The Solution to the Jewish
At face value, Operation Reinhard and the Auschwitz concentration
camp system appear somewhat similar, the main common denominator being the goal of killing massive numbers of human beings. Having
said that, a closer look reveals each was governed by different, discrete
policy objectives: Operation Reinhard’s policy was to kill all the “useless
mouths” in the Polish ghettos while Auschwitz focused on extermination through work. Even so, as this chapter will show, Auschwitz moved
toward its objective using the same mechanism as Operation Reinhard
and, later, Milgram did—the application of intuition, past experience,
and close observation of the pilot-testing process (all of which advanced
efficiency, predictability, calculability, and control, along with a greater
dependence on non-human technologies). With a more pronounced
emphasis on industrialization, Auschwitz achieved its most significant
“advancement”—the one that distinguished it most from other solutions to the “Jewish problem”—in the matter of the most powerful
strain resolving mechanism of all—the means of inflicting harm.
Killing on an industrial scale distinguished Auschwitz in three main
ways: efficiency, profitability, and (from the Nazi perspective) “humaneness.” The Nazis, it seems, regarded the Auschwitz process as the most
humane solution to the “Jewish problem” in two main ways. First, for
the most directly involved perpetrators, Auschwitz was a relatively stressfree, and with the camp’s high standard of living, pleasant place to work.
Second, Auschwitz developed a standard operating procedure that the
Nazis in and beyond the camp—including the German public cognizant
© The Author(s) 2019
N. Russell, Understanding Willing Participants, Volume 2,
of the extermination campaign1—perceived as a gentle, even kind, way of
killing other human beings on an unprecedented scale. Although it was
neither of these, the process’s designation as “most humane” seems to
have eased many of the reservations that Nazi functionaries might have
otherwise felt.
As this chapter will show, the general perception that Auschwitz
offered the most humane solution to the Jewish problem was particularly
dangerous, because in all likelihood it extended the life cycle of the efficient and profitable policy of extermination by work. That is, the mutually inclusive combination of advanced formal rationality and what, for
the most directly involved perpetrators, was a less stressful killing process
translated into an efficient body-consuming machine that, if not for the
Soviets, would have probably known no end. The easier and less the
stressful killing became, the more victims the leadership in Berlin found
in need of extermination. What follows explains how the most efficient
and profitable killing process developed during the Holocaust, and why
many Nazis perceived it as humane.
Humble Beginnings
As Soviet military strength grew after the winter of 1941, Himmler’s
plans to fill Auschwitz with Russian POWs naturally faltered.2 Thus,
he turned to a less desirable source of slave labor—Jews. But the first
group to arrive at Auschwitz I around this time was incapable of productive labor: 400 mainly elderly people sent from an Upper Silesian
labor camp to be killed.3 In mid-February 1942, these Jews were gassed
in Crematorium I.4 Their death screams could be heard throughout
the main camp, and German staff raised concerns that—despite a few
attempts to dampen these noises5—gassing victims here probably lacked
necessary “privacy…”6 Therefore, as more Jews incapable of work
arrived at Auschwitz I, more were transferred to the nearby Birkenau
satellite camp. On 27 February 1942, Hans Kammler, the head of the
construction division of the SS Main Economic and Administrative
Department, decided that it made more sense for the industrial-style
crematorium—Crematorium II—which, Bischoff and Prüfer originally
planned for Auschwitz I, instead be built at the more secluded Birkenau
site.7 Soon after this decision, on 20 March 1942 (just as Operation
Reinhard started), a stone cottage on the new satellite camp was hastily converted into a gas chamber to deal with the ongoing influx of
non-workers to Birkenau.8 The 60–80 square meter cottage called
Bunker I proved capable of killing about 500 victims per gassing.9 As
in the early stages of Operation Reinhard, Jewish work commandos
dumped the victims’ bodies into large nearby pits. According to Camp
Commandant Höss, “Whereas in the spring of 1942 only small operations were involved, the number of convoys increased during the summer…”10 To keep up with the bureaucratic momentum that supplied
increasing numbers of victims and to avoid bottlenecks, Höss felt, “we
had to create new extermination facilities” [italics added].11 Of course,
he did not have to do this; as a problem-solving bureaucratic functionary,
he chose to do it. In June 1942, Birkenau’s gassing capacity increased
when Bunker II, another stone cottage, was converted into a gas chamber. Measuring about 105 square meters, Bunker II was larger than
Bunker I and capable of killing about 800 people per gassing.12 The victims’ bodies were also dumped in nearby pits.
On 17 and 18 July 1942, Himmler visited Auschwitz for the second
time. During this visit, he personally observed Bunker II in action.13
The gassing operation he saw included mostly young and old Jews.
According to Höss, Himmler “made no remark regarding the process of
extermination, but remained quite silent.”14 Himmler’s reaction in this
case stands in stark contrast to his earlier response to the mass shooting
of mostly men in Minsk, which had caused his face to turn “white as
cheese…” With the removal of the distasteful visual spectacle, Himmler
was no longer disturbed by the massacre of civilians.15
During this visit, Himmler informed Höss, who after the war acquired
a reputation for being unusually frank,16 “Eichmann’s [train transport]
program will continue…and will be accelerated every month from now
on.”17 Himmler then instructed Höss to increase Birkenau’s population
capacity from 100,000 to 200,000.18 Himmler’s intention was to bolster
the Nazi war machine by building a regional armaments industry that
would draw upon Birkenau’s slave labor force.19 But, because many of
those bound for Auschwitz were incapable of productive labor, Himmler
also apparently instructed Höss to exterminate those Jews incapable of
work.20 Because Himmler had just seen Bunker II in action, he knew
that killing large numbers of non-workers as they arrived in Auschwitz
would pose no problem for Höss, who had, as Lasik put it, the requisite “organizational talents.”21 But the SS-Reichsführer did raise concerns about the adjacent pits full of rotting bodies. Again, just in case
Germany lost the war, Himmler deemed it wise to eliminate any evidence
of Nazi war crimes. Doing so would also address the local authority’s
concerns that the 107,000 bodies buried in the pits were polluting the
Himmler’s solution to the body disposal problem was two-fold. First,
as a shorter-term measure, in September 1942 Paul Blobel’s Kommando
1005 was sent to Auschwitz to apply the best outdoor body-burning
techniques they had discovered that summer.23 Second, and as a longerterm solution, Höss would expedite Topf & Sons’ construction of
Birkenau’s industrial crematorium (Crematorium II). Himmler’s concern
re-emphasized the central problem also encountered in the Operation
Reinhard camps: Killing was generally easier than body disposal.24 But
he clearly sensed that Birkenau held the potential to overcome such
problems, which perhaps explains why during his visit he requested
that Birkenau be doubled in size and Höss promoted to Lieutenant
The SS-Reichsführer’s demand to expand Birkenau’s capacity to
200,000 must have sent camp official Karl Bischoff into a spin. The
increased death rate that would come with doubling the camp’s size
would mean even more bodies in need of cremation. To eliminate any
risk of bottlenecks, on 19 August Bischoff ordered another Topf & Sons’
industrial crematorium.26 This crematorium—Crematorium III—located
opposite Crematorium II was to be a mirror image of its predecessor. See, for example, the following Allied forces aerial photograph taken
in 1944 of both crematoria:
Out of a fear that these new facilities might still fail to handle the
anticipated number of bodies, plans were made to build several other
smaller facilities: Crematoriums IV, V, and VI (never built). Although the
plans for Crematoriums IV and V included their own gas chambers, they
were to be constructed next to Bunkers II and I (respectively) so that,
if needed, the newer facilities could be co-opted to cremate the victims
from these older gassing facilities.27
With all this construction likely to take some time, the bodies of victims
gassed in the meantime were burned using Blobel’s open-fire techniques
in massive pits adjacent to Bunkers I and II. This short-term solution,
however, generated a problem of its own, exposing the camp and local
community to the pungent smell of burning flesh.28 The elevated smokestacks of the industrial crematoria would somewhat eliminate this problem, which provided another incentive to expedite their construction.
A few months later, in September 1942, Himmler’s order to double the capacity of Birkenau to 200,000 prisoners was scaled back to
140,000 when Armaments Minister Albert Speer convinced Hitler of
Himmler’s probable incompetence in the area of arms production.29
Despite this setback to Himmler’s ambitions, the construction plans for
Crematoria II to V remained unchanged and preceded with haste.
With the onset of the 1942–1943 winter, the operators of Bunkers I
and II encountered an unanticipated problem. The cold weather made
it difficult to raise the room temperature in the gas chambers above the
requisite 25.7 degrees Celsius that enabled the vaporization of Zyklon-B
pellets. To avoid this problem in the future, the plans for Crematorium
II were changed: Its more insulated basement-level morgues were converted into massive underground gas chambers. Doing so simply required
replacing the morgues’ body chutes with a staircase, which victims would
descend. The final plan had the larger of Crematorium II’s two morgues
serving as an undressing room and the smaller as a massive, partially
underground gas chamber.30 This decision was made easier by the fact that
the morgue (now gas chamber) already came with a powerful odor-expelling ventilation system. It will be recalled that the earlier conversion of
Crematorium I’s morgue into a gas chamber (around late 1941) had highlighted this technology’s usefulness for expelling poisonous gas.31 A minor
setback of the new plan was that architect Walter Dejaco’s blueprints, produced on 19 December, arrived too late and the concrete for the chutes
had already been laid and therefore required demolition.32 By 29 January,
Bischoff and his team stopped referring to the smaller of Crematorium
II33 and started terming it a “gassing cellar [Vergaungskeller].”34 Because
the gas chamber was so big and any gas within it could be extracted so
quickly (and replaced with fresh air), the application of this ad hoc decision
to both Crematoriums II and III increased Auschwitz-Birkenau’s killing/
body disposal capacity enormously.
In early March of 1943, Crematorium II was ready to undergo a
series of tests, the biggest of which occurred around the middle of
the month when 1492 women, children, and elderly Jews were gassed
and then cremated. Incineration of these bodies took more than a day,
thus highlighting the inaccuracy of Prüfer’s initial calculation: It had
failed to incinerate 1440 bodies in 24 hours. After some minor adjustments, the facility’s maximum incineration capacity reached 750 bodies in 24 hours, and on 31 March, Crematorium II was ready for use.
Death and incineration in Crematorium II basically involved a six-step
process. Step One: Victims lined up outside the extermination center
then descended the stairs into the morgue converted into an undressing chamber. Step Two: victims undressed. Step Three: The naked
victims entered another slightly smaller chamber—the second p
underground morgue recently converted into a gas chamber—termed
the “showers.” Step Four: German “disinfectors” would climb on top
of the gas chamber and pour Zyklon-B crystals through sealable ceiling vents35 with the victims then dying below. Step Five: When the
victims had died, the gas fumes would be extracted and the Jewish
work commando, on entering the chamber, would strip the bodies
of all valuables. Step Six: the Jewish work commando would transfer
the bodies to the adjacent crematoria (one level above) to be incinerated. The following video clip provides a basic overview of this process: For a virtual reality
walk-through of Crematorium II, see
A week before Crematorium II’s test-run, on 22 March 1943,
Crematorium IV was completed. However, by May this facility had been
permanently decommissioned because of a major structural defect that
only worsened with time.36 The completion of Crematorium II was followed by Crematorium V and then III on 4 April and 24 June 1943,
respectively.37 Thus, as Operation Reinhard wound down, AuschwitzBirkenau’s role in the Final Solution ramped up.
By the first half of 1943, however, as all this construction came
to an end, the tide of the war turned rather decisively in the Soviet’s
favor. In February 1943, the Wehrmacht was defeated in the Battle of
Stalingrad. Then in August, it was defeated again in the Battle of Kursk,
its final offensive attack on Soviet territory. The Nazi war machine
never recovered from these blows, and thereafter, all Germans knew
that the Russians were coming. However, earlier, during the “euphoria of victory,” Germany had been persuaded into willingly or indifferently supporting their government’s pursuit of a variety of horrific war
crimes. And many of these crimes involved Soviet victims, a nation
that in light of its enormous loses could in victory hardly be expected
to act with benevolence. Having allowed the undertaking of such dark
deeds, Germany probably wouldn’t be able to act with impunity after
all. Suddenly, the folly, selfishness, and greed of it all became apparent.
Germany collectively started to contemplate its fate. Many Germans
no doubt considered assassinating Hitler and then blaming it all on the
machinations of a hypnotic madman. Indeed, during 1943, there was a
rapid increase in assassination attempts on Hitler. In desperation, perhaps Germany could negotiate a permanent truce. But it was too late
for all that. As Hitler reminded his inner circle: “Gentlemen, the bridges
behind us are broken.”38 Germany as a nation had arguably long passed
the Obedience study’s persuasion phase (the first part of the experiment
where participants were convinced into inflicting the intensifying shocks)
and, having supported wrongdoing, by 1943 was deep inside the experiment’s after-capitulation phase (the point after participants commit
themselves to completing).39 “[T]hat is good”, Goebbels noted in his
diary on March of the same year, because “a Volk that have burned their
bridges fight much more unconditionally than those who still have the
chance of retreat.”40 All that Germany could do was fight on to the bitter end, thereby delaying the inevitable.
But fight is not all that they did. A document from the German Postal
Censor’s Office in Ukraine, which surveilled all private correspondence,
warned that the Nazi perk for Germans stationed in the east to purchase
then post-cheap local goods back home had spiraled out of control. This
undated report, probably written soon after the defeat at Stalingrad,
elaborates on “the only thing about Ukraine that interests the majority
of the authors”—black marketeering41:
The illegal trade is not just aimed at acquiring personal family necessities.
It is becoming a “business,” carried out on a commercial basis. People are
investing and earning money. The letters promise that money grows on
trees in Ukraine and that people can get rich there quickly. “Here, you
can become a rich woman overnight.” Ordinary people are in a position
to write home that they have already “earned” thousands. Others want to
convert profits made in Ukraine into cars and property in the Reich. In
nouveau rich fashion, jewels and expensive furs are purchased for housewives. […] All of this supports the harsh conclusion that is often drawn in
the letters: Ukraine is a black market paradise.
The report ends in a statement that supports Heinrich Böll’s earlier
observation that Germans’ stockpiling of goods in the occupied territories reminded him of robbing a corpse: “People often refer to Germans
working in business and civilian administration in Ukraine as ‘East hyenas.’”42 Instead of black market trading, other Germans preferred the
more direct “shopping with a pistol…”43 For example, in Lithuania, the
company commander of Police Battalion 105 spent “a day and night”
packing “crates of loot” to send back home to Bremen.44 Many saw
stealing as a well-deserved perk in exchange for having undertaking
their emotionally taxing genocidal tasks.45 And anyway, so these men no
doubt told themselves, if they didn’t keep the stolen goods, someone
probably “less deserving” than themselves would. Such rampant corruption was common in the East because the risk of the Nazi authorities
prosecuting them was slim—an inherently criminal regime was not in the
strongest position to accuse others of criminality. Consequently, many
ordinary Germans sensed they could engage in such personally beneficial
acts with total impunity.46
This kind of corruption spread to much of the civilian population
back home in Germany. As Jews from all over Western and Central
Europe were increasingly rounded up and sent to places like AuschwitzBirkenau, the Nazis confiscated millions of cubic meters of their household effects and then redistributed them to German bombing raid
victims, young newlyweds, large families, and war widows. Occasionally,
the recipients were distinguished members of the SS and military.47 In
the heavily bombed working-class districts of Hamburg, for example,
librarian Gertrud Seydelmann recollected:
Ordinary housewives suddenly wore fur coats, traded coffee, and jewelry,
and had imported antique furniture and rugs from Holland and France.
… Some of our regular readers were always telling me to go down to the
harbor if I wanted to get hold of rugs, carpets, furniture, jewelry, and furs.
It was property stolen from Dutch Jews who, as I learned after the war,
had been taken away to the death camps. I wanted nothing to do with this.
But in refusing, I had to be careful around those greedy people, especially
the women, who were busily enriching themselves. I couldn’t let my true
feelings show.48
These housewives never killed any Jews, and as aerial bombardment of
German housing increased in the last few years of the war, their emotional universes were all consumed by their victimization. And anyway,
so these housewives likely told themselves, if they refused to capitalize on
this influx of property, (again) some other less deserving German than
themselves no doubt would. After such rationalizations sufficiently disarmed their guilty conscience, a competition of who among them could
successfully acquire the most prized possessions of a murdered people
Back at Auschwitz-Birkenau, from mid-1943, the camp’s multiple
gas chambers and crematoria facilities, managed by the organizational
talents of Eichmann and Höss, were capable of efficiently killing and
hygienically disposing of more human beings than any of the Operation
Reinhard camps. All that was needed was an opportunity to prove it.
That opportunity came on 19 March 1944 when the German armed
forces invaded Hungary, which the Nazis (correctly) suspected was about
to desert the Axis alliance in favor of the allies.49 Germany’s successful
invasion of Hungary occurred as elsewhere the Nazis were losing enormous tracts of land. Germany might lose the war, but there was still
an opportunity for Hitler to win his personal battle with the European
Jews.50 With hegemony over Hungary and the loaded gun of AuschwitzBirkenau, the Nazi leadership decided to exterminate the Hungarian
Although several months before the Hungarian invasion Höss had left
Auschwitz for a higher administrative position in Berlin,51 he returned
to his old job to do what he did best. As Hilberg puts it, “Hungary was
going to lift Auschwitz to the top.”52 To have any chance of achieving
“Aktion Höss,”53 the energetic commandant needed to act with celerity and unprecedented levels of efficiency. He had a three-track railway
siding laid inside the Birkenau complex—an innovation that enabled
three trains to enter the camp perimeter at any one time.54 From midMay 1944, Höss expected from Eichmann an average delivery of about
12–14,000 Hungarian Jews a day.55 Because most of the arrivals were
young and old, only about 10–30% were selected as workers.56 The rest
were sent on-foot to Crematoria II, III, and V, while smaller groups
were gassed in Bunker II, which had been re-commissioned for the special action.57
However, it soon became apparent that Auschwitz-Birkenau’s maximum incineration capacity could not keep up with such a massive and
continuous influx of victims. The inventive Höss therefore devised a
combination of old and new techniques. These included the construction of several massive outdoor incineration pits, the biggest of which
measured around 45 m long by 8 m wide and 2 m deep.58 There about
5000 bodies a day could be incinerated.59 Another technique Höss
deployed included over-filling the industrial crematoria and then having a Jewish work detail use hammers to crush the partially incinerated
bodies into ash. This solution came with the attendant risk of damaging
the crematoria. Nonetheless, both strategies greatly increased Birkenau’s
maximum incineration capacity to around 800060 or even 10,000 bodies per day.61 Therefore, after the selections of workers from non-workers, Auschwitz-Birkenau could keep up with the daily influx of around
12–14,000 Jews.
Reflecting on Höss’ “assembly-line operation,”62 camp worker
SS-Unterscharführer Pery Broad recalled, “There was never a break.
Hardly had the last corpse been dragged out of the chamber to the cremation ditch in the corpse-covered yard behind the crematorium, than
the next batch was already undressing.”63 This blitzkrieg against the
Hungarian Jews—which took place across a seven-week period between
15 May and 9 July 1944—ended in the deportation of nearly 440,000
people to Auschwitz-Birkenau, most of whom were gassed on arrival.64
According to van Pelt and Dwork, “At no other time was Auschwitz
more efficient as a killing center.”65 Indeed, Höss, with the constant
flow of Eichmann’s trains, had taken Auschwitz-Birkenau to the top.
But because the camp reached its full body-consuming stride so late into
the war, it ended up killing “only” between 1,100,000 and 1,500,000
civilians.66 Although Auschwitz never got to demonstrate its long-term
destructive potential, it still became what Hilberg termed “the largest
death center the world had ever seen.”67 In light of the rapid decimation
of the Hungarian Jews, one can only imagine the number of people the
Nazi regime would have killed had Auschwitz-Birkenau remained open
for just a few more years. Hayes actually estimates that had the war continued and the Nazis were able to round up and transport the remaining European Jews to Auschwitz-Birkenau, all could have been killed and
their bodies cremated by the end of 1946.68
Auschwitz-Birkenau: Formal Rationality and the Most
Efficient Means to the End
In terms of the four main components of formal rationality—efficiency,
predictability, control, and calculability—Auschwitz-Birkenau took
resolving the Jewish question to a new and even higher level. Trains from
all over Europe packed with several thousand Jews each entered a heavily
guarded, electrified, and basically inescapable camp perimeter. With the
selection of non-workers from workers complete, efficiency required the
key ingredient of victim docility, as had been the case during Operation
Reinhard. Once again, the T4’s usual tricks appeared. “Very politely,
very amiably, a little speech was made to [those selected for immediate
death],” noted French physician André Lettich. A German would tell
them, “You’ve arrived after a trip; you’re dirty; you’re going to have a
bath. Undress quickly!” To further bolster the pretext, on some occasions Lettich claims, “towels and soap were distributed.”69 If the process moved too slowly, German camp workers might capitalize on the
fact that the victims were likely thirsty after having endured a threeto four-day train journey. They might promise a drink of water or coffee,
but only after the new arrivals had taken a delousing shower. This offer,
which the Jews frequently applauded, helped ensure a calm, smooth, and
continuous flow of bodies through the system.70
By offering the strongest prisoners a chance for survival in exchange
for their labor, the camp guards also managed to diffuse the most threatening source of Jewish resistance. Those selected as workers had an
identification number tattooed on the inside of their wrist to track their
movements within and beyond the camp, and their gradual demise from
living to dead. The promise of false hope helped to motivate the slowly
starving Jews to work hard: Auschwitz I’s camp gate (mis)informed all
that “Arbeit Macht Frei”—“Work will set you free.” Prisoners not only
worked hard for free but also did so in return for barely any food. When
their productivity dropped below a certain level or they were deemed
surplus to requirements, like their unproductive relatives before them,
they too were sent to the gas chambers. Even if these workers eventually realized their fate, there was no time left to organize a revolt and
they were often too weak to resist anyway. After these workers had been
killed, they were replaced by healthier new arrivals. Trapped within the
highly secure and largely inescapable enclosure, these new slaves typically
shared the same fate as those before them.71
Alice Lok Cahana’s account of the gassing process at AuschwitzBirkenau (which was essentially the same for both non-workers and
worn-out workers) illustrates more of the Nazis’ tricks of deception.
On 7 October 1944, Cahana and her sister were selected to go to a new
barrack but on the way they were instructed to first take a shower for
hygiene purposes. They were sent to “a nice building with flowers at the
I see flowers in a window—reminding you of home. Reminding you that
mother went out when the Germans came into Hungary, and instead of
being scared or crying or hysterical she went to the market and bought
violets. And it made me so calm. If Mother buys flowers it can’t be so bad.
They will not hurt us.72
With the flowers having set Cahana’s worst fears at ease, she willingly
entered the changing room where “an SS woman said, ‘Everyone put
their shoes nicely together, your clothes on the floor.’”73 But were they
really about to take a shower? More props suggested so. “The ‘changing rooms’, the anterooms to the gas chambers [were]…overt stage sets,
with their numbered pegs for clothing (‘Remember your number!’) and
the signs in various languages advertising the benefits of hygiene.”74
Next, Cahana notes, “we were taken into a room—naked.”75 After
entering, a solid door quickly closed behind them. Before they could
establish what was happening, the door suddenly swung open and they
were quickly ushered out of the so-called showers. Cahana and those
with her had, by the narrowest of margins, avoided certain death because
the Jewish work detail had staged a revolt.
Had there not been a revolt, a van with the markings of the Red
Cross would have pulled up outside. The van’s markings were, according to Auschwitz bookkeeper Oskar Gröning, designed to “create the
impression” to all those who could see from near and far that, in line
with the pretense, this facility was indeed a delousing station—“people had nothing to fear.”76 A couple of Germans would exit the van
and, donning gas masks, climb on top of the semi-underground gas
chamber. The two “disinfecting operators,” as they were euphemistically termed, would then await a signal from a higher authority figure
(sometimes a medical doctor) to pour carefully measured quantities of
Zyklon-B crystals into the roof vents.77 Then, the two operators would
close and seal the lids behind them,78 return to their van, and drive off.
And because they drove off, they remained perceptually oblivious to the
pandemonium and terror left in their wake.79 It took about 10–12 minutes to kill all the victims,80 upon which the industrial-strength air vents
would expediently remove the gas from the chamber. Next, the Jewish
Sonderkommando entered the chamber and stripped the two, perhaps
two and a half, thousand or so, victims81 of anything valuable—hair, hidden items, gold teeth. The stripping process took about four hours.82
The bodies were then dragged into the adjacent lift and transferred to
one of the crematoria where they were incinerated. The German overseers or even their Eastern European collaborators need not engage in any
of this horrific labor. In an action, reminiscent of Milgram’s processing
blocks (one hour per participant), Clendinnen notes about AuschwitzBirkenau’s highly rationalized system, “When the episode was over and
the rooms emptied, there would be a frantic rush to remove all traces of
the last audience and to reset the scene for the next intake and the next
performance.”83 A single performance at Auschwitz—the start-to-finish
conversion of a single convoy into ash—took on average 72 hours.84
Because many workers required close supervision over fairly long
periods of time, Auschwitz’s system of “extermination through work”
was dependent on far more (relatively expensive) German guards than
the Operation Reinhard camps—2500 on average.85 Having said this,
like Operation Reinhard but so different from the mass shootings, few
Germans were required to run Auschwitz’s extermination facilities. With
a large Jewish slave labor workforce and Jewish kapo enforcers, as Rees
says of Auschwitz’s Crematoria II and III,
The whole horrific operation was often supervised by as few as two SS
men. Even when the killing process was stretched to the limit there were
only ever a handful of SS members around. This, of course, limited to a
minimum the number of Germans who might be subjected to the kind of
psychological damage that members of the killing squads in the East had
Auschwitz-Birkenau, like Operation Reinhard, could kill a set maximum number of victims per day, thus enabling the calculation of
monthly or even yearly genocidal mortality rates. As a result, predicting how long it would take to “disappear” Europe’s entire population
of Jews became technically possible. Indeed, in terms of calculability and
predictability, Auschwitz exceeded Operation Reinhard for two main reasons. First, Auschwitz’s indoor crematoria ensured that unpredictable
rainy weather did not reduce the camp’s normal body-burning capacity.
Second, the diesel motors used in Operation Reinhard frequently broke
down,87 regularly causing major bottlenecks in the system. At Auschwitz,
Zyklon-B posed no such risk because packing humans into a hermetically
sealed and insulated chamber reliably and predictably saw the room temperature rise over the requisite 25.7 degrees Celsius.
Auschwitz had another advantage. Although all prisoners who
entered were, as in Operation Reinhard and the mass shootings, robbed
of all their valuables, over the long term the system of “extermination
through work” was a potentially more profitable form of extortion. To
feed, clothe, and lodge a worker in Auschwitz cost 1.34 Reichsmarks per
day, but to hire the least skilled laborers, the Nazis charged employers
3–4 Reichsmarks.88 Between 1940 and 1945, the Nazi state earned 60
million Reichsmarks from Auschwitz’s slave labor system.89 The longer
the Auschwitz stayed open, the more profit the Nazis could accrue.
Operation Reinhard and the mass shootings, however, could—for obvious reasons—only generate high profits over the short term. Quite simply the system at Auschwitz became the Nazi regime’s model solution to
its European-wide Jewish question because of its efficiency and longerterm profitability.
In 2001, I visited Auschwitz during a backpacking tour across Eastern
Europe. Afterward, I, like most visitors, was left wondering what kind
of cold, calculated, and cunning person could envisage, design, and
then build such a monstrous factory of death. But the answer that has
emerged from my subsequent research sees this singular monstrous person disappear into the collective mass. Instead, I found numerous perpetrators who independently and together suggested and tested a wide
variety of potential “improvements.” The ideas that proved most effective—for example, to utilize Eastern European collaborators and Jewish
labor for the most difficult positions, to install air ventilation systems in a
morgue, to use faster-acting Zyklon-B gas, to construct a contiguous gas
chamber and crematorium, to convert Crematorium II’s basement-level
morgues into an undressing room and gas chamber, and finally to
increase the scale of everything—were retained. And all the ideas that,
with time, proved ineffective were dropped. Eventually, the most effective means accumulated until an ugly beast emerged—one increasingly
capable of converting the preconceived goal discussed at Wannsee into a
Auschwitz-Birkenau stood at the end of a long journey of ad hoc
experimentation that chipped away at the numerous and varied problems
associated with exterminating millions of unwanted civilians. The invention of Auschwitz cannot be attributed to any one person. The resulting responsibility ambiguity at every link in the organizational chain only
made it psychologically easier for all involved to play a part in the perpetrator collective that, “only in small ways,” contributed to the camp’s
invention. And it was Auschwitz’s disjointed invention that probably
explains why, after the war, perpetrators could not pinpoint who exactly
invented the ghoulish yet undeniably clever process of extermination.
For the perpetrators—but also for victims, survivors, and postwar observers—the end result that was Auschwitz-Birkenau became an incomprehensible enigma beyond rational explanation.
But, it is here that a centrally important Milgram-Holocaust linkage
is found. Consider, for example, Milgram’s discovery that substituting
a translucent screen separating the participant from learner with a solid
partition could greatly increase the completion rate—an idea actually
stimulated from the bottom-up by his participants’ avoidance behavior. Milgram did not know why exactly this small innovation increased
the completion rate, he just knew it did. And when discoveries like this
moved him closer to his preconceived goal, he retained them. Over time,
these kinds of innovations accumulated until a “devilishly ingenious”90
procedure emerged and he achieved his goal—maximization of the baseline completion rate. And afterward, Milgram, the main but not only
inventive force behind the Obedience experiments, could not explain the
disturbing results he had obtained.
Auschwitz was the terminus of the “twisted road” to the Holocaust.
It represents the Nazis’ most preferred solution to their self-defined
“Jewish problem.” As in Operation Reinhard, staff at Auschwitz collectively found ways to extend a little more all four components of a formally rational organizational system—greater efficiency, predictability,
calculability, and control. Just some of the key ideas that advanced formal
rationality included the use of tracking tattoos, industrial-sized, weatherproof, indoor crematoria, a gas dependent on body heat, new tricks of
deception, and railway tracks of sufficient capacity. Auschwitz’s innovations saw the killing and cremation of humans on a greater scale and in
a shorter amount of time than any earlier system they had developed.
On top of all this, the program of extermination through work was less
wasteful (of slave labor), and therefore, the system overall was far more
profitable than Operation Reinhard. As Bauman argues:
Considered as a complex purposeful operation, the Holocaust may serve
as a paradigm of modern bureaucratic rationality. Almost everything was
done to achieve maximum results with minimum costs and efforts. Almost
everything (within the realm of the possible) was done to deploy the skills
and resources of everybody involved, including those who were to become
the victims of the successful operation. Almost all pressures irrelevant or
adversary to the purpose of the operation were neutralized or put out of
action altogether. Indeed, the story of the organization of the Holocaust
could be made into a textbook of scientific management.91
Without a doubt, there were many examples of great inefficiency during
the Holocaust—for one, the Nazi management system with its overlapping jurisdictions stimulated the duplication of tasks as different factions
independently vied to resolve whatever it was they thought the Führer
wished. Having said this, it was still a management system that went on
to produce more efficient winners and less efficient losers. Once the process took its course, the leadership was able to pick and choose from a
range of options the best available solution to any one problem. And
from this perspective, Höss’ Auschwitz was the winner among a wide
range of competitors. In terms of developing the most rational solution
to a seemingly intractable problem—in conjunction with business acumen and entrepreneurial capitalism where the pursuit of profit was taken
to its unregulated natural extreme—nothing competes with Auschwitz.
However, as the next chapter will show, the clear presence in
Auschwitz of an ever-advancing form of Weberian formal rationality provides an incomplete picture. The extermination machine had to
be as efficient and profitable as possible, but it also had to ensure that
those Germans most directly involved could avoid experiencing any
“burdening of the soul”—any feelings of shame, guilt, or (most commonly) repugnance that killing civilians could stimulate. The Germans
most directly involved had to be able to avoid the conclusion that they
had become mass executioners of defenseless men, women, children, and
babies. The killing process at Auschwitz extended previous boundaries
of formal rationality and did so in a way that German perpetrators in and
beyond the camps were able to call “humane.”
1. See Mommsen (1986, p. 126).
2. Longerich (2012, p. 557).
3. van Pelt and Dwork (1996, p. 301).
4. Lasik (1998, p. 293).
5. An attempt was made to surround three of the gas chamber’s external
walls with steep embankments of dirt and another to drown out the victims’ cries by revving a truck’s engine (Cesarani 2016, pp. 530–532).
Quoted in Pressac and van Pelt (1998, p. 209). See also Friedländer
(2007, p. 359).
7. Pressac and van Pelt (1998, p. 210).
8. van Pelt and Dwork (1996, p. 302).
9. Pressac and van Pelt (1998, p. 212).
10. Quoted in Wellers (1993, p. 149).
11. Quoted in Wellers (1993, p. 149).
12. Pressac and van Pelt (1998, p. 213).
13. Piper (1998a, p. 163).
14. Höss (2001, p. 208).
In conflict with this account, Longerich (2012, p. 534) argues that
Himmler may have emotionally acclimatized to watching mass shootings
from close range.
16. In reference to Höss after the war, Lasik has noted, “in contrast to many
other Nazi defendants, his behavior during the proceedings against him
revealed a man capable of assuming responsibility for his deeds without
begging for his life or trying to save it by lying or shifting the blame to
others” (1998, p. 297).
17. Höss quoted in van Pelt and Dwork (1996, p. 320).
18. Pressac and van Pelt (1998, p. 215).
19. van Pelt and Dwork (1996, p. 321).
20. van Pelt and Dwork (1996, p. 320).
21. Lasik (1998, p. 292).
22. van Pelt and Dwork (1996, pp. 319–320).
23. Piper (1998a, p. 163) and Wellers (1993, pp. 168–169). According to
Höss, soon after Himmler’s visit, Blobel arrived with instructions from
Eichmann’s office that he (Blobel) was to open the pits and burn all the
bodies previously buried. The ashes were to be broken down and dispersed so that it was impossible to determine the approximate number
of victims. Blobel had learned such techniques, according to Höss, in
Chełmno and was instructed to pass his knowledge on to Höss. Höss then
visited Chełmno to learn what Blobel had discovered (Höss 2001, p. 188).
24. Adam (1989, p. 150) and Lasik (1998, p. 293).
25. Höss (2001, p. 212) and Lasik (1998, p. 294). According to Pressac and
van Pelt (1998, p. 213), Auschwitz was attractive for two main reasons.
First, the camp was adjacent to an excellent rail connection. Second,
Auschwitz would soon be capable of incinerating large numbers of
corpses per day.
26. Pressac and van Pelt (1998, p. 216).
27. van Pelt and Dwork (1996, p. 321).
28. Höss (2001, p. 190).
29. Speer (1981, p. 23, as cited in van Pelt and Dwork 1996, p. 324).
30. “The SS also planned to use the two remaining morgues as gas chambers,
wrongly imagining that the high yield anticipated for the five triple-muffle furnaces would allow a staggered operation. In this configuration,
an outside undressing room was indispensable. It was to open directly
onto the service stairway connecting the two halls by way of the central
vestibule. Moreover, it proved necessary to improve the ventilation of
Leichenkeller 2 (which was only deaerated) by adding an aeration system
to bring air into the room. After the furnaces had been tested and their
output better estimated, it became clear that they could not handle the
“yield” of two gas chambers. Consequently, Leichenkeller 2 became an
undressing room” (Pressac and van Pelt 1998, p. 224).
31. van Pelt and Dwork (1996, p. 324).
32. Pressac and van Pelt (1998, pp. 223–224).
33. Quoted in Pressac and van Pelt (1998, p. 200).
34. Quoted in Wellers (1993, pp. 157–158).
35. The Illustrated London News (14 October 1944, p. 442, as cited in Struk
2004, p. 144) provides a photo of one of these vents. This photo, however, is of Majdanek concentration camp’s gas chamber, which used the
same gassing technique as Auschwitz though on a much smaller scale.
36. van Pelt and Dwork (1996, p. 331).
37. Pressac and van Pelt (1998, pp. 234, 236).
38. Quoted in Sereny (2000, p. 281).
39. Erdos (2013).
40. Fröhlich (1993, p. 454, as cited in Kühne 2010, p. 94).
41. Quoted Aly (2006, p. 113).
42. Quoted Aly (2006, pp. 115–116).
43. Quoted in Mallmann (2002, p. 122, as cited in Kühl 2016, p. 95).
44. Quoted in Schneider (2011, p. 212, as cited in Kühl 2016, p. 95).
45. Kühl (2016, pp. 100–101).
46. Kühl (2016, pp. 97–99).
47. Aly (2006, pp. 117–131).
48. Quoted in Aly (2006, p. 130).
49. Braham (1998, p. 458).
50. Stone (2010, p. 78). See also Mommsen (1986, p. 114).
51. Wellers (1993, p. 140).
52. Hilberg (1998, p. 88).
53. Lasik (1998, p. 295).
54. Hilberg (1998, p. 88) and Wellers (1993, p. 170).
55. Braham (1998, p. 462).
56. Braham (1998, p. 466) and Wellers (1993, p. 171) state the percentage of
workers selected was about 10%. van Pelt and Dwork, however, put the
figure within a range of 10–30% (1996, p. 342).
57. Pressac and van Pelt (1998, p. 238).
58. Braham (1998, p. 463).
59. Piper (1998a, p. 173).
60. Piper (1998a, p. 166).
61. Klee et al. (1988, p. 273) and Fleming (1984, p. 145).
62. Braham (1998, p. 462).
63. Quoted in Wellers (1993, p. 163).
64. Braham (2011, p. 45).
65. van Pelt and Dwork (1996, p. 342).
66. Piper (1998b, pp. 71–72). This point is clearly supported by Auschwitz’s
rather conservative annual death rates. From May 1940 to January 1942
(a twenty month period), approximately 20,500 inmates died (Adam
1989, p. 149). However, after 1941 the rate of death rapidly increased. In
1942, approximately 200,000 Jews were killed in Auschwitz. In 1943, the
number rose to about 250,000. And, in 1944, it more than doubled to
approximately 600,000 victims (van Pelt and Dwork 1996, pp. 336, 343).
67. Hilberg (1961, p. 564).
68. Hayes (2017, p. 129).
69. Quoted in Wellers (1993, p. 150). See also Piper (1998a, p. 170).
See Braham (1998, pp. 463–464), Lanzmann (1995, p. 113), Piper
(1998a, p. 173) and Wellers (1993, pp. 164, 167).
71. Rubenstein (1978, p. 61).
72. Quoted in Rees (2005, pp. 255–256).
73. Quoted Rees (2005, p. 254).
74. Clendinnen (1999, p. 147). Despite their inventive efforts to install the
crucial ingredient of docility into the extermination process, both Höss
and Stangl later claimed to have been perplexed as to why the victims
went to their deaths so easily (Wistrich 2001, pp. 227, 229), effectively
blaming the victims for their own demise, much like those in the shooting squads had done.
75. Quoted in Rees (2005, p. 254).
76. Quoted in Rees (2005, p. 127).
77. van Pelt and Dwork (1996, p. 350).
78. van Pelt and Dwork (1996, p. 350).
79. van Pelt and Dwork (1996, pp. 350–351).
80. Venezia (2009, pp. 59, 69).
81. Piper (1998a, p. 170) and Adam (1989, p. 150).
82. See Piper (1998a, p. 171).
83. Clendinnen (1999, p. 147).
84. Venezia (2009, p. 81).
85. Hayes (2017, p. 134).
86. Rees (2005, p. 230). See also Venezia (2009, pp. 83–84).
87. Adam (1989, p. 147).
88. Piper (1998c, p. 45).
89. Piper (1998c, p. 46).
90. Marcus (1974, p. 2).
91. Bauman (1989, pp. 149–150).
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