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The next step is to register for the meeting and to review your paper title (if applicable) and badge details in the myMESA system. We use your badge details for listing in the program. Important deadlines: May 15: Pre-registration deadline for participants. Register by this date to stay on the program. Pay from your myMESA account (electronically) or submit a check by mail to the Tucson office. Questions about registration should be directed to secretariat@mesana,org. June 15: Changes to your badge name, affiliation, or paper title for the printable program. If you use special characters and the system is not displaying them correctly, please let us know this information so that it reads correctly in the printed program. After June 15, you must email [email protected] in order for changes to be reflected in the printable program. August 1: Last day for participants to request a refund of pre-registration. October 1: Provide a brief bio to your session chair for introductory purposes, and paper presenters should provide a copy of their paper to all of their session participants. Program schedule: A searchable meeting program will be posted on MESA's website in June, and the preliminary meeting program (PDF document) will be available in August. The latest annual meeting information is available on MESA's website at (click on the annual meeting logo from the front page).
Last decade or even more than that, BI(Business Intelligence) systems are dominating the overall IT system landscape as compared to ERP systems and the planning and scheduling systems. In fact BI was introduced to facilitate the informed decision making processes and it is the natural extension of its earlier version of “Decision Support Systems”.
D. Bernal - D. Cottica (eds.) Scambi e commerci in area vesuviana. I dati delle anfore dai saggi stratigrafici I.E. (Impianto Elettrico) 1980-81 nel Foro di Pompei. Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery 14, Archaeopress, Oxford, 2019
Study of the Punic amphorae found in the excavations of the Impianto Elettrico at Pompei (1980-1981) at Pompei. A broad selection of more than one hundred vessels are studied. Most of them can be identified as Tunisian or Western Sicilian production, but there are also some late Punic from Ibiza, that were previously unknown at the Campania area. Also some stamps found in the forum of Pompei help to raise some questions about the origin and function of this seals.
Las leyes, en su significación más extensa, no son más que las relaciones naturales derivadas de la naturaleza de las cosas; y en este sentido, todos los seres tienen la divinidad tiene sus leyes, (1) el mundo material tiene sus leyes, las inteligencias superiores al hombre tienen sus leyes, los animales tienen sus leyes, el hombre tiene sus leyes.
Society and Animals, 2024
Book Review (In)Visible Subjects: A Review of Animal Crisis: A New Critical Theory. Cary, C. and L. Gruen (2022). Animal Crisis: A New Critical Theory. Cambridge, UK; Medford, MA: Polity Press. 176 pp. ISBN-13: 978-1-5095-4967-2; ISBN-13: 978-1-5095-4968-9 (pb). Price: Hardback: US $64.95; Paperback: US $23.95; Ebook: US $18.00
An introduction to general Islamic banking principles and structures. This is the first in a series of articles on Islamic finance and banking concepts.
En lo que sigue, pretendemos desplegar una tensión ya instalada en la actualidad que atañe al lugar que los conceptos de "técnica", de "naturaleza" y de "lo humano" vienen a ocupar. En la búsqueda por calibrar esta triple relación revisamos algunos rasgos que consideramos centrales para esta cuestión, en las filosofías de Bernard Stiegler, Deleuze y Guattari, y Jean-Luc Nancy. A la luz de estas propuestas subrayamos convergencias, divergencias, y proyecciones en vistas a sostener el carácter problemático, y precisamente por ello urgente, que presenta la técnica en la época contemporánea. Tramada con y en la naturaleza, y desplazando el lugar central que lo humano ocupó en torno a la técnica, se estremece el tabique que separaba radicalmente a naturaleza y técnica, dejando al humano conmocionado, errante y vagabundo. Palabras Clave: técnica, naturaleza, humanismo, capitalismo, ecotecnia, maquinismo We intend to unfold an already existing tension among the concepts of technique, nature, and the human. Seeking to gauge this threefold relationship, we examine what we consider key features in the works of Bernard Stiegler, Deleuze & Guattari, and Jean-Luc Nancy. We situate ourselves within these authors' philosophical proposals, in order to highlight points in which they converge or diverge, as well as ways in which they help us the project and uphold the problematic and thus urgent, matter of technique in contemporary times. Intertwined with/in nature, the place of the human is being currently displaced from the central role it once occupied around technique, destabilizing the partition that once radically separated nature and technique, leaving humans bewildered, errant, and wandering.
Estado da Arte, 2021
BERTOCCI, Stefano; FARNETI, Fauzia (eds.). L’ Architettura Dipinta: Storia, Conservazione e Rapresentazione Digitale. Firenze, 2020
Kaiak. A Philosophical Journey, 2024
Europa e Diritto Privato, 2020
Proceedings of Frontier Research in Astrophysics – III — PoS(FRAPWS2018), 2019
Zeitschrift f�r Physik A Hadrons and Nuclei, 1991
Journal of English Teaching, Applied Linguistics and Literatures (JETALL), 2019
Ensaios e Ciência: Ciências Biológicas, Agrárias e da Saúde, 2019
Circulation Research, 1976
Revista de Saúde Pública, 1997