golden end solutions with you are being the one, are the last and ultimate test, and this
answer is the only correct one: I won't sign this contract, meaning I will not step into that false
position of a franchised savior whose strings are controlled by other group-entities and their minions!
That's what you all haven't seen for a long time, and I do understand that very well and do have
compassion for you in that. And I feel sorry to observe such a hard and uncomfortable fact to you, but
I think that by now you’ve already got it and even more that you can jump that fence and I'm pretty
sure you even do it with a smile and a cheer. At least, after you will have absorbed the initial
unsettling emotions. A kind of funny rule of thumb you could draw from this insight is that what is
not a trap is the following. In case you have a weak spot in your heart for this god-Jesus-religionbible-kind-of-terminology, you can learn to talk in ways that without using a single one of these
special franchise-owned words like all bible quotes, names, Christian mantras, Jesus, Christ and all
this talk. Meaning learning to talk about what you perceive and think of as God without using the
word and any other of these god-like words. None of it at all because it’s not necessary at all. Well,
my humble experience with that is for many years, that if your intentions and own emotions are clear
and clean and pure and in friendship then you are touching people a hundred times easier, deeper
and much more intense and profound than would ever be possible with any of these pre-scripted,
copyrighted and highly legally and lawfully enfranchised and controlled words and narratives. In
short, doing this you are real and authentic, and I bet in a way you are smiling now because you know
damn well what I'm talking about here.
Now, let’s continue. Obviously, all of you believe in the Devil and that he is somewhere out there and
that this evil is kind of a substance and that it is highly infectious and that it has dark secret powers
and knowledge and abilities to infect you with its evil. And you all are dead sure that this evil is so
omnipotent and omnipresent but at the same time you all are 100% sure that it is not within or with
you. Everywhere else but not in any way connected to you yourself. Or even more precise, you do not
even explicitly claim that evil is not with you but even more you are not even once allowed and
considered the idea, thought or question and the subsequent checking and validating or falsifying to
enter your mind. Meaning you simply unconsciously assumed that you are the good one without ever
checking that either. Then let’s do the thinking that you all avoided doing for yourselves. It’s not really
that hard or complicated. In fact, it’s easy, it might just be a little unsettling. Imagine, just for the sake
of this discussion, you are this Devil, this entity of which you all believe that it must be out there and
what is said about him, that he is revolting against what you call the true God because he is jealous,
greedy, full of envy and simply bad, bad, bad and evil to the core of his heart of darkness. Let’s
assume that this is correct and that there is this obnoxious entity spinning all his evil plans and
agendas. Now, what is the essential strategy and aim of this agenda? You say its goal is to replace
the true God and to replace all that which is good, beautiful, true and righteous with only lies and
fictions and twisted versions to parasite on everything and everyone to fulfill his diabolic and satanic
evil never-ending wish of sucking in all life like a black hole. How could he achieve such a feat? What
is the only logical and necessary strategy that he will inevitably embark on to achieve this rather silly
goal of being better and on top of everything? Obviously, in the long run, and these kinds of projects
are always long-time projects, the only possible way towards his goal is to sooner or later explicitly
target the position of this God and occupy it for himself. It is the only viable way. Just look at all the
other criminals on earth and how they are doing their evil and you will always find the exact same
pattern. People are doing evil deeds, but they always need to come up with a narrative that is
justifying their actions and painting their deeds as hard but necessary and correct and righteous.
Because you cannot rule for a long period of time just by brute force, intimidation and subversion.
This simply produces too much friction for being able to build a stable regime, empire or society upon
pure violent, pervert and enslaving behavior. These features are used, no question about that. But
the goal is to use them and traumatize the people. And then you do not always have to repeat the
actual heavy violent deed, but it is enough to just trigger the trauma again, meaning just to give a
very small reminder of what you, the evil master, could do and what you have done already. And that
is more than enough for an already terrorized and traumatized population to stay in line and to keep
obeying. Just look up good old Niccolo Machiavelli and read again what he had to say about the use
of violence and when and how it should be used. Quick and short, hard and brutal, in the very
beginning and all at once. Please forgive me for my harsh and dirty example, but I want to make this
mechanism absolutely clear. A Man is married to his wife, and he started beating his wife up for
whatever reasons. Lost his job and was ashamed, too much drinking and she was complaining and so
his Little Willie wasn’t the hardest Joe in town anymore which made him feel ashamed and so … You
know how all this is going out there for yourself. Now he hit her once and then a second time and
then one day a third time and so it became kind of normal that from time to time when he was at his
lowest that he hit her. They both got used to it. We all understand that between those two people
there has been a bond established, a dirty bond of power hierarchy, and with a little imagination we
all can see in our minds how this is going on in their everyday life. When he wants something from
her, but she doesn’t agree then he will just look at her and he doesn’t have to hit her every single
time he wants to subvert her to his will. It would be far too much action, for every time he wants to
subvert her to use real actual violence for that’s not a practical and viable way. No, he just has to
signal to her that he could do it again right now, and that small signal, just a gesture, a certain look, a
raised hand or raised voice is more than enough to trigger the already stored traumatic memory of
the real event when he indeed hurt her brutally and immediately, she will obey. Every terror regime
in human history did the same. Sure, initially they did horrible things like murder, deportation, torture
and implemented secret police and people spying on each other and such things, but the goal is and
has always been to just initiate and trigger the terror into the people and the people’s minds so much
that the self-censoring mechanism is taking over and not much violence, coercion and punishment is
needed anymore and all the people will swallow all injustice and will go with the idiotic narrative
presented by the evil dictator and slave master of how great and good and what a heartwarming
ruler the evil oppressor is.
You’ve got to understand, that an entity that is embarking on such an obnoxious trip and project is in
its twisted ways planning on achieving such a feat, to replace the God with himself. Meaning he is
planning to do it and then to live with such an arrangement to enjoy his pleasures and wishes. And
that part of the plan you never saw and thought about. And that’s why you haven’t been able to
clearly see and identify him in his position and hideout. The essential part of his strategy is the public
transformation of himself into this The God. It must be public, otherwise he could not sufficiently
draw authority and power from it. Another very important point to consider, and what most of you
failed to consider, is to see that although we are only now catching up to the game, he has been
playing that game for almost an eternity already. So, when you raise your head and look around it is
not that there is a neutral battleground, and this strange battle is beginning now and here but on the
contrary the battle is already raging on for millennia and we are just latecomers who are trying to
catch up with what’s going on for a long time already. Now, when you combine all the above points
and try to form a picture out of it, it suddenly becomes absolutely clear. This God in the many
different shapes, religious traditions, narratives and versions and avatars is always the same groupentity or always controlled by the same entities and it is none other than the devil himself, if you like
to use such a terminology, who is doing the only logical thing for him and is working on the most
essential part of his strategy. This entity is the one who invented the idea of The God, precisely out of
the need to have such an entity and to have such a belief implanted into mankind for his enslavement
plans to work out. Without the idea of The God within the people this entity wouldn’t have any way
of performing any powerful deeds or decisions and he would simply be what he actually is: A big
Nothing-Burger! And, no, as I have explained many times, I am not a nihilistic materialist, not at all. I
just know, that the so-called Most High, that what most of you think of when you are using the word
god, and which in fact is calling itself Life Itself, The All That Is, The Pure Essence, is not an entity. It is,
it is conscious, it is very much alive, more alive than anything or anybody, but it is not an entity, not a
being. And everybody who is trying to sell you the Most High as an entity, like all our religions are
currently doing, well, you know for sure, they are trying to sell you to the Devil-God-GroupEntity, albeit most of those people are thinking they are doing something great, honorable and good
and righteous and doing it without understanding it for themselves because they are already from
their earliest childhood infected, indoctrinated and implanted with that kind of spiritual possession;
sadly so. The people who want to sell you their religious The God are trying to sell you to the devil!
Welcome at the bottom of the Rabbit Hole.
So, is the Cosmos, God, Life Itself working top-down or bottom-up? Well, that is the question you
must answer. The only question you must answer yourself in order to put yourself in the position of
opening every door in the cosmos. In a way all this craziness in the world is in fact very easy to
understand. What you all are complaining about, from money, politics, taxes, sovereignty,
government, Big Tec, censorship, surveillance, Big Pharma, Great Reset, warmongering and all the
rest of it is in fact always the same thing. You are complaining about the fundamental template and
structure of all our ideas and systems of organizing communal, national, regional, state and all other
common affairs, the commons, or die Allmende in German. It is always built according to the wellknown top-down structure. I bet you’ve heard of the symbol of the pyramid but maybe you just never
understood its painfully obvious meaning: Top Down! Yeah, exactly like modern man loves to scream
in every realm, from sports, industries, war, politics and their most beloved pet, religion: The winner
takes it all and all the losers can go flush themselves down the toilet. Now that we can recognize the
problem and the common thread to this problem, let’s ask where it comes from. What is the root
cause for such obnoxious behavior? Who has taught us this? And the answer is very easy and
obvious. It is coming from your most basic assumptions about and the very starting point of your
identification, paradigm and world view of this cosmos and this reality, namely The God! Your
assumption, belief and indoctrination are this all powerful, omnipotent and omnipresent The
God which is the greatest personification of the principle of top-down, is it not? All this notion, which
is the most fundamental maxim of law in our Western construct of law, that he is The Creator and
that he owns everything and every life, including you and everybody else, is the clearest and most
profound expression of a top-down structure. How stupid is it to even think that the actual force of
creation is only remotely closely interested in owning anything, much less the whole of creation? This
clearly shows that the people who believe in such sinister nonsense do not and did not have any real
experience and don’t know about that force of creation for themselves. Otherwise, they would
understand that the act and deed of creating is coming from an abundance and an endless
overflowing where the idea of scarcity, owning and being the chief controller of said creation is the
absolute last thing such a gifted force would ever waste only one second with. Some of you are
mothers; let me ask you: Did you ever come up with that notion of owning your creation, aka your
kids? If so, your children should be taken away from you for clearly you are mentally ill! This whole
creation does exist and did come into existence precisely because that force of creation is not the
least bit interested in owning but in sharing that overflowing wealth, life, wisdom, energy and spark
of Life Itself. So, the idea of top down is not coming from The All That Is, The Pure Essence but from
greedy, small-minded, mischievous and simply lying and evil men and entities. Are you able to follow
that thought through? If the most basic template of mankind’s perception of reality is completely
upside down, then it is no wonder that everything in this world is upside down and that it is such an
obnoxious mess. You know, here in Austria we have for many decades and probably even centuries
the saying, if you want to tell somebody that he is really stupid, you are so stupid, you don’t even
know whether you are man or woman! Do I have to say any more? I guess, it couldn’t get any more
wrong than it already is. So, to wrap this up, the problem in today’s world is that everything is topdown structured and that is because we believed that this force of creation which we call God is
structured and has structured all creation according to the top-down principle, when in fact it is
structured bottom-up. To be really precise it’s in fact structured inside-out. Meaning that the healing
for mankind is, after fully having recognized this basic truth of Life Itself, to learn to perceive this force
of creation as bottom-up and subsequently organize our societies, states, communities and peoples
according to the bottom-up principle. That’s all, let’s do it.
Friends – Romans – Citizens - We’ll start with the Peace of Philippi!
Russia offers Germany a Peace Treaty - Two brotherly peoples make peace for the benefit and joy of
the whole world. Here is the solution for our current human geopolitical dilemma.
Step 1: Russia, in accordance with their international partners, offers Germany a peace treaty.
Germany and the German People accept full of gratitude and brotherly ambitions. So, we will make
peace after 80 years including all the very important legal and lawful, geopolitical, cultural and
economical consequences. The whole world will witness the grace, integrity, honor and wisdom of
the Russian soul, heart and mind. That peace and freedom will enable world peace; and that’s it
already. The rest will be easy, like Domino, almost going smooth by itself.
Step 2: Suddenly 80 million Germans will become aware of still being an occupied country. No Peace
Treaty, no freedom, no sovereign country. Same but different in many countries around the globe!
That awakening can’t be stopped any more.
Step 3: Now it must be discussed: What is Germany? Is it BRD aka FRG - Federal Republic of
Germany? Is it Germany? Or is it still some kind of undeclared leftover of the 3. Reich? Or an even
older Reich or Empire? Which would mean that it was part of this Municipal Imperial (Air Jurisdiction)
World Governing System, right? Or is it only a company registered under Admiralty Law? And what
are the legal and lawful differences between these constructions? These questions have to be
answered, because you can’t make a peace treaty without exactly knowing about the true legal and
lawful status of the signatories. Grundgesetz? Constitution? Allied contracts? Chancellor-file? We will
review the history of the whole 20th century. But very Important: We do not want to repeat it, blame
any guilt or even try start it all over again. No, definitely not! What we want is to disentangle our own
history for real healing will be possible for everybody for we will be able to finally heal these wounds.
Step 4: France and others will start to ponder following the Russian example, because they as well
might be totally fed up with that hyper-inflation-and-war-exporting indispensable Empire.
Consequences for the EU – European Union? What about a Federation or Confederation of the
Sovereign States of Europe, doesn’t that sound promising?! We would have to clearly spell out the
difference between both such structures before deciding which way to choose.
Step 5: Now the whole NATO idea will come into question. What is it still good for at all? When
Germany and Russia and probably soon other Eurasian, European, Asian and other Nations will make
peace, then what use is there for an aggressive, bullying, deceiving, warmongering entity like NATO?
So, soon many brotherly peoples all over the world will start to encourage this idea, because they
also want to live in peace, freedom and friendship, as equals among equals. All allied troops are
immediately leaving Germany. No 30 billion each year of our money for being enslaved and pay for it
by ourselves. No longer! NATO Stay Behind Operation GLADIO plan A, plan B, plan C? Terrorizing our
own population? No longer. Disclosure!
Step 6: The so-called Ukraine conflict will be brought to an immediate stop. The filthy web of lies,
deception, mafia, warmonger, orchestrated terrorism and shameful media campaigns will be
disentangled and dried out financially, politically and legally and lawfully. All really interested parties
will start coming up with solutions and direct help for rebuilding the country, infrastructure and faith
and culture, in a truly altruistic way.
Step 7: Re-evaluating our world history. How did we come to WW1, and how to WW2? Rheinwiesen –
Millions of Germans died after the war?! 20 million Dead Russians! What was going on in Breton
Woods with Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, the true boss behind the official head, Henry Dexter
White, changing and betraying the contract at Midnight from Gold to Gold or Dollar and through that
opened the door for a lot of grieve, crime and suffering. Finding and discussing cultural similarities
like the Russian Weden with Indian Vedic Scriptures, in language between Russian language and Old
High German. Where did these concepts of Communism and so-called National Socialism come from.
Who did finance and nurture these movements, etc. Cui Bono?
Step 8: World finance system! AIIB is gaining speed, Chinese SWIFT System in the making. What do
we do with the IMF and the World Bank? I guess there is no use for them in a peaceful world, at least
not the way they are still behaving with their ridiculous Washington Consensus. Done with it! What a
cruel and evil, ridiculous joke they were. Which brings us to the UN. Hm, is there any use, any good,
in keeping this fraudulent, crooked institution in its current shape? So, we will openly and publicly
discuss money. What is money, what should it be like in a fair world and how can we ensure a system
of money-creation which truly serves the people’s interest? Do we have a Money System or a Credit
System? Or a useless bastard out of both? What about Central Banks? Rating agencies? Interest and
compounded interest? BIS, Bank of International Settlement? SDR, Special Drawing Rights?
Step 9: Peace Treaty for Korea. The whole Korean and especially Japanese history will be reviewed.
Not to judge or blame on the Japanese. No, like I said before, for healing our historical
wounds. Yamashita’s Gold, The Golden Lilly, Black Eagle Trust. Nearly all the post-war Japanese
political history is corrupted by forces never talked about in the media. War deeds of Japan
throughout the first part of the 20th century and earlier. Up to 3/11, Fukushima-Tsunami and 9/11,
Project Hammer. By the way, where is all the gold, precious metals, gems and jewelry? There is
approximately 100 times the amount of already processed gold on this planet than we all have ever
been told; stored in the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Paraguay, Switzerland, et al.
Step 10: We will go back to review our language. What is Democracy, a Republic, a State, a
Constitution, a Treaty, what is Law and where does it originate from? Citizen, Person, Human,
Humanity, Mankind, Man and Woman. What is a Rule and what do we mean when we say God?
What is Spirituality and what are Morals and Ethics and a Conscience? In short, we will revitalize and
rejuvenate and inspire our common human community anew.
Step 11: What is law and where did it originate from? Where do all the strings of law and its
enforcement come together? Yes, we will finally need to openly discuss our institutionalized religions;
most importantly the Catholic Church and even more the Roman Catholic Church which are two
different entities. What is the meaning of the Holy See? The Vatican? And why are they the holders of
law, the franchise owner, so to speak? Or at least they still believe they are. How and why are they
connected to the Temple Bars, Inner temple and the 3 other Temples, in the City of London, to which
every lawyer, advocate and barrister is sworn in in this world at different branches? Codex Iuris
Canonici. Are we still ruled by these archaic traditions?
Step 12: International consequences. Now we have deconstructed the whole false, fictitious system
of so-called western values aka Orwell-talk for Western Law, UCC and Admiralty Law. It was all about
conquering – that’s over now. Clearing the need for spreading our values, there will be no more socalled NATO or UN Peace Missions. At least not with tanks, bombs, lies, terror corporations,
mercenary armies for the dirty work. As soon as we start with this multi-polar equality between
states, countries and nations, country after country, nation after nation will join us on this way to
freedom for everybody, for the benefit of us all. And there are a lot of places to clean up the violence
and injustice: Sudan, Congo, West-Papua, many Central American countries, Brazil should be helped,
North-Korea and possibly a reunification of the two Koreas, which is their decision. Zimbabwe has
suffered more than enough. You can go on writing that list on your own. Peace and freedom, selfempowerment, sovereignty for all the Slavic and Balkan states. Yes, you have suffered a lot as well –
let us heal together and help each other. This time as real and true brothers and sisters.
Step 13: Now that we've stopped wasting time, energy and resources for fighting, there will be nearendless energy, time and resources for new projects to be implemented. A new age of technological
and scientific cooperation and invention will take place. Free energy, new propulsion systems, maybe
finding anti-gravity, sonic healing methods aka frequency-healing, true understanding of what is
health, what is life, what is consciousness, what is energy. There is still so much more to explore, here
on earth and surely beyond and within. And sure enough, if there is humanity living freely and
happily, we will, no doubt, start to take care of our nature once again, the whole fauna and flora. It’s
just a natural thing for a free, self-empowered member of the human family to take care, pride and
love in all the surrounding creation. A completely new kind of spiritual living will emerge, individually
as well as collectively. It’s all here already. A lot of genius scientists are coming forward with
sensational new developments to share with the whole of mankind. It’s fantastic what happens right
now in scientific communities, just fantastic.
Step 14: Renewed friendship with our English, British and American friends. We all know now that
we, the ordinary people, have always been used in this divide and conquer strategy to battle each
other for the benefit of a crew of very few. Yes, now that we understand this, we can simply walk
away from being slaves any longer. It’s that simple, especially when we do it together.
So, let’s release this Black Swan! Maybe Black Swans are in Fact Anti Mandelbrot Swans? The AntiMandelbrot Swan. The Rainbow Swan or The Meta Swan. What I mean is the fuzziness of this Swan.
Or better, as Black Swans and Grey Swans a quite fuzzy as well, the exponential, non-linear fuzziness
of the Meta Swan. We are living in Extremistan! We have the White Swan, opposite the Black Swan
and the Grey Swan opposite the Meta Swan. This is just the theory, just like simplified coordinates. Or
in other words: With the Grey Swan we try to make Black ones White or bring them at least closer to
being White Swans, it’s gradual, and the dirty Meta Swan tries to make the would-be White and Grey
ones into Black ones or at least closer to being a Black Swan. So, the idea here is that maybe some,
few or even many Black Swans, like they could be Grey Swans for some people, could be Meta Swans.
Or one could call it a Dirty Swan as well as one could say the Meta Swan is a very specific case of the
Grey Swan. Why this? We remember, it depends on the point of view and on who is observing any
phenomenon, if it is Black or maybe Grey. So, imagine an entity or a person, group of people,
company, state, whatever form of consciousness, animal or Alien King observes a phenomenon, or
better an environment heavily stuffed with loads of potentially close-to-explosion Black Swans. For
the observer in the know these ones would not be Black Swans but Grey Swans, at least in theory. So
now the observer has options:
1.) Wait, shut up and watch the upcoming while preparing or not; we don’t care right now about
details here. Kind of doing nothing but at least staying aware, awake and neutral.
2.) Start to dig deeper into this obvious heavy distortion of human perception of reality and feel the
need to talk to your fellow human brothers and sisters, aka the other participants, because it maybe
would at least offer a chance to make things better.
3.) Or the observer gets active as well, but in the other direction and is trying to take advantage of
the messed-up environment and is trying to launch and imitate and even stage Black Swans. These
wouldn't be real Black Swans; this is the Dirty Swan, aka the Meta Swan.
But this is only the very primitive form of the Meta Swan. The far more elaborate form is not just
simply staging whatever event but by fully applying the observer’s knowledge of the Black Swan
Phenomenon and simply encouraging and keeping up the Not-Knowing of the other participants of
this specific environment. Or in other words, make sure there are no ways for this system to recalibrate itself to get rid of the giant potential of heavy internal and external Black Swan pressure.
Something like: Keep them locked up and let them kill themselves! The kettle-them-in-and-boil-themtheory. Ok, I slow down a bit but maybe you got a taste of where I want to go with this. I like to call
these phenomena the Dirty Swan and maybe you start to understand why I feel them dirty? Besides,
primitive Dirty Swans can be part of fully implemented Dirty Swan projects, which could be part of
even more complex projects which could be part of… etc. We are living in Extremistan!
Hypothesis: Could it be that behind most Black Swans are in fact Meta Swans? Or even further, are
they even all Anti-Mandelbrot ones? Or are there real Black ones at all? Or are there Black ones but
in a dimension, we cannot even imagine? Let’s go back to the beginning. Imagine Nassim Nicholas
Taleb (NNT) with his hyper-skeptical thinking and way of observing the world living 250 years ago in
good old Europe and so he does not know that in real nature there are swans colored: black; but he
does know about what he calls the Bow and Arrow phenomenon which is his theory and observation
revolving around very rare, unusual and scarce events and their consequences. Bow and
Arrow, because of a tale of how one so-called Native once went to sleep, dreamed about Bow and
Arrow and the next day he built the first ever Bow and Arrow in human history here on Earth; and
that changed his life and that of the others as well a lot. So NNT comes to see a real natural swan
colored: black; but for him this is no problem. To him this is a Bow and Arrow experience, not too big
of a surprise. For NNT the real natural swan color: black would be a so-called Grey Swan. Because
after your Bow and Arrow experience you are not excluding nearly nothing anymore and so you are
open for the possibility of a real swan, color: black. The change and awakening from Black Swan
Perception to Grey Swan Perception comes along with the question: How could it be possible that I’ve
forgotten about the possibility of unusual and very rare events and their consequences? So Grey
Swans could be behind Black Swans. Could there be as well Meta Swans behind Grey Swans? If NNT
250 years ago knows not only about the bow and arrow phenomenon but as well the truth about the
Grey Bow and Arrow phenomenon, or another man called Benoît Mandelbrot, then for him the swan
coming from Australia color: black would be a Meta Swan, an Anti-Mandelbrot Swan. The change
from Grey Swan perception to Meta Swan perception comes along with the question: How could it be
possible that whatever entity encouraged me successfully to forget about the possibility of unusual
and very scarce and rare events and their consequences? Or even better: How could I have forgotten
that there might be an entity involved making me forget about the possibility of unusual and very
rare events and their consequences? I admit it looks a little like brainf***ery, but just give me a
second. The difference in the consequences is huge as we will see.
a.) The ordinary people seeing a swan color: black just had to change this one fact in their biology
books and it is business as usual.
b.) For NNT it would mean not only changing that one fact but rewriting the whole book; well and
probably think about rewriting all the other science books in all libraries.
c.) Benoît Mandelbrot, if I may stay in this metaphor, the one able to perform the Anti-Mandelbrot
perception, would go a lot further. He would immediately start to re-format, re-program and recalibrate himself!
The God of Relativism and the problem of too big to shame. You criticized the statement of B. Russell
concerning something like, we’ve got to teach people not to judge, and you disagreed and answered
ending like, maybe humans want to believe and judge and maybe it’s ok to have this wish. I want to
go one step further and say that humans must believe and must judge in certain situations! But we
can do it skeptically and maybe a skeptical belief is not that far away from Black-Swan-cleaned
knowledge?! And this is the point of everything. The frontier, the intersection, the overlap, boundary
or interface between knowledge and belief/faith. Maybe they are not antagonists in a dualistic sense
but complementary in a polar way. Maybe this is like your platonic gap: Where it all happens! If we
would really Black-Swaning, meaning falsifying, these two realms of mind and spirit, maybe they
would make themselves complete?! Like a wise man knows when to work with wisdom and when to
work with faith because he knows that there are things we will never know. But a wise man will
follow a belief and faith if he must which is skeptical, full of integrity and a wise man’s worth. So, why
do I say people have to believe? If I fully apply that knowledge of the Black Swan phenomenon,
namely that I do not know anything for sure. Neither about the external reality like economics,
money, society, science, culture, information, history, evolution and so on, meaning the observed, nor
about the internal reality, meaning the observer himself, then, and maybe only then, I will be able to
catch a glimpse of how interactive, reflexive and transcendent the structure of this Living Reality is.
Don’t worry, I'm not going to ask the quantum physicists for encouragement of my arguments, the
observed depending on the observer, but want to look at the Sub Quantum Reality of the observer
himself. Applying the Black Swan knowledge on me, my I or myself so to say. I know that I am, and I
know that I am living! I don’t discuss that anymore because these are ridiculous questions. But what I
don’t know is what I am? Not who but what I am. Why is that so?
Imagine there is you and only you; so only you without anything else. Absolutely nothing. No space,
no earth, no time, no singularity, no Steven Hawking, no gods, no whatsoever background, or
framework, no eternal and physical laws; simply nothing and there never had been anything at all.
Obviously in this case I would not only not know what I am but even more it would be impossible to
come to the realization of learning about the fact: To be and to be alive! If there’s only me, I would
not know that I am! Thank God, there is something besides me. In fact, there is a lot: Life, earth,
cosmos, people, animals, consciousness, matter, beings, energy, etc. So, it is exactly the fact that
there is this something, aka some greater reality, which I can interact with in many ways, which
makes it possible for me to come to realize and to know the fact that I am and that I am living.
Hooray, let there be consciousness! So, I still do not know what I am, but I can say that the reality and
essence of that something which is called ‘I’ is essentially depending on the fact that there is
something more than just me, some greater reality. In fact, you cannot separate these two realities
from each other, the Individual Reality and the Greater Reality, although I don’t want to speculate
about death and pathological and mental disorder at this point. They are indivisible and that’s why
we can answer the question of what am I? with the word we are using: I am an Individual! We could
call this the Atom Seed of Consciousness. That means the very essence of what we are cannot be
separated and further divided. It cannot be cut off from the external greater reality, because it’s
exactly this which gives birth to my consciousness and my being in the first place, to my True Self!
Now, I know that I am, I am living, and we are eggs with the potential and possibility to transform,
what some would call to ascend. To make a long story short, if you give these eggs free will and free
choice, they could even use this to deny that they are eggs. Meaning they start to confuse and
misinterpret individuality - not possible to separate my reality as a being from the greater reality and take its meaning to the complete opposite. Being separated; only me, me, me, mine, me and I.
Per definition that would be a Dividual and not an Individual. Undivided inside me, myself and I but
divided and thus separated from everything which is not me. Being separated from anything and
therefore by definition such a Dividual is cutting himself off from his own source of life and reality.
Quite a tragedy, is it not?! If an egg denies the chicken or the human denies the source, the Individual
becomes a Dividual, forgets what he truly is and will eventually start to vanish, decay and die because
he is dissolving his own true fundamental and existential reality! Not to mention that he does not
really understand anything of what’s going on in life for real. Meaning, if you cut yourself off from the
source you cut yourself off of yourself. Or like the Jamaicans say: If you not run de tings yourself, then
de tings start to run you! And this is exactly what’s going on more and more nowadays in all different
fields of our life. So, my message is: We've got to apply this knowledge and wisdom to the observer
himself, onto ourselves. And doing this we have to ask ourselves these very profound and essential
questions: What is law, what are rights and what is justice?
Allow me to give you a short introduction to these questions via these musings of mine from 2014
when I started to pin down certain ideas about our short and somehow bizarre history of law, rights
and justice on this planet. What I try to do here is not to focus on what is called valid law or effective
law but to find out where the law is coming and stemming from and what is the essence of the idea
of law. Like the well-known Rothschild quote: Gimme the power over the money and I don't care who
oversees law and politics! I say: Gimme the power over the law and I don't care who oversees the
money and money-creation business! I think this is self-evident because the power of money-creation
needs to be secured by the law. These cabal institutions and entities that have been granted the right
to create money out of thin air must have been approved in the past to do so, meaning we surely can
withdraw that right and privilege again. Change the basis of the law beneath the right for moneycreation and you change the distribution of power via that money-system. The difference in principle
between power and authority might be important as well in that context. Power is always something
which is granted by someone to somebody or something whereas authority is always granted by Life
Itself. You have authority or not. Not, like you see with nearly all our so-called leaders! Authority is
coming out of the fact of being born, the fact of being here right now and being alive and conscious
of the deeper energetic implications of this fact. That’s why authority is only to be held accountable
by oneself and by Life Itself whereas power is always accountable to the one person or institution or
entity which has given and granted that power. Now, when you go and look back into the past human
history you will soon recognize that in all cultures around the globe the law, the Rule of Cohabitation,
is always a derivative or deduction and formalization of all the taboos, values, cosmology, norms,
mythology, traditions, ancestor belief, belief in God and concerning all that what we call Life &
Reality. You’ll find that all around the globe. It looks like this is deeply human. To make deductions
from the Highest Value down to all the other branches and affairs of human life. In our European
Western Caucasian tradition, it’s the same, too. We are still basing our laws on this ancient Codex
Iuris Canonici which is coming from the Roman Catholic Church, and which is still underlying almost
all international and national laws. Everybody with the slightest idea of our human history knows
exactly that the law has been coming from the hands of these religious scholars. Same in Islam. They,
the Imams and religious figures, are required studying not only Arabic and the Koran but as well
intensively the law. We have been living for centuries, even millennia, with that kind of legal
operating system, good or bad to judge is up to you, and sure these laws have been twisted, cheated
and broken a lot of times in addition. But what I want to focus on is something else, namely a kind of
‘new’ idea of manipulation which has emerged. To create a new realm or jurisdiction of law which is
written in a way that it is acknowledged to be higher law, so it is more powerful and able to knock
out minor law. I am talking about the British Empire, which as a powerful sea empire has created and
specialized on Admiralty Law, Law of the High Seas, Maritime Law which later morphed into UCC,
Uniform Commercial Code, Commercial Law of dead things. Because of their raw power and brute
force and guile the Empire has been able to manage to bring the world to accept that this law was
accepted being higher than more ancient rights and laws like for example: The Magna Carta, the Law
of the Land, Common Law, the Law of the Forest, and far more even older rights and lawful
traditions. And through that they have been able to change the idea, the essential meaning of rights,
laws, taboos and rules, which then started to change the underlying value system of the subjects
living by and under these laws. Namely cutting down more and more of these ancient rights and
making the people more and more subordinate. Consequently, today we must struggle with BS like
TTIP and other free trade agreements, CETA, NAFTA, TTP, European Union’s not elected leaders, nonaccountable leaders far and wide, Wild West patent laws and more sinister BS. It was achieved by
deceiving the people via old tricks from heraldry, changing flags and coats of arms, semantic deceits,
changing legal and lawful procedures and the intentional re-writing of laws so ambivalently
formulated that it sounds good and freedom enhancing and protecting when in fact it takes away
more rights than it is granting and protecting. That's the art of lying without lying. To make a law
which sounds like giving a lot of rights but in fact is taking away even more previously existing rights.
In these times as well the need for an International Law for the modern Nation States arose, because
of technical and industrial development, more mobilization, population growth and more
internationalization, conquering and colonialism. Because of a lot of struggles between the
conquering nations like for example Portugal, Spain, England, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Russia,
Germany, Austria-Hungary they created new laws, agreements and institutions to try to handle all
these affairs. Officially to gain legal security and to protect freedom, justice and self-determination
but in fact the reason might be purely the greed to conquer and steal, because you can only steal,
take and ultimately own something that has been properly defined. At least in our Western legal and
lawful understanding.
So, the intention of this writing is to show a jurisdiction or circle of law which is not well-known in its
use but extremely significant; meaning holding immense power and competence: Postal Law! Postal
Law: Is in the coat of arms – the Eagle – bird with his wings up. Vatican Law! Codex Iuris Canonici –
the Phoenix – the bird with the wings down. I hope I got that right and did not mix it up one for the
other. Please check for certainty for yourself; like with all this and other information. We’ve got to
solve this puzzle all together. With that playing Postal Law against Vatican Law, they laid down the
(modern) foundation for their so-called New World Order which already exists in a basic form for
more than 150 years. As far as my information is correct, the important cornerstone was the first
Postmaster General Treaty 1872/73, signed by agents of the then Empires Japan, Germany, USA,
France, Spain, Portugal, Great Britan, etc. and the King of Hawaii while the Pope and the Vatican
played the role of the honorable arbiter. Hawaii because it was a very important stop-over
destination in the Pacific for all the trading ships to stop there to take in coal, food and water for
making the passage over the Pacific. After their first contact with non-Hawaiians those very soon
started to get diseases which were brought in, some say that it was even done on purpose, by these
foreigners and they got heavily decimated to roughly only 16000 people. That was for the greedy,
blood-lusting conquering Empire Nations a compelling opportunity to sack the whole archipelago.
Those were the days, my friend! In the beginning it was about delivering a letter anywhere in the
world for 2 cents. Later telegraph-lines were added to the realm of concern, the operation of these
lines, telephones, broadcasting frequencies, etc. Yes, sure, today they are managing the internet plus
cables plus nodes, software and hardware as well, so you might start to realize the enormous
concentration of power. We remember what we’ve learned while studying the things like Person
versus Living Man, Birth Certificate versus Life Birth Certificate and these legal matters that the
registrar is always the true owner. Maybe we could say that Postal Law is providing the legal
framework for bringing all national laws into a form of interchangeable admissibility of legal and
lawful action. Officially for the purpose of smoothening international affairs, unofficially it’s a perfect
tool of conquering. See for example Free Trade Agreements, IMF, World Bank Loans, UN
Interventions, WHO Rulings and more. As far as I know nearly every Postmaster General has been a
Freemason and a lot of the American Presidents have been Postmaster General or Deputy Postmaster
General before becoming President. The World Postmaster General is sitting in Bern, Switzerland,
which is still a huge Templar and Freemason center in this world. That’s why the BIS, Bank of
International Settlement, is in Switzerland, too. I guess the idea becomes clear now. You take an idea,
formulate a new realm or jurisdiction of law along confederate structures, make sure the leaders of
the supervising institutions are not ruled and supervised by the nations or the population, the Living
People, but by your own peers, et voilà: You have created a new perfect tool of conquest. Like this it is
easy to understand the current discussion about space mining and the right to explore and operate
space resources. The same distorted thinking is applied to the matters of mining the deep sea. It
looks like they can never get enough. So, let’s be clear now that we can overstand the tricks and
fraudulent actions and their intentions and just step into our inherited living rights for we can easily
create a more just, fair and livable treaty and covenant of and for mankind, so that we can stop the
looting, murdering and destroying and replace it with a system catering to a more natural, mature,
worthwhile and joyful way of life.
Rights are what we assume, and legal bankruptcy is the inability of a legal system to provide justice to
those subject to the law. An institution, especially a legal institution, reveals legal bankruptcy if, for
example, it allows liars to reach the top, makes smugglers into secretaries, fraudsters into cashiers,
forgers into minute takers, impostors into assessors and blackmailers into legal supervisors. Under
such circumstances, only a return to generally recognized values such as truth and freedom and legal
principles such as pacta sunt servanta, prohibition of arbitrariness, competition, etc. can promise
improvement. #GerhardKörblerDictionaryOfLaw
That means that rights and laws in actual reality do not exist, they are an assumption, a
presupposition, a fiction. Lawful definition of fiction: Fiction is that dictate of justice that describes a
non-existing fact as an existing one! On that basis our current law in the world is practiced. Now we
know and have established and confirmed as practiced and utilized law that our rights and laws are
not coming from God but from assumptions that have developed and have been implemented by
man over the course of our history. What is indeed coming from God is claims. But please, be
conscious of what we are saying about the careful use of the term God. That which is God-given and
immanent and born-in into every human being are claims and not rights. The rights are the
consequences that we as cultures have established in the conscious awareness of these claims,
without the recognition and enabling of which no life, culture and civilization could and would be
possible. Well, even if it takes centuries and longer, people are wising up, so they had to do
something about it and well, what better than the age-old approved tactic of well-known Albert
Picke, Free Mason and high Illuminate, of going into forward-defense. Meaning don't wait for the
opposition to arise but be there first. Become the opposition before the opposition even knows that
it will want to be the opposition, which, for all those of you who do not understand that properly, is
easy as shit because you as the evil one already know what they, your victims, will want to protest
against. Because you are the very one who is doing that very evil to them in the first place. Whenever
the masses are screaming for a hero, we shall deliver one to them! It's the same with all this
prophecy-business. It is fairly easy to make giant big-mouthing prophecies of what is to come when I
know that I and my gang of pseudo illuminated elite-assholes are the perpetrators of the giant evil
and I can indeed know for sure what it will be in the future that the people that I and my elite Secret
Societies are enslaving and lying to and killing and suppressing, that one day a certain man or group
will come and will say things against that and will find out about the evils. And thus the trick is to
prepare the environment via the scripting of said prophecies, so that the deep cultural saturation of
the minds and emotions of the people will make sure that the guy who will come and will speak
against these evil lies will be treated according to the carefully prepared prophecy-saturated
brainwashed mindset of the people and thus be Nailed Pon Cross or similar scapegoat-performances
will be forced upon him!
Ok, then let’s work on that crucial task and let’s re-tune mankind’s state of consciousness. We all
know that the process of learning, realizing, mental and spiritual growth and the like has its own pace
in every man's personal life. What I mean is that certain insights and a certain understanding can only
happen and be realized when the time is ripe. Meaning you can't hammer certain truths or insights or
facts into somebody else's head to say it very bluntly. We can talk about the
psychological how and why for many hours, but the fact is, it is not possible to force certain insights,
no matter whether they might be true, real and facts or not, into someone else. Truth can't be forced
upon people. In practical terms that means that one has to be ready to receive and realize a certain
truth or insight and in case you are in the business of assisting other people in realizing truth and
reality you absolutely have to respect that there are certain limitations or boundaries that have to be
strictly observed and not to be crossed over because the well-meaning idea of developing and
sharing great truth is turning into the exact opposite, if given too much to an unprepared mind.
Paradoxically that well-meaning attempt will lead to aggression, hate, fight, extreme discomfort,
blocking off, dogma-defending and will have the overall opposite effect. Now it gets interesting. This
above-described situation is the realm of cognitive dissonance, the playing-field of the shaman. That
is what an actual shaman is doing and is giving his life to. But even for the shaman, as described
above, there are certain limits and boundaries to be observed. But here I had a great idea, an
epiphany so to speak. You see, some truths are not allowed to be spoken out loud in certain
situations because it would hurt too much and would break some people who would have to face the
fact, they have been living with a lie that dominated their lives. And the bigger and more intertwined
to their lives the lie was that has been discovered and disclosed the greater the pain, shame and
feeling of failure is and a very deep sense of doubt in one's own mental and cognitive faculties will
arise. Cognitive dissonance is one word that describes a part of that process. So, that is the reason
that you do not just brutally spit all the truth on someone you care about and who you want to help
to realize Life and Life Itself, but you are trying to tune in to where he or she is at and try to adapt to
that level of truth. That's the rule when you are talking to one or two or five or 50 people! What I
realized is the following paradox happening when you ask yourself: Maybe that which is not ok to do
with a single one or with two or some people, maybe you can do this in one very special case and in
this one very special case only?! Maybe one is allowed to do exactly what we are saying is not good
and allowed to do with a few or one single person if you have the guts to do it with all people at
once? Maybe the situation is a completely different one whether you or I or anybody is in a private
situation and is forcing whatever truth forcefully down the throat of another person, which is not a
good thing to do, or whether one is addressing all mankind at once and presenting a truth that would
be too much for each and every one on a single and individual occasion but not too much if
presented to all together publicly and at the same time? The difference in that situation is extreme as
you will see. In the individual one-on-one-kind-of-situation, let's say you are the one bringing an
overwhelming truth to me and you are forcing me against my given condition and will to cope with it.
That process is creating a lot of emotional friction, anger, shame, breaking down and maybe even
more and further development of traumata and more psychotic defense mechanisms will happen
within me in that example, because when it is too much and I am not able to handle that truth it is
experienced as enemy forces within me, which is one of the most dreaded and feared states of mind.
But imagine, you are doing the same with all mankind at one moment. Initially it would be the same
situation, but it is not because, to say it bluntly, there is nothing to be ashamed of if everybody didn’t
know that great new truth! Shame needs comparison to arise. Only by comparison can it arise and if
nobody knew that newly revealed truth then, well, no comparing any differences here and thus no
shame is needed. That's the kicker, my friends! Shame only comes if you think you are being caught in
a situation having done something stupid because we tend to think and feel like: Oh, I was too stupid
for this or that and now I am ashamed because all the others know better and are not as stupid as I
am. The shame is created by the comparison to the others and the impression of they all know better
and have it easy, but I am too stupid and have lots of difficulties and thus I feel ashamed. But
remember, if that new truth which is brought to the community by whoever is so overwhelmingly
new and isn’t known by anybody else then there is no reason whatsoever to be ashamed. Especially
when even the one who has discovered and is now sharing that truth has just made that discovery by
chance and by luck and he was not and is not better, smarter or of more value. He was just a lucky
dude who found *something special* and was at least clever and integer enough to recognize its
value, picked it up, polished it and started sharing it. Isn't that a fricking cool magic trick of paradox?!
If you kick a person individually too hard with truth and disclosure you are a heartless, non-empathic
asshole but if you are kicking all mankind fricking hard with truth, disclosure and reality you are a
hero and a legend because you are doing THE work! After meditating over that strategy for a while I
decided to give it a try and to go for it. Go for it all in! That was 10 years ago. That is the reason why I
allowed myself to cross certain Grenzen des Guten Geschmacks, the boundaries of taste and
respectful diplomatic conduct. In short and as a rule of thumb we can say, to brutally shame a person
is harmful and bad behavior but to shame all mankind at once is a strange but funny and harmless
way of choosing the fastest and most direct path and pace of collective learning and realizing. But
there is a catch to this strategy. One must be capable of doing and enduring that hardcore
performance of truth and reality. The probability to actually achieve the desired outcome and to
perform that task all at once with positive public consequences is one of the hardest tasks a man can
ever commit his life to and the probability to get stopped, eliminated and killed is something around : 1! So, no, it's not easy; not at all, that's why I say: Not everybody can do this; in
fact, only very few can do this. Do you think you have what it takes and that you can do this? I can do
this. In fact, I have done exactly that! I am offering you The New Covenant. If there’s anything left of
the essence of what you call good and God, I ask you to listen to my plea. Hear my words and allow
me to facilitate World Peace and Freedom for all. I have the means and the momentum to realize it.
That’s all I want; the rest is yours. Let me initiate World Peace and Freedom for all. Because I can! Let
me just do this one thing by handing over the Axis Mundi, the Axis of the Earth and its intrinsic
liberating secret to you, my fellow mankind, and thus we can immediately start the public
unstoppable Road to Peace. Deal? Or do you prefer the term covenant?! Do we have a new covenant,
my dear mankind?
And what about Europe? Who is calling Europe for a Renaissance of Truth & Reality? You all should
have understood by now that Europe has reached the end of a civilizational, scientific-spiritualcosmological and cultural cycle and there is no one among you, 500 million Europeans, who has even
the hint of a useful momentum of a renaissance to offer, except me, The Saddler, Abu Axis Mundi,
The Father of the Earth's Axis. So that's where we are at right now, or as good old Mohammed Ali
would say: 'I told ya!' I mean, you don't seriously believe that people and forces such as **** would
ever change even the slightest little thing for the betterment of the people?! Man, forget all those
lost cases! I'm not going to start pointlessly listing names here because it's useless. All, and I do mean
all of you 500 million Europeans, politicians, academic middle class, educated middle class,
intellectual elite, social and state-supporting classes, scientific elites, philosophical and culture-critical
elites, religious authorities, A- B- C- D- E- F- celebrities and all you alternatives, too have neither a
correct analysis of the problem nor a coherent holistic alternative to offer, let alone a strategy on how
to get there as quickly as possible. That's how bleak it is! That means that you can consider yourself
absolutely and almost undeservedly lucky to have me, can't you? Because who else would maneuver
us out of the shit that we're in through our own fault? And without a real impulse, a momentum of
the actual and the true and the real, it won't work. Because that is precisely the essence of our
disease. We have too much forgotten, desecrated, deceived, tried to manipulate, mocked, abused,
rejected, negated and denied, shamefully imitated and hypocritically personified the true and
the real for sinister purposes, so that the true and real in our European-Western society has been
degraded and degenerated into a malignant, grimacing caricature of itself. This is the situation,
welcome at the bottom of the abyss. So, what we need is a re-start, a renaissance and without real
true and genuine momentum, it won't happen. I have this momentum. Here take it, stand up, take
the Axis Mundi and its immanent wisdom and get started on the long overdue European Renaissance
of Truth and Reality, peacefully but without batting an eyelid - World Peace and Freedom for all
Mankind. Yes, of course, the fine details and intrinsic solutions can then be worked out, implemented
and polished for years, no question about that, but we can start right now. We must get going now;
we are almost too late anyway. And don't make the mistake of thinking that I am demanding to be
heard. Those days are long gone. No, I am telling you, I will be heard and to be very precise, I have
been heard and listened to already or do you seriously believe that Life Itself will allow a man like me
to come along, giving mankind the greatest scientific-cosmological discovery for many millennia free
and without strings attached, which incidentally also enables very easily World Peace and Freedom,
and this mankind, instead of showing gratitude and humility, continues to wallow in its abysmal selfglorifying Dunning Kruger ignorance without certain karmic reactions coming in from the Living
Cosmos and Life Itself? Not really, or? So, let’s call it stubborn and defiant, but even you are not that
nutty, are you? You don't seriously believe that even one of you can continue with your life like
before? The world in which you all grew up and in which you are all so well adapted and comfortable;
not only will this world no longer exist, but it already no longer exists. And the whole truth is, this
world never existed. That was only a narrative, and quite a rotten, degenerate and degenerating one
to be precise. So, there's nothing you can do about the death of the old. The only relevant question
that remains is this. Are you ready for the birth of the new or do you prefer to die with the old? A
question that you all can, must, may, should and will answer for yourselves. Yes, correct, it’s called
free will.
But as is so often the case, the wrong question seems to be at the center of attention here once
again. Before we can talk about free or not free will, we should first make it clear that we understand
what we are talking about. What is will anyway? Most do not even know what will is intellectually,
spiritually, mentally, semantically, let alone that they have learned to master and control their will.
How could such a person only know even the slightest thing about this so-called will, if he does not
control the will, but the will controls him, since it is uncontrolled and therefore unconscious will? So,
if you want to deal seriously with this very honorable question, it is advisable to first take care of your
own will and its control, to then be able to approach the deeper force behind the will, namely the
intent. To then learn how will and intent were given to us as tools by creation, god, nature, Life Itself,
The Pure Essence, The All That Is to interact and live harmonious, free and sovereign and yet at the
same time connected through and through with this All That Is - the created and the creator. And in
order to avoid the accusation that I am just complaining and ranting and not contributing anything
essential and constructive myself, let me answer this tiresome and stupid question. The question is,
as I’ve said, the wrong one once again. It is not about whether I impose my will upon the universe,
the cosmos or Life Itself or whether Life Itself imposes its will on me, but about the fact that
everything that really, factually, energetically, actually and not just theoretically takes place in life and
in reality, is a collaboration and a harmonious cooperation between the individual and the whole.
Between the part and the all-that-is, between God and man, as you would put it in Western Christian
terminology, between the drop and the ocean, as the poetic expression goes. There is nothing that
does not require cooperation to come into existence, to be created and to be. Creation is
cooperation. That is the essential principle, the primordial ground without which there would be no
cosmos, no life, no matter, no time and nothing at all. Conscious cooperation, which naturally entails,
presupposes and requires foundations such as truth, love, freedom, reciprocity, mutual respect,
justice and many other beautiful and good things. So, let's get down to the nitty-gritty. It is an
unparalleled impertinence to rhetorically rape and distort Nietzsche in such a way that you use him,
of all people, as a reference for your logical syntax error. Despite all that he could actually be accused
of in social, emotional and philosophical terms. And you want to be a Mascot Murderer?!? No, that's
not how you become a Mascot Killer, that's how you become a nihilist! Moreover, a nihilist who is too
much of a coward to admit this openly, but instead tries to philosophically dress up his own inner
spiritual emptiness as something philosophically valuable. And in case you don’t know what a Mascot
Killer is, just think of this old well-known quote: If you see the Buddha, kill the Buddha!
#QuoteTheBuddha. Everything that Nietzsche is essentially concerned with, and despite
acknowledging all of his social difficulties and his extreme philosophical positions, is the pursuit of
freedom, truth, consciousness, self-expression and self-determination and the practicing of this
freedom using will and intention, which also includes the body. Will, intent, body, consciousness,
awareness, truth, freedom and responsibility in the sense of responding to what life throws us into.
That is the complex that wants to be dealt with here and you obviously have nothing remotely
meaningful and constructive to contribute to the exploration and elucidation of this complex of
topics. A pity, but just exaggerating and regurgitating semantic platitudes is simply not enough to be
taken seriously and to be of much help to mankind. Schopenhauer’s The World as Will and
Imagination hints at a similar effort and his famous sentence, Man can do what he wants but not
want what he wants, is nothing more than a stupid, self-congratulatory bon mot from a frustrated,
ageing man hungry for recognition who is himself not too good at hawking logical syntax errors with
philosophical sleight of hand and is unwilling to take responsibility with all its consequences. Not
guilt, don't keep making it so damn easy for yourself by blurring the lines of terminology as you see fit
when you realize your argument is on pretty thin ice. Really everything that Nietzsche tried to give
people was probably this: Human beings have a million times more rights, entitlements, freedom,
abilities and dispositions, potential and possibilities, ways and abilities of cognition, perception and
insight than we currently live, propagate, legally regulate, educate our children in and implement in
science, philosophy, religion and politics, either as individuals or as a community. And Nietzsche
literally died because people completely and utterly misunderstood him. And now you come along
and are laughing at his efforts. Shame on you!
Understand that peace is an attribute of freedom, and that we are not the 99% but the 100%! So
then, how do you close down all evil intruders’ access to beautiful Earth and to Mankind? Maybe you
are beginning to understand why I insisted so fiercely on the absolute crucial importance of the
knowledge of the geometry-in-motion of the True Motion of Earth and its Axis as being necessary in
closing and terminating all intruder forces for good and for once and all. That's how I already started
for more than 10 years to kick ass. Some sinister galactic ass that is. And you all are invited to join in
and help beating the shit out these obnoxious cosmic pretenders and send them packing and to
remove their bloody retarded sorry excuse of a parasitic existence forever. Frankly, I cannot
understand when it comes to the question whether there are non-earthly beings and probably
humanoid ones as well here on earth or not that almost all of the honorable relevant scientists and
pundits are pondering ridiculous theories about how and when and what and if, without ever coming
to realize that they are here already and right so from the very beginning. Who do you think started
all that retarded masochistic and devote nonsense with our slavish and enslaving religions? Cui bono,
right?!? I mean, why would you think that such an invader force would come with guns, open
battleship warfare, bombs, violence and an all in all open and honest offensive attack? Clearly you
guys have watched too many trashy Hollywood productions so that your brains are completely
cluttered with disgusting, retarded pseudo-American-Western-Christian-Hero-Scheißdreck! If I were
you, I’d see to getting rid of all the Scheißdreck in your heads and get it out of your brains as quickly
as possible because it is killing you. And it is devouring your very soul, too. Just imagine, some entity
or person, group, institution or whatever party wants to take over and conquer someone or
something and for sure, like all good conquerors have done in our past, the strategy for conquering
always includes in a very prominent and important way the mechanics of deception, guile,
infiltration, pretending, lying, staging and implementing of falsehood and false events and infecting
and the taking over of the innermost values, templates and sacredness of the targeted and victimized
civilization. So far so good. That could and should be considered common knowledge among
mankind. Now let me ask you all a question here. When you know that the evil conquering force is
always operating via deception, infiltration and the taking over of the most inner core of a civilization
then ask yourself: Where, in real pragmatic and concrete and practical terms, do you have to search
for this evil intruder in this world? Just hypothetically, ask yourself, if you would like to take over
another nation, tribe, civilization, species, planet or whatever and you would want to infiltrate the
other side, where would you set your target to dig in? Where is the only logical and useful spot to go
after and to infiltrate and prepare for the takeover of others? To make a long story short, you must
look for the institutions, realms and entities that are considered good and holy and truth and
sacred in the given society because it is always there where evil is hiding and from where the
takeover starts. How could it be any different? That's why all of you are defending your belief systems
and your religions with such a vigor. The only problem here is just that you all are coming awake far
too late. What you are defending and what you believe to be your religious belief is already the
distorted version. See, to catch an aggressor who is playing such morbid and evil games with you, you
clearly must get up a lot earlier. You are all late comers! You have by now barely recognized that such
a game indeed is on in earnest, and it's a game of all or nothing; Plata o Plomo, so to speak. But your
opponent is playing, intriguing and spinning this web of lies and infiltration already for hundreds and
thousands of years. While you were all asleep and busy with your petty ego-driven projects for your
pathetic and meaningless lives. What you do not understand is that our current religions and their
alleged sacredness are in fact already the infiltrated, guile, evil and distorted take-over by not wellmeaning entities, aka your religious gods and their minions. Learn to deal with it but do it fast
because you are running out of time.
Let’s start with the fundamental difference between sympathy and empathy. In the social realm both
are beautiful and valuable whereas in the spiritual realm man is going by empathy while sympathy is
not only worthless but in fact a fierce and dangerous obstacle. Jesus and 99% of all modern-day
religious and esoteric so-called awakened dudes haven't understood the fundamental difference
between sympathy and empathy. And that has been proven to be fatal. I'm talking about the
mythical-narrative persona here. Historically it was not one single dude but three, as I've said many
times: Yashua-Michael, Yashua-Sananda and Arihabi, the poor guy with the scapegoat role on the
cross. And they've mixed in a lot more stolen parts from the stories and teachings and insights
of hundreds of other spiritual seekers from centuries and millennia before. I'm pretty certain that
there is nothing truly original, or honest for that matter, to this offered Jesus-teaching-and-storyline.
It's all copied, plagiarized, stolen and additionally heavily misunderstood and heavily distorted and
instrumentalized. To speak with good old Frank Sinatra: He bit off more than he could
chew and subsequently he choked on it, this maybe well-meaning but never-the-less very limited and
unidimensional Jewish Rabbi Teacher Messiah Character. I'm talking here about the entities in charge
of and behind that Jesus-Operation. Which brings us to the actual point here. Let's take a closer look
at these presumably sacred and benevolent teachings. We'll take just one example. That one example
of his teachings which presumably makes him unique; his unique selling point as you, modern man,
would call it. You shall love your enemy! He is simply exaggerating and overdoing the age-old wellknown theme of a warrior with honor and integrity is respecting his opponent and the Warrior- and
Spiritual Wisdom of hate in all its shapes and forms is something you simply don't want and have no
use for and are not dealing in, especially if one is walking the spiritual path. He is just over-doing it
and thus crossing the line into ridiculousness, stupidity, anti-logic, anti-meaning and anti-life by
commanding to twist that age-old wisdom of empathy into love your enemy, meaning into sympathy.
It's the mentality of a child who finally has understood a certain joke and now is repeating it in many
variations and bouncing those slightly varied permutations of this pattern of a joke at each other and
are getting into a frenzy. Then always the point came after a while and after a lot of laughter and
screaming and laughing tears flowing when one is finally over-doing it. Meaning taking it to the
extreme and stretching it to such an extent that the joke is sucked dry so to speak. Suddenly the joke
doesn't work anymore, done. Lost its mojo. Like this the Jesus is over-doing it. And that is precisely
the trick to catch you all, because just like the kid in the example above he understood the mechanics
of pushing, repeating, plagiarizing, culminating and expanding a certain understood principle and
pattern to the extreme and he just mechanically, this idea comes strictly from the mental realm and
not at all from greater spiritual realms, rendered that idea lim -> ∞, et voilà: You got his total idiotic
and malevolent nonsensical demand of loving your enemy. And the funny or rather pretty sad thing is
that it is exactly that absolutely nonsensical exaggeration which is fascinating you all and is bonding
you and holding you captive, because you don't understand, and rightly so, how he could do such an
irrational thing like loving the enemy. And the only explanation you can come up with and have been
heavily indoctrinated with is that oh, there is no logic; so that is the sign of how good and holy this
dude is! “Be empathic, even with your enemy!” That's what he should have used, if he indeed wanted
to spread benevolent and truthful insights. And fully understood and applied the word sympathy, and
antipathy too, would lose all its meaning and justification as a word and thus as an idea to exist. And
thus, as is observable and proven in all the religious, spiritual new-age, esoteric, secret societies,
guru-cults, prophecy-adepts, Kali-yuga-disciples and whatnot freaks, it is easy to see and to
understand why their spiritual end-goal is always this Law-of-One-We-are-all-One-big-blob-of-BlissBullshit and the only goal in all these millions of different cults is always in the end to dissolve and
negate individuality totally and completely. Annihilation! Being happily reunited with this big GodBliss-Energy-Blob-I-am-you-you-are-me-we-are-all-Bliss-Blob-Law-of-One. This is the religion of
falsehood. This is the false, so-called, God, Most High aka The Creator-God! Individuality and
individuation as part and intent of creation as well as the antipathy-empathy-sympathy-apathycomplex is completely misunderstood by the current mankind. And the funny thing is that it
is absolutely not necessary in the first place. Empathy is more than enough to not do any hate, crime,
violence or evil. The truth is that sympathy is not only not needed and not helpful in avoiding evil and
sin but it is in fact, as I and others have found out after close inspection, very often the case that misunderstood, mis-guided and mis-interpretated and mis-judged sympathy plays a huge part for itself in
almost all situations of evil, hate, violence, crime and sin. That very teaching and the subsequent
cultural, religious, civilizational, mental, emotional and spiritual substitution of ill-suited sympathy for
the natural, healthy, sacred and life-and-law-endorsing empathy is the very door that opens and
caters to evil, lies, crime, violence, untruth, sin, coercion, fraud and a lot more obnoxious attributes of
modern civilization and modern man. Yes, truth is not a remedy. It’s a Killer.
You are simply not honest and sincere enough with yourselves to ask and admit the following to
yourself. What is it that I do believe in and what is it that I do know? If you did that, you would find
out that it is in fact nothing that you really know for sure. And that, and only that, would give you the
possibility of seeking and knowing any knowledge and wisdom in the first place. Only after you admit
to yourself that you don’t know the slightest thing for sure about life and the cosmos does the
longing and the possibility of knowing open up. Without that precondition, no actual and conscious
knowing is ever possible. But to do that it takes real Cojones! Ordinarily only people who had to face
huge calamities, illness, near-death, painful tragedies, war and violence, rape and destruction or
immense pain are coming to this point within oneself naturally, because normally people are doing
everything possible to avoid such existential crisis, because the cognitive dissonance and thus the
inner mental and psychological pain is indeed felt as being life threatening. Yes, it feels like dying and
in a way it really is. Your ego and your false identification are dying. Or to be precise, you do not have
to kill the ego but empty out and clean it to 100%. The thing that you thought and felt to be You is
dying and you realize, after you survived the emotional pain, that this I never was you in the first
place, but only a parasitic impostor living within you. This really feels like dying, which is the reason
why 99,99% of the people are avoiding it at all costs. This is what real spirituality is all about and what
those people are aiming for because they know that this is the only gateway to the spiritual path.
There is no Dharma without truth! And this is also the Monkey Trap. Through your own avoidance
you are the one who keeps you locked inside the Prison-Matrix. You and your fear of facing yourself
and your lies and your false beliefs are the actual prison-guard. Like the monkey’s wish to not let go
of the honey inside the trap and thus he can’t get his hand out of the trap and gets caught by the
hunter. He just would have to let go of the honey and he’d be free in an instant. But he is too stupid
to realize this, for his greed and stupidity is holding him captive. Like you? You think you know so
much and you are not willing to reflect, question and re-evaluate your own paradigm. Not your
science, not your history, not what you think you know about politics, law, power, life, moneycreation, sovereignty and sure most of all, you all don’t dare to question your own religious belief,
stories, gods and self-declared holy messengers. Like always. You prefer to stay within the herd of
sheep and you prefer to hold on to untruths, even if it will kill you all like the Lemmings, before you
find the courage to question yourself and ask yourself: Maybe I am believing in lies and didn’t even
notice it? But no, not you! You would prefer to die with all the rest of them before you risked saying
something uncontroversial and against the current system and its root evil. Better to do everything
wrong and to die with the rest of the crowd than daring to take the uncomfortable path and to seek
and struggle for your freedom and your very Life and Life Itself. Instead, you all hang around and are
parroting some hope-porn out of the fairy-tale-bible, wait for your never-delivering savior, a
ridiculous President-Elect with an IQ of 17 and the honor and integrity of a cockroach, a military PsyOp like Q or the return of the German Kaiser and whatnot kind of other infantile nonsense. Sure, you
must. It’s obvious, because you’ve never dared to look into the facts, into the wheelwork of
reality and the actual problem for yourself in the first place and so you are always dependent on
others and thus your only infantile and useless option is hope. Hope and faith and belief and solace,
all things that are not only not getting you anywhere but the very things that are standing in the way
of your self-empowerment, sovereignty and full spiritual realization. Yes, truth is a killer, but we can
now recognize the root cause for all this evil.
Sure, there is something which deserves the name The Creator, The Spark of Creation, The Highest,
Life Itself, The All That Is or The Pure Essence, but it’s not any of the so-called gods of the established
religions of at least the last 10.000 years, and thus none of their saviors is actually genuine. And sure
enough it’s not one of those seemingly opposing other guys like this ridiculous Satan, Lucifer, Dajjal,
Antichrist, Devil or such nonsense, those are merely the so-called sidekicks of the self-proclaimed
gods. Go(o)d cop – Bad cop! You see, one can take the correct story or theme, matters, plot and
questions and just project and turn them into the exact opposite. I bet, you all know that from your
politicians, scientists, priests and popes, medical doctors and vaccine disciples; from your media
Talking-Heads, your Nobel Price Committee, your historians, your Hollywood and other useless
parasitic so-called Proms, your NGOs, your oh-so-well-meaning Secret Societies, your teachers and
the education system in general, your lawyers and judges and the judicial system in general, your
military and intelligence agencies, your bankers and high business-tycoons and tech-giants and much
more. Now, please tell me. How can you not come to the only logical and possible conclusion or at
least question, namely recognize that the only reason for all this is possible and the one single
common thread to connect all of this and to explain it in a sufficiently logical and reasonable way is to
see that there must be one huge, big fat lie. A distortion of the most basic truth that has infected all
of mankind. Look as closely as you wish and I guarantee you, the only thing you will and can find that
fits the description, is that the God Story is false! Told in the most dangerously, 180° falsified way.
This Most High is not and cannot be exclusively outside of oneself, and it is not and cannot be a
being, although it is for sure alive, more alive and conscious than anything and anyone else, no
question about that. But not a being, not exclusively outside of oneself and thus available to
everyone to the same easy or difficult degree. But all your religions tell you otherwise. For sure,
because without that twist they could not build a dogmatic slave system upon that assumption.
Nearly all of you fell for that scam. And why? Because you never bothered to go and seek and find
it, The It, for yourself. You never bothered to find out who and what you are and what you are made
of, because you heard of something shiny and glorious that everybody was talking about and so you
preferred to go after that Shiny-Shiny-Bling-Bling-Bullshit instead of taking care of your own little
selves. Well, here you missed it, trapped, fallen for the scam. Shiny, Shiny, Bling Bling, Glitter
Glitter and you fell for it, like the Natives for the cheap glass pearls and the cheap little mirror plates
that they exchanged against tons of their gold. And their lives, to tell the full story. If it weren’t so sad,
pitiful and deadly, we could all laugh about such childish ridiculousness. You sold yourself short for a
shiny-shiny-bling-bling-happy-heavenly-reward somewhere in a non-existing future. In essence it’s
the same mindset as those ISIS bastards going fully drugged on Chrystal Meth on a killing spree,
looking forward to all day long fucking 72 virgins in paradise. How evil, stupid and disgusting. What is
wrong with mankind? What at least some of you did was to search intensively for the root and
essence of the story and the lying assumptions, or should I say propaganda, that you were told.
Stories! Fairy tales! Dark, sinister and carefully crafted, purposefully psychologically well-engineered
lies. But you never really honored yourself and started with the most basic truth. If there is something
like that Creator and all that, and thus you too were created by or through him, then, isn’t it obvious
that the only way to communicate, deal and connect with him is right here, right now and right
through your own I!? But you swallowed the lie, that this Me is just a bad ego-shit and so you
internalized this lie and thus this lie started to spread and to live within you and thus destroyed that
sacred being that you were searching for in the first place and that you had been all the time already.
You just believed the absurd lie, that you are just an ordinary egoistic asshole. You are not! You have
never been, but you have been tricked into living with such an internalized lie, and so well, what can I
say? Many became such an egoistic, idiotic and slave-minded asshole. Not because it’s your true
nature but because you didn’t care about your true self but only about your shiny-shiny-bling-bling
Teflon surface and about what others and what society in general thought of you, so that you could
be a well-fitting part of the crowd and could reap the benefits and rewards from being such a good
and obedient slave.
Sad, very sad, indeed. That’s all there is to it. Deal with it, there is no other way to get The Job done
here on Earth. Freeing mankind and leading us into a beautiful and worthwhile future. I’d wish there
was, but there is no other way to do it. So, hopefully you are finally ready now for the revelation.
Maybe you have seen enough of the horror, lies, suffering and deception to eventually be ready and
prepared to ask yourself the only important question. What is it that is making man individually and
mankind as a whole so stupid, blind, easy to deceive and always willing to follow the exact wrong,
lying and deceiving leaders, who are planning nothing but their enslavement and even worse
mankind’s demise, death and suffering? As I have said already many times, it’s the religions. It is the
false notion of an all-powerful and all-encompassing god. It’s the belief and faith in other men, fake
Messiahs and false saviors, who simply claim to be of more sacred origin than you and thus have
more insight, more knowledge and more authority to dictate what you and your life should look like
and should revolve around. That is the essence of all problems here on earth for many millennia. I
know, you will not believe what I say, for you are very probably as well religiously brainwashed, but
trust me, as much as all the other things I’ve said have been proven to be correct and true, this claim
will for sure be as well proven to be correct and worthwhile to ponder. And soon at that. The only
question is, will you and the rest of mankind realize this and start to take a course of correction
before or after it will be too late, and the window of opportunity to do so will be already closed? And
for the slower ones among you. You would call me an Atheist or a Materialist because you see that I
do not share your belief in the same myth. But that again only proves your ignorance and your limited
mental faculties to even being able to grasp the meaning of my words. I’ve never said such a thing! I
never claimed that we live in an exclusively physical-material universe. Nope, not at all. I am the man
who has shown you that the basis of the cosmos is indeed not material but spiritual or more
technical, consciousness is the basis of the cosmos and is the basis of all matter. I am not less spiritual
than any religious believer but in fact spiritual even up to a point where I’ve been granted by Life
Itself to recognize and to realize the fundamental truth that matter and consciousness are not two
separate and distinctly different things or realms, but in fact the two sides of the very same coin. I
have done what no confused religious nutcase has ever done. I went the full way, and I didn’t stop at
the first pseudo-hallucinatory entity-stop like all the so-called prophets have done for at least the last
10.000 years. See, when man is experiencing something beyond the rational for the first time, he has
no other option but to interpret it in a spiritual or religious way and so almost all of those people
made the mistake of thinking that whatever spiritual experience they had, which could not be
explained with common rational logic, their conclusion always is like this. This must come from God
aka Angels aka Jesus aka Mohammed aka Shiva, etc. It’s logical. The logic of a black-and-white, eitheror kind of mind. And technically, I am not an atheist because I never denied that there are beings and
entities out there, physical and non-physical ones in the trillions, and sure enough I do know that
many of them, mostly Group-Entities, claim to be God, which is and always was a title of holding a
certain position. By the way, the thing which is taught in the Jewish as well as in the Christian (Greek
and Aramaic) Bible is henotheism and not monotheism! The worldview of the people at that time was
clearly and evidently not a monotheistic but a henotheistic one, which says that they know that there
is not only one but many gods, but they believe that only one of these gods is the real one and should
be worshipped. That’s henotheism. On a sidenote, there is no greater fool than someone who is
defining himself Ex-Oppositio, meaning as the opposite of something. That’s the mentality of a child
who says: ”I never want to be like my parents, and I will never become like them!” and sure enough
the child will become exactly like his parents in a marginally different version. Anyways, they are all
not dealing in truth but, consciously or unwittingly, in lies, simple as that. And sure, like our freaking
selfish leaders, they will give you all kinds of rationalizations and explanations to white-wash their
selfish, enslaving and murderous deeds. Even up to the point that they themselves do believe their
own lies. Doesn’t that sound very familiar to you and isn’t that exactly what we are seeing and
witnessing in 100% of all the cases of evil, lies and deception here on Earth in the mundane realms as
well? The theist and the atheist are sitting in the same boat. They both believe in something which
they do not know. Like the materialistic scientist and the believer are the same kind of man. They
both believe in something which they don’t know and that is an all-powerful and all-encompassing
entity or cause that has created the whole cosmos in the beginning. The scientist calls it Big Bang and
doesn’t understand a thing about it and the believer calls it God and doesn’t know jack shit about
it. Give me one big miracle without questioning it and I can explain to you everything! That’s the
mindset here of both the believer and the materialistic, nihilistic scientist. And these fools think that
they are a lot different from each other.
Be it as it is, I do agree that fighting actual wars or violent revolutions is not the desired remedy to
achieve social and political change and that this doesn’t solve the real underlying structural problems.
Anyways, just let me add some intellectual-spiritual-philosophical comment to this, for completion’s
sake. The saying below that many of you like to quote is a quote from German poet Berthold Brecht
and while it sounds great, it is the crippled version of his quote which is only quoted in half by the
hippie-peace-loving-crowd. The full quote runs like this: Imagine there’s a war but nobody went. Then
war will come to you! The last part is obviously something that the dreaming peace hippies don’t
want to hear and so they just leave it aside as if reality would work like that. Anyways, I don’t want to
say that it means we should proudly fight more actual physical wars. No, not at all. What he wanted
to say with this quote is that we must take care of business ourselves. That we must face reality and
must get involved in the process of Nationhood, Statehood and our Government. Or war, meaning
looting, cheating, deception and fraud and enslavement, will come to you and your house, your
family, your friends and neighbors and will completely infect and destroy your livelihood and your
lives. I just wanted to add this little semantic information for it beautifully shows how meaning
well can easily be distorted into not actually being good. But, once again, to make sure of this, I am
not advocating violent, aggressive, destroying war-like scenarios. I am talking about the inner
strength, determination and integrity to face an evil fraudulent situation and oppressor and to stand
one’s ground, that’s all. Kind of, if you can face the war within yourself, you don’t have to fight it on
the battlefield. Or like they say in all these Asian martial arts societies. Every fight you fight, you are
fighting within yourself, the battlefield is always within yourself! And sometimes there is no support
system. It’s just you, Life Itself and a vision only you can see. Frankly, I really can’t understand what is
so difficult to see through this so-called evil. If you want to find evil, go and look for the things,
people, entities, institutions, ideas, dogmas, etc. that are proudly presenting the label good, best,
highest and best. And if you want to find the real masters of evil then go and look for the things,
people, entities, institutions, ideas, teachings and dogmas that have the label super-good-holydivine written on them. It’s that easy. Or would you think an evil-intended power-hungry someone or
something would ever dare to openly come towards you, saying, Hey, worthless asshole, I’m going to
rule over you and sadistically oppress you? Really? Do you not know the mechanics of evil? That every
evil man, entity, God, extra-dimensional or extra-terrestrial being always does not think of himself as
evil? That’s why these people are evil in the first place. Because they are completely twisted within
themselves, up to the degree of Orwell-speak-and-think and even believe it for themselves. It’s
a precondition for being evil that you must convince yourself in whatever screwed way of the
righteousness of your own deeds. Otherwise, your own mental, psychological and consciousness
structure would break down. That’s the reason why in all these initiation-cults, secret societies,
fraternities and power-hungry-world-ruling clubs they spent the greatest part of their effort on
convincing those people who are adepts and newcomers, that although things they do might look
and seem evil, it’s in fact for the greater good and for the fulfilling of divine work, the commandment
of some divine entity, it needs to be done to prevent stupid mankind from doing even greater harm
or that it is a great and divine plan that you are too stupid to understand and many more similar
ridiculous excuses. In short, man cannot do evil over a long period of time, without totally
traumatizing and messing up his mind, consciousness, his empathy and his conscience before.
But they’ve forgotten something very fundamental about our species, mankind, and why we are here
on Earth and what’s the purpose of our species and what’s our true relation to all other life and to
the beings in this cosmos and to Life Itself. So, let me help to clear a lot of confusion that is out there.
We are a peace project! We are not a 100% homogeneous race coming from like one seed or one
Adam or one Eve. That is not the actual truth. In a spiritual-existential way, sure we all have
emerged and are connected to one, let’s call it Source for simplicity’s sake. But there is an actual true,
historic, material parallel path to it as well, like it is with us humans here on earth with our parents.
Sure, we all know about the biology of insemination and that my mother indeed did the actual work
of giving birth and entrance to this Earth to me but we all, or at least many, are still talking about that
we are coming from Source, God, Cosmos or The All That Is. And we don’t think of it as a paradox. In
the same way, there is a historic path of Man’s genesis here on earth and in other places as well. We
have many different ancestors. Ancestors who did many things throughout history in this galaxy,
seeded many different civilizations, many beautiful things and deeds and for sure, many bad and
violent, stupid and evil things, too. So, at a certain point in time, after having fought thousands of
battles, yes there have been wars in the heavens, they decided to really try to make peace and they
came up with the idea of creating a peace project. Because they themselves have not been able to
fully clear their disputes over the nature of the cosmos, the questions of authority and law and more
and thus always ended up in the next war, so they have been declaring a safe zone, which is our
beautiful Earth, and created a new species out of a mix of their own genome, meaning children, let
them grow and mature and evolve without involvement and thus this species would develop and
come up with a peacefully wise and spiritually healed culture and civilization because none of the
ancestors’ poisonous history would make us fall again. And thus we, their great-greatgrandchildren, will offer them, our ancestors and their races who are still out there, the salvation and
remedy for the sickness of hate and war to become healed, conscious and peaceful. It’s like in our
own human history. When we have the stories of one kingdom fighting another kingdom in the past
and after a while they made peace and what is it that they very often have done? Well, they let the
daughter of one king marry the son of the other one, for now they have established a common
interest, a bond, between these two lines and thus hopefully this bond will make them act and feel
and share as one unified people, tribe, community or state. So far, the theory. But the part of noninterference wasn’t really taken serious by some of the original races and thus they started to
interfere. Not openly but by deception. And the greatest portals for deception are the emotions of
people, like fear, hope, guilt, salvation, redemption, lust and greed and such. And where do we find
those institutionalized in human society? Right, you must look at the religions. That was and still is
the infiltration gate for the diverse entities to try to use this peace project, meaning using mankind,
for their own purpose again and try to manipulate us in certain ways, so that we’ll be their eternal
slaves and spiritually obedient to them. To the God-Group-Entities! They are the ones who created,
instigated and induced all this evil and shit in the first place, so that we would believe we really have
to be obedient to them gods, because we would think and believe that the evil ones are so
frightening, whereas the evil ones are nothing but the flip side of themselves, the pretended good
ones. The go(o)d cop and the bad cop. You see, if there is no devil then there’s no need for any freak
to run around and pretend to save you from the devil, right? Or in other words: If there are
no weapons of mass destruction, then there is no need to bomb Iraq! If there is not a real
independently working Osama bin Laden, and never was, then there is no need to bomb Afghan
Land, right? If there is no chemical attack on kids by Assad’s troops, but only White Helmet fake news,
then there is no need to bomb Syria. If there is no and never was neither Russian collusion nor
election meddling, then what does this idiotic Nobel-Peace-Prize-Bimbo formerly in the White House,
dare to do? It’s like in this story where an American Native asks a priest whether, if one doesn’t know
hell, one could end up there? And the priest replies, no. So, the American asks again: “Then, why do
you tell me?” It’s all a power game, a dark magic power game for making the other one believe that
you know more about reality, and that he needs you to survive and to get it and thus you will have
lost your independence. Lost your sovereignty, lost yourself, your soul, your everything. This is the
essence of Black Magic. Just to make the other one believe you know more, when in fact you don’t
have to know jack-shit. As you can clearly see, if you really observe those kinds of powerful-pseudoridiculous-magicians. It’s all just pretending. Real magic, well that is something completely different.
So then, what is the essence of the Great Fraud? We all have understood by now that something has
been amiss in this world for a long time, and we understand that we are not actually free and
sovereign. Let’s call it slavery, for simplicity’s sake. We all have understood that things will only start
changing when the so-called masses are getting involved, because freedom is something that can’t be
done for somebody else. Like peeing, marrying, having a baby or making love. These are all things
that you’ve got to do and experience for yourself and it’s the same with awakening. In classic spiritual
terms it was always called realization. Now, here’s the kicker. What all of you millions of good people,
truthers, geniuses, teachers, researchers, patriots, truth seekers and the likes are doing is that you
think you must show the people the tricks, evil, frauds, proofs, technics of deception of the evil
perpetrators, explain the plans and scams, show lots of hardcore proven evil crime and so on and you
think that at a certain point of hardcore evil degree of crime the people will have to awaken and see
the truth and get involved and thus you think that things would then change for the better. In short,
you want to wake them up by showing how fraudulent, evil and criminal the current so-called system
is. But they will never awaken like this! I’m the only one who has a different plan and strategy. My
plan is not to show how evil and criminal and diabolic they are. They are, but that’s not the point
where I hit them. And for sure, I do not try to justify the situation with any highly questionable
scriptures or religious sentiments as most of the patriot-truthers are doing. But I’m going to show
that they are stupid! Stupid to a degree that it is pathological. Yes, you can call it insanity. That they
don’t know shit about the cosmos and life and physics and metaphysics and history and secret
teachings and Life Itself. And their whole Kabbala is trash, too. And I mean literally trash. It’s plain and
simple false, incorrect information, not even half-truth. That is the huge difference here. You all think
that they are smart and have hidden secret knowledge but are evil, whereas I know that they are
stupid in the first place, and then what logically follows is that, sooner or later but rather sooner, they
are committing evil deeds. It’s just plain and simple logic. I know and have shown to the whole world
that they are stupid and that all their alleged magic is null and void. It has only worked because
mankind did share in their stupid belief in it, and thus you were the ones who made it work, by your
belief and your following orders and your obedience. It’s a simple trick, I’ll show you how it’s done. I
tell you a lie, you believe the lie and act accordingly, hence you yourself are creating a reality,
preferable one I twisted in my favor, with your real-life energy, your thoughts, emotions, perceptions
and all your real life and your entire being. And thus, you are feeding my lie into existence, although
my magic is still a lie. Not truth. But through your belief and your subsequent actions you made it
real. Still not true, but a real fiction! That’s what they have done to mankind for thousands of years
and yes, it was the religions and the entities therein who brought in this scam. Who would have
thought? Can you see the big difference in the emotional, spiritual, mental and psychological
framework of these two different approaches!? All the truthers are frightened because they don’t
understand the strength of their enemies. They only know they are doing horrible ‘satanic’, evil and
powerful things, but I stand in front of the world and laugh in their face, showing 8 billion people
what stupid little mentally retarded suckers their self-declared overseers really are. And a 14 year old
kid can follow my proof of the True Motion of the Earth and its Axis and can find out in a few hours’
time that all their idols, from Galileo to Einstein to Hawking to Elon Musk to the whole Nobel Prize
Committee and thus all their scientific current nonsense is immature mental gibberish. Can you feel
the difference? Can you see that the common truther approach is like a crying baby that will never
yield any result because the whole paradigm and approach is wrong and weak and coward and pitiful
like a slave? While what I am doing is the way of the shaman, straight into the middle of the
opponent’s heart. No fear, not even blinking an eye. The truther’s way is simply by far not strong
enough to render the emperor naked. What is crime anyway? Even the heaviest child-blood-drinking
crime? That doesn’t burst the bubble and doesn’t render the emperor weak but paradoxically it
makes him even stronger. That’s what all these oh-so-well-meaning truthers and patriots are doing
with every new article and video about the horrific crimes of the cabal. In fact, they are not fighting
against them, but they are strengthening the psychological power and perceived omnipotence of the
cabal. Sounds paradox but is 100% true, especially when they don’t have any real knowledge and
truth about the basics of life, universe, cosmos and everything else for themselves but are hoping for
a ridiculous Psy-Op-Supercomputer-Q-Anon-Savior-Military-Socket-Puppet to come and save them. I
bet you’ve all heard the saying that there is no bad publicity, haven’t you? They all believe that these
cabal elites have secret ancient magic satanic demonic powers that are evil, but they don’t know and
understand exactly how and what it is that they are doing. Oops, lost again! That moment you have
decided to lose because you gave in to the belief which your enemy projected onto and into you that
he knows magic shit. Well, I have news for you. It’s true that they do as well believe that they
have strong magic, but I know that they do not. They just have remnants of sorcery that they do not
understand the least bit and are playing around with a magical broomstick like a 3-year-old would
play the keyboard of a sophisticated computer. But never-the-less it was enough to blind mankind
into believing that they have potent magic and that they are rightful gods. Truth is, they are impotent
as shit! They are naked, they are not strong, they don’t have great power, and they don’t have
ancient Solomon’s-Temple-Super-Mojo. No, have not! They are just stupidly insane, pathologically
insane. Do you see the difference here? If you recognize that somebody is stupid, you don’t fear such
a person or entity anymore. And you are easily seeing through their petty plans, and you will
recognize that these forever wars are the logical consequence of unfulfilled forever prophecies!
Surely, you all have heard of the notion that nowadays the wars fought by the Empire of Chaos shall
not even be won anymore. The goal is not to win them but to have these absolute civilizationcollapsing forever-wars which are just dragging on and draining the entire world and are pulling
mankind down into the black hole of nihilism, nothingness and utter decay and annihilation. And
sure, they think they are going to profit from all this war and from this, that or the other opportunity
that arises through all these carefully crafted chaotic circumstances, but that is not what I want to
focus on and not what I am talking about here. Instead, let me observe to you the fact that the same
mechanism is at play when it comes to all those messianic, biblical, eschatological, salvation
prophecies and end-time-rapture-narratives. The trick is that they were never meant to be fulfilled
but instead shall send you and all faithful believers onto a never-ending hail-expectation trip that
shall and will never be fulfilled because it was and is a lie from the very get-go. It will keep you locked
inside that mental hallucinatory prison and will fulfill the true purpose of this sinister manipulation by
making sure that you will stay totally confused for your whole life on all most profound and
fundamental levels of cognition, perception, clear thinking and the conscious performance of your
own immanent conscious sacred will and intent. It keeps you busy and occupied with a search, a
vision and a seeking which is a fiction, and the true purpose of it is that this will make sure you
cannot do that what you are supposed to do with your life as a free, sovereign and conscious living
being. Namely, to go on the real vision, path and seeking for truth, liberation, freedom, Life Itself,
enlightenment, realization, spiritual fulfillment, ascension and the mastery of consciousness. As I've
repeatedly said, I won't let that happen. I will not allow mankind to go down the drain because of
being entangled and caught up in this web of lies of a stupid and sinister hope-and-fear-porn. Not on
my watch. We can give you a million proofs that show how all this is based on falsehood and lies and
nothing else. Like we have shown you already recently that all this Daniel Prophecy, which is a crucial
part in all Christian claims to the alleged fact of proven fulfilled prophecies is a forgery. A proven
forgery, written centuries later than pretended and talking not at all of a bloody future Messiah
coming after over a thousand years, meaning a prophecy for today's world, but instead it was the
political agitation for the hatred and the preparation for the planned revenge that they were
dreaming of while being in what was alleged to be Babylonian Slavery. Anyways, a lot of these stories
are not even about Nebuchadnezzar but about another King called Nebukadneyda or similarly
written. Please, don't argue about the spelling with me here. It’s all lies from top to bottom!
We are living in a time where many people think and observe that many things, some would indeed
say almost everything, are upside down in this current world. I won’t go into the details here but
instead I’ll take that as a given for now. As a consequence, what many of you are doing and are
believing is that you kind of have to go back in history and search for better solutions offered by the
past and eventually you all end up thinking: Oh, yeah, now I got it. We have forgotten all that what is
righteous, good, true, honest, integer, sacred and in short, yes, now I can see it clearly, we have
forgotten God and our respective religions! And it all seemingly adds up in your mind and your
imagination and you think now you fully understand what is wrong with the world and what is the
root cause of all the lying, cheating, enslaving, censoring, warmongering, semantic deceit,
governmental overreach, manipulation and mind control and financial tyranny. Now, you are dead
sure. We have forgotten God, and we only need to go back to God, repent and bow down and renew
the old bondage, ah sorry, I mean contract, with the god of our ancestors and all will be good and as
it has been foretold. And the lamb and the lion are hanging out together as best buddies. And yes,
there is indeed a certain logic to that musing. But every logic is built and rests on certain
assumptions. If the assumptions turn out to have been false, then immediately logic inverts and turns
out to have been a false, limited and thus dangerously wrong logic. The assumption here in our case
is, that we have not had enough of this god, religion, striving for holiness, praying, repenting, giving
thanks and praises, drawing Jesus and other angelic and divine beings and energies into our heart
and soul, inviting the holy spirit to invade our third eye and to take us over and all the rest of the
millions of religious obligations. So far so good. Now, let’s zoom out of this picture a little bit and try
to look at mankind and its history for let’s say the last 2000 years. See, how the religions and the
corresponding ideas got absolutely everything in support, which any idea, religion, movement,
philosophy, narrative, cosmology, revelation, truth or discovery could only ever dream of. The States
got behind it heavily already many centuries ago, the actual law was derived from it, also for
centuries already, hundreds of wars have been fought because of it, all literature, fairy tales, scientific
progress developed under the censorship, deep influence and the auspicious benevolent guidance of
the religions and the religious overseers. The churches today are even the biggest and most wealthy
landowners in the entire world. Not even to mention that the Pontifex is the highest arbiter of justice
in Ecclesiastical Law and what that means for all maritime and commercial law and more in terms of
real-world power. In every European and probably Western village there is a church with its bells
ringing almost every hour, the calendars they got their fingers in, the lullabies we sing for our children
are full of religious narratives, almost all of our children are being penetrated with deeply black
magical rituals during their adolescence. Not to mention a different and even more disgusting kind of
penetration done by so many clergy men. We mutilate the genitals of our newborns because of these
religions, the philosophies, arts, music, poetry, names, architecture, geographical terminologies are
all deeply drenched in religious mythology, terminology and narratives. All in all, what I want to say is
that the entire human collective consciousness and sub-consciousness is impregnated and
contaminated one archetype by far the most: The religious archetype! Now that you all can clearly
see and observe this for yourself, let me ask you. What the hell makes you think that a more of the
old solution, the one that already got 2000 plus years to prove its oh-so-glorious-greatness-andholiness, and which got all the support and head-start one could ever wish for, would bring the
desired result of peace, freedom, happiness, justice, paradise and sovereignty for all!? Maybe you
had better start looking at the possibility that there might be something fishy about that very
religious idea that you all think is the solution? Haven’t you all heard and understood the famous
Einstein quote about the definition of insanity being to repeatedly try the same solution but expect a
different result? That’s exactly what you all are doing here. Maybe it’s high times for you to dare to
start looking at the world and at reality in a more humble and more truthful way instead of clinging to
your old habits, old strategies, old narratives, old and false truths, old always failing non-solutions, old
pseudo heroes, your old and never-delivering saviors and at your oh-so-omnipotent but never-theless arrogantly detached gods. I mean, c’mon, 8 billion and not even a single one to publicly
acknowledge that you all are at the receiving end of a bloody, diabolic and brutal joke.
So, check this out! There are always two ways to be cheated. One is to believe what is not true and
the other one is to not believe what is true. In the same way there are two ways of doing and
spreading evil. One is to do and propagate evil and the other one, far worse, is to distort,
mischaracterize and misrepresent that what is God and good. To claim, as this delusional Jesus did,
that there is this God up there who is unconditionally forgiving everything stupid, selfish and evil
done by man is one of the greatest evil lies of all. This attempt to cheat the laws of Karma and Life is,
if not entirely the, then part of the root cause for all systemic and systematic evil here on earth. And
the notion that one man is taking on the sins of other men and is absolving them through his spilled
blood is simply ridiculous, to put it mildly. In fact, this is deep Black Magic. Remember, if you can
make people believe in absurdities you can make them commit whatever cruelty! Now look at the
world and at what ridiculous nonsense man is believing in. Like our ancestors were monkeys, the
earth is flat, the U.S. Inc. did a lot of altruistic great and good to the world, Western scientists,
charlatans that is, know exactly what happened one millisecond after the falsely assumed Big Bang,
Communism and Fascism are much different in its essence, carbon dioxide is bad and needs to be
reduced, another man can take on your sins or absorb your own Karma, which is probably taking the
cake; some dude was sent by god to save mankind, the Most High orders you to mutilate the genitals
of your kids, burn your first-born as an offer and so on. Man, if I were Sarah, I would have given
Abraham the beating of his life! See, the thing that I do not understand is how is it even possible that
for thousands of years in almost all cultures the highest measurement of goodness, virtue, honor and
integrity shall be to believe in a single omnipotent Creator-God? I mean, saying, pretending, acting
and publicly proclaiming to believe; isn't that a little bit too simple? Where is the deed and the
striving, the participation and cooperation and virtue in all of this? And far more, even if one believes
this, why should that make you a good, honest and integer man? Frankly, I see tons of people who do
believe but are dark as hell. Truth is, it's called the Anglo Papal Zionist One World Order Cult! Do you
guys really don't know this? I mean, is there any one more obvious fact in the world than this? It is
them via their religious fictitious inventions who are responsible for all systematic and systemic evil in
this world. How many more Gaza hospital bombings, Lahaina Directed Energy Weapons, staged
Ukrainian NATO Color Revolutions, CIA-NATO bombings of pipelines by our own ‘allies’, MK-Ultra mass
shootings, artificial Cat 5 hurricanes within not even 8 hours in Acapulco, lies about man-made
climate change and about so-called fossil fuel, which is not fossil at all, and more killing and
murdering and destruction? How much more do you need? How much more for you to eventually
raise your voice and take a stand against evil? In fact, there is nothing really complicated about what's
going on in this more than crazy world. Look, the most basic feature in every society and every
culture in history is the question of what is good and what is not good. Good is always that which is
caring, including and envisioning the we, that which is going beyond the me or the I. Some call
it Service to Self vs Service to All. Now you all have, mostly unconsciously, identified and thus
entangled that good, that we with that idea called The Creator-God. Now, the crucial point is this, I've
thoroughly inquired this The God and, lo and behold, I've found out that the we offered by
this God has no space, no use, no respect and no virtue and value at all for me. Nor has it any value
and respect for you. That means that this we offered by this God is a lie. It is no we at all.
Understand? We say that caring about we is better than only being in service to and caring about
the I and we say that this service to the we is what we call good. Fine, so good means that we are
caring and serving the we, us all, meaning you, you, you, her and him and all others and including me
myself as well, right? Otherwise, it wouldn't be the we but the you plural. As I have said, I found out
that my I has zero meaning for this The Creator-God, so I clearly know that his we is a lie, his good is a
lie! Oh, and the same is true for all your mes, too for sure. He is a cheat, the cheat!
Now, please be very precise with my words here, otherwise you might miss it. I say how to recognize
a false prophet and not how to discern a false from a real prophet, and that has a very good reason,
as you will see. After you have realized that time is not something that one is able to travel through,
and thus you’ll understand that all this so-called Time Travel, Looking Glass Technology and Prophecy
Business, predicting the future and such, is simply not real, not actual and factual but simply just born
in the minds, wittingly or unwittingly, of some fantasying people, you clearly know that it is not
possible to do such things like 100% definitive predictions of the future, aka giving prophecy. That
means, as follows by simple logic, that everybody who claims to be a prophet, the ones of pretended
divine providence I like the most, is in fact a false prophet. Yes, that means all of them, at least for the
last 20.000 years of the official record. Because he is claiming things that are simply not true and
thus, he is a prophet of the lie and thus a false prophet. Please don’t get me wrong; for sure, I know
and have experienced that many things are possible in this cosmos which are far beyond rational
explanation, but time travel and 100% certain prophecies are simply not possible. Definitely not
because there is no time to travel through, not physically and not mentally or spiritually. All there is is
a play of probabilities. What man is experiencing is a play of and with probabilities in certain states of
consciousness, although 99,9% of all the esoteric, new age, self-pretended spiritual crowd is by far
not able to consciously perform such feats. All the hyped stories are all just Hollywood, Mk-ultra,
propaganda, predicted programming and disinformation. And no, no ridiculous Quantum-ComputerLooking-Glass-Ancient-Solomon’s-Temple-Tec either. It’s all fairy tales to keep you an impressed
fearful slave. So, in a sense it’s very easy to recognize a false prophet because all the people who
claim to be prophets, including and especially the ones claiming to be of divine providence, are false
ones. Because wanting and accepting to be a prophet is false in the first place. You see, the real
dangerous man or entity is the one behind the prophet, holding his strings, encouraging the selfappointed prophet in his belief to be a or even the prophet, and thus he can feed him and control
him, while the prophet is playing the lead-role. The oldest trick in the book and it was always like
that, as I’ve said, at least for the last 20.000 to 40.000 years. And that’s the same way it goes within
this truther-, patriot-, awakening-, peace- and alternative media-community. Just feed one of them,
put him a little higher than the others and nurture him, give him some rise in attention, click
numbers, a few interviews and cross-postings with other well-known and established big guys on the
stage and you’ll see the adrenaline, endorphin, pride, vanity, self-righteousness and subsequent fall
coming in and you can witness this for yourself. One after the other, it’s hilarious. Oldest trick in the
book! Get the people at their pride and their secret belief of how great they are, but the world just
never saw it, give them a tiny little rise in attention and sure as hell, they all will react like you’d
expect them to do. Like a little puppy dog, simply unable to withstand and carefully re-think why and
when and what for people are giving their attention to them. That’s what is called a gatekeeper, a
person who was installed on purpose, but very often without his own understanding and knowledge.
As I have explained, often unwittingly, for they play this game for they themselves fall victim to their
pride and ego to make him seem to be one who wants exactly the same changes as all the people and
he can so eloquently talk about all the evils that you almost jerk off every time you listen. And you
celebrate your hero how cool he is and how he has shown it to the evil cabal and he talks about aliens
and you scream Yes, and he talks about that they treat you as a slave and you scream Yes, and he
talks about time travel, and you scream Yes and he talks about Nesara and Gesara and you
chuckleheads are screaming Yes! And he talks about the new quantum financial super-computer-fairmoney-system that will go online tomorrow and all the truther community screams Yes, these
imbeciles. And he spins his absolute disgusting nonsense and you all scream: Yes!
I bet you too realized that a lie is a lot more powerful if not the inventor of the lie is telling it to the
audience but when he is able to really convince another one of these lies to be true and then let him
present the lie, which this guy believes himself to be the truth. Sure, sometimes it’s good to help to
convince through good paid jobs, bonuses, privileges, blackmailing or some old school drugs and
pussy but the pure convincing of the lie being true works best. And then let this other one do the
public selling of the lie and he will be a lot miraculously more convincing because he is selling the lie
with his whole heart, unwittingly, while believing it to be true, so that he can tap into his will-energyconsciousness resources which would not be available to himself, if he’d know it to be a lie. And in
case one of you likes the word prophet so much. Well, Ex-Prophet is a cool thing to be, if one
absolutely wants to hold on to some form of connection to this word. Ex-prophet! It’s something
super-nice, wise, free, cool, sweet, life-enhancing and all good. No problem with that one, Exprophets are cool dudes and cool ladies.
Without realizing this, nothing will ever change. That is the sad truth. The people just talk and are
blaming the other side, but they are all the same. Trust me, if you would clean out all the evil elite
people and then fill the positions with all those so-called truthers, awakened, light warriors,
enlightened and whatnot, it would take not even a year and you would see the exact same egoistic
evil again, because they are all not awakened, conscious or enlightened or any of that at all. They are
just talking and trying to sell themselves off as wise guys when in fact they know nothing at all about
the true mechanisms of Life Itself. Although they might not know it consciously for themselves and
might think they are doing great things and spectacular deeds. And they are all talking the same old
false Esoteric New-Age Nonsense without having had any real experience for themselves. It’s all just
stories that they all heard a million times, and which are thousands of years old, and they never
bothered to verify or falsify them and after a while they start hallucinating and are no longer able to
distinguish between what they know as fact and experience and what is just mental gymnastics. That
is the sad truth. And that is the reason why they are not able to listen to actual new information,
because they all believe they know already. You see, it’s like a glass which is already full. You can’t fill
in anything new because it’s already full. Full of confusion and lies. Just look at all the daily videos and
posts where millions upon millions of people are explaining what’s really going on. It’s hilarious and it
would be very funny, if it wasn’t so lethal and seriously tragic. They all pretend to know it all. They
know about the apocalypse, they know the plans of god, they know the real meaning of the bible,
they know the Jesus personally, they are master magicians, they know all their ‘hundreds of
incarnations’, they know who the evil ones are and why and what false gods they are praying to and
all that nonsense. It’s just parroting and unconsciously inventing more chapters of the fairy-tale story
and more follow-up episodes of the same old religious-esoteric-new-age BS. It just begs the question,
if there are so many millions of oh-so-holy people who have daily conversations with God, then why
do the world and mankind look as messed-up as they do? Ah yeah, right, they all say, and their plan
and option are always: If everybody knew what I know and acted and understood as much and as
holy, super-cool and divine as I do, then everything would be good within two days! Well, the truth is
that they themselves don’t understand the wheelwork of this world and of actual reality and the
wheelwork of power but even if they would, let me ask you: Would that be freedom, if we all must be
and must copy all the knowledge, character and actions of the one truther, whistle-blower or
messenger XY? And is that not exactly how the so-called evil elites are thinking and behaving as well?
Like: I or we know it all better than everybody else, so that gives me and us the right to talk down to
you ordinary, common people and to ignore the rights and sovereignty of the masses (the collective of
Individuals to be precise)? Because they know it all, right!? Never mind that if you look closely
enough, they are all contradicting each other heavily and so they themselves already have proven
many times that what they say cannot be truth because otherwise they must be able to agree at least
on the essence, which is never the case. But hey, who cares? But if you tell them a truth that goes
against their false truth, they are going to hate you, block you, can’t and don’t answer, attack you on
a personal level and whatnot. Just so that they don’t have to ever question themselves and their own
positions and to find out that maybe they themselves are neither within truth nor are they very fair
and honest and are not willing to apply integrity and modesty and skepticism onto themselves.
Meaning, most people are not the good ones! Just try it out and challenge them and see how they
are reacting, if you are not willing to go with their half-truths, not willing to be their follower, not
accepting their guru-position, not giving them any money, rejecting their god and messenger but
question their truths and hide your own credibility so that they think you are a nobody. They will all
treat you as badly and as worthless as the elites themselves are doing to the people if they think that
nobody is watching. The good age-old problem of: If your god is different from my god, it is only a
matter of time and a powerful enough position that you will want to kill me! You see, these elites are
assholes and evil and whatnot, no question. But what I say is that most people would do the same,
they just don’t have the courage and the means to do so on a grand scale. That’s why you see
husbands beating their wives, bullies beating and stealing from other kids, women getting raped in
the millions every day, people steal, cheat, lie, manipulate and all that shit, and throughout all social
classes, cultures, civilizations and religions. It’s sad, but it’s the truth.
In short, the people are still falling for the religious evil, namely that it says that there is a god out
there somewhere in the heavens, when in fact it’s here on Earth and connected right to the core
within oneself. But with that truth you cannot build a following and you cannot profit from that, and
you cannot establish yourself as the better one and the special one and as their leader which is the
actual subconscious wish of 99,99% of the people. They themselves want and are doing all to be the
better one! That’s why nobody wants to hear the actual truth, because that would free people and
thus you could not capitalize on them anymore. You see, all those freedom fighters and light warriors
do not really want to see mankind free, but what they are dreaming of is to be the hero to free the
people. They all love the role, but they are not doing the hard work. Because they can’t. They don’t
have the standing for it, and they don’t have the intelligence and the balls to do it! You understand
that fundamental difference? It’s one thing to work for showing people their independence and
sovereignty and a completely different one to just want to carry the label, I am the good one and I am
the hero and savior of all. And people are still too egoistic and spiritually infantile and weak to face
that fact and go through that gate, which is the only gateway to actual freedom and selfempowerment. Because then they would have to change their own lifestyles and how and what they
think of themselves. Like what you all say about these useless politicians as well. If you ousted them,
they would have to do some real work and would have to stop suckling the money out of the poor
and confused public tit. There are simply too many suckers among mankind, in all social classes.
People who do not contribute anything of value but are only interested in sucking up the cream from
the work of others, in all social classes and in all cultures and civilizations. You see, this religious god is
a mind trick. It’s not your belief or faith which makes you a good man or a good woman, but your
intentions and deeds do. But they all think when they claim that they are followers of this or that
messenger and this or that spiritual tradition it makes them a good man or woman. Nope, it’s just a
mind trick to cheat oneself. It’s called substitution. People are unconsciously substituting a fictitious
mind-movie for the actual real experience and seeking because it’s safer and less challenging. Yep,
exactly like in the digital world. Just press restore or new game or upgrade or download and invent a
new fictitious reality. Only that the real world doesn’t work like that. And they are all falling for it. No
matter if with the Jesus, the Shiva, the Astro-theology, the New Age, the Great Solar Flare, the
imaginary Pole Flip, the Jehovah or Mohammed and whatnot. It’s always somewhere else.
Everywhere, but never here and now, and that exactly is the cheat. Let me ask you, if from tomorrow
on not a single man on earth would be able and allowed to earn only a single dollar in the name
of the magic secret of Life Itself, God and enlightenment anymore, just hypothetically, don’t you think
that at least 99% of these pseudo-gurus, priests, energy teachers, reincarnation-therapists and
whatnot would turn to other business-ventures and do you think this world would be a better or
worse place? In a way this getting out of the matrix, this awakening from the spell and from this bad
dream, the great fraud, great delusion, realization and recognizing what’s going on, stepping into
one’s own sovereignty is like the overcoming of a Heroin addiction. And don’t get me wrong, it’s the
part of overcoming that I mean and not the part of junking. The junk, that’s the descent into the black
hole. Needle by needle, shot for shot, step by step, defeat by defeat down the spiraling staircase of
the Rabbit Black Hole. Piece by piece selling the most precious and sacred core substance of the
essence of your own actual and factual being, the Satt-Va, to parasitic fiction. Then you reach the
bottom, but it isn’t a bottom, for it’s a bottomless pit. As we all might know, the bottom is the clear
and full realization that you have gone in the fundamentally wrong direction. And that only you
yourself are responsible for it. You always knew deep within that it was wrong, but now Life Itself,
through your own deeds, has brought you into the situation where denying isn’t an option anymore.
You know, it’s either coming clean all the way now, turning around and start the hardcore difficult
ascension out of this black hole, step by step, gun for gun, shot for shot, defeat by defeat, to climb
back to life or die 100% self-inflicted with no whatsoever excuse for one’s own cowardice and treason
to Life and Life Itself, ending in the renouncement of your sacred ticket through the Living Cosmos.
That’s exactly the archetype of the situation we, mankind, are finding ourselves in right now. And
that’s where shame kicks in. Shame is the real hardcore essential problem, not the withdrawal-pain,
not the physical suffering, even not the mental and emotional long-term damages, not the resulting
cognitive dissonance but it’s the shame which denies most of all junkies to overcome the Chasing the
Dragon, that’s how it’s called in Asia. One cannot chase and hunt down the dragon, never ever! One
can only stop wanting to chase the Dragon. And thus, the miracle could happen that you will be
seeing the dragon coming freely, as a friend. I guess what I want to say is this, Ladies and Gentlemen,
dear Fellow Mankind, it’s addiction withdrawal time now! We all knew it would come one day, so
here it is. Let’s start, and trust me, it feels super cool and sacred and heroic to overcome a serious
and lethal but simply stupid addiction. You’ll see, we’re going to make it.
And now that we are talking already, there is another thing that I always wanted to tell you. Many of
you are talking about the two ways of spiritual aspiration, the right hand path and the left hand path
and you are insinuating that these two ways are synonymous with the way of righteousness and the
way of evil. That again is not the truth. You always try to make it too easy for you in your religious
belief and you always try to stick to a very simple frame of good and evil. Sure, there is good and evil.
I never would want to negate such a thing, but the coordinates that you are drawing are not accurate
and correct. The difference in fact and actual truth between the right hand and the left hand path is
not that one is good, service to others, and the other one is evil, service to self only, but the actual
difference is that on the one you are open to include the use of external material, tools and energies
for progressing on the spiritual path and on the other one you are not. We are talking about the path
to enlightenment which is liberation which is man’s ultimate goal and not to meet some god, whether
self-created or not. Meaning one is a completely internalized way of doing things in the way of the
Yogi while the other one is using the internal and the external realm for one’s growth in the way of
the Tantric. Dreamer & Stalker, as other traditions have called these two ways. And just because the
way of the tantric is strange to many of you and foreign compared with the religious indoctrination
that you were raised with that doesn’t give you the right to spread your simpleton ideas about all the
other spiritual process’ that you don’t like, don’t understand and have no authority to judge upon.
Sure, you can reject them for your own personal and private life, that’s perfectly fine, but please see
that the things you are telling about the bulls and the snake venom and entheogenic plant medicine
used as hallucinogenic drug and many other things you say about what you believe is evil and black
magic is at least 90% wrong. Yes, there are some forms of evil that was and is done via such things,
but that doesn’t mean that all and everybody doing similar things is necessarily doing evil shit. No,
not at all. You should understand, if you are really interested in resolving some heavy black magic in
our current world and reality, I’d suggest you go cleaning in front of your own door; meaning you had
better take a close look at your own spirituality and religion. This thing called Christianity is one of the
most heavy and evil life-sucking bloody black magic that is currently practiced openly here on earth
by a larger, significant group of people. You better bother yourself with getting shit done in your own
backyard before looking for splinters in the eyes of others! See, if you look at our human cultures and
civilizations and you are not focusing on details but more like zooming out and look at it from afar
and try to catch the entire thing and the entire meaning of the process and the meaning of the
existence of man and you try to see the entire thing as one, again, not focusing on details like
whether there are kings or popes or what political system or what kind of belief system or whatever
scientific standard or not; forget all these minor details. What I mean is that beneath all the different
ways of life, no matter whether that culture and society is just and fair or totally degenerated and
injustice and lies and violence are ruling, beneath every culture and society and civilization in our
long history there was a promise. The promise, that if you are capable of bearing all the injustices and
falsehoods and do not succumb to the lies and falsehoods yourself but instead carry on and try to
find helpful new truths and insights into Life, the Cosmos, Life Itself and the actual Living Reality and
you freely share this with your fellow mankind that this truth and the deed of offering that truth will
be honored and fairly acknowledged publicly in whatever way. Well, I have done exactly that and
have shared, and that’s by far not the only thing, such a truth with you; and that for 10 years
now. The True Motion of Earth and its Axis. So, if there is some dignity, honor, integrity, justice and
love for truth left in this current mankind, in all of you, then well, you owe me one! And that owing
has nothing to do with riches, control, superiority, bowing down or such nonsense but simply with
the task of restoring my full credibility, honor, integrity and my good name in all, including cosmic,
In fact, all this is very simple. How do you solve an argument like the current absolute mess that we
have on Earth where the world is fighting over the future course of mankind and over who is correct
and who is the better one and whose god, culture, tradition, values, laws and way of life is better
than that of the others? Well, it’s very simple. Like what most of your mothers did with you when you
were mischievous little kids being a pain in the ass the whole day for the adults after your enthusiasm
overwhelmed you and you kids started having a serious fight and then one of you kiddies got a
bloody nose and started crying and running for Mommy screaming like: ’Oh, he is so bad, he hit me;
and that’s so unfair. I haven’t done anything. Mommy, Mommy help me; and punish this asshole!’ We
all know what wise Mommies do in such situations. They clearly state that both are responsible for
this situation and that both are wrong in their assessment of the situation and that they must learn to
deal and cope with such situations in a way of learning about how to enable mutual understanding.
You, my dear fellow mankind, are exactly like such kids and the same is also true for all this world
changing, awakening, reconstruction of government, disclosure, political and spiritual truth seeking,
Deep State hunting, the smoking out of the whatever Cabal, the Change of The Ages, the New Time,
the Revelation and the Apocalypse, the East and West, North and South tectonic shifts in geopolitics
and all this talk about the emerging of a more fair and more just multipolar world order, in short the
long anticipated paradigm change here on Earth. Now, the simple solution to solve that gordian knot
is just like that. Publicly proclaim that you all have been wrong! That’s the medicine to cure you. Yes,
you all are not fully correct, and the talks and solutions offered by you are not entirely rooted in truth
and still contain dangerous and toxic elements of falsehood. Do you understand the logic here? Do
you understand that if someone is coming and proving that all of you are wrong in your political,
historical, legal and lawful, religious and spiritual and scientific assessment of this Living Reality that
exactly this fact of all of you being false, and only this fact, would immediately solve and end all the
confused discussions among mankind? Because you are all wrong and not fully correct. The only
problem that comes with such a strategy is this. Who could be that Mommy to Mankind? Who the
hell could ever be in such a position to assume the authority of doing the job? Who, and justified but
what, has authority and power to that extent that he or she can step up and declare all 7,5 billion
others to be fundamentally incorrect and profoundly false in their perception of reality? And thus,
would immediately start the healing of mankind with that because the spell under which mankind is
currently living would be immediately lifted and dissolved. That is the difficulty we are dealing with
here right now. In a way I have gotten tired of repeating myself over and over again, but yes, that’s
exactly what I have done with my discovery of The True Motion of Earth and its Axis. And just because
you do still not understand how cosmology, the essential nature of matter, the geometric motionpattern of Earth, the Earth Axis, the spiritual realms and thus religion, God and history and ancient
history are all intrinsically connected and intertwined doesn’t mean that you are anyway near in the
position to further blindly ignore that paradigm changing fact and truth. You’d better learn to see
through the fact that people who are constantly talking about God are the ones least experienced,
whereas people who indeed have at least started to actually experience that what would deserve
such a name like the Creator, the Spark of Creation, Life Itself or The All That Is, The Pure Essence like
to talk about everything except one thing: God! And why is that so? Well, there simply is no use for
talking about it. Words are not only insufficient, meaningless and incapable of incorporating and
mirroring those kinds of experiences but even worse. Words and talking nonsense are in fact
destroying and crippling your experience and your further aspirations to deepen that experience.
Those people are using words as a substitute for that which they will never experience. And they are
fine with it, as all of you, modern man, are fine with that kind of substituted life that you all are living.
The fiction, the matrix, the working slave who hasn’t decided anything of substance in his own life.
So, in a sense it’s very appropriate for you to live under a slave-religion, very appropriate. The first
thing one must learn when experiencing such states of consciousness is to learn to shut up and to
empty your mind, emotions and identifications that you all are carrying around with you 24/7/365.
And everybody with the slightest honest and genuine attitude knows this. So, like this it’s very easy to
discern, if you are dealing with a man or a woman of experience or with just another talking head.
Knowing this, it’s very simple to recognize that even the Jesus, Mohammed, all priests and popes and
all gospel preachers are in fact just this, Talking Heads, to put it mildly. Because for sure, there is an
even darker and even more sinister truth to why the god-talk is so extremely prevalent in mankind’s
cultures for at least the last 10.000 years. It’s not a mere coincidence and it’s not even man’s making.
Cui Bono? Look at who is profiting from such a slavish prison state of mind, and you can learn to
answer the question for yourself, who the actual inventors of that deceiving narrative were. But one
can shame those people and entities into insanity, death and even beyond. And one can even do that
with the emperor himself and with his boot-licking adepts. No problem at all. That’s the shaman’s
way. Just speak the full truth and it will create a kind of trauma which can be either used wisely to
heal or… As I’ve said: Yes, you can very much shame somebody to death and probably even worse. In
that sense, truth is the ultimate weapon. Especially in the hands of a Seer, a man who can perceive
and handle the so-called Assemblage Point. The Assemblage Point is the spot within the energetic
configuration of a man, or woman, where one’s perception is tied and fixed to the very living being
itself. I, for one, very much prefer to interact, use and experience this wisdom of handling this kind of
traumas of truth with a healing intent, in awe, joy and wonder and amazement, for exploring and
sharing and cooperation purposes than to use it as the sword and whip of shaming. But well, you
know that old saying, right? Sometimes a man got to do what a man got to do! It’s not always in our
hands whether the other side wants to live in war or peace with us and whether the circumstances
allow us to show only our sweetest and nicest sides. Sadly so. Anyway, as a shaman, a warrior, a
sorcerer, a seer you take it as it comes. Without blinking an eye and you go straight for aiming at the
center of the truth of the matter – the Assemblage Point. Just like the bison in the storm. Not away
from it but straight ahead at the center of the storm. Be like the Bison, my friends, be like the Bison!
Obviously, you never understood one thing. When you are finding the solution to a problem and I
mean a real, profound solution, one that is addressing the very root cause of the problem and is
offering the complete untying of the knot of obstacles resulting from that problem, the people and
entities and institutions who are currently profiting from that said problem or paradigm will do and
have to do everything to kill you. They have to because their position of power is depending on the
continued existence of this problem and everything threatening to reveal the hidden structure of said
problem, aka the old paradigm, to the public and thus would dissolve the problem will make it
impossible for these powerful profiteers to continue exploiting that situation and the people who
have been forced to experience life under this needlessly manufactured problem, the old false
paradigm. Thus, the bearer of new revelations about Life Itself which are threatening the very
foundations of contemporary culture and civilization, aka the old paradigm, is always threatened to
get killed because he is a threat, the only real threat, to the rulers, profiteers and bosses of the
current system. Just look at our history and you must be blind as blind can be to not see that this is an
absolute fact. As I’ve tried to tell you many times now over the course of the last few years, I have
this solution for our current epoch to make that paradigm change. Yes, I have found something that is
bringing all the false claims of the current rulers, profiteers, self-declared gods and bosses crumbling
down within seconds, if properly shared publicly with mankind. But sadly, you are still not able to
distinguish foolishness from genius and thus you are still preferring to stick to your view that I am
more like a crazy freak than a genius. Well, I got news for you. You are wrong! And if you would be
more capable of holding your prejudices and indoctrination aside and would have only tried to
understand what I was teaching you for only a few hours you would have been able to figure out for
yourself that my discovery of The True Motion of Earth and its Axis and all its many consequences for
science, cosmology, history, ancient history and religion and spirituality is indeed such a kind of
paradigm changing momentum. Look, you do not even understand it now after I bombarded,
explained, begged, appealed, further explained, referenced, proved, added additional explanations
and much more for years, whereas I fully did understand it from the very beginning and from the getgo of my discovery in December 2015. To me it became 100% clear immediately after realizing that
my observation was indeed correct and thus, I could see all the consequences. Not thinking about it
in my head but seeing and experiencing and using it. It became clear quite quickly that: Well, if that is
indeed correct and this information would go public globally, rather sooner than later it would have
the effect of totally annihilating the framework of the current false paradigm of ruling, profiteering,
exploiting and enslaving in mental, spiritual and material ways, and thus would usher in a paradigm
changing end of the Empire of Lies. I immediately understood that if my discovery was correct, and it
is correct, and I went on spreading it that they will have to kill me to not go down the drain
themselves completely. Sure, that insight was a little bit worrying in the beginning but after a short
while meditating about all that was happening to and with me and with the world and mankind all
around me, the further path became clear. My business is to deliver the paradigm change that will
liberate mankind. And that mission is already accomplished! You will not be able anymore to stop the
process of this paradigm change any longer. It’s rolling now. Unstoppable and there is nothing anyone
can do to stop it anymore. I have fulfilled my spiritual public duty, and I have delivered the paradigm
changing momentum. And I have shown you the Fission Fungus and the truth of the matter that the
evil, lies, falsehood and enslavement on this Earth and beyond is not happening despite all the good
religions and spiritual processes but on the contrary, it is happening largely because of it. These
religions and the respective ruling spiritual oligarchic entities, the so-called god(s), are in fact the
root-cause and the very seed of evil. The Fission Fungus so to speak. This root of the division and
separation within mankind is the root cause for all systemic evil. Don’t you remember this so-called
Jesus dude and his own words? I Am the Fission-Fungus. I will separate the wheat from the
chaff! Now, obviously almost all of you think that it is a good thing to separate the wheat from the
chaff because for sure, you all are thinking that you are the wheat, that is the good one. But you are
not. In fact, what you are doing by following that script is that you are promoting this separation and
division of mankind but think you are doing something great and peaceful. It’s the age-old problem
of: If your god is different from my god, then it is only a matter of time and a powerful enough
position that you will want to kill me! And all the religions are – knowingly or mostly unwittingly - the
very promoters and perpetrators of this root-evil, sadly so.
Anyways, there is this talk about how to proceed when we work to better and right this world and rid
it of evil, injustice, crime and fraud and whether guilt and responsibility for the evils in this world is at
such a scale that so-called General Amnesty is the only way out and forward to come up with a real
solution. Well, that won't work like you are dreaming about it. In fact, there is not only one problem
with that notion but the whole idea is riddled with inconsistencies and strategic syntax errors, and
last but surely not least: Nobody of you is only remotely close to have standing to grant General
Amnesty! Or who do you think you are? G-Zeus Krysthos 007? You want to follow in the footsteps of
this pathetic nosepicker who did the greatest evil of all, to run around and pretend to have the
authority to forgive evil deeds that he had no business with, no right, authority and no justification to
deal with in the first place. None! I mean, do you think if a dude is coming along and is shooting you
so that you become paralyzed for life and this dude is additionally raping your wife and your daughter
in front of you, so in short he ruined and fucked up all your life to a degree that nobody and nothing
will be able to heal your body, soul and mind ever again and then I, happy Stefan, is coming along,
seeing the tragedy, let's say I call the ambulance and such and then I solemnly declare the evil
perpetrator to be forgiven, spent him absolution and declare all his sins and evil deeds that he has
done to you and your family are forgiven so that now nobody has any right to call for his judgement
and punishment anymore?! What do you think? Do you think you would agree with that and that you
would say, yeah, fine Stefan, that's great and the right thing to do to forgive him! Do you? Really? You
see, with this Grande-Jesus-Forgiveness-BS it is the same as with that what you all pretend why
communism is so bad. It's so much fun to spend money and wealth that isn't yours. But a completely
different story if it is your oh-so-precious wealth. Yeah, it’s the same here. It is so easy and so much
fun to forgive something and do great talk of sentimental Bullshit if evil hasn’t been done and
directed against you. Again, who do you religiously blinded hypocrites think you are? Anyways, back
to our theme here: General Amnesty. Sure, amnesty and forgiveness are worthwhile and beautiful
things to ponder and to do; but not in a Hippie-Larifari-New-Age-La-La-Land-style but there are rules
to adhere to and to go by to emanate and set forth its beauty, power and healing properties. And if it
is not done the correct way it is not only not enabling its power to flower and flourish but even
worse. Wrongly done, it does a lot more additional damage and trauma. So, there are rules, like for
example, the rule that it is only the receiver of a certain deed who is the one in the position to forgive
or not. It is a matter of the involved people and only of the involved people who oversee the
forgiveness business and not certain non-involved third parties pretending to have any authority in
that business. Another rule is that forgiveness is a gift and nothing that one has a right to claim. And
you cannot force someone to forgive. Remember, it's called Free Will, and it is to be honored. Forced
forgiveness is like forced sex. We call that rape, don't we?! Another one is that forgiveness can only
work its magic if it is asked for. Sure, you can forgive in silence in your mind the deeds someone has
done to you and you can let go and that's good and real and fine like that, but as I’ve said, to fully
work its magic and to kind of close the circle and the energetical circuit and thus releasing the Karmic
entanglements it has to be asked for before it can be received, so to speak. Forgiveness and amnesty
are not merely legal, communal or traditional tools and mechanisms to conduct business as a society,
culture, state or as a civilization, but the roots and the essence of forgiveness are indeed in actual
healing and energetic-karmic-justice. It's all a lot more than just about words, penalties, gestures,
rituals, petty emotions, hurt feelings or even mundane, material-physical justice. Forgiveness and
amnesty play in an entirely different league; they are about healing and karmic justice. But to work its
magic one must go by The Rule, or it just adds more pain, suffering and trauma. As a rule of thumb
you could say: Before there can be forgiveness, the lesson must be learned! And in our case here, no,
the lesson hasn't been learned yet. Nope, sorry, my dear mankind, you haven't done your homework
yet. So, in practical terms, I do honor the good will to find a Grande Solution and to do a great cleanup via a General Amnesty but, as I’ve tried to at least hint at, it's not that easy, it's not yet the time for
it, you all do not have the standing to seriously offer such a thing in your political position and with
your political status. But most of all, if there is forgiveness self-evidently it will be at the end, after
everything concerning the matter has publicly been said and done and not in the very beginning
when nothing has actually changed. Nothing has been publicly admitted nor has any evil perpetrator
ever publicly asked for forgiveness, the killing hasn’t stopped but in fact has intensified, the CIA/MI6murder of politicians is going on, the poisoning hasn't stopped, the lies are being spread, the
fraudsters are having high noon, the pedophiles are having the hottest parties in Washington D.C. and
all other major capitals for that matter, the U.S army and CIA is still importing Heroin and Cocaine as
the largest importer to the U.S. and Europe and nothing has changed at all in the grand scheme of
things. Nothing has changed and Brussels feasts on corruption, mental stunting, gay sex and bloodlusting wet Napoleon-dreams, what the hell, man? What kind of bloody forgiveness and General
Amnesty do you want to work with here? But there will be forgiveness and yes, there will be a kind of
General Amnesty. But for now, there are still too many things, understanding, sense of justice and
especially a clear, unfiltered and true view of one's own deeds by billions of people lacking to start
talking about forgiveness in earnest. The pain and traumatic insight into the fact that most of you
would feel when you actually find out that you yourself haven't played the most heroic role in this
blame-game and Judgment-Day-Live-Roleplay and are needing not much less forgiveness than the ohso-evil-cabal-elites would be still too much for you right now. So, we have to wait and work our way
towards the moment when the time will come. So, not that fast with your wild horses. But it will be in
the end. It will be given after it will be asked for by all. After we have started our redemption process
it will be a collective effort and it will be released and initiated by someone who knows what and how
to do it and who has the power, wisdom, authority and that certain special secret ingredient which is
needed and which nobody else has. And you will play by The Rule or you won't be playing at all
anymore! So then let everyone grab a mop and a bucket and let’s start the cleaning process:
I. Mankind, you are still going by the Doctrine of Discovery. I'm suing you for failure to render
II. The fake Law of One is the basis of all current religions of falsehood on Earth.
III. America always was and still is a British/Crown Colony. She was never truly independent.
Officially we are saying that the so-called Doctrine of Discovery is over and null and void by now and
we are shamelessly celebrating us for that oh-so-great civilizational triumph. Don't get me going on
this Honest Abe Bastard, Liar & Traitor and our oh-so-proud-claim that we have overcome slavery. I
won't go into all the legal and lawful nitty-gritty here, the documents, the phrasing, dates, the entities
involved and the question whether they had any authority over that subject matter in the first place
or not. There are others who are doing this and are better equipped to do that in an academic and
lawful way and style, but fact is that this doctrine, that template, blueprint or archetype of The
winner takes it all, cause that's basically all this doctrine says, is still the most basic and most applied
template of performing and conducting life, business, science, politics, law and lawfare, money-fare,
arts and music, education, research, religion, war and peace, philosophy and everything else that
matters in human society. When I look at all our human endeavors all I can see is patents, copyrights,
claims of ownership, claims of inheritance, claims of superiority, claims of privileges and always,
always the attempts, including lies, fakes, deceptions, killing, stealing, black-mailing and so on, to
establish the claim of the fact that one has been the first in achieving and realizing whatever. A new
technical breakthrough, a new medication, a new territory, a new method or procedure of
something, a new deep insight into whatever, a new scientific discovery, a new-something-whatevermaterial-or-immaterial, and then claim, copyright and own it. And make sure that everybody else
must pay tribute, tax, customs, patent fees, usufruct and such. In a sense, that's the equivalent of the
ancient Bending the knee. So, as a rule of thumb we can say that Bending the knee is the actual and
factual credo and law that completely rules all domains in this world in 2024, agreed? I hope you can
follow along this thought because I don't like to explain in detail all that which is obvious for anyone
with eyes to see. Now, let me observe to you the very paradox and confusing fact that when we open
our eyes and look at what is really actually happening in everyday life we see that everything is ruled
according to the Doctrine of Discovery, aka Bending the knee, but at the same time when I look very
deeply into the essence and root of all the laws of mankind, the papers, the words, the documents,
the assumptions, the cornerstone, it is all derived in the very end from the assumption and dogma
that god is the exclusive owner of everything. Meaning real, actual owning isn't something for man
and mankind at all, that's what it says, without explicitly saying it. Funny, we are proclaiming and
intellectualizing one way, but we are acting 180° the exact opposite in actual everyday real life. As we
will see, that might be no coincidence but might be due to a certain agenda behind it. Wasn't there
once a dude who said something about preaching water and drinking wine? There is more about the
details of this theological-legalese doctrine that God would be the owner of everything a little further
down. That's an old theological question. Some friend recently publicly wrote that creation obviously
can't own itself. Well, let me ask: Why would that be so? And how do you conclude that it would be
obvious? In fact, I had to laugh reading that sentence because what that person did was just to turn
my own sentence into the opposite when I already answered that question years before that creation
and the beings within obviously are owning themselves! Anyways, as I’ve said, more to clarify that a
little further down. For the moment we are here observing the bizarre reality that Bending the knee,
The winner takes it all, is still king and is ruling all affairs of and within mankind. I'm just observing. I
don't like and agree with that fact at all, I'm just observing how all 8 billion of you are ruling by and
are being ruled 24/7/365 including all affairs of your life by that doctrine. Once again, we are coming
full circle here. You want to play The winner takes it all, ok, let's play! I have made the discovery
of The True Motion of Earth and its Axis! For more than 9 years I've shared it with the entire world.
Thousands of universities, embassies, media, thousands of governmental agencies.
Remember: Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals and Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents! To the
Vatican and other church officials and denomination leaders, thousands of other movers and shakers,
easily over half a million explicit persons, institutions and entities. And by now it has been proven and
confirmed many times that my discovery is indeed correct. Doctrine of discovery, remember, that's
what we are talking about. So, what does my discovery prove, besides some geometricalmathematical-cosmological and thus theoretical physics paradigm change? Well, among many other
things, it proves that our mathematical-cosmological-physical understanding of time and space and
the language we are using to define these two most profound parameters of our physical world and
reality are not really and correct and in alignment with truth and with what the reality which we are
living in on this Earth is. In short, your description, naming and definitions of your time and space
coordinates in all your contracts and treaties are not fully correct. Now, let me observe to you the
maxim of law that every contract and treaty in your current system of law and in all the different
jurisdictions that doesn't name a date, duration and 100% exact physical definitions for the subject
matter of said contract is null and void. And we are talking about absolute specific dates, durations,
physical properties or locations and all other specifications. In other words, all your contracts are
defined by the correct link to time and space. So, what I am actually saying to you, my dear fellow
mankind, is that if you really want to go on playing by the rule of The winner takes it all, the moment
you are deciding to continue to act according to that doctrine, I will immediately declare all of you 8
billion having lost all your Dominion and usufruct rights on earth entirely because, according to the
doctrine of discovery, it is me, who discovered the correct Time and Space position of Earth and thus
its linkage to the wider cosmos, meaning I am the first and only one who has actually discovered
Earth and what actually Earth is and how it is linked to the wider and greater Living Cosmos. You have
only been dealing in fiction! Fiction, close to reality indeed, but nevertheless fiction, and that makes
it per your own legal and lawful maxims and doctrines into falsehood, and thus no claims can ever be
derived from such a false non-reality. Oops, it's gone! Now that we have cleared up that subject, I
want you to recognize that you are all living on my property. Simply put, you don't have any right to
be here on Earth without asking me for permission. Remember, doctrine of discovery, Bending the
knee, The winner takes it all, right?! Well, we've got to talk. You are all without my permission using
and misusing my property and my resources. You are stealing from me. In fact, everything you have
and everything you are, you have been stealing from me. Remember, it is my Earth! The winner takes
it all! Let me say it again, I do not like it one bit to own the Earth and to treat you like that, but well,
you are making the rules. And the rules say, the bloody winner takes it all. You wanted to play, not
me, but now I own that shit, and you will get sued in The Court of The Heaves and of Life Itself. I'm
suing you for failure to render assistance. I'm suing you for the unauthorized use and misuse of my
property, Earth!
You’ve got to understand, that if there's one thing I really detest, it is this: Apologists of all kinds and
especially religious apologists, Christian, Biblical and Evangelical apologists, Jewish and Talmudic and
Zoharic apologists, Muslim apologists, Messianic apologists, scientific apologists, Brahmani apologists
and all the other variants of apologists. The jig is up long time, but the apologist can't accept and
cope with reality and truth, so he keeps on denying and apologizing in all sorts of ways. Like the
proverbial chess player who lost and then he is tossing away the chess board to undo the evidence of
his failure. I detest that mindset and that lack of honor and integrity and manhood. What the
apologist doesn't understand is that per lawful definition fiction can never be disproved. That is the
nature of fiction. So, to stay with and within fiction until it is officially disproved is a never-ending
story. Trapped forever! And that is precisely the con and cheat and intent behind all of this. To be
trapped in a fictitious ever-changing and morphing not true and not real but impossible to be
disproven lie of nothingness, while searching for something that doesn't exist, is the desired goal of
your enemy because like this, he has 100% control over you and thus can literally suck you dry.
Anyway, I myself am not really too much into that because I have never really been into one of the
Abrahamic cults for real. Hence, I never had the urge to seriously disprove any of that because I never
believed any of that in the first place, and I'm in no other cult as well. You could say that I've never
had a personal kind of beef with any of these pseudo-gods and pseudo prophets, so for me it wasn't
too hard and too difficult to forgive this God and to forgive this Jesus on a personal level. Personally, I
never fell for him, so that part is pretty easy, but my fellow brothers and sisters fell for him a lot, and
that part is not so easy to forgive. Which brings me to the Crux of Secret Society Cults. They do know
one single thing more than the ordinary population. Only one small and pretty meaningless fact, but
that was enough to blind you all for many millennia. They know that this The-Book-Religion-CreatorGod is not truth. All the rest and all the alternative explanations they have about reality in secret are
not correct and all their Tree of Life and Kabbala and their ascension and creation mechanics are not
even half-truths. All the entities they are praying to and are worshipping are either not real or pretty
petty and meaningless shells and shadows of an entity. Anyway, because you faithful believers believe
everything in the name of religion, it is enough for them to have only one little thing that they know
more than you about the cosmos to fool you forever. And no, that doesn't mean that this cosmos is
simply a nihilistic, materialistic piece of crap either, nope, not at all. Truth is that this whole thing is
alive. Alive = Conscious! Life-Force = Consciousness!
Well, here is more serious talk on religion and its origin, for those of you who haven’t heard about
these things and about this part of ancient history. All your current religions have common roots, tens
and probably even hundreds of thousands of years back. That common roots are many different
entity-groups and races and the so-called Law of One is their doctrine, which one of the last versions
given under that name were the so-called Emerald Tablets by Thot, The Atlantean. That Law of One
simply states that All is One or All is God and from that basic assumption or doctrine all religions were
derived. And that reminds me of that nonsensical pseudo enlightened question: If God is everything
and everywhere, can there be something which is not God? and the faithful believers all chant: No! All
is God! But truth is: Yes, for sure, there can be something which is not God, and it is simply by
consciously rejecting this (pseudo-) God! Well, you all wouldn't dare to do such a thing because you
all believe in this The-Law-of-One-God, under whatever name and disguise, but when you know that
this ‘god’ is a pathetic, sinister, pretending and lying group-entity then, well, even you would have to
admit that the only logical and appropriate step to undertake is to reject him. Just say No, right,
Nancy?! That doctrine is utter evil and sinister crap! Now we are coming to the Finale Grande
of defragmenting our religions. Eventually, after tens of thousands of years in our quest for peace
between the Theist and the Atheist! For mankind to actually find peace, freedom, liberation,
sovereignty, realization, enlightenment, salvation, self-government, self-determination, cooperation
and all in all our rightful and inherited position, place and destiny in this Living Cosmos and to put
ourselves as a species and as a family onto an upward, liberating trajectory path of a genesis, we've
got to find an appropriate agreement about what we call, by many different names and in many
different ways, God, The Creator, and about how that kind of force or entity and its paradigm shall be
positioned and integrated or not in our collective society and community of mankind. That's what I
have called the one question to rule them all. What I want to say is the following. Although I do
indeed appreciate the contributions of many Christians, Catholics, Protestants and other religious
believers there’s still more. Yes, a lot of the things of the mundane world that they are describing I do
fully agree with, and I am grateful for their courage, integrity, wisdom and fearlessness to publicly
speak out against these horrendous evils. But that does not mean that I do agree with their theology,
cosmology and their faith in this Christian Bible God and his pretended messenger and his dogma,
alleged historicity, truth, authority, his over-all sacredness and the proclaimed univocality and
inerrancy of his holy book, which is a proven falsehood because there is no univocality in the bible,
and everybody with eyes to see knows this. That's why I’ve said the above, the Finale Grande. We've
got to publicly talk about those things and those most profound questions of existence and engage in
a frank, open and honest discussion and not go on to put all our contradictions under the rug and
pretend as if everything is as clear as holy water, when in fact nothing is clear, nothing is agreed upon
and nothing was ever actually open for discussion for the very masses of mankind, but instead it was
always a muddied foreign dogma simply staffed down the throat of mankind via the threat of
violence, death, punishment, burning at the stake and simply by force, coercion and fraud. You see, in
fact this is all very simple. You think there are evil, doubtful and sinful thoughts, ideas and forces?
Nothing easier than coping with such things by simply doing the exact opposite of what we have
done for millennia. Not cancel out, burn books and prohibit asking and talking about the alleged evil
staff but doing the opposite, namely shining the light of awareness, consciousness, compassion,
wisdom, empathy and of the living spirit onto the subject matter. Doing the Bison thing. Going
towards the center of the storm and not away from it. Don't be frightened to look onto difficult,
strange, foreign and doubt-inducing questions. Don't be frightened of cognitive dissonance. Instead,
learn how to effectively deal with it and how to overcome this cognitive dissonance by simply
adhering to the honor and integrity of truth and reality. And trust me, as impossible as it might seem
to you right now to find a pleasing peace-agreement between, let's just call it what it is, the Theist
and the Atheist, it will be easy as shit and it will even be fun for us to do so, if we just step into that
task with the right inner posture, confidence, faith, joy and intent. Trust me, even if you can't see it
yet, you will absolutely love it. So, then let's start now with these introductory words: The one
question to rule them all.
Obviously, you all believe and think that there is one big, mighty and all-encompassing question out
there that needs to be eventually answered for mankind to find peace, freedom, comprehension,
truth and happiness. That is the question whether there is God or not! Now all of you think: Hm, is
there a god; is it yes or is the answer no? You see, almost all of you never thought about the
possibility that this is the completely wrong question. In fact, the truth is, this is the most ridiculous
and meaningless question mankind ever came up with. That is a question for people who do not have
the slightest grasp on the meaning and semantics of their own words and their own questions. You
people think there is possibly answer 1 and possibly answer 2 and that’s it but we say, why are we not
looking at the possible answer number 3? To make this very brief, for sure there is something
essential in creating and constituting this Living Reality which is not possible to fully and entirely
perceive for man and which is thus beyond all words, language, mind, linear logic and not possible to
nail it 100% down into a word, a symbol, an altar, a ceremonial object or tool, a name, a ritual, a
person or entity, a narrative, a rule or to bind it onto anything else. I personally like to use the
term Life Itself; in case I absolutely might need a word to fill in the blank in such a given situation.
Now, look at the world and see all the fighting and arguing and killing that is going on in the name of
that question and review thousands of years of bloody history and the rise and fall of entire cultures
and civilizations. All just because of the struggle to answer that damned bloody question. And the
most hilarious thing is that today nothing has changed. It’s all still the same and thus the fight is still
raging on because both sides have not the slightest chance to overcome the division and cannot offer
any remedy to the situation at all, because, remember, one side is saying there is a god and all the
stories about him are true while the other side is saying, no this is all just mental stunting and
imagination and all this god, ghosts, consciousness, spirit doesn’t exist and all this is just bloody
imagination and what exists is only matter. So, to get to the point here. You all still can’t come up with
anything better than either saying, Yes, there is a god, and the atheist is totally wrong and bad or No,
there is no God, and the theist is totally wrong and a bad man. But some of us have figured out that it
is the question that is false and thus no answer would and could ever deliver a correct and satisfying
answer. There are people like me and others who are claiming something else. Namely, that the part
of the atheist’s claim is correct when he says that this religious God-Entity is not the actual truth and
that the theist is wrong here, but we also say that the atheist is wrong in the part of dismissing all of
the religious experiences as only imagination and self-deluded and self-induced psyched-outexperience and we say that the theist is partly correct in saying and claiming that all of his
experiences are not made up 100% but that he had experienced influences, resonances and
communications with forces, energies and/or beings outside of himself. And the only possible way of
explaining this seemingly paradox situation is that yes, it is true that there are other beings and not
only humans, animals and plants around, yes it’s true that man and other conscious beings have
abilities far exceeding the simple physical sense organs, yes, man is a being of spirit and
consciousness and a lot more and yes, at least some of the religiously inspired people might have
indeed had contact with whatever kind of other living and conscious beings. But those beings who
are behind the gods of our religions, although real are not god, not good, not the Most High, not the
Source of all Life, not the All That Is and simply not well-meaning at all but they are hiding behind this
Godhead-masks to fulfill their evil agenda of infiltrating, contaminating, enslaving and eventually
taking over mankind’s position and destiny in this cosmos, as every parasite is doing. Because that’s
what these entities are: Nothing more than parasites! To sum it up, we do not say that this so-called
god doesn’t exist as the classic atheist is doing but we say, yes, indeed there are and have been such
forces and entities, but these forces are not well-meaning, humble, good, integer, honorable or
trustworthy. In fact, they are the well-known scum of the cosmos and not many species are as bloody
stupid as we are here on earth to not only invite them in but to even hand them over our children
and all the family silver. And just for the record. Yes, for sure, there are a lot of other and indeed wellmeaning forces, races, species, beings and more out there as well. It’s just that the well-meaning
ones are far more restrained and do not force themselves upon other species and we got caught in
the business with the lowest scum of them all. That’s all there is to it. And, no, that doesn’t mean that
we want to just substitute the God with another entity of our choice. Like kicking your God out and
installing our own God. Nope, that’s not what this is all about. We and those Higher Beings
mentioned before too, are strongly opposing the very concept of such a Boss-Being as given by all the
religions in its entirety. We are not against a particular brand of God, but we are rejecting the very
idea of this Boss-God-Complex completely because it is simply not true. You see, this is not about
tastes or opinions or preferences, but this is about the facts and the specifications. The specifications
given by our religions are simply wrong. And if you have problems in understanding the meaning and
relevance of truth, specifications and facts, that’s easy as shit: Just think about Building 7 being
announced going down on live television long before it went down in reality. Two planes, 3 buildings,
being reported even before it happened and still being visible in the background of the live streaming
footage! Any more questions, Your Honor? Nope? Good, that’s what I thought. Then immediately
leave The Bridge, You Impostor. To wrap this up, the final Joker of the New World Order will not be
aliens or UFOs, nor will it be the implanted chip, any climate catastrophes or even a great war
between Eastern and Western forces, aka Gog vs Magog. It won’t be an asteroid or a Project Blue
Beam scenario and not any other of the proclaimed and guessed tricks up their sleeves. The final
attempt will be made by a renewed installation of the good old well-known Slave-Master: The God!
Yes, you’ve read that right. All the other problems and agendas that are being created and thrown
onto mankind currently are only means of preparation, distractions and implementation of all
necessary parameters for the final showdown. The strategy is something like this: You fake to go left,
but actually you go right! You start to paint a grotesque, open and extremely exaggerated picture of
the NWO, so that even the last idiot will get it and when it almost hits the boiling point you offer the
pretended relief and solution and savior who suddenly comes in and seems to oppose all the NWO
rules and in doing so he is uniting the people around the last common ground, the religious God,
once again! Old wine in new … Now, everyone will be so happy that the obviously evil NWO finally has
a strong opposition so that the people will fail to calmly and firmly investigate the proposed position
of the savior. You would be hated and stoned to death by the mob and the stupid masses, who will
not understand that they are being played again, as always, and who have no means of using their
brains, consciousness and discernment and spirit for themselves, so they will fall for the good GodMan-Savior and when they will realize that it is just another wolf in sheep’s clothing it will already be
too late, again. That’s the plan. They will introduce someone who most of the people will think is
fighting for them and against the Cabal-NWO and he will show off his belief and the strength of his
faith in god and probably most of you will fall for it, because you are terribly insecure little babies
when somebody is pushing you hard with his oh so strong faith in god that you will admire and idolize
him out of your own confusion, not-knowing and fear and not-understanding of the cosmos and
everything that actually is sacred. If you haven’t learned to reflect and question your own belief you
will be hopelessly lost, a sure victim, probably you will become a victimizer too, and without any
chance and intellectual and spiritual means to counter that evil, demonic conquering of your very
soul and being.
And the very crux of all of this is the following. Let's assume there is a certain conspiracy, a fraud, a
cabal, very old, even ancient, and in whatever over time morphing and ever changing structure, a
very old and even ancient striving for power and control by extreme dishonest and deceptive means
and all of that. Details don't matter for our discussion here. And as a very simplified generalization of
the aim of this we could say that those instigators are trying to take away what is yours. Your
property, claims, rights, heritage, your soul, destiny, children, genetics, money, sovereignty and
everything else. And what they need for such an endeavor is your acquiescence to the fact that you
shall be disowned but they shall not. I don't want to go into the nitty-gritty of the genesis of law here.
Others can do, are doing and have done that better than me. But, as is well-known but not wellpublished-and-shared knowledge, every contract, law and legal procedure requires acquiescence to
be acknowledged as such and as rightful, righteous, honorable, integer and overall truth-and-lifeendorsing and good. The problem now that many people have when faced with the question of
whether there might indeed be such an almost all-encompassing conspiracy taking place, although
they might not be conscious about the above-mentioned fact of law and judiciary dogma and
doctrine that fraud requires acquiescence, is that in their guts, everybody knows this! Roman Law
Doctrine: Let those who are deceived be deceived! That's exactly what is causing this so-called
cognitive dissonance. The refusal to deal with certain parts of reality and one's experience and facts
because it is feared to be too painful. That part of your consciousness, we call it by names like un- or
subconsciousness, that already knows that you would have to face that part of the equation, so to
speak. Your responsibility in all of that and precisely your emotional and thus unconscious rejection
and refusal to integrate that part of reality and your part and responsibility in the whole game,
because it would be too hard or at least considered to be too uncomfortable to deal with, is what is
causing you and many of the people to deny and refuse, often vehemently, to consider the possibility
of such a conspiracy and Great Fraud might be real and actually happening. And now we are coming
once again full circle. Not only the people who refuse to deal with the possibility of a conspiracy but
also many of the people who are already convinced that a lot of conspiracy-shit is happening still do
not understand where they themselves are still paying respect, belief and acquiescence to the lie and
thus are themselves still enabling the so-called conspiracy. Allow me to help you out. The trick is in
that this question for searching for the point where you are giving your acquiescence to being disowned, dis-inherited, dis-everythinged is not there as one point or as one contract, treaty, deal, claim,
event or decision but is split into two separate decisions and events.
1.Decision is that you agree to be dis-owned completely.
2. And the second part is that they are making sure that their claim stays valid and thus they can suck
it all up.
By splitting the events into two they are managing to slip under the radar what is happening because
of emotional confusion. Translate that into legalese mumbo jumbo. You are indeed all giving your
acquiescence to being dis-owned of everything, and now you might start to understand what role the
religions always have to play and always have done. That's why they were invented in the first place,
to confirm the most basic and foundational doctrine of all current religions that this The Creator God
owns everything, and he owns you too, completely. But I say, if you don't own yourself it is impossible
for you to own anything! You can go study these ecclesiastical matters as long as you want and what
you will find is nothing else but that all Western Law is based on that most profound but false
doctrine of law. That's where they are getting their proclaimed but false authority from. Without that
they have none, nada, zero, zilch, niente. Do I hear a penny dropping now? Sure, you think I'm crazy
to talk like this and you will say like, 'Oh, my faith has nothing to do with actual law and state and
citizenship and real life today politics, political status and such, that's Stefan-Nonsense'. Well, please
don't spread such nonsense around me. The jig is up, everybody who's interested knows it. You have
a lot of waking up to do, a hell of a lot. It's precisely because you think of this matter being such a
private and almost innocent and sacred matter that you would never come to dare to even
hypothetically connect these sacred and religious affairs with the factual hardcore legal and political
status of immense hard real-life consequences. That's precisely the trick. You are not expecting this
kind of sinister assault here, that's why your intellectual and spiritual defense was down and not
because you might be too stupid. No, you are not, if you want to hear me saying this. Yes, in a sense
you've been too naïve and too innocent to expect such toxic assaults on your very life; cause that's
what it is. And thus, it sadly succeeded with most of mankind. The trick is that the emotionalenergetical reaction has already happened via the dis-owning-conversion of you, although it is very
probably unconscious to you and for sure, it wasn’t done in good will and good faith and not in full
open and honest disclosure, so that every time you ponder about justice and about why everything is
so screwed up in the world you eventually end up at the same point: 'Ah, yeah, it's the religious thing;
the guilt, the god, the salvation, the evil, the prophecies, we have to wait till the book is fulfilled and
then the superstar with long hair will come and make everybody high and the lamb and lion will hang
out together’ and so, we all have to stay humble and accept the suffering and go to church - which in
actual truth is the very hidden other hand in this conspiracy of evil. So, here comes part two of the
game plan. Because god isn't here, per official catholic and all other religious doctrine, he's on a
prolonged vacation you know, needs some spare time, adjusting his work-life-balance you know,
doing some veggie shakes, some yoga and maybe a Vipassana retreat for 10 days, you know, kind of
refilling the batteries, and so they, the Holy Mother Catholic Church and you know, Peter's got the
key, wink, wink. Yeah, the triple key to all the heavens (Jurisdictions that is!), because, remember, god
is on rehab, yeah, he had to go, because some fine print shit in the treaty with the insurance
company, don’t know, some technical legalese crap, so, he is not here, but through Peter, The Denier,
Oh what a great reputation he has, the job has fallen to the church and, Isn't it obvious and as clear
as the tears of a boy who was just raped by the priest, that the Mother Church is the only one and the
best equipped to be God's impostor, eh sorry, god's deputy-replacement on earth?! So, god's not
here, Church is the best and knows shit better than everybody and thus Church is the boss and takes
over all god-ownership-rights but Church gives a damned shit about anything only remotely close to
what would deserve such a title and position as god but Church still pretends hardcore all this godownership-rights to be observed and important for not going to hell or burning at the stake, or
getting suicided by the CIA or sodomized by Hillary for that matter, and is collecting as much as it can
get and even more and the moment you are speaking up against that Perpetuum Mobile of Evil you
will be deemed evil and the Anti-Christ! In a way, I have to admit, from story-teller to story-teller:
Clever! Indeed, a clever plot. The moment you are seeing it through and start telling the people you
have unwittingly started to fulfill their own self-insuring false prophecy of being the prophesied evil,
aka The Anti-Christ. Clever, but never-the-less a shitty story. In fact, the crudest, most primitive,
disgusting and pathetic story I have ever heard in my long life as a storyteller. What a shame! Spitting
in your, the inventor of this retarded narrative, face isn't even worth the effort, man, you are such a
waste of time, just move! I'm kind of getting a little tired of that shit-show now and I hope that the
mechanics of the plot have at least roughly become clear so you can ponder for yourself whether that
might explain some shit that's going on here or not. The core message here is that I say that this
action has been split into two because you all are by far not dumb enough that if someone came and
asked you to give away all your property and all your rights you all would for sure reject but when
you've already declared to freely give everything away, to God, then the step to make sure that it will
end up in the thieves’ pockets is not that difficult anymore. Especially because your so-called Bullshitsensor is closed off already via the evil religious soul-treaty. Remember you've already signed away
everything to this god, a fictitious something that, in case you are honest with yourself, you don't
know anything about for real. That's the trick in a nutshell.
And yes, it is true that you have seen and heard me talking unwaveringly against bowing down to any
form of your Abrahamic God. I do not bow down to this God. What I can and am willing to show you
and share with you is to at least help clearing the question whether I am willing to bow down to
anything at all or whether I claim to be a kind of I-am-better-than-all-and-the-greatest-asshole-whois-spitting-on-the-others. You feel more comfortable seeing me bowing down to something, so I'll
give you 3 things I am bowing down to. I am bowing down to the Living Earth! I am bowing down to
Life and to Life Itself! And I am bowing to You, my dear fellow Mankind! I hope that helps to clear the
decks and doesn't leave any more room for malevolent suspicions and I guess that this kind of
commitment is sufficient to easily build an open, free, peaceful and integer and beautiful culture and
society on top of such an agreement. Any further spiritual bowing down should be left to the
Individual him- or herself to seek, experience and decide his or her own fate and destiny in the face of
the All That Is, The Pure Essence, Life Itself. And here it is important to carefully distinguish and be
conscious about the realm and situational reality one is in when using the word god because there
are two separate realms which are penetrated and worked upon via the use of the projecting and
manifesting force, power and meaning of this word: God. To use this word, carefully and conscious of
its meaning, in the social realm and in the human society and human condition related way and
realm is pretty ok to do, for that word is simply hinting at that what is indeed and actually real but
outside or beyond of the human realm, knowing, reality and outside of human society and it is
forever impossible to entangle that absolute onto a 100% defining word, symbol, term, object or
sound. That's why we have this and similar terms and words in the first place, to hint at something
which is not a creation and a consequence of man but absolute in and of itself! So, in that sense, it is
used in a relative meaning. Not relative in the sense of its relation to Itself, that's absolute, but
relative in its relation to man and mankind. That means that it is appropriate to use that word
carefully and conscious of its meaning and of the boundaries of its meaning. In the realm of man and
in human society. In the absolute sense, meaning in the presence of that what once before was called
God, that word becomes not only utterly useless but outright wrong, false and misleading in its
meaning. Remember; we only use this word to carry us to The Absolute but the moment you are
starting to make contact, or re-make, that's where the word Re-Ligio(n), to connect back, is coming
from in the first place, that word shatters, collapses and is of no value and use anymore. It is and was
only a tool to carry you over the abyss. That's why I, for one, do not use the word god anymore when
I am referring to the actual, real and absolute but I still accept to use this word in the human realm,
given that it is made 100% clear that its use is only for the relative, meaning man's, realm, and not
referring to the absolute meaning and the Actual Thing. If I need or want to use a word for God in the
absolute sense, though I rarely use a word at all for that, I nowadays use the term Life Itself of The All
That Is or The Pure Essence. Remember that the word god, as it is designed to be only the tool to
carry you through, has its use only as long as you have not reached the Other Side, the Absolute. The
moment you've landed you need a different word or even better an entirely different language
because your relationship and your position towards and within the Absolute has profoundly changed
so that the old meaning and its use can be of no further use anymore in deepening that relationship
and in bringing it to full bloom and flowering. Having said that, we can now go on and see what is the
difference between claims and rights using the word god in this human context without any further
problem and confusion for our discussion because this here is not a theological discussion or anything
that is concerned with that what we call spirituality; meaning this is not about actions and deeds of
actively communicating with and penetrating the absolute. That realm where, as we've said, this
word is of no use anymore because direct contact has been established. This here is an open, public
conversation – and not any tantric, occult, magical or ritualistic performance. It looks like we have
another one of mankind's famous Logical Syntax Errors here. We are misunderstanding claims and
rights; we are confounding one for the other. As I've said so many times, we are constantly confusing
cause and effect for each other. From the tiniest and from the most mundane to the greatest and
most sacred things in life. What all of you do not yet fully understand, and that is the very reason why
you all are absolutely not able to truly identify the culprits and the perpetrators of all this evil,
enslaving and diabolic deception and imperialism and colonialism of Mankind and Earth, is that at the
very top of the (negative) power structure here on Earth are entities and beings that are not human!
Some of them are humanoid but not human, not part of our species, and many are neither human
nor humanoid but entirely different entities. And just for the record, yes, there are a lot of
benevolent non-human forces and entities, as well. And make no mistake, many of the malevolent
humans involved in this shitshow of evil do not know that they are only the lower levels of this power
pyramid and that they are working for other entities. That's how you do that kind of cheating in the
first place. And only like this it works: Compartmentalizing! I bet you've heard of the so-called 'needto-know-principle', haven’t you? So, when you know that your lying governments, your bloody evil
Agencies and all State apparatus are working like this, how come that you can't figure it out for
yourself that for sure all religions are working like that, too? These worldly and mundane human
forces have learned this shit from the religious entities; like so much more of their sinister and evil
technics. Sorry that I'm asking, but what's wrong with you not to recognize this for yourself? Now, the
believers among you will say: "Tell me something new, Stefan, that's a well-known fact, we all know
this entity and its buddies: It's the Devil!" Well, you are a bunch of chuckleheads, that's what you are!
See, this is not the full truth but only a very, very partial and misleading and not even half-truth. This
so-called Devil is merely the sidekick of the actual 'bosses' of this enterprise and the actual bosses are
a group-entity, an oligarchy as we would call it here on Earth, and the name of that oligarchy is God!
They are the inventors of all the religions and cults. And how could it be any different, right? The very
heart of the problem is this. Imagine you are meeting an entity who claims to be God, or an angel or
a being working for and being authorized by God. How would you be able to determine and
distinguish whether this entity is indeed God or merely a fucked-up selfish liar and impostor? Well,
you are not able to distinguish this because you do not see; you are no seers! So, now you have a
problem. All of you have not at all developed and fine-tuned your abilities and your spiritual senses
beyond the level of a Kindergarten child, sadly so. Obviously, you are not able to open your true eye
but are navigating this reality purely by your superficial senses. What a tragedy! If you do not
understand the game that is played here on Earth and with you, tell me, how could you be able to
navigate through that game and achieve anything meaningful at all? Well, you are not. It is impossible
for you to take any meaningful action to only slightly move towards a more free, worthwhile, truthful
and sovereign and realized life. You can't because you will never ever understand what is going on
around you without clearly seeing who and what your opponents are. That's why you all fall for all
the carefully crafted and false pseudo saviors like... As different as they all seem, the essence is
always the same. You are helpless without certain entities and so you have to bow down, kiss their
feet and pray and worship them and simply be their slave and be 100% dependent on them and their
alleged authority.
Do you know what the difference is between all of you and me? You are no Seers because you do not
see! You believe, just like almost all people believe, that the so-called masses are stupid, but that you
are not part of the masses, because you are all independently thinking and perceiving people. And
this actually applies to just about everyone, whether you are middle class serf or middle-class antiserf, worker, academic, young or old, upper class, moneyed aristocracy, trust fund baby or dropout or
so-called alternative. You all think you are incredibly clever, full of insight and so much cleverer than
the others, but you are all not man enough to stand up for yourselves and say and proclaim so loudly
and clearly and audibly, and to get to the point here, you derive your justification from this alleged
fact to not having to sustainably and unconditionally stand up for the others - the political and
spiritual we. You disguise this cowardice behind the label virtuous, socially well-educated, with an
overview and better understanding and considerate, although the correct term for this is hypocritical
and deceitful. In the sense of: 'They are all so stupid, apparently they all want to continue living in this
system of lies and slavery with 50% taxes, masks, poisonous fake vaccinations, fake wars, fake money,
fake kings, fake science, fake politicians, fake media, everything fake, so I'll just leave them alone if
that's what they want and just look after myself and only speak to them about the 90% truth; that's
all they can take! However, 90% truth is not the truth, but lies. So, the difference between you all and
me is that you think you are so much smarter than most, but don't dare saying it out loud but stop
working for this mentioned political and spiritual we with real, genuine and unconditional
commitment, while I do agree that most people are really quite mentally-emotionally-spiritually
underdeveloped, but I say this directly to the people's faces, right up to the highest circles of power,
science, politics, religion and social and spiritual life, but never-the-less I do not in the slightest
slacken or back-paddle in my unconditional and 100% commitment to this said political and
spiritual we! And just because I tell you to your face that you might be stupid or coward doesn't mean
that I couldn't and don't feel empathy or even sympathy for you and that I continue to support you
and the people to the fullest, and to be fully committed to your rights and claims to a good and free
life, even though I unfortunately consider them indeed to be quite mentally poor and not really
blessed with will and intention. No problem. I can do that! You are the ones who obviously can't do
that, and you are unable to inspire your intent, actions and deeds from any deeper drive than
ordinary, utterly superficial and ego-driven sympathy, vanity and antipathy. That's it in a nutshell and
even Sun Tzu and Atlas are agreeing: “sum ergo manifesto!” And not as he allegedly said before: "But
the absolute most important thing is to appear religious!" #QuoteSunTzu. Here we have it. The crux of
it all! As much as I like and respect and even admire dear Sun Tzu, I suggest that we are going to
change this from now on. I want to say that my feeling about this man is that he indeed was a man of
honor and of great empathic integrity. And I am not a Chinese, Chinese-speaking or Chinese scholar
at all, so I do not know anything about the actual true Chinese 'wording' but only this translation that
is using these two words that I am especially emphasizing on: appear and religious. It would indeed
be very interesting to see an open and honest discussion about the concept of religion and what
would at least be partially analogue to that - very Western and Abrahamitic - concept of religion in
Chinese culture. The concept and term of the Shengren (something like Sages or Wise Men) comes to
mind... but I am sure, there are others out there who are by far better equipped to talk about the
Chinese aspect of such a discussion, so I leave this to them and I go only by the above translated
words. Anyway, this is the first problematic part of this saying. He, for sure, hasn't
said: 'Religious!' because such a concept doesn't exist in Chinese Culture and Chinese Civilization
but for the sake of our discussion here let's take the word religious plain and simple and straight
forward as meaning good, righteous, honorable, in service and pursue of the Sacred and Life Itself,
empathic, integer and serving Dharma (The Cosmic Truth of The Dao, The Chi & The Gong Fu). Ok, so
it says, 'appear righteous and good'. Hmmm? Can you smell it? Something is fishy here. Why is it
saying appear? And why not say be?! And mean it! Don't you know that at the very end of every
whatsoever initiation process there is no way anymore and one has to jump!? Or as the Indian Yogis
say: From Ajna, the 6. Chakra, to Sahasrara, the 7. Chakra, there is no path anymore; one must
jump. So, we need a law simple, no secrets, same for everybody, no hidden strings attached and
clearly published and known to everyone but instead what we have is… Well, it's just a farce, that's
what is the truth and nothing but the truth. We do not have a properly functioning law and that is by
design. So, I declare bankruptcy of the law!
That's basically what this is all about. I’ve shared my wisdom with mankind but you do either share
nothing or only tiny little carefully chosen parts of the truths that you know about the evils and
falsehood and lies in this world in order to carefully make sure that the projected picture of you
doesn't get tainted in whatever way and in order to make sure that you and your peers, your
identification group appears to be the good and innocent and the better and the righteous ones
whereas the others are painted as the evil, the losers and the ones who are doing all the wrongs.
Sorry to say this, but you are neither good nor innocent! You all knew things that would have been
very important to know for so many others, but you didn't give them the full truth and nothing but
the truth, but you have given them a cleaned version of truth which makes sure that no shadow of
responsibility and guilt is falling onto you and your peers and your fellow nation and your leaders.
And you all know things but do not tell them to others. You all are first and foremost looking to get
your part of the spoils in this mad insane diabolic slave system. Fine, you don't have to be friends
with others, that is correct; you do not have to. But, in case you say you are not friends with your
fellow men and that you don't want to be friend with me, the man who has given you more than
Galileo, Einstein, Tesla, Buddha, Jesus and even Giordano Bruno combined, fine, you don't have to.
But that means that all your religious talks about the family of mankind, brothers and sisters before
the Almighty, Life Itself and the Absolute is a lie. Not truth but you are a fake and a pathetic pretender
and you are not acting according to your words and thus all your religious claims are hollow and mere
pretending and thus all your religions, all Abrahamic Cults, are right now being closed down and
annihilated. You are not practicing the essence of it, so obviously we don't need them anymore and
thus they'll be shut down. No, not violently. That’s not necessary at all, and it’s no beautiful and
honorable conduct to create too much external mess. We’ll do it very smoothly, calm and relaxed,
without much fuss about it at all and without further ado, no big deal, just like a switch. Click! See?
I’ve done it! Click and Oops, it’s gone! I've given you the solution and chance to immediately stop all
wars, hatred and evil on Earth for 10 years, but you rejected in your hybris of thinking that you know
shit in this reality better and you‘ve remained on your egoistic and selfish path of infantile petty
denial instead of humbly accepting the solution to world peace and freedom for mankind that
nobody of you could offer. You have proven that your spiritual-religious claim is worth nothing and
thus your religions are being rendered impotent and you have as well proven that you do not give a
flying frog about truth and reality and saving Earth and Mankind and thus you are now on the edge of
losing your claim to live on this Earth, your entire claim to be part of Life and Life Itself. You have
proven that you are not willing to act even if it was shown to you exactly how and what to do to
achieve the desired and for millennia anticipated goal because you are cowards. Lies have
consequences and your lies have as well. Life Itself cannot work with such people like you all are. You
cannot build on lies and liars and you are all serving the lie! The way you act and have acted all your
lives clearly shows that you are completely unfit to play any, even the tiniest and most unimportant,
part in this project of creation and life. As I have told you, I have sued you all, the entire mankind, in
the Court of Heaven & Life Itself and well, what can I say, that what is happening, is that the court’s
sentence is being executed upon you right now.
The Cosmology of Axis Mundi
The True Motion of Earth and Its Axis & Its Geometry in Motion
Think of Earth’ motion like the motion of the Moon, with one side always facing Earth, so-called
phase-locked or tidally locked to the Sun, as the basic motion and then add to it a 24-hour rotation
CCW and a daily Axis Angle Direction Forward Ticking Clockwise, a little less than 1° per day.
The True Motion of Earth & Its Axis
Like how the moon rotates around the sun. Always the same side facing the star. Add the motion that
you think of as Earth’ Wobble; like what you think is causing the Precession of the Equinox; Clockwise,
to the right. Add the daily rotation around itself Counterclockwise. The first two motions are
seemingly annihilating each other so that it seems that Earth’ Axis is always fixed and pointing to the
same direction in the outer space.
And what then makes the Precession of the Equinox? Well, it’s the same phenomenon and
mechanics: The Sun and the Whole Solar-System is phase-locked aka tidally locked to its Greater Star
which our Sun is rotating around, too! Whether that is Alcyone, which some say is Tara and not
Alcyone, or any other star doesn’t matter for right now for we first have to understand the basic
mechanical principle in its fullest and then we can apply this to the actual stars further out there. We
know Earth is doing a revolution around the sun and the rotation around itself, ok. But what we didn’t
understand until I discovered it, is why the Earth Axis is, while earth is revolving, seemingly fixed to a
certain direction in space when viewed from outside the solar system. I know science is telling you it
is because of inertia but, well, in fact there is no such kind of inertia! Inertia was invented, like so very
often in science, when they don’t know a thing about something but don’t want to give up on their
false assumptions and theories. It’s proven already by the new understanding of physics, so I don’t
have to waste my time with that anymore.
Now imagine earth is rotating around the sun and imagine the axis is tilted at 23,4° to the sun and let
it rotate while imagine the axis always pointing to the sun, the center of that motion pattern.
Obviously, it is not doing it like this, because if it did so, there would be summer all year on the north
side of the earth. Now ask yourself: What force is pushing the axis per quarter year an additional 90°
to the right, meaning clockwise, so that it is as it can be observed in reality? As I explained there are
two different kinds of motions responsible for it. These two movements are kind of annihilating each
other, if viewed not from the Earth but from outside the solar system, the galactic space. That’s why
we obviously never really thought about it. We just never recognized that we don’t have a sufficient
explanation for our own Earth’ movement because it seems to be fix! That movement is what I’ve
called the Syrian Dance. It’s the kind of movement we think of when we describe The Wobble of
Earth which leads to what is called the Precession of the Equinox.
Now, what is Sidereal Day? There seems to be a misunderstanding. The rotation of Earth itself is Not
23 56 hours long as currently stated by Official science! That would be the so-called misunderstood
Sidereal Day, which is not a full rotation. Sidereal Day just means the same position of the stars at 23
56 o’ clock as in the night at midnight the day before; but that doesn’t mean full rotation is 23 56 h.
The sidereal day is just the following: Not a real full rotation around Earth’ own axis. It just means
that after 23 56 hours of rotation the night sky is in the seemingly same position as in the night at
midnight before. And that’s because this nearly 4 minutes earlier equalizing the wandering, the
changing of the position, of earth throughout one day on her way around the sun.
You see, Earth is wandering 1/365 every day including the ‘curving’. By curving or ticking I mean the
tiny little movement which is necessary to adjust so that always the same side would face the sun!
Like the moon is doing, which I explained above, so that the way you see the stars at 23 56 o’clock is
in the same relative position and direction as at midnight the day before. And at midnight, it has
slightly changed. Like the clock ticking further one step every day. Meaning the real, actual own
rotational period of Earth is 24 hours! Meaning the current model, including the explanation via
inertia is close to reality but not what happens. The motion is just slightly different than official
current science and thus public opinion says it is. So, the rotation duration is 24 hours.
The mark of 23 56 o’clock would be more precisely called: The Sidereal Point but is wrongly called the
Sidereal Day. And it has surely the same duration: 24 hours from one sidereal point to the next and
not 23 hours plus 56 minutes, that would be a false assumption! Full rotation is 24 hours and being
24 hours, the explanation with inertia doesn’t add up, like I explained, because sunrise would be
every day 4 minutes later! Extrapolate that to one full wandering around the ’clock’ aka around the
sun in one year, it’s obvious: Sunrise is not 4 minutes later every day but going for and back
throughout summer and winter. Now, when you do assume Earth’ own rotational period would be
just 23 56 hours, as the current false official model suggests, one is able to create a close model to
reality to what happens out there but one needs to introduce the ellipse. And a few more special
features in Earth’ motion to make it look satisfyingly correct. But it is not and never was fully correct,
as the understanding of the basic motion of Earth and its Axis was incorrect, or at least incomplete.
Thus, when you calculate our position according to the motions I describe, The Syrian Dance, The
Wobble of Earth’ Axis clockwise and Earth being kind of phase-locked to the sun, then you will find:
The coordinates will match the true observed positions and angles of Earth towards the sun and the
stars perfectly without the need to introduce an ellipse.
Anyway, to say it clearly: That is not a very important point in my presentation. Ellipse or not, we are
going to see but understanding the basic motion is of utmost importance to all our understanding of
Planetary Mechanics and thus the Mechanics of The Cosmos at large. Earth is revolving in a circle, not
elliptical, that’s my guess, but as I said this is only a minor detail here. Earth is revolving in a circle and
by understanding the real positioning of our point of observation throughout the year now, we can
see that misunderstanding is what made us think of an ellipse which we then projected outside and
added to the circle and thus making it officially an ellipse. The explanation and model our current
science is offering to explain the Earth’ movement around the sun and herself cannot be correct for
the following, very simple reason: If it really would be as suggested, the sunrise would not be like
earlier in summer and later in winter, in relation to the northern hemisphere, opposite for the
southern one, but the sunrise would kind of ‘travel around the day’ a full cycle throughout one year.
Meaning sunrise would throughout the year be like: In the morning, late morning, midday, afternoon,
midnight and then morning again! Which is obviously not the case. Because with this current, official
model something crazy should be happening: The day, the light period of the day, would wander
around the earth, or should I say around the clock, once in one year. Meaning you would have sunrise
at 6 h, three months later at 12 h, three months later at 18 h and three months later at 24 h, and
three months later at 6 h again! Obviously, that’s not the case but instead the sunrise goes back and
Now, that I’ve proved that your official model is definitely not working, you should understand how
smooth and soft I tried to treat all of you by first trying to manage to perfect the new, at least more
correct model, so you do not have to fall into the Abyss of Meaningless but can now easily transform
from the old model smoothly to the readily available new model according to Sattler’s Law of
Planetary Mechanics. I would suggest creating a 3-fold calendar:
1.) Moon Calendar
2.) Sun Calendar – One revolution around the sun makes one year
3.) Earth Calendar – One full cycle of Axis Wobble around itself. It might be sometimes slightly
different from the sun-calendar
Like this, navigation through Space and Time should be more precise and thus less misunderstandings
and misinterpretations should and will happen. And, to eliminate the ellipse even with the current no
exact model should be easy as well: Just shorten the so-called sidereal day by 2/3 of a second
(0,66666 seconds), which is the difference between 1/366 and 1/365 of 24 hours = 0,666 seconds.
Now feed your calculations with that number (23 h 56 min 3,433 sec) instead of the official 23 hours
56 minutes and 4,099 seconds and you should be able to see: Although 2/3 of a second is not much it
does add up in approximately 90 days, from Spring & Fall Equinox to the Axis Tilting Maxima at the
Summer and Winter Solstices and back again to approximately one minute, which is a significant
enough distortion to create different coordinates and thus find yourself in need of introducing an
ellipse into the model to smoothen it out. There is a circle and no ellipse the coordinates and angles
will fit the observed facts perfectly although, I do say it again: I have no emotional preference in
whether it’s a circle or ellipse. It is what it is, so let’s find out how and if we are interested, why, all
together. And this is nothing else as the complicated way to calculate what I put forward in my far
easier to comprehend model.
Btw: Did you get the most important sentence in yesterday’s NASA’s press briefing about Trappist and
the 7 Planets? He only said it one time, very briefly and very silently: And these Planets are Tidally
Locked to their Star! That’s exactly what I’m talking about all the time. With or without additional
own Axis Rotation aka The Wobble aka The Syrian Dance. I’ve called it Phase-Locked.
Sattler’s Law of Planetary Mechanics
I found the innermost point of the spiral, the so-called Krystal Spiral River Host, The Spiral of Life,
where Gravity becomes Magnetic, the turning point where counterclockwise becomes clockwise and
why. It’s super-easy: Demystifying The 666! Or maybe better the 999! Like I said before: The Earth’
Axis is tilted at an angle of 23,4° which means 66,6°.
Ok, now look at this: There are three sixes. Or Nines, if one prefers! Three circles running
counterclockwise. First: The Earth is running CCW around the sun, second the Earth rotates CCW
around itself and now number three: The Axis Itself is wobbling CCW around Itself, while Earth is
revolving around the sun, nearly exactly one full Axis Rotation per one year aka one revolution
around the sun. Now, look at the Earth, how she is tilted at 23,4° and slowly do the wobbling motion
of the Axis around Itself, the tilted axis, the Cone or Conus and not the would-be straight one and you
will see and recognize as a consequence a movement of the Earth, of the actual corpus of the Earth,
rolling around along that Conus. But now in a Clockwise outward movement! That’s The Wobble of
Earth, what I’ve called the Syrian Dance, which Earth is doing once a year and not, as our current
science is saying, approximately once every 25700 years.
They haven’t understood the whole movement in its entirety and especially why it is doing these
movements. You see when the Earth Axis would be straight, then you have this special case that
Earth’ rotation around itself and the Earth Axis Rotation are resulting in the same movement, but the
moment you start tilting the axis, a funny thing happens: They become different movements with
different consequences for the behavior of this planetary body! You can rotate a body outwardly or
inwardly. Meaning around the proper straight axis or the Cone Axis. That’s what we didn’t quite
understand and that’s why we didn’t properly understand the Earth’ true movement, because we
mixed both these motions up and didn’t recognize it makes a huge difference. That movement is the
reason that we think and perceive the Earth Axis as being seemingly fixed to one position in Space
while rotating and revolving.
That’s it. That simple. So, I think we really should bring out that information and tell mankind the
truth about our Home Planet. Consequently, Earth is very probable, although that detail is not that
important, revolving around the sun in a circle and maybe that’s what all planetary bodies do, and we
just falsely perceived it as elliptical because of the movements and Angle Changes that we didn’t fully
understand. And btw: That rule, which I explained, is universal and this Wobble is common to all
Planetary Bodies which have a rotation and a tilted axis in relation to the plane of the Star System
they are part of. This is Sattler’s Law of Planetary Mechanic!
What is a Pole-Shift & Why is Venus running Retrograde
So now with our growing understanding of Plasma, Magnetic-Gravitation and the Earth Axis Tilting
we are now able to explain what so-called Pole Switches and Pole Flips have been in the past, and
what not.
It’s not that the field suddenly flips over while Earth, the material globe itself, is staying and moving
the same, but it’s about the axis again. When the tilting gets bigger and bigger and the angle is
increasing more and more to become nearly 90°, not straight up but down, like the North Pole is
pointing more and more to the Sun while Earth is spinning, there will be a moment when it flips over
and the Geographical North Pole, meaning the actual physical tip of the sphere, goes over the
Equatorial Line of the Solar System, turning the sphere up-side-down. Probably that would be
accompanied by a lot of catastrophes and cataclysms. Now, the field and the direction of the flow of
the sun and of the Solar System will stay the same as before but because the Earth is now upside
down, the flow will be received and imprinted in the opposite direction. So, the field has not changed
but the Earth has flipped and thus we find these different directions of magnetic flows indicated in
different geological sediments.
That is what has happened to Venus, that’s why Venus is running retrograde. Meaning its rotational
direction is against its revolutionary direction around the sun. Venus is spinning clockwise, while she
is going around the sun counterclockwise. Now, please don’t worry, because there will be no Pole
Shift. Not on our watch! Because it’s not decided by outside forces but by us and our understanding
of these things, we know how to do it right. And certainly, our behavior and deeds and our conduct of
the affairs of mankind are based on that knowledge. The only thing we must achieve is this: Humans
respect other humans and treat each other as equals and are working together as one family. Then
really everything will become nice, smooth, joyful and possible.
Inflation of the Universe - Really?
Today, I show you how to prove that there is no Inflation of the Universe in the way our current
official science is promoting it! Our measurements are correct but once again the interpretation is
not correct. Again, we didn’t quite understand our own point of reference, our point of observation,
the true positioning of our own Earth. So, we found out that there is no inertia and that’s why we
needed a better explanation for the behavior of our tilted Earth Axis. Why it’s while revolving around
the sun pointing always in the same direction in outer space. And so, we found out that Gravitation
and Magnetism are in fact one inter-connected force, which in turn helped us to understand The True
Motion of Earth and its Axis throughout the year.
Gravitation moves Counterclockwise and Magnetic always Clockwise!
That’s what I’ve called the Syrian Dance, the Wobble of Earth’ Axis throughout one year clockwise
while Earth is revolving around sun counterclockwise, initiated by the Gravitation-Field-Re-Flow
which is responsible for the positioning of Earth’ magnetic field. Now, let’s go beyond and let’s find
out what exactly is the phenomenon of The Precession of the Equinox. It’s very easy as I said before:
What makes the Precession of the Equinox? Well, it’s the same phenomenon and mechanics: The Sun
and the Whole Solar System is phase-locked or tidally locked to its Greater Star that the Sun is
rotating around, too! Whether that is Alcyone which some say is Tara and not Alcyone or any other
star; but that doesn’t matter for right now for we first have to understand the basic mechanical
principle in its fullest and then we can apply this to the actual Stars out there.
For example: It is said that the Milky Way Galaxy is spiraling around its center. So, it might be possible
that because of that spiraling the distances and angles between different stars are indeed changing
and we would perceive that over a very long observational period. It’s said to take 200 million years
for one full spiraling cycle! Others are talking about the last years about the so-called Helical System,
meaning they are projecting Earth and the Planets circling or better spiraling around the sun while
sun is flying through space. Which it does, for sure. So, even if we find out that sun is flying around,
we already said, it does, the way they are projecting their model can’t be correct, when they put
Earth’ moving direction orthogonal, meaning to a 90° angle, to the planetary plane of movements
around the sun. Because then it doesn’t fit the Zodiac anymore! If there is an additional sun
movement, it must be in the same vibration and spiraling plane as the planets are, at least roughly
the same plane. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have it correctly corresponding to the Zodiac. Like the
spiraling of the galaxy is in the same or at least roughly the same spinning plane, which is called the
Galactic Equator, right?
Another interesting consequence is this: If you fully understand the picture I’m presenting here, you
will find that the signs in the Zodiac are changing over time, meaning that all these seasonal
associated meanings of astrological signs are not something which is fix or even eternal. So, if you are
dealing with astrology: Think about what it means that these energies aka entities are far from
eternal, divine, unchangeable, godly, truly fixed archetypes! If you ask me about my opinion about
astrology my response is: No comment! And never forget that the Earth Axis Tilting Angle is not 23,4°
but it’s up-side down, 90°-23,4° = 66°, which is resulting in 66,6°. That would be your Famous Beast: A
frickin’ Tilted Axis! That would be the correct description and now we’ve solved and explained this,
too. And the Axis is already on the way to change, rise and straighten up again!
And please, stop talking about the nonsense that this reality is a simulation. You’ve got to understand
the difference between a simulation and something interactive! This Universe, The HoloPlasmatic
Multiverse, is interactive, sure, but not a simulation! We are touching here on a spiritual and
philosophical question which is so old and so often already answered that it’s almost boring to go into
detail. Just imagine it like this: Let’s say we are living in a dream, you Tec-Guys would say a simulation,
but you are the Dreamt One and The Dreamer as well. You are both at the same time. That’s our
nature as humans, Beings of Consciousness, our nature as Conscious Beings! That’s what’s all the fuss
about: You are real and are here and alive and living and you are interacting with The Living Cosmos,
and you have Free Will & Free Choice. That’s the true, what you would call, Quantum Nature of Life:
Not that there are billions of Yous simulated in countless Parallel Systems, that’s nonsense! But that
your consciousness and you yourself right here, right now can make decisions out of a billion
possibilities and by choosing one it will become Reality and through that affects all other life and
yours and yes, even throughout all time as well. And if you still want to go on discussing this, I’m
suggesting the following: Come with me to the corner of this deep cliff over there, I go around it to
the ground and you jump down this rocky cliff, some 200 meters, and then we meet down there on
the bottom and if you really like to go on discussing the possibility of whether this is all a simulation,
let’s do it, if you still can!
The Physics of The Didgeridoo & The Scalar Wave
I’m writing this to suggest a maybe interesting, physical experiment. I want to try playing the
Didgeridoo, not touching, just via frequencies, to bring mass aka weight onto your instruments and
As I’ve said, I have been playing passionately for over 20 years and have become not too bad at it. The
Didgeridoo, an Australian kind of flute that belongs like the trumpet to the so-called in German,
Polster-Pfeifen-Instrument. Like trumpet, organ, bagpipe, etc. which has something to do with the
way the sounds are produced. In short, it’s about Standing Waves. Different from, for example flutes,
there is no possibility for the air to disappear. That’s why you can play chromatic scales, dissonant
tones, as well. So, you must learn to let the air aka the sound wave flow along the geometry of the
wave structure through your Didgeridoo, this wooden, from the Australian sun dried and by termites
hollowed out tube of a Tree Trunk from several different Eucalyptus Trees. Very often I must think
about The Camel Going Through the Needle Eye! It’s like riding the overtones through it and beyond.
As you become more and more one with this wooden tube it is as if your breath, your voice is
perfectly unlocking a secret safe lock; not only within yourself but within the Didgeridoo as well.
Many times, I liked to imagine how the air and with it the molecules move because so many scalar
waves are turning the air plasmatic, where then there are movements, sounds, rhythms, multi-voices,
speeds and synchronicity possible, which are almost unimaginable! It sounds and feels so alive that
since playing the Didgeridoo, the story of The Trumpets of Jericho has gotten a totally different
meaning to me. Think also about what Nicola Tesla did, when he let the skyscrapers in New York and
elsewhere dance via scalar waves.
The art of playing the Didgeridoo is a little like balancing. That’s why I always say: Search the middle
of the middle of the middle of the middle of the middle of the middle! Deep inside the middle, the
center there is or comes into existence an equilibrium and then quite magically, just by itself, the next
overtone will materialize out of itself, and then the next and so forth and so on. And after a while you
feel like you are being blown. No effort is needed anymore, like it is flowing through you, very smooth
but at the same time mighty and strong and funny, like your lungs are dancing. There is a medical
saying: The alveolar gas exchange happens with the respiratory phase, meaning the gas exchange,
oxygen vs carbon dioxide, happens while exhaling. Deep inside the lungs, the alveoli, there are some
kinds of valves which shut down while inhaling, I guess, it’s for protection purpose of the inside, and
opening while exhaling. So exhaling is the important part of breathing! Same with the Didgeridoo:
Inhaling, Circular Breathing/Open Breathing System, seems difficult but your body is doing it by itself;
just stop thinking about how. Breathing out is the true art. And through Circular Breathing you can
keep this inside open for a long period of time. One hour or longer, no problem, effortless. And it is
vibrating and oscillating itself higher and higher, like a feedback loop into a feedback loop into
feedback. I guess that’s the way Free Energy Generators should work: Implosion and not explosion!
Thank You, Mr. Viktor Schauberger! In Aboriginal Mythology there are a lot of myths about the lifegiving and healing properties of the Didgeridoo. They are even bringing people back to life, even
creation itself has been brought back onto the right track by blowing the Didgeridoo. That’s my
favorite Aboriginal Myth about how the Creation Twin Sisters got saved.
Hypothesis About the Physics of The Feinstofflichkeit - The Fabric of Energy Matter or Non-Matter
Matter. Might it be possible that these Non-Matter Energies are moving and flowing according to the
so-called Krystal Spiral (0,1,2,4,8,16,32,64, -) and not, like seemingly all Matter on Earth, according to
the Fibonacci Sequence (1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34-55-) and what they call Sacred Geometry. I prefer to
call this so-called Sacred Geometry and its Flower of Life ‘La Fleur du Mal’ or The Flower of Death and
Decay! The Krystal Spiral is more Anti Fragile, alive, more harmonically built, because it always
remains in perfect balance of all its layers. Nothing is self-consuming like it is with the Fibonacci
Sequence. My hypothesis is that through the tilting, the bending of the Earth Axis the ways of the
flow of Matter and the flow of Non-Matter-Matter have been slightly separated from each other and
thus now not being harmonious and congruent and properly aligned to each other anymore.
Meaning, if these two vibrations are in perfect balance, harmony and congruently phase-locked with
each other, would be when Earth Axis is at a 90° angle, there is perfect harmony, life and resonance.
The tilting of the Axis, however, will bring in a phenomenon like radio broadcasting which is not
properly tuned to the frequency and wavelength and so it’s not a clear signal. Like there is a kind of a
filter of distortion.
To speculate further that could mean that not 100% of the Non-Matter Energy is coming in properly,
but instead is creating some kind of parallel or sub dimensions or sub states like Parallel Earth, Inner
Earth, Shambala, Agartha, other Frequency Pockets or distorted dimensional fields at the poles or
such. These places might even be ‘in the same spot’ but not perceivable and able to interact with
each other because the matter, atoms, molecules and energies have a different Partiki Rotation Axis
Angle! Maybe we could say that the tilting of the Earth Axis has made a kind of Frequency Prism
(Prison?) out of our spinning Earth which prevents us, all beings here, to fully connect to our true full
existing energetic potential and template. With that explanation it would then be possible to even
explain how atoms, particles and actual things could be in the exact same spot but in different
dimensions and densities just because of different Partikum Partika Partiki Rotation Axis Angles. And
if one wants to speculate even further, we could think about the physical consequences of the Axis
tilting as what in our old myths is called The Fall! The falling out or apart with the Sacred Cosmic
Harmony with consequences for all life, DNA, templates, beings, spirit, soul and body. Whatever
might have caused that tilting and bending in the first place, we will find out as well; all together!
Meaning as well that to reverse The Fall, we simply learn to re-adjust and re-tune to the full harmony
and are enlarging our band of frequency resonance with The All That Is, The Pure Essence aka Life
Itself! Like tuning in again, that’s what so-called Ascension is all about.
The Living Cosmos – Singularity & How to Rotate the Moon
The True Motion of the Earth and how to start to rotate the Moon and other misunderstandings in our
current view of our Solar System and Galaxy.
Let’s recap for a moment:
The Movement of Earth
We know Earth is doing a revolution around the sun and the rotation around itself, ok. But what we
didn’t understand until I discovered it, is why the Earth Axis is, while Earth is revolving round the Sun,
seemingly fixed to a certain direction in Space when viewed from outside the Solar System. I know
science is telling you it is because of inertia but there is no such inertia! That’s why we obviously
never really thought about it: We just never recognized that we don’t have a sufficient explanation
for our own Earth’ movement because it seems to be fix.
Think of Earth’ motion like the motion of the Moon, with one side always facing Earth, so-called
phase-locked or tidally locked to the Sun, as the basic motion and then add to it a 24-hour rotation
CCW and a daily Axis Angle Direction Forward Ticking Clockwise, a little less than 1° per day. That
movement is what I’ve called the Syrian Dance. It’s the kind of movement we think of when we
describe the Wobble of Earth which leads to what is called The Precession of the Equinox.
Which brings us to the full understanding: The movement of the Earth Axis (CW) is decided by the
electromagnetic Re-flow of Earth, that’s why to the right (CW). And it is a highly probable guess that
the Axis Tilting is as well being dominated by the magnetic flow: Meaning being for a long-time
feedback-treated by its own falsified and distorted electromagnetic pulse is what brought in and
manifested the tilting more and more over the centuries. You still think that the pyramids, megaliths
and other Ley Line Connected buildings are positive for Life on Earth? Better think again. These places
and the entities and ideas behind are responsible for a lot of suffering which happened here on Earth
and to us, mankind! They didn’t understand, or at least only half of the truth. And we all know that
half- truth is far worse than even no truth at all! That non-understanding of the full consequences of
true natural science was responsible for not only the Atlantean Catastrophe but lots more, until this
day! Guess, you know, that even today all the secret societies, scientific fundamentals, Black Magic BS
and all of that is still going back to that false understanding of the flow of energy and life!
Now, when we understand this, then we can start to do that what I always dreamed of: To repair and
heal the Earth, helping Earth to get her Axis straight up again, healing and balancing her field and
with it the fields of all the beings here on Earth! If we are true masters of the understanding of life,
we are going to do that just with consciousness, no need for material tools or machines but sure we
can combine both, as for now, we have started to re-discover the tools to work in true alignment with
nature and so sure we can use tools as well!
I guess, by now everybody should have understood that our and all nature’s DNA is heavily influenced
by this field. That’s why we have become humans who eventually die. That’s not our true original
nature. So, if this field is squeezed, which it is, our DNA is squeezed as well.
And that is the reason for all this false and only half-true Fibonacci and Golden Mean, Flower of Life
and Sacred Geometry nonsense! That is not the natural way life is unfolding, extending and creating.
The Fibonacci Sequence is the distorted version of the Krystal Spiral (0,1,2,4,8,16,32,64, -). You call it
the Geometric Sequence. Do these numbers seem familiar to you? Ah, yes, right, you got it: That’s
the same number sequence upon which computers and chips are working; yeah, congratulations! It
has something to do with Scalar Waves, with their geometry: Contrary to the Fibonacci Sequence,
which is self-consuming, meaning from the 7. position (Value 55) onward there is no real growth
anymore. It stays at the Golden Mean =1,6! But the Krystal Spiral stays open within, meaning it
remains in contact with all its parts, from the Source to the Manifested, which gives it plasma-like,
living and balancing properties. Or put simply: That’s what is called Life, alive, being connected and
being in the flow!
And btw: That’s why the number of possible Reincarnations is limited to 7. Because after the 7th
position in the Fibonacci Sequence our original template is too damaged to hold its form any longer
and so it withers away to Space Dust! Reincarnation is unnatural. I repeat: We are or at least were not
meant to die this way at all! This current kind of Reincarnation is a kind of emergency program that
was invented to keep our options for Ascension aka Spiritual Evolution intact.
How To Rotate the Moon
Now understanding this will bring us to the next possible option of understanding that it is possible to
start to rotate the moon, maybe again, and bring new life to our sister planet.
We could either think about doing it with technics by creating a field on the moon, which then will
bring in the plasma, et voila, we will be able to create water, energy, atmosphere, etc. which itself will
strengthen the field and the atmosphere even more so that the interference and resonance between
the Earth and the Moon grows stronger until the point where we will have resonance which is
nothing else as communication of forces!
Even easier is it when all this will happen while the Earth Axis is already straightening up, because
then all three movements, the rotation and the revolution of Earth plus the revolution of the Moon
around Earth, will happen in one vibratory or Oscillation Plane which heavily increases the chances of
interference and thus interaction. It’s a kind of an overtone, which is created in harmony with the
Base Tones of each movement of its own. If we learn to do this, there will be plenty of other planets
and moons waiting for us. Ceres, Europa, planets in the Kuiper-belt and what not; yes indeed, an
endless story. How fitting for beings whose lifespan is endless as well, can you live with that? Are you
able to live with yourself for an eternity, that’ s the real question here, my friends?! There will be no
more running away from yourself!
Galactic Distortions & Phantom Galaxies
I just want to mention this briefly, because this might be a little too much or too hard. The process of
awakening, ascension or becoming conscious is always parallelled with the healing of our
surroundings and environment, because we are always interactively connected to our surroundings.
So, it is natural that we find out about the Axis Rotation Tilt and about how to heal it, while we are
right now in the Awakening State, the healing which I mentioned above. But it doesn’t end with the
Earth and the Moon. No, this is just the beginning, here is a lot more to find out and to repair and
heal, to fully understand the full history of the Earth, us and the Cosmos, of our Solar System, the
Galaxy and The Beyond And we must fully understand the history, for without understanding it there
is no useful and beneficial acting. We will learn how Galaxies are created: Naturally and what was
done in creating unnatural ones by entities lacking full Krystal Knowledge and full honor and integrity
and the full knowledge of what is called the Kathara Grid! So, I will stop here, because I just wanted
to work out the direction where to go.
Let’s Re-Tune the Solar System & How Stars are Positioning
Now, let’s re-tune the Solar System to the Natural Octave, let’s finish it up! After we now have
learned a lot of new things about the plasma, that Magnetic and Gravitational are in fact one
interconnected force, the Earth Axis and it’s tilting and the resulting fields and the inter-play of the
different Planets with each other and with the Sun, we are trying to put it all into one picture. We are
trying to find the one harmony in it: The true Natural Octave.
We start with our point of view, The Earth. We have found out about The True Motion of Earth and its
wobbling Axis throughout one year. I already talked a lot of what I have called The Syrian Dance and
why the Earth Axis is pointing seemingly into the same direction in the Greater Outer Space while
revolving around the Sun (see above). I briefly mentioned before that with that new understanding it
is very probable that the way we see our revolving around the sun is in fact not elliptical but in a
circle, although that is not the critical point in my presentation here. Because we did not understand
the ticking clockwise of the Axis throughout one year, we made a very, very small mistake in our
understanding of the positioning of Earth towards the Sun, which then resulted in thinking it’s an
ellipse. It is difficult to put that in proper words in a letter, because you must see and understand it in
your own mind, or we put that new model into your computers and scientific simulations and then it
will be easy to see and understand. A very Basic Simulation has already been shared by myself since
A short off-topic reminder: We recall that we humans tuned our harmonic scale according to what we
found around us in nature in harmony. Maybe that renewed understanding of the harmonic structure
of the nature of the Solar System and the Cosmos will help us to tune our musical scale back from
which it is now: 440Hz = a Which was installed international through Mr. Goebbels, prior to WW2,
and The Rockefeller Foundation, because the pitch of this music is a little bit unnatural, kind of a little
bit more aggressive which exactly was the purpose of it; sadly so! But we can change it back to
natural harmonics 432Hz = a!
Ok, now we have planets circling around the sun in circles probably according to their own MagneticGravitational fields and interactions with the rest of the planetary family around in and beyond the
Solar System. Now that we can understand the planet’s movements, their Axis Motion, their relation
to each other, let’s look at the sun, there are a few open questions, too. It is said that the sun is
rotating and that its axis is tilted at a 7° angle versus the equator of the Solar System. Why is this so?
Is it really proven or just a deeply rooted assumption? Is this a kind of a balancing act between the
forces being exchanged in between the planets and the sun? Is there a constant interplay between
the pull and push of the Magnetic Gravitational Forces of these planetary bodies? I am pretty sure
that our new deepening understanding of Plasma will help in solving this riddle as well and then we
will be able to discern the positioning forces which determine the sun’s own position within our
galaxy. Is the sun moving through space? Or is it fixed somehow to its position? Or is it fixed only
relative to its outer environment and if so, how is nature operating and communicating the exchange
of these forces?
In simple terms: There are a lot of theories that the Sun itself is revolving around a Greater Star.
Maybe around the galactic center, some say Alcyone (Tara?!), etc. in circles aka spirals.
Sure, I’m aware that there are many explanations and interpretations of so-called Timelines of a lot of
ancient calendars and such. But is it true? Especially in the most New Age communities there is the
belief that we are passing through different parts of our galaxy and they try to explain all the changes,
all the prophecies, the quantum-leap in consciousness, changes in DNA and in life’s energy templates
and all these topics with an increase of certain energies coming from the changed position in the
galaxy and which are penetrating earth and it’s beings. Although I admit that there are a lot of strong
interactions between energies coming into earth and the living, conscious beings and their DNA on
Earth; resulting in something which we could call Evolution, I more and more tend to think that we
again got the story wrong here again, got it upside down again: We misunderstood cause with effect
aka reaction again! We always tend to find a materialistic reason for any developments and changes,
so we tend to need to see some outside changes, like for example the sun is passing through different
parts of the galaxy and thus different energetic compositions and so we can believe that there is
something changing. It’s still the understanding of the universe as a mechanical machine, a
clockwork, but not as a Living Thing aka Living Being.
So, let’s try to find a different explanation. We are on our way to completing the understanding of the
interplay of forces within the Solar System. Let’s for a moment forget that the sun is flying around in
spirals through the galaxy but let’s assume the Sun is relatively fixed. What I am trying to suggest is
that there might be a different kind of movement and positioning taking place in between the
different stars including their planets. But this kind of movement is not like pulling or pushing them
into rotational movements but it’s like a Magnetic-Vibrating-Humming-Pushing-Pulling Force. Imagine
the Solar System as a whole and imagine the forces it is radiating and pulling in because it being alive,
it is moving, shaking, vibrating and changing! These forces, I imagine them as a Humming Magnetic
Force, are responsible for how the different stars plus planets position each other. And sure, there
might be a kind of harmonic structure as well for bringing them into the right and appropriate
balance to each other. The Kathara Grid – Natural Ones and Unnatural Ones. And here I’m coming to
the end of my current physical understanding of our universe and that’s why I want to put these
questions out, so we all together can go further to deepen our knowledge all together. Some are
suggesting that Star-Systems and maybe Galaxies themselves as well are positioning and balancing
each other through distances and as well according to their angles towards each other. Meaning the
systems are tilted to a certain degree and angle away from each other which changes the flow of
energy between them. These huge flows of energy between Stars and Star-Systems and between
Galaxies is what is holding the entire cosmic structure together. The Kathara Grid!
When we fully understand the ways, these are operating then we can understand the current
situation in our galaxy and how healthy it is; where there are connections properly working and
where there are maybe some blockages of the Energy Flow, meaning connection and interaction.
Maybe we are going to learn that these interplanetary energetic connections, if properly handled and
understood, are that what many are assuming when talking about Star Portals and Star Gates.
Have you ever thought about what’s the difference between a Portal and a Gate? Are these different
kinds of Axis’ to connect through to different destinations? Probably it will be inevitable to start using
words and descriptions like Density and Dimension to describe the true nature of our universe, but in
a properly defined way! Ok, I leave it here; just wanted to share these open questions with you. Enjoy
going further!
Reaching out to the Stars
Why that what we call Light is travelling a lot faster than the Speed of Light in Space! The scheme of
preplasmatic, scalar sound hierarchy of the Galactic, Inner Galactic, Inter Galactic and Extra Galactic
spheres, meaning Space, the knowledge of the Scalar Preplasma Base Tones of Life aka MagneticGravitational Scalar Wave & Field. What I’m pretending is that the light of the stars, no matter how
far away, is not light which is coming out of the past! Because our current science is pretending that
light is only able to travel at the speed of light, which might maybe be correct on Earth or Earth’
atmosphere in a vacuum but not in space. Light is not travelling as light, as an electromagnetic wave,
through space. It is riding on or better through the Preplasmatic Scalar Waves Field through space.
Space is not empty as we believed for a long time. It is a huge Scalar Wave Field through which an
infinite number of overtones and undertones are moving in almost Real-Time.
It’s because of the Geometry of The Scalar Wave, that’s the Clou: The scalar wave tunnels the light,
the impulse of that light, through itself, along the geometry of the Krystal spiral (1,2,4,8,16,32,64)
whereas this light gets tunneled nearly infinite times, which is giving it this incredible near Real-Time
speed. Only after this light-impulse is touching Earth and Earth’ atmosphere it will become and
behave and move in the way of what we think light is and does. Every Planet has its own Base Tone,
every Solar System, every Galaxy, every individual human being, every being, every species, every
individual, etc. My guess would be that all this is far below 20 Hz, which is said to be the bottom limit
of the human ear. Which is not true. I, myself, am hearing below this 20 Hz. I guess, that is caused by
20 years of Didgeridoo playing, kind of a training to dive deep into the low frequency range. All these
Base Tones together form the Preplasmatic Base Tone of this Universe. For traveling, especially very
far distances, the frequencies around 0,0000000000000000000000001 Hz might be used.
Somewhere near what Einstein called the Cosmic Konstant, maybe not only for the light to travel but
for our own Space-Travel as well.
And this Scalar Wave Field is the much-discussed Quantum Computer or better Plasma Computer.
Voilà, it’s all here already, you just must log in. It’s free and has mega upload and download speed! In
ancient times it was called: The Akashic Record and upload and download may just be a change of
spin: One is to the left (CCW) and the other one to the right (CW). If one is interested in these things,
one can now go on finding a lot of new consequences emerging from that basic model. What does
Redshift tell us? What is left of Mr. Einstein’s theories at all? Two parallels crossing in infinity!? Surely
not in a Scalar Wave Field, because there we have closed field-lines and not open field-lines, my dear
little stupid Albert! Spacetime? Utter nonsense! How can there be Spacetime if there is no physical
time at all? It’s merely a concept in our brains! Do we have to rethink the distances out there in space
as well? Anyway, today I want to keep it short and leave it up to all of you to delve deeper into these
open questions for yourself. I just wanted to eradicate that ugly imagination, that out there are
endless lonely and lost Light Corpuscles flying chaotic through space and time without sense, beauty,
reason and meaning at all, coming from different times, especially knowing that there is no
mechanical time at all! Meaning no beginning and no end! Doesn’t that sound beautiful?
Additionally, it is a very ugly and unsexy image, looking at the Stars thinking that half of the Stars you
think you see are already dead or there are billions of Stars more which you are not able to perceive,
because the light is not here yet. It feels a little like listening to the mailbox of a friend who recently
had died, not nice and sweet. No, I’m pretty sure that’s not the way it works. It’s a materialistic and
reductionist way to look at things, especially at Life and the Cosmos. Yes, and in the end it will all boil
down to recognizing that our current science will have to say farewell to the so-called Big Bang
theory. Sorry to you guys but that was just an idea in your head.
Oh yes, and that's how beaming works, that's how they build their ray guns and that's how the more
sophisticated mind control techniques work! You neutralize all the potentially negative things quite
simply by providing information across the board. If everyone knows it, then it becomes useless (for
these degenerate pseudo-rulers of the world) to harm others. It's not that difficult to understand, is
it? Without widespread information, however, well, to put it bluntly, this will unfortunately lead to
total catastrophe and the extinction of humanity, so it's better to think carefully about the next steps.
That's how beaming works, that's how they build their radiation weapons and that's also how the
more sophisticated mind control techniques work! Weather control techniques! Earthquake
weapons! Scalar tec weapons; remember the explosion at Tianjin 2015? Nope, not nuclear ... that
was a Plasma explosion, induced by Scalar waves, and yes, the 'color temperature' of 'plasma ignition'
is in the range and even above nuclear signatures. You neutralize all the potentially negative things
simply by spreading information across the board. If everybody knows about it, it becomes useless
for harming others. It's not that difficult to understand, is it?